Chapter 9: The Alien invasion

It was a nice day as we see many people walking about doing their own thing and it seems that everything is calm now and there has been no villains been reported attacking the city so it was a chill day for the heroes.

A group of teenagers were laughing while watching a footage at one of their phones about a battle happen in a street about a hero and villain when suddenly their phone turn to static, so dose all phones that some where on and they were confused.

Even the TV's either in stores or homes turn to static which confused everyone when they suddenly hear someone through their devices. At first it was some sort a language they don't understand until the voice suddenly turn English and they were shock to hear what this person is saying.

Katsurō: Greetings to all humans within Planet Earth. My name is Katsurō, the leader of the Forever empire and you humans have hidden someone within your planet that we have been searching for. If you don't know who we are talking about, here is this person we are talking about.

Then all screens changed to Y/n have his head down, beaten up and has his arms and legs trapped in a engery shield which shocked Class 1-A students including everyone else as Katsurō gose on to say.

Katsurō: You punishment will be a total extinction of the human race. You humans will be gone of the face of this planet and no point of trying, we are stronger then any of you so call "hero's" living in this pathetic city. Which is why, we're targing your city first.

Then they hear a load noise following by rumbling as they all look up in shock to see a large warship breaking through the cloads and hovers over the city as everyone panics and and runs away as the ship flies over the city.

We then cut to Katsurō watching this down below in the bridge as he chuckle a little and then turns and walks out of the bridge and enter the holding cell where we see Y/n getting tortured by Katsurō's bounty hunter as he walks up beside him once he stop electrocuted as Y/n breaths as Katsurō looks at him and then tells him.

Katsurō: After so many years we finally found you. Soon your new home will ne into dust once we destroy it.

Y/n: (breathing heavily) Y-You can't. These are just peaceful life forms and they should be left alone. You have me so just leave them alone.

Katsurō: (smirk) You still have your fathers words huh?

He then slaps Y/n across be face and then tell him.

Katsurō: Your father was a fool to not agreeing to hand over your quirk to me! I was serving him for years while you were just a child! A CHILD! I should have that quirk! NOT YOU!

Y/n: So (sigh) Is that what you did? Kill all my family and the people that are my friends. My father trusted you, you were like MY hero!

Katsurō: If you still think I am your hero then give me your quirk.

Y/n just glare at him which Katsurō sees this and pulls down the level and Y/n was shocked with electricity as he yells out from the pain as Karsurō turns to leave his bounty hunter continuing tormenting him while he get ready to sent his troops down there to strike on the humans and kill them all.


We see the students of Class 1-A gathered at the park and discussing on what to do.

Ochaco: We got to go and save Y/n!

They turn to Ochaco for a while until Minoru cry out in shock and fear.

Minoru: (shocked) Say what now?! Are you cray?! Those aren't the villains we are dealing here, their actual aliens! Aliens!

Denki: Yeah I mean we faced villains before but aliens might be risky.

Ochaco: But we can't just stand there and let them torture him or take him away! We got to do something and save him.

Momo: Look I know he is our friend but it's too dangerous for us to rescue him. I'm sure the pro heroes have something planned to rescue Y/n.

Izuku: I know the pro heroes are strong but this is q threat that the heroes has never faced before. I'm afraid they might not stand across.

Katsuki: Who really cares about that weirdo. All he dose is to annoy us and being all childlike. It's best we just let those alien freaks to take him and hopefully they might leave.

Mina: No way! Y/n is our friend and I agree to Ochaco, we can't just stand here and do nothing! We gonna help him!

Toru: I agree. He did so much for all of us and save our lives form the villains during the training course. I think it's time we return him the favour and rescue him.

Hanta: You sure we can do this? I mean I have a bad feeling about this.

Fumikage: Agree but Ochaco may have a point. Y/n is one of us and if he is alien or not, we're gonna rescue him.

Izuku: Same here. He was my first actual friend I even made and I'm not lose a friend. Count me in.

