First Day At School PT.1

Y/n pov

As the sunlight got my eyes I started to awake and my body felt heavy then I looked and saw everyone sleeping on me

Y/n: right we spent the night in jolynes room

I grabbed jolyne and placed her between Rumi and Giorno

Y/n: {yawing} alright I guess I'll get breakfasts ready

I walked downstairs ready to get the food cooking but as I was grabbing my pans there was a knock on the door

Y/n: who is it

???: special delivery for mr. Y/n Kujo

I open the door as the mailman handed me the envelop as he waved leaving and I open the envelope closing the door

Y/n: why do they want to see me

Rumi: y/n *yawn*

Y/n: hey

Rumi: what's the mail for

Y/n: the hero association want to meet with me about something, and I can only assume two things about this meeting

Rumi: and that is

Y/n: 1. It's going to piss me off or 2. Be a waste of time

Rumi: well it's not like you can say no, they do allow you to do odd jobs as a hero

Y/n: yeah, yeah I know. Hey is that my sweater

Runi: oh yeah

Y/n: am I ever going to get it back

Rumi: certainly not

Y/n: great you come in and raid my pantry and my closet

Rumi: to be fair you also raided some of my things

Y/n: like

Rumi: you raided the inside of my pants

Y/n:...keep the damn sweater

Rumi: see I knew you'd see it my way, Jojo

Then she kissed me on the cheek and went back upstairs

Y/n: I can never win with that rabbit

After fixing breakfast for everyone the kids, Rumi, and I got in the car and started heading towards the hero association building

Josuke: hey dad where are we going

Y/n: to talk to my bosses so they can get off my a-

Rumi: ahem!

Y/n: so they can leave me alone

Giorno: are they trying to take us again

Y/n: I doubt it

Jolyen: besides we could just use our quirks an-

Y/n: no you won't if it gets to that point you'll leave it to me

Rumi: and me, I won't let them take my little

Y/n: well then everyone washed up and get in the car well leave in a bit

Time skip

We made it to the hero association building and once I parked I went inside to where the meeting was being held while the kids and Rumi waited in the car

???: welcome y/n and I see you brought the children

Y/n:(sits down) so what did you call me for

???¹: have you thought about school for the clo-

Y/n: call them clones and ill punch you

???¹: for your children

Y/n: so what you want them to go to school and what make friends

???²: we want them to learn social interaction

???³: you can't expect them to stay inside all their life

Y/n: so what you want me to help them make friends

???: well yes, but education is required for them no matter their situation.

???⁴: children their age are required to have quirk-based counseling. Which you could only get by putting them in school

Y/n: I already planned to put them in school but the kids weren't the only ones you wanted to talk to me about so get to the point

???: very well, as you know the number one hero mantle has been filled by the former number two hero endeavor

Y/n: yeah I noticed but what that got to do with me

???³: we want you to stop freelancing and become a full-fledged hero

Y/n: and what become one of the top 5 heroes

???: yes since the symbol of peace retired villains have begun to move more aggressively

???²: with your power, we can reduce their uprising

???⁴: you are the only one in world with a quirk that has more than two abilities

Y/n: so let me get this straight you want me to show out more after someone clones me into three kids without anyone knowing

???³: we know it's a risk but there is no other option, of course, you will be provided with a basic monthly payment and the children will be enrolled in school on us
Until there 18

Y/n: fine anything else

???²: we'll need you in an upcoming event, we've suspected and found a traitor in our ranks and we will soon move on him

Y/n: that big huh, fine anyone else joining my team, or am I on my own

???²: you and miruko will be working with endeavor on apprehending the traitor

Y/n: (stands up) fine just tell me when it's about to go down and ill be there

Rumi pov

Rumi: jeez what taking so long with those geezers

Y/n: those geezers pay you so I would try to pay some respect to them

Rumi: please I bet you threatened one of them before you left

Y/n: that's not untrue

Then josuke rolled the window down and stuck out his head

Josuke: so what gonna happen to us

Giorno: are they gonna take us

Y/n: I already told you nobody is gonna take you, they just want you to go to school

Jolyen: SCHOOL!!!!

y/n: uh? Yeah they think it's best for you guys to at least interact with kids your age

Jolyen: I've always wanted to go to school, when do we start? what should I wear! I'm so excited

Rumi: alright everyone gets your heads out of the window were leaving now

Kids:(sat back down in the car ) yes ma'am


Y/n: feel old

Rumi: be quite

Y/n: I do have a question for you

Rumi: yeah

Y/n: what's this operation you and endeavor are in

Rumi: we should talk about this at home

Y/n: sure

Rumi: I'll

Y/n: you not driving

Rumi: huh? And why can't I, you think girls can't drive

Y/n: no just you

Rumi: why you!

Y/n: get in before you walk home

Rumi: hmph! Rude as ever

Time skip

Y/n pov

At home, I had to deal with this

Jolyen: hey when do we go to school

Josuke: what school are we going to

Giorno: can I use my quirk

Josuke: no stupid, you not supposed to

Giorno: you stupid

Jolyen: your both stupid

Josuke: oh yeah!

Jolyen: yeah!

