Giving up already?

The next day.

Taeyeon's POV

Morning, in our first subject... We're having activity as the whole class was focused on their own sheet of papers that Miss Lee provided while me, I was staring at the window looking up at the clouds and rested my chin on my hand. I'm done with my activity, EASY huh?

Two more days and Tiffany will be officially mine, I mean of course, we will not announce our relationship in that quick because people might think that I'm the reason of her break up with Cheol Woo. That's ridiculous! But somehow, I am the reason right? Anyway, just sort of, because in the very beginning there's no really Cheol Woo and my Pani being together. -_-

I am not bipolar okay? Yep, I tried to be distant from Tiffany this past few days because I can't bear to see her with that guy! It hurts me though I'm striving hard to resist my jealousy over their fake relationship. And with that I frowned and stiffened, I was out from my trance then looked at Prof. Lee who's calling me.

"Kim Taeyeon! Please pass your paper! I'm calling you several times, are you okay?" Prof. Lee asked with concern.

I passed my paper forward to Yoona and she passed it until my paper was in front then was given to Miss Lee. I bowed down "I'm sorry Miss, I'm not feeling well today" I lied, I don't wanna be embarrassed with my day dreaming.

"Oh, you should go to the clinic." Prof. Lee suggested. "Anyway class, few more days and it'll be our final exam. I hope you guys prepared yourselves. And... that's all for today, dismiss." Then she put the papers in her plastic envelope and after she took all her things, she left the room.

Yoona whipped around and put her hand on my forehead "Are you sick?" I can see that she's worried then she put her hand down on my table.

"Nope, just kinda dizzy but I can handle it." I guaranteed.

"You can handle it but you're not in yourself awhile ago?" A voice said behind me, it's sound like a question but more like a statement. It was Tiffany who looked worried and at the same time mad.

I glanced at her then she stopped beside me "I'm fine, really." I stood up and leaned forward to Tiffany "I'm just spacing out because I imagined you and me making love" I whispered to her and smirked.

"Hey I'm still here! Duh, don't whisper." Yoona said and pouted. 

I pulled back and looked at Yoona "I'm just teasing her" I giggled when we saw Tiffany was blushing.

"Ya, what did you say to her? Look at her! She's so red like a blood!" Yoona exclaimed.

Then Bora and Seohyun chimed in as I sat again "What's wrong Tiffany unnie?" Seohyun asked examining Tiffany's face.

"Waahhh, she's blushing! Did Taeyeon tease you about Cheol Woo?" Bora said trying not to laugh.

I scoffed hearing Cheol Woo's name and Tiffany scowled at her.

"No, just forget about it." Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"Ya, are you mad? I'm just kidding!" Bora smilingly said.

"Yoona, I got our tickets for the movie later." Seohyun said and all of us looked at her.

"Good I will pick you up at 6" Yoona replied and it caused us to look at her.

"Okay then we're good" Seohyun said and we reverted our gazes to her.

"What?" Seohyun innocently asked.

"Are you guys a thing?" Bora asked.

"What thing?" Seohyun asked again.

"She means... Are you guys dating?" Tiffany clarified.

Seohyun started to fidget her hands and she reddened. Obviously, Seohyun has a crush to Yoona.

Yoona cackled "Yes we are" then she stared at Seohyun.

We're all shocked and also Seohyun, maybe the latter didn't expect too as Yoona confirmed it nonchalantly.

"Wh-what?" Seohyun stuttered as she lowered her head. She's cute like a teenager.

"I like Seohyun, she's really innocent" Yoona said as she glanced to us.

"That's great though we didn't have a good start! Still, here we are... we're all friends." I toothily said.

"So you guys are not disgust with what I said?" Yoona raised a brow.

"Why would we? As long as you two are happy, it's fine." Bora casually said.

Tiffany and I just nodded.

We started to banter each other, whew! I'm relieved cuz they already forgot to ask what did I whisper to Tiffany. Or else I need to think a reasonable reason for that.

