Tiffany's POV
Me and Taeyeon took a bath together (Ya, don't think of dirty things! We just took a bath... Then a little make out) and after we dressed up. Taeyeon said we will going somewhere but Mrs. Lee will gonna talk to us first, I guess?
Mrs. Lee looked steely, she's scary like a very strict mom of Taeyeon. I think she didn't like me the way she glared at me with her 'disgust look'.
We went down to the living room and Mrs. Lee was there waiting for us. She's so serious as ever. I gulped when I met her hard gaze, Taeyeon just looked calm.
"We're going somewhere, let's just talk later." Taeyeon nonchalantly said.
"No, we will talk now!" Mrs. Lee demanded.
"What do you want? Yes Tiffany is my girlfriend. What's wrong with that huh?" Taeyeon annoyingly asked. Wait. She's being rude to Mrs. Lee. Am I a bad influence now?
"You're disrespecting me because of this girl?? You just met her! I took care of you for many years Taeyeon!" Mrs. Lee yelled. I feel my heart clenched.
"So what? It's your job right? Don't act like you're my mom because you're not!" Well that's really offensive.
Taeyeon grabbed me out of the house, she just ignored Mrs. Lee whose calling her. What's wrong with Taeyeon? I know something was up that I don't know.
Taeyeon was driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat. She didn't say a thing so, do I.
But I don't like the silence, it makes me feel unease.
"Taeyeon... Why? Why you acted like that?" I asked, I hope she's not mad.
Taeyeon sighed "I'm sorry... Obviously, she doesn't like you and I don't want to argue."
"But please, try to understand her. She's like your mother that's why she's being protective to you." I tried to explain Mrs. Lee's side.
"I know" Taeyeon shortly replied, apparently she don't wanna talk about it.
I puffed my cheeks "Where are we going anyway?"
"We'll meet detective Kim, she has the result."
"Really? So you'll gonna know your real mom?" Taeyeon nodded.
I yipped "That's great! I'm happy for you Tae!"
"Thank you Pani"
Finally, she'll be completed. I'm so excited to see the result. It brightened my mood. It's a good news.
I kept fidgeting my feet underneath the table while looking at the detective, so Taeyeon was meeting her ever since the investigation about her real mother started. Detective Kim Jiwon is really beautiful, actually, she's like an actress. I don't know but I'm a little bit insecure at her. I mean, yeah totally insecure. She's perfect! Her poise and the way she talks, everything was great. Sighed. I'm like a potato compared to her.
I'm not jealous okay? I just can't help it but to compare myself to her.
Detective Kim gave an envelope to Taeyeon "So Taeyeon, confirmed... It's positive, she's your biological mother." She addressed my Tae with just her name? They're close huh?
Taeyeon just have blank expression "Thank you Jiwon, I already anticipated it. You know... people say, there's strange feeling of emotional attachment to someone like you feel comfortable and you easily get along well with that person. Then later on, you discovered that you are related by blood more or like, it's affinity." She laughed bitterly.
I don't get it, who's her mother? Did she meet her before? I felt like I'm out of place here. I want to ask but I could feel Taeyeon wasn't in the mood.
"Maybe she has a good explanation for this" Detective Kim said as she stood up and drew closer to Taeyeon then hugged her. "I know it's hard for you Taeyeon." She patted Taeyeon's back.
"Thanks for the help Jiwon" I frowned.
Jiwon faced Taeyeon and kissed her on forehead "I have to go now" She glanced at me "Please take care of her, she needs you most Miss Hwang" She slightly bowed and I did the same then she left us.
Taeyeon grinned looking at me but I can't see the pain in her eyes "I got the DNA test result, it's positive. I know who's my mother now."
My expression softened "Really?" She nodded. Should I ask further about it?
"I saw how you look at Jiwon, are you jealous?" She suddenly changed the topic then I lowered my head.
"Sort of" I said. I don't want to lie, Jiwon is almost perfect. Perfect for her.
Taeyeon turned her body to me and held my cheeks then she kissed my forehead "You don't have to. Besides, she's my cousin." She chuckled as she faced me.
My face reddened, I know it 'cuz I'm kinda embarrassed. Still, Taeyeon is so sweet "Oh" It's all I can say as I mentally facepalmed.
"I love you and you're the only one in my heart Pani" Taeyeon reassured me.
"I know... I'm just... you know, she's really beautiful, she's smart and I bet she's rich. She has everything. I just thought that she's perfect for you. I'm nothing compared to her." Yeah, I'm guilty with that. I even imagined myself like a potato beside Jiwon.
I heard Taeyeon sighed "Pani, don't compare yourself to her or to anyone. And please, always remember that you're the one who's perfect for me. Just you. You're amazing the way you are and you're fit to me. I hope you feel it the same way."
I happily nodded, of course I feel the same way. When I'm with her, I feel comfortable and there's nothing more that I could ask for. Taeyeon is enough for me.
"I love you so much Tae" Then I hugged her and she did the same.
"I love you so much more Pani... Anyway, let's talk about my biological mother in my car. And let's meet her after."