There was some hesitation at first but soon they all agree which that Y/n is their friend and they should help him. Soon they agree and once that they try to think of a way to get up to the warship.

Eijiro: Um guys, what on earth are those?

He was looking up to the air and soon they all look up and see what looked like drop ships flying out of the warship and making it's way down to the city. One of them even making its way to them and it start to fire at them which they take cover.

Katsuki: If those alien fucks wanna fight! THEY GET ONE!

Katsuki slams his fist to the ground as the ground below him blows up and launching him towards the dropship. Once he lands on the ship he cost an explosion with his fist which cost the ship to crash onto the park near them as Katsuki lands perfectly on the ground and stood up straight.

The hatch of the ship opens and alien soldiers exit out qnd fire their rifles at them. Bolts came out of their weapons as they take cover.

Suddenly they were frozen in place by shoto and once that they investigated the ship and they look around. Tenya and Mashirao check the cockpit and it looks like the ship can fly but weird symbols appear which they don't understand.

Mashirao: What kind of language are these?

Tenya: I can barely understand either of them.

Izuku: Wait I think I have something.

Izuku appears between them and pulls out a device which he scans and English words appear on the screen.

Tenya: Where did you get that?

Izuku: It was a gift from Y/n. He told me this might be useful in the future.

Tenya: (smile) I'm glad for that.

Kyoka: Guys look.

They all exit out of the ship and look over to the city to see it been under attack by alien forces as the heroes are doing their best to hold them off.

Shoto: There is just too many of them.

Katsuki: (smirk) That means more to blow them up!

Ochaco: What should we do?

Izuku: This ship can't fit all of us. Some has to stay behind and defend the city.

Ochaco: I'll go with you to help Y/n.

Momo: Same here.

Tenya: (smile) As would I.

Toru: You need someone to sneak in without detection so count me in!

Eijiro: (smirk) And a strong person to show those aliens a lesson.

Tsuyu: Same here.

Izuku: Alright. Guess the rest will help the heroes defend the city.

Katsuki: Seems like it. This is gonna be fun.

Yuga: Make sure you all come back alive as beauty as you can be.

Mina: (smile) Yeah and bring Y/n back.

Izuku: (smile) Right.

Izuku, Ochaco, Momo, Tenya, Toru, Eijiro and Tsuyu enter the dropship and after a while they managed to get the ship working and once that they slowly get the ship in air. They accidentally hit some trees but they managed to fly the ship and fly towards the warship as the rest watch them go and hope they will be alright with Y/n safe and sound.


They managed to get into the hanger and they slowly land the dropship to a spot where the rest of the alien soldiers haven't noticed as they peak out through the window to see them forming up and entering the drop ships.

Izuku: (surprised) Look at this place.

Eijiro: (surprised) No kidding. They have  everything they need to kill us all.

Ochaco: Right so how can we find Y/n?

Tenya: Judging by the footage we saw, there must be a holding cell in here but we can't risk going out there and getting lost.

Tsuyu: So how can we find our way to Y/n without being spotted.

Toru: Oh I know! I can get naked and scout ahead.

Izuku: (blush) You get what?!

Toru: Relax my quirk is invisible remember. If I take off all my clothes, no way they can't see me and I can sneak out and scout the area and give you all the all clear.

Eijiro: (smile) That's not a bad idea Toru!

Tenya: You sure your up to this.

Toru: Yep! Just leave it to me.

She took off all of her clothes while Izuku looks away and once she was done she was completely invisible.

Toru: Um will you all not stare at me it's kinda uncomfortable.

Eijiro: But we can't see you?

Ochaco: Yeah so we don't even know if your here or not.

Toru: Oh right. Well here gose nothing.

They open the hatch and Tour make her way and look around and thanks to her quirk, they can't see her and she whisper them to move which they did.

Soon they made it out of the hanger and they sneak their way through the halls and avoiding the alien soldiers that were walking towards them. They hide in dark corners and wait for them to go pass.

Once that they sneak through the ship and soon they reach a locked door that only they need is a pass code.