Then someone interrupted us, a smilingbeautiful girl approached us. Oh! She's the famous radio announcer/dj here in school since last year. Her name is Jeon Somi, she's totally extrovert. She's taking Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting Communication or ABBC. She's a top student, indeed.

"Hi there!" Somi greeted us. She's really beautiful! A half blooded Korean-American. Hmm... What she's doing here?

We all turned our gazes to this pretty young lady. And she's looking at me with a grin on her face.

"Can I talk to miss Kim Erika?" Somi asked politely.

I glanced at Tiffany, her jaw clenched then I gulped "Um... Why? You can talk to me here." I said nicely.

"Okay thank you. I just want to ask and invite you for an interview this lunch break. People are requesting you to be my special guess in my afternoon program. I hope you will accept it... please." Somi explained then she bowed at me 90 degrees.

"You don't need to do that, don't bow to me I'm not that old!" I said then she looked up to me. "Okay okay... I will accept your invitation for your program."

"Really???" Somi shrieked "Thank you miss Erika! Thank you so much!" She jumped few times as she clapped her hands.

"Just Taeyeon" I simply said.

"Okay Taeyeon unnie, thank you again. And see you later!" Somi drew closer to me and held my hand for a shake hands.

I can't help but to glance at Tiffany, she has a steely face so I pulled my hands away. Jelly wife again.

"Nice to meet you personally, you're goddess of beauty like what everybody says" Somi was looking straight to my eyes, she has the confidence. I guess she's really sociable.

What? Me? Goddess of beauty? "T-thank you" I'm not really convinced.

Somi waved her hands "Bye Taeyeon unnie! See ya!" Then she left the room.

"Whoa, you're famous now Taeyeon unnie!" Yoona said as she tapped her fingers on my table.

"We will wait and listen to you later at the canteen!" Seohyun cheerfully said.

"We better get going, I know all of us have our next subject right?" Bora plainly said, she's not in the mood. In all of a sudden?

I stood up and I heard Tiffany mumbling things under her breathe as she glared at me then looked away. What did I do?

"Okay" Yoona stood up and took her bag "Let's go, come on Seo!"

"Huh?" I asked.

"We have the same class" Seohyun stated then Yoona stepped forward to Seo and put her arm around our maknae's shoulders.

"Too fast" Bora commented and walked out.

Yoona and Seohyun also left the room after they bid goodbyes.

"You thought I didn't see how you look at Somi? You looked so amazed. Enjoying the view awhile ago?" Tiffany flinty said. She didn't wait for my reply and left me alone in the room.

"Err... Famous huh? But I'm alone."

Maybe I need to end my punishment to Tiffany, just thinking how she would react... It made me giggle.


Lunch Break.

I left my friends in the canteen and ate my lunch within five minutes. Tiffany was still hard and continued to ignore me. Is she jealous??

As for now, I'm here in the studio of the school sitting on a swivel chair in front of a microphone with headset on. Beside me, there's Somi staring at me.

"It's okay, just chill. Ready?" Somi said as she smiled.

I nodded.

Somi pressed a button "Good afternoon everyone, DJ Jeon Somi here and this is the afternoon 1 on 1 where only the bests are guests! Kidding!!! Not really." She energetically said. Where did she get that energy?

"So guys, do you have an idea who's my guest for this afternoon? You can tweet it, just hashtag (#) somi1x1!!" Somi's eyes were glued on the screen of her laptop while scrolling down the scroll wheel of her mouse. "Waaah daebak, most of you are correct!" Then she looked at me "I will introduce you now" She mouthed me. 

"Okay so... I will not delay it. My guest for today is none other than Miss Kim Erika! Yey!" Then she kept clicking buttons then sliding up and down switches, I heard different sound effects though.

"Um... Hello everyone, I'm Kim Erika but you can call me Taeyeon. I'm used to it." I nervously said. This is not what I expected.

"So... Taeyeon unnie, did you know that you're the most requested student to be one on one with me?" Somi asked and winked at me. So, she will ask random questions huh?

"Um... no? I have no idea." I answered and I started to fidget my fingers on my lap.

