Private Lesson 1: Katsuki Bakugo part 2.
"Alrighty then.. Let's open our Theorem to the creation of Productive Teamwork form Rag Tag Groups once again to page 3 shall we..?"
Narina looked up at Bakugo, who continued to stare grumpily into space, his book unopened on the desk.
They were in the empty 1 A classroom after school, doing one of his now required private tutoring sessions with Narina.
Narina personally felt Bakugo to be the last person she'd want to tutor.. but she also realized out of everyone, due to his tremendously hot temper, and loner type attitude, he probably needed it the most.
As much as he acted like a ginormous jerk, Narina had the feeling that he inherently wasn't a bad person... he was just insecure and he didn't like to admit it.. Narina had met enough of those people before after starting basic training at her job to know when she saw another.
The whole Black Ops hero business was filled with people trying to hide their insecurities by looking tough.
Of course though.. some of that toughness in Bakugo's case was genuine.. but it was combined with jealousy for somebody.. and she had a sneaking suspicion who it was..
"Hey! Earth to Baka-Go." said Narina, knowing the name would get his attention. "We can get started on this, or we can be here for 3 more hours than we're supposed to trying to get you to learn something out of this.."
Bakugo glared at Narina. "Don't call me that.. I'll kill you!"
"Okay.. here it is again.. the whole 'i'll kill you thing'. I know you don't really want to go killing civilians or other heroes.. like really, really. but just blatantly saying that every time you get mad is going to make the public distrust you." Narina said. "And if that happens, you'll never get far in the hero business.. "
"HA! As if that makes a hero!" Bakugo snapped.
"On the contrary.. that's pretty much fifty percent of heroism!" said Narina. "The costumes, the heroic dialogue, the capes! Why do you think we all wear that goofy spandex? Human beings like to cling onto figures to worship, that's how the concept of Super Hero first emerged in comic books.. the flashiness endears us to the audience.. the people we're trying to protect, and gives them a sense of security! Never fear! That very awesome looking guy with a cape is here! He looks cool!! Surely we're safe now!"
Narina tapped her head with a finger. "Heroism is half super powers, and half public endearment. And if you can't handle one of those, then you're going to have to grit your teeth and deal with it.. like me.."
Bakugo stared at Narina. "What? You control your powers just fine.. "
"Not my powers Baka-go!" said Narina. "I.. like you.. have the most trouble with the public fame aspect of heroism. Let's just say these powers weren't ACTUALLY the ones I pictured myself having.. the fact that every time I go full strength i look like a part dragon armored stripper.. or that I am now pasted on Darumaka Body Pillows, posing with boobs bigger than my actual size.. "
"Oh.." Bakugo said.
"Oh is right." said Narina. "i HATE this kind of fame.. yet I deal with it because it puts citizens at ease when I arrive at a crime scene or a battle area, so I don't deal with even MORE problems when I'm doing something like evacuation. Bakugo.. if you don't take care of your public image or your potential public image.. you'll end up making things WORSE every time you go fight a villain.. and people WILL die."
"Heroes are supposed to always win right?" Bakugo growled. "As long as I always win.. who cares!!?"
"There are VILLAINS who always win too!" Narina exclaimed
"HA! As if!"
"I MEAN it!!" Narina growled. "How about I tell you.. about a villain from long ago.. WHO ALWAYS WON..? hhmmm?"
Bakugo glared at Narina but remained silent. "Eh? Well he ain't around now right? So he lost at some point.."
"Yeah... he did lose.. though nobody truly knows if he did.. his body was never found." said Narina. "There actually once was an aspiring hero, back before schools for heroes were invented. He was the strongest telekinetic Esper type hero ever.. one whose abilities were so strong.. he could levitate mountains from a distance of 40 miles with barely a thought.. He always won.. all the time, with ease... the world saw him, along with his rival.. a hero named Mighty Man.. as the world's greatest hope during the 21st century.."
"Eh? Thought you said this was a villain.." said Bakugo.