Meet her? Oh gosh.
On our way home, my mind couldn't process about Taeyeon's real mother. It's shocking but I'm glad to know her mother. I need to prepare myself and be ready to meet her.
And when we got home, Mrs. Lee was waiting for us in the living room. Her nostrils flared and she was glaring at us.
"Is this how Tiffany affect you Taeyeon? To be disrespectful??" Mrs. Lee asked in disbelief.
Taeyeon smirked with smug on her face and I gulped.
"And what's that huh? Really? You're smirking at me?" Mrs. Lee overreacted. "Tiffany is bad influence to you! And for god's sake, you two are both girls! It's disgusting!" It hurts me to hear that from her. Every word that she said was like a pang.
Mrs. Lee pointed her index finger to me "You! Get out of here! Now!" She ordered me as I stiffened and became nervous. I don't want to go away, I don't want to leave Taeyeon.
"No she will stay here with me" Taeyeon calmly said.
"You know Taeyeon, she just like you because you're rich! She's just slut and gold digger!" Awe. That really hurts. It's not me! I know myself. I love Taeyeon, not her money, not what she have but who she is.
"Don't say bad things about her! You don't know her!" Taeyeon growled glaring at Mrs. Lee.
Mrs. Lee was frustrated as ran her hand through her hair "I don't know you anymore Taeyeon, Tiffany changed you into a monster!"
"Don't be blind. I'm not like this because of Tiffany. I'm treating you like this because I hate you! Yes, I feel it." Taeyeon firmly said and she held my hand. She's shaking as I held her hand tight.
"What do you mean you hate me? After what I did to you?!!" Mrs. Lee shouted.
"So now, your saying this on my face to tell me that you're regretting it?" Taeyeon chuckled humorless.
Mrs. Lee softened her eyes "No... it's... it's not what I mean Taeyeon-"
"You're regretting me right?"
Mrs. Lee furrowed, she's quite confused.
"I thought you're just doing this because it's your responsibility but I think, you really don't like me... You don't want me here." Taeyeon reiterated.
"Mom" Yes. Mrs. Lee is her biological mother. After all those years, Taeyeon was just with her mother all along.
Mrs. Lee was dumbfounded as her tears escaped from her eyes. She opened her mouth but she didn't say a word.
"Yes, I just confirmed it now." Taeyeon threw the envelope on the floor. "It's the DNA test of us. Positive. I used your hair on the brush in your old room." Taeyeon was shaking, I know she will gonna burst anytime.
Mrs. Lee lowered her head, she looked very guilty.
"Why?" Taeyeon's voice broke. I hate the sound of it. "Why did you do that? Why did you leave me and dad? You're my mother but..." Tears filled her eyes then she took a deep breath "Don't you have plan to tell me about it? Until now huh?"
"I swear... I've tried many times but I'm afraid that you will hate me." Mrs. Lee answered with her wobbly voice.
Taeyeon shook her head "Why? Why did you abandon me? You don't like me? Am I a mistake??" She desperately asked.
Mrs. Lee frantically shook her head "No baby, no. It was complicated that time but I swear, I love you so much." I can hear her sincerity. Maybe it's really hard for her too.
"Then tell me, why did you have to leave me?" Taeyeon asked again.
Mrs. Lee sighed and gazed at Taeyeon, she's still crying "As I said, that time was complicated. When I'm working with your dad, I'm already engaged with my husband now. Me and your dad became friends, he treated me well and we fell in love with each other. Then I got pregnant, I'm so happy with that but I'm afraid to my parents. I love them and I can't disappoint them." She paused.
"So you left me because of them? I hope you just kill me!" Taeyeon gritted her teeth.
"NO!" Mrs. Lee and I said in chorus as Mrs. Lee glanced at me.
I kissed the back of Taeyeon's hand "Don't say that Tae, please..."
Taeyeon glanced at me "I'm sorry" And I nodded.
"It never crossed my mind Taeyeon! Never! I love you! But I'm coward back then, I obeyed my parents to marry Sang Soon. It was the tradition of my family. They don't care if your dad was the richest man, I already agreed with them. I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry..." Mrs. Lee sobbed and sniffled hard as she clawed her chest.
I could feel Mrs. Lee, all of her emotions. I unconsciously wiped my tears on my cheeks.
"I don't regret it Taeyeon, I love Sang Soon now and our daughter Hayeon. But please don't get me wrong, I love you as much as I love Hayeon. You know, she's very like you. And I still love your dad, he's amazing person. I will always love him. I know it's my fault, I don't have courage that time. When you were born, your dad didn't put my name in your birth certificate. He hated me for ditching him then he took you away from me."
Taeyeon remained silent but I know she's hurt hearing this right now.
"After three years, he came back from america and asked me if I want to take care of you. God knows how happy am I that time. Actually I thought you're a boy..." Mrs. Lee chuckled. "That's why I called you Master. Until now, I'm still afraid Taeyeon. I don't want you to hate me but I swear I really tried to tell you... I just can't. I'm sorry."
