A/N: Lovin' this character's POV ♥♥☺
Tiffany's POV
I woke up as I slowly opened my eyes and I saw an angel next to me, Taeyeon looked so peaceful when she's sleeping. Actually I have the same, when I moved in here I didn't experience sleepless nights no more except from the night I tried to reject Taeyeon. I'm really frustrated that night and I cried a lot as if I'll be drained or dehydrated because of nonstop tears from my eyes.
In the other way when I sleep with Taeyeon, I feel secured, safe and snug in her arms. And even if without lights when I'm with her, I don't care anymore. No voices, no nightmares and no flashbacks. I went some treatments for my nyctophobia, my therapist said I needed to confront darkness regularly to be exposed and I might get used to it but it didn't cure me, it made me worst. When nighttime, I started avoiding any place which can be very dark, or I even stop night activities. Darkness have always been associated with grim thoughts and beliefs, right? I hate it and I'm scared of it.
Eventually, Taeyeon came to my life. She lit up my world, with her, I can face everything even in darkness. All those iffy thoughts were washed away. I changed a lot because of her, for better. I'm so thankful to her because I can be myself again, no more hiding things, to treasure relationship and not being materialistic nor acquisitive. Money is just nothing to her unlike other typical rich people, they wanted more, they became selfish and they became slave... slave and greedy.
I glanced at the wall clock, it's 7. I want to prepare breakfast for Taeyeon so I sat up slowly then I stared at her before dragging my feet from bed carefully, I don't want to wake her up. Taeyeon was curled looking so cute and gorgeous at the same time. Before I could stand, she held my wrist and pulled me back to the bed. I can feel my back was resting again in the soft mattress and she went on top of me.
"Where you think you're going? I know you're staring at me Pani ah" Then she kissed me on forehead.
I gave her eye smile and giggled "Good morning Tae, I just want to prepare breakfast for my girlfriend" Wow, it really flutters my heart knowing that she's my girlfriend. I love saying it, over and over.
Taeyeon glanced at the wall clock and pouted "But it's still early for that, we can still cuddle here for few minutes." Such a naughty and clingy girlfriend. I like it, no, I love it.
Taeyeon lied beside me and hugged me "This is so good, I can do this for my whole life."
I hugged her back "Me too, I'm comfortable in your arms Tae. I can't believe that you're my girlfriend now." It feels surreal. She's too much for me and I need to work hard so that, I'll be good enough for her.
"Believe it, I'm yours Pani. You're all I wanted, you're enough so don't think too much." It's like she read my mind huh... >.<
"I have nothing Tae, we both know that I'm not good enough for you." I admitted cuz we need to face it. The truth.
Taeyeon frowned "Pani... I almost have everything in this world so I don't care if you have nothing, it's just material things. And what's mine is yours now. What important to me is having you by my side, that all matters." Then she kissed my crown. She's really good at words and it never fails to make my heart dribble like a basketball inside my chest.
"Tae, you have me. You have the control of me as you can break me if you want." I paused looking deep in her eyes "But I trust you, I love you so much that you became my world Tae." In just a snap, she can break me, she has this power over me.
"I know, I'll not break you because you can do the same to me. I will take all the risks and love you Pani, I have this trust issues but I'm willing to give you chance... I will trust my love for you, I know you're worthy for it. Just don't lie to me and I'll do the same." Taeyeon smiled at me and I nodded happily.
"Well, we can't still announce our relationship. Maybe a month after... hmm... or 3 weeks?" Taeyeon was thinking hard as if she's battling with her inner self, what a dork. "Okay maybe in 2 weeks? What do you think?"
I nodded twice "Two weeks... just fine. And maybe I will tell to our friends the truth between me and Cheol Woo." They deserve to know it, my trio.
"Really?" Taeyeon raised her eyebrows.
"Yes, maybe later... after school?"
"Okay, we should be ready for that. How about we hangout? Bar later?" Taeyeon suggested. Bar? Is she used to it? Is she a party girl?
"Bar... sounds good!" This my first time 'cuz I don't have time to go in such place. I also don't have money for that. I'll use my money wise.
"Yes it is. So, we're good." Taeyeon kissed me and instantly I reciprocated.
I love how she kiss me, to feel her soft lips and it feels like in cloud nine. It gives pleasure to me as other parts of my brain were shutting down negative emotions, I feel completely sheltered. This is amazing. She's truly amazing.
Taeyeon was kissing me relentlessly, I like it though. She's being dominant right now but I know she likes being in control too.
Then, I unwillingly broke our kiss "We need to get ready for school Tae" She groaned cutely. "Don't be like a kid and move... now" I ordered.