"I'm getting to that part." said Narina. "he became obssessed with winning.. so much so that he forgot that heroes were there to protect others... so.. he grew his own technological empire to help him develop new ways to further surpass his limits.. to study how to grant him power.. but his ideals went too far.. he started trying to mutate his abilities, so that he'd be strong enough to throw the Moon into the Sun if he so wished.. so Mighty Man confronted him... and defeated him.."
Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "Heh.. guess that didn't sit right with him.."
"You kidding? The hero was furious at his rival.. he had been beaten.. and by another hero no less." said Narina. "Finally.. after that, he snapped, and turned his back on heroism.. he became obsessed with gathering power so much.. that he summoned an otherworldly demon named Fell Knight to assist him.. and went on slaughtering hundreds.. all for the sake of gathering enough power to take down Mighty Man... he became a monster.. worse than Hitler.. worse than the most terrible demon.. he became the most famous villain from my native land... Dread Commander."
Narina pointed carefully at Bakugo, her face completely serious. "If you keep obssessing with winning over what it truly means to be a hero... then you'll end up just like Dread Commander... and that kid you're holding a grudge against... Izuku Midoriya... he will be the one whose called a hero for trying to stop you!! And in the end.. because you never became a hero yourself.. you will have ultimately lost to him!!"
"I'll say it.. and I'll keep saying it over and over!!" Narina said. "I care more about your potential and well being than what you think of me!! Trust me, I'm a professional at that.. it's part of the hero job!! Plus.. I know the only way you pay attention to people is if they insult you! So I can do this ALL day Baka-Go! I'm gonna keep showing you tough love over and over till you don't need it!"
Bakugo stood up and walked away.
"Where are you going? Our hour isn't up?"
"SOMEWHERE AWAY FROM HERE!!!!!" Bakugo roared as he kicked the door open and slammed it shut behind him.
Bakugo walked down the street as the sun set over the edge of UA High School. "Damn Sparky Dragon... she doesn't know ANYTHING!"
"Does she?"
Bakugo looked up, Kirishima was waiting nearby, grinning. "So.. I take it you stormed out huh?"
"Huh?" said Bakugo.
"Come on.. it was pretty obvious you were gonna take that route.." said Kirishima. "You like her after all.."
"Shut up.." grumbled Bakugo.
"Come on.. what's the harm in telling her how ya feel?" said Kirishima. "I mean.. I wouldn't be embarrassed.. considering how hard core of a chic she is.. I mean she isn't particularly Lady Like, and yet she's also got these lady like traits that turn up now and then.. like baking and that cute expression she gets whenever you mention anime. If anything, I bet there are a few guys in our class who are already planning on asking her out.."
"And what if I care?!" growled Bakugo. "It's not like anybody else is gonna-."
"Ehem.. excuse me.. Narina-chan.. I was wondering if you would like... no that's not right.. er.. Ms. Yukata-senpai.. I had these spots reserved at a well known Italian place no.."
Tenya was walking past Kirishima and Bakugo in the opposite direction, muttering to himself.
"Oi! Tenya.. what are you doing?" asked Kirishima.
"Oh.. it's you two!" said Tenya. "I'm.. going to ask Narina out on a date.. I'll admit, I do find her attractive.. so maybe as Class Representative, I might stand the most chance of asking our tutor out-.. eh? Where is Bakugo?"
"HAH!?" Kirishima stammered as he looked around, an imaginary dotted line shaped like Bakugo blinking on and off in his head where Bakugo was a few seconds ago.
Back in the school, Bakugo slammed the door open, and walked back into the 1A classroom. "Hey.. "
"Hmmm? Back again?" Narina looked up from where she had been putting her books back in her bag. "Had a chance to cool off?"
"No." said Bakugo. "But I sorta just accepted the fact that there's no escaping from this.. I need to finish this to become a hero right? So let's just get this freaking over with.. "
Narina stared at Bakugo a little. She hadn't expected him to take such a dramatic leap of faith on the first day.. whatever his reasons were though, she guessed this was a good thing..
"Narina-chan!! I was wondering if you would like to-.."