Giorno: I wonder who we'll meet

Y/n: 💢 quiet


Y/n: you going to an elementary not far from here, it's a private school

Then Rumi leaned over the couch

Rumi:(whistles) sounds expensive you got that kinda money Jojo

Y/n: the boards handling it

Rumi: but that's not all they get to do, so what else did you agree to

Y/n:...i agreed to be their poster boy

Jolyen: does that mean you'll be famous

Y/n: maybe, I honestly dont know

Giorno: so does that make us famous if you're famous

Y/n: yeah I guess it does

Josuke: cool~

One week later

Nobody pov

Y/n: alright everyone got everything they need for school

Jolyen: yes dad we have everything~

Josuke: you dont have to be so uptight we got this

giorno:(sees y/n face) um maybe you should stop

Jolyen: why we were just...telling...him

Jolyen: um

Y/n: you brats sure got a mouth, I dont care if you got it from me next time I'll -

Rumi:(clapping hands) alright, that's enough Jojo let's not send the kids to school with frightened faces

Y/n looks down at the kids as they all hid behind Rumi

Y/n: (sigh) good grief let's go you three, we need to get you there before your late

Time skip

As y/n and Rumi took them to school the other kids couldn't help but stare

Teacher: alright students I would like you to greet our newest students, would you three like to introduce yourself

Giorno: um well, how should we do it

Y/n: just say your name and what you like to do

Rumi: it's easy, you three got it

Jolyen: im first! my name is jolyen Joestar and I like my daddy and stone free

???¹: who's some free

Jolyen: she's my closest friend here I'll call her

Then jolyen summoned stone free as she was nothing but string then formed a top half as the kids looked amazed

Teacher: okay what about you two

Giorno: well my name is Giorno Joestar and I like to read and im interested in the piano

Teacher: well, we do have junior piano classes. Would you like to sign up

Giorno: yes! Please

Teacher: Okay, I'll get you signed up. Now you up next

She said as she looked at josuke

Josuke: well my names josuke joestar and well I dont have a lot of things I like, but when I grow up I wanna be like my dad

Y/n:(looks away covering the face)...

Rumi: aww, someone's embarrassed

Y/n:(light blush) shut up

Teacher: well kids I would like you all to get to meet your new classmates and help them feel welcomed

Kids: yes ma'am

The teacher, y/n, and Rumi left the room. As the kids got to know each other

Y/n: so I assume you know their predicament

Teacher: yes the principal informed me about them a couple of days ago

Rumi: even though they dont look like it, they're a lot like this guy so if they cause trouble just call us well smack them upside the head

Teacher: oh im sure it won't come to that they seem like good kids

Y/n: ignore her, can I get your name so I can put it on my phone

Rain: ah yes my names is rain rossweisse

Y/n: thanks, what times school over

Rain: oh, the principal didn't tell you

Y/n: no he's was less than talkative


*knock, knock*

Principle: who is it

???: sir it's the joestar family

Principle: aw yes send them in

Rumi walked in first

Principle: it's nice to meet you I am...

He became silent as the short principal kept looking up at y/n feeling a heavy pressure as y/n towered over him

Principal:(heavy sweating)

Y/n: something wrong


Flashback over

Rain:💧i see, well school ends at 4:00

Y/n: thanks, it was nice meeting you, we've got to get going

Rain: you as well

Y/n and Rumi walked out of the school and to the car as they started driving to the news conference


Y/n: what

Rumi: nothing

Y/n: it's something because you keep staring at me

Rumi: you seem to get along well with that teacher, even got her name and number

Y/n: yeah because she's their teacher why wouldn't I

They got to the building where the tv interview was and parked the car


Y/n: (sigh) good grief, hey Rumi

Rumi:(pouting) what

She looked over as y/n leaned over to her side and kissed her as Rumi grabbed his cheeks and bringing him in closer until they need to separate

Y/n: still upset

Rumi: maybe, I might need another to satisfy me

Y/n: just wait till we get home, horny ass rabbit

Nobody pov

???: hey so do you have the quirk as your sister

Josuke: uh yeah

???: what about you Giorno

Giorno: yes it's the same

???: can we see

Giorno and josuke nodded and summoned crazy diamond and golden experience

Kids: whoa~

Teacher: alright kids sits down its time to start class

We all sat down me, jolyen and Giorno sat near the window

Rain: All alright as my Mrs.rain for those of you who are new if you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask

As the class went on and time passed it was lunchtime as all the

Josuke:(slowly raises hand) um is it alright if I go to the bathroom

Rain: yes but hurry back okay, you dont wanna be late to p.e

Josuke: yes ma'am

I got up walked out of the room

Josuke: now where's the restroom

He kept walking down the hallway as josuke looked and saw someone outside in the courtyard someone he didn't want to and it frightened him to his bones


He ran back to the lunchroom as the rest of the class saw the scared look on his face

Jolyen: bro?

Giorno: what's the matter

Rain: josuke what's wrong, you seem startled

Josuke: we need to leave now!

Rain: what why, did you see something

Josuke: there no time we-

Then a loud explosion went off startling an of the kids as a man in a striped suit stood outside of the building

???: it took a while but ill finally be able to. Get her hand

Then another explosion went off as he could hear the screams of the students and teachers alike

???: wait for me Jolyen ill soon be there for you or should I say for your hand


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