Chapter 8: Let us explore the world
Within UA academy we see the teachers at the meeting room and watching the video of Y/n and how he took down all the villains on his own and saved his classmates. Eraser was still injured so he wasn't in the meeting but besides that, they watch the video and soon the video ends.
Nezu: Well this is interesting.
Present Mic: Dam I never know that Kid took down all of those villains within seconds.
Snipe: Including that large beast like creature that he took down. How must be one of the most strongest students we ever have.
Midnight: (smirk) Yep, that's why I like that kid. So cute and pretty sweet when it comes to people.
Present Mic: So what should we do about these groups of villains?
Snipe: I believe those are the league of villains.
Vlad king: League of Villains? I heard about those villains, never know they would strike on us.
Snipe: Lucky that kid took them out before their plan would succeed. Still what should we do about the kid?
They are silent as they think about Y/n when Nezu tells them all.
Nezu: He may not come from here but he'll do what ever he can to protect the world. He proof to us that he is a hero by saving his students and if ain't it then I don't know what is.
Yagi: Agree. He is a good kid and shown to like us and will defend everyone he cares no matter what.
Midnight: (smile) Wonder what he is doing while school is out for a week.
Nezu: Where ever he is doing I'm sure he is enjoying his break Including the rest of the students.
It was morning and we see Y/n floating over the city with his back turned as he is just reading a magazine he gotten but soon he gets bored.
Y/n: (sigh) I'm so bored. School is out and I have nothing to do.
He puts away the magazine and looks at the sky while thinking of something to do while school is out for a week.
Y/n: (thought) I asked Izukuif he wants to hang out but he is busy which I don't blame him. Hmm maybe I can fly around and see what I can find.
And so he flies around the city and looks around for something he can do. Soon he hears a bell ringing which he checks I out and see a bank robbery being taking place as he sees the robbers getting into a car and making their escape.
The robbers laughed when they looked at the money in the bag when suddenly the car they were on stops and turn sto their front to see Y/n in his armor as he shot a electricity into the car and shuts it down.
Y/n: You know stealing is wrong. Perhaps you should return the money back?
Robber 1: The hell are you!
He fires his rifle at Y/n but he disappeared in a quick second and at the same time the guys rifle disappeared out of his hand as he turn to see Y/n with a rifle as he crushes it into pieces. Soon the police arrived to arrest them and thanks Y/n for catching them and they take the robbers away.
???: Oh hey there Y/n. Didn't know you'll be here.
Y/n turns to see Ochaco walking up to him just wearing her normal clothes while Y/n's changed to his normal clothes as well and walks up to Ochaco.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Ochaco, what brings you here?
Ochaco: (smile) Figured I take a walk around the city. See you've been busy.
They turn to the robbers getting loaded to the police car while Y/n turns back to her and tells her.
Y/n: Oh I was just flying by when I saw them trying to get away with the banks money. Figured I stop them before they cost anymore damage.
Ochaco: (smile) That's pretty cool and nice for you to do.
Y/n: (smile) It's nothing really. It's what being a hero is. Hey wanna hang out?
Ochaco: (smile) Sure I love to. There is a cafe just down the street if you like.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I'll follow you.
Ochaco nods and the two walk together while Ochaco take a quick look at Y/n and smile with a little blush to be walking with him like they were on a date.
Soon the reach the cafe and once they enter the owner shot up to see Y/n and calls out to him.
Cafe owner: Hey Y/n! How nice to meet you!
Ochaco: You know this guy Y/n?
Cafe owner: (smile) Of course he dose. You saved my son from drowning in the beach. If it wasn't for you, I would have lost my son.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem, just glad your son is alright.
Cafe owner: (smile) Hey how about you two sat down and have anything you want, it's on the house.
Ochaco: (smile) Thank you so much.
The two sat down and once that the waiter take their order and once that the waiter left while they sat down and start their conversation.
Ochaco: (smile) So how is your time here at earth?
Y/n: (smile) Awesome. I've make friends with a lot of people and they are really nice to me and I help them around in order to make them happy.
Ochaco: Really? What did you do?
Y/n: Let's see. I've helped this guy with his house which was fallen apart so I repair his house but made it better which he likes. I've help a boy finding his home after he wonder around the city and once I return from back to his parents, I made him a cute robot puppy to help him due to the being alone and never made friends. I've also help some homeless people by giving them food, water and some money so they can have their previous life back.
Ochaco: (surprised) Whoa you've been doing a lot this week!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I like to help people and make them happy.
Ochaco: Did they give you something in return for helping them.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I refuse because I just wanna help them. Don't need money or anything. I just like to see people smile and be my friend.
Ochaco: (thought) My god he is such the sweets person I have ever met. I just wanna hug him right now.
Y/n: Are you okay Ochaco? You look like your about to blow up?
Ochaco: Huh? Oh nothing but still your one of the nice person the world have ever seen. Heck your like the opposite to Katsuki.