"WHAM!" Bakugo kicked Tenya out the moment he entered the door and shut the door for good measure.
Narina stared. "Uh.. what was he doing..?"
"NOTHING!" roared Bakugo as he started to go red in the face.
The next few days were filled with Narina tutoring Bakugo after class. Narina by no means did she EVER go easy on him. She drilled him intensely on basic social interaction with other heroes and civilians, as well as well as learning to apply team work with random heroes and differing quirks.
Narina decided to use her own friends from her world as examples for Bakugo to hash out scenarios, as he had never met them before.. made sense right?
Narina knew that Bakugo's motives weren't because her speech about Heroes got to him, or her story about Dread Commander. But whatever his motives, she was glad he had actually found a reason to start listening to her.
It was a hellish experience. Bakugo was not good at following instructions, and his strong will, and hard temper made it tough to get him to sit through imaginary scenario training. Plus there was no getting rid of the scary expression on his face that Narina was SURE would scare everyone the moment they saw him.
Well she guessed that there were comic books on Rebel Heroes with delinquent faces... like Luke Cage.. or maybe Red Hood.. but in real life, delinquent faces did not come across as "cool" to a panicking public at large during a high stress situation.. in fact, one thing she learned was that despite how popular Dead Pool was, when a school shooting was happening, nobody wanted Deadpool's mug to be the first thing they saw when a responder on the scene.. in fact.. people would much rather boring ol' Super Man than fun and interesting Dead Pool.
Cliche.. was sometimes the best help for somebody in dire straits.
Despite the hellish experiences of teaching Bakugo though, Narina was happy to find that he WAS trying, and he was making progress. Aizawa had told her that there was a moment during a school outing that he had met a couple of children, and they DIDN'T run off screaming for their parents. That was progress if Narina ever saw any..
On one of the last days of Bakugo's required extra tutoring, Narina found herself feeling exceptionally pleased, when she listed another scenario and he answered perfectly.. and not with a forced attitude.
"Okay.." said Narina. "Imagine you are in a swamp environment, with my friend Violet, hero name Cirque Le Dead. You two are approaching a group of villains on foot with no backup set to arrive for 2 hours, but you DO have a least a few heroes for backup guaranteed to be there should you make the wait... however, the villains are going to execute a hostage in 10 minutes
"HA! Easy!" Bakugo said confidently. "The strategy's the same if it were Tokoyami! We use her shadow powers to scope out the situation quickly and look for a point of entry!
"Good.. there's a point of entry in the back door of the facility in the swamp. They don't notice you, but there are 3 guards, each with powerful quirks strong enough to take you each one on one.. "
'We don't fight.. we take the sneak approach, we take em each down one by one.. she uses her shadows to pull em in unawares.. and then I knock em out with one explosion while she uses a shadow shroud to muffle it." said Bakugo..
"Brilliant." said Narina, her face lightning up. They had never made it past this point in the scenarios before.. taking out the unawares villains, usually Bakugo just said. "I BLOW EM UP LIKE SWISS CHEESE!!"
"We've reached the final scenario.. the main villain boss is in the middle of the next room, the hostages are to one corner, he sees you.. he's too strong for either of you to defeat alone or together.. however you notice he's got a huge temper." Narina looked at Bakugo. "what do you do now?"
"Ha! Taunt him! Get him to follow us out of the facility and leave the hostages, then delay him instead of fight, that way the guaranteed reinforcements arrive and help us take him down!" said Bakugo.
"And.. you pass." Narina said.
"Wait... what!?" stammered Bakugo. "No surprise trap!? No... 'hey you made the wrong choice, you just died'!? REALLY!?"
"Yeah.. you passed." Narina said. "I'm proud of you Katsuki."
"... not Baka-go?"
"No.. calling you Katsuki.. you deserve that much since you're not acting too much like a baka now."
Bakugo looked amazed, as if unable to really know what to do with this.
"You still have a long way to go... I mean, I think I'm right in saying you still prefer to work alone instead of in a group.. " said Narina. "And there's that whole issue with Izuku you need to get resolved.."
