Chapter 9: Mr. Flirt
I slowly open my eyes. My surroundings have changed, drastically. I was no longer in the forest, I was in a house. But it was not Eggman's house. I sit up in the bed I was laying and sudden pain shoots to my head.
"Nugh.... My head." I grunt, holding my head. How did I get here? The last thing I can recall was being surrounded in a blinding light. My stomach flipped and rolled, I quickly got to the trash can before I hurled. I stood back up and sat on the edge of the bed. My head throbbed and everything was swimming. I lay down and close my eyes again, almost falling asleep instantly.
I woke to the sound of voices.
"What are we going to do with her?" I didn't recognize this voice.
"She hid the Chaos Emeralds somewhere, we need to get them back." A female voice responded.
"We may be able to persuade her into giving them back." That sounds like Silver.
'They ain't getting nothing outta me.' I thought. I don't break easily.
"I say we force her to give them back." Shadow? "I can hold a gun to her head, that maybe persuasive enough." Yup, definitely Shadow.
"Now hun, that could work, but if she's as stubborn as you boys described, then I doubt she will be willing to give us anything."
"You got that right." I mutter.
"For now, we should let her rest. She blacked out when we used chaos control. Her body isn't use to the Chaos Emeralds powers, so I won't be surprised if she's still asleep." I know that must be Sonic.
The door nob twisted. I lay back down and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I hear the door open.
"See?" A female voice whispered. "She fast asleep. Sonic's right about her being tired." I kept myself calm as I heard footsteps enter the room.
"Are you sure she's bad?" A young and lively voice spoke. "She dosen't look evil."
"Looks can be deceiving, Tails. You never know who someone is until you get to know them." Sonic's voice was a little farther than the others. I took this as a good time to slowly open my eyes.
"Look, she's waking up." A orange two tailed fox with bright blue eyes pointed.
"Good morning hun, or should I say afternoon." A white bat gave me a glossy smile.
I look at them with wide eyes. "Who are you?" Then my gaze fell on Sonic, who was by the door with Shadow and Silver. "Oh lovely, its you." I growl.
"Nice to see your awake." Silver smiled. I narrow my eyes at him and he looks away.
"I'm outta here." I stood up, only to stumble as my legs grew weak. A red echidna caught me before I hit the ground.
"Your still weak from the chaos control." He said, laying me back down. "Your not going anywhere until you get your strength back."
I growl at him. "And who's gonna stop me from leaving?"
"Do you really want to know?" Shadow asked as walking into the room. I shift uncomfortably, not saying anything. "I thought so."
Shadow walks out and I relax, but only slightly. Silver and Sonic exchange glances before speaking.
"Well, we should introduce you to everyone." Sonic said. "This is Tails."
The little fox smiled. "Hello!"
"My name is Rouge and this hot head echidna is Knuckles." The white bat pointed to Knuckles.
"Hot head?! Your one to talk!" Knuckles yelled.
I hold my head. "Not so loud... We're in the same room, not even three feet away from each other."
"I wasn't that loud." Knuckles grumbled.
Rouge turns to me. "So what's your name hun?" I open my mouth but quickly shut it again. Why should I tell them anything?
"Her name is Zara. Isn't that right?" Sonic asked and I mentally kick myself for telling him my name.
"That's a wonderful name!" Tails said cheerfully.
"Come now, we better let her rest." Rouge lead Tails out of the room, followed by Knuckles and Silver. Now it's just me and Sonic.
"Why did you take our Chaos Emeralds?" He asked. "What is your motive?"
I cross my arms and look away from him. "Like I'm going to tell you."
"I'm not here to argue. Rest up, once you're back on your feet then we can talk." Sonic didn't let me respond, he just closed the door as he left.
"Do they really think I'm going to stay here? Idiots." I climb out of the bed and walk over to the window. Looking out I can see that we are in the plains. A forest not too far off, maybe a good three miles. I could still see the treetops. I open my window and jump out, landing on my feet.
"Hey!" I look up to see Tails in the window. "Zara is getting away!"
I bolt. I run as fast as I could at the moment, which was a little slower than my normal speed. My head was killing me, but I pushed it to the side. Before I knew, I was stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't move.
"Where do you think your going?" Silver asked, his hand glowing.
"Good job Silver!" Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles ran up to us.
"We got her." Knuckles and Shadow took hold of my arms and Silver released me.
