My Hero Characters react to "Izuku the Reincarnated Chef"Chapter 10

Hello everyone and welcome to the tenth chapter of My Hero Characters react to "Izuku the Reincarnated Chef". With me once again is my friend and co-writer, JoySeeker101.

Joy: Hello! Glad to have you here again!

Sorry for the wait, we had other stories to work on, but we're here now and ready to see what happens next in this show. So, do we have today's guest?

Joy: Today we have a special one! The one and only lord of chaos and disarray.... NEZU! (confetti shower)

Nezu: (Walks out, smiling) "Hello~ Thank you for having me here~ Am I a mouse, bear, dog~? Who knows~? I'm the Principle of UA High~"

Joy: Damn best character in the entire show, and the one with the best laugh, the one with zero fucks given!

Nezu: "Oh my! Thank you! YAHAHAHA! So! Am I supposed to read a Disclaimer, right?"

You are, yes.

Joy: Make it good! Just like only you can!

Nezu: (Laughs) "I will do my best~"

Nezu: "This Gentleman and his friend do not own the contents of My Hero Academia, Toriko, Gourmet of Another World or anything else that appears in the story... Although they could get them if they ask me! Yahahahaha! Until then please support the official releases and authors... Until I get both under my control, that is! YAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How was it?"

Joy and He'art (holding a cross each): ... Good... thank you.

Was it a good idea to bring him in?

Joy: I am starting to regret it, truth be told.

Let's get onto the story now, shall we?

Joy: Yes, please. Before he actually takes over the original shows and people blame us!

Right, onto the story!


Chapter 10: Watching Episode Nine: "The terrifying True Power of the Vegetable and Soup Kings! Inoshiki Assault Arc Part 3"


Everyone was out in the lobby, either heading to a training room, or doing other stuff. The pets of Toriko's world were joining in as well, as well as Izuku's Pokemon, Marshadow joining in talking to them.

"You know, now that I see your pets out, do you think they'd be considered Ultrabeast if they went to the Pokemon world?" Kaminari asked, thinking out loud.

"Where'd this thought come from?" Jiro asked.

"I had just bought the Remake of the Sun Pokemon game before we came here, watching them reminded me of those."

"Can Pokemon be eaten?" Toriko asked.

"Depends," Izuku said, coming out with dishes he was practicing. "In the shows they did show that they can be eaten, but with some Pokemon, they are intelligent as humans, so it depends on your point of view and if they have treats that can grow food or in some Leaf Pokemon, if they can grow back parts."

"More or less, some parts can be cut off without too much of an issue, others are 'Shed off' like molting, others... Pokemon can just give them to you if you ask nicely and the piece will just regrow. They are strange creatures like that." Joy answered, shrugging.

"Very fascinating little things." He'art added.

"Oh, just so you know, we added in a new function in the Arena," Xara stated, walking over to Jirou to hand her another able sense she finished the last one. This one was 'Old Gods of Asgard'. "We added in a Boss and Raid Boss functions into it. They use Hard Light Constructs and they act just like the person or being that you chose."

"Manly!" both Kirashima and Tetsutetsu shouted. "Zebra Sensei! We should do one together, the three of us!"

"You aren't leaving me out, are you~?" Rumi asked, dragging her dragon friend with her.

Ryukyu let out a groan. "Do I have to...?"

"Heyu, you still need training in your new powers," Rumi stated, shrugging.

"Ah yes, all the battle maniacs fighting at the same time. All the flavors of bullcrap at once!" Kyoka answered, groaning.

"But it would be a good way to test our skills," Kiroshima stated. He then turned to Zebra. "Well Sensei~!? You're up for a hunt~?"

Zebra looked annoyed, but intrigued at the same time. "Hey, are some of these bosses hard?"

"They can be, yes, the more people you have, the higher the difficulty you can get. Rade bosses can go from 1 to 50 in power, the higher the number, the harder the fight. "With five of you, you can face a level 8 to 10, if you get two more to join, you can go to 15 to 20."

"Hey, Ibara, Sato, you want to join in?" Tetsutetsu asked. "Could be a good way to help train your new powers as well."

"I would love that, at least I won't risk hurting people by mistake." Sato admitted, humming.

"All in the pursuit of Justice in the name of God! I am in!" Ibara added.

"We do have a timer for these fights, because of how long the break is, so you either win the fight, last until time runs out, or your whole party is TKO'd." Xara stated.

Zebra just smiled. "Fine by me. Let's see how sturdy that place is!"

Toriko still looked shocked at Zebra getting along with the heroes and hero students. "I'm still surprised he can work with those kids and bare with the bunny and dragon girl."

"Same," Sunni stated. "Guess meatheads stick together."

"We heard that," both Rumi and Zebra stated.

"You were supposed to!" Sunni shouted.

"You are just being a killjoy! What? Are you afraid to break a nail?" Rumi said, smirking.


"God, it's like being a kindergarten teacher," Aizawa said, sighing.

"I live through this every time I meet my brothers," Coco answered, grimacing.

"Wow, depressed guys on one side and hot-head morons on the others." Katsuki said, impressed.

"Could be worse, Kacchan." Izuku answered.

"Don't jinx it, Nerd." He answered, patting his back.



The seven fighters came into the arena area and a screen popped up for the Raid Battle.

"So! As a test run I suggested using a small animal I saw in one of the worlds I visited! Should be a nice warm-up!" Joy said cheerfully, then his eye body opened like a mouth and he vomited a giant blob of condensed light.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Many gagged in horror...

Then the mass of light started squirming and from inside it a tall giant living armor five meters tall, with giant shoulders and carrying a stumpy wide cleaver-like sword broke out..

"Simply called "Iron Giant", it's made of magical metal, even for you others it won't be easy to break it, so go wild! Have fun! And destroy it in an awesome manner!" Joy said, clapping amused.

"I see you went with FFX Universe's one," Xara stated.

"What can I say, I love the classics!" Joy answered, laughing.

"Hey, it's my favorite world." (A/N 1)

"... I wonder if you could use the metal that can be turned into cookware to enhance food with its magic, and some of its iron to help me...?" Tetsutetsu pondered.

"Inadvisable, unless you have at least Magus Magic circuits like in the Fate Universe, for a normal human to consume pure Mana would be inadvisable." He'arth said.


"You will slowly and painfully turn to stone. Then die." Joy explained.

Tetsutetsu's face fell. "Got it, not eating it or using it..."

"Enough talk, let's fight!" Zebra shouted, cracking his knuckles.

"The blade is blunt, but be careful, even if it won't cut, it's still a club of ultra-heavy magical steel. It will hurt a lot!" Joy said, cheerfully.

Rumi had a savage smile. "Good to know~!"

Ryuku transformed into her evolved Dragon Form. "I'll just turn it into slag," she stated, her fire gem glowing.

"Or then freeze it and make it brittle," Ibara stated.

"Should we tell them they are underestimating it?" Joy whispered, unheard.

"Let them discover it by themselves, it will remind them that pride is a hindrance." Xara whispered back.

"More of a learning curve sense they never faced one before, so they are trying to think logically still," He'arth stated in a whisper.

"Better here in a safe environment than in a deadly battle, though, they are still thinking that it will be easy because of past experiences giving them imprecise expectations. They need to remember to keep an open mind at all times and be ready to think fast and outside the box/creatively use their powers." the Eye conceded,

"True." Xara stated. "Plus Ultra."

"Don't get cocky you all," Zebra stated. "Otherwise you'll get sloppy."

"Not trying to," Ryuku said. "Just spitballing ideas for plans of attack."

"I have a plan," Rumi stated, bouncing off the ground, leaving creaks. "ATTACK!" Rumi's new strength thanks to the kid's diet made her twice as strong and fast then she was before. "Luna Tijeras!" she shouted, landing on the Iron Giant's head, trying to rip it off.

The thing just grabbed her entire chest with a giant hand and pulled her off.

"... Oh."

With a bang she was thrown against the wall at blinding speed,

"... I am okay!" She groaned with a thumbs-up while upside down.

"Weak start! Sound Bullet!" Zebra commented, pelting the Iron Giant in sound bullets and attracting its attention.

"!" With a low roar the monster charged at him through the hail of bullets.

"Oh, I like this one!" And yet Zebra saw the thing as entertaining.

"He's a real tank of a man!" Kirishima shouted, activating his Quirk's Unbreakable mode.


With a movement similar to a Pro Baseball player, the Iron Giant slammed its blade on Kirishima's hardened chest and launched him in the air... And the boy laughed in amusement.

"WEEEEEEEEEEE!" He squealed while laughing, making Kyoka face-palm in disbelief.

"HI, GUYS!" He even waved at his friends while falling back down, unharmed and still laughing.

"Well, at least Kirishima-kun is having fun!" Izuku said, unsure.

"Yeeeep." Katsuki answered, snorting."Zebra-Sensei, catch and throw me!" Kirashima shouted, going Indestructible Mode. "Make it a Squealer Fast Ball!"

Zebra smiled, enjoying how these Heroes weren't afraid to go into a fight. "Sure thing!" He grabbed the boy who was in a ball, and used his voice to give him more 'omf' to the impact, throwing it at the Iron Giant! "Sonic Red Cannon!" both shouted, Kirashima being thrown fast at the monster. He hit the monster in the chest, a loud sound of a Gong going off with the impact.

The Iron Giant slid a few feet back, planting its sword in the ground to slow its momentum to a stop, then pulling it out of the ground, not looking to hurt at all.

Joy, Xara and He'arth all lifted signs with an 8 on them, making Kirishima cheer happily.

Rumi finally joined back in, ready to go for more. "Tough bastard, ain't he~?"

"He seems to be cocky if you asked me~" Zebra stated, smiling maniacally.

Toriko and the others were shocked. "Whoa! What the hell is that thing made of!" Toriko shouted in shock.

"Blacksteel of the Ancients. Basically steel under super steroids." He'arth answered.

"Very durable and yet light. Good for creating constructs like that Giant." Joy added.

"Geez," Teppei said in shock. "At least Zebra looks like he's enjoying himself though."

"Are you joking? He can go all out and that thing can take it, it will take a miracle to not have him demand to have another one to take home to keep as sparring partner!" Toriko said with a whine of dismay.

"That and a Whitey as well," Coco reminded.

"You just had to bring that up..." Toriko stated in a flat tone.

"Technically, it would be my Whitey." Komatsu added.

"Won't stop Zebra from asking you to borrow him." The other Three Heavenly Kings chorused in sorrow.

Back to the fight, the seven were still fighting the Iron Giant.

"I would try holding it with my vines, but I don't think it'll hold it," Ibara stated. "And I don't think my flowers will affect it in any way."

"Honestly wish I could shapeshift my own metal into weapons," Tetsutetsu groaned. "I'm just a shield at this point."

"Knowing the strange stuff we are eating, I wouldn't put it past the Chef version of our friend to make something that makes your Quirk mutate like that!" Ryukyu answered, flying high above and around the giant to look for possible weak spots to use.

"Now I see why that version has all those bodyguards, if news of his power of Mutating Quirks goes out, he would never have a moment of peace." Rumi added, kicking the Giant's sword away from her and making the thing stumble a bit.

"Okay! Seems like the weight of the weapon does unbalance it a tiny bit!" She then said in triumph.

Ryuku then used her Ice Breath to freeze the blade to the floor when it was off balance. She made sure to make the ice thick enough to make it take a minute to try to break it loose.

"We can attack it now while it's trying to get its sword free," Sato stated, pulling out a sugar packet.

"Not bad Lizard Girl," Zebra stated, cracking his knuckles.

"I am a dragon!"

"Potato-patato! Beat Knuckle!" Zebra answered, making his arm vibrate heavily and punching the ground as soon as the Giant managed to lift a single leg.

The ground shook heavily and broke apart, destroying the precarious equilibrium of the giant still standing on a single leg and making it fall down face-first.

"It's down! KILL IT!" Rumi yelled in glee, now freely attacking the giant's head now that the hands were sinking in the destroyed floor instead of helping the thing get back up.

The Iron Giant lost its grip on its weapon, having been sent back. It recovered and tried to go for its weapon, but the others were in front of the weapon. It punched a fist into it's palm, willing to fight unarmed.

"Seems we pissed it off," Tetsutetsu stated. "But guess we don't have to deal with the slab of iron it swings around."

The Giant lowered itself a bit, then betrayed expectations by lunging forward in a full-body sprint.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" But while the others dodged, Zebra once again showed his monstrous strength and even more insane lack of self preservation by grabbing onto the Giant's shoulders thanks to its lowered posture and stopped its charge after a brief skidding on the floor.

"You are good, Tincan! I'll give you that much! But now it's time to get stìcrapped!" Zebra roared in glee.

"Sound Bazooka!" And blasting the giant's head point-blank through the gaps of the helm acting as head.

"!!!!" And finally a screech resembling a shriek of pain came out from the monster.

"Ah-AH! The armor is tough, but not what's inside! Aim for the gaps and joints!" Ryukyu yelled in triumph.

"On it!" Rumi shouted, and jumped into the air. "Luna Fall!" she shouted, coming down with a drop kicked in the back of the Iron Giant leg, where the knee would be.

"!!!!" It buckled under the attack, making its body falter and having Zebra be able to throw it to the ground. Ibara then used her vines to hold it on the ground and around the joints and gaps. It tried to get up but Kiroshima and Tetsutetsu held it's arms down with their bodies.

"Your turn, lizard girl! HAHAHAHAHA!" Zebra said, prying open a bit one of the gaps of the Giant's helmet.

"I am not... Whatever! Here it comes!" Ryukyu answered, keeping the gap in the metal open with her own hands and, for the lack of a better term, vomiting fire down the Iron Giant's "Throat"

"Keep going! It's getting warmer!" Rumi said, smirking.

The Iron Giant tried to move its body to get out of the way. Ibara was glitching from the heat, but would not let the monster go. It slowly started to stop moving from its body cooking itself.

"We almost have it!" Rumi shouted.

"Uuuuh..." Kirishima whimpered as the giant got back on its feet... Now on fire.

"It's melting!" Rumi said.

"Yes, and he will medley us too if it grabs us!" Ryukyu answered.

"Just keep it busy and avoid its attacks until it finishes melting, easy!" Zebra answered, laughing maniacally.

"You damn maniac!" The others yelled in answer.

"... I didn't know Iron Giants could do that." He'arth whispered.

"Me neither," Joy answered, shrugging.

"Maybe the Thing's core is overheating?" Xara asked.

"... Maybe!" Both answered, shrugging,

"We only have a few minutes to beat it," Ryukyu stated, seeing the timer.

"Don't look at the timer," Rumi ordered, trying to find a way to hit the thing.

"And don't let it get its weapon as well," Tetsutetsu added.

"!!!" The thing roared and charged at them wildly.

"Aren't we standing between him and his weapon?" Kirishima said with a whimper.

"...FUUUUCK!" the others yelled.

"Here is your sword!" Zebra yelled, lifting the giant blade and using it to slap the Giant hard enough to make its head spin 180, the heat also melted the blade, snapping it in two.

"At least the weapon is no longer an issue!" Zebra said, smirking.

"..." The giant was now trying to twist its head back in place.

"Now! It's distracted!" Rumi yelled.

Ryukyu then blasted the Iron Giant with ice breath, trying to cool it off rapidly to make it brittle like she planned before.

The Iron Giant started to steam from the rapid cooldown of its body, it tried to move, but its body started to lock up from its joints being welded together.

"Guess the plan for making it brittle did work," Rumi stated, surprised. She smiled at Zebra. "Shall we shatter the beast~!?"

He smiled just as wildly as the Bunny Hero. "Let's do this~"

"Start vibrating, fucker! Sound bath! BWAHAHAHA!" Zebra laughed, and his powers turned his laughter into strong soundwaves that made the entire body of the giant vibrate heavily and gain cracks everywhere.

"I wonder if..." Ryukyu somehow covered herself in fire and flew against the giant like a dragon-shaped meteor. "Drago Meteor!"

Rumi then launched herself, at the same speed as Ryukyu. "Luna Rush!"

Both rammed into the Iron Giant and shattered it like glass.

"MANLY!" both hard heads shouted.

Ibara was trying to cool down her vines and cut off the ends if they were too badly damaged.

Then a Buzzard went off and the Iron Giant started to fade into particles.

"I can't believe they beat the damn thing," Mt. Lady stated.

"Same," Kamui said, shocked.

"I wonder if we could build things with that kind of metal?" Melissa pondered, getting ideas for armor.

"We need the formula to create it~!" Mei shouted. She was promptly pulled by the ear by Melk.

"No funny business you," she scolded her student.

"Should we tell them that technically that monster is a Lvl 1?" He'arth whispered.

"Better not to, let's not ruin their moment of triumph." Joy answered

"Okay, and with that match, I think we should head back back to the theater," Xara stated.

"Alright, I want to see what Izuku makes to beat the next king~!" Kaminari shouted.

"And what we'll be eating as well," Toriko said, smiling.

"Same," Fatgum agreed, smiling.

"That was fun!" Kirishima said, smiling wide while the group slowly walked back to the theater.

"They are talking about this situation well." Xara said.

"All of them have open minds, I am not as surprised as you are," He'arth answered.

"Quite open to new things, that's a very good thing!" Joy added, bouncing on the floor and chuckling.

"I mean... Yeah, I like drama, for once I don't mind things going smoothly."



Everyone returned to the theater room, Gaia and The System already waiting for the three. "How did they like the new additions?" Gaia asked.

"They seem to enjoy it," Xara stated, smiling.

"Seems like a good way for the Host to train and fight monsters for ingredients," the System stated in its monotone voice.

"And safely! No risk of dying either!"


"You are obsessed with putting Hosts through the grinder."

"... System can stop whenever it wants..." A small voice came in answer.

"Suuuuure!" Gaia said, rolling her eyes,

"Baseless, mean accusation."

"I know, I know, It's just friendly ribbing." Gaia answered, chuckling and rubbing the shapeless orb of colors and shapes.

With the others in the audience. "So, what's the plan for beating the Vegetable King Izuku?" Kaminari asked.

"Not spoiling, sorry," Izuku said. "You'll just have to wait and watch."

"Not even a hint?"


"Dang..." Kaminari groaned, head slumping.

"You'll just have to watch and see," Zebra grumbled.

Kaminari just grumbled and sat back in his seat.

Just then the lights started to tone down and then the screen started up again.

"Looks like we're starting again," All Might stated, smiling in anticipation.

A Chef Rebirth chapter 9:

The terrifying True Power of the Vegetable and Soup Kings! Inoshiki Assault Arc Part 3.

UA University – Cafeteria -

While the students were happily gorging themselves, with more than a few actually following the Livestream showing Izuku's ongoing Massacre of Inoshiki Academy's best students at the same time, the University's Boss Nezu was showing the school's own Chef a collection of video snippets both from the Challenge itself and from the database the guys from I-Island felt generous enough to share with the rat-bear-man chimera.

"..." the Chef Pro Hero Lunch Rush silently watched each and every video in silence, sometimes rewinding back whenever a particular scene attracted his interest.

"So? What's your verdict?" Nezu asked once given to the Pro Hero what he felt was enough time to study the videos.

"..." In answer Lunch Rush removed the tube from the gas-mask-like mask he was wearing to talk with a whisper of voice.

"I want to meet him." he said while returning the phone to Nezu.

"I can try to make him come here if you want." the other answered.

"..." A thumbs-up was all the answer the Pro Hero gave.

"Ah, that version of me... The Butcher got him good." Lunch Rush said, grabbing his neck and groaning.

"Uh?" Many said, especially the Toriko group.

"Nerd?" Katsuki said.

"Naoto Sumiya, AKA 'Butcher Hunter' or The Butcher, used to be a Villain following the "Mad Doctor" Theme, Lunch Rush fought him during his debut as Pro Hero, During that fight Butcher lost his right hand by mistake and was arrested, he hanged himself in prison." Izuku, fishing from his Hero Nerd knowledge, explained.

"And in that version he did manage to hurt me with that butcher knife of his, instead of missing." Rush added.

"Damaged throat, I see." Nezu hummed, intrigued.

"So you don't have that problem?" Zaus asked.

"Nope. Dimension Slip or whatever, I am sad for him, but I am glad I am not in that situation."

"Even if that's true, we could heal that up right away," Setsuno stated, laughing.

"Do tell me, though. Could you replicate what he does?"

"If I cut an Ingredient, they die, I can't make living skeletons."

"Yes, that Food Honor thing is kind of a middle finger to the Laws of Nature. What about the rest?"

"Hard to say."


"He is holding back. I can tell." the Hero answered, and his re-connecting the tube to his mask meant he had already talked 'enough'.

"Okay... Sign Language it is then!" Nezu muttered with a groan.

"You know why I do this." Lunch Rush signed with a shrug.

"I know, I know. You said the boy is holding back... Can you guess how much he is hiding?" Nezu asked, sighing.

"... Hard to say, I can give you a wild guess based on personal experience." The Pro Hero took a moment to think then his hands moved like a flash to give his answer.


"What?" Izuku asked, shy.

"Don't make my other dimension version look bad." Rush said, eyes narrowed.

"Not on purpose!" Izuku answered, whining.

"Don't hold back, babying him won't help him grow! Yahahaha!" Nezu answered, laughing.

"But Sir! My priiiiiiiide!" Rush said with a long whine.

"I think he means he was holding back against the Kings..." Komatsu said with an anime sweatdrop.

"Yeah, the Nerd does that... Can't understand why though. Crushing extras is fun!" Katsuki said, actually pouting.

Izuku just gave him a flat look. "Because I'm a kind person and want to see what they have, not shatter their hopes..."

"It would still be a start." the rat-man chimera conceded with a sigh.

"... This is a normal Chef. One of the kids he is fighting with, for example." the Pro Hero said while filling a teacup with water.


"This one is that old woman, Yamato." Lunch Rush then said filling a big pot in several liters of water.

"... Okay?" Nezu muttered, unsure.

"... This is your boy." The Pro Hero then simply opened the kitchen faucet and let water run in the sink without putting-in the cap.



"... Lunch-"

"A Minute." the Pro Hero signed.


"..." The water just kept running.



"... There. This should be a good estimate, but I may be wrong and the kid could be better still." the Pro Hero said once FINALLY closed the faucet.

The chefs and hunters of Toriko's world all held back their laughter.

"You should have left it running for... 10 more hours there sonny~" Knocking Master teased him.

"To at least get a tenth there~" Zaus added, smiling.

"Water is expensive, Nezu would have skinned his ass," Lunch answered, chuckling.

"Indeed! Sorry if I am careful with our spending!" Nezu answered, smirking.

"With how big the school is and how much goes into it, I'm surprised you worry about that," Toriko said, surprised.

Nezu shrugged, sipping his tea. "I just want to make sure that we don't go crazy with the budget, that's all."

"But... I want a SPA!" Nemuri said, whining.

"Absolutely not. See? This is what I deal with everyday. I need to guard our Budget." He said.

"Oooh!" Many exclaimed in realization.

"Guess that's true, especially with Mei here causing explosions for the last few months..." Power Loader said, annoyed. "I'm just happy the Melk here has somehow tamed her." He looked at the Knife Maker. "I thank you again for that..."

"Eh, I see a lot of myself in both girls, just on both ends of the spectrum," Melk stated. Both girls blushed at the complement.

"I see...And where would you put yourself compared to him?" Nezu asked, unsure.

"I don't know, that is why I want to meet him."