Narina fell out of her chair, taken off guard by the sudden outburst.
"H.. HUH!?" Narina stammered, climbing back up.
"I... I would like you to come see the new All Might Movie with me.." stammered Bakugo.
Meanwhile, in Bakugo's mind he thought, 'CURSE YOU KIRISHIMA!! THAT DIDN'T HELP AT ALL!!'
****** 2 hours earlier******
"Hey Bakugo!" Kirishima said as class was ending and Narina was off at the restroom. "Me, Denki and several of the girls are going to see that new All Might movie.. how about ya ask Narina to come?"
"Why me?" Bakugo spat. "Go ask her yourself."
"Well.. if YOU ask her.. and if she sits with YOU.. it'll be more like.. well.. a date." said Kirishima wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah Bakugo! Try and take some initiative and you might just bear some fruit!" said Hanta Sero.. a classmate with black hair and a notable toothy grin, who always hung around Kirishima, and by default, Bakugo. "Can't hurt can it? I mean.. we have one more ticket.. and it's either Narina... or Izuku! Take your pick.."
Bakugo gritted his teeth furiously. "You planned this didn't you all?"
"Come on.. it's no secret you like her.. she's the only teaching assistant in the entire school you snap at when she hasn't even provoked you.." said Kirishima. "And that blushing doesn't help your case either."
"Sh.. SHUT UP!!" roared Bakugo, as he blushed. "SHE'S AN IDIOT!! IIIIDIOT!!"
"HAHAHAHA! Oh my god he's gone Tsun Tsun!!" stammered Sero, falling over, tears of laughter in his eyes.
"Anyways.. Bakugo.. " said Kirishima. "Here's a little tip from a Real Man about dating! Girls can be pretty unsure about dating at first.. so it's best to catch em off guard so they can't say no... say it so suddenly and quickly, that instead of getting cold feet and refusing, they say what's REALLY on their mind automatically.. "
"Really now?" Bakugo muttered, raising an eyebrow.
"Trust me!!" said Kirishima, holding a thumbs up. "It's guaranteed!"
********Present time*******
"KIRISHIMA YOU TWIT!!" Bakugo growled.
"Huh!?" Narina said.
"N.. Nothing.." Bakugo growled. "Just.. we have one more ticket for the new All Might Movie premiering today... and I'd rather have you then Deku come.. so.. how about it?"
"Huh.. All Might in a movie hmm?" Narina muttered as she imagined a big screen showing the big guy going "I AM HERE WITH THIS BRILLIANT SMILE IN A MOVIE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
'Even in my imagination he's so overboard..' Narina thought, her body twitching. 'but.. I guess Bakugo deserves a little something after so much progress.. and he's probably trying to be nice and thank me.. which is amazing on his part since he doesn't seem to be the thanking type.. '
"Alright I'll go." said Narina. "When's the movie..?"
"In an hour or so.." said Bakugo, looking away and turning slightly red. "We're going with Kirishima, Sero, Denki, Kyoka, Hagakure and Yaoyorozu.. I'm the fourth guy.. and we need a fourth girl.. so... "
"Yeah.. okay! It's a date right?" Narina said, winking.
"HAAH!? PFFT WHO SAID-!?" Bakugo stammered and sputtered.
"HAHAHA! Just joking! Yeesh! Sensitive.. you remind me of my younger pre-rebirth self.." Narina said.
"It's a personal matter.. don't worry about it too much." said Narina with a smile. "I've made peace with it.. mostly."
Bakugo paused as Narina packed up her bags..
"Eh? What the hell ya want Asui?" Bakugo muttered.
"I thought you should know.. since you are interested in Narina-chan.. Ribbit.." said Tsu.
"I DON'T LIKE HER!!" Bakugo roared, blushing red.
"It's no use denying it.. everyone knows.. ribbit." said Tsu. "I am her friend.. and I would do anything to keep her privacy and protect her.. she is the type of person who would sacrifice her own life for a friend, and I intend to return that affection.. somebody like that is someone I hold dear.. and that's why.. for her sake, I will break a bit of that promise to keep her privacay."