Eijiro: (smirk) Pass code? Ha! Stay back, i know what to do with locked doors.

He active his quirk as he crack his knuckles and appended up his fist and then punches the door very hard. There was silence as Eijiro fell backwards and he can feel all his knuckles broken.

Momo: Guess that didn't work.

Suddenly the door open and two alien soldiers stop and see them as they stare at each other for a while before Tsuyu fire her tongue at one in the head and qlam him to the ground.

Before the other soldier could do another Momo summons a taser and zaps the alien soldier ad he gets zapped and then fell onto the ground.

Momo: Huh, even though they are aliens, they do ho down like we do when it comes to tasers.

Eijiro: Y-Yeah no kidding.

Ochaco: Come on. I think we might be close.

They race through the halls and soon they believed they arrived at the holding cell as they try to find a way to open this door.

Eijiro: Okay if punching it won't work, then how's about opening it by force.

He grabs the door and he start trying to open it as the alarms start to ho off and alien soldiers arrived and open fire at them. Momo summons out cover as plasma bolts burns through the metal wall.

Then the aliens weapon were quickly snatched by Tenya with his speed before they were taking down by both Tsuyu with her tongue and Ochaco as she touched them and sent them flying.

Ochaco: (smirk) Have fun up their boys.

???: Looks like we have some humans in our ship.

Then the bounty hunter approach them as he stare at them. Tenya races over to him but he quickly bend down to dodge his punch and then he headbutt him and kick him back.

He stumble back as he fell on one knee and looks up in surprise.

Tenya: (surprised) How can this be? You don't have quirk but you reacted quicker.

Reiko: The name is Reiko, I not have quirks like you humans but I can see you coming to me even if your fast...or invisible.

He then quickly grabs Toru who was behind her by the neck and then tossed her which she slams on the ground just as Eijiro manage to open the door.

Eijiro: It's open! Go! We hold him off.

Izuku: You sure?

Momo: Yes. We meet you back at the hanger now go!

Ochaco and Izuku nod and the two enter as the door shut, while Reiko laughs while more soldiers run pass him as he walks towards them.

We then cut yo Ochaco snd Izuku as they see Y/n still there and lucky alive as they rush over to him.

Izuku: Y/n! Are you okay?!

Ochaco: Speak to us!

He slowly open his eyes and he slowly looks up to see Izuku and Ochaco there as Izuku gets onto the controls.

Y/n: You.....came....for me? Why?

Ochaco: (smile) Because we're friends. And friends will enevr abandoned each other.

Y/n was shocked by this but he looks down in shame and tells them.

Y/n: I'm so so sorry for this.

Ochaco: What do you mean?

Y/n: (tears) I bring this to your planet and now all of you are gonna die because of me. Its all my fault, I....I shouldn't be your friend.

Then Ochaco gently grab his cheeks to face her as she smiled at him and tell him.

Ochaco: (smile) Don't be silly. Your our friend qnd we don't blame you for all of this. We're getting you oit of here, together.

Y/n is shocked by this and soon Izuku managed to release Y/n as he fell on the ground snd the two pick him up qnd they carry him out of thr room. Once out they see the rest having a hard time but when they see Y/n they fall back to the hanger.

Y/n was speechless to see everyone here to rescue him after what is happening and they still see him as a friend. Soon they arrive at the hanger and they enter the dropship and once inside they take off.

The alien soldiers arrived and open fire at their ship. Reiko came out and see them getting away as he grabs a alien rocket launcher and first it once the drop ship leave and he blows up it's wings.

Ochaco: We're going down!

Momo: Hang on for something!

They go down while Reiko watch them ho down with a smirk underneath his helmet as Katsurō approach him.

Katsurō: What happened? Where is Y/n?

Reiko: Down there.

Katsurō watch the drop ship doing down which angered him and he walks off to settle this by himself.


The heroes were doing their best to hold them off qnd even the rest of Class 1-A help innocent people out of here. Mt. Lady kicks the alien vehicles away as she sighs said.