"Ahh... Okay... But kiss me again before I move" Taeyeon whined then she jutted her lips.
I rolled my eyes but honestly, I like her being sweet like this "Fine" I pecked her on lips.
"One more" She pleaded. Aishh...
"No, get up!"
"I won't" Taeyeon continued to pout.
"Then don't go to school" I jumped off from bed. I'm just challenging her, I know she likes school.
"Okay" Then she covered her whole body with comforter. She's so stubborn but I realized she just wanted a kiss from me and I giggled.
"You'll skip classes again?" I teased her but she didn't reply. So I crawled in the comforter and saw her sulking... What a Sulking Queen. I moved on top of her and cupped her cheeks. "You're such a kid"
"You don't want to kiss me? Losing interest already?" I frowned as I cocked my eyebrow then she averted her gaze from me.
"Just go, I don't want to go to school." She said so I kissed her passionately. I kissed her with my whole heart. She didn't respond, so my kiss became aggressive and sloppier as I want respond from her.
But as I said she's stubborn kid, she didn't kiss me back. So I pulled away and licked the side of her lips seductively. "I will never lose my interest in you Tae, I could kiss you all day but I don't want to skip school or be tardy. I don't want to be bad influence to you or Mrs. Lee would be mad at me."
"You always make me crave for you Pani, I'm sorry." Taeyeon lowered her head. I shook my head and smiled.
"Tae, you have the same impact to me." I pecked her lips several times. When I looked at her, her eyes were closed as she feels it. And I kissed her again several times, just smack as before.
Then Taeyeon opened her eyes and grinned "That feels really great" She chuckled.
"Now let's get something to eat?" I said.
"Can I eat you?" I pulled myself up revealing us in the comforter, her question made me blush. Byuntae.
"Ya, I'm just kidding" Taeyeon laughed quietly and I smacked her shoulder. I realized that I was sitting on her lap then she sat up hugging me.
"That's how I greet morning to my love"
"I love you Tae"
"And I love you most Pani"
I never felt like this before and I'm not gonna be tired doing this every morning with her.
At school, our morning classes were done smooth.
In the canteen, Taeyeon and our friends were sitting around the table eating our lunch. We're not yet over about the incident yesterday. People seemed to be quiet, no rumors and gossips about me. I guess Taeyeon is really influential that's why they didn't have the guts to talk about it again. Of course, our friends are the only exception.
"You're excused in the class because Cheol Woo's parents talked to you at the dean's office right?" Yoona asked.
Taeyeon barely nodded and just continued to munch her meal. She's not really bothered of what they talked about and I'm getting curious to it.
"What did they say?" Seohyun asked as she took a mouthful of bibimbap. I second that Seo! I'll give you thumbs up.
"They asked me not to file a case to Cheol Woo and I agreed, even the restraining order... I think it's not necessary anymore." Taeyeon nonchalantly said. She will not do the restraining order because Cheol Woo's parents asked her. That's just it?? I thought I'm the only one who can change her mind.
"How did they convince you?" I asked and pouted.
Taeyeon hid her smile "About the case, you asked for it right? And the restraining order will be just useless because they will send Cheol Woo abroad. He's quite depressed, he needs to be treated." Then she winked at me, trying to be cool I stiffened and drank some water. That's a good news anyway.
"That's good" Bora said as she put her hand on Taeyeon's lap and it made my mood down. Inside my chest, I know it's burning. Taeyeon looked tense as she backed away but still, Bora's hand remained on her lap. "You're really a good friend that's why I admire you." Whoa, she's confessing? I know and I feel, Bora likes my Tae. I wish I could say it now that I'm Taeyeon's girlfriend but not in this spontaneous situation, and just because I'm possessive.
"That's what friends are for" Taeyeon shrugged. "Anyway, are you up later for bar?"
"Bar??" Bora yipped "Sure!!! That'll be a lot of fun!"
Yoona nodded "Yes, I'm cool with that. How about you Seo?"
"It's fine, it's our first bonding you know... as long as all of you are there... I'm in." Seohyun said as her eyes sparkled looking at Yoona.
"All of us... Or just Yoona?" Bora said teasingly.
Seohyun's cheeks turned pink then she bowed down and looked embarrassed.
Bora laughed out loud "I'm just kidding! And don't worry Seohyun, we already know your relationship right?"
"Y-you already kn-know??" Seohyun stuttered.
"Wait... Are you two in a relationship?" I was peering at Seohyun. Are they official now?
"Yes we are. She's my girlfriend now." Yoona answered casually.