"What the hell are ya saying?" Bakugo spat. "Just spit it out will ya?"
"i am the only who knows Narina's secret.. where she comes from.. who she is, except the Teachers, because I once accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation she was having with All Might-san and the Principle. " said Tsu. "I won't tell you everything.. but.. because you are attracted to her, I don't want you doing anything that would break her heart."
"If you think I'd do anything like that.." Bakugo began.
"I know you wouldn't.. ribbit.. as big headed as you are." said Tsu.
"BIG HEA-.."
"Just listen, ribbit. Narina-chan wasn't always a girl." said Tsu.
"HAH!?" Bakugo stared, stunned.
"Where she comes from, they have a technology called rebirth, where you can inherit a person's abilities by being reborn in another body." said Tsu. "She doesn't even know I know about that too.. she accidentally selected a girl without thinking.. and has been stuck living with that mistake ever since.. If you intend to date her.. but think you would judge her for who she is.. I advise you to stay away instead of risk breaking her heart.. Ribbit.. or.. or.."
Tsu took on one of the first serious angry looks she had ever taken her entire time in Class 1 A. "You will have to answer to me! Ribbit!!"
"So... whose body is that?" muttered Bakugo.
Narina looked at Bakugo, stunned.
"Who did ya rebirth into?" Bakugo asked, looking at Narina.
"... That's.. not precisely how it works.." Narina said. "My cells.. were fused and reconfigured with the one I rebirthed to.. so.. it's not somebody else's body.. it's completely new body with traces of myself and the rebirth material's features.. "
"Even so.. who was it..?" said Bakugo.
"My grandmother.." Narina said. "And how did you know about-..?"
"Doesn't matter... I just wanted to say... good choice." said Bakugo.
"You said you made peace with your mistake right? Well good.. anybody who can't make peace with such a spectacular new look should get a knock on the head right?" Bakugo growled, still blushing a little.
Narina remained quiet for a little, then she smiled. "You're nicer than you look.. you know that?"
"And he's back.." Narina sighed. "I don't know how you know about that.. but.. it's my biggest secret okay.. I.. would appreciate you not spreading it around... or talking about it.."
"I won't.. " snapped Bakugo grumpily. "Consider that my Hero's promise!! "
"A hero never breaks his word right? So if I make a promise as a hero.. it's not gonna break!" Bakugo snapped. "So remember that!!"
Narina smiled and nodded. "I believe you."
"So..." Bakugo said awkwardly twiddling his fingers. "How long have you been.. well.. female..?'
"2 years.."
'What's it like?"
"It's hell.." Narina said, her eye twitching. "Be glad you don't get periods.."
An hour later.. Narina was walking with the group to the movie theater..
"You did it!" Kirishima said gleefully to Bakugo, holding up two thumbs up. "Did you use my advice?"
"Never give me advice on women again.." Bakugo growled.
"Narina Narina!!" exclaimed Hagakure, dressed in a pink shirt and blue denim shorts, with sneakers... so thanks to her invisible body, she looked like a floating set of clothes and self walking shoes.. "you look so cute in those casual clothes! Where did you get them!?"
"I don't know honestly, Bella tends to buy clothes for me.. I'm okay with wearing whatever." said Narina. "I think you're cuter to be honest.. somehow you manage to look so pretty without actually.. well.. being seeable.."
"Heheheheheh.. you'll make me blush.."
"I don't think it matters if you blush.. nobody'd see it right?" Kyoka muttered boredly. "So hey.. when's the movie again?"
"30 minutes from now.. we're nice and early.. " said Sero as the group stopped and began handing over their tickets. "Best to get in early for the good seats right?"
"Logical enough.." Narina said.
"So Narina-chan.. you mind if you sit with Bakugo?" said Sero.
"Huh? why?"
"Cause it's... uh.. I want to sit with Hagakure!" stammered Sero.
"Yes! Exactly!!" Hagakure stammered.