Sigh! "I'll see what I can do." Nezu answered, sighing.

"If Recovery Girl asks, I called dibs before her." Lunch Rush also added.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY, YOU IDIOT!" the short woman roared once barged inside, showing clearly she was spying on them.

"He cooks well, I can make him shine!" the Chef Pro Hero signed with a growl, his hands were moving fast enough to put a Ninja from Naruto to shame.

"His Dishes heal people! I want to study him!" Recovery Girl hissed back in answer.

"You are just jealous he healed Toshinori while you couldn't!"

"Jealous?! JEALOUS!? I am not jealous, you walking food dispenser!"


"There they go again..." Nezu muttered with a groan.

"OI!" all the chefs shouted, looking mad at Recovery Girl for that comment of chefs.

"That's very racist!" Kaminari said.

"Oh, so very mean." Setsuno added, smirking.

"Hey! Hey! Don't dogpile me!" Recovery Girl answered/shouted, annoyed.

"If you said that in front of Izuku, he would have been annoyed with your other self and made it harder for you to get answers from him," Sunni stated.

Recovery Girl grumbled. "Having a medical cure as food is something that would drive any doctor mad..."

"... Should we tell them about the ME universe...?" Xara asked, remembering a certain Doctor that didn't even eat the food and just blended it up to study it.

"No, they'll see it later on," He'arth stated.

While this was happening, a bit of Drama was also taking place at one of the tables in the cafeteria, in the section housing the tables of the older students.

"THEN MARRY HIM IF YOU LIKE HIM THAT MUCH! WE ARE DONE! FINISHED!" the full conversation had been missed by everybody in the cacophony of the every student there either eating or talking, but ALL OF THEM saw the tail-end of the duo's quarrel, because it was not everyday they saw somebody 'Ever-smiling' like Nejire Hadou roar like a furious beast before storming out of the University in tears.

Mirio, with his head still dripping broth from the big plate of ramen the young woman emptied on his head at the apex of her heart-broken rage, merely sighed and removed plate and noodles from his hair without saying a word.

"You f***ed-up." his childhood friend, Tamaki, muttered with his head glued to the tabletop, and barely moving his head to the side enough to avoid the puddle of broth now drenching his friend and his section of the table.

"She... She will come around. She will understand that I am doing this for the well-being of everybody." Mirio answered with a new sigh.

"I think she is tired of waiting for you." Tamaki muttered.

"She will come around... She will come around." Mirio answered, maybe more to reassure himself than his friend, though.

"If you say so."

"All Might's Legacy is too Important! If my body hurts so much while using his Quirk it means I am not strong enough yet! I need to train hard, Nejire. Just be patient, I need to put you aside only for a little while, once sure I will be worthy of being All Might's successor, I will return to you. Just wait for me!" Mirio thought in determination.

Everyone, including the watching Mirio, gave the counterpart a flat look.

Mirio facepalmed himself, feeling the second hand embracement of his other self. "I'm really glad I'm not like that... And I don't have to worry about having to deal with One For All's drawbacks in my body."

"Do you wanna..." Joy asked.

"... Yes, please." Mirio answered.

The Eye Unzipped Reality, and Mirio stepped through the Hole in Space.

"What did you-?"

CRACK! "Fuck!" A bang, a crunch and a scream of pain interrupted He'arth's question, looking annoyed.

"Thank you." Mirio said once stepped back into the theater and the hole closed behind him.

"He punched that version of himself in the face." Joy said, his jagged mouth appearing to let him smirk.

"Nobody makes my friends cry, not even myself." Mirio said with a petulant huff.

"Thank you, Mirio!" Nejire answered, smiling wide.

Mirio smiled, and nodded. He then whispered to the two. "You think I can join this Poly group as well? I see that he makes you both happy."

"I think it'll be fine~" Nejire said, smiling.

"I guess it would be okay..." Tamaki said, looking away shyly.

Mirio just smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Meanwhile - Inoshiki Chef Academy – Classroom -

"I may understand using Beef as our Ingredient considering how 'Versatile' it is... But are you really sure you also want to use so many artichokes with it?" Izuku asked, watching curiously at the INSANE amount of artichokes the Vegetable King was cleaning and preparing.

Izuku had expected a 'Vegan Style' recipe from the young man, considering his Title as the VEGETABLE King, but instead Takeo had surprised him by choosing Beef as the main ingredient and then starting to clean way too many artichokes to use with it... He could tell there was some serious smell of bullshit coming from the guy now.

"Of course! You see, I understand where Sadao and Michiko went wrong: you played on the sole Main Ingredient strength every time while they added other Ingredients as a support to their main one, with the final result of it being overshadowed.

Either the Apples or the Saury could have worked perfectly well alone, like you showed, but in their haste to show-off and suppress you instead, they failed to fully grasp the very Ingredient THEY personally choose, like you instead did.

I plan to unleash the Full Power of Artichokes on you instead, and I need some good beef to properly do it. Both will be the key to your defeat!" the second King answered, while still cleaning more artichokes and only using their 'heart' to cook.

"Then why not choose Artichokes as the Challenge Theme?" he asked, confused.

"That's a secret!" Takeo answered with a wink, making the girls in the class swoon HARD.

"... OOOOH!" Both Zaus and Setsuno said in unison.

"Hn?" Aizawa muttered.

"He is planning for a very silly trick, it works on novice Chefs, but anybody with actual experience can counter that easily." Setsuno answered.


"You'll see." She answered, chuckling.

"I knew it," Izuku said, nodding. "And I know just how to counter it."

"And you're not going to tell us, are you...?" Deatharms asked.

"Nope, you'll just have to see it."

"Oh come on..." Tetsutetsu said, annoyed.

Izuku instead merely looked at the Vegetable King with narrowed eyes and a thoughtful expression.

"That sounded like an insult to my skills!" Sadao said with a whine.

"I am just saying yours was a big oversight. You just have to give the right Importance to your chosen Theme, that's all." Takeo answered, smiling sheepish.

"Toshio actually did things properly and used Bear Meat only, he just wasn't able to match his tricks." Mako, Soup King, added with a huff.

"I just followed the rules! I was given an Ingredient and I used it as best I could! You make it sound like I cheated!" Izuku answered, appalled.

"Nobody said you cheated, Midoriya. Relax." Yamato answered, rolling her eyes.



"What?" the woman asked.

"You defended him." her son, Minato, muttered in shock.

"I am not a broken record, Minato, I can have mixed opinions about somebody." she answered.

"So you-"

"I want him broken and defeated, but I can also recognize his skills. The two things are not mutually exclusive."

"NOW I recognize you." Minato answered, sighing in dismay.

That did get a chuckle out of many of the watchers.

"This is entertaining," Pony stated, covering her mouth while laughing.

"True," Setsuna agreed with her classmate. "But that Yamato woman really is confusing at times. Like she's on Izuku's side one second, then wanting to beat him the next."

"Not that strange, actually." Nezu answered.


"Having a 'Mission' to defeat Young Midoriya doesn't mean that she can't personally recognize his skills at the same time. From what we saw, she Needs to defeat Midoriya, and not for her own personal gain. We saw her being very proud of her students and aware of Midoriya's actual skills. My guess is that the more she sees his actual skills in acting, the less she can hide her actual admiration."

"So her dislike is not personal?"

"More or less. It's personal... Just not for her sake. Maybe her friend Samui? She seems to be fighting on his behalf, but far too emotionally so." Nezu said.

Nighteye fixed his glasses. "I can see that as well."

"Same," Teppe agreed.

With Izuku -

"Using so many artichokes... I see..." there seemed to be a strange flash in the green-haired Chef's eyes, as if witnessing a memory of his past being reenacted a second time.

"Uh?" Takeo muttered in confusion as his Enemy discarded the Ingredients he had chosen before for a new batch.

"I am switching recipes, I hope you don't mind." Izuku muttered while creating a small mound of flour he then emptied in the middle to form a volcano-like shape.

"Is he..." Minato muttered with wide eyes.

"PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Sadao squealed LOUDLY in excitement as the flour soon turned into dough, Izuku then started to masterfully spin around, slap on his workstation and then flatten and spin around again above his head at ludicrous speed.

Jiro covered her ears, annoyed at the high pitched yell, even Hound Dog covered his ears from how high pitched it was.

"That girl has a pair of vocals and lungs on here..." Hound Dog growled out.

"Agreed..." Jiro groaned out.

"Do you need your eardrums replaced again?" Knocking master asked.

"No, thankfully," Jiro said, uncovering her ears.

"I'm good too, thanks," Hound Dog thanked the man.

"So glad I don't have sensitive ears..." Kota muttered to himself. He got a pat on the head from his aunt.

"You want to defeat my roast-beef... With Pizza?" Takeo asked.

"You focus on boiling those artichokes and adding lemon juice to not make them lose color, I will deal with my own Dish by myself!" Izuku replied with a cheeky smile.


Done with the kneading, and twirling, Izuku once more flattened the dough into a thin circle he moved aside to rest so as to shift his full attention to his own cut of beef, to the ginger and the onions he had chosen as new Ingredients.

"You focus on boiling the artichokes, ah-ha! What a nice way to tell somebody to mind their own effing businesses!" Katsuki said, laughing.

"I'm still not getting what the guy's doing," Kaminari said, looking lost,

"Same," Kirashima agreed.

"Ditto," Mina agreed. "What's the deal with all the artichokes?"

"I'll tell you when I figure it out," Mt. Lady stated.

"Oh, it's pretty simple in hindsight, once you see you will understand why it is actually very silly." Setsuno said, chuckling.

"Artichokes... Artichokes... OOOOH! I got it!" Recovery Girl said in realization.

"Eh! I knew you would have been the first to figure it out, just keep the secret until the inevitable reveal, please. Let's keep the surprise." Zaus asked.

"No problem, I can't wait to see their reaction." The old lady answered with a thumbs-up.

Lunch Rush then snapped his fingers. "Tricky bastard... I see what he's doing now. I can tell Izuku will be able to turn this around though, seeing as how smart the kid is and how observant as well."

"I think I know what you mean..." Sato said, understanding and knowing chemical reactions in food, being a baker and all.

"Come on, please tell us..." Mina whined and puffed her cheeks out.

"Mina, we will see what they mean soon, just be patient," Iida told her while moving his arms.


Once again ignoring what was and what was not Possible for a Quirkless Human to do, the young Chef gave a single slice that instead cut beef, ginger and onions into slices of exactly the same thickness, at the same time: half an inch-wide stripes for the meat, 'Human Hair Thin' slices for the vegetables.

A big skillet was then put on the fire with some oil inside and the ginger that went cooked until fragrant.

The beef and the onions were then added and cooked until both turned into a pleasant brownish color, with the smell produced already embracing the nose of the people present.

"Daaamn... This smells nice!" a girl from the back admitted in awe.

"He is simmering all that? Is he making Beef Shigureni? As a topping?" Mako muttered, uncertain.

"Toshio's meat expertise would have helped a lot now..." Sadao admitted, sighing.

Satisfied with the meat's state of cooking, Izuku added to the skillet 1 tablespoon of Mirin Sauce, 5 tablespoons of Sake, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and kept simmering everything at a low flame and moving the skillet's content around gently so to not make anything stick or burn.

The 3 tablespoons of sesame seeds Izuku prepared beforehand went then rapidly toasted on a side pan and then added to the meat once most of the liquid in the skillet had been absorbed by the beef to properly coat it.

Left the meat to rest as well for a moment, the circle of pizza dough was recovered and gently brushed until a light layer of sauce covered its top, Izuku then added on top of it the Beef Shigureni and some white scallions along a generous amount of mozzarella, and moved everything into the oven to turn the dough into a crispy-looking golden-brown color.

"Man, that smells amazing~" Fatgum stated, smiling.

"It does~" Toriko agreed, mouth watering.

"But that is not Pizza Topping..." Pony said, pouting.

"I know, but not all variations are bad, give me a chance, Pony, please." Izuku asked with a tiny smile.

"Okay, just because you asked," She answered, hugging him and rubbing her cheek on his.

"Oh, so easy to bribe, he only needs to hug you," Setsuna said, smirking.


"Done?" Takeo asked with a malevolent smile while removing his roast-beef from the fire.

"For now," Izuku answered, unfazed.

"Do you know how a King is selected?" the Vegetable King asked, and the more he talked, the more his eyes turned sharp and malevolent, like a carnivorous animal's.

"I suspect it is about skills, isn't it?" the other replied while preparing a big selection of cheeses he carefully divided into groups and then cut into tiny cubes.

"Exactly! Miss Yamato personally selects only the best students to create a new formation of Kings every year and lets both Old and New formation battle to see who remains and who is kicked-out, so if you don't keep your abilities sharp, you get switched with a new Candidate."

"Uh-hu?" barely interested enough to listen, the Green-haired Chef briefly removed the pizza from the oven to add the wide array of cheeses to the thing, for the confusion of the students and judges watching that could not properly see what the hell he was doing due to his body obscuring the pizza, and then put it back into the oven.

"Well, I was still in High-school when I was selected as the Vegetable King!" Takeo declared with savage pride.

"Kyaaaah! Takeo-sama is so cool!" a female student yelled in amazement.

"Takeo-sama is the best! He's Invincible!" another girl squealed right after.

"I-I-I didn't know that! How strong is he?!" a boy screamed in Horror.

Zebra rolled his eyes. "I'm starting to get annoyed..."

"Wish your daughter was up there again Sunni~" Ren teases her brother.

Sunni's eye twitched in annoyance. "She is not my daughter!"

"Siiiiiimps!" Mina and Kinoko yelled, laughing.

"Wooow! Wooow! Just as bad as when boys do that!" Tetsutetsu said.

"This reeks of so much desperation. They are so thirsty for the D, it's just sad." Nemuri added, shaking her head.

"And of course having fangirls didn't help his ego." Toriko said, groaning.

"Please kick his ass, Icchan!" Tooru asked with a cutesy tone.

"... I'll do my best." Izuku answered, unsure.

"Kid still needs to work on his confidence," Kudo muttered to the other vestiges.

"He is getting there, though. He is already getting better, it makes me hopeful," Mic answered.

"Good for you." Izuku instead answered while checking his watch to see how long before his pizza was ready.

A saving grace of his perfectionism/Semi-OCD mentality when cooking was that any form of nervousness usually plaguing him would always take a backseat so to not disturb him while working his Magic.

"I have kept this position for YEARS! Unmatched! Undefeated! Do you know why?"

Sigh! "No." Izuku answered with a sigh, immediately filing the guy under the kinda-negative 'Katsuki-Like' label.

"Because I can manipulate the taste of Dishes! Both mine and of my Enemies! Every time a fool tried challenging me, my Dish always, Always made theirs inedible! For example this roast-beef is one of my many Trump Cards! All thanks to-"

"Cynarine. A natural component that makes Artichokes have their characteristic bitter taste, but a substance also able to scramble the taste buds of who eats them, causing everything eaten AFTER that to taste Sweeter by virtue of their tongue's state of 'confusion'. I guess people usually focus on the Beef and ignore the artichokes when you propose this Theme for your challenges." Izuku finished the guy's speech himself while rolling his eyes.

"..." a tense silence fell into the room.

"I already saw a strategy like that being implemented. Last time it was inside a 'Torta Rustica', a salted 'cake' of Italian cuisine where a cake-like dish is prepared with salted dough and vegetables in place of cake dough and fruits.

Your using beef for this kind of trick threw me for a loop for an instant, then I saw the ridiculous amount of Artichokes you were boiling for your sauce and I remembered the Power of Cyarine. You yourself pretty much told me you planned to use that by quoting the 'True Power of Artichokes' during your speech." Izuku explained, nailing the young man with a sidelong glare that rooted him on the spot.

(Example of Torta Rustica)

"That looks good," Mina stated, seeing the Torta Rustica appear on screen.

"Hey! Katsuki-like?! I am not THAT BAD!" Katsuki said, actually looking hurt.

"Cyna-what?" Kaminari asked, looking lost.

"Cynarine, one of the chemicals found inside Artychokes, in very, VERY simple terms, that thing screws-up your sense of taste, making you almost unable to taste anything "Sweet" or any taste in that range." Recovery Girl answered.

"He plans to ruin the flavor of Midoriya's dish by being the first to be tasted, like that any dish eaten after his will either taste bad, overly sweet or feel like they have no taste at all." Aizawa added, humming.

Lunch Rush nodded. "You can get around that if you can somehow make your dish mix well with the dish before, but you need to know the exact amount that was added in to help counteract the tease changing effects."

"Hahahahahaha!" Zaus laughed amused,

Kirishima bumped his fist into his palm. "Oh I see, so Izuku needs to make a dish that will be on par with the first dish! Manly!"

"It seems Izuku might make the Vegetable King's dish into an entree," Jurota stated, fixing his glasses.

"Appetizer, Antipasto. There are many ways to say that... If he pulls it off, that artychoke bomb he hopes to make will just be a frame for the main painting." Setsuno hummed playfully.

"So like when he flipped me in our first match, he'sa going to use his opponent's strength against him," Katsuki stated.

"Pretty mush," Ragdoll stated.

"Go Izuku!" Inko shouted, having a flag with Izuku's name on it, cheering for her other dimensional son.

Xara gave Joy a flat look. "You had to give her that...?"

"It's Inko, she is lovable and perfect, she deserves it. Best mom for best boy, so what's a little flag to help her cheer for her favorite Hero and son~?" The Eye answered, smiling happily.

Tina giggled at Inko's actions. "Seems Izuku has a good family."

"You know it Tina~" Mic agreed with his girlfriend.

Vegan Emperor Gohan was an up and coming Chef back in Zaus' world, at his first appearance at the same Cooking Tournament, Zaus had already took part to several times when making his official debut, but unfortunately Gohan had tried that tactic against Setsuno of all people, trying tricking her with a vegan version of that Torta Rustica dish filled to the limit in artichokes; the old woman took only a glance at the guy's Ingredient spread to literally guess the full recipe and counter it.

The Vegan Emperor defeat that year had been so devastating the guy almost stopped being a Chef altogether. And that incident actually cemented Zaus' friendly Rivalry with Setsuno.

"So sure of yourself... Then let's see how sturdy your conviction is!" Takeo answered with a chilling smile.

His giant slab of roast-beef he had just finished cooking while Izuku was focused on kneading the pizza dough and preparing his own Beef Shigureni topping, and once moved onto a plate it mesmerized both Judges and students.

The Vegetable King's beef was releasing endless thin strands of smoke, and when the young man did cut through it, the cross-section of the meat actually amazed the onlookers into a frenzy.

"T-That cross-section! The meat has such a brilliant shade of pink inside!"

"That is not mere surface roasting! He made the heat permeate down to the core! That's amazing!"

"Back in the days I was the Meat King of the formation, then I learned of the power of Vegetables and how they can subtly change and manipulate the taste of my dishes, it was then that I switched focus. The area of expertise does not determine the Number, skills do, and as my skills soared, so did my place in the formation."

"I am sorry... B-But I did not ask you about your Backstory. Can't we just cook?" Izuku asked, unsure.

"..." a growl decidedly NOT human escaped Takeo's throat at that.

"Does this guy ever shut up...?" Zebra asked, starting to get irritated with the Takeo kid and his arrogance.

"It happens when you don't curb people's EGO but keep feeding it. They get it over their head that they are big shots and never shut-up about their supposed greatness and... You alright?" Kirishima started saying.

"... Peachy! Go on!" Katsuki, half-burying himself in his seat, gave a forced smile and thumbs-up.

"That growl sounded far too animalistic too. Animal Quirk?" FatGum asked.

"I hope not, in very rare cases an Animal Quirk centered around "Predator Animals" can influence the owner to the point they get just as violent as the original animal. I hope that boy doesn't fall in that category, because he may actually attack Midoriya." Recovery Girl said, taking a hissing breath.

"He'll probably make the brat into a fur coat," Sunni stated. "He'll need to keep warm in the winter~"

"Kinda dark there Sunni," Komatsu stated, sweatdropping.

"Pray that your pizza will be enough, because my Dish will devour you." Takeo growled with chilling eyes.

"Kyaaah! Takeo-sama is so cool! Devour me as well Plea-"

"QUIT YOUR YAPPING!" the Vegetable King roared with his eyes turning golden and his teeth becoming sharp fangs.


"Anger doesn't make a good dish. Neither does Hubris." Izuku said, looking at Whitey's red eyes in worry since it meant the robot had started sensing 'Violent Hostility' coming from the young man.

"But savagery does! And my Savage, World-ending Roast-beef will dominate you!" Takeo answered, brandishing a knife with a wide blade to start mincing vegetables at high speed.

"Once I chopped some horseradish and added some fresh cream and anchovies, the base for the artichoke sauce for my beef will be ready!"


"..." Izuku simply stood in silence, sitting on a stool with both arms and legs crossed while looking straight at the pizza he was preparing, his eyes unblinking as he followed every minute change of the thing through the glass panel of the oven.

"Speechless in terror, eh? I can't blame you." Takeo said in cruel amusement.

"Once added the artichokes my Dish will be ready, while you will need AT BEST five more minutes for the pizza to be done properly. By then the judges will have already tasted my Roast-beef and the Cyarine in the sauce will have bewitched their tongue and manipulated their sense of taste. Even after cleansing their palate the effects will still linger, and your precious pizza will at best taste like an overly-sweet cake! Even your precious countermeasure will amount to nothing!"

"¥1000 says he'll be eating those words," Kirashima betted.

"That's a sucker's bet," most of the students stated.

"No bet, if Lunch Rush can counter it, then that version of Midoriya surely can!" Mic answered.

"Yes he- WAIT A MINUTE!" Rush started answering, before growing angry at the hidden jab. "I won't be making your favorite meal for a month thanks to that comment buster!"

Mic paled. "Uh, I apologize for that, please don't stop making my precious ribs with ginger barbeque sauce!"

"Just ask the kid to make them, instead of letting Rush threaten you." Aizawa answered, uncaring.

"Right! I can ask Midoriya too!"

"Traitor!" Rush yelled. He then had an idea pop into his head. "Midoriya, if you don't cook for Mic his favorite food for a month, I'll give you my best knife and sign it for you as a hero collection and as a seal of my approval for your restaurant in the future!"

"OKAY!" Izuku immediately agreed with shining eyes. That would go amazingly well with All Might's signature, and having a hero help sponsor his restaurant, especially the Cooking Hero himself, would bring in customers.

"THAT'S CHEATING!" Mic shouted, knowing Izuku would love that. Tina was holding in her laughter.

"But! But! Hero Merch!" Izuku said, tears mounting in his eyes.

"You have a problem!"

"I can stop whenever I want!"

"But those are my ribs with ginger sauce!"

"Then be good to either me or the kid will make them. IF you behave!" Rush answered.

Mic grumbled, crossing his arms and sat back in his seat. "Fine, I'll try not to insult you or any other chef..." He grumbled.

"The System will allow Lunch Rush to give the Host their knife for a display piece in the shop," the System agreed. "It will be placed in an indestructible glass case and will be hung up on the wall in the center of the wall above the kitchen window to be seen by everyone."

"Thank you for agreeing System," Lunch Rush thanked, having his Knife appear in his hand with a permanent marker. He sighed on the blade and handed it over to Izuku. "Take good care of her kid."

"YES!" Izuku squealed happily.

"Too high a note, Greeny. Be careful." Kyoka jokingly punched his arm.

"Ah! Yes, sorry!"

