Chapter 7: Heros vs Villains
It was a bright a sunny day as we see Class 1-A on a bus and heading to do their rescue training. Within the bus we see Class 1-A along with Eraser who is sitting at the front feeling like he usual self while the rest chatted among themselves while they wait for their arrival.
We see Y/n sitting next to Izuku and while Izuku is feeling nervous Y/n have a note book and start to draw which Ochaco looks over and see the amazing drawing.
Ochaco: (surprised) Whoa that looks amazing Y/n. I never know your good at drawing.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. I figured drawing is best in this planet and many humans make pretty good drawings.
Mashirao: You must be talking about the artist who draw art.
Y/n: Is that what they called?
Mashirao: Indeed. It takes a lot of patience to make a perfect drawing which I think you have.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm not a type of guy who likes to do things in a hurry. I want take things slow but fun as well.
Denki: (smile) Hey can you draw me?
Eijiro: (smile) And me as well!
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I'm happy to draw you guys.
Y/n continues to draw while Momo smiles and little which Mina sees and lend over and said.
Mina: (smile) I think someone in here is smiling.
Momo: (little blush) I-It's not like a bad thing. Besides....I actually find him cute when he gets along with a smile on his face.
Mina: (smile) Yeah and he is really funny guy.
Tsuyu: He's probably the opposite to Katsuki since he doesn't yell or say die a lot.
Katsuki: (anger) What was that?! You wanan die!
Tsuyu: See.
Eraser sees the students getting along but wonders about Y/n's quick but soon he will find out. Soon they arrived at their location and awaiting them was another teacher wearing a space suit as they walk out from the bus.
Y/n: So who is the one that is wearing a space suit?
Izuku: (surprised) That's the pro hero Thirteen and she can use a quick which is a black hole but she is really cool.
Y/n: (surprised) Awesome! So she is like another space like hero. Awesome!
Thirteen: Welcome Class 1-A. Today you gonna be out in different test to train in your rescuing situations. Please follow me.
They follow Thirteen and they enter the building and once through Y/n rush up to Thirteen and ask her.
Y/n: So is it true you can create a black hole?
Thirteen: Indeed but I must be careful otherwise I might accidentally suck anyone into one.
Y/n: Well if that happens the I'll grab them. After all I escape five black holes.
Thirteen: (surprised) You did?! Wait, what is your name?
Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n L/n, nice to meet you.
Thirteen: (surprised) So your this student I've heard about. Well it's a honor meeting you in person kid. Can't wait to see what you can do in here.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait!
Thirteen loves his attitude and son they pass through the open doors and once through they were amazed to see a large circular stadium that each have situations for hero's to rescue.
Thirteen: This is where you will each put in. These zones are based on situations search as boat rescue, to earthquake rescues.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is awesome!
Denki: (smirk) I can't wait for this training.
Hanta: (smile) Yeah this is gonna be great.
Thirteen: Now any questions before we start this?
A few hands were raised as Thirteen ask them questions while Y/n smiles but his smiles fated when he sense something and looks out of the field snd Izuku noticed this and walks up to him and asked.
Izuku: What's wrong?
Y/n:........Something is coming.
Then Y/n and soon Izuku sees what looked like a black portal appear and soon the rest of the students sees the black portal and they look at it and wonder what it might be.
Kyoka: That doesn't look good right?
Mezo: Is this part of our training?
Eraser: No something must be wrong.
Then Y/n flies over there to see what it is.
Eraser: Wait! Y/n!
Once close he walks over to it and he stare at it for a while until he quickly dodge as a metal blade suddenly came out of the ground and he land on his feet and looks up. Then someone step out of the portal and Y/n sees he has metal claws on each of his hands and he stare at Y/n.
Y/n step back in surprised while the person walks up to Y/n and looks at him and he sighs and said.
???: So your this famous student everyone has been talking about huh.
Y/n: Yeah that's me. Who are you?
Sharp-Claw: Call me Sharp-Claw and we have come to ruined your peaceful training.
Y/n: We?
