Chapter 6: An upcoming threat

Flying through the city we see Y/n flying through and having his back while he is facing up to the sky and looks at the clear blue skies while he flies his way to UA academy for another day of school.

Y/n: (thought) This planet is one of the best planets I've ever been. There is many things I've learned about and help so many people whioe being here. I met many hero's as well including pro hero's as well and they were all cool.i even met Mt. Lady and her friends and I gotten along very well with them, even Mt. Lady was very kind to me and very sweet to me. Man being here is the best.

He turns his body to force on flying to UA academy but a thought came through his head which he question himself.

Y/n: (thought) I met all the hero's and the humans I haven't met what they call "Villains." Who are they? Eraser told me they use their quirk to do bad things and do criminal acts to either get money or what he calls "Do what ever the hell they want." But I know not all Villains ain't all bad, I'm sure some are really cool quirk users that were mistaken to be Villains. Maybe I can met one and tell me why people call him a villain, I'm sure they would understand.

He arrive at UA academy and look down to see a crowd of people waiting at the front gates with microphones and cameras aiming at the school.

Y/n: Hmm wonder what's going on?

They were asking each student different question but they just give them some ans just walk off.

Female reporter: (sigh) I don't understand why they can't just give us some answers.

Male camera: Yeah we're losing time here.

She turns to her camera man and told him.

Female reporter: No way we're not leaving here! Not until we find some answers about All Might!

Y/n: What about All Might?

She jump back in a fright and turn to see Y/n and she ignore the fact he just appear out of nowhere and asked.

Female reporter: You there, are you a student here?

Y/n: Yeah, I am. Are you guys teachers or fans?

Female reporter: We wants to know about All Might and his reasoning of being a teacher at UA academy?

Y/n: All Might being a teacher in UA?

Female reporter: That's right! All Might just officially said that he will be teaching the students at UA academy and we want some answers.

Y/n: ???

Female reporter: Um are you still I there kid?

Y/n: (smile) Oh right I remember now! I heard that news about that but never know you humans will take it seriously. My bad.

Female reporter: So will you answer us questions?

Y/n: (smile) Of course I love talking to humans so to start off I think All Might teaching in this class is grea-

Then a scuff raps around Y/n and behind him was Eraser head who said to Y/n.

Eraser: Sorry but my student is late for his class. Come on Y/n.

Y/n: Wait what about-?

But he drags him inside while Eraser told him.

Eraser: It's best to not give them your answers.

Y/n: Why? They're just curious and want to ask some questions?

Eraser: I know but sometimes Hero's need some privacy and it's best to respect it that way.

Y/n: O-Oh I never thought about that.

Female reporter: Hey we still need some answers! You can't just-

Then alarms start to go off and large metal doors lifted up to seal the gate and walls. Y/n was surprised by this and asked.

Y/n: (surprised) Where dose those come from?

Eraser: Those are UA's defences system. Only teachers or students of UA are allow in and anyone else step into the gate this place will go to lock down until the person leaves.

Y/n: But is it rude to show disrespect to citizens?

Eraser: Yes but it's just in case any Villains might break in and hurt anyone in thspis school.

Y/n understand but feel bad for those news reporters who wanted to ask some questions while at the other side away from the crowd we see a hooded figure staring at UA academy and it's defences and thinking for something that will grant the maid they want.


We see Y/n sat in class with eveyone else while Eraser read through his files from the yesterday's training before he set it down and look up at his students.

Eraser: You all did a good job on yesterday's training but soon the training will get harder. Katsuki you shouldn't be mad when you lose so wise up and take it like a real hero.

Katsuki just looks away while Eraser looks at Izuku.

Eraser: Izuku your body broke again when you lose your quick. You can't keep doing that if you go out ane facing a villain. Still I see your trying hard so keep I up.

Izuku: R-Right.

Eraser: And Y/n.

Y/n: Yes sir?

Eraser: You care for your class but you must not get involve during training, even if things got out of control. You must learn to let them do things on their own without any outside help. But i give you a point of being a hero but this is only for one time.

Y/n: Right.

Eraser: Now on tadays class.

Class 1-A students (Except Y/n): (thought) Is there another fitness test?

Eraser: We're having a class representative today.

Class 1-A students (Except Y/n): (thought) Oh good, just normal class stuff.