I struggled and flailed. "Let go of me!"
"If you would give us back the Chaos Emeralds, we would let you go." Silver stated.
"Forget it." I snapped. "You ain't getting nothin' outta me."
"Oh really now?" Knuckles asked. "There's nothing we can do to get what we want?"
I shook my head. "Not a thing."
"Let's see about that." Shadow pulled out his Chaos Emerald. Oh boy. "Chaos control!" In a flash of light we were back at the house.
My face a sickly green. "A little heads up next time would be lovely?" I swayed on my feet.
"She didn't faint this time." Tails and Rouge walked out of the light blue house.
Rouge smiled. "It would seem as if she's getting use to it."
I yanked away from Knuckles and Shadow. I rub my reddened arms from where I was held. Everyone surrounded me so I wouldn't run off again.
"I have to admit, I didn't think you were that fast. You may just give Sonic a run for his money." Rouge giggled lightly.
I tap my foot. "Yeah yeah, can I go now?"
"Give back what you took, then you can." Sonic said. I rolled my eyes and sat down.
"What are you doing?" Tails tilt his head.
"You won't let me leave, might as well relax." I leaned back, allowing my mind to wander. A uneasy silence fell on us.
Sonic's face lit up. "I've got a idea, be right back." He took off at high speed.
"What are we going to do?" Rouge whispered to the group. "Buttering her up dosen't seem to be working."
I stopped listening as another noise snatched my attention. I glance over the plains, but nothing. I stood and narrowed my eyes as I stared in one direction. No one seemed to notice my movement until Tails pointed it out.
"What are you doing?" Silver walked up to me.
"I could of sworn..." My voice died. Then the noise again. "Gears." I look over at the garage. "I hear gears."
"Gears? Why would you- oh no!" Tails runs over, opening the garage door. Smoke bellowed out of the room as Tails ran inside.
"Whoa! Hold up kid!" I ran over pulling him out.
"But, it could start a fire!" He complained.
"Stay." I commanded him and run inside the smokescreen. It didn't take long for me to find the problem.
Some type of machine was overheating and flames flickered around it. I grab the fire extinguisher and put out the fire within seconds. The hot metal steamed as it cooled, you can't tell what it is anymore.
I walk back out coughing. "I put it out... Some type of machine had over heated." I walk over to the tree that stood alone in front of the house and sit down, closing my eyes. I must have dozed off because I found myself being lifted off the ground. I open my eyes lazily.
"Hey babe." The familiar lighter green hedgehog smiled down at me. Now I was fully awake.
"S-Scourge!?" My eyes widened and I quickly get out of his grasp. "What are you doing here!?"
"Sonic found me and said that he needed some help." He smiled. "Wasn't too keen, until I found out you were involved."
I glare at Sonic. "Did he now?"
Sonic chuckled, shrugging. "It was just a thought."
Scourge wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his mussel into my neck, breathing in my scent. "Mmmmm... You smell delightful babe."
I shudder. "D-don't call me that. And let go." I pushed him away, but he didn't budge.
"Aw, don't be that way babe, you know you want this." He winked.
"In your dreams!" I spat. I glance to see the others laughing or smiling like idiots, all but Shadow.
I gasp as Scourge's lips connect to my neck. My face explodes into a fiery blush and I squirm. "S-s-stop!"
Scourge smirked. "What's the matter? Can't take the heat." This makes me blush more.
"Can you take a hit?" I slammed my foot on his and he howls in pain. His grip loosens and I break away from him. Without hesitation, I run to the tree again and jump up to the lower branches. Soon I was far from Scourge's reach as he stands under the oak.
"Playing hard to get only makes me want you more~." Scourge called up.
"Take a hint. Take a hike!" I yelled down.
"That's fine." Scourge sat under the large tree. "I've got all day." This guy can't be serious. Please tell me he isn't.
"Have fun all alone up there!" Sonic waved as he walked into the house, along with the others.
"Wait! Your not just gonna leave me here? With him? Alone!?" I thought I would never say this, but I think I would take the bullet from Shadow's gun instead.
"Of course, after all, you said there's nothing that could break you." Knuckles smirked. I'll see you all tomorrow." Everyone but Scourge and Sonic leave.
"Come on babe, I can do this all night." Scourge laid down.
I look at Sonic, pleading him to help with my eyes. He laughed and walked inside.
I sigh. "Looks like I'm gonna be here a while."
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