"So I will ask you questions that the listeners wanna ask via Twitter, is that okay? Don't worry, I will just choose appropriate questions and not too personal." Somi reassured me.

"O-okay, sure."

"Okay let's see" Somi looked back at the screen of her laptop. "First question that everyone was dying to know... are you single?"

"Technically... yes. I'm single" Then I heard clapping sound effects.

"Whohooo! She's single! I guess all people now we're celebrating! Oh let me read this, people in the canteen were screaming in victory!" Somi said as she read, gosh, in the canteen?? Maybe Tiffany's mad now? Will she?

"Okay next question... from minho, sophomore student. How many letters do you receive in your locker everyday?"

"Um... 20 to 30 letters a day." I answered.

"Waahh, that's awesome! You have a lot of admirers Taeyeon unnie!" Somi glanced at me with her stunning eyes, so cute. "Do you read it or just throw it?"

"Actually, I love receiving letters not because people will compliment me and say that they admire me. I love to read letters to know what's on their mind cuz I know everyone has skill in writing. And I'm keeping it, it's my pride." I thought and I believe of it.

"You're answering like Miss Korea huh?" Somi teased me and I flushed. "My Taeyeon unnie is blushing! Omo! She's so cute! And uh-uh! No one's allowed to enter the studio. I'm so lucky here seeing her. Hehe..."

Such a kid then I giggled, she's so funny.

"Next question! What's this? You're dating Kim Heechul, the famous model??" Somi asked in disbelief.

"Oh Heechul oppa? Nah, he's just my friend. And for that, I want to clear to everyone. I'm not into guys." I confessed to make it up to my Pani, I know she's shocked right now. Everyone, might be.

"What? Did I... hear it right?" Somi asked with her 'questioning look'.

"You heard it right, I'm not into guys." I repeated.

"What do you mean by that Taeyeon unnie?" Somi asked, she's kinda surprised with my confession.

"Umm... I'm still attracted to guys but there's this girl that I like the most, I mean, I love the most." I sincerely said.

"You're in love with a girl??" Somi squeaked out.

"Yes Somi, I only have this feelings for her. Only for that girl. We're friends and we're not rushing things." I said. Errr, actually I'm rushing her to be mine.

"Whoaaa... I'm speechless." Somi is very talkative and energetic in nature but now, I made her speechless.

"Love is love... you can't choose who will you love, you can't teach your heart who will you love and you can't force it to unlove. It'll function no matter what and we only stop loving, not when we die but when we forget. Forget because we had enough, forget because we got hurt and forget because it replaced with hatred. We are forced to forget because of these reasons. And to sum up, it's because of pain." I opened up to everyone what's on my mind but... do we actually forget about our feelings?

"That's a little too deep, but if you ask me unnie. I'm proud of you and about your confession, it made me admire you more. You're so brave to say those things knowing that we're on air. The whole university was listening to us." Somi sweetly smiled at me then she continued to read on her laptop.

"Thank you Somi but for me, I don't mind what people will think of me as long as I'm with the person I love. I will not regret it because it makes me happy and complete." I'm being dramatic now aisshhh... I'm going too far. Stop now.

"Awe... Sooo sweeet. That girl that you love is so lucky to have you. I'm jealous of her now. Anyway... for our listeners, sorry guys but I will not ask your trending question. And for now, let's listen to a song! I will play my favorite, it's dedicated to Taeyeon unnie! I hope you'll like it. We'll have a short break!" Somi click something and removed her headset. She played "Like a Star by TheOne" (Taeyeon's song too, my fav!).

"Do you wanna know the trending question unnie?" I nodded and removed the headset. "Who's the lucky girl? They want to know... But I guess that's too personal to ask so don't worry, I will not ask that on air and also... I will change the topic." Somi has a kind heart, I know I can trust her but not that fast.

"Thank you Somi, are we friends now?" I asked.

Somi screamed with her squeaky voice "Aaahhh! Sure unnie! I feel so lucky!!" Then we laughed.

After the song, the program continued and as Somi said she changed the topic to school stuffs. She also asked me to give her advice on business. Well in business, you need to learn how to adjust and be flexible. You must have an objectives too. Win-win situation though, both parties must be satisfied. I mean the business itself and the customers.

