Getting Closer
Tiffany's POV
"I-I'm sorry Tiffany" Taeyeon was fidgeting... aissh, this girl is so annoying. She's getting on my nerve as I rubbed my temples. I looked back straight at her but she's avoiding my eyes, she's cute though.
I looked around, where the heck are the people? I'm just hiding myself in between the shelves as I stealthy walked in the library few hours ago. I don't want to see Bora and Seo that's why I went here but unconsciously I slept.
I toured my eyes around to see the wall clock, when I see it, I blinked my eyes twice to see if I'm mistaken. But no, it's 10:10 in exact.
"Shit, it's 10?? Gotta be kidding me." I walked towards the door and I passed by the front desk, the librarian wasn't there. I mentally curse "No no" I mumbled then I could sense that the blonde was following me.
I twisted the door knob but it didn't opened, the door was locked outside "Oh geez, this is not happening! Ughhh!" I slammed the door and shouted for help.
I stopped, I know the blonde was just staring at me "Aren't you gonna help me to call out?"
She innocently shook her head "They're all out now. And maybe the guard is in the entrance of the campus. He couldn't hear us for sure, we're at the second floor." She stated the fact.
I slapped my head "This is not happening... That I'm locked with the nerd like you??" I blurted out but she seems not affected.
"Mr. Ed will come here at 6 am, I know he has keys in every room" Taeyeon said as if she was so sure about it
"And who's Ed?" I asked boringly
"Oh he's the janitor, he will check the rooms every morning." Then she walked towards the table, she sat in front of it and put her bag on it. "The power supply will be cut at 12 so the lights will be out too."
"How did you know that??" I cocked my brow
"I just did"
"Weirdo" I walked near the table where she at, and sat not far from her. I glanced at her and she's reading a book.
I hate it! My phone is in my locker! And why did I sleep here? What if this blonde spread rumors about me? But I think she's not like that, she's not much talker.
The time was very slow, one and half hour have passed but it feels like forever. I kept tapping my fingers on the table, I looked at the blonde, she was still reading a book. Calm and she's enjoying it. Duhh. She's a boring person. I knew it.
"Oh really??" I blushed when I heard my stomach growled, I'm really hungry since I only ate brunch (Breakfast and lunch).
Taeyeon looked at me with her head tilted then she smiled. She's so cute, can I take her home? Say whaaat? I shook my head.
This time, my stomach squawked very loud. I held it, and hissed. I'm so embarrassed.
"You're hungry?" Taeyeon stood up, she took her bag and sat beside me.
"What? What if I am?" I rolled my eyes
Taeyeon took a sandwich and bottled water in her bag. She offered me the sandwich.
I turned my head away from her "No thanks"
"You're hungry, eat it." She insisted
"No, what if you just want to poison me?" I said accusing her.
"Then I will just eat this if you don't want" Taeyeon opened the sandwich and started to eat it. "Hmm this sandwich is good" She said while there's still food in her mouth.
"Eww.." I looked at her "Don't talk when your mouth is full."
Taeyeon continued to bite the sandwich, it's almost half. And I'm craving for it. I'm really hungry, I want it as my stomach keeps grumbling.
"There's no poison I guess. Are you sure you don't like sandwich?" Taeyeon asked again but I didn't answer. I want it badly.
"Fine, I will eat it all" Taeyeon will bite another mouthful sandwich but I snatched it from her.
"You offered it then you'll just gonna eat it? Share your blessings shorty." Then I gobbled the sandwich, it was so delicious and I think I want more.
Taeyeon gaped at me "Wow, you're not really picky. You even ate that though I took bites already."
I gulped the last piece in my mouth and took the bottled water "You look healthy, and I'm starving to death. I have no choice but to eat that sandwich."
Taeyeon chuckled and I raised a brow "You could just told me, I still have one" She took out another sandwich "Let's eat it"
I swiftly grabbed the sandwich and opened it "No, I will eat it alone" Then I eat it shamelessly
Taeyeon shrugged and lowered her head. I continued to eat it, the shorty didn't complain.
When it's half, I handed the sandwich to her I'm not greedy "Take it" I said without looking at her
I know that she smiled, I could see it in my peripherals "Thank you" I said.
"You're welcome" She toothily said "I know you're kind Tiffany" Then she took and finished eating the sandwich and I placed the bottled water in front of her.
Taeyeon held the bottled water and drank it directly on the mouth of the bottle. I pursed my lips together, we kissed indirectly.
Whoa, why it suddenly hot in here? I gaped at her curvy lips, it's perfect little pouty. Gosh. Then she looked at me so I managed to narrow my eyes pretending that I'm bored.
"What? Stop looking at me shorty" I hissed.
"Sorry" Taeyeon stood up and walked towards the window, she looked up to the sky "You know Tiffany, I really want to be your friend" She said as she glanced at me.
I forced myself to scoff "I'm flattered" I said with my mocking tone
"I know that you're sad, I see it in your eyes" I could hear sincerity in her voice "When I noticed it, I can't help but to be concern-"
"Shut it, I really don't care if you're concern to me. Mind your own business, I don't care if you want to be my friend but the thing is, I don't like to be your friend. You're nerd, ugly and beggar!" I bluntly said, I didn't mean it but I don't want anyone to pity me. Beside she's crossing our boundaries.
Taeyeon looked at me and she weakly smiled, my heart skipped a beat. I don't like to see that smile again "So that's what you think of me?" She sighed and averted her eyes from me "I'm really hopeless to be a friend with princess like you right? I'm sorry if I expect something from you."
I can't say anything, I want to take back all the things that I've said to her but I don't want anyone to come in my life. I need to be hard and tough.
"I will never ask you again Tiffany, and when we get out of here tomorrow. I promise that I won't bother you and I won't tell anyone that we've been locked here." She reassured me.
Then suddenly all the lights were out "AAAHHHHHH!!" I screamed really hard as I ran towards Taeyeon and hugged her tight, I don't care if she's confused but I really need someone.
I hate darkness, I have this nyctophobia because back then, my dad would lock me in my closet almost every night. And also my schoolmates, when I was in middle school... they would lock me in a dark room alone.
I went to some therapies for my phobia but still, there's fear inside my heart whenever I'm in darkness. I shut my eyes hard as I buried my face on her chest.
"Tiffany? Are you okay??" She shrieked, I bet she's worried.
"J-just stay still please" My voice cracked and my body was shaking.
"Are you afraid of the dark?"
I just nodded, I don't care if she thinks that I'm weak but I can't take it. Memories were starting to flash in my mind but it stopped when I felt Taeyeon hugging me back.
"It's okay Tiffany, I'm here... don't be scared." I can feel her heart was beating fast, likewise.
"Don't tell anyone about this" I tried to act cool but I can't, her smell was addicting. I moved up into the crook of her neck.
"Okay... but you're... so... clingy" Taeyeon tittered
"Whatever" I mumbled.
"The darkness won't go away, it's night."
"Then we will stay like this" I confirmed it, I really like her smell.
"Ohh, I have an idea" Taeyeon slowly sat down on the floor, she leaned her back on the wall and I did the same. I hugged her sideways and leaned my face on her shoulder as my forehead were in her crook.
I don't want to see the dark place and I'm comfortable being clingy to her. I feel secured and calm with her embrace.
"Much better?" She asked while hugging me tight, it feels so good and I nodded.
"Are you sleepy Tiffany?"
"Nope I'm not" But I am, somehow.
"Then let's know each other more, just the sake of the topic. You can ask me anything and I will answer it, vice versa." Taeyeon suggested, I think it's good because I want to know her more.
"Fine, you ask first... But if I don't like the question, I will not answer it." I demanded.
"Okay... Hmm let's see." Taeyeon rubbed her chin "What's your favorite color?"
"Pink. Pink is mine." I simply said
"Your turn"
"Are you virgin?" I frankly asked, weird, it just crossed my mind.
"What?" She laughed, she's like an ahjumma. "Well, yes." I knew it.
"My turn, what's your favorite food?" Taeyeon asked plainly
"Eels and noodles" I shortly answered "Do you have ex?"
"Yes, just one." I chuckled, just one is good. I don't want to think that other guys will gonna touch her, hug her or kiss her. It makes my blood boil.
"Then why are you asking Tiffany?" Taeyeon tried to look at me, her lips was just inch from mine.
"I just want... My turn" I quickly said
"Ya, that question is not counted." Taeyeon whined
"But you already asked... What's your hobby?" I continued.
"Um... I like coloring books. I spend a lot of time with it."
"What a kid" I mumbled
"Yes I am" Taeyeon confirmed it "Are we friends now?"
"....." I really want to say yes, I want to be her friend. I like our conversation though it's nothing much. I want to know her, I like her. Just a friend, okay??
"Umm... I'll take that as a no, sorry..."
"Do you like me Taeyeon?" I'm so eager to know, why am I being dork right now?
"What? Um, y-yes. I like you." My heart beats faster, I like her answer. It made me smile.
"D-do you l-like me Tiffany?" Taeyeon nervously asked.
"No" I retorted. Her question was wrong, there should be really because I really like her now. I think I can be myself with her.
"O-ohh... I knew it. I'm so stupid to ask." She said with her hoarse voice.
Then silence filled the place, I felt unease with it so I pulled my head away to see Taeyeon's face. But I glanced at the place first, it was dark but the moon gave its light in this dark, scary place.
I looked at Taeyeon, her eyes were glossy like tears were gonna come out any moment. I feel guilty, if I could only say to her my true feelings but no... I can't.
I feel that Taeyeon loosened her hug as she tried to pull away but I retracted myself and wrapped my arms around her neck. I sat on her lap with my legs wide opened.
"No please, don't! Don't leave me." I pleaded and closed my eyes. I want to cry, I don't want her to be distant now.
"Tiffany.. You're so close..."
I don't care if I am, so I tightened my hug as I can feel her body. I feel hot, it gave me tingles through my body.
"Please Taeyeon, I just need to feel you. I-I mean, like this... Don't move away, I'm scared."
Taeyeon didn't hug me back but I can feel her hands on my thighs. Then she started to rub it, oh gosh. I feel something skipped in my stomach.
I pushed my face in her neck, I'm mesmerized by her smell.
"What are you doing?" I murmured.
Taeyeon didn't answer but she just continued to rub my thighs. Then I feel her hands on my butt, she's rubbing it down to my knees. Back and forth.
I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled away to face her. I see her eyes glistered with lust.
I slapped her cheek with my open hand but she didn't budge.
"Are you pervert?"
Taeyeon held my face and kissed me on the lips. My eyes went round as I feel her soft and warm lips. Then she broke the kiss, I groaned inside because I like it real bad.
"Why did you do that?" I acted like I'm angry.
"I just can't help it, I said I like you and I'm so attracted to you. Being this close... I just can't stop myself." She avoided eye contact.
I blushed at her statement, thank goodness it's dark or else, she will see that I also like it.
"You pervert! You're a lesbian?? Don't spread your virus!" I shouted.
Then Taeyeon looked down "I'm sorry, just don't come near to me." She forced to stand up and my butt fell on the floor. "I'm sorry" She ran towards the shelves, I can't see her. It was so dark and I'm terrified.
"Wait Taeyeon! Please where are you?" All I see is darkness, I'm so scared. My heart is pumping hard that it almost out in my chest.
"Aaaahhhh!" I screamed, I can't take it as I hugged my knees. I'm already crying out loud and sniffling. "Taeyeon, please come back... Don't leave me!" I can hear whispers, it's like children. They were laughing too.
"No no! Stop it!" I recognized it, they're my classmates from middle school. "Aaaahhhh! Please... Go away! No! Please! Go away!"
Suddenly I feel a warm embrace, Taeyeon was hugging me so I hugged her back. We fell, Taeyeon was lying her back on the floor while I'm on top of her. My arms were snaked around her neck and hers around my waist.
"Tiffany I'm sorry, I didn't know it. Promise, I won't leave now. Are you alright? I'm so sorry." Taeyeon tried to convince me.
I quickly kissed her lips, those soft and wet lips. I feel myself in cloud nine as I started to eat it, literally. I don't care about what she will think, I don't care if I am a lesbian or what, I just feel like kissing her.
The whispers go away but my heart was thumping, I like it though. I forced my tongue into her mouth and explored it.
Eventually I feel that I need air, I need to breathe. We both need it but I want to continue. We're both panting but she began to kiss back. Our kiss became deeper and sloppier.
This is my first time to kiss like this, to kiss a girl but it's so good. She's quite feminine but her kiss was different from the others. I could feel the heat in my body. She makes me go insane with just a kiss.
I dubiously broke the kiss and we're both gasping for air.
"Wow" She commented.
I'm staring at her lips "That's so good".
Taeyeon nodded "You're my first kiss" She gulped.
"Seriously? Well... Me too. My first kiss in a girl." I leaned forward to her "Do you really like me Kim Taeyeon?" I whispered to her.
She nodded as a reply, I smirked "Then you can have me now".
Taeyeon immediately changed our position, she turned our bodies and she's on top of me.
"I will not take advantage of it Tiffany, I don't want you to regret it." As she caressed my cheek. She's so sweet and thoughtful to think about my feelings.
"You're rejecting me?" But I'm not hurt, I'm glad because she respect me.
"We can always do it if you want but not now, not here. And I know that you have a boyfriend." Her face saddened, she knows about Cheol Woo. Everyone knows that I'm dating him but they don't know that it's not real. Just FRONT.
"Cheol Woo has everything, how bout you?" I just need you, like this... Just like this. You don't have to answer Taeyeon.
"I'm... I'm Kim Erika. I'm the youngest, richest and powerful girl in the country. I can give everything to you Tiffany." Taeyeon sternly said.
I instantly laughed, she don't need to lie "What? You're Erika?" I held her cheek "Don't lie to me Taeyeon, you don't have to."
"It's my secret, you don't believe me?" Taeyeon bit her lower lip as she stared at me intently.
"Well, as far as I know, Erika is a goddess. She's fashionable, smart and confident. You are certainly her opposite, I'm sorry but you have different personalities." I nonchalantly said, and I kinda regret it.
"So people knows me like that?" Taeyeon bitterly smiled "Okay, I'm not Erika then... We're different as you describe her."
Is she hurt? What's with her now? Did I insult her? That's all over the news and articles. Erika is a princess, famous and has everything... I'm just stating the fact.
"Are you mad?" I asked.
Taeyeon shook her head "Just forget what I said".
Okay, it doesn't matter to me "I'll make it up to you".
I held the back of her head and pulled her closer so I can kiss her, she didn't move back and our lips were connected again.
I missed kissing her, it was refreshing though it makes me tired. Taeyeon was draining my energy but my heart was excited for it. And I can kiss her the whole night.
While kissing, many thoughts crossed my mind. What will happen tomorrow if we separate our ways? I will surely miss her.
But is it right? I didn't know that I'm lesbian. I can't imagine myself with other girls, only with Taeyeon.
When we get ourselves outta here, I will think about it. For now, I will just enjoy her company.
Taeyeon nibbled my lower lip then I moved away, licked her lips twice and crashed it again with mine. I'm addicted to her... she makes me go insane, she makes me happy and she makes me forget everything.
I just want her now... But I'm not willing to give up everything I have for her. And that's crystal clear to me. This is just temporary happiness.
Any violent reaction? 😅😅
What do you think Tiffany will do? Taeyeon's POV next chapter.
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