Suddenly more people came out of the black portal which they look like they are not nice ad they stop out. Eraser and the rest realise what they are and soon the black portal form into another villain who maybe leading of this invasion.
Eraser: This can't be good.
Izuku: Y/n are you alright!?
Y/n stand there while they smirked to see Y/n is now in fea-
Y/n: (surprised) Wow! You guys are so cool!
Other villains: What?
Class 1-A: What?
Y/n: (surprised) I never know you have some large claws, and that guy who open a portal with his body? Awesome! And that get has a fake hand as a masked. Can't be Halloween right? Even so, looks cool. So.....what type if hero's are you?
The villains were not suspected this while Eraser facepalmed to see he doesn't know what they are.
Victor: He must be kidding.....right?
Needle hair: Dose he not know who we are?
Chomper: He must be stupid as we thought.
Y/n: Well that's not nice. I was saying how cool you hero's are.
Y/n: Villains..........You sure?
Eraser: Yes they are!
Y/n: Ooooooohhhhhhhh......Guess that make sense.
Y/n turns to them and tells them whike he crackle his Knuckles.
Y/n: I'm sorry but you all aren't allowed here. Villains are bad people so maybe you all should leave.
Sharp-Claw: (chuckle) Let us see about that.
Sharp-Claw raised his claws and the claws fire of Y/n but he dodges them in quick speed and he leaps back which impressed Sharp-Claw.
Sharp-Claw: Huh, that's interesting. It looks like you can dodge my claw attacks.
Y/n: (smirk) Like I said. It's best you all should leave.
Sharp-Claw looks up at Class 1-A and to Y/n.
Sharp-Claw: How about now.
Then two villains leaps over to Class 1-A and start to attack them. Y/n was shocked and flies over to help them but Kurogiri use his quick to open a black portal and suck all students into it and then the portal shuts just as Y/n arrives.
Y/n: No!
Thirteen: Ah!
Y/n quickly turn and see Thirteen was hit by the villains but Eraser punches the Villain whike Thirteen fell onto the ground.
Y/n: Thirteen!
Eraser: She's fine. She injured but she'll live.
Y/n: What about my friends?
Eraser: They must have teleported them somewhere here but possibly separated. I can probably guess other villains might be going after them.
Y/n was shocked by this and look down to try and think when Sharp-Claw appear behind him and try to slash at him but Y/n quickly turn and kicks Sharp-Claw in the stomach and grabs him and thtow him down the steps.
But Sharp-Claw lands on his feet and soon more villains races up to them.
Y/n: What should we do Eraser?
Eraser: Lucky not all the students didn't get sucked into the black portal. Tenya head off to get help so we need to hold them off as much we can until back up arrives.
Y/n: But what about the others. We gonna go and help them.
Eraser: Y/n remember I said earlier about let them do their own training and don't need any help. I know we are under attack but sometimes they have to do things on their own. I know your worried for them but they must handle things on their own.
Y/n was worried but knows that Eraser was right. Sometimes they need to do things on their own. It sounded selfish but he hopes after he defeated the villains here, he'll go and find his friends.
Y/n: (thought) Alright. Let make this quick.
Then Y/n gose incredibly fast ans take out all the villains on the steps as they were sent flying which made Eraser surprised ad he watched as Y/n punches in quick speed while his body glows while he dose it.
Y/n: Ultimate galaxy shooting star!
Then he fires stars at them and the villains were hot by them and were sent flying follow by a scream which angered Tomura to see his troops are ready taking out.
Y/n: Ultimate galaxy asteroid strike!
He slams his fist onto the ground creating a string earthquake that sent villains flying before Eraser wraps them all with his scarf and slams them onto the ground and use his quick to cancel the villains quirks and easily takes them out.
While Y/n throws boomerang like galaxy at the villains and takes them all out as the galaxy like boomerangs return back to Y/n and he turn snd throws them at a few more from behind and once they were taking out the boomerang fate away.
He turn to Eraser to see he is doing well as well but he sees something behind him and calls out.