"It's okay... Now we are even." Kyoka answered, sitting on his lap and enjoying the growling or giggles of the other girls.

"Okay!" He squealed again, this time at a much lower volume.

Groan! "I already know that they won't cleanse their palate enough to avoid the effects of Cyarine. Now get back to cooking, we are here for this, not for talking." Izuku answered with a sigh while massaging his temples to avoid a headache from overcoming him.


"Your voice is grating, like the voice of an old acquaintance of mine. He too loves to hear himself talking, and that kind of person always gives me a headache. Too annoying." Izuku admitted, groaning again, and unknown to him Katsuki that was looking at the Livestream actually looked hurt at his words instead of angry, to the surprise of the guy's classmates.

"We'll see who will laugh last! The artichokes are ready!" Takeo hissed in answer with a scowl, and once finished boiling all the artichokes he wished to use, he rapidly chopped them all and added them to the sauce.

"My 'Roast-Beef: Artichoke Heaven Style' is ready. It's over for you!" the Vegetable King declared with a fanged smile while preparing a dish for everybody, Izuku composed.

"That's it! The Dish that made him become one of the Kings! W-We can finally taste the Legendary Dish!" a student gasped in awe from the classroom's back.

The meat looked otherworldly tender and covered in a smooth sauce glittering a little in the room's light, on top of each dish Takeo had also added a poached egg, making its golden color stand-out in stark contrast with the pale color of the sauce and the pinkish one of the meat.

Just then, the Vegetable King's dish appeared in front of everyone.

"Guessing we need to eat this first so that we can fully experience Iuzku's dish?" Monoma asked.

"Yep," Xara simply stated.

"It'll be a wonderful start to the meal," Sunni stated, smiling. "It does smell good, I will give the man that. And it is elegant looking as well."

"It's chock full of artichokes though..." Kaminari muttered, dejected.

"Not a fan?" Izuku asked.

"Not really, they make everything taste funny afterwards... OOOH!"

"And Sparky finally gets it!" Kyoka said, smirking.


"Jokes aside, the boy is not that bad, the idea is there, but the execution leaves much to be desired." Rush said, humming.

"For a student it is a good start, but he still has to improve a lot if he wants to fully use it in a Challenge," Setsuno added.

"Jeez, you Chefs are brutal!" Monoma admitted.

"Yep, almost as brutal as Zawa when grating homework," Mic said, laughing.

"Hn!" Aizawa answered by jamming a finger in Mic's side, making him shriek in pain.

"OUCH! Meanie!"

"You did have it coming, Mic," Tina said, playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

"You're supposed to be on my side dear..." Mic said, pouting at the reporter.

Judges Table -

"Impressive, the center of the meat has a perfectly-rosy color, pleasing to the eye but still cooked properly. It's rare to find such a balance in a dish prepared by a student." Minato admitted, impressed.

"Me and Takeo Spar often, the current score is 27-27, he is the only one I deem worthy of being my rival." Mako added, she too looked pleased by the dish's looks.

"Hahahaha! THIS IS MY Vegetable King! The bitterness of the cream matches the thick taste of the Beef to perfection! And even the meat's juices become an integral part of the flavor that turns everything into a never-ending dream! Ah!" Yamato declared, proud beyond belief.

"I see! So THIS is how it works!" To everybody's surprise, Izuku's voice was not filled with despair, but in childish curiosity.


"You didn't just boil the artichokes! You actually removed most of the dish' innate sweetness so that it would only come from the Artichokes themselves and made the cream sauce subtly more bitter than usual as a base to preserve your own dish' taste. All to counterbalance the huge amount of Cyarine you wanted to add and not put yourself in danger, not bad." the green-haired Chef said while enjoying his portion.

"...You figured that out with a single bite?" Takeo whispered in horror, he too had been eating his Dish to bask in the taste of his Victory.

"I mean, he has Zaus inside him, so I am not surprised." Mineta admitted.

"Phrasing!" Zaus and Izuku yelled in chorus with their faces turning green.

"Hehehehe-OUCH!" The short guy's laugh was interrupted by Katsuki slapping him on the back of his head.

"That joke is old, and you should be ashamed of still using it." He said.

"Hey, at least I wasn't being a lech to the girls!" Mineta shouted, annoyed. "Besides, it was those two that took it the wrong way."

"Ignoring the matters of jokes, you mean to tell me that you people can 'Learn a dish' just by eating?" Mina asked, stars in her eyes at how cool that sounded.

"Learning, not really. But recognizing each component, and getting a grasp of the method used, that's what we can do at our level. There will be holes, as some details are not that easy to recognize, but in that case Experience can fill the void with a good approximation." Setsuno answered.

"Still cool though," Mina stated in awe.

"It does sound impressive," Setsuna agreed, just finishing the dish.

"Why, yes! I needed confirmation you actually did prepare the recipe the way I envisioned, otherwise my counter-strategy wouldn't have worked like I needed! I only missed the sauce base being extra bitter, but that will actually help me as well."

"The Cyarine now is sitting on our tongue and overshadowing every other sweet taste, when the judges will eat my dish, the Cyarine on their tongue will be 'washed away' by their chewing and return the taste buds of their tongues to normal, curiously though, those receptors of sweetness will remain over-excited, making every sweet taste following your Beef seem even ten times more intense. You planned for that to happen to ruin my Pizza, isn't it?"

"M-My Dish' Recipe... The taste... Like you... E-Envisioned?"

"Yes, I know I should have focused on my Dish alone, but in order to make sure I was countering you properly, I had to prepare a copy of your Roast-beef too!" Izuku answered with a shy smile.

"Y-Y-You prepared MY DISH? When? Where?!"

"Here. While preparing the Beef Shigureni Topping I also prepared the same Roast-beef you made." he answered while tapping the side of his head.

"You made a copy of my Dish while making yours? W-Without looking at me... Who are you?!" Takeo asked in abject horror.

"I thought you knew! Nice to meet you, I am Izuku Midoriya, owner and Chef of Green Cloud Restaurant." he answered with a formal bow.

"WAIT! YOU OWN A RESTAURANT?! You are not just a minor Chef from a run-down eatery?!" Sadao and Michiko yelled as one in shock.

"Yes I own a Restaurant, why? Yamato-san didn't tell you?"

"NO! Our Rector failed to give us some Key Details about you!" the Dessert King answered, appalled.

"We only knew you worked in a minor restaurant..." Sadao added, faintly.

"WO! WO! WO! He made the dish inside his head?!" Tetsutetsu yelled.

"I mean, yes? What's strange about it? I do it all the time." Komatsu asked, confused.

"I tried that, but just as a general idea... You guys do the whole thing in detail instead?" Rush asked.

"It helps decide what to make. Hohohoho!" Setsuno answered with a jovial laugh.

"You need to teach me that."

"Okay?" Izuku said.

"In exchange I'll introduce you to Sergeant Tiger, the Chinese Chef Pro Hero."


"Of course he accepts that..." The boys of Class A and B muttered, sighing. The girls just giggled.

"Are we not going to talk about the woman withholding information from her students..." Hanta asked.

"Should you really be surprised at this point?" Coco asked.

"Not really," Deatharms, Tiger and Mandele said, looking annoyed.

"... His 'Minor Restaurant' has a dedicated full-page on FoodieAdvisor with 200 Reviews, all 5-Stars, and the Forum's rarely-awarded 'Platinum Ribbon' right next to the Restaurant name... Fuck..." Mako muttered, paling a little once checked Izuku's restaurant on her phone.

"I just wanted you to face this Challenge with a clear mind," Yamato answered, sniffling haughtily.

"YOU TOLD US HE WAS A NOBODY!" Michiko screeched.

"Technically, he is." Yamato answered, huffing.

"Technically my ass, mom..." Minato muttered in dismay while face-palming, a sentiment unanimously shared by the Teachers that will soon face Izuku and where secretly watching.

As an added insult, in the Livestream Chat the guys from I-Island, together with Momo and Ochako, started shamelessly spamming the link to that forum page AND the Restaurant Location for everybody to see.

"T-This means nothing! You can't have imagined just how many artichokes I would have used as well! With all the Cyarine in my dish, even plain water will taste sweet like sugar!" Takeo said with wide eyes, almost sounding desperate instead of smug.

"You would be amazed by how strong my Imagination is,"


"Cyarine, Miraculine... There are many ways to manipulate the taste of your own Dish and the Dishes of others. You only need to know what fruit or vegetable to extract them, and how to use them."

"Huh... Do you think my Quirk would activate if I ate artichokes and eat something afterwards that tasted sweet?" Sato pondered.

"Not really, the cyarine may change how your tongue perceives sweet tastes, but it won't change the overall quantity of sugar in it. You may feel its presence easier, but it won't strengthen the sugar itself at all." Recovery Girl answered,

"Just a thought was all."

"Hey, it's good to think outside the box, kid," Toriko stated, smiling.

"Eh, my Quirk is technically on the simple side of things, I have to think hard about how to innovate so as not to be left behind!" He answered, grinning.

"Glad to know you're taking your training seriously," Aizawa stated.

If I wanted, I could have done the same to you with my own rose extract and the glycoproteins in it right from my challenge against Michiko-san. But I preferred to make sure the judges would clean their palate properly before our match. Contrary to you, I want to win on MY Merits, not with tricks." Izuku answered, finally taking his pizza out of the oven.

"Tricks?!" Takeo hissed.

"This is fine and all, but now that your pizza is ready, we will either cleanse our palate and have it turn cold, or eat it as it is and have its taste ruined by Takeo's Dish." Yamato said, smirking.

"Right! You have no chance to win this! My other name is 'Flavor Demon', my real domain is in the manipulation of taste. Bravado won't help you!" Takeo declared.

"Flavor Demon? Then I'll be called the King of Chefs, if you don't mind. And as such, I won't let somebody using underhand tactics come threatening my Kingdom." Izuku answered, nonplussed, while presenting his dish: a pizza with two kinds of topping turning it half black and half white, only created to form a perfect Tao Symbol.

"Yin-Yang Pizza: Half with Beef Shigureni as topping and half Quattro Formaggi (In Italian: Four Cheeses.) Please start by tasting the beef slice, THEN the cheese one." Izuku instructed after distributing two slices of the big pizza to each judge and then Takeo and himself.

Just then, the pizza on screen appeared in front of everyone.

"This looks amazing," Mt. Lady stated, smiling.

"I understand making it two flavors, but was it necessary to make it into a Tao shape?" Kirishima asked.

"Presentation is important too," Setsuno answered, smiling amused.

"True, he just wanted to show the flair of his work," Yuga started, sparkling.

"Should we eat this when the judges do?" Kamui asked.

"I think so," Teppei stated.

"The Shigureni has a sweet undertone in its own taste, one may think you are basically committing suicide by making us start from that..." Minato muttered.

"Please, do humor me," Izuku asked, sheepish.

"Your funeral, boy... Even if it is a very nice Shigureni I am seeing. It's a bit of a pity to have its taste ruined by Takeo's Artichoke sauce." Yamato admitted.

"Right! I can still defeat you! To my victory! Itadakimasu!" Takeo declared with a wide smile and then gave a HUGE bite to his pizza slice...

The room was once more plunged into an absurdly-thick silence as every judge's eyes snapped open wide.

"T-This doesn't taste sweet...This Pizza is damn amazing!" Sadao was the first to snap out of her stupor, and her first words were full of astonishment.

Everyone tried theirs, and eyes widened. "Amazing, it tastes so good," Midnight said, having a blissful look on her face.

"I knew Izuku would turn this around~!" Inko said, smiling happily.

"HOOOOLY CRAAAAAAP!" Pony squealed in awe with shining eyes.

"How the eff did that You make it, Nerd?" Katsuki said, shocked.

"Hopefully they will explain, Kacchan." Izuku answered.

"However he did it, he might just have won making this, and we still need to try the cheese after~!" Mirio shouted, smiling wider.

"Papa is amazing~!" Eri shouted, beaming like the sun.

"... Is it wrong to want to adopt the girl?" Gaia asked the others.

"... Unsure/Get in line." they all said.

"... How..." Takeo instead was looking at the slice he had just tasted in horror.

"For a start, it was not any normal sauce that I used on the pizza dough, I basted it with Yuzu Miso sauce." Izuku answered, clearly enjoying his own slice and talking with bulging cheeks in an utterly-adorable scene. (Yuzu is a kind of Japanese citrus).

"Y-Yuzu Miso?!"

"Uh-hu! My home-made Yuzu Miso is also extra-bitter thanks to the grated Yuzu Peel I normally add to it to give it a more sophisticated taste. And since I knew Cyarine would have increased any sense of sweetness, I had to drastically decrease the quantity of mirin sugar and white miso I used to prepare the beef as well."

"But-But... T-The Shigureni Recipe you followed..."

"Oh! That; I actually used more beef than required when using those quantities of condiments."

"Then why does it taste this good?" Michiko asked, confused.

"... He used Takeo's Dish to increase the taste of his pizza..." Yamato answered with a low tone.


"Exactly! This version of the Dish would never work without somebody consuming that much Cyarine beforehand! Takeo-san, thanks to your sauce, my own Beef Shigureni had the chance to shine for real. No! Even better! Thanks to your Cyarine Bomb Sauce my Shigureni is actually even tastier than its 'Normal Version'. Thank you." Izuku explained, smiling proud of himself.

"So, he changed and added things that would balance out the flavor thanks to the Flavor Changing Bomb," David stated. "That sort of chemical knowhow is on par with some of the brightest of I-Island."

"And yet a Chef did it! Yahahahahaha!" Nezu answered, laughing.

"Well, technically cooking it's based on chemical reactions too," Power Loader said, humming.

"Way to kill the poetry of cooking, hn!" Sanni answered, annoyed.

"I am not! I am just saying that it's not strange for a Chef to know about chemical reactions like a chemist, only with the goal of creating or upgrading flavors instead of making new compounds!" Power Loader answered, whining.

"Tch! Whatever!"

"Forgive Power, he is a bit dry in his answers, but he means good." Nighteye said.

"I am not dry! I am hip! I am young at heart! I am the no-nonsense heartthrob character!"

Joy and He'arth hummed and then each lifted a sign with a 6 on them.

"How very dare you!" Loader answered, crossing his arms with a petulant whine.

Mei was laughing at the roast.

"Y-You..." Takeo muttered while his body seemed to grow bigger.

"You were fast in pointing-out your friends' mistakes, but you too made a glaring one. Had you NOT declared those vegetables to be the key factor of your Dish, had you not boasted about Artichokes being basically your Secret Weapon, I would have gone through with the first Dish I had decided to make, and your victory would have been almost certain. I learned on my skin to be humble and careful, I hope this will help you too." Izuku said.

"You..." Takeo said again, now silver fur could be seen rapidly covering his body while he kept getting more buff until he took a slightly hunched posture.

"Also: your biggest Mistake was actually making Beef not Artichokes the Theme of our Challenge, your wish to keep your tactic a secret gave me the key to defeat it too."


"By the way, to truly enjoy my Dish' full taste, I suggest you eat the cheese half now, your palate should be properly ready after the Beef Shigureni." Izuku said, unafraid and personally taking a bite of the quattro formaggi side of his portion.

"The cheese... A Quattro Formaggi, one of the most common toppings of Italian Pizza..." Mako muttered while giving a bite to the second slice of Pizza on her plate.

Everyone eats theirs as well, enjoying it now. "So good~" Ragdoll said in bliss.

"Looks like Takeo is showing his true colors now," Coco stated. "A wolf in sheep's clothing sort of thing."

"By the form of his canines, it's literal too." Recovery Girl said with narrowed eyes.

"A Transformation Quirk? I see his muscles twitch irregularly." David added, humming.

"And one that seems to have the downside of numbing his self-control too." Aizawa added, disappointed.

"He doesn't take losing well either," Toriko stated. "He seems to be one that always has to be in control of everything."

"He's arrogant," Zebra stated flatly.

"Midoriya..." In the meantime Takeo had subconsciously fully activated his Quirk to turn into a feral-looking Werewolf with silver fur.

"A-Amazing!" Minato gasped in wonder.

"I kind of had to modify the original recipe, though, since Ricotta (soft cow/goat cheese) is not exactly an official part of the Quatro Formaggi." Izuku explained.

"Mozzarella, Parmiggiano, Ricotta and Gorgonzola. Simple cheeses mixed together to perfection... and the taste is simply unreal... How?" Michiko asked.

"They all are cheeses rich of Salty flavor, their mellow richness and that salty feeling goes in stark contrast with all the sweetness your tongues have been bombarded with thanks to Takeo-san's roast-beef and my Shigureni. It was a royal pain to balance it, but I knew that all that sweetness would have made the cheeses taste stand-out amazingly if I managed to pull it off. And I believe I managed."

"Not only the saltiness! You used black pepper to add extra tingling to the dish too!" Mako answered, amazed.

"The bitterness of the Artichokes paved the road to the Sweetness of my Shigureni, enriched by the Cynarine, and both acted as the introduction to the final part of my dish: the Saltiness of my Quattro Formaggi. And if you taste the Shigureni again, you will find the taste transformed again, now having turned pleasantly bitter. This is the Yin-Yang Pizza: Sweetness and Saltiness neatly separated and yet with a bit of each other in them still, all thanks to my 'Flavor-Transforming Beef Shigureni'." Izuku explained.

"And all this wouldn't have been possible without you, Takeo-san. Your Dish made mine reach an even greater level. I did not just counter you, I used your own Secret Weapon against you."

Aizawa groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Problem child... you do not antagonize someone like that... It leads to trouble..."

"With his strength? He can aggravate whoever the Hell he wants! He is this guy! And they all are insanely strong." Katsuki answered, jamming a thumb towards Toriko and the others,

"I am not that violent!" Izuku answered, pouting.

"Sure, but just like you, that You clearly knows how to defend himself, and usually people don't get up from your 'Self-Defense'." Katsuki answered, smirking and making him blush in embarrassment,

Izuku said nothing, just looking away.

"Still shouldn't provoke people," Aizawa said, grumbling.

"He started it! One can't always let people walk over them just to be the good guy! People have grown too accustomed to do whatever they want without fear of getting punched in the face!" Inko answered, annoyed.

"She is right." Zebra added, nodding pleased.

"Not now, Zebra." Coco answered, sighing.

"Midoriya..." Takeo's voice was now growling with a droll flowing down his fangs-filled lupine mouth.

"It was an amazing display of abilities. I am sorry, Takeo, but I must vote for Midoriya." Minato said, sighing and showing a sad smile.

"Midoriya. Sorry, Takeo." Michiko.


"Midoriya. You were amazing, Takeo, but I have to." Sadao


"He used your Cyarine against you, that in itself was impressive, but I can't even tell how he made the same Dish have two different shades of Flavor, but don't worry, I will avenge you." Mako said with a merciless smile.

"Sorry, Takeo..." Sadao muttered with a low voice.

"Midoriya! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" The Transformed Vegetable King howled in madness while jumping Izuku with the rest of the class screaming in fear.


"Whitey! Stop!" Izuku yelled while jumping back and watching the stool he was sitting on getting bitten to splinters by the Mad Werewolf.

"Here we go. He should have just let him insult him and take it like a wuss." Aizawa said.


"... I am joking, of course." He then added, rolling his eyes.


"He can kick his ass, Mic. I give permission." He answered.

"Oh so generous of you, Shota." Nemuri commented in sarcasm, making the others chuckle.

"... I regret speaking now..." he said, grumbling.

"We're just teasing you," Midnight stated.


As soon as his feet touched ground again, a duo of needles appeared in Izuku's hands and he used them on the Knocking Pressure Points of his own shoulders to enlarge his arms' muscles and fists to thrice their sizes.

"COME HERE!" Takeo roared.

"STOP!" Yamato yelled with wide eyes at seeing one of her Kings fully lose his cool and assault the green-haired boy a second time.

"Idiot..." they all heard Izuku mutter with a sigh, both his hands raised high and fists clenched tight.

"Bodhisattva Tenderizer!" the green-haired Chef declared with blazing eyes as both his fists came slamming down on both shoulders of Takeo to fully interrupt the werewolf' charge and slam him down face-first on the floor with an extremely loud BOOM! And the entire school shook heavily.

(In Buddhism, a bodhisattva (/ˌboʊdiːˈsʌtvə/ BOH-dee-SUT-və) is any person who is on the path towards Buddhahood. In short an attack that hits you so hard you almost reach Buddhahood!)

Most of the hero students winced seeing the impact. "That looked painful," Kaibara started. Feeling the phantom pains from seeing that.

"He got slammed on concrete so hard he left an imprint. I would have been surprised if he didn't faint on impact." Kirishima answered, pale.

"I think he was out the moment he was struck," Ojiro stated, being the martial arts person he was. "Hitting the collarbones are extremely painful, and with that force... yeah, he was out before hitting the pavement...."

Kendo agreed with her fellow fighter. "Yeah, he's going to be in extreme pain when he gets up..."

"Considering he was assaulting somebody with clear intent of harming, or even maiming, he will have a lot more to worry about, all from the warm welcoming mat of a prison cell." Nezu said, humming, and annoyed.

"Let's just hope he isn't hurt too badly, otherwise he might be charged with overuse of force," Aizawa stated. "Law is the law after all."

"I think he didn't break any bones, so I think he's in the clear," Tina stated, having sharp eyes thanks to her Reporter Job.

"Nothing too extreme, Pro Heroes hit harder than that. All things considered, ignoring the strength of the hit, the area he struck was clearly chosen to knock him down immediately. Excessive force could be justified with the fact he had a split second to think about defending himself. But even then, he managed to stay on the right side of things, even if toeing the line quite a bit. A Good lawyer could defend him if that young man decides to be a Sore Loser all the way and try to sue Young Midoriya." All Might answered.

"Sistem would have gotten the best Lawyer in the multiverse to defend him and maybe even sue the Puppy back for trying to harm Host," the System stated bluntly.

"No need! My family has access to the best Lawyers money can buy!" Momo said, proudly.

"Like The Ogre..." Mic said with a dry tone.

"Ogre?" Toriko asked.

"Fiercest and most brutal lawyer in Japan. The guy could save you from being arrested for murder even after a thousand people caught you in the act. That man is that good!"

"... You think I could hire him to get the feds off my case for eating animals to extinction...?" Zebra asked.

"Ahr-Ahr-Ahr! You would need to pretend you are remorseful for doing that, you know?" Toriko said, sarcastic.

"Pfeh! That's never gonna happen! Those Cocky bastards were asking for it!"

"... Precisely." Many others muttered in a deadpan.

Momo thought about it for a second. "Well, if they were genetically created like we were told, he could spin it to stated that Zebra did it make sure the Ecosystem wasn't destroyed and many other species of animals and plants would or were on the verge of extinction because of mishandling of letting them out in the wild, and above all else, endangering the lives of hundreds of people." She explained in detail how it would be solved.

"He just needed to conveniently not mention he was enjoying tearing them apart, eating them alive and using their fur to wipe his mouth." Coco added, groaning.

"Case of not wanting to let something go to waste, it would still be littering if he didn't eat what he killed, and making sure to make it so that no other dangerous animals would come to eat the dead animals and cause havoc. As for the pelts and skins, given to the people to help them with making money from the pelts or leather~" Momo stated, smiling mischievously.

"Let's hope that should that happen, the Judge will be open-minded enough to accept that, some Judges can be very... Anally retentive when they want to be." Knocking Master admitted, annoyed.

