Chapter 5: What true friends will do
We see Y/n and Ochaco enter the mall which is Y/n's first time being in a human mall which was huge and amazed Y/n to see many different types of stores and people walking about buying or looking around.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow there is so many stores!
Ochaco: (smile) This is what we call a Mall. It's a huge supermarket where all stores from different kind gathered around into one place and people come here to buy things.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa! So what about the other stores outside?
Ochaco: (smile) Some store owners rather have their store outside instead of being in here but either way, it's good to get things such getting some materials for our super hero customs.
Y/n: Oh right, I alsmot forget about that. Guess being in a store made me forget the main reason why we're here.
Ochaco: (giggle) It's fine. I even lost track when I'm shopping.
Y/n: So which store should we go to get these materials?
Ochaco: Let's check the custom store, maybe there is something there.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome, let's go!
Ochaco smiles and the two walk through the Mall while Y/n was amazed on what many stores were selling and Ochaco smiles to see him happy while her heart beats a bit faster when he is near him and thinking they were on a date or something.
Still they arrived at the store and they searched around the custom to get and put some decorations to make it more interesting.
Y/n: Hey Ochaco, what about this one as your super hero custom?
She looks over to see Y/n showing her a space suit custom while Y/n gose on to say.
Y/n: Since you have an ability of gravity like me, I figured your super hero custom will be like a space suit.
Ochaco: (smile) Hmm I like it! Let's get some decorations and buy them.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
After they gotten some decorations they pay them and they exit out and Since the day is still up, they decided to wonder around the store looking through the few store while Ochaco show Y/n many store they sell whidh Y/n was amazed at.
After a while Y/n sat down on a bench taking a breather while Ochaco was gone for a while and then came back with two cups and hands on to Y/n. He takes it while he asked.
Y/n: What's this?
Ochaco: (smile) It's call a milkshake. Didn't know which one you would like so I choice vanilla as your starter.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds delicious.
He drinks it and it really was delicious which he drinks it while Ochaco smile and sit next to him and then Y/n felt a sharp pain on his head and he grab his head.
Ochaco: You alright?
Y/n: Yeah I got this massive pain on my head, it really hurt.
Ochaco: (giggle) It's call brain freeze. It's when you drink too much cold drink, your brain freeze up.
Y/n: Really? Dose it happens often to you humans?
Ochaco: (smile) Sometimes but take it easy drinking.
Y/n: Okay, I will. So Ochaco, why do you wanna be a hero?
Ochaco: Oh....Well don't think of me as selfish but I gonna....try to get some money.
Y/n: Is....that not good?
Ochaco: Well yes and no but listen. My parents work for a construction site for years and they are shown to be tired but they still continue. I often to help them when I was young. I've gotten my quirk ever since I was young so it won't be a problem but they assist I should force on being a hero which....kinds make me sad because I really wanna help my parents then anything else.
Y/n look at her and felt kinda bad for her and truly understand her reason of wanna be a hero just so she can give the money to her parents so they can be happy and that will make her happy.
Y/n: Ochaco?
Ochaco: Huh? Oh sorry, gotta emotional haven't I? I'm sorry.
Y/n: Still....if you ever wanna talk about it, then I'll be there. Because your my friend and I won't see you worry about your parents health because I'll be there.
Ochaco's cheeks blushes deep to see him so careing and wanna make her feel better.
Ochaco: (blush) Th-Thanks Y/n. I-I never know you'll care extremely much for me and my life.
Y/n: (smile) Why wouldn't I? I wanna make everyone including my friends happy and I'm gonna do that.
Ochaco blushes deep with her heart beats fast but she smiles at him and the two stood up and they exit out of the mall and decided to make the suits at Y/n's house which Ochaco wonders what house he might have.
Ochaco was in complete shock to see Y/n was not living just a house. He was living a large mansion with a large pool that possible students from Class 1-A or possibly the whole school have a pool party in.
Y/n just walks through the gates like he was his own house while Ochaco just stood there in complete shock which Y/n turns and asked.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Ochaco: (shocked) Y-Yeah but i gonna ask. How did managed to afford this large mansion?!
Y/n: (smile) Oh that's kinda simple. I turn coal into Diamonds, help around some people who give me green weird paper whidh turns out to be money and after a while I buy this large house.
Ochaco: (shocked) Wow. To a person who lives in another planet you sure have a luckily quirk.
Y/n: (smile) If you want, I can give you some diamonds if you like.
Ochaco: Oh no it's alright. Let's head to the living room and sort out our customs.
Y/n nods with a smile and they head in and Ochaco git to admit Y/n's mansion was large and pretty. Once they gotten to the living room Ochaco set down the her custom and they start to decorated it. After a while of decorating Ochaco's custom she try it on and it fits perfectly on her ajd she show it to Y/n.
Ochaco: (smile) What do you think?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah that suits you and love the pink.
Ochaco: (smile) Thanks.
Y/n: (smile) Check mine out.
Y/n active a button on his chest and his armor appears on him including his helmet which surprised Ochaco to see it more advanced then their technology.
Ochaco: (surprised) Wow that looks