Y/n: Look out! But I was too late as Eraser was grabbed in the head by something large and he was slamed onto the ground face first and continues slamming his face over and over again until Y/n kicks the beats away and rushes over to Eraser.
Y/n: Eraser! Eraser are you okay?! Misted Eraser head!
But there was no response. Y/n gets angry and turns to see the beast he roars at him.
Sharp-Claw: Like our beast?
Then Sharp-Claw, Kurogirl and Tomura appear behind the beast and Tomura tells him.
Tomura: This is Nomu and he is not much as a villain or hero but it is our secret weapon.
Y/n can sense that Nomu was once human until he was turned against his free will which angered Y/n and tells them.
Y/n: (anger) I won't forgive you for hurting Eraser. He maybe cruel and handles but he is my friend and no matter what i will fight for my friends!
Kurogirl: So you'll gonna fight for you so call "Friends?" How cute.
Y/n: (anger) I'll show you a thing of two about cute!
Then he flies towards them and try to land a blow at them but Nomu blocks it and then chucks him across the stadium while other students that were split up saw as Y/n was thrown but he stop himself from hitting the ceiling and flies down whike he gets into his battle suit and lands a kick at Nomu which sent Nomu skidded onto the floor but he stop himself and rush at him and try to throw a large punch at him but Y/n dodges it.
Y/n: Ultimate galaxy pun-
But he was punched in the face by Nomu and was sent flying and crashed into a few mountains until he lands onto the floor hard.
He slowly stands up and hears Nomu roars as he leaps across ane try to crush him but Y/n move out of the way but the impact from Nomu made the ground shake and made Y/n stumble back when he was grabbed behind by Tomura from behind and he try to use his quirk to burn his skin but Y/n elbowed him which made him stumble back.
Then he looks back and Nomu grabs him by the face and then slams him onto the ground several times and then stomp on Y/n several times as he screams in pain. Then Nomu picks him up and then throws him near shore ad he lands hard onto the ground.
His helmet was broken exposing his face as he slowly stand up just as Nomu walks towards him. Y/n was breathing as he stare at Nomu and then try to throw a lunch at him but Tomura grabs his fist and try to burn off his hand but it wasn't working.
Tomura: What? How is this possible? Ah, I see your armor must be protecting you? No matter, we break it out of you.
Then Nomu grabs Y/n once more and then slams him onto the ground and then start to beat him as purple blood came out from him which surprised Tomura and soon Sharp-Claw and Kurogirl as they watched whike Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru watch in horror within the water to see Y/n getting brutally beaten by Nomu.
Izuku: (shocked) No. Y/n.
Tsuyu: (shocked) This is horrible.
Minoru: (scared) We need to get out of here!
Izuku: No! He saved my life when we first met so I think I should return the favor!
Izuku leaps out of the ocean and rushes towards Nomu and pulls back his fist while his quick active and then throws a punch at Nomu.
Izuku: You leave my best friend alone!
Y/n: Iz....uku?
But Izuku was in shock to see Nomu didn't even flinch while he turns to him.
Tomura: Yes that is why Nomu is here. He can stand against All Might quirk and once he arrives. We end his life for good.
Y/n was shocked by this while Izuku realise he is in deep trouble while Nomu grabs Izuku and Nomu roars at him while Tsuyu try to spit out her tongue to save him but Tomura appears in front of the two and everything seems like time have slow down for Y/n to see his friends are gonna die right in front of him and he can also feel his other friends also gonna get defeated as well. He shut his eyes and thinks this is it for them....and for him.
Y/n: NO!
Then suddenly a massive blast sent everyone flying. Izuku fell onto the ground while a bright galaxy like light blinds everyone near Y/n. The other students and villains suddenly feel a massive amount of power and tehy turn to the light.
Then Y/n stands up but something was different. His hair was poking out with sparks of galaxy like electricity, his eyes were all white and gives out a very strong power as electricity sparks oit of him snd onto the floor.
Tsuyu: Y/n?
Minoru: What the heck just happened! At first we thought we all gonna die but then Y/n pulled this stunt!
Izuku: That must be what Y/n talk about. That's.....Universal god!