Then they all started to rise their hands and call out wanting to be class Representative while Y/n was confused on what that even is but before he could ask what it is Tenya calls out.

Tenya: Eveyonen please!

They all turn to Tenya which he told eveyone.

Tenya: We can't just hold out our hands and call who will be our class representative. I suggest we vote on who will be our class representative ane who ever will have the mkst votes will be our class representative.

But they wee his hand raised while it shakes which means he too wanna be class Representative as well.

Class 1-A student: He totally wanna be class representative.

Y/n: So what is this Class Representative and is it important?

Eijiro: (smile) Very awesome as well. Who ever be class Representative will be in charge of our class and give us the schedules and even sets up the rules.

Y/n: I thought Mister Eraser is hired to do those things?

He turne to see Eraser in a sleeping bag and just laying on then floor which Y/n see why Eraser wants to have a class representative.

Y/n: Oh never mind.

Eijiro: Still how do we know we won't vote ourselves.

Denki: Yeah and we don't know each other, well apart of Y/n who tells us everything about himself.

Tenya: True but while ever will be our Class Representative must be taking the responsibility to take in charge and I think Mister Eraser will not mind this right sir?

Eraser: Do what ever you want, I wanna take a nap.

Y/n: (thought) He is one sad human.

(3 minutes later)

They place down the votes and the votes are tied with Izuku and Momo which angered Katsuki and stood up and calls out.

Katsuki: (anger) Okay who the hell vote for Deku?!

Hanta: Why you wanna be class representative or something?

Katsuki: (anger) What dose that mean punk!

Izuku and Momo were in front of the class with Izuku was nervous by this that he'll be voted to be class representative.

Izuku: (nervous) W-W-Wait you sure you want me to be class representative?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah I think either of you will do great!

Izuku: (nervous) Th-Thanks but I'm not too sure by this.

Denki: (smile) I'm surprised your not wanna be class representative Y/n? What's with that?

Y/n: (smile) Well it sounded fun and it will challenge my responsibility of being a hero but I think I give it to someone or a few to take up the mental ad Class Representative. Izuku knows a lot about hero's and pro hero's then I do and shown to be very smart. While Momo is also smart and well forced in the task in hand so either of them will be great as our class Representative.

Momo blushes a little to hear Y/n call her smart while the rest were surprised his reason and respect his reason but they will continue this after lunch as they head to the cafeteria to get some food.


We see Tenya, Y/n, Izuku and Ochaco sat down anything the cafeteria eating some food and during this time Ochaco pulls out a small bag and says to Y/n.

Ochaco: (smile) Here, this is for you.

Y/n: What is it?

Ochaco: Their chocolate chip cookies. My mum made them for a way to thank you for helping them complete a hotel they were building.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow really, you sure?

Ochaco: (smile) Yeah.

Y/n takes them and they smelled wonderful. He takes on and eats it.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow their very delicious Ochaco!

Ochaco: (little blush) No problem. Glad you like them.

Izuku: You help Ochaco's parents to complete a hotel?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. I felt bad for her having no parents around while they were at work so I decided to go there and use my quirk to complete the hotel.

Izuku: (smile) Whoa that was very kind of you. What do you think Tenya?

Then they see him crying while he said.

Tenya: (tears) Such a kind soul you have young Y/n. You truly are (sniff) a great hero.

Ochaco and Izuku: You don't have the cry!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys. You know, it feels great to be around friends and wished I could have saved my people when I first got my quirk.

Ochaco: You don't have to feel bad about it you were young, there was nothing you could do.

Y/n: Yeah but if I have uses Universal god maybe I could be stronger enough to save it.

Izuku: Universal God? What's that?

Y/n: Oh I didn't tell you that didn't I? Allow me to explain. My quirk is basically what God's can do. They I created and recreate things, use gravity, go fast and many thing else except I used galaxy like powers. However, if my emotions is stronger and my quirk really rises from the roof, then I actives my Universal god. My quirk powers will get increased and I can do basically anything with this form.

Ochaco: (surprised) Wow that sounded cool!

Y/n: Yeah still i wished I would have mastered it so i can use it to save my planet.

Tenya: Never blame yourself Y/n. I know you can unlock it and use it for the good of humanity.

Y/n: (smile) Guess your right. Thanks Tenya.

Tenya: (smile) No problem.

