Fan Fics (14)
Disclaimer: I do not own Laurance's, Garroth's, Dante's or Aph's fanfics.
Your POV
I woke up the next morning to Ember shouting at something or someone. I groaned wanting to go back to sleep however, that wasn't an option. I heard the front door slam shut and my phone buzzed. I checked my phone first and I had a text from Aph and a text from Garroth.
G: We know what you've done... There's no point in hiding it anymore. Laurance, Dante, Travis and I don't know what to say.... We'd like to talk to you ASAP.
A: Hey Y/N! The guys asked me to come over to their house ASAP can you come with?
oh no not her as well...
Y: I got a text as well saying they would like to talk to me.
Y: and yeah just give me a min to get ready.
I got ready for the day in less than 2 mins. I rushed out the door and across the street to see Aph standing at the Guys' house. I walked up to her and she knocked on the door. Garroth came and answered.
"Aphmau, Y/N come inside." He said in a serious tone. I don't like the feeling of this. We walked in.
"Aphmau we need to know something. Same with you Y/N. And you have to tell me the truth." He said seriously.
"Why are you guys acting so weird?" Aph asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I don't like this either," I commented looking at Aph with a confused face.
"'Cause we know what you've done," Laurance replied also being serious. What were they talking about?
"Is your name Empress_Aphmau on Wattpad? And Y/N is your name _Xx(Y/N)xX_?" Garroth asked.
"What?!" Both Aph and I said in confusion.
"Are you or are you not?" Garroth asked again stepping closer to us.
"How did you--?" I started.
"It's her," Laurance stated, "And I'm pretty sure it is the same with Aph."
Dante walked in and cleared things up a bit more. Garroth read a part of Aph's story and they gave her some pointers on how to improve. garroth became a little bit sad because he wasn't that good at creative writing.
"Wait, guys, I know how we can improve our creative writing we can all write a small story then we can read it all out and see who's is more interesting. It'll be fun!" Aph suggested.
"That actually does sound like fun," Laurance commented.
"Yeah, it does!" I cheered.
"I'm down!" Dante added.
"I CAN GIVE IT A TRY!" Garroth yelled.
Aph and I went back to our houses to get our laptops. Once we got back we started. Shortly after Aph interrupted the silence.
"Times up!" She said cheerfully.
"No wait I haven't finished." Garroth panicked.
"I'm pretty sure I got this in the bag!" Dante said confidently.
I stayed silent because I had finished but was not confident about sharing. I've never been confident when it came to sharing stories so I pretended I wasn't there and hoped I didn't get picked.
"Who wants to go first?" Aph asked.
"I will!" Laurance said bravely.
"Once upon a time, there was a handsome guard named Laur--Lorelai. He was so handsome that all the girls from miles away would come to his village-- City named Meteli--opilous. However, he was not in love with any of these girls he just enjoyed showing off his muscles to them. Then one day a beautiful angel sailed in on her boat. As he was patrolling the plaza he saw her coming in from afar. He himself was nervous to approach her however she was looking for direction and approached him. He told her she was as beautiful as a pearl from the lost city of Atlantis and then they ended up getting married right then and there. The End"
"hahahaha! Is that all you got?" Aph said confidently.
"We had a time limit and it was a paragraph. I had to get to the good stuff." Laurance replied.
"LAME!" Dante sighed.
"Wanna go next Dante?" Aph asked.
"Oh um sure....!" He started.
"The year was 2017 and humanity was facing extinction at the hands of the alien potato invaders. Only one human colony remained on the planet but then the colony was attacked by the alien potatoes. And just as they were looking doom in the eye they looked up and saw their saviour... IT WAS DANTE with his amazing kungfu moves he saved the colony, eradicated the alien potatoes and got all the ladies because he was awesome with his muscles!"
"WHAT?! I never told you I was good at writing, I'm actually terrible!" He said.
"I think it was... creative! But you flattered yourself WAY too much!" Aph stated. "Anyway, my story goes like this..."
"Once upon a time in the land of Neko Atsume"
"Garroth, SUSH this is ma storeh and I luv to write 'bout cats!" Aph continued...
"Anyways, like I was saying before I was so RUDELY interrupted... Once upon a time in the land of Neko Atsume lived a pretty little princess named Apple Meow. Apple Meow ruled the kitty kingdom with an Iron Paw. She has many guard cats There's Garmeow, Laurmeow, Aarmeow, Travmeow, Danmeow and of course her two favourites Katemeow and Y/Nmeow. Katemeow, Y/Nmeow and Apple meow were best friends and they watched movies together every Sunday night but---
"BORING!" The guys interrupted.
"Ok fine I'm rusty when it comes to writing. I couldn't think of anything!" She exclaimed. "Garroth you're next!"
"Oh ok..."
"*Clears throat* Once upon a time there was a blond kitty cat who was devilishly handsome and he also had the voice of an angel. heheheh. His name was... urm, well let's call him 'G'. G was the guard of the town 'Kitty Drop' and was loyal to his lord who was a beautiful purple cat named spri- um ahh 'A'. One day G decided to tell his lord of his feelings toward her and he did and she ended up loving him back. hehehhehh. G and A ended up getting married and they had an adorable kitty wedding and then they had 40 kids!"
"40 KIDS?!" we all questioned.
"uh yeah? Don't cats have lots of kids?" He asked.
"Still that's a lot..." I replied.
"Oh Y/N I forgot you are here! It's Your turn now!" Aph told me.
I took a deep breath and started.
"One Day, there was a 5-year-old girl that lived with her Mother and Father. They were the happiest family in the neighbourhood until one night an unfortunate event occurred. The mother was part of a devastating car crash. The girl didn't understand what had happened but she knew she would never see her mother again... as the years went on her father became violent and abused the girl. She would lock herself in her room every time she came home from school and go online to the one place she could escape here worries. When the girl was old enough she moved out of her father's house with her friend to a happy street where she found her new best friends and one true love. In the end, her true love ended up loving her back and they lived happily for the rest of their lives." I finished with tears in the brim of my eyes holding back from letting my friends see me cry.
I felt warm arms pull me into a hug and I took the offer. I hugged back still not letting the tears run. I let go of the hug and told them I was ok.
"Excuse me guys I need to go to the lady's room," Aph excused. I decided to stand up and stretch seeing as I was sitting on the floor for like nearly an hour.
As Aph left the room, Dante walked up to her laptop and sat in front of it.
"Dante what are you doing?" I asked.
"Just gonna look at her browser history to see what kind of fanfics she reads," He said casually.
"DANTE! THAT'S NOT COOL!"Garroth yelled. I'm surprised Aph didn't hear him.
"Don't you wanna know if she looks up Garmau or Laurmau fanfics?" He asked the guys. The were mumbling things I couldn't understand
I felt a piercing pain through my heart. Did Laurance still have feelings for Aph? Why did he kiss me? I shook it off and realised they were stood behind Aph's laptop now with bright red faces.
"What are you guys doing now?" Aph asked. Ooooohhhhh~ They are in trouble~
The guys were stuttering like crazy now.
"okaaaay~ Well I'm gonna go home! I had fun here thanks for inviting me!" Aph waved cheerfully walking towards the door.
"I'm gonna head home to guys! Bye~" I waved smiling and walking home.
As I stepped in I heard someone crying upstairs. I followed the noise and it let to Ember's room. I stepped in to find....
A/N~ Wow I just wrote 1488 words!!! 0-0 And there is a cliffhanger! Thank you so much for reading this chapter! That is it, for now, my Little Flames!
What is the worst fanfic you have written? Can you share it in the comments? I would love to hear them!
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