"This.. feels.. familiar somehow.. why am I flashing back to that time Stoor and I took Mina and her older sister to see Hamlet when we didn't even like Hamlet..?" Narina muttered. "Eh.. probably nothing.. alright I'll sit with Bakugo if that's how you want it.."
As Narina headed in with Kyoka, the others nodded at Hagakure.
"BAKUGO!!" Hagakure ran over and Bakugo was shoved around the corner of the theater.
"OI! What are ya doin' invisible weirdo!?" roared Bakugo.
"Giving you.. DATING ADVICE!" stammered Hagakure. "Listen here Bakugo.. there is an important moment in every couple's life where when a date happens, you need to observe certain rules!!"
"Shouldn't my mother be having this talk with me and not you?" Bakugo muttered.
"BAKUGO!! LOOK INTO MY EYES!!" exclaimed Hagakure.
"... " Bakugo stared.
"Listen Bakugo! Every girl LOVES to be complimented!! You must remember to give Narina plenty of compliments! Make her feel special! But don't overdo it or she'll think you're clingy!! and.. if she finds herself in a scary part of the movie.. you must use that opportunity to allow her to cling to you!! Girls like men who feel strong and make them feel safe!!... and..if you make it to second base.. remember to always wear a con-.."
"TOOO FARRR!!" Bakugo raored, his eyes bulging comically as little explosions went off in his hands.
Meanwhile.. as Hagakure continued to give off her vicious stream of dating advice.. somebody entered the theater...
"Oho! Hello you two... a white haired angry boy.. and.. oh my.. is that an invisible girl? how cute.."
"Huh?" Bakugo looked up.. and as he did.. Kirishima entered the room.
"Hey guys! Are going to go in or.. .. or... haaaaaaa... haaa..."
Kirishima's jaw dropped, and his eyes turned to hearts.. "oh... wow.."
A girl was standing there. She had on a gothic style lolita dress.. and wore her dark deep night colored violet hair in spiralled twin tails..
"Oh.. my... another boy..' said the girl smiling pleasantly, her dark red eyes glimmering.. "Hello.. I am looking for a friend of mine... perhaps you lot can help me.."
Bakugo's eyes deepened into suspicious glaring. "Hahhh? You ain't ordinary.."
"Oh my.." said the girl, smiling, her face was exceptionally beautiful. "That's not nice.. or maybe.. that is a compliment.."
"Uh... uh.. I.. I AM EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!!" stammered Kirishima, bowing suddenly. "It.. IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU!!"
"Oh? So earnest.. I like that.." said the girl, twirling a black parasol in one hand. "I am Violet Kedavra... most pleased to make your acquaintance... Kirishima.... kun.."
"KUUUUUNNN!!" stammered Kirishima, squealing with glee as his face turned pink and blood dripped out of his left nostril.
"I am looking for a girl.. an unusual girl.. who doesn't belong here.. " said Violet. "Somebody.. who at least doesn't seem like she belongs.. my sister.. if you have met anybody like that.."
"Ya got the wrong people.." Bakugo muttered. "Everyone we've met belonged in one way or another.."
"What an odd description though.." said Hagakure. "But.. miss. Violet-san.. you seem awfully mysterious! OH OH!! Is this role playing?"
"Hmm? Oh.. no.. this is how I normally act.." said Violet as she brought out a cup of tea and began to sip it in a well mannered fashion.
"WHERE DID SHE GET TEA!?" stammered Kirishima.
"PLOT BAG!!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"In any case.. it appears I won't find my sister here.. I apologize for wasting your time.. " said Violet, as shadows seemed to twist and shimmer around her..
"Wait.. shadows.." Bakugo muttered. "Violet.. hold on a second.. OI WAIT!!"
Bakugo looked up.. only to find Violet had disappeared.. leaving nothing but a dark shimmer of black smoke in her wake.. as if a demon had just been there recently.
"Damn.. I didn't even get her phone number!" stammered Kirishima.
"Honestly I can't picture you with her though Kirishima-san!" said Hagakure.
"I don't think dating is what Plus Ultra entails!!" stammered Hagakure.
"Jeez.. what in hell was that..?" muttered Bakugo.
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