Y/n: Actually I've found out about something snd I wanna ask you something.

Tenya: Sure what is it?

Y/n: I heard a group of hero's that has the same quirk and army you have and they called themselves the IDA family snd I was wondering, are you one of them?

Tenya was surprised and Ochaco snd Izuku wanna know that this is true and they look at Tenya which he sighs and said.

Tenya: I knew this would happen but yes it is true. I am one of the IDA family.

Izuku: (surprised) Wow that's awesome!

Tenya: Indeed and Turno hero is my older brother.

Izuku: (surprised) You gonna be kidding me!?

Ochaco: (surprised) That's so cool.

Tenya: (smile) Indeed. I wanna be just like him when I become pro hero.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool, what is your older brother like?

Tenya: (smile) Wise and soft spoken and told me to follow my dream and never give up on it.

Y/n smiles to see humans older brother tell him to never give up and all those kind things.

Y/n: (thought) Wish I have a older brother or younger brother. That would be so cool but I see Tenya's family is very nice. Wish i could meet them.

Suddenly the alarms go off which caught everyone off guard and a fee student make their way outside.

Ochaco: What's going on?

Izuku: I don't know.

Y/n: I'll check it out.

Tenya: No! We must follow protocol!

Y/n: I know but what if a villain is attacking, I can't let all of my friends to get hurt. I'll be right back, I promise.

He telephoned out of the cafeteria and appear onto the roof of the school and looked down and in his surprised to see the media right at the door and behind them and metal door that looked to be melted off.

Y/n: (thought) Strange, there is no way normal human can't do this. Someone must have used a quirk to melt it off and let the media in. But where is this quirk used now?

He looks around and spotted a suspicious person turn a corner and he believes he might have something to do with it so he changed into his alien armor and flies to chase after this hooded figure. He sees him running but he lands I front of him which he stopped while Y/n stood up and ask him.

Y/n: Are you the one that melt down UA academy walls?

???: Even so, who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n a student of UA and i wanna know why you done it?

???: Let's just say.....we're giving them a warning.

Y/n: A warning?

???: Indeed. So long hero.

He throws smoke bombs towards Y/n and I blows up with smoke and Y/n flies up and looks around but see he gotten away.

Y/n: Blast, he got away. Still better head back and see what's happening.

He flies back just in time to see all the students through the window panicking and pushing by and he was aboit to go in ane calm down when he sees Tenya flying and lands over the exit sign and he calls out to eveyone.

Tenya: Everyone please calm down!

They all look up to see Tenya as he gose on to say.

Tenya: There is no need to panic! It is just the media out there, we must remember that we are students of UA and we have no reason to panic.

All the students calm down while Y/n smiles and believes Tenya should be Class Representative but it's not like he can't change the votes now.


After the media left by the police all the students return to class except for Y/n who meets up with the other teachers outside and look at the melted metal wall.

Nezu: How could this happen? There is no way the media could do such a thing.

Midnight: You chase down the person you belive that cost this Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah but if not he was apart of it because he said when I asked why he done it he told me "Just to give you a warning." Then he escaped.

Nezu: Hmm who ever did this must be a villain but what warning are they given us.

Midnight: Who knows.

Y/n: Why would Villains do such a thing? Aren't they not quirk users that can't control their quirk.

Nezu: No. You have a kind heart and believe that some people needed help. But some are best not to be helped. Some just wants to spread chaos because they wanna feel the fun of it or wanna rule the world. You did a right thing tracking down that villain and telling us this information Y/n. You may return to yoru class.

Y/n: Of course sir.

Then he turns to walk off and once he left Nezu says to Midnight.

Nezu: He is shown to go out of his way to protect us.

Midnight: (smirk) Yeah and I really love that and maybe he'll protect me from a strong villain.

Nezu: Still. Perhaps we could sent him on most Pro hero missions with other pro hero's to deal with Villains.

Recovery girl: You sure it is a good idea? After all he is still a student.

Nezu: Agree but a powerful one as well. Maybe we set up a meeting ane discuss this to the rest.

We then cut to Y/n as he return to his class ans sat down and see Izuku and momo at in front of the class but the Izuku said.

Izuku: May I wanna say something first? I have been thinking and I think Tenya should be our class representative.

Tenya was surprised by this and asked.

Tenya: You sure by this Izuku?