Y/n: Yeah but I don't like people like him who is mean to everyone. Especially him being mean to Izuku.
Ochaco: I see what you mean but sometimes that's what we are.
Y/n: (sigh) Yeah I know but why though. You humans maybe different but you all still human. I don't know why other humans being mean to each other.
Ochaco: Sometimes that's what some people are. We maybe nice while sometimes there is some that aren't nice.
Y/n: Guess your right.
Soon their drinks and lunch came and once that they start to eat. After a while they head out not before waving the owner goodbye and he waves back. Once that they decided to head to the park and once there they sat on the grass and looks up at the nice blue skies.
Ochaco: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Ochaco: Do you....miss your home?
Y/n: Yeah I do. All the time. I just wish it's still there or I could have saved it but.....
He makes a fist which Ochaco sees that he is upset by this but she gently lend her head onti his shoulder to clam him which it works.
Ochaco: You don't have to beat yourself down for anything. Sometimes we can't safe the people we cared but sometimes that's how we get stronger. You gotten stronger because you don't want us hurt.
Y/n: But Eraser did. Maybe he is right. Maybe I am acting like a child.
Ochaco sees this and have a idea to cheer him up. She pulls out something and soon she tells Y/n.
Ochaco: Hey look at me.
He turn to see her wearing cat ears on her ears while she move her arms like a cat.
Ochaco: (smile) What do you think? I'm I cute, Meow~.
Y/n smiled a little while she lend her head onto his lap while Y/n start yo scratch her stomach while she Meow like a cat while Y/n laughs a little while he sctraches her stomach.
Ochaco: (thought) His hands is just so warm, including his lap as well. It felt like I'm laying on soft and fluffy pillows. This is nice.
Y/n: Hey Ochaco?
Ochaco: Yeah?
Y/n: I was thinking? What place do you wanna go and what is your favourite?
Ochaco: Um...I guess Paris. It be romantic if I go there.
Y/n: (smile) Agree. Let's go there.
Ochaco: Wait, what do you mean by-
Then the two teleported and soon we see them appear at a garden which Ochaco stands up and looks around, wondering where they are.
Ochaco: Where are we?
Y/n: (smile) How's about you look behind me.
She was confused and dose so but she was shocked when she looks behind Y/n and see Eiffel Tower and see they are at Paris.
Ochaco: (surprised) Whoa! This is awesome!
Y/n: (smile) I figured we can travel around together snd I'll show you the many places I've been before i first came to Japan.
Ochaco: (surprised) This is amazing Y/n. Thank you so much.
She hugs Y/n with a giggle which Y/n smiles and soon they wonder around the city and seeing many things and go at many food places to try on some food which were delicious.
They watch a mime waving his arms around him like there was an invisible wall around him and other tricks while they watch him with joy and laughter.
Then they decided to uo to Newyork snd once Y/n teleported there he and Ochaco are seeing sitting on the roof of tall building and eating some pizza while they look at the brilliant veiw of the large city. Once that Y/n falls down with Ochaco seeing he wants a race and leaps down and they fly through tbe city to see who is the fastest while they laugh as they fly around the city.
Soon they fly over the ocean with Y/n move his arm to the water and feels the cold water while they fly towards the statue of liberty and circle around the statue and once at top of the flame they land on the flame with the two laughing and having a great time.
Ochaco: (smile) That was amazing!
Y/n: (smile) Guess we've been to Paris and New York in one signal day.
Ochaco: (smile) Yep. Thank you so much for taking me to these places. This has been a best day ever.
Y/n: (smile) Day ain't over yet.
They teleported once more and this time they appear at Bora Bora which Ochaco was amazed to be here and the weather was so warm but nice.
Soon after we see then setting up panic with snakes that they gotten and sat down on the mat and watch the sunset which was so beautiful.
Ochaco: (smile) It's so beautiful.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. This has beena great week Ochaco.
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah thank you again for taking me here including other places.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Ochaco: Hey I've been meaning to ask. What planets have you visited?
Y/n: Well many planets and they life there is pretty new and the friends I made were really nice. Strangely through, I don't know why films show Aliens attacking earth?
Ochaco: It's just a movie, it's not real.
Y/n: Oh that's good because they really like Earth and never wanted to destroy it.
Ochaco: (surprised) Really? Like all of them?
Y/n: Well some but there just criminals. While the others sees Earth like their planets. Filled with life and have no reason to attack Earth.
Ochaco: (smile) Awesome, you think we might meet one of them soon?
Y/n: (smile) Probably but I be amazing if they did.
Ochaco smiles and her hand accidentally touches Y/n's hand which she blushes but she doesn't move her hand away. Y/n noticed but he just smiled at her while Ochaco blushed and moves a bit to Y/n and asked.
Ochaco: (blush) So....Y/n.....what type of girl do you like in your relationship?
Y/n: (smile) Well I don't mind any women that I am with. I just like being with someone and see her happy. Like you. Your smiles is amazing.