Hmm... I admire people who have their dreams as their plans because they will do it and not just to dream about it. Having plan will lead our way to our right track so plan wise and make sure that you have back ups.


After the program with Somi, I went straight to my last class. I'm glad that there's no basketball game today! Anyway, I want to see my Pani's face! I want to see her blush and smile at me.

Then I entered my room, I was late but my professor didn't mind.  My classmates were staring at me, some were amazed, some have their frown faces, some giggled and some smiled.

I sat on the last row and glanced at Tiffany, she was focused on listening to our professor and didn't bother to look at me. She's face was serious and unfriendly. Is she mad at me for what I did?

Hours have passed, I kept glancing on her but she didn't even look at my side! What's wrong with her? I'm so eager to talk to her.

And finally, we're dismissed but before I could go to Tiffany and talk to her, she was already gone?? She left without saying anything. I was stunned then my friends stood around me. Of course none other than Yoona, Bora and Seohyun.

"Unnie!! That was shocking news huh?" Seohyun said.

"You're the main topic here in school, the famous Kim Erika is a bisexual." Yoona added. Bisexual? Me? It's that what they call it?

"And who's the girl by the way?" Bora asked curiously.

"Tiffany..." I mumbled but I bet they heard it.

"Tiffany??" Bora squealed.

"I mean, where will Tiffany go? I think she's not in the mood." I stated.

"Um... When we're in the canteen listening to the program, she's fine and happy but she became like that after she talked with her boyfriend." Seohyun explained.

"Maybe they have LQ" Yoona said leaning her elbow on my shoulder. LQ? Lover's Quarrel? But there's no love between Cheol Woo and Tiffany. -_-

"Maybe she go home Taeyeon" Bora shrugged. "So... Please answer now, who's the girl you love the most?" She asked again.

Tiffany, she's the girl I love the most.

My friends continued to ask who's the love of my life, I really wanted to tell them the truth but I can't. They know that Tiffany's with Cheol Woo, I don't want them to think negative about me and Tiffany so I keep my mouth shut about it.


After dinner. 

Tiffany still didn't talk or even look at me. I'm bothered and worried with that. What's her problem? I asked her many times but she kept ignoring me. And what about with Cheol Woo thingy? What did they talk about that changed her into like this?

A little later when I went out from the bathroom, I saw Tiffany getting her pillow and nightgown. Before she could go out, I grabbed and pinned her on the wall. I can't take it anymore!

"What? What's your problem??" I almost yelled.

"I just want to sleep in my room" Tiffany calmly replied as if it's just nothing to her.

"Why you keep ignoring me?? Tell me! You're torturing me! I'm so worried to you!" I frantically said.

"I'm fine" Tiffany was deadpanned. I can't read her with her poker face. I hate this!

"Well I'm not! What did Cheol Woo say to you?" I can see that her facial expression changed. She became mad?

"I need space Taeyeon and it's not about him but me. I think...I can't... I can't break up with him." Tiffany reluctantly said. It's like a pang that bit hard my heart.

I was stupefied "Wh-what? But why?" I know my tears were starting to form at the side of my eyes and the butterflies in my stomach were rumbling because I think, their wings were broken.

"With what you confessed in school, it makes me scared Taeyeon. I can't deal with it. I mean I realized that I'm not ready for our relationship. Give me space Taeyeon, I don't want to break up with him because I want to make sure things about me. I want to be straight and just be natural. I'm sorry Taeyeon." Then Tiffany rushed out and left me dumbfounded.

I fell on the ground the moment she closed the door as my knees became weak. Tears shimmered in my eyes, I can feel that my stomach was empty that my organs there slipped down, I don't know.

Tiffany broke what she have said to me, she betrayed me. 

But... should I blame her with her feelings? 

It's not her fault, it's her heart who deceived both of us.

This is crazy.

I'm going to be crazy.

Is this my first heartbreak?


What? You can't kill me. 😅😂💣🔪🔪

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