"Not wanting to swear in front of the kids, good," Setsuno stated. Everyone then returned to watching the show.

"Ugh..." Takeo groaned weakly from the crater on the floor his body created under the weight of Izuku's attack, and the young man was already returning to look human as soon as he fully lost consciousness.


Sigh! "That was fairly pathetic." Yamato commented bitterly while watching one of her prized students lying on the floor unconscious.

"That is Assault, mum, a crime." Minato answered.

"Yes, and a fairly pathetic one: you don't throw away your future just because you lost a challenge, but I guess that for somebody as prideful as Takeo, losing to anybody else besides Mako was too much to bear." The old woman said while walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Her son asked.

"I need to make a couple calls: one to the Police Force to report the attack, and one to Toshio's family, after Michiko's outburst and Takeo moment of madness, we are short of judges."

"Will I go to prison?" Michiko asked, afraid.

"That is up to the police to decide, I will have to suspend you for a while though. You are unfit to judge for the same reason: after your attempted attack your judgment can easily be put in question, you should have considered this before Takeo's challenge even started." She answered, sighing.

"Yes, madame." The girl answered with a low sigh.

"Huh... Guess he was a lot more sturdy in that form then I thought," Ojiro stated. "I saw his eyes go cloudy when he was hit."

"Must have woken up briefly when hit on the ground but the pain was too much to keep him awake," Kendo stated, agreeing with him.

"At least someone is making an effort to be responsible," Gran stated, grumbling.

"Looks like your daughter is in trouble, Sunni~" Toriko teased.

"For the last time, SHE IS NOT MY DAUGHTER!" Sunni shouted, his hair waving with his anger. "Just because she has prehensile hair doesn't mean she's my baby! And even if she were, I would skin her butt through spanking just to teach her manners!" Sanni answered, apoplectic in annoyance.

"I don't know, you throw temper tantrums like she does all the time when something is 'Ugly' to you," Ren shot back at her brother.

"But I don't attack people physically! That's what ugly hooligans do!"

Toriko, Coco, Zebra and Ren gave him a flat look. "... You're not fooling anyone when you say that..." they all said at the same time.

"You attacked me when I accidentally squirted BBQ sauce on your head one time..." Toriko reminded him.

Sunni blushed, remembering one of his times he lost his cool with someone that wasn't an enemy or a food item. "... Well you did ruin my hair, had to take three showers and five bottles of shampoo to get it all out."

"Attacks are wrong, no matter the reason behind. Violence is not the answer."

"Violence is the question, the answer is Yes." Zebra, Mirko and Katsuki said at the same time, smirking.

"Boo! That's Ancient!" Kaminari and Tina answered in chorus.


"It's like herding cats..." He'Arth muttered in dismay.

"We can do this, be strong." Joy answered, patting his back in a friendly way.

"I am surprised you are not covering for them," Izuku admitted.

"There isn't much to cover since we are streaming all this Live, and even then, while I may like to see you lose, I don't want to see you drop dead. I am a Chef, not a murderer, same goes for my students. Takeo and Michiko will face the consequences of their actions." Yamato answered.

"I understand." He replied.

In the silence that followed that exchange, the old woman quietly left the class with a somber expression.

"... I know that asking this is foolish, or even hypocritical..." Minato tried saying once seen his mother leave.

"Yes?" Izuku asked.

"Both Takeo and Michiko will have a lot to deal with once we are done here, can I at least ask you to not press charges? Adding a court visit on top of all this could really ruin their future." The man begged.

"I am sorry..." Michiko added, already crying.

Sigh! "Apologizing after the deal means very little, you know?" Izuku answered with a heavy sigh.

"Please," Minato begged.

"If they get away with this, it will set a precedent, and these things will happen again."

"But it won't happen again!"

"You have the power to instantly change how Society thinks and acts against the Quirkless, Mister Minato?" Izuku asked.


"Michiko's attack didn't even start! You can't know if she only wanted to scare you instead of strangling you!" Sadao tried saying.

"Were you just trying to scare me, Michiko-san?" He asked.

"... Yes?" The girl answered with a tentative smile.


"... No. I really did try grabbing you," after a long war of stares though Michiko deflated and told the truth.

"And then?" He pressed on.

"I don't know...I was not really thinking." She admitted.

"That is what I meant."

"Just... Just consider it, please." Minato pleaded.

"Seems your daughter is feeling remorseful after what she did," Coco stated, making Sunni's eye twitch. "Seems like she IS a lot like you after all~"

"She is not... You know what? I won't give you the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me, your joke will fall flat and die... As it deserves," Sanni answered, crossing his arms and harrumphing.

"Now he is in Hurt Primadonna mode." Komatsu muttered, groaning, and making Melk laugh.

"But you have to admit, the resemblance is uncanny," Tina stated.

"Agreed," Mic agreed with his interdimensional girlfriend. "I've only known the guy for a short time, and I can see that those two would be father and daughter."

Sunni was repeating to himself in a mantra sort of way. "Don't get annoyed, they are just messing with you... Don't get annoyed, they are just messing with you... Don't get annoyed, they are just messing with you... Don't get annoyed, they are just mess-"

"So would you give the problem child your blessing if he wanted to date your kid? As a way to repent and get to know him, that is?" Aizawa asked, having a shit eating smile on his face. He liked messing with glory hounds like this.

"Here..." Joy rolled his eye-body, and handed him a pillow.

"Thank you..." Sanni grabbed the pillow and buried his face in it. "!!!!!!!!!!" And released a frustrated scream deep in it.

Everybody else just laughed hard at that, making Sanni scream over and over.

"Maybe we should stop? I don't like how red Sani's face is becoming." Izuku tried saying.

"Why do you have to be the only one with a conscience heeeeeeere!" Sanni yelled in tears while hugging Izuku super hard.

"Heeeeelp!" Izuku yelled from the bone.crushing hug.

"I know we shouldn't be mean to Sunni..." Rin said, holding her sides and wiping tears away, "but he just makes it hilarious when he tries to play it cool and loses it~!"

Sunni gave his sister a deadpan look. "I'm so happy my plight brings you such joy..." he said in the driest sarcastic tone of voice, the dessert looked wetter in comparison. He then let Izuku go. "When we find counterparts for kids of your own, I'm going to pay you all back tenfold."

"Well I would say Katsuki and Zebra are like cousins or uncle and nephew," Izuku brought up.

"What? This cocky little pomeranian? Never!"

"What? This scarred faced moron? Never!"

Both had answered at the same time, with a very similar expression too.

"No beating the accusations if you both look the same!" Nana commented with a cheeky smile.

"... Huh, guess the two are... Would Rumi be his sister then?" Sunni asked, smiling. "She's just as barbaric as him~"

Rumi shrugged. "Wouldn't mind having this lug as a brother," she stated smirking. "Good sparring partner, that's for hell sure~"

Zebra smirked as well. "Just don't get cocky, and I won't mind having ya as a sister."

"... Did those two get along...?" Toriko asked, shocked.

"Seems so," Ryukyu stated, equally shocked.

"Screw you," both stated, annoyed.

"Let's finish these challenges first, then you all will be free to beg him for forgiveness. Even if in his place I would have none." Mako answered, unfazed, and carelessly threw away everything she found on Takeo's workstation to make room for her own equipment.

"Okay," Izuku conceded with a new sigh.

"Few agents will be here shortly to collect Takeo and our testimony. They accepted my request to let Michiko see the final Challenge against Mako, but then she will have to follow them back to the police station for further questioning. An agent will wait outside for her." Yamato informed everybody as soon as she returned.

"Thank you, Madame." Michiko answered.

"Did you take Takeo's knife, Midoriya?"

"Not yet." He answered.

"Here, as far as I know, this was his favorite. I'll write his name on it for you." Mako said while collecting said utensil.

"Thank you. But... You don't seem very sad about your friend's situation."

"Me and Takeo are GOOD friends, but I also recognize that his Ego has always been a huge problem. I guess it was only his one-sided crush on me that made sure losing to me never bothered him. He probably saw it as me being worthy of him or some similar nonsense. It was only a matter of time before Karma caught up to his stupidity, 'you reap what you sow' and all that." The woman answered.

"One-sided crush?" Izuku asked.

"You knew about it?!" Sadao chorused right after.

"I pride myself to be a bright woman, Takeo was wearing a neon sign declaring his interest in me, as far as I am concerned."

"Oh! Surprising!" The Fish King answered.

"I know. While we wait for the Police to arrive, I say we organize our own Challenge, Midoriya. Are you up for it?" Mako asked.

"I am ready, what is the Theme?" He answered.



"... Soup... What kind of soup lady...?" Katsuki asked, annoyed.

"She's being very vague about her challenge," Aizawa stated.

"Is she going to make it so that they can make anything for a soup dish...?" Lunch Rush asked.

"She must want to see what he can do without limits on food they use and make sure it doesn't clash," Knocking Master stated.

"... BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh! She's going to regret giving you that much freedom for a soup!" Zaus laughed out loud at a sudden flash of inspiration he had.

"... I'm going to be making THAT soup, aren't I?" Izuku asked, knowing what he would be preparing. "The incomplete version, sense I don't know the l;ast item for it."

"Mostly," Zaus stated, smiling.

Toriko smiled. "Isn't it going to be the soup on my list?" Izuku only nodded. "Everyone is going to be in for a treat then~ Even if it's not complete~"

"... Let me guess, not going to tell us...?" Kaminari asked in a deadpan.

"Where's the fun in that?" Teppe asked.

"... Okay? And?" He asked once she did not elaborate further.

"That's it, we will both make soup, and there won't be restrictions on Ingredients... Mostly." she answered with a predatory smirk.


"We both will need to use as many Ingredients as possible AND make it so their taste won't clash. I saw you win while using one or two Ingredients tops, I want to see if you can handle lots more! I, for example, will use: Bear Meat, Pacific Saury, Beef, Apples, Salmon, Chicken and various vegetables."

"So your Dish will double as a Revenge for the fallen Kings?" Izuku asked with his eyebrows almost shutting up all the way to his hairline.

"What can I say, I have a soft spot for theatrics!" she replied, laughing.

"Fair enough, I will use the same ingredients then, plus a few others." Izuku answered.


Sigh! "I think I know what you are planning for, I will ask our janitors to bring the machines here." Yamato said.


"You'll see, Midoriya." Mako answered, smiling mischievous.

"Machine?" Toriko and Rush asked, confused.

"She might be trying something to cook the food with her Quirk," Nezu stated.

"Who knows?" Coco said. "We'll just have to see."

"How much is a lot more, Midoriya?" Mina asked.

".. About... a hundred ingredients," Izuku answered.

"A Hundred!?" half the teens shouted.

"How are you going to put one hundred items in one soup!?" Iida shouted, shocked. "How will that work!?"

"You'll see," Izuku only said.

"And to be technical, one hundred Ingredients is the actual bare minimum number of Ingredients needed to make a proper soup of that kind. The more used, the better the final result is." Setsuno added.

"... What kind of crazy ass soup has that much put into it...?" Mic asked, shocked.

Tina giggled. "You'll see, dear."

- Twenty Minutes Later -

Just as two agents of the Police Force finally arrived to cuff Takeo and slowly drag the still unconscious young man away, Toshio the Meat King entered the room to accompany the school janitors rolling inside two bulky and complex-looking machines the size of a fridge.

"I am glad you accepted returning here for this," Yamato said.

"I am doing this as a favor to Midoriya, after Takeo and Michiko screwed-up he needed a proper judge, I am already looking for a new school." The plump boy answered, huffing.

"Fair enough." The old woman replied with a sigh of dismay.

"While we waited, have you thought about what soup you will prepare?" Mako asked.

"Sort of, I think I know which one I will make to face you." Izuku answered.

"Good to hear."

"Is the Host aware of the main problem with his choice?" The Voice of his Sponsor though made its presence known soon after.

"Problem?" He asked.

"In order to prepare a perfect Century Soup, the Host will need a drop of saliva from the Ingredient known as Wall Penguin. Does the Host wish to purchase some from the System?" The Entity asked.

"So THAT was the last Ingredient? No wonder nobody else could replicate it! Setsuno probably knew and did not tell me either... Damn her!" Izuku thought in amusement.

"No need. My 'Imperfect Version' is still an extremely good Soup. I will use that to defeat Mako." The young Chef answered.

"So that's what was missing from the perfected version!" Zaus shouted.

"Saliva...? Seriously...?" Mt. Lady asked, face turning green.

"Aw don't be like that! Saliva is literally water and very faint traces of other enzymes. In the Wall Penguin case, they don't even have saliva in the normal sense of the word. Their race had been feeding on the Century Soup for such a long time that the thing has become a literal part of their race, so a single drop of their saliva contains the enzyme that completes the chemical reaction that transforms the Proto-Soup into the final product." Setsuno answered.

"IGO also checked, paradoxically, human saliva, like yours, actually contains a lot more bacteria than a Wall Penguin's saliva sample. So in a sense, those poor things would be more justified than you in feeling queasy." Coco added with a gentle smile.

Mt. Lady gave the Poison Man a flat look. "Look at it from our perspective and you'll see why we're concerned... But I'm talking to the man who's a walking poison bomb..."

"Now, now, Yu, no need to be mean to Coco," Teppe said.

"I agree," Death Arms stated.

"Still, shouldn't tell the people what is used in it, otherwise you might lose your appetite," Kamui stated, sweat-dropping. "Still willing to try both versions..." He muttered that last part.

"Have you ever eaten my bird nest soup?" Lunch Rush asked, chuckling.

"Yes? You did make it a couple times?" Yu answered.

"One of the Ingredients is actual saliva from the Swiftlet Bird, if you make it properly. The swiftlet bird lives in dark caves. Instead of twigs and straw, however, the swiftlet makes its nest from strands of its gummy saliva, which is produced by the glands under the tongue. The nest then hardens when exposed to air, people then collect it and sell it as Ingredients for soups.You ate a lot of it last time, miss People should know! A lot of Ingredients use creepy Ingredients that on paper are disgusting, people know that but just choose to ignore it," Rush said.

"You people like my home-made Digestive, yes?" Nezu asked, smirking.

"... What do you use to make it?" Aizawa, Mic and Nemuri asked in dread.

"Centipede-infused vodka and medical herbs." Nezu answered, smiling.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mic shrieked in horror and almost fainted.

"Hizashi, are you okay?" Tina asked, shocked at how Mic was almost foaming at the mouth.

"Mic here has Entomophobia, a fear of bugs and the like," Nemuri answered, shiving. "He became a lot worse when Kota used a swarm of bugs to incase him in his Finals Match."

"Then he should stay clear of Tommyrod from our world..." Toriko stated. "He... has a bug colony living inside him."

"As in?" Mic asked in dread.

"He has them in his body and spits them out of his mouth..." Toriko said, grimacing. "He even made me lose my arm before I had to grow it back."

Mic's whole face turned a sickly green as well and pale bone white somehow. "... If I ever face him, I'm shouting at him then booking it to the next country..."

Recovery Girl eye twitched. "'Grew back your arm' he says in such a nonchalant tone of voice like it doesn't break everything we know about medicine in our reality..."

"Well it did take me... was it three months?" Toriko stated, trying to remember how long it took.

"When it should have taken you twenty years," Coco stated.

"... You know what, I'm coming to your world to learn all this and maybe become younger again with all this crazy ass stuff you have..." Recovery Girl stated, looking done.

"Ah, The country of Healing. That has the best SPAs, I miss that place." Sanni said with a longing sigh.

"A Rejuvenating Service is pretty expensive, we are talking about a billion yen for each year you gain in youth." Coco explained, as if they were mere spare change.

"..." Recovery Girl just swayed a bit in her seat in abject horror.

"Our budget can't even cover for it, just so you know." Nezu said.

"You don't say..." Aizawa added, eyes bulging out.

"I'm willing to spend it to help her recover her title as the Youthful Heroen," Sunni stated. "Wouldn't even put a dent in my fanancies~"

"... Can I join?" Nemuri asked.

"It's your bank account, Nemuri. You don't need to ask for permission," Aizawa grunted in amusement.

"Don't ruin the moment, Shota!" Nemuri answered, pouting.

"I don't see why I can't pay for her as well," Sunni stated flatly. "She is a woman with good taste in looking good. Unlike you, Mr. Hobo, when was the last time you took care of yourself?"

"Can we get back to the show before you start a fight...?" Ren asked in a deadpan.

"Fine..." Sunni groaned out.

"So you say there won't be a Theme or chosen Ingredient, the only requirement is that we prepare a soup with as many Ingredients as we can handle..." Izuku said with a mischievous (and still adorable) smile.

"... Yes?" Mako answered, with a rather big chunk of ice spontaneously forming in her stomach out of worry.

"Good to know! Whitey, please bring me all the Ingredients they have in storage. Here are the quantities I need." The Young Chef asked while rapidly jutting down a note on a piece of paper.

"Understood." The plump robot answered and immediately ran out of the room.

"Every Ingredient we have in our storage?" Minato asked with a faint voice.

"Exactly! Should be many, right?" Izuku asked.

"We... We will soon have a feast to celebrate the Anniversary of the Founding of our school, so the kitchen storage has been stocked to capacity..." Yamato answered, just as unnerved.

"How many?" Izuku pressed on just as Whitey barged-in with a HUGE pair of burlap sacks filled to the brim in Ingredients on his shoulders...And the school cafeteria's Chef desperately clinging to his leg to stop the robot.

"Two hundred and fifty-three different Ingredients have been collected, Host." Whitey declared.

"More or less that many..." Yamato confirmed with a tiny voice.

"Rector! Stop this monster! This thing has beaten-up and undressed the entire kitchen Staff! Not even the women were spared!" the guy cried-out in horror.

"Disciplinary Stripping cares not about Gender! All Troublemakers in the way to the Host's Mission shall be stripped as an example to others!" the Robot answered while delivering the Ingredients to Izuku.

"Monster!" several girls shrieked in horror.

"I care not about your feelings. Your "Respect Wahmen" shall be used to shine this Unit's backside." The System answered through Whitey's mouth, merciless as usual and making Izuku chuckle.

Many outraged gasps echoed in the room at that statement.

"... Note to self, don't anger the Chubby Robot..." Ren stated.

"This happens when we demand equal rights... We then receive equal lefts too." Mina said, sighing.

"To be fair, it's a robot, so of course it only sees Targets, not gender." Momo added, humming.

"Just don't cause a problem and it won't hurt you," Pony stated.

"Guess that is true, and it does know when someone is being forced to do something so they'll take them back to be questioned," Jiro stated.

"Still, better not get in his way all the same. Can't say if it will be worse to get stripped or beaten-up." Kirishima wondered aloud.

"I say I would prefer getting beaten up, at least once healed you are fine, if you get stripped naked, everybody around you will make sure you will never forget." Sero answered, shiving.

"Small matters aside, I will start my own Soup if you don't mind." The green-haired Chef declared.

"You can't use that many Ingredients together!" Mako said with wide eyes.

"I have watched you and others use many Ingredients in every fight I had with you Kings... What's wrong with me doing this now?"

"At best I used less than ten! Not over two hundred!" Michiko screeched in shock.

"I know, unfortunately the Century Soup does require a lot of Ingredients to be done." Izuku answered with a helpless shrug.

"Century Soup? Never heard of it." Mako admitted.

"Imagine it as a VERY clear consommé. It will take a couple hours to make, but it will be oh so worth it..." Izuku answered, showing an eager expression.

"A couple hours? Good! At least I will have plenty of time to make my own "Flavor Pearls Soup". We both will use our best dish, good!" the woman said with a feral smirk.

"It's not really my best Dish, but whatever floats her boat, I guess..." Izuku muttered to himself in answer.

"Both contestants ready? This is the last Challenge between Midoriya Izuku and the 5 Kings, this time against 'Soup King' Mako Yarikami. The Theme is simply Soup and will be the longest of them all as both will have two hours to complete their Dish." Minato said with a tense tone.

"I ask again, are you ready?"

"We are ready!" Both young Chefs answered at the same time.

"Then... BEGIN!" at the signal, both contestants moved at the same time.

"This is going to be interesting," Komatsu stated. "I want to see what she'll do with the machines she'll bring out."

"Wanting to see if you can find a way to use them yourself?" Melk asked her husband.

"Hey, I like the idea of learning new ways to cook," he said, smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, if he can make good food with it, I'm fine with it," Toriko stated, smiling.

"As long as the Ingredients are okay with it," Setsuno added.

"Of course! I would never force them!"

"That's good to hear," she said, smiling. "Just wanted to make sure you remembered."

"Hey, he isn't my partner for nothing," Toriko stated, smiling and buddy hugging the chef.

While Izuku pulled-out the biggest pot he could find, Mako was already attacking a fat salmon so fresh it looked still alive.

Putting the fat fish on the chopping board, she slashed downward with her customized Knife branded with Inoshiki Academy insignia on the handle to filet and skin the salmon at high speed.

"That is some impressive knife technique," Izuku admitted, he had instead started with the beef and bear meat, cleaning both at high speed and then seasoning them.

"That's not the only thing I am impressed with! Now you'll see why I remained the First King ever since I was selected!" Mako answered, her feral smile showing a sinister edge that still gained her loud simping cries from the students behind her.

"Those guys are hopeless," Izuku commented with a sigh as his knife moved in a burst of speed that gave the illusion of three blades chopping down at the same time and slicing the saury he was working with into thin stripes in an instant.

"How can you cut that fast?" Mako blurted-out, awed by the sight.

"Hard and merciless training, both my old Teacher and my current Sponsor are slave-drivers." The young man answered, sighing.

"Well, it doesn't matter! It won't be the Fastest Chef to win, but the Best!" on the notes of that answer, Mako finished separating the skin, scales, meat, and bones of the salmon she was working with neatly, each movement of hers swift and extremely precise.

Once finished dealing with the fish meat, the young woman sent Izuku a challenging glare and pulled-out a metal rack with a big funnel on top and a tiny hole on the bottom under which she positioned a big bowl filled in a clear liquid with a light gelatinous consistency.

"What's that?" he asked.

"My secret weapon! Custom-made to help my 'Heat Parasite' Quirk show its Full Potential while Cooking!" Mako answered in glee.

"He is finished! Queen Mako is also known as the Molecular Devil! Nobody can match her expertise!" a girl exclaimed in reverential wonder from the back of the class.

"Oooh! Molecular cuisine! Fancy!" Setsuno said, chuckling amused.

"Oh, Molecular Cuisine... Pompous dimwits," Lunch Rush said at the same time, annoyed.

"Oh, I would figure you'd be into that?" Setsuno stated, raising an eyebrow to the Cooking Hero.

"The cooking; I am interested in cooking. The Chefs cooking like that? No, they are pompous, Holier than Thou egotistical primadonna! I too can make a Tiramisu with a cloud of chocolate and a reduction of Mascarpone, but I don't brag about it!" Rush answered, harrumphing like an annoyed kid.

"Ah, that. Understandable." The old lady conceded.

Zaus laughed. "I'm glad you have your pride, that's good. To each their own as a chef~ I did try it myself when I was younger, but I kept cooking the regular way~"

"Thanks, at least somebody understands that I can like a style but not who uses it."

"Just don't start experimenting when cooking for the students, they may not understand it and still argue against it." Nezu said, smirking.

"Yes, yes. I won't try it, god knows some of them, except the ones present here, feel sick if they don't have their daily hamburger!" Rush answered, rolling his eyes.

"... Daily Hamburger...?" Kirashima asked, confused.