(Epic theme song)
Y/n slowly turn his head to the villains while his wounds slowly fate away as he spoke in a god like voice.
Y/n: I will not allow you villains attack my friends.
Kurogirl: (shocked) This can't be possible. I never feel this kind of power in my whole life.
Tomura: Agree. Just what the hell are you?!
Y/n doesn't say anything but raising his hand to the air and snap his fingers. Then shooting stars fell from the sky and they hit on the villains that other students were about to lose and the villains immediately were unconscious from the blast whidh shocked the now four villains as Y/n lower down his arm and tells them.
Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n. I am a alien from another planet and I came here to protect this planet from villains like you! I will make friends and I'll do anything I can to protect the smiles of my friends, the happiness of my friends and most immediately of all, THEIR LIVE IT SELF! I WILL PROTECT THEM ALL!
Nomu roars and charges at him and raised back his fist and try to blow a punch at him butbhe suddenly disappeared which shocked everyone while Nomu looks around for him and he turn around and see Y/n there and Y/n raised his hand in front of Nomu and flick his finger.
Suddenly Nomu was sent flying and crashed into a few buildings, mountains and then crashed onro the steps. Nomu slowly stands up and Y/n appears and walks towards him. Nomu stood up and roars and then charges at him and throws a punch at him but Y/n catches it and then he flies up taking Nomu with him ad he crashed through the ceiling and then Y/n throws Nomu and then charge up his hands and form them together and aimed it at Nomu.
Y/n: Ultimate god galaxy.......SOLAR FLARE BLAST!!!!!!!!
Then he fires a yellow beam and the beam hits Nomu and it sent Nimu flying and soon he was gone this shocks Tomura and the rest and Y/n teleported back inside and in front of thenow three villains.
(Epic theme end)
Kurogirl: It looks like this mission is a failure.
Sharp-Claw: Agree. Let's go.
Kurogirl opens a portal and they walk through with Tomura glaring at Y/n before he too enter and the portal closes. Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru were amazed while Y/n looks at them and slowly landed onto the ground and turn back to normal.
He fell to his knees which Izuku rushes over to him and Y/n looks up at Izuku and asked.
Y/n: Are you...okay?
Izuku nods with a smile and so dose Y/n as he smiles back as well and his class was safe and the villains were defeated.
Soon the police and the pro hero's arrived and the police take the villains away. Y/n watched as both Thirteen and Eraser were rolled into the ambulance and they were driven away.
Izuku: Are you alright Y/n?
Y/n turn to Izuku and the rest but he wasn't alright and looks away from them and tells them.
Y/n: No. Eraser and Thirteen are hurt because of me.
Rikido: Wait what do you mean?
Y/n: I thought those villains were hero's and I let my guard down. If I was focused....I would have stop them from hurting Thirteen and Eraser.
Tears start to form which is something none of his class ever since but Y/n felt a hug from behind from Ochaco.
Ochaco: Don't blame yourself Y/n. Those villains surprised us all and we weren't ready.
Denki: (smirk) Yeah and besides, it was amazing for your universal god mode.
Eijiro: (smile) Yeah you rock big time!
Y/n: R-Really? don't hate me?
Momo: Of course not. Your our classmate and we care for each other.
Fumikage: Well kinda for Katsuki since he hates everyone.
Katsuki: Shut up stupid bird!
They laugh which cheered Y/n up and he laughs as well and smiles as well ashe smakes a fist and then tells them.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys. You all really are good friends and I promise at the bottom of my heart, I will protect you all and this planet. After all, it's our home and no matter what we will protect it.
Up at Erath's atmosphere we see a space ship floating just arriving at the planet while inside we see a crew turn to their commander and tells him.
Male crew: Sir we are here. Planet Earth.
???: Good.
He stood up and walks close to the planet while we get a clear look at the commander of this ship.
???: (smirk) After all these years....we finally found you. Find us a clear spot to land. It's time we go and find him.
The crew nods and the ship slowly flies towards the planet as they are finally here to find Y/n while also seeings what this planet has in stored for them.
To be continued................
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