Mt. Lady: Wish that cute and awesome boy would come and help us.

Kamui woods: We might come, we just need to hold off as long as we can.

Backdraft: For now let's get these people out of the battle zone.

Everyone were doing their best to hold the alien soldiers off and it seems like they are pushing them back.

Minoru: Look!

They all look up to see a buring dropship flying down pretty fast and it looks like it's about to crush. They all move out of the way as the dropship crash landing on the street and soon it stop and all the heroes gather and waited for them to come but the hatch opens to reveal Ochaco and the rest with Y/n among them.

Mt. Lady: (smile) Hey there cutie, glad you came.

Mina: (smile) Good to see you safe Y/n.

Y/n nods while the heroes were confused which they explain and this shocks them. Y/n feels more ashamed when suddenly something crashes across of them and they turn to see a large alien mech suit as it stood up and it's bigger then Mt. Lady and it's piloted by Katsurō.

Katsurō: You think you can save them Y/n? Your wrong!

The mech reach and fires a beam that hits Mt. Lady and sent her flying and crash to the ground. While the mech opens up missiles and fire it at the rest qnd blow them up and sent them flying.

Now it was just Y/n in the middle of the flames as Katsurō's mech approached him as he looks down at him when suddenly he hears.

???: Not so fast villain!

He turn and everyone sees All Might as he pointed to Katsurō and tells him.

All Might: You will not harm my students you evil foe! Because I know here to stop you!

He leaps up and pulls back his fist to strike at him qnd he did punch his mech as smoke fills the air. All Might smirks like always until a large robot hand grabs All Might which shocks him and everyone else as the smoke clears up to see that his mech is not only standing but not scratched as well.

Katsurō: Do you honestly think using your most powerful quirk to take thsi mech down? I may not have quirks but I have the smartness to crush you!

He then tossed All Might and he crashes into a building as the whole building collapse on him while everyone is shocked by this as Katsurō turns back to Y/n and tells him.

Katsurō: This is on you Y/n! It's your fault that this planet will fall because you came here to make friends? Whqt a fool! This is your fault that the human race will die and all humans who survived will blame you for it.

Y/n Starr to tear up seeing that Katsurō is right as he makes a fist and he blames himself for all of this and doesn't know he has the strength anymore to face Katsurō ans savehis friends.

Y/n: (thought) I'm...sor-

Little boy: Don't give up!

He then looks over to see a little boy as he calls out to him as he tells him.

Little boy: Please don't give up! You never give when you saved me from a villain.

Y/n: (surprised) Y-You believe in me?

Male person: Yeah don't give up Y/n! You saved my wife from getting ran over!

Female person: Yeah you can do this!

Then every citizens that he saved or make friends with start to cheer him and telling him to not give up.

Male chief: Don't blame yourself Y/n! What ever happens we're on your side!

Female teacher: You inspired many kids to be a hero!

Male police officer: Don't give up kid! Beat this sucker.

More cheers echo in Y/n's eyes as he slowly makes q fist while Katsurō can't take it and unleashed his machine guns and tell them.

Katsurō: You humans really think he is your hero? He is just a alien that doesn't belong here! WHAT MAKES YOU ALL THINK HE IS YOUR FRIEND!

Y/n: Everyone is my friend.

Then Katsurō sees Y/n floating as he enter his universal god mode. Before Katsurō could attack he punched him and sent him flying. Katsurō land his mech perfectly on the ground as he slowly looks up as Y/n makes a fist and tells Katsurō.

Y/n: Your not gonan take my quirk Katsurō. This is my quirk and I'm gonna use it to protect my friends and protect this planet from villains like you! IF THEY WON'T GIVE UP ON ME, THEN I WON'T GIVE UP ON THEM!

The two looked at each other as Katsurō smirks and ready his weapons as both of Y/n's hands glow and then he charge at Katsurō and so dose Katsurō as they charge at each other as Y/n will use everything he has to defend this planet and....his friends.

To be continued................

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