"He is exaggerating for comedic purposes." Aizawa corrected him, annoyed.

"I know that! I was just... Reacting!" He answered, blushing.

Jiro sighed at Kirashima's dunce moments.

"Molecular Cuisine, eh? I have dabbled in it a couple times... But in the end, I always return to more Mundane cooking methods." Izuku admitted with a thoughtful expression.

He actually remembered a Chef from his lifetime as Zaus that specialized in that branch of cooking: 'Mad Scientist Nanachi'... But no amount of amazing Dishes could help Izuku stomach the guy's obnoxious manners he displayed whenever out of a kitchen, that man was just too rude and annoying!

"Ahaha! Then let me show you how a Master does it!" Mako answered.

One of the machines she had asked for and had been moved into the class was soon turned on, and each container on the front of the bulkiest machine went filled by the fish parts: skin inside the first, the meat in the second and the bones in the third.

"This is what we jokingly refer to as "Taste Extractor", it will forcefully extract every drop of essence from whatever is inserted into the containers and pour the resulting liquids into separate vials." Mako explained, and loud shredding noises rang out as soon as she started the thing.

"That poor salmon is not exactly enjoying it..." Izuku muttered, unheard.

Hearing the Voice of Ingredients helped him and many of his colleagues learn that not every Ingredient liked being used in molecular gastronomy, it was actually very polarizing opinion, but it was clear to Izuku how THAT PARTICULAR salmon didn't appreciate being treated like that.

"Yeah, if she had used the second one, it would have been fine with it," Komatsu stated, hearing the voice through the screen.

"So it's not a real voice?" Kaminari asked.

"Not really, it's more of a Feeling thing, we feel what the Ingredients want inside our soul, and act in accordance to it following our instinct." Komatsu answered.

"Huh, cool, so like Ultra Instinct with food?" Kaminari asked.

"... Uh, what's that...?" Komatsu asked, looking lost.

"A Dragon Ball power up," Tetsutetsu answered.

'May Akira Toriyama rest in peace,' the deities stated in their minds.

Once collected the vials of Salmon Essence, Mako switched containers with clean ones to repeat the process with her own seasoned bear meat, and doing it again over and over with every Ingredient she had chosen.

"What now?" While slowly stirring the soup stock he made until it started to boil gently, Izuku watched the wide collection vials now filling Mako's workstation.

"Now I will turn all this into beautiful Pearls of flavor thanks to a solution of sodium alginate and calcium chloride, pearls I will then freeze." She answered.

"I don't want to sound like a grumpy old man or even a 20th century Boomer... But I still find all that a bit too extreme as a way of Cooking, too many chemicals involved." Izuku admitted, sheepish.

"To each their own." Mako answered with an annoyed huff.

It was a curious sight indeed, on one side they watched Izuku carefully cut pork meat into identical tiny cubes barely an inch big, while at the opposite side Mako was instead using a syringe to collect the content of a vial of Essence and pouring it a drop at a time into a small basin containing the chemical bath that turned each drop into a small gelatinous ball the size of a pea.

"One Chef is cooking in the traditional way, the other is using the most modern equipment of the 22nd Century. It's literally a battle between Past and Present!" Minato muttered, intrigued.

"Like watching a Samurai fighting a Robot?" Sadao asked with starry eyes.

"Exactly!" The man answered, excited.

"Honey you read too many Light Novels..." Yamato commented while rolling her eyes.

"I am still going to say that 'Samurai VS Zombie VS Robot for the love of the Takoyaki Princess in the Kingdom of Dancing Squids.' is neither Trashy nor Cringe." Minato answered, huffing.

"Minato, the title alone made my skin crawl..." the woman answered, sighing.


Light groaned, rubbing the sides of his head. "Out of a ton of long Manga/Anime titles I've heard, that one still gives me a headache... That sounds like someone just throwing any and all tropes into one thing and praying it works..."

"Long titles exist because they have to immediately catch the attention of potential readers. They read the title and immediately get an idea about the overall plot of the manga." Nezu answered.

"Oh, no, I like long titles in a lot of them, 'That time I got Reincarnated as a Slime' and 'Danmachi: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?' to name two, this is just one of those that make no sense whatsoever in the slightest," Light answered. "And I've heard of far out there titles as well as seen weird stuff out there."

"Can I try reading the book of Mister Minato?" Pony asked.

"You sure? It's one of the bad ones."

"Just one issue, to try."

"Here." Joy reached inside his mouth and retrieved a thick manga with a very badly-drawn cover.

"Ugh... The cover looks cheap," Pony said with a scrunched nose.

"The inside is even worse..." Joy admitted, grimacing.

"I am sure it's not so..." Pony's words slowed to a crawl while her face got greener and greener.

"What's this?! The pacing is atrocious! The characters are bland! The Plot is cliche and badly explained and the Romance is puerile!" She yelled in disgust,

"Told you!" The Three Entities said as one.

"This isn't even worthy of being used as toilet paper!" Pony declared, offended almost personally by how bad it was. "And I'm a Otaku/Weeb who likes this sort of thing!"

"... Geez you know it's bad if Pony doesn't enjoy it..." Setsuna said, shocked. "And she enjoys any and all kinds of Manga/Anime out there."

"Is it really that bad?" Toriko asked, taking it when Pony handed it to him. He cringed at it and even harder after reading the first few pages. "... Okay, yeah, this is bad..."

"Some people really have horrid tastes.." He declared, holding the manga with just two fingers as if it stunk.

"Let's get back to the show," Nighteye said, letting out a sigh. "We're getting off topic... Again..."

- With Izuku and Mako -

The contestants were luckily too engrossed in their cooking to notice the strange by-play between Mother and Son, so did the audience both in class and following the Livestream.

Once every drop of Essence from the various vials had been turned into gelatinous spheres, all neatly separated into different dishes, Mako grabbed one of the handles of her contraption with one hand, rapidly covering the entire thing with a thin layer of frost once absorbed into herself every ounce of heat thanks to her Quirk.

"Here it is! My secret weapon! I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR NICE ASS, PRETTY BOY!" and as expected, the downside of her Quirk as well showed-up with all the absorbed Heat making her self-control slip.

"W-Wha?!" Izuku shrieked at the comment about his ass.



And Izuku turned into a steamed Tomato and Broccoli again after hearing that. Kota and Eri's ears were covered from the part of the... inappropriate words used for Izuku.

"My butt is not... That!" Izuku yelled, ashamed.

"I dunno, it is a damn fine butt, Icchan." Mina said, a teasing smile.

"I think you can actually bounce a coin on it for real." Setsuna added, humming.

"You should try twerking. For my enjoyment, mostly." Pony added.

The three of them were squatting down to ogle Izuku's butt far too closely.

"Can you stop that?!" Ochako roared while pulling them away.

Zaus just laughed at his reincarnation. "He's a ladies man, that's for sure~!"

Inko was crying rivers at how popular Izuku has become.



"Gyaaaah!" Izuku yelled and jumped away.

"Felt good to squeeze it, full marks." Reiko declared after squeezing one of Izuku's buttcheek.

Izuku was becoming Nuclear Red.

"I now see why he insists on not having skin-tight pants in his Hero Costume." Nana said, holding back her laughter.

"Could distract the enemy though." Mic said, smirking.

"Yes, but villainesses molesting him are bad for PR." Nemuri added, laughing.

"So are Heroes and Heroines both active and in training..." Nezu reminded them, having a glint in his eyes. A lot of the girls gulped. "I suggest letting him go before I SEVERELY punish you all for such a thing~! I am the animal here, not you~!"

The girls just grumbled and let Izuku go.

"Next time, ask permission first," Nezu stated. "I don't mind what you do, but please remember that~"

"Mako becomes way too forward when Overheating," Michiko commented with a sigh of dismay.

"Not that she is wrong..." Sadao added, she, just like the other girls in class, was now avoiding Izuku's eyes when the unnerved Chef tried looking at them.


"I am not like that! I don't have that Oneechan Aura or whatever...At best I am an average plain boy..." he muttered with a pout. A supremely adorable pout.

"Bulls**t!" The girls in the classroom thought as one at the same time, the same answer momentarily swarmed the Livestream Chat as well as every female user typed that.

The same thought also crossed the minds of the fans of the original manga.

"That ass belongs to me, kindly keep those dirty paws away from it." Momo thought in distaste while scowling at the Livestream.

Momo was now the one being the steamed Tomato. The girls giggled at her.

"I mean, stating your claim is bold, but understandable!" Rin admitted, laughing.

"Yes, but that Me could avoid being so literal about it!" Momo yelled, ashamed.

Mina buddy hugged her. "Hey, you know that you like him, and you're scared to lose that~"

Momo was flustered and shifted in her seat. "I-I guess..." she muttered. "I still can't see myself acting like that..."

"Well it might be that you have genuine friends and are willing to share," Mina said, teasing her.

"It's a bit weird, to be honest, but it makes things easier and less dramatic." She admitted-

"Marsh?" The tiny Mon asked.

"Yes, they mean well, it's just that I am still getting used to this." Izuku answered, nodding.

"Hn!" The tiny thing nodded, pleased.

"Oh! People will have lots of questions once we are back, from their point of view, in a single day we all changed a lot." Tsuyu admitted, chuckling.

"And do you actually care about that?" Jiro asked, smirking.

"Oh! Not even a little!" She answered, laughing.

"Damn right!"

"We can say Mei made a time bubble thing that trapped us in it and time moved differently in it," Power Loader stated.

"Why am I the scapegoat!?" Mei shouted.

"Because it's something you would do..." he stated blandly. Mei just pouted at him.

Still glaring at the green-haired Chef, Mako kept one hand on her contraption to keep it cold, while with the other she delicately poured the content of a Dish to let the drops of Essence gently roll into the funnel.

"Thanks to my Quirk, I can freeze these drops instantly! Even better than a bath into Liquid Nitrogen! You are finished, pretty boy!" Mako, still under the effects of her Overheating, declared as the tiny pearl-like frozen grains started dripping down from the funnel and filling-up the porcelain bowl under it.

Once repeated the freezing with the content of every vial, soon pearl-like grains of different colors filled the bowl to the brim.

"The Pearls are ready, now I can focus on the proper soup." The woman said with a sigh, moving the bowl of pearls into the fridge with a more relaxed expression.

"Feeling better?" Izuku asked with a whisper.

"Yes, I will be. Luckily the effect doesn't last long once I stop absorbing heat... Sorry about what I said. It was distasteful." Mako answered, ashamed.

"No harm done, don't worry,"

"Thank you."

"You're done making pearls?"

"Yes, I will start preparing the soup properly, how about you?"

"I am a third of the way, to make a proper consommé two hours will be barely enough, but I'll manage." Izuku answered.

"Give it your all, then. I hate Chefs who slack-off!" Mako answered, nodding.

"It's like she has a split personality when she uses her Quirk," Izuku muttered, writing down the information on Mako and her Quirk. "Good for preserving food if she can freeze it and keep it fresh."

"Bad if she gets that worked-up when overheating, having no self-control and reason is bad for cooking as it's bad for Heroics." Aizawa answered.

"Also true." Izuku conceded.

"She'd just need to learn to control that part of her," Aizawa said flatly.

"You make it sound that simple," Mic stated.

"Because it is..."


"She has a clear threshold before she loses control, a limit of heat she can absorb while remaining in control, she needs to learn to feel when she is reaching her limit and stop there. If she can extend that threshold without going into Overheating to make it last longer and take more heat."

"It seems like you actually know how to teach," Toriko stated.

"I know you're insulting me for what I've done..." Aizawa stated, flatly.

"... Nnnnooo..."


Said that, the young woman started preparing a chicken bone stock since the bird's meat will be the main element of the soup.

"Chicken Soup as a base, making a tasty soup that is also Clear and without oil or grease suspension will be of essence to make a successful dish..." Yamato thought with narrowed eyes while studying both contestants' handiwork.

In the meantime Mako had finished cleaning the Knife she used to prepare the Ingredients for the Essence Extractor and was now cutting the meat, skillfully piercing through the chicken skin right above the articulations connecting the wings to the body and cleanly separating them from the breast.

Done the same with the legs, and after quartering the chicken breast, she delicately removed the bones to prepare the stock and rubbed every piece of meat in butter and placed the now-shining cuts into an earthenware pot.

"Good, now...the herbs and the pepper grains..." the young woman muttered, thoughtful.

While the bone stock was slowly starting bubbling gently on the stove, a colorful mix of herbs and spices, along with a small pinch of black pepper, went gently sprinkled above the meat until every piece was covered uniformly, then the pot went sealed by its lid and put above the fire.

Having now her hands momentarily free of work, she moved a bit closer to see what Izuku was doing.

"This Century Soup..." she asked.

"Yes?" He answered while removing the last traces of scum floating to the surface of the meat he was blanching, meat that went then added to the main pot boiling at low flame.

"Do you really need all those Ingredients to make it?"

"Yes. To be fair, though, a Proper Century Soup should be left boiling for up to ten hours, but with the Ingredients I am using, two hours will suffice." Izuku answered.

"It is a very complex dish then?" She asked while peering into the bubbling pot.

"Very, I might lack a key Ingredient that is still fermenting back in my personal kitchen, but I have experimented enough with this recipe to know how to cover for most of this problem. This I am preparing is what I call Proto-Century Soup, but done here I plan to make the real one back at my Restaurant."

"Ah, yes! So many countless nights. Came pretty close at figuring-out how to make it properly, So I guess the Proto Version will be enough for this particular Challenge." Zaus said.

"We are the only two that actually figured-out how to make a 99.99% Century Soup in our world. Komatsu-kun, as the owner of a Wall Penguin, is the only one that can make a proper one. That girl doesn't know what she is about to experience." Setsuno added, chuckling amused.

"Still, that's a lot of items for one soup," Kirishima stated. "I know that having it all is for the soup, but how can something taste good with a tone of flavors mashed together?"

"Hahahaha! That is the secret of the Century Soup! The preparation method is what blends all that together in what is the Soup's true nature: a Thank You to every Ingredient of the world, especially the best ones of the Century the soup is made in." Setsuno answered, humming.

"I see..."

"We'll just have to try it when we get it," Ojiro said.

"You will! That thing is delicious and brings smiles, literally." Joy answered, chuckling.


"You'll see! No Spoilers." Light said, with a grin.

"Ten hours even, impressive. "

"Impressive and a slog to prepare."

"Of course the Original Recipe requires that many hours to be done, the Ingredients needed are so out of ordinary compared to the ones of this world that it's not a surprise the requirements are just as crazy!" The green-haired young man mentally added with a sigh.

"Uh! You said that the missing Ingredient is still fermenting... What's that?" Mako asked, curious.

"Home-made aromatic winegar. Secret Recipe." Izuku answered with a cheeky wink, and using the lie suggested by the System.

"So you are fighting me with an Imperfect soup?" Mako asked with narrowed eyes.

"Imperfect implies it will be a bad soup, I am preparing a different version of the original dish, please don't insult it. It will be exceptionally good, I know." Izuku answered, sending her a side glare.

"... We'll see..." the young woman answered as she marched back to her own workstation.

"Geez, tickling Fate, hn?" Katsuki said.

"Let her, it will be funnier to see her pride burn to shreds." Tetsutetsu answered.

"I think she'd like the challenge," Komatsu stated, smiling.

"She might not have had a good competitor in a while and is actually looking forward to having one," Zaus stated.

"Too bad she choose the worst guy for that," Tetsutetsu answered,

"Losing in style takes skill too! At least she will look nice when she loses." Monoma added, laughing.

"Don't crush her too much, okay?" Mina asked.

"You should ask that to that Me, not me-me!" Izuku answered, chuckling.

- Some Time later -

While Izuku's dish was nearing the final phases of preparation, Mako's own soup was almost ready as well.

As she waited for the soup to be ready, she recovered her Pearls of Flavor from the fridge and started collecting a few of each Flavor to create a small selection of colorful beads she then poured into small dishes, one for each Judge plus two, one for Izuku and one for herself.

In her pot, water boiled and steam rolled forth while the soup was constantly bubbling, filling the room in the homely scent of cooked chicken.

Looking as if unsatisfied by something, Mako actually grabbed a few Pearls from the ones remaining from her selection and tossed them into the soup where they melted instantly, causing the scent to change slightly while the soup bubbled even more violently.

Bubbles constantly rose and popped at the surface of the soup the more pearls she added.

Toriko and Fatgum's stomachs growled from the smell coming from the screen. "Man that smells amazing, and he's just prepping the items," Fatgum stated.

"The girl has a lot of talent, sure she is still far from being a full-fledged Chef, back home they would still eat her alive quite easily, but she has what it takes to one day be a good one." Setsuno said, humming jovially.

"Still too wet behind the ears, but she'll get there eventually." Rush added, nodding.

"She's got talent, that's for sure, but she needs training," Komatsu stated. "Maybe if she's in your reality, you can teach her."

"And you guys as well, since we'll be connecting our dimensions together with a portal?" David asked. "Since I-Island will and would like to research more of your world and see if it can improve ours as well."

"Treat them as the Advanced Class, though, they can bend over the Laws of Physics while cooking. That's for more expert students." Aizawa added, his terrifying smirk on his face.

"You can be a Satous at times, you know that," Mic stated with a sweatdrop.

"Plus Ultra," Aizawa simply stated.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

"This will add a bit of Body to the soup taste. I added some essence of herbs, beef and pork to it, enough to add facets without overshadowing the gentle taste of chicken." Mako explained with a smirk.

Using a steel ladle to scoop-out the soup and show it to the people present, Izuku and the others saw that the thing was extremely clear, without a single trace of oil, which made it look pleasing to the eyes.

The dense meat fragrance of the chicken intermingled perfectly with the delicate scent of the bone broth it was submerged in, with the mixture of scents wafting everywhere to tease the noses of the spectators.

"That actually looks really good," Tina stated.

"She does know what she's doing," Komatsu stated. "She might be able to start those 'Advanced Lesions' Aizawa suggested."

"We'll see."

"She still has a way to go, in both attitude and in training," Setsuno stated. "She reminds me a lot of myself when I was her age~"

"Three thousand years ago?" Katsuki asked, rolling his eyes-


Setsuno flicked his nose and he was sent flying like a blurry human comet right into the building's wall.

"Oi! Watch the building!" Light shouted.

"Meanie! I am not that old!" Setsuno said with a childish pout.

"Was that?" He'arth asked.

"A six hundred meters long fly, yep!" Joy answered.

"Damn, nice." Both fist-bumped at that.

"Still need to watch the room, I don't want to have to repair it every five minutes," Light stated.

"MY BEAUTIFUL NOOOOOOOOOSE!" Katsuki was heard howling in despair and pain.

"Coming, coming. I'll fix it..." Izuku answered, rolling his eyes.

"Don't ruin it further, Nerd!"

"Yes, yes."


"FUCK! ... So? So?" Katsuki asked, worried.

"Back to normal, relax, Kacchan."


"Drama Queen." Sanni commented, shaking his head.

"Pot, Kettle!" Rin answered, smirking.



Pouring the delicate chicken meat soup into the various white porcelain bowls, Mako then took the dishes containing her Flavor Pearls and delivered everything to the judges table.

"Here it is, my 'Flavor Pearls Chicken Soup' is ready! Please try the meat and soup by themselves and then pour the Pearls in the remaining broth, then you can either wait for them to melt or eat them as they are and enjoy the feeling of Hot and Cold they provide. Please enjoy your meal." Mako explained with a deep bow.

Although the judges all thanked her for their portion, their attention kept gravitating towards the other soup still cooking, and Mako could not exactly blame them either.

The Soup kept bubbling and bubbling, with Izuku's ladle never stopping moving to gently squeeze out every drop of taste from everything he used.

"He keeps adding Ingredients..." Sadao muttered, shocked.

"And the scent still remains amazing..." Michiko chorused, and looked at the big pot with unblinking eyes.

"Beef, pork, veal, bear, shrimps, calamari, salmon, carrots, potatoes...I can tell each Ingredient apart by smell and they are not in conflict... HOW?!" a student shrieked in horror from the back of the room.

"And he keeps adding more! What the f***?!" the girl's friend added.

"The preliminary preparations are done... Now... The filtering." Izuku muttered with narrowed eyes.

"Filtering?" everybody else thought, growing extremely confused.

Izuku, Sato, Kinoko and Lunch Rush gave Sestuno a flat look. "And you wanted us to make that in our first lesson...?"

"It would have been a cool first lesson, if you weren't Cowards!" Setsuno answered, pouting once more.

"We are not cowards! We are just not fools!" They answered with bulged-out eyes.

Zaus sighs. "She was always like that, she wanted to throw others in the deep end, even if they couldn't swim."

"Swim or sink! Cook or Burn! It works!" She answered.

"One time every ten!"


"... Gee, I wonder who that sounds like..." Midnight stated, looking at Aizawa.

"... I have no idea what you're talking about..."


As if to answer them, they watched Izuku prepare a second big pot he topped with an extremely fine filter Whitey pulled out of the opening on his stomach, the thing was so fine the 'holes' of its net almost could not be seen by naked eye.

"Now... If I do it properly, three times should be enough... And I will only need to make it finish cooking for a couple minutes more after that to be done..." Izuku muttered while pouring the entire content of the first pot into the second once removed the cooked Ingredients from it.

"Why Filtering it? To make sure the broth is extra clear?" Minato muttered, unsure.

"Maybe he wants to avoid any particles to float in it?" Yamato answered while watching Izuku clean the first pot thoroughly to repeat the Filtering a second time with a brand new and even finer filter.

When the third round of Filtering happened though, every whisper died down abruptly to let absolute silence take over, because NOBODY could comprehend what they were actually seeing...

The Soup that poured down from the filter now was absolutely invisible.

Hero and Hero Students alike jaws dropped, with Kota and Eri's eyes widened. "So cool," both kids said in awe.

"Yeep! That's a perfectly made Proto Century Soup! Even without the key Ingredient, it still reached the final stage, the Invisible Soup look. Very good!" Zaus commented, proud.

"How... How can it become Translucent!?" Iida shouted in shock. "What's next, it does something ludicrous when complete?"

"Hohohohoho!" Setsuno just laughed.

"No, I don't like that laugh!"

"You'll see." She answered.

Iida just slumped. "When I thought I was getting used to your world's logic..."

"Guess they can still throw a curveball at us," Jurota stated.

Clearer than water, transparent to the point of absurdity, a Soup they could HEAR sloshing about in the pot, but that they were unable to see.

"Perfectly done!" Izuku declared with an elated smile.

"HOW?!" Mako demanded.

"It's part of the recipe! Unfortunately I lack the one Ingredient to finish it properly, so the 99.9% version will have to be done this time." He answered.

He honestly could not tell them the missing Ingredient came from an animal of another world.

"While you finish your preparations, we will start judging Mako's Soup." Minato said.

"Please go ahead, I will be done in a minute." Izuku answered, nodding.

"Good. Let's see... This soup does look delicious." Yamato admitted, sounding extremely impressed.

Mako's dish could only be described as beautiful, a soup with enchanting color and luster.

Under the light of the room, the dish seemed to be as dazzling as a starry sky with the clear soup emitting an enchanting fragrance as steam rose from the surface of the bowl, constantly rolling around and scattering.

The soup was clear with a light yellow tinge to it, and the tiny grains in the small bowl next to it looked like small pearls emitting a hazy luster when light shone onto them.

