
Tiffany's POV

Me and Taeyeon didn't attend our last class for today, we just stayed at the rooftop. We're sitting beside each other as we leaned on the wall.

"So let's know each other?" I asked "I will tell about myself and you do the same." I suggested, being open to each other means being close too. I want to be close with her and yes, I mean it... I do trust Taeyeon.

"Okay, then you go first." She just agreed.

"About my childhood? I lived in America with my father while my mother died giving birth to me because of that, my father was very angry at me. He treated me bad, he blamed me for the death of my mom. He used to beat me and lock me up in the closet every night that's why I hate darkness. And in school, they bullied me because I have different race. I'm so helpless that time." My voice trembled but I didn't cry. I'm so had enough for that.

Taeyeon put her arm around my shoulders. I tilted my head and leaned it in the crook of her neck. I feel safe with her and I can just be myself, I'm not afraid to show it to her.

"That's tough and maybe it's the reason why you wanted to be like what you are today." She definitely hit the right note.

"Okay so my turn" I nodded. "Well, I have a good life back then and until now. As I said, I'm Erika. My father gave me all I want and he loves me, he taught me a lot of things in life." Erika thing again? Yeah she don't trust me that's why she's saying this. Sighed.

"About my mom? I don't know... My dad said she has a new family and that's all I know." We're just the same as I thought.

"Can you imagine that? Even the billionaire can be left out! People thinks that they are destined but how will it works if they do nothing? I mean relationship may work if they will just help each other and not just depend on that destiny? They just reason it out because they are tired to fight. I want to kill destiny for that, who's destiny?" Taeyeon chuckled.

Yeah. She has point there. Relationship won't work if they do nothing about it and just hope for destiny.

"Do you hate your mom?" I asked.

"Nope, relationship ends because two people decide to it. And it's their decision, I can't do anything about that. My dad always said that my mom loves me but I doubt that. I didn't see her for the past 23 years of my life, is that a love?" I don't know but maybe her mom has a reason? But yeah, it must be hard for Taeyeon. I understand her.

"And I don't easily trust people because of money, they're blinded by material things in this world." She added. Every human likes money of course we need it to live. It's materialistic, check, but money has a big part of our lives. It depends on people how will they handle it, with good or bad intention.

"Is your hair naturally blond?" Heheh, I'm curious.

"Ah, no. My hair is really black. I just want this color." Taeyeon pulled away her arm gently from me and I looked at her. She undid her messy donut hair bun and shook out her hair. My mouth agape with incredulity as I saw her long yellowish colored hair. She also took off her eyeglasses and she looked at me. Oh no, she's so beautiful. I didn't notice it I'm so dumb! She's like an angel. 

"So how's my hair?" Taeyeon twirled her hair and glanced at it. "It's kinda dry, maybe I need to see my stylist sooner or later." Stylist? She has? I don't think so. Of course she's not really Kim Erika!

"It suits you" I just said as I brushed my fingers through her hair, it was soft and smooth.

"Thank you" Taeyeon wore her eyeglasses again.

"Why don't you use contact lens? Just the natural color because your eyeglasses covered your beautiful eyes. I mean, it's not clearly seen. And I thought it was kinda hitch." I'm just saying my opinion, I hope she's not offended.

"You think so? Okay... I'll meet my optician later." Taeyeon said as she adjusted her eyeglasses up. Well, she's sorta acting RK (rich kid).

"How about you? You're a cheerleader right? Tell me more about your life." Taeyeon looked excited and I'm grateful to tell her. This is the very first time that I will tell my life to others. She's not just like others though.

"Yepp, I'm a cheerleader. I like to show people my talents, I want them to be amazed and to satisfy them with my performance. It makes me happy getting all the attention 'cuz I'm longing for it when I was a child. I like to study but I'm hiding it to people because I want them to see me as tough and cool. I don't want them to see my soft side I'm afraid that they will abuse it." It's really amazing how my feelings getting better, now that I opened myself to someone.

"Nah" Taeyeon tousled my hair and I gave her my eye smile "Try to be yourself Tiffany, are you really happy pretending just to make people believe what you want them to believe about you? You're prisoned with your own expectation to yourself." Ouch, she's right.

"If I let myself out to the world Tiffany, will you do the same?" I don't understand her, let herself out? Did she mean to come out?

"Let people know who we really are... I mean just be yourself. I'm not asking you to reveal your personal life but I want you to be yourself. Promise, it'll make you more happy." Taeyeon reassured me as she held my hand and her touch was soothing.

I nodded twice "I will try" I'm not really sure.

"You trust me right?" Yes, I trust you but... I'm afraid. I looked at her with my hesitating features.

Then Taeyeon lifted my hand and kissed the back of it, I blushed "Don't be afraid Tiffany, I'm here for you. I will protect you, I promise."

I sighed in relief "Okay" I shortly replied.

"So weekend will start tomorrow, we have no classes and when Monday comes... all people here in the Uni will know who I am." Whaaaat? She will say that she's a lesbian? Seriously?

I glanced at my watch, it's already 5pm. Ugh!! I will be late at my work! I stood up "Taeyeon, I'm sorry but I need to go."

Taeyeon also stood up and dusted her pants "Where are you going?"

"I have my part time job in a grocery store I think I'm gonna be late" 

"You want a lift?" Taeyeon asked.

"No, thanks. I can handle it. Thank you for the time, I really enjoy it." I pecked her cheek and lowered my head. I'm so embarrassed.

"Cute. Okay, see you on Monday?" Then she pressed her lips on my forehead, just hasty.

I quickly nodded and smiled "I gotta go!' I waved my hands to her and rushed down the stairs. Yeepee! This is one of the best days in my life!


I reached the building of my apartment, I was panting, just ten minutes more. I used the stairs because the landlord didn't bother to fix the damage of the elevator. Actually, the building is old that's why the rent is I think the cheapest here in City of Seoul. I ran up to the stairs, my unit is in third floor.

I was very happy today because of Taeyeon, I really like her though. As I'm near to my unit, I saw my landlord standing in front of my door. She's an old lady we call her Ahjumma. I stopped in front of her, she looked angry. 

"Where's your payment young lady?" I mentally smacked my forehead I remember that uncle didn't send me money for almost three months.

"I-I'm sorry Ahjumma but... I still don't have money to pay you."

"WHAT??" She practically yelled.

"Promise I will give it to you when I get my salary in my part time." I pleaded.

"No! You just said it last month but until now you didn't pay me! You owe me almost 4 months of rent young lady! I'm not that old to fool!" She angrily said.

"Please give me more time" I bowed at her.

"No! You will pay all your debts tomorrow night or I will kick you outta here!" She firmly said.

"All? But-"

"No buts' young lady! I'm being kind to you but please be responsible. You have to pay me 300,000 won tomorrow or you will be kick out here?" She didn't wait for my response as she walked out.

(300,000 won is equal to 266 usd)

Oh great, I was so happy awhile ago and now what? I'm so stress. I changed my clothes and wore my uniform as a cashier. I'm still thinking where will I get money to pay ahjumma. My salary is not enough to reach 300,000 won. I have no one to ask help and Taeyeon is just the same with my situation. I know she's not rich too. If I didn't pay it tomorrow, I'll become homeless.

I went to my work, I'm late because I didn't notice the time I'm busy thinking where will I get money. I need money. I don't want to be kicked out.

The hours have passed and my shift was done. It's already 12 in the evening and my boss talked to me, she knew that I'm not in myself the whole time.

"I noticed that you're bothered, what's the problem Tiffany?" Sooyoung asked.

"I'm sorry boss" My boss Sooyoung is kind to me, she's like a friend. Maybe she'll help me? 

"What is it?"

"Boss, can... can I... Can I borrow money? I need to pay my landlord or else she will cast me out in her apartment." I nervously asked, I hope that she will help me.

"How much will you borrow? 

"250,000 won boss."

Sooyoung frowned "I'm sorry Tiffany but I can't lend you money now because I just paid the supplier, and I almost spent all my savings to it. You know... my store is not that marketable." She pulled out money in her pocket and gave it all to me "This is all I can help, don't bother to pay me back." Then she walked towards the storage.

Sooyoung gave me 120,000 won, she's really kind. Still, my money is not enough but I'm thankful to her. I have 50,000 so 130,000 more. Where will I get that? 

I'm starting to lose hope now, where will I live? In the street? Can I survive there? I wanted to cry, I'm being vulnerable again.

Then Sooyoung walked back to me "Do you want job only for 2 months. And the salary is high, 500,000 won a week."

"What? 500,000?" Where the heck is that? Wait, I'm not going to sell my body. I crossed my arms on my chest protecting myself.

"Are you willing to do everything? I mean, can you do everything?" What? I hope it's not what I think it is.

"W-what do y-you mean bo-boss?" I stuttered. Whoossh, it's kinda hot here.

"Oh. It's not what you think Tiffany, can you do everything I mean in household chores? My friend Mrs. Lee needs assistant for her daughter because she will go to Busan for 2 months."

I widened my eyes 500,000 won a week, that's cool! "Yes boss, I can do household. Everything and I'm so willing to do that!" I shrieked, I can't contain my feelings. I felt elated. This is the answer to my problem!

"Good. Come here tomorrow around 10 and I will take you there. Be ready, they're big time! And I trust you!" Sooyoung winked at me and smacked my shoulder. "Go sleep, get rest and don't stress yourself. Good night beautiful."

When Sooyoung said that I was so happy because I will earn more though I need to work hard for it.

Mrs. Lee was surely my angel that fell from the sky! I will do my best so that my boss will not be disappointed to me and also Mrs. Lee.


The next morning.

I woke up with the smile on my face, I was so excited to meet my new boss. So I prepared myself, I know I'm just like a helper there but still I want to show them that I'm decent and educated person as I dressed neat.

I went to the grocery store before 10 am and I saw my boss waiting for me outside. Sooyoung has her big smile to me.

"Good morning, you look perfect." Sooyoung commented.

"Thanks boss, good morning too!" I cheerfully said.

"Mrs. Lee will be impressed, I like your fighting spirit!"

"I will not disappoint you boss" I'm confident about it.

"I know Tiffany, let's go?"

I nodded. We used her car and she took me in a village. It took time, before the guards let us in. They called Mrs. Lee first to confirm that we are her visitors. They also checked Sooyoung's car to make sure that we don't hide anything. 

As I looked outside, I saw modern houses and mansions everywhere. Sure thing, this village is for rich people only.

Almost end of the village and we stopped in a big gate, I can see the house, it's not that big as I thought but walls around the house were tall and thick. There were guards at the side of the gate too.

Sooyoung and I went out of the car then a guard walked towards us.

"I'm Choi Sooyoung" My boss said.

"Oh Ms. Choi, come in. Madam Lee was waiting for you." the guard said politely.

As we walked in, I toured my eyes. The garden in front was huge and it was beautiful.

We walked in the house, I see that the ceiling was high and there's huge chandelier at the center of it. The second floor was easily seen, there are two rooms and the wall is pure white. Clean and neat.

I can see that the types of furniture are expensive, it's kinda nervous to move it. I know I can't pay for it.

Then a middle age woman approached us. She has her breeding with her smart look attire.

"Sooyoung I'm glad that you came!" I bet she's Mrs. Lee and I stiffened.

"Of course Lee! Anyway, this is Hwang Tiffany." Sooyoung introduced me. I think they're really close to each other.

I gave her a smiled and bowed politely.

Mrs. Lee raised her eyebrows and grinned "Wow, she's beautiful!"

"Thank you Madam" I said.

"She's beauty and brain, Lee!" Sooyoung cockily said.

"Yeah, I can see it Choi but are you sure she can do household thingy?" Mrs. Lee narrowed her eyes as she observed me.

"Yes madam, I'm independent so I'm used to it. Promise, I will do my best here." I explained myself.

Mrs. Lee smiled at me "Don't worry Tiffany, I will hire you and I trust Choi."

"Thank you Madam Lee!" I bowed 90 degrees, I'm so glad to hear that.

"Anyway, my young master will go down here in any moment, maybe she's awake now." Mrs. Lee said as she glanced at the stairs.

"She's like your daughter right?" Sooyoung asked. I thought she's really the mother.

"Yes, I treat her like my real daughter."

Sooyoung faced me "Don't be confused Tiffany, Lee is the major-domo here" She's just a servant here?? Are they kidding me? I mean... I thought she's the owner of this house. She looked rich and she's like a wife of a big time businessman.

Then suddenly, someone was walking down the stairs. A girl with black hair, she's still wearing pajamas.

"Young master, good morning" Mrs. Lee bowed so I bowed to her too. "So this is Hwang Tiffany, you're new Lady. She will be in charged while I'm away."

"Hwang Tiffany" I heard the girl said my name with her husky voice. Wait, I think I heard that somewhere. I looked up to see the girl.

Oh my gosh, my eyes went big and I made an O-shape with my mouth when I saw the young master.

It's her.


What do you think Taeyeon will reveal in Monday?

And who's the young master? :D 

Thanks for the good feedback guys!

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