Winterbrake part 3

Jon's POV
Damien came back after a while with a smirk on his face "Dami what did you do to my brothers friend" he just smiled at me as if he did nothing to bad to my brothers friend " nothing Jon I did nothing that would kill him so, you um.......wanna continue kissing or something" I looked at him I didn't really want to kiss him right know I just want to cuddle with him instead of kissing him I went red " ca-can w-we ju-just cuddle i-in stea-stead o-of kiss-kissing dami" I was really embarrassed by asking him that and I can't believe I stuttered the hole thing out I feel like an idiot " Jon you don't have to ask to cuddle with me  we are dating after all, if you fell uncomfortable I'll  ask to kiss you" Damien was worrying over me and being sweat for nothing it was fine really " Damien it's fine if you kiss me with out asking, just ask when we're around other people because when you don't I feel really embarrassed" he was smiling at me his smile always me fell safe and happy I layed down in my bed and Damien joined me and just hugged me and I guess after a while we fell asleep after a while of just being held by Damien

Clark's POV
It's was time for dinner and we had to make extra food because of the speedster and because of my sons friends i went up stairs to get Jon and Damien but when I opened the door I saw jon and Damien on Jon's bed sleeping while Damien was holding him close it's as if they were cuddling and they fell asleep I couldn't help but smile at the innocence of young love it's almost reminded me of myself when I was young I walked over to them and started to wake them up " Jon Damien wake up its dinner time come on" after a while of trying to wake them up, Damien ended up waking up and then Damien woke up Jon and Jon's harder to wake up then anyone else in this house I told them to come down stairs to eat and so they followed and everyone else was already at the table all ready eating the lasagna Damien walked over and sat at the table and grabbed a piece of lasagna and started to eat, Jon sat down next to Damien and started to eat as well " so Connor when's your girlfriend coming over for dinner like Jon's boyfriend did" I notice Connor look suprised when I asked him " I'm dad I don't have a girlfriend I have a boyfriend and he's sitting right next to me right know" I really was suprised on how he pointed out that his boyfriend was sitting right next to him and it was Tim Connor was dating Tim, I noticed Tim went red and tried getting out of my sight range but Connor made sure he didn't run and hide from this situation he actually got up and was about to run but Connor got ahold of him before he had the chance to leave and then Connor dragged him back and made him sit while Jon, and dick were giggling messes Jason, Wally, and Damien were just there containing there laughter it took a while for everything I calm down again but one it did everyone went back to eating and once everyone was done they got up and are starting to leave before stopped them " why don't you guys stay over for the night it's already late and it's a long drive from SmallVille to Gotham"

Damien POV when we were all done we all started To leave when Jon's dad stopped us at the door " why don't you guys stay over for the night it's already late and it's a long drive from SmallVille to Gotham" dick was debating " sure why not thank you Clark" Jon looked really excited about this I just smiled at him " it's my pleasure to let you boys stay I'll just call your dad and let him know okay" dam now fathers going to know we're we went" I whispered into Jon's ear which made him giggle " Damien your with Jon in his room Tim your with Connor in his room and me and Jason are in the living room okay go" and we all left to the places dick told us to go Jon gave me a spare pj which was very big for me but I still wore it and then we got in his bed and started to fall asleep but not before Jon kissed me and wished me good night I just smiled at his childness behavior and I fell asleep

Jon's POV
When I woke up later that night i noticed the moon was out and shining through my rooms window I just smiled at the sigh of it but i was also annoyed of Damiens strong grip on me, I'm really suprised he's this strong but I was stronger and I tried and I was finally able to get his dam hands unwrapped from my waist then I gave him a pillow to wrap his hands around to think it was me and then I open fed my window and stood on the tree branch of he tree right next to my window and I climbed on top to the rooftop to watch the moon for a little I usually do this when I wake up in the middle of the night or I just can't sleep so I come up and sit and watch the moon until I get tired, but today I woke up because of the moon and because Damien was suffocating me in his sleep so that's why I'm out here tonight, but soon I noticed my dad walking out of the house and I wanted to know what he was doing so I stayed quiet and observed what he was doing until he noticed me up on the roof watching him " Jonathan Samuel Kent what are you doing on the roof top at this hour" I didn't know what to do so I made a break for it back to my bedroom and by the time I got in I got under the covers next to Damien and made my self seem if I was asleep when my dad walked in but it didn't work dam I forgot that Connor said they had super hearing wait all of us including my dad had super hearing he picked me up and took me the the living room to talk but when I saw everyone down there including Damien's siblings I freaked out " da-dad I can explain why I was up there just set me down!" I kinda freaked out and dick,Tim, and Connor stopped talking when they saw and heard me freak out they looked at me to see what was happening " then explain why you were sitting on the roof in the middle of the night Jonathan!" I can't believe he screamed at me it pissed me of mad I got angry " you wanna know why I was up there fine, I went up there because I couldn't sleep so I went to watch the moon, but you know what pissed me of more is that you treat me like garbage what ever I do you over react to you don't do that to Connor you act if I'm some sort of monster to you if Connor was up there in the middle of the night you wouldn't even care or do anything about it but to me you do, you acted weird when you saw me go through my window because I didn't want to go all the way inside the house to get there, it's the same thing when you saw that I could fight and it bothers me so much that I like being by my self, that I like to  ignore everyone especially you I can't stand it anymore so for once just leave me the hell alone, no you known what stay the hell away from me and don't ever tell me what to do because if you asks me to do something I won't listen know drop me" I was pissed and the fact that I did this and stood up for my self for once freaked me it that he was just going to ground me but why would I care, he dropped me and looked to Connor " con do I really treat him that way" Connor looked away but nodded dad looked back at me but I jus turned around and started to walk back to my room to sleep

Hey that's it for this chapter hope you guys enjoyed it and I made this chapter a little longer that I usually do but hope you guys enjoyed it, and please check out my other books, multi-shiper our bye

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