The meat had been cooked a little by itself before being cut into small round slices Mako then added to the soup, just enough for the butter and the mixture of herbs and spices to properly enrich its taste, not being fully cooked in the broth also meant that the meat did not break apart once scooped-up with the spoon.

It was a warm taste that gently warmed the heart of the eater, with the buttery-soft pieces of meat giving further body to the dish.

"Very good! Almost on par with a first year student back home! Finally somebody that is believable in the role of King of Something! Hohohoho! If only she studied back home with us, She wouldn't have access to Special Preparation Ingredients, that would help her so much to grow properly as a Chef." Setsuno commented with a sad tone after trying her soup.

"Give it time." Joy muttered.

"Not now." He'arth muttered, making him nod.

"For shame, but I guess it can't be helped." Zaus added.

"Well I will be contacting their school after this to have Young Midoriya get training by them~" Nezu stated, laughing maniacally. "I always wanted to add a culinary track to UA's General Study~! Lunch has been begging me to do so~"

Lunch Rush was crying tears of joy. "Finally...~!"

"Well with Izuku's powers, he'll need connections, and what better way than with this school to start~?" Nezu asked, planning his way to get some villains in the background.

"You are bored, isn't it? You always pull off this bullcrap when bored." Aizawa answered, groaning.

"You can't understand. My brain needs stimulation! I can't help it!" Nezu answered, with very fake tears. Joy even played a very cliche sad music on a violin behind him while He'Harth added some dramatic rain to the scene.

"Do not second him!" Aizawa, Mic and Nemuri yelled as one.

"Yes, please stop encouraging the Rat," the System stated.

"You're just like Aizawa so you have no room to talk," Gaia stated.

"Simply wonderful." Yamato declared with a proud tone.

"Just by sight, this soup has already exceeded every expectation we had, but now is time to see if the taste too was a success." Minato declared.

"I am confident in my dish, I promise you won't be disappointed!" Mako answered while puffing-out her chest in pride.

"I know I won't be, I know you well." Yamato answered, she was the first to taste the dish.

When the judges took their first mouthful of soup, the look in their eyes changed from sharp and focused into a more relaxed expression, as if reminiscing few fond memories of days long past.

In the next moment, they constantly moved their spoons, scooping more and more spoonfuls to their mouths with an eager expression.

"Try the Pearls too, those are a wonder of Molecular Cuisine." Mako suggested with a smirk oozing unbearable amounts of pride as she pointed at the small dish of pearls next to the soup plate.

"Aah! I remember your Pearls! Pure taste and essence condensed into minuscule bombs of flavor!" Yamato answered, eagerly collecting a few pearls of each color in her spoon she then briefly dipped into the soup before eating them.

When the essence grains entered her mouth, their cold shell formed a sharp contrast with the hot soup that further highlighted their taste.

These essence grains were frozen, and the cooling sensation when they entered the mouth together with the warm soup made the judges risk swallowing their tongue in their haste to eat more as soon as the grains taste mixed with the broth's.

"She really does have talent," Sunni stated. "She just needs to work on her attitude a bit."

"You can't really hide it behind her Quirk either, she was already very full of herself before the cooking battle started. She is just... very prideful." Mina said, grimacing.

"I would have said 'A pain in the ass', but you do you, gil." Setsuna answered, smirking.

"I wouldn't use those terms, but yes, she is a bit insufferable." Melk admitted.

"Like I said, she'll need training in that," Aizawa stated flatly.

"Or some spanking." Nemuri answered.

"That's your solution to everything, you are biased." Mic answered, smirking.

"I bet your girlfriend will love it~" Nemuri teased, making Tina blush soi hard stem came off her face.

"Will you not say such things!?" Tina shouted at the R-18 hero. "There are kids here!" Nemuri just laughed at her expense.

Aizawa groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can you act like an adult for once...?" Nimure went to speak. "And I mean a normal mature adult that isn't trying to get a lawsuit on her ass..." He added, making Nemuri pout and a few people there laugh or giggle.

"Salmon tastes like chicken soup, it's a surprise the two don't clash. Is it because of their being spheres?" Sadao admitted.

"What she did, Spherification, changed the flavor of the Ingredients, isn't it?" Izuku answered.

"Pretty much. It is still a chemical reaction, not every Ingredient can take it and maintain 100% of their original flavor. In this case it helped because it took away some edge to the salmon taste, enough for it to work with a bone broth base." Mako said.

"You still took a daring gamble,"

"You have been doing this since the beginning, don't be a hypocrite." She answered.

"Touche." He admitted with an amused chuckle.

"It was indeed surprising, the Pearls were good eaten alone as well, actually refreshing the palate after eating the warm soup. Simply amazing. " Minato declared with a wide smile.

"Mako-chan has a bit of an attitude, but she does make awesome soups." Sadao added.

"Never was a lover of soups, but this was admittedly nice to eat, I guess." Michiko said with a shrug.

"I don't really like watching meat get destroyed and transformed like that, but it was good all the same. I just wish Takeo was here to taste it too." Toshio said with a sigh.

"Takeo had a choice in taking the defeat with dignity or even making a fool of himself and whining about it. He instead chooses to attack somebody in blind Fury to avenge his wounded Pride like a common hooligan, and Assault is a crime." Yamato answered, scowling.

"It is still so surprising to hear you say that,"

"Even when blinded by ego, you get to the point where you just can't justify stuff anymore." Power Loader said, shaking his head.

"Even she had to admit it in front of the obvious." Aizawa added.

"What front?" Kirtashima asked, looking lost.

"Haven't you been paying attention...?" Jiro asked, giving him a flat look. "He means when faced with the obvious."

"I know that, what I mean is what is she facing? Her being wrong?" he asked.

"Yes," she said dryly.

"Hey, she is getting to know who Izuku really is, and regrets what happened," Zaus stated.

"Took her long enough!" Inko answered, pouting.

"Give her time, she will come around soon, dear!" Setsuno answered, patting her hand.

"To be fair, she did only know him based only on that Samui guy's bullcrap lies." Knocking Master added.

"Luckily she is finally knowing him in person. That will hopefully help her change idea about him." Ochako said, sighing.

"True," Pony agreed.

"I might have a personal reason to dislike you, Midoriya, but even that is not a good enough excuse to let one of my students go unpunished after an attack on your life. He broke the law and as a proper educator it was my duty to clean-up the mess and contact the Police Force to see him properly punished. When he will be released, if ever, he will face the consequences of his actions, and being a promising Chef won't spare him that." The old woman answered.

"Oh, thank you." Izuku answered with a small smile.

Sigh! "To be perfectly honest, had things been different I would have tried snatching you as a student here with all my might." Yamato admitted with a sigh.

"It can still happen..." Minato whispered to her with a smirk.

"Hush!" She hissed back in answer.

"Uh?" Izuku uttered, confused.

"Nothing, Midoriya. It's nothing. Are you ready?" Yamato answered.

"Oh! Of course! I will serve it immediately!" The green-haired Chef said, once filled several big bowls in transparent soup.

"I can't see shit! How can soup be invisible?! The plates are empty!" A girl in the back yelled.

"That guy keeps pulling bullshit like that! Can't he cook NORMAL Food at least once?!" Another roared in defiance right after.

Many in fact started loudly declaring him a Cheater due to the Soup's appearances.

Just then, a bowl of the soup appeared in front of everyone.

"I would like you all to carefully and seriously try to taste this version of the Century Soup, and to memorize as much as possible the taste. So when you will get to try the real one later, you will be able to understand how monumental the difference is between the two versions." Joy asked, uncharacteristically serious.

"Yes," Toriko agreed. "You'll know the difference after having a bowl of completed Century Soup. It is on my menu for a reason~"

"You are hyping it up a lot! I hope it will be worth the glowing review!" Mic said, chuckling.

"Trust me Mic, it is," Tina stated, remembering her first taste of the perfected soup. She had a dreamy look on her face. "It was the most delightful thing I've ever had~"

"..." Sanni grumbled something not very elegant under his breath-


"My idiot brother just doesn't like the effect a true Century Soup has on people." Rin said, smirking cruelly.

"It's ugly..."

"You are the only guy in the universe that hates smiles, brother."


"... Now I want to know what this soup can do," Fatgum stated.

"Please be quiet, and don't curse." Izuku asked with a calm and yet cold tone, he didn't actually look back at them, he just raised his right hand and slowly closed it into a fist on the notes of its cracking bones.

When a flaming red Aura covered his body and the arm's muscles bulged-out, a loud chorus of jaws snapping closed echoed behind him as the Students in the back instantly fell silent.

They all remembered the one-hit KO that downed the Berserkering Takeo, and didn't wish to try their luck against Izuku AND Whitey that was already glaring at them with red eyes.

"That's better. Here is my Proto-Century Soup. Please enjoy." Izuku said with a bow once delivered the full bowls to the judges and Mako.

"And one for myself too," he then poured a bowl for himself to enjoy.

"I...I don't actually know how to judge this..." Minato admitted with an unnerved tone.

"I mean, it is a clear soup, and it does smell nice." Toshio muttered, puzzled.

"Is this edible? He used so many Ingredients," Michiko added.

"Taste it and you'll see. It came out pretty nice, if I can say so myself." He answered while eating.

"'Taste it,' he says. How can a Soup so transparent have any taste, I wonder..." Mako muttered unsure while studying the spoon in her hand.

If not for the fact she felt its weight on the spoon and heard it fall back into the bowl once poured it back in, she would actually believe there was nothing in her plate...But even the sound the Soup made whenever she stirred it with her spoon was abnormal, it sounded too crisp, too clean.

"The scent is hard to describe, while gentle and delicate, at times you feel the meat, at others the fish and then the vegetables..." The former Meat King commented.

"And yet there is nothing here... Clear like crystal..." Sadao answered.

"I wonder how you would react to the small aurora a proper Century Soup generates above the plate. That is the hard part to explain!" Izuku thought while rolling his eyes, and coming-up with AT LEAST a hundred different Ingredients from the Gourmet World out of the top of his head that would blow their minds way harder than the Soup he made.

"Please taste it before it gets cold." He begged.

"Right. Let's see what you did." Mako answered, shoving a big spoonful of the thing in her mouth all at once.

"AN AURORA!?" most of the Hero people shouted in disbelief.

"You mean-"

"No no! An actual aurora!" Toriko said, smiling wide.

"HOW?!" Nezu, Power Loader and Lunch Rush yelled as one.

"Century Soup!" The guys from Toriko's world chorused with mischievous smiles.

"THAT EXPLAINS NOTHING!" Katsuki shouted at them.

"I think we should try it now, Proto-Century Soup," Izuku stated.

"Food doesn't produce auroras. I can understand the taste being good, but..." Loader started saying, then he tasted the soup and words failed him.

"... No way on this God Forsaken Multiverse that this flavor is possible." Lunch Rush whispered in disbelief.

"Do you see why He got those Pro Chefs hating him? Hahahaha! And this is nothing still! He is me! There is still far, FAR MORE he can do! And this isn't even the final form of the Century Soup!" Zeus said, laughing.

"Indeed! Me and you are maybe the only ones that came the closest to reproduce a True Century Soup. Only Komatsu-chan can fully make it thanks to his little Wall Penguin pet! But I dare say, me and you got reeeeeeally close!" Setsuno answered, laughing as well.

"The System can repopulate the Wall Penguin population," the System stated.

"I would prefer you holding that thought on the backburner for now." Teppei answered.


"Wall Penguins are an endangered species the IGO keeps tabs on obsessively, because people still haven't forgotten how good an Ingredient they are. For the same reason why we never told a soul that their glands produce a key ingredient for the Century Soup, until we at the IGO are sure we can move every specimen in a secure location to stop poachers, we are regulating their mating. We are already able to boost their numbers... But until we are sure we can keep them safe, I must beg you to not interfere." He explained with a begging tone.

"I could make an animal that works with the Wall Penguin to protect them."

"You need to learn to trust others," Joy said.

"Not everybody needs us to fix their problems for them. Trust them." He'arth added.

"... No intervention is annoying."

"Oh! We know!" The other two answered, laughing.

"Well, while they deal with that, let's try the soup. They are about to try it as well on screen." Izuku stated, taking a bite of his soup.

Everyone did and were amazed by it.


"Ah! I bit into it! The flavor almost felt solid! Like biting onto a giant steak!" Mako thought in shock as her entire being went assaulted by the Soup True Taste.

She could see it actually! Hundreds of cows resting in an endless grass field and peacefully basking in the sun with her sitting among them.

Then the Flavor changed...

"The salmon! The Saury!" Mako was now deep into the bottomless sea as giant schools of fishes swam all around her!

The flavor changed again!

She saw a giant field bustling in vegetables, all juicy and ripe and with the warm and earthy scent of watered soil permeating the air.

And the taste changed again...

"The Squid Meat!"

And again...

"The pork meat!"

And again...


And again!

And again!

And again!

Each bite, each spoonful had a different taste!



The Judges too were drowning in that taste, just as awed as Mako was.

"How...?" Iida asked, his mind going haywire. "How can so many flavors work so well together...?"

"It's one of the many reasons why preparing a Century Soup is an Hellish experience only the most daring Chefs have attempted in our world." Komatsu answered.

Mic was speechless for the first time in... forever. "So, is it good?" Tina asked, smiling at her boyfriend.

"... Why is your world's food so crazy...?" Mic asked. "But yet, oh so good?"

"Hehehehe! We are in our second Gourmet Age! New flavors have once again started popping-out from the woodwork by the dozens every day, we are just enjoying the ride and the great food it offers!" Knocking Master answered, laughing merrily.

"Wait, second!?" Mic shouted.

"My brother-in-all-but-blood went kinda mad and killed half the animals on the planet to extinction, then GOD, all caps, popped-out and its birth re-started the mad breeding of Ingredients. Along said evil Brother resurrecting the animals he killed. They started inter-breeding and here we are." Coco informed

"Not only that, after the GOD ingredient was found, it helped Ingredients return again, and that created all new types of animals as well, as well as plants and minerals," Ren added in.


"A supergiant, super strong frog. Even while alive its scent attracted every animal on the planet in a single place to try and eat it, getting eaten by the frog instead. The same scent we discovered works wonders as an aphrodisiac for those animals... You can guess how many new species were born from that mating frenzy between the ones that survived. Gourmet Cells in animals make it so different species can mix freely, without race barriers." Teppei answered.

"So in your world a deer and a tuna can..." Kirishima slowly asked, gesticulating wildly.

"They can, and they did. Multiple times." Knocking Master answered, laughing.

"... Lovely..." Jiro said in a deadpan, not wanting to have the image in her mind.

Both Monoma and Tamaki had been quiet through the whole conversation. Both of them were looking at the soup, like something was calling to them. Tamaki's was stronger, like it was almost there, while Monoma felt like something was missing, not just the completed soup, but like two side dishes to go with it.

"You okay Monoma?" Shihai asked his classmate.

"Yeah, you okay Tamaki? You're quieter than usual," Nejire stated.

"I think I found one of the foods to help me have a Quirk Awakening," Monoma answered.

"Same, but just the Soup itself," Tamaki answered as well. "It's just missing the last item for it."

"Going to need to try the completed one then. That's a mystic experience, so maybe that's what you need." Toriko answered with a thumbs-up.

"Hope so, cause this one is already damn good, so I can't imagine how you can improve something like this." Kaminari admitted.

"It should come soon, maybe two or three chapters," Gaia stated.

"Aaah, Hype! My worst enemy!" Nejire admitted, stretching a bit.

"The bear meat..." the plump Meat King muttered with teary eyes as he once again came face-to-face with the same Bear of his own Challenge, right in the middle of the animal's beloved woods, but this time he didn't feel hostility, as if the female bear had already forgiven him, making weep harder.

"The Saury's fat and meat in this soup taste so goooood!" Sadao moaned in bliss while still playing around with those fishes in her own little fantasy.

"... Apples and roses again... He is twisting the knife in the wound..." Michiko muttered while eating her bowl of soup, she too was crying faintly.

"Impossible... You can't pile-up so many flavors on top of each other like this... Food doesn't work like this..." Yamato muttered with a weak tone, each syllable trembling in badly-restrained horror.

"I can taste both Takeo's roast beef with artichokes and the pizza that defeated him... Toshio's Bear mincemeat katsu and the Red Braised paws... The Cartoccio of Sadao and the scorched Carpaccio... Even Michiko Entremet and the Queen's Apple Tarts are faintly present... The same tastes of the dishes he and the Kings made in the various Challenges are all present and then many, many more!" Minato said while looking at Izuku in disbelief.

"The Century Soup is not just a Dish, is a testament of the greatest Ingredients of the current Century AND a Thank You to the Ingredients of old. A taste both Ancient and Fresh and pretty much a complete Full Course Menu condensed in a single Dish.

My only regret is that this is the Incomplete Version, unable to showcase the full scope of its taste. But I plan to make it properly and add it to my Restaurant Menu." Izuku explained.

The revelation that the "proper" version of the soup could be leagues better still in taste threw the entire room into a deep silence of disbelief.

"I need to taste the real one. I need to try it.... I need to feel the difference." Lunch Rush muttered while studying his empty plate as if it held the secrets of the Universe.

"Careful, you are sounding almost obsessed." Power Loader warned him.

"Cause I am. I need to learn to make this, because layering different flavors like this requires a godly level of talent, and I Need to get just as talented."

"Jeez, man. Chef Pride is serious stuff."

"Very serious." Rush admitted with a longing tone.

"Eeeh! I'll cheer for you then." Loader answered, patting his back.

"Just be patient, you'll get your chance." Coco answered, smiling encouragingly.

"I wonder what other companies will go crazy trying to copy Izuku's meals and drinks, but can't?" Kaminari pondered.

"They can try, but I don't see them succeeding, and not just because the Ingredients used come from other worlds. They will still try to cut corners to maximize profit, and that too will make them fail." Nezu answered.

"Maybe, it depends on the company," Mei stated. "Some at least try to pretend they try."

"Like you?" Melk asked, roasting her student.

"Yeah like m- HEY!" Mei started to say then shouted at her teacher after realizing what she said, making a few classmates laugh.

"I assure you that the last 37 explosions were totally accidental! It's not my fault nitroglycerin explodes if you drop it!"

"You were making a toilet-paper holder!" Power Loader shrieked.

"An automatic toilet paper dispenser! Upgrades, people! UPGRADES!"


"You will choke Mei to death once back home, when there will be no witnesses around so I won't have to deal with covering everything." Nezu said, unfazed.

"Fine!" Loader conceded petulantly.

Melk hit Power Loader over the head. "No hurting the student! Outsmart her like I do. And use psychology on her."

"But violence gives immediate satisfaction!" Power whined, and Melk slapped the back of his head again.

"No violence! Outsmart! You're a hero and teacher, act like one!"


"... Huh, maybe I should hire her as a teaching assistant for Power Loader," Nezu pondered the idea."Lesser risk of Mei-Murders."

"Har-Har-Har, you are the world's funniest mammal." Power said, rolling his eyes unamused.

"And the smartest, thank you," Nezu countered with a smirk. "And who said I was joking~?"

"I just need Mei to learn lab safety, Nezu. I can't spend every lesson dreading the moment she goes overboard and accidentally kills a classmate. I never got good at telling people one of their family members died in the line of duty."

"None of us ever got good at that. It's heart-wrenching." Toshinori admitted, grimly.

"That's because there is no good way to break the news." Aizawa added, shuddering.

"... I can be careful, sensei... I can. Promise." Mei muttered, looking down.

Melk patted her on the back. "Like I said, you and Melissa remind me of when I was your age. You just need to know what to do right, so you can keep away from doing things wrong."

"Okay." Both girls answered.

"And remember to slow down, they will tell you when you are needed to finish a job as fast as possible. Until then, nothing will happen if you take an extra minute or two to make sure everything goes as it should." She added, rubbing Mei's head.

"Analysis... Host Izuku can add the Century Soup to the Menu, but will still be forced to purchase the Wall Penguin Saliva as an extra until he will reach level 3. Then the Ingredient will instead be stocked like every other condiment." The System answered.

"Fair enough." He thought in answer.

Mako in the meantime had finished her plate of soup and had fallen on her knees with the spoon still in her mouth, the dish taste had kept changing again and again until she lost count, and every time becoming more delicious still, beyond her comprehension.

"How...?" she asked with a faint voice.

"Years of trial and error and countless sleepless nights. No superpowers involved, only hard work." Izuku answered, and offered his hand to help her stand back up with a gentle smile.

"Why does everything you make taste this good?" Mako asked once back on her feet.

"Lots of love for the Ingredients, perhaps. I too can't really explain it." He answered, shy.

"I think I understand..." Mako answered.

"It was simply amazing, I feel no shame in admitting it. We will now proceed to vote-"

"There is no need, Mister Minato." Mako interrupted him with a sad smile.

To the others surprise she took one of her knives and wrote her name on the blade, she then grabbed Izuku's hands and gently closed them around the handle, with her hands covering his.

"I have never met anybody with such skills before, you may have hidden it well, but I can tell: This wasn't even the tip of the iceberg of what you can do. And it's amazing." Mako declared with a tiny smile.

"Ehm...Thank you?" Izuku answered, uncertain, the girl was still holding his hands in hers.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The numerous male Simps in the room cried in horror at seeing the green-haired young man 'Cuck them all' at the same time with a bowl of soup.

And while the Livestream Chat looked ready to explode with all the messages of the 'IzuMako' Shippers flooding it, the Students of class 1A stood in fear-induced absolute silence once seen Momo clench her phone so hard in her hands the thing snapped in two.

She was clearly against watching some random Bimbo make Doe Eyes to her boyfriend, especially with lots of strangers even endorsing it!

"HOW DARE SHE?!" The Hero Student roared in her head.

"... Seems she really did want someone "Worthy" to challenge her... But I think Izuku's charms worked a little too well on her..." Kaminari stated, sweat-dropping.

"Cucked by soup! Ah! I love that!" Katsuki said, laughing his ass off.

"Another rival! Nooooo!" Pony and Hagakure yelled as one in an overly-dramatic way.

"Jeez, tone it down a bit," Manga said with an eye-rolling emoji.

Mineta was chewing on a ball from his head. "I will not be jealous, Midoriya is just that awesome. I will not be jealous, Midoriya is just that awesome. I will not be jealous, Midoriya is just that awesome. I will not be jealous, Midoriya is just that awesome."

"I believe in you, Mineta-kun! You are awesome too!" Izuku reassured him with a blinding smile.

"... I can't hate you if you are that good a friend!" Mineta said, whining and letting him rub his head.

"Nice! Because I want us to be friends."

"And we are... Damn it..." Mineta admitted, fist.bumping Izuku with another childish whine.

"... I can see why girls fall for him," Rin stated. "Just like how I fell for you, Toriko~"

"Or how Melk fell for Komatsu~?" he asked, teasing his partner.

"The falling was mutual, actually." Komatsu admitted with a very red face.

"Indeed!" Melk answered, hugging him tightly.

"It's in moments like this that I am reminded that I am still tragically single..." Kaminari admitted.

"Yeeep!" Kirishima answered.

"Izuku deserves all the love," Xara stated.

"Not gonna argue with that! I just hope some of his Girls Luck is contagious, so once back I can find a girl too!" Kirishima answered, smiling and showing a thumbs-up-

"Yeah! Like... Like some Rizz Radiation thingie!" Kaminari added.

"... Rizz what now?" Iida asked, confused.

"You know? His Sexy aura!"