Y/n: (smile) Izuku is right! You shown to be a leader, know what to do and be calm in tough and panic situations. You'll be perfect as our class representative.

Denki: (smile) Yeah I agree with that.

Tsuyu: Same here.

Eijiro: (smile) I agree as well.

Mima: (smile) Same here!

Tenya: (surprised) W-Well if you want then very well then. For known on I'll be your Class Representative.

They clap while Y/n smiled seeing he'll be great as Class Representative in no time.


Y/n arrive home and he was just putting some decorations up on his house when he gets a ring at the front door. Y/n walks to the front door and opens the door to see Midnight.

Y/n: (smile) Miss Midnight, I'm surprised to see you here.

Midnight: (giggle) Hey there Y/n. Mind I come in, I wanna talk to you about something.

Y/n: (smile) Sure come in, I'll make some tea.

She comes in and after Y/n shut the door he heads to the kitchen to make some tea while Midnight was amazed to see his home was beautiful and sat down at the comfy couch and after a while Y/n came into the living room and hand Midnight her tea and he sat down next to her while she takes a sip.

Midnight: (surprised) My this tea is wonderful.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, I'm glad you like it Miss Midnight.

Midnight: (giggle) You can just call me Midnight. I don't mind.

Y/n: (smile) Cool. So what brings you here?

Midnight: Well me and the rest of the teacher have a meeting and this meeting is about you.

Y/n: Why did I do something bad?

Midnight: Oh no it's not that. We were wondering you'll be already to help a fer pro hero's on their missions and you to get to know them more. (Mutter) By that I mean you and I will to know a bit more.

Y/n: Hm?

Midnight: Oh nothing ignore that last part.

Y/n: (smile) Oh okay. So I get to hang out with the pro hero's?

Midnight: (smile) Yep. We see your skills, quirk and your states and i think you'll be great to help a fee pro hero's on their missions.

Y/n: What about my classes?

Midnight: We can sort thst out but it will also help you learn more and be stronger. So what do you say?

Y/n: Well.....just as long I can make some friends, help others and keep in touch of my class mates, that would be alright right?

Midnight: (smile) Of course so your in?

Y/n: (smile) Yep.

Midnight and Y/n shake hands and she can feel his warm hands and look at his cute smile as he smiles at her. After that to two talked and Y/n asked.

Y/n: So Midnight, what is your quirk?

Midnight: (smirk) My quirk is called Somnambulist. My body can puff out a gas that can put people to sleep. Actually this body suit I'm wearing is keeping me from puffing it out so I won't accidentally put anyone asleep.

Y/n: (smile) That's pretty useful when it comes to large enemies surrounding you. You must be one tough pro hero to try to get a land on.

Midnight: (giggle) Your just too sweat.

She drinks her tea and the two continues to talk until it was time for Midnight to leave. We see her at the front door ad she turns to Y/n and said.

Midnight: (smile) I have a wonderful time talking to you. I hope we cwn talk more very soon.

Y/n: (smile) Same it was pretty nice to have a teacher come and visit me.

Midnight: (smile) Yeah. You are such a nice and very cute boy and your just so kind it made my heart beat like a wind.

Y/n: (smile) Aww your just so sweet. Mt. Lady actually told me the same thing not too long ago.

Midnight looked a bit surprised and mad as well so Y/n asked.

Y/n: okay?

Midnight: (chuckle) Y-Yes I am. Still get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow will you Y/n?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing Midnight. Goodbye.

She left whike Y/n shuts the door and once she left the gate she thinks to herself.

Midnight: (thought) I knew one at Mt. Lady will start to flirt with him first. Still I have to admit. Y/N IS SUCH A CUTIE!!! I wish we would have told more and maybe i wish he'll fall asleep onto my lap and I gently stroke his hair whioe he slept like a little kitty ca-. Wait! Stay focused girl, you have your time soon but first we need to figure out what type of villain would damage our defenses walls and what warning are they telling us.


We see the same hooded figure walking through a dark alleyway when another person step out of the darkness and asked the hooded figure.

???: Did you do it?

The hood figure turns to him and said.

??? 2: Yes and soon we will spring our attack.

???: Perfect. I've been waiting for my revenge.

Then the two walks out of the alleyway and disappear within the darkness as we hear one of the said.

???: Let's begin this party.

To be continued.............

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