Ochaco: (blush) Really? I-It's not a good smile.
Y/n: Don't be nonsense your smiles is just so cute and when I'm down, your smiles made me happy. If your down I'll do the same.
Ochaco: (smile) I think you already did when you helped me parents and....I think I'll give you something that you never have.
Y/n: (smile) Oh Ochaco you don't have to give me any-
But before he could finish, Ochaco lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips whidh surprised Y/n as he blush a little while Ochaco kissed him.
It felt amazing kissing him and soon she felt like Y/n was kissing her back and the two kissed and play around with their tongues as Ochaco claim onto Y/n's lap and wrap her arms around him while Y/n dose the same to Ochaco as the two make out while the sun sets down behind them which was perfect to them as they make out.
After 2 or 3 minutes of making out they pulled away to catch their breath and they look to each other with love I their eyes.
Y/n: (little blush) Whoa Ochaco that was...I'm.....I don't know what to say.
Ochaco: (giggle) Same to you. Your lips were so soft and taste like strawberries which I like.
Y/n: (little blush) Th-thanks Ochaco. Your lips were alos soft and smooth as well.
Ochaco giggled once more while the two looked at each other and they lend forward and kissed once more with the two fell onto the blanket while they share some moans as they play around their tongues with Ochaco looking at Y/n and feels wonderful making out with himas she shut her eyes back and continues making out with him.
(Soon after)
He drops Ochaco off home and once they land at her front door they turn to each other as Ochaco tells him.
Ochaco: (smile) Thank you a lot for this day it has been a blast.
Y/n: (smile) Same I'm glad you have a great time.
Ochaco hugs Y/n once more with Y/n hug her back as well. Then she tells him.
Ochaco: (smile) Other girls in our class might wanna have their way with you.
Y/n: What dose that mean?
Ochaco: (smirk) Nothing important but I don't mind, we agree we live you and decide to share it with you.
Y/n: (smile) Well if your happy with it i guess I am as well.
Ochaco smiles and opens her door to enter while Y/m flies off with Ochaco blow kiss him and then enter the house. Y/n smiles and flies away with a warm feeling in his heard that felt amazing.
Y/n: (smile) This planet is one of the best planets ever have ever come. There is nothing that can stop me now!
Suddenly a engryr beam comes behind him but he quickly dodges it and turns to see aline like jets coming towards him and firing at him.
Y/n: (thought) Those aren't human jets. What are they?
They open fire at him but he dodges the shots and flies off while the jets follow him and open fire at him. He dodges the shots while he summons his armor and once his armor was on he turns around and fly down and crash through to one jet while blasting another and it gose down.
Y/n thinks this is over but suddenly a powerful be hits him and he crashed into the street as the beam dragged him until he crashed into a car. People start to run while Y/n slowly stand up and see what looked like an alien drop ship touching down and the hatch opens as Alein troops rushes out of the drop ship and towards Y/n.
Y/n: (thought) Okay those guys are not humans. What the heck is going on?
The alien soldiers open fire at Y/n but Y/n quickly dodges the shots and kicks one alien soldier back while fireing a beam at another. He dodges the fire as he leap into the air but one hits him and burn through his armor and he started to bleed. He lands on the ground and he looks up to see the alien soldiers walking towards him when the police arrived and soon they got there, they came out and draw their weapons at the alien soldiers.
Male police: Don't move!
The alien soldier spoke in their own language that now other human cancer understand however Y/n dose because he knows that language.
Y/n: (shocked) No way!
One alien pulls out what looked like a rail gun and aims it at one police car and fires a shot but Y/n flies over and grabs the projectile and throws it into the air and create a large explosion that is heard everywhere in the city.
The police were shocked by this while Y/n turns to them and said.
Y/n: Get out of here! Those aren't the villains or criminals your dealing here! It's an invading.
The police nods and get inro their cars and drive off. Y/n turns back only for electricity rope was thrown and strapped onto his arm as he try to get it off but a shock of electricity zaps him making him scream while a few more attached to his other arm and legs as a zap made him scream as he fell onto his knees while the aliens leader walks pass them and walk towards Y/n with Y/n looking up to see the leader.
???: Well Well Well, it looks like we found you after soo many years.
Y/n: Y-You! H-H-How did you find me?
???: We follow your tracks and now we found you, we will punished this planet for keeping you away from us.
Y/n: N-No! This planet have....nothing to do with anything! Spare the humans I beg of you!
???: You cared about the life form living in this planet? How cute.
He then kicks Y/n as he fell hard onto the ground while the he turns to his men and tells them.
???: Load him to the ship and get ready. Tomorrow this planet will fall.
They cheered while they walk up to the captured Y/n and one of them turns his gun around and slams the butt of his rifle and then Y/n was knocked out as they take Y/n to their drop ship and they take off to take Y/n to their commander and soon return to Earth and destroy it for their empire.
To be continued................
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