"Who the Hell calls it like that?!" Jiro asked, horrified.

"... Do I have that? That sexy aura or molest me aura?" Izuku asked, confused.

"You have not such a thing, don't worry. You are just a very nice young man. A very endearing one." Momo answered, rubbing his head lovingly.

"Okay, thanks!"

"He is pure," Teppei muttered to himself.

Back to Inoshiki Academy –

"I... I have a girlfriend, you know?" Izuku tried saying once his hands went free from their warm prison.

"I don't mind sharing, and I am sure you won't either." Mako answered with a mischievous smile.

"And what about-"

"Your girlfriend will come around, eventually. She won't have a choice." She answered, unaware that Momo DID hear that shameless claim from Mina's phone, and besides ALMOST snapping in half that phone too, a feral roar did escape her, making even Aizawa dive for cover once heard that.

"I-I can't accept!" he tried saying.

"Huhuhu! Sooner or later, you will. I am a patient woman, and one day I will drink you up...Like a delicious cinnamon soup." She answered, boldly kissing his cheek before returning to her seat, unaware of how screwed she was.

"... Wow, she's willing to actually date both of them..." Kaninari muttered in shock.

"She wants to drink me!" Izuku said, scandalized.

"I mean... All of those thirsty thots want to do the same, but at least that Extra is honest about it!" Katsuki answered, shrugging.

"HEEEEEEY!" The girls yelled as one.

"Your booing means nothing to me, you barely-hidden perverts! I saw you take turns sniffing his hair!"

"They did?!"


"You really like riling people up, don't you?" Coco asked, impressed.

"Their outrage makes me stronger, and their whining brightens my day."

"... Do you also kick kittens and eat babies?" Coco asked, chuckling.

"Oh, hell no!" Katsuki answered, laughing. "They still have not pushed me that far!"

"You are indeed a Zebra Jr. Priceless." he answered, amused.

"I don't eat babies either, thank you." Zabra added, annoyed.

"I know, you grumpy. Contrary to what others see, me and the others know that inside that rude, crude, insensible, anger-prone-"

"I got it."

"Hard shell, there is a kind of gentle guy."


"Whenever you remember to let that part of you out, though, that's another matter altogether." Coco finished saying.

"Tch. Smartass."

"As long as none of you goes on a murder rampage, I don't care." Aizawa answered, wearing his yellow sleeping bag and lying down in front of his seat.

"Of course you don't care." Nezu answered, snorting.

"Pay me more and I will start caring."



"At least let him have that soup everyday," Mic stated. "It would be a lot better than his juice pouches and coffee."

"I might, I did enjoy it myself~" Nezu agreed. "It is a liquid food~"

Aizawa was both irritated and hopeful, and he wasn't sure which was better.

UA University – Dormitories – Common Room

The assembled students of Class 1A and their Homeroom Teacher Aizawa, all brave Heroes in Training and a Pro, stood huddled in a corner to watch in silence Momo sitting alone at a table while watching the Livestream through Mina's phone, and while the girl's expression was neutral, in a classy sort of way, a thick and dark Miasma kept rolling-off from her body in huge waves of darkness.

"This can't continue." Aizawa said.

"Yeah! Please Teacher, do something!" Toru begged.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," the Pro Hero Eraserhead answered with narrowed eyes, making the students cheer silently for their Brave teacher.

"Here goes nothing... Bakugo, go talk to her." The teacher then said.

"Why me?!" Katsuki answered with a low, whispered shriek.

"You are the Top Dog, right?"

"Yeah! I am the Top Dog, not the Sacrificial Lamb! Send the grape-headed moron, nobody will miss him if she tears him in half!" the blond punk replied.

"Mineta already escaped." Aizawa answered.

"Fucking useless midget!"

"Hey! It's not my fault I was smart enough to get the Hell out of Dodge!" Mineta shouted.

"Considering the high chance of maiming and dismemberment, I can't blame him either." Jurota admitted.

"True, she looks like about to use somebody's guts to repaint the room," Manga added.

"Not... Not really... Kinda..." Momo answered, lamely and blushing.

"Momo, your other ripped out her desk... again..." Joru stated flatly.

Momo's blush had increased, making her steam. "I'm sorry..." she whined, covering her face.

"Don't be, at least you have friends you can trust," Mina statede, buddy hugging the rich girl.

"Thanks, I just hope that-" Momo started, before...

"Todoroki?" the Pro Hero tried asking.

"I am the class Kuudere, not the student with suicidal thoughts." Shoto answered.

"I-I'll go!" Ochako said with a trembling voice as she rose to her feet.

"... That reminds me..." Momo's hissed answer at that made her turn chalk-white pale, though.

"You work with Izuku as his Waitress... Meaning that you actually spend more time with him than me... I hope you are not developing feelings for him that will create a Love Triangle Situation that will culminate with me having to share him with you so to not see a dear friend of mine suffer from her broken heart after several chapters of headache-inducing Love Doubts that will plague everybody involved..." Momo asked with utterly Soulless eyes drilling a hole in Ochako's head.

"... I won't go." Ochako answered by sitting back down on the floor behind the couch, the group's chosen hiding spot.

Momo was curled up in a ball, a cloud of depression over her. "I can't believe I threatened one of my classmates..."

"She is a Love Rival, so technically, you can be excused a bit." Mina answered, chuckling.

"Very deadly competition, that." Mirio said, badly covering it with a fake cough.

"Uuuuugh!" Momo moaned in despair.

Ochako pouted at them. "Don't be too mean to her, she's already feeling guilty."<

Momo's head shot up in surprise. "Ochako? You're defending me?"

"Well yeah, I know you're a good person Momo~ And I can tell you're lonely. You have real friends that see you for yo~ A bubbly girl that loves to hang out with everyone and wants to encore everyone~ You'll make a great business woman for your family as well as an inspiring heroine out there~"

"I can only hope so! I want to be a worthy hero and heir." Momo answered, hugging her tightly.

"Friendship dogpile!" Toru yelled, initiating the girls' group hug.

Momo was shocked, but then smiled. "Thank you girl, I'm glad I made actual friends at UA."

"Glad to make you happy~" Mina stated, still hugging her.

"Tokoyami, is up to you! You are the guy with suicide thoughts." Tsuyu said.

"I don't have those! I am the stereotypical Goth Character! There is a difference!" the bird-headed young man answered with wide eyes.

"Sorry then. Croak!"

"Okay...Plan B." Aizawa declared while whipping-out his phone.

"Mic? I am cashing-in that favor! I need you to come here and placate a Jealous Teenage Girlfriend."

"FUCK! Can't I just go fight All for One and his Nomu army alone and naked?"

"No. Be a man, wear a Kevlar vest and come here! Also, bring some Gold Imperial Leaf Tea, it should appease the Demon long enough for me to talk her into calming down."

"Goddamnit...Give me five minutes to update my Last Will and I'll be there..." Present Mic answered with a defeated sigh.

Mic gave Aizawa a flat look. "Gee... Thanks a lot pal..."

"Aren't we friends? You can do a favor to a friend!" Aizawa answered, smirking.

"You can't use my being a nice guy against meeeee!" Mic answered, whining.

"Eh!" Aizawa just gave his infamous grin.

Mic grumbles while Tina pats him on the back.

"Done, we'll have somebody to bear the brunt of the first explosion and give us an opening to fix this." Aizawa declared with a sigh.

"What about Shinso? Can't we ask him?" Kirishima asked.

"I tried that already, apparently Female Fury makes her immune to my Quirk. She also did not appreciate my meddling, and remembered that if I really joined this class of psychos." Shinso answered while adjusting the ice bag over his recently-gained black eye.

"Oh! So that's how you got that..."

"Class 1A is not for pussies, Grape Head is the only anomaly." Katsuki answered.

Said that, all of them stood in silence as they waited for Mic to come and save their lives.

Nezu was laughing maniacally, loving the chaos.

"That did look like a damn difficult situation, can't blame them for playing it safe," Tetsutetsu admitted,

"Who would we technically use as a sacrificial lamb?" Pony wondered.

"Either Monoma-"


"Or ... Eh, that is a good question." Jurota answered, unsure.

"Setsuna," Kendo suggested, making the Lizard Splitting Girl bawk at her. "You can come apart and reattach yourself, we can't."

"Doesn't mean I won't feel pain!" Setsuna answered with her eyes literally plopping out of her sockets.

"Small details."

"Small details' my amazing bubble ass!" She screeched in answer.

"... I thought you don't feel pain splitting apart?" Izuku asked, confused. "Only when a part is completely destroyed?"

Setsuna pouted. "Did you really have to say that outloud...?"

"I thought everybody knew! Sorry!"

"She just does want to deal with an angered empowered Momo is all," Kendo stated. "We all knew it."

"Yes, it's called having a survival instinct!" Setsuna countered, frowning.

"Something Monoma might not have," Togaru stated, pointing his thumb at the blond.

"Yea- HEY!" Monoma started, then stopped, realizing he was roasted. "I'll have you know I am not like that anymore."

"Or at least not willingly. Now it's a matter of image." Vlad suggested, laughing.

"I mean... yes, but it sounded cooler in my head." Monoma admitted, blushing.

Back to Izuku – Inoshiki Academy-

Sigh! "This is the last one," Izuku said once, putting Mako's knife inside the cabinet as well.

"Should I call my teachers now?" Yamato asked.

"No no, there is no need. Five challenges are more than enough for one day. If I hurry back I will be able to organize the dinner service, so I will save some energy for my job." He answered.

"I understand. Shall we do it tomorrow then?"

"Uh? No need, I don't want to interrupt your lessons. Next week at the same time?"

"Next week...Yes, it's feasible, just enough time to take care of both Ingredients and equipment. But, can I add something to the Challenge?" The old woman answered.

"What is it?"

"Nothing extreme, just a matter of Theme. You want to challenge me and my four best teachers, that would be 5 themes: Boiling, Steaming, Frying, Stewing and Carving. Is it acceptable to you?"

"It's okay for me, who will do which?" Izuku asked.

"I will be the one facing you in Carving, I will send you a letter detailing the other names tomorrow." Yamato answered.

"Good for me. If this is all, I will be going. Thank you for accepting my Challenge," the young Chef said with a deep bow.

"Had I known you were like this, I wouldn't have accepted," the old woman replied with a sigh.

"This isn't over! I want a rematch!" Michiko said from the sidelines.

"Me too!" Sadao chorused.

"Hoy! Hoy! Hoy! I will be the first!"

"I will have my revenge as well, so beware," Mako added, smirking.

"Whenever you want," Izuku answered with a wide smile, and under to shocked look of the Students of Inoshiki Academy, the green-haired Chef walked out of the private school closely followed by his Robot Bodyguard carrying the ornate wooden cabinet now holding the knives of the 'Legendary' 5 Kings everybody thought were invincible inside their school.

"My beloved Samui...I wonder if you have any idea who you have put us against..." Yamato muttered to herself with a sigh, unheard by the others.

"So will he be going to do a Five VS. One thing?" Denkie asked, shocked.

"He has no time to waste, so I guess that's his idea for saving time." Iida answered.

"Yeah, but... Come on!"

"Five isn't a warm up," Kotatsu stated, making everyone look at the chief. He looked at them confused. "What? I've faced 100 people at once before and that was a tournament."

"... At this point... nothing that comes out of your mouth should surprise me, and yet it does." Nemuri stated, giving a deadpan.

"Just you wait... they'll bring up something that will be more outlandish," Mic said. Tina just lightly chuckled, not wanting to mention some of the crazier things in the Goremont World to her boyfriend.

"I am both Hyped and scared." Toru admitted, chuckling.

"Same," Fatgum said, laughing.

Later that day - Park -

"One bus stop down...God why I had to challenge a school at the opposite side of the city." Izuku said, sighing, while making his way through the park towards the bus stop at the opposite end of the place to catch the second bus that will take him back to his Restaurant.


A loud rumble and a brief flash of light was all the warning he got before a deluge started rattling everything with raindrops the size of golf balls.


"Thank you, Whitey." Izuku said with a grateful tone as the plump robot promptly pulled an umbrella out of his stomach and opened it above the Chef's head.

Now safe from the freezing rain, the curious duo made their way through the rapidly-emptying Park...

"... Awesome... It rains too..." until Izuku saw a tall girl with extremely long hair sitting under a tree while hugging her knees tight to her chest, and judging by her red and puffy eyes, she had been crying for a while.

Mirio Groaned, facepalming at his other's actions. "Can I slap that me again?"

"Ask The Angel," Joy answered, shrugging.

Light thought about it. "... How about I put him in the Simulator in the Arena for you to fight him? Sounds fair? At least he will have a fair chance instead of you just popping-out to slap him." he asked the intangible hero. "And even with One For All, he wouldn't be able to use it properly since he'd have to use both it and his Quirk, which will throw him off... badly, since he's still trying to use it with his Quirk."

Mirio thought about it. "Sure, it would be a nice workout. And Nejiri and Midoriya can join in."

"That will be fine," Light agreed to the deal.

"We'll just make sure he doesn't die, if you don't mind." Joy added.

"Too much paperwork otherwise." Light said, shuddering.

"And people asking questions. Too many questions." Joy added.

"And too many holes to dig in unmarked forests." Xara added.

"That too." Angel and Eye said.

",,, Then why not just a hologram?" Nezu asked.


"Yeah, maybe we should use that." Light admitted.

"Yeeep." Joy conceded.

"I know a thing or two about avoiding lawsuits." Nezu said, smirking, and ignoring his teaching staff's shivers of horror at who knows what bad memory.

"Weren't you just suggesting that Light?" Gaia asked him.

"I was, but I was waiting for those two to catch on," Light answered.

"No, you were hoping for an old-school gladiatorial fight, then once clear you would have been an accomplice and be forced to help hide the body, you switched gears." Aizawa said with a side glare.

"... This tea truly is delicious..." Nezu answered, looking away.

"Busted!" Toshinori said, laughing.

"... I forget how that mouse is at times..." Light muttered.

Toriko leaned over to whisper to one of the staff. "If he were to try and take over the Gourmet Industry, how long would it take him...?" Toriko asked Aizawa.

"... Do you really want the answers to that...? I give him a week, any more and I will be greatly disappointed." Aizawa asked him, making Toriko burst laughing out loud.

"Really, a week, I didn't know you could joke, Aizawa~" Toriko stated, laughing.

"Who said I was joking...?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow.

Toriko stopped laughing, and started sweating, his smile straightening . "Come on man, he can't be that good, even if he's smart, there's no way he could take over the entire Gourmet Industry in just a week."

"Oh, I was being generous about the one week thing," Aizawa stated, making him sigh in relief. "He'd do it in five days."

"All things considered, I shouldn't be surprised..." Toriko groaned, passing a hand on his face. "That little furball is a small menace, after all... Just promise me that if he does take over, he will do it for the good of the people, we had enough mass-murdering megalomaniacs roaming about with Joie and Acacia..." he asked while massaging his temples.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think he wouldn't? Also, now you know how we all feel when you say something crazy..."

"... Okay, that's fair..."

"You okay?" Izuku asked in worry once near her.

"Uh?" Nejire blurted-out in answer, surprised to see somebody as strange as him near her.

A young Chef clad in professional uniform accompanied by a tall robot with a big belly was not something one saw every day.

"I asked you if you are okay." Izuku said again with a warm, gentle smile.

"I... I will be... probably." Nejire answered, still with downcast eyes.

"Need an umbrella?" He asked while handing her his own, and seemingly uncaring of the rain drenching him completely in a matter of seconds.

"What about-"



"My helper Whitey is very resourceful." Izuku answered with a grin as a new umbrella appeared in the robot's hand to protect him.

"Thank you," the girl whispered, grateful, now at least able to walk away from under the tree.

"That Robot...Does it mean you are that Chef people talk about? The one that challenged a private school for Chefs?" She asked.

"Yep, that's me, just finished the first round. Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you." He answered.

"Hadou Nejire, pleasure is mutual."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"I... I don't want to talk about it," Nejire answered.

"Fair enough, I won't pry into somebody's personal matters."

"At least he's considerate," Mina stated.

"Agreed," Mirio stated.

"My Mama didn't raise no hooligan." Izuku said, crossing his arms.

"I did not indeed!" Inko answered, flexing over-dramatically.

"You raised an angel, I would have murdered people by now if I had gone through half the crap he goes through on a daily basis." Aizawa answered, annoyed.

"That's because you have a short fuse, Zawa!" Mic answered, nudging him.

"But we also know that deep inside, under your grumpy armor, there is a nice guy!" Nemuri added, nudging his other side.

"... I am not nice."

"Yes you are!" both answered, laughing.

Aizawa grumbled, looking away from the two.

"You're the same Nighteye," All Might teased his old partner.

"With the exception that I also possess a keen sense of humor and fashion style." Nighteye answered with a perfectly serious tone while adjusting his glasses.

"Stfu," Aizawa grumbled in response.

"Yes, I am actually far more likable." Nighteye commented, and strangely looked proud of getting a middle finger answer from Shouta.

"... May I remind you that your sense of humor is puns... And you use a tickle torture machine...?" Izuku reminded him.

"And Aizawa is like a Dementor that sucks happiness out of the room with his mere presence, so I am still better."

"... Touche." Izuku admitted.

"Tu Quoque, Problem Child..." Aizawa uttered with a sigh.

"What?" Izuku asked. "It isn't wrong."


A LOUD thundering sound, similar to a sink getting unclogged, rumbled free from Nejire's stomach, and with her face turning bright red the young woman dearly wished for the earth to open under her feet and swallow her whole to hide her shame.

"...On the contrary though I would be remiss if I ignore an empty stomach crying for help." Izuku added, smirking, and watching amused as Nejire's face did the impossible and turned redder still.

"Oh, God..." the woman groaned in shame while burying her face in her hands.

"Come along! I am going to my Restaurant to start preparations for the dinner rush, I will give you some appetizers to keep you occupied until proper dinner starts." Izuku said, walking forward and motioning her to follow him.

"I-I-I don't..."

"Today's specialties are Beef Wellington, Takoiaki, Katsudon and Oden and today's special desserts are Angel Fruit Cake and Sacher Torte. Or else you can choose from the Traditional Menu, I added the Dishes I prepared during my Challenges in Inoshiki Academy as well. " Izuku answered, mercilessly, without turning to look at her.


What came from Nejire's stomach in answer could only be described as the whimper of a dying animal.

"W-Wait for me!" She finally caved-in and followed him to the bus stop.

The ride towards Green Cloud Restaurant was silent, with Izuku and Whitey standing and clinging to the bus railing while Nejire sat nearby, the girl silently appreciating the Chef not pushing further to know what was wrong with her, last thing she felt she needed was somebody using her sadness as an opening to flirt with her.

Now it was Nejire's turn to become a red tomato. "My stomach does not make that sound..."

"That's not what I heard a week ago~" Mirio teased her.

"Hush you!" she shouted at him, her face getting redder.

Mirio just laughed.

"You were torturing me, Icchan! That list of food is too much!" She then said with a childish pout.

"But you looked like you needed good food and friendly company!" Izuku tried defending himself.

"Baka." Nejire answered, lightly punching his chest with both hands and with zero strength behind her many hits.

"I guess you don't want to find a dish/dishes to help you evolve and your Quirk then~?" Izuku asked, smirking.

"Now, now, I never said anything like that," Nejire said, poking his cheek, her cheeks puffing out, annoyed with him for that comment.

"I kid, I kid~" Izuku said, laughing.

She heavily sat on his lap.

"Cuddle with me then and gain your forgiveness." She ordered, still with her cheeks puffing out.

Ochaco joined, sitting on Nejire's lap. "I want to join~!" She cuddled up to the two.

"I am not used to this yet!" Izuku shrieked, even with Gaia's blessing, he was still nervous about this sort of thing.

"This is what shock therapy is for! You will either get used to this, or melt trying!" Nejire answered, smiling.

"Death by cuddles! Death by cuddles!" Mina and Setsuna chanted, smirking.

"NNNNNNNNGH!" Kaminari and Mineta hugged each other while crying blood.

"And we can't even be mad! He is too nice for that!" Both said with a long whining.

- Green Cloud Restaurant -

Once arrived, she watched as Izuku rapidly unlocked the door to let her in while he himself opened the drapes and turned-on the lights.

"Take a table you like, I will be with you in a moment with a light snack. Soon it will be dinner time and I don't want to spoil your appetite."

"Thank you," Nejire answered, watching him disappear inside the kitchen while she sat at the table under one of the small trees at the very end of the Restaurant, near the small window connecting the two rooms.

"... You have a dog?" She asked, trying to strike a conversation after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"You mean Blackie? Yes, he is my guard dog, a very amazing one!" She heard him answer.

"I can tell he knows that," she answered, surprised to see a very human-like smirk appear on the dog's face at the praise.

Both the girl and dog were resting under the same tree, and Nejire could guess why the animal didn't seem willing to leave once she sat at that table, for some reason sitting there was making her feel calm, relaxed and 'Safe', in a sense.

The Restaurant, she surmised, was clearly the young man's pride and joy, just by looking at how spotless it was and at the insane amount of dishes carved in the four tall wooden tablets by the door she could feel the love the green-haired Chef put in his job.

The room possessed a very welcoming feeling, and with the ample windows showing the storm raging outside in all its merciless glory, Nejire felt even more glad she was safely inside, even if she also felt awkward at seeing the scarce people running-by look at her in envy while they braved the freezing-cold downpour.

She was unaware of how long she just sat there in silence, but she ended-up welcoming the "Privacy" the young Chef offered her with his silence, she just looked at the strange leaves of the plant above her while deep in thought...Still unable to find an answer to her "Mirio Problem".

"I don't know how you are doing this, Plant-chan, but you are helping me think about him without crying again. But I still don't know what to do..." Nejire muttered with a sigh of dismay, as if hoping for the plant to actually help her.

"If you are wondering, those plants are called 'Soul Appeasing Trees', my Sponsor got them from a Chinese botanist, my guess is that the guy named them like this because he likes Wuxia too much." Izuku explained once, finally surfacing from the kitchen to present her a small tray with steamed buns on it.

"So they really help people relax?" Nejire asked with a tiny smile finally resurfacing.

"Pretty much, it's their Quirk, shall we say. Here: Baozi, steamed pork buns." Izuku proudly declared.

Just then, the Baozi dish appeared in front of everyone.

"These smell amazing~" Mina stated, smiling.

"You said it~" Nejire agreed, smiling, happily eating one.

"Without deadly doses of spicy sauce, we want you to taste it, instead of melting." Joy said.

"As an act of pity for your tongues," Light added, chuckling.

"Fluffy and Goooooood!" Nemuri moaned, with her cheeks full to burst.

"Love his meat! It's so thick and juicy in my mouth!" Mic said.

"Phrasing!" The others yelled, Aizawa and Tina dope-slapping him.

"... Okay yeah, I deserve that..." Mic stated.

Katsuki got into his Hot Sauce carbonate and added some Ghost Pepper Sauce on his. He paused for a second "You know, a while back, with the Mopu Tofu dish, I think it was calling to me... I just think I didn't have it hot enough the first time. I thought it was just crazy at first, but with how the others have changed, I think I missed out on it. But I think it needed something else... like a side dish, I don't know."

"Extra Spicy Ramen?" Kiroshima suggested.

"The extra spicy part, pincushion hair! I need something apocalyptic spicy as fu... as fudge and made with that spicy sauce, I am sure it will change my Quirk too! But it has to be some heart-stopping spicy grub!"