"Wahhh... Congrats!" Bora cheerfully said.
"I'm not shocked, you two obviously like each other. I'm glad seeing you together." Taeyeon said as she tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"Well I'm happy for both of you" I simply said.
"Hmm, how about the love of your life Tae? You will gonna introduce her later, right?" Yoona asked. And my heart was pounding, I'm not a prude but that question was really impulsive. I saw Taeyeon became serious, maybe she's contemplating things that involves our relationship.
And I saw Bora looking intently to Taeyeon, she's so eager to hear the answer from my girlfriend. I feel bad for her, she's my friend.
"Yepp, you guess it right Yoong." I became nervous but I'm happy with her answer.
"Can you tell her name? She's your friend right?" Bora asked impatiently.
Taeyeon shook her head "I can't tell it right now. Reserve it for later. And one thing I want to clear... She's my girlfriend now." She confidently said. Shiz. I want to tell them that I'm her girlfriend! Sighed. Then Taeyeon glanced at me and I smiled.
"She's your girlfriend??" Bora shrieked "Is that Jung Jessica?"
"No, she's my best friend." Taeyeon quickly denied.
"But why did she kiss you unnie in the gym yesterday?" Seohyun asked.
"It's just nothing... She's just really playful." Taeyeon forced a smile as she lied to them about Jessica.
"And who's the lucky girl?" Yoona asked tilting her head.
I choked. They all looked at me. I didn't know why I choked. It's embarrassing though. I felt like I'm guilty or I got caught.
"Sorry..." Then I cleared my throat one last time.
"Just wait till later" Taeyeon smirked looking at me. With that, I know she's teasing me... She loves doing it to me.
I don't really mind 'cuz I love it. I love everything about her.
Later. In a night club.
This is my first time to go here and I think this place is not just like a typical bar. Taeyeon reserved us a room which was sound proof to reduce the blaring sound outside. Here, they also serves foods and it's great.
We're sitting around the table with two Jack Daniels on it and food stuffs like BBQ and spicy fried chicken. The foods were good along with the whiskey knowing JD has strong and high alcohol content but the foods blended right to it. Jjang!
The trio was already tipsy so maybe we need to tell them before they get drunk. Taeyeon wasn't drinking anyway, she said she doesn't have high tolerance when it comes to alcohol drinks. Few shots can make her drunk so we didn't force her unlike me, I'm totally the opposite. I'm a sober and two bottle of JD can't make me drunk. Not that quick.
"Taeyeon unnie... Where's your girlfriend?" Yoona said as she took her shot.
"I'm so excited to meet her!" Seohyun said giggling. You already saw me Seo. Keke~
While Bora was just quiet and continued to take her shots, it was constant and persistent. I hope she won't be mad at me.
"Actually she's already here" Taeyeon said as she signaled me.
"What? Where is she?" Yoona asked looking around.
"Bring her here now unnie" Seohyun clapped with her excitement. Her cheeks reddened maybe because of the drinks. Cutey.
Taeyeon stood up "No need" Then walked near to me "because she's already here." She held my shoulder.
"Where?" Yoona tilted her head.
Bora seemed to comprehend Taeyeon's actions, she was shocked looking at us.
"I want you to meet my girlfriend..." Taeyeon trailed off.
"Oh... no..." Seohyun mumbled.
Maybe they got it with their very shock expression on their faces.
"Hwang Tiffany... She's my girlfriend." Taeyeon confirmed then she smiled.
I looked up to her and held her hand "We're official" I said proudly.
Then yeah, our ears were almost ripped off because of their squeals. Ugh. It hurts like my ears will bleed. It made me tipsy too.
After that, me and Taeyeon told them how we met and became close with each other. We also said that I'm living with her now. I told them everything about my fake relationship with Cheol Woo and how we used each other as well. Their expressions were priceless though.
"But Cheol Woo was clearly in love with you" Bora said.
"Aishh, if he loves Tiffany... He will respect her decision and not to hurt her like that!" Yoona angrily said. Yes Yoong, you're right.
"That asshole! He's very ungentleman! I want to kick his butt, grabbed his hair until he became bald!" Seohyun said it quickly.
The silence filled the four corners of the room until Taeyeon laughed like an ahjumma. And her laugh was contagious. We didn't expect Seohyun to say those things. Seohyun is innocent and kind. I just influenced her in past but I know she didn't want to bully others, I'm just really fucked up that time.
"Anyway, let's be sober! Let's go outside and dance! Congrats Taeyeon and Tiffany!" Yoona shouted. She's like a party girl.
"Whooo! Yeahhh!!! Congrats! We're happy for both of you! Let's go party!" Seohyun said.
And we all agreed then Yoona went outside followed by Seohyun and Taeyeon.
Bora was about to leave the room too but I grabbed her arm before she could go outside. I closed the door so we can have some privacy, I'm so desperate to talk to her about Taeyeon.
"Let's talk please" I said letting go of her arm and I sat.
Bora sat beside me "O-okay? What is it?" She's quite confused.
"I know you like Taeyeon... are you mad at me?" I frankly asked.
Bora's face became stern "Yes, I'm mad at you! Very mad!"
My eyes softened "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. You're my friend Bora but Taeyeon is all I have. I love her so much. Please..." I don't know what to say to convince her not to be mad but then, I realized she can't do anything about it. Feelings are involved here and we can't teach our hearts.
Bora laughed softly causing me to look at her confusingly "Yes, I like Taeyeon. I just admire her I mean, everybody knows it. She's kind, smart... she has everything but she's not a conceited person but Tiffany- yes I like her but I don't love her."
Like and love are really different from each other. With what Bora said, I feel better and I smiled in relief.
"You two are my friend and I'm happy for both you. I really do. You look so in love with each other, I swear. And Tiffany, I already notice it even though you didn't tell us yet. I'm just playing it cool." Bora added. She's a real observant in nature as she noticed everything that surrounds her.
"Thank you Bora" I feel so much better now.
"No need to thank me Tiffany, that's what friends are for right?" I'm really happy to have a talk with Bora. Taeyeon was right about her. I'm so dumb not to see her pleasing personalities.
After the talk, we decided to join our friends in the dance floor so we exited the room. Not too far from the room, I saw Taeyeon waiting for us.
"What took you guys so long?" Taeyeon asked.
"We just talked about interesting thing..." Bora answered playfully.
I nodded and it made Taeyeon to tilt her head. I grinned knowing that interesting thing was her.
"Okay? Um... I will just go to the restroom." Taeyeon excused herself.
"I'm going with you" I said.
"Okay see ya in the dance floor!" Bora said as she disappeared in the crowd.
Me and Taeyeon headed to the restroom but there were two guys blocked our way.
"Hi beautiful ladies!" The guy in front me greeted. Well, they're cute but I'm not attracted to them. Since I got this feelings for Tae, I lost my interest to everyone. I just want Kim Taeyeon.
"Do you want to join us?" He asked then. I'm getting annoyed, I know they're just trying to be friendly but I just want to be with my girlfriend. Then I saw the guy's friend looking at my Taeyeon! That nasty look of him, I want to punch him.
"Sorry but we don't like. Please excuse us." I politely rejected.
"Oppss... Come on girls. Don't be to hard." The guy said and was about to hold me but Taeyeon pulled me to avoid it. I guess we have the same feelings right now, being possessive.
"Don't you dare touch my girlfriends or I will beat you!" Taeyeon yelled angrily.
"What girlfriend?" The two guys grimaced.
"What a waste" The other guy said shaking his head then thankfully, they left us alone.
Taeyeon intertwined her hand with mine and I beamed. She's not ashamed of me. This is why I feel I'm loving her more and more each day. I will never get tired of her.
After we went to the restroom, we joined our friends in the dance floor and we party all night. This night was really great, I'll cherish it forever.
The bonding makes the relationship stronger but it's not measured by the time we spent together or the favors done for each other but by the comfort we find when we realize we have each other. And that's what friends are for.
After the beautiful night with my friends, here I am, lying on the bed. I already took a shower and my bae's was currently taking hers. It was exhausting to dance like there's no tomorrow but I don't regret it. It's fun and entertaining with my real friends. It'll make you feel so alive.
I opened my IG account to upload some photos but something popped up on my notification. Gosh, it's my uncle! He sent me messages and I clicked it right away.
(1) Message from Hwang Jiro : Hi Tiffany! I have a good news for you. I will go to Seoul three days from now. I'm so excited to see you! Love you!
(2) Message from Hwang Jiro : Hey babe, seems you're busy? You didn't reply. My flight is tomorrow in the afternoon. See you soon!
(3) Message from Hwang Jiro : Hwang Tiffany!!! I'm here in Seoul? What's your contact number sweetie? I really miss you. I want to see you.
(4) Message from Hwang Jiro : Tiff, I only have 2 days more here for my work promotion. I hope, we can have lunch tomorrow. This is my number +82 81 1989 0309. I'll wait for you. I love you.
Shit. My uncle's here in Seoul! I forgot to contact him! Aisshhh! How could I miss his messages!?! Oh wait, the last message was just 8 hrs ago! I'd better save his number and call him later cuz it's still 2 in the morning. I don't want to freak him out or wake him from his slumber.
I'm so excited to see my uncle, he became my father now. He owned the responsibilities to take care of me. I know he's not rich, he has own family too but still, he tried his best to support me. I'm not mad if he sometimes didn't send money to me, I know it's also tough for him.
I didn't notice that Taeyeon was already on the bed "Hey are you okay?" She asked.
"Huh? Uhh... yeah?" I wanted her to meet my uncle. It's a good opportunity to introduce her but... how will I introduce her anyway? As friend or girlfriend? Do I have the guts to introduce her as my girlfriend?
"What? You're spacing out Pani." Taeyeon leaned forward to me.
I sighed "My uncle is here in Korea, he wants to meet me later at lunch and I want you to meet him too."
"Wh-what? Your u-uncle??" She seemed nervous.
"Yes my uncle who lives in America that became my father now. He's here for work but he wants to see me. I think, it's the right time for you to meet him." I don't know but I'm not yet ready to tell my uncle about my relationship with Taeyeon. I just need more time, our lunch is just unexpected.
"O-okay? Su-sure" Taeyeon nodded.
"But Tae, I will tell him that you're my friend. I'm... I'm not ready yet. I hope you understand me." I saw Taeyeon became sad for a moment then she forced a smile.
"Not a big deal" Taeyeon shortly replied. I know she's hurt, it makes me feel guilty.
I put my phone on the nightstand then I hugged Taeyeon. I placed my head on her chest, her heart beats were fast as always like mine.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to disappoint him but promise I will tell him. I just need time to prepare myself-"
Taeyeon interrupted me "I understand Pani, I'm not ready too. Let's prepare ourselves before we tell him okay?"
I looked up at her and met her gaze then I gave her eye smile "Thank you Tae" I pecked her on cheek.
Taeyeon pouted "Ya, that's unfair. My reward supposed to be on lips and I'm not a kid anymore." She whined. She's really dork but so cute.
I giggled and kissed her on lips, just lightly but long then I pulled away "Let's sleep now. I'm so excited for our lunch!"
Taeyeon nodded and again, I placed my head on her chest. I'm so comfortable with my position, with her and it was easy for me to sleep in no time.
In a restaurant.
I saw my uncle and I hugged him so tight. I really missed this old guy. Lol. Then I introduced Taeyeon as my friend, we ordered our foods and took our seats. I'm so happy to see my uncle, he's quite old now knowing that he's older than my father and he's turning 60. He didn't change much. He's still a joker and easy to be with. Taeyeon was comfortable with him and they're close now.
I also said that I'm living with Taeyeon and also working for her. He's shocked when I said Taeyeon was the richest girl here in Korea despite of her age. And he said that he admire Taeyeon for that, being responsible and kind.
We're almost done with our lunch and we have a great time together. Uncle Jiro likes Taeyeon a lot, maybe it's a good sign.
"I had so much fun with you guys. I hope we can still have our lunch tomorrow before I leave Seoul." Uncle Jiro said as he sipped his juice.
"Sure Uncle, my treat tomorrow. And it's really nice to meet you." Taeyeon politely said. She glanced at me and smiled. I did the same.
"Well, it's my pleasure Taeyeon. Thank you."
"Regards me to your wife, Uncle Jiro" I said happily.
"Sure Tiffany... Anyway... Do you remember Nichkhun Horvejkul?" Suddenly he asked that. Nichkhun was my first love.
"Y-yes? Why?"
"I'm working for him, and..." Uncle Jiro was hesitating to say it then he took in a sharp breath "I owe him million dollars Tiffany" He was ashamed as he bowed his head avoiding our eyes. "He's kind and he didn't pressure me to pay him. I used the money for the surgery of my youngest daughter that's why I didn't send you money for last few months, and I'm so sorry. The surgery was successful anyway."
I held his hand "It's okay Uncle, I will help you to pay him I promise."
"Actually there's an easy way Tiffany..."
"What is it?"
"Nichkhun said that he will forget all of my debts if I convince you to marry him."
"What??" Taeyeon and I shrieked.
Taeyeon became unease as she started to fidget her hands.
"To marry him??"
"Yes Tiffany, I want you to marry him"
Oh no... that's crazy. I'm the payment for his debts? He's like my father now but I don't want to marry Nichkhun. He's my first love yes, but I don't love him anymore.
But then again, it's my uncle's favor. T_T
Lemme know, what will Tiffany do? Whatcha think?
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