"Okay... I've heard enough. You're forgiven." Taeyeon nonchalantly said.
Mrs. Lee and I blinked our eyes in confusion looking at Taeyeon.
"Actually, I really wanted you to be my mom. I always wish for that. And I guess, God granted my wish. And also thank Tiffany... she said that I should listen to you first and hear you out. I did. We can never bring back what happened that time, you treat me and love me as your real daughter. I mean, you just did what you have to. There's only one thing I want to ask you, please accept Tiffany. I love her and I trust her." After Taeyeon said that, she walked up to her room leaving me and her mother astonished.
I looked at Mrs. Lee and she looked back at me with her serious face, she stepped closer to me as she gazed at me. Those hard gazes, it made me shudder. She's really intimidating. I don't know, maybe she really don't like me for Taeyeon but I'm happy because they're fine now.
"Mrs. Lee, I really love your daughter. Please give me a chance to prove it. I don't care about her money or power, I just want her... I want to be with her, I want to make her happy. I know, I'm not rich. I don't have so much to offer but only my love for her and I'll always be honest to her." My voice was trembling but I want her to believe me because I'm just saying the truth.
"Thank you" Mrs. Lee suddenly said and her eyes softened.
I was confused, I know she didn't like me but did I hear it right? She thanked me?
"Thank you for loving my daughter. And with what you said, we're just the same. I'm sorry, I'm just being protective over Taeyeon but I know that I can trust you Tiffany. I feel it just from the start. We're just the same, the only thing is you're brave to fight for your love. Don't hurt my Taeyeon. And I'm not hypocrite, if you two are happy... I will not interfere." Then she walked out of the living room. I was stunned. She accepted me? For real? Oh myyyy...
I ran up and followed Taeyeon. I entered the room, I saw her standing and I hugged her. I was very happy then she hugged me back as she giggled.
"You look very happy Pani" Taeyeon said. I think she's fine now.
"Yes, Mrs. Lee accepted me as your girlfriend!" I squealed.
Taeyeon tittered "Good to know, I think my mom really likes you." Mom. She called her mom.
"I'm glad that you and your mom are okay now."
"Thank you for convincing me to listen to her. Maybe, it's really tough for her that time. I don't want to blame her anymore, you're right Pani... I don't want to waste my time in anger. I feel so much better now having you and my mom." Taeyeon kissed my crown and I giggled.
"This is so great" I said as I put my forehead on her shoulder.
The next morning.
Me, Taeyeon and Mrs. Lee were eating our breakfast. It's quite awkward because of the silence.
"So... when is the wedding?" Mrs. Lee asked all of a sudden.
Me and Taeyeon choked. I smacked my chest few times and I feel heat on my face.
"What?" Mrs. Lee innocently asked.
"Mom, we're still studying" Taeyeon whined. "But I'm planning to marry her after we graduate."
I stared at Taeyeon and smiled. She's planning to marry me? It makes my heart melt.
Mrs. Lee nodded "What about you Tiffany? Will you marry my daughter?"
"Mom, I'm the one who supposed to ask that!" Taeyeon grumbled. She's really cute.
And me and Mrs. Lee laughed in unison. Taeyeon is so adorable. Everything is fine now as if nothing happened.
"Mrs. Lee, I would love to."
"Mom. You can call me mom." Mrs. Lee corrected me and I'm glad to call her mom. It's one of my dreams... to have a mom. I feel that tears will going to escape my eyes so I looked up trying to stop it.
Taeyeon held my hand "Are you alright baby?"
I nodded "I'm just happy... you know, I never met my mother."
Taeyeon caressed my hand and kissed the back of it.
Mrs. Lee stood up and drew closer to me then she hugged me "I'll be your mom now Tiffany. I'll take care of you like Taeyeon."
I smiled as tears were streaming down on my cheeks "Thank you Mrs- mom." It feels so good "Thank you mom"
Mrs. Lee pulled back and looked at me, she wiped my tears "Don't cry now, big girls don't cry." She chuckled then she was back to her seat.
"Anyway Pani, pack your things. We will go to Jeju, Seohyun invited us there just to have a short vacay. I already booked our flight. Are you coming mom?"
Mrs. Lee shook her head "Sorry baby, Hayeon will go here tomorrow. Just enjoy your trip."
"I'm so excited to meet Hayeon. Okay, we will. Thanks mom and take care." Taeyeon said.
"Will do, you too." Mrs. Lee sweetly smiled at us.
"Pani, Jessica was there too." Taeyeon informed me. What? Jessica?? That girl again huh?
From smiling to blank, I was deadpanned at the moment.
"Don't worry Pani, I will not do anything bad this time. I promise, I will not break your trust." Taeyeon said looking at me in the eyes.
I nodded, it's not that I don't trust Taeyeon but I don't trust Jessica. She likes Taeyeon and I think she's a girl that will do anything to get what she wants.
I hope this vacay will be fun though!
N/A: I'm on hiatus but single update won't hurt right? I will try to update, one at a time. Srry T___T
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