"Not literally heart-stopping." Izuku said.

"Of course, Nerd! I don't want to die a lame death like that!" Katsuki answered, rubbing Izuku's head.

"Good!" He answered, pleased.

"How would his Quirk and Body Evolve through?" Jiro asked. "His Quirk is already powerful."

"Maybe have the ability to turn his arms into cannons and rocket weaponry? Maybe he'll be able to change the composition of his sweat to other chemicals that can be used for explosions, like other smoke used in grenades?" Izuku answered, writing down ideas. "Like Tear Gas, or Door Charge Explosions."

"Question, is Plasma considered an Explosive Unit?" Kaminari asked a good question, making some look at him. "What? It is hotter than normal fire, isn't it?"

"Plasma is a state of matter, on a basic level. The fourth state of matter: solid, liquid, from liquid to gas, and if you heat the gas enough, he gets to the Plasma state." Power Loader said.

"Any gas can become plasma if hot enough, you sweat a nitroglycerin-like compound that you can then ignite, we need to see if your sweat maintains its explosive capabilities while in gas form. Unless the dish mutates your Quirk to give your sweat an explosive gas form... then the headache will be making it achieve plasma." He then said.



"Just a yes or no would have been enough." Kirishima said.

"Hn! That is why you are not in my class, you are allergic to knowledge." Loader answered, with a childish petulant tone.

Katsuki had a vicious smile on his face. "Oh, this sounds awesome...~"

"Just don't get cocky, kid," Zebra stated.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Striped Horse," Katsuki waved him off.


"Luckily I had made some in advance, so I only needed to cook them, please enjoy." He explained.

In truth those were supposed to be his snack, but he decided to 'sacrifice them' to help an empty stomach in need, luckily he did not add the usual insane quantity of chili he normally added to his personal portions.

"Thank you!" She answered, grateful.

"IT'S GOOOOOD!" Then came a happy squeal as soon as she gave one a bite, the wrapping while thick was as soft and fluffy as a cloud, the pork filling instead was flavourful and with just the right amount of chili spices to tingle the nose and perfectly frame the meat flavor.

"Huhuhu! I am glad you like them!" Izuku answered, amused, and watched her wolf down the buns at insane speed.

"Wow! Somebody was hungry!" He then said.

"Yeah! I missed lunch altogether since..." Nejire had started answering with a wide smile while still eating, until she remembered why she was alone in that park crying her eyes out.

"..." she now just sat there looking at the last and half-eaten baozi still in her hand.

"You don't have to tell me anything. But you can stay here as much as you want, or at least until it stops raining." Izuku offered with a kind smile, and simply collected her empty dish to take it back to the kitchen.

"...I." when the Chef was halfway to the door, he heard her mutter something.


"I argued with my boyfriend."

"... I think it was more than an argument..." Mirio stated, his smile strained and eyebrow twitching at his otherself's idiocy.

Tamaki patted his friend on the back. "It's okay. He was probably going on a spiel about justice and duty and was taking her for granted."

"Tamaki... This is not how you comfort somebody." Mirio said, groaning.

"Hn." he shrugged,

"At least he was trying..." Izuku said, smiling sheepishly.

"I know..." Mirio said, sighing. "I'm normally the one trying to comfort him though."

"I can tell," Kirashima said, with a sweatdrop.

"I am learning." Tamaki said, shrugging.

"Very slowly."

"Changes nothing,"

"At least he is trying." Nejire added, smiling.

"Saw worse, and for once it was not Zebra," Coco said, smiling,

"Tch. not fun." Zebra answered,

"Am I wrong though?" Coco asked, raising an eyebrow.

Zebra just rolled his eyes.

"I am sure things will get back to normal soon, a moment of disagreement happens to everybody." He answered.

"Not this time," Nejire answered, sighing in dismay.

"We all think that, but you two will soon make peace, just you wai-"

"I AM TIRED OF WAITING!" Nejire roared while slamming both fists on the table.


"Troublemaker, cease making a scene or you will be punished!" Whitey immediately came out of the kitchen as soon as he heard Izuku's surprised shriek.

"Ah! Oh, God I am so sorry! I-I just...I am just so tired..." Nejire answered, hiding her face in her hands with a groan.

"I see..." the Chef answered once sent Whitey back.

Sigh! "Sorry, but 'Wait' is the last thing I want to hear now."


"It's just... I have been a good girlfriend, you know? I pretty much changed my lifestyle so that my 'schedule' would fit with my boyfriend's, I was understanding, I accepted the numerous times he canceled our dates because his Mentor suggested a new special training regimen... I even accepted dates getting interrupted halfway because he got a call from his Teacher insisting on revising his Special Quirk Training! Believe me, I am the damn most accommodating Girlfriend ever!" Nejire said all in a single breath.

The Nejire in the audience was now starting to get irritated herself, her eyebrow twitching and her smile straightened. "I'm starting to see why she was getting frustrated with him..."

"I DID NONE OF THAT! NOTHING AT ALL!" Mirio shouted, immediately, holding his arms up in surrender.

"I know, but I am still annoyed."

"Go ahead." Joy said, opening a tiny hole in space in front of her.


"OUCH! WHO PUNCHED ME?!" Another Mirio was heard screaming in shock from the hole before it closed.

"Thank you!" Nejire said, smiling happily.

"Happy to help." Joy answered, eye-smiling.

"Still going to fight his Hard Light Hologram?" Tamaki asked them.

"Yes," both answered. "With Izuku."

"... Do I have a choice...?" Izuku asked.

"Consider it training," Mirio stated. Izuku just sighs but agrees to it.

"And a very strange form of therapy, punching yourself on the face has to be therapeutic." Nemuri said.

"In a very big stretch of the term." Mic added, humming.

"Very, VERY, big stretch," Hound Dog agreed. "Although breaking stuff is acceptable as a help to manage anger, I need to see you fight that copy and take notes, cause I am actually curious if it CAN work as a form of therapy."

"... Fine, I'll see if I can replicate that for your fancy therapy sessions." Power Loader answered the unspoken question while rolling his eyes.

"I can tell..." Izuku tried answering, understanding that he had just been elected as the girl's confidant even if he never proposed for the job.

He just took a seat and readied himself for the LONG rant that was clearly coming his way.

And a long rant it was once her floodgates went smashed open! Failed dates, canceled or even forgotten dates/anniversaries, handmade lunches abandoned or eaten in a rush and phone calls cut abruptly, among other things.

Whoever the girl's boyfriend was, he seemingly took his Quirk Training way too seriously, especially by hurrying to obey whenever either his Teacher or his Mentor called and abandoning Nejire with just a hurried "Please wait a second!" thrown her way.

Even Izuku with his workaholic tendencies did leave himself enough free time to spend it with Momo, sure between her Hero Training and his job (and the System constantly breathing on his neck) both young man and woman had to fight HARD to spend some time together, but they managed at least!

"It's always 'Wait!' With him! Wait! Wait! Wait!" She hissed.

"Then came the last straw... Last night we were supposed to make love for the first time..." Nejire finally said with a depressed tone.

"I don't think I need to hear this," Izuku tried saying.

"I had it all planned-out, you know? I booked a nice and expensive L*** H****, and I bought various boxes of c******..." Nejire kept saying, unperturbed.

"I really don't need to hear this."

"I had bought some k****, see-through l******* too! The very o****** and edible kind!"

"I don't want to hear this."

"And scented candles! I put scented candles everywhere! I was fully ready to unleash my inner s***! Honest! I was ready to act like a B*** F*** w****!" Nejire said with an angry tone.

"Why are you telling me this..." Izuku said with a miserable groan.

"And then, as he was going to FINALLY put it in... The phone rings, and instead of ignoring it and making true to his boyfriend's duties and p*****ing me into the mattress, he answered! He took the damn call! He answered and listened as his Mentor asked him if they could talk and he damn left! He simply dressed back and left! He didn't even take off the condom! HE LEFT ME PENT-UP! And with just some Cherry-Flavoured p****** to eat alone to calm down!" The girl yelled, obviously frustrated beyond belief.

There were a lot of red faces after hearing all that, and both the kids' ears were covered up. Mirio and Nejire were both embraced and angrily annoyed.

"... Hey, I have needs too, you know?" Nejire said with a weak voice.

"Sister, we are letting you have Icchan all to yourself once a week, you definitely need it." Tsuyu said, shocked beyond belief.

"Just don't kill him with snu-snu." Mina added.

"Nerd, if something happens to you, I want you to know that I am proud of you." Katsuki said while fanning the fainted Izuku to try to help him wake-up.

"She's gonna dry him up like a prune," Kirishima added, lightly slapping Izuku.

"That's both a cool and terrifying way to die." Tetsutetsu admitted, shaking his head.

"And you people say that I am the horny one." Reiko said, crossing her arms.

"That's Omega-Level Thirst, sister. Respect." Pony commented.

Izuku was now blushing red, steam was escaping his entire body.

"How many times has he become a steamed broccoli~?" Toriko teased.

"I lost count," Zebra stated.

"..." hearing only silence coming in answer, she finally noticed Izuku leaning forward and burying his face in his hands, a poster picture of misery.

Once again Nejire's face turned bright red in shame as it downed on her how much she said.

"Please don't-"

"I will keep this part a secret, don't worry. Just stop with the sordid details if we talk more, I am trying to erase from my memory that Love Hotel thing." Izuku cut her off, face bright red himself.

"Okay." She answered, meekly.

"Good, with your permission, I will finish dinner preparations, then we'll talk more if you want."

"Thank you," she answered.

"But to be honest, besides listening, I don't think I can help you. What you will do about your boyfriend depends on you only, I won't nor can suggest a thing. But I know that Love is never a one-way road, one has to give other than take, so I am sure your boyfriend will soon return all your patience with interests, " Izuku offered.

Sigh! "I hope so." Nejire answered with a hopeful sigh.

"Have faith," he answered as he got up.

Falling again into silent contemplation, she watched as he rapidly prepared his Restaurant for the so-called Dinner Rush, soon filling the Restaurant in a mishmash of amazing scents of Ingredients being worked on.

"He really is a good person," Melk stated. "Almost reminds me of you, Komatsu, when I was in a bad place."

"And just like me, willingly or not he is always dragged in the middle of giant messes," Komatsu answered, sighing.

"Oh yes, it happens every time," Izuku admitted, sighing

"None of us here ever manages to get a Normal Life for more than two days straight, if we are lucky." Aizawa added.

"Must be nice to have a boring life..." Mic added, sighing.

"... I hate to have a boring life," Toriko stated. "Too much food to find to sit around."

"I don't like staying in one place for too long," Zebra stated, grumbling.

"The world is too beautiful for me to sit still and not see it." Sunni added, flicking his hair back.

"Heroes never rest." All Might said, flexing.

"Unfortunately." Nighteye added.

"Yeah... Unfortunately." Toshinori admitted, chuckling.

"There's nothing wrong with that," Toriko stated, smiling.

And when the time came, she watched in wonder as he managed to follow every single table, delivering and recovering plates at high speed, all the while still managing to talk a bit more with her.

The food was damn amazing too, and Nejire was unashamedly ordering dish after dish from the menu and piling-up empty plates at a steady pace, she was more hungry than even she knew.

The real drama for her though came when he brought the bill...It was then that Nejire noticed that in her haste to storm out of UA she had left her wallet behind.

"I will bring the money tomorrow morning, I swear!" She cried-out in horror.

"It's okay, don't worry. You will pay me tomorrow, I will just add your breakfast to the total." He answered with a gentle smile.

"You sure?"

"Aren't we friends? I can do a favor to a friend whenever I want!" The Chef answered with a wink.

"Thank you." She answered.

To be honest, after what she told him in blind anger, Upgrading his Rank to Friend was the least she could do, especially since he didn't comment on her Love Hotel story, that was a small blessing.

"He even tried friendzoning himself," Mineta said.

"Friendzone doesn't exist, it's just a form of coping some guys invented to not accept a girl they like not liking them back." Mina answered, huffing childishly.

"Be nice, sister." Setsuna answered, laughing.

"But it's more fun to tease him~" Mina said, giggling.

"Guess that's true~" Setsuna agreed.

"You are going to gain points faaast!" Nejire said, jokingly peppering Izuku's cheeks in kisses.

"My other was just helping her out, that's all," Izuku stated, blushing.

"Keep telling yourself that, Green," Jiro stated, poking him on the cheek.

"Please do, it makes us feel special if only we can see your cute and strong side!" Toru answered, she was instead kissing his other cheek.

"I was being sarcastic, Toru." Jiro said, rolling her eyes.

"I wasn't." She answered, jokingly.

Banjo was holding back his laughter. Nana just slapped him over the head.

- The next day -

The following morning she was the very first customer entering as soon as he opened the Restaurant doors.

"Good morning! How do you feel?" He asked.

"A bit better than yesterday." Nejire answered.

"That's good! I knew you would bounce back, nothing can stop the Amazing Nejire-chan!" He said with a thumbs-up.

"Hahaha! Amazing even?" She asked with a touched expression.

"The very best!" His smile was mischievous and friendly at the same time, a combination Nejire actually liked to see him with.

"I have some time before lessons, can we talk some more?"

"Of course! I am always happy to talk with my friends!" Izuku answered, leaving her table briefly to prepare her breakfast.

"Friends, huh? ... Why not?" She muttered, watching him work tirelessly to serve his other customers and drawing a rather impressive picture of the boy in her head the more she studied him.






Shy to praises

"...Aren't you a Sweet guy?" The young woman thought, and seeing his warm smile up-close when he brought her a cup of coffee finally cleared her doubts.

"Yes, I think we can be very good friends, Icchan!" She said to herself with a wide, happy smile.

Thus the Green Cloud Restaurant gained another regular customer, and Izuku a new friend.

"Looks like he's captured the heart of another girl," Momo teased, covering her mouth from her giggles.

"It's a gift." Rin said, laughing.

"It's a curse." Izuku countered, sighing.

Mineta gave him a flat look. "Yeah, what a crying 'curse' you have.,.." Mineta snarked.

"The fact that he is not smug about it, it's what gains him points with girls. To add to the big pile," Kinoko answered.

"Still, he should be happy that girls like him like that," Mineta stated, pouting. "Any guy should feel a little proud of themselves."

"... So you want him to be a playboy casanova...?" Jiro asked in a flat voice.

"Okay, now you are overstepping! There are definitely shades of gray between the "Black" and "White" you mentioned! Even a pervert like me knows when to pull back before it's too much... or at least I am trying to learn that. Izu here has started from negative points! He can be smug about it! 'Cause he would still be ten times more humble than normal guys doing the same!" Mineta said, crossing his arms and huffing.


"Pervertedness is an Art Form, and Smugness even more so. Let him be a tiny bit more smug about his success with girls, it will do him good, I say." He added, waving her off.

"... Who are you and what have you done with the real Mineta...?" Jiro asked, shocked.

"... You really don't know me. Kind of rude of you to profile me under the limited label of Sexual Deviant. I thought we were friends."

"No! I am profiling nobody! Clearly!" She answered, sweating. Jiro knew she had a bad habit of that, due to her insecurities with her own body, so she labels people by first impressions.

"... You do it because you're still insecure about yourself..." Mineta stated blandly. "Even though you're a rocker chick and a lot of guys dig that..."

"And I did say she's in the top ten to five girls in her world," Xara added.

"She is cute, spunky, cool, adorable, awesome, dorky (in a cute way)..." Joy counted on his fingers/feathers.

"A good friend, a damn good singer and musician. A very good Hero." Light kept counting on his own fingers.

Kyoka's face couldn't get any redder even if she tried while she buried her face in Izuku's chest.

"See? People love you!" Izuku said, patting her back.

"Just drop it, Greenie..." She muttered, still flustered.

Just then the projector turned off and the lights turned back on, showing the episode was over.

"This was a good one. Especially the soup challenge! Delicious!" Pony said, excited.

"That poor version of myself seems to be finally putting herself back together. I am glad." Nejire said, elated.

"She is a strong girl, like you. Of course she can bounce back!" Mirio said, offering her his hand for a high-five she gladly reciprocated.

"So the Challenge is over. So maybe he will finally be able to relax!" Izuku said, hopeful.

"Until the next annoyance comes along!" Nezu said with a sing-song voice.

"... Thought so..." Izuku answered, dropping his head in defeat.

"Marsh." The small creature hugged his head to comfort him.

Izuku smiled and patted Marshadow's head. "Thanks Marshadow."

"Well we have at least thirty minutes before the next episode, I say we try and see if we can't find foods to help with some of you to Awaken," Izuku stated, excited.

"You just want to cook and write down notes in your books," Katsuki stated.

"Nothing wrong with that," Izuku stated, smiling.

When the others left, Joy, Xara, Light, Gaia and System looked at each other. "So, when do you think we should bring in Hawks, as well as Twice and Toga?" Xara asked.

"When will Toga be mentioned as being worked on as a Nomu?" Light asked Joy. "Next chapter or so?"

"Five more at least," Joy informed. "Then we can bring those three in."

"Good to know," Gaia stated.

"Oh, that reminds me System, are that Izuku and Momo in the D&D Space Adventure univers, the one with the Stardust Rhapsody crew?" Xara asked the ball of lights. "It seems they landed in that Univers."

"They are, and it's likely they could stumble on them too. Hard to say."

"Can't tell if we should pity them or not." Light admitted.

"That Sortie is already very tiresome for them. That would just be a drop in the ocean."

"An ocean of shite hitting the fan?" Xara asked.

"Quite a lot."

"Ugh!" The three entities shuddered in unison.

"Well, if they do meet the Rhapsody crew, they can pay them to help search for the things they need," Light said, shrugging. "The Universe in D&D is wild like you said."

"Far too much. Far too much."

"I hope he will get back home with the least amount of headaches." Light said, shaking his head.

"Poor guy." Joy added.

"Well, we should get to work on getting the next episode set up," Gaia stated, getting nods from the others.

To Be Continued...


Omake 3: Quirk Awakenings and Empowering Foods

-Multiversal News With Tina and Mic-

Once again the title card for the show appears. It then moved away, showing Tina and Mike at a new table for discussions.

"Welcome back again listeners to the third episode of our show, Multiversal News With Tina and Mic ~!" Mic called out, pointing finger guns at the camera. "I'm Hizashi Yamada, A.K.A. The Voice Hero: Present Mic~!"

"And I'm Tina," Tina introduced, bowing to the audience. "For today's episode, we'll be discussing the Quirk Awakening Factor, as well as the foods that helped them awaken, how to tell if someone can awaken them, and speculate on higher levels of people Evolving afterwards."

"Unfortunately, it's not always accompanied by a visual clue. Heck, many scientists theorized that an Awakening can be missed even by the Quirk's owner, if it isn't that much intense." Mic added.

"I guess that's true," Tina said, nodding to him. "But with Foods from otherworlds, and cooked by someone who can imbue powers/energy into it, they can gain power ups to their Quirks, but not full Awakenings."

"Like with Mirio Togata a.k.a. The Hero in Training La Million," Mic added in, bringing up the picture of the third year boy. "Before he could only use his Quirk, called Permeation, only allowed him to turn himself, and only himself intangible, and had to have special clothing that had his DNA in it to use his Quirk."

"... I bet that was awkward for... certain occasions..." Tina stated, sweat-dropping.

Mic sweatdrop, remembering the Sports Festival Mirio was in the prior year. "Oh you have no idea... But back to the topic at hand~! How does someone gain a Quirk Awakening with food you may be wondering~!? That's simple, it actually has to both resonate with your Quirk and match a theme~!"

Tina nodded, bringing up a picture of Ryuko Tatsuma with before and after photos of her. "Indeed, like Ryuko a.k.a. Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu, she evolved with a mixture of foods from different worlds, like the Jewel Meat and Melkstardust of my world, as well as the Edible Minerals and Jem Juices from the world core of Narnia."

"There are going to be a lot of questions when we get back home," Mic said, laughing.

"True, but I think Nezu already has that covered," Tina stated, sweatdroping.

"I would be disappointed in him if he wasn't!" Mic said with a sweatdrop as Kruppoh chirped in agreement. He then went back to talking about the empowering food. "Now back on topic~! We also found out that those that have lost their Quirks, or are Quirkless, gain their powers back and those that are Quirkles gain Dormant Quirks as well. As shown by Ms. Shield gaining a Technomancer Quirk."

"That was a big shock!" Tina said, laughing.

"But it shows that there is always hope! And that Quirks can be returned to people with the right push! Now only thanks to dear Midoriya's food, but maybe one day even normal doctors will be able to do it!"

Tina shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe. That also brings up the idea that Quirks are something Foren as well, like the Disease Theory you told me about."

"Well if Quirks were caused by a disease, Midoriya's food not only evolves the Quirk, but the body as well so it copes better with the the Drawbacks of their Quirks better, as well as the new power increase Awakens cause."

"A mutation, more than a disease. Would explain the evolution of humanity"

"Eh! I am no doctor, I am more of a dashing radio host!" Mic said, winking.

"Hohohoho! Can't deny the dashing part!" Tina answered, smiling.

"Aw, you'll make me blush," Mic said in a playful way, then all three laughed at all this. "Alright, let's get to the last topic, 'Can we get even stronger Quirk Awakenings?'. We showed last episode that there are Ranks to Quirk Awakenings, like Manwha stories. But you can't just eat the same meal over and over, even if it helps empower you, it won't have the same effect twice."

"Indeed you are right, like themes to a dish, you'd have to find one that connects to you, like a theme theme of a multicore dish special."

"I still wonder what Food I need to eat to level up to Level II," Mic pondered. "Heck, I want to know what new features I'd have evolving."

"Hopefully an OFF switch!" Somebody screamed off camera.

"Shut up, Shota!" Mic yelled in answer, and Tina and Kruppoh laughed harder. Mic looked annoyed at the two.

"S-Sorry, you two just make a great standup comedy act," Tina said through chuckles. "But hopefully we'll find out what other powers you and everyone else will gain later on."

"That has me hyped, not going to lie! Hahahaha!"

Tina then looked at the time. "Oh my, it's almost time to wrap this up."

"Already?" Mic asked, seeing the time. "Man, these things fly by fast."

Tina nodded, as the three of them looked at the camera. "Thank you for having us," the three thanked, bowing to them.

"And twitch that, we'll see you next episode then~!" Mic called out, looking at the camera, giving finger guns.

To Be Continued...


And that's chapter ten. Man this took a long time to write.

Nezu: "It was fun to watch though~!"

Joy: Very fun! As always! You never disappoint.

Thank you, and thank you for helping write this as well.

Joy: Eeh, I did next to nothing! Honestly, this is mostly your story, so besides a few minor shining and adjusting, it's all your hard work. Awesome hard work. And you should be proud of it.

Thanks. Anyways, please suggest other ideas for who you want to see get a power up, with items that can help them out. Like last time here's what you the reader has to do:



Quirk Evolution/Awakening Powers:

Body Evolutions:

Also if you have an idea for Tina and Mic's show, or want someone to come on and have questions to be asked, here what you can also do:

Episode Idea for Tina and Mike

Character to ask on the Talk Show:


Joy: Don't be afraid to share your ideas! I know he will appreciate your suggestions!

Nezu: "Agreed, don't be scared to lay your ideas out there."

Thank you both, and with that, we'll see you in the next chapter.

Nezu: "See you~"

Joy: Byeeee! See you next time!

And with that, we'll see you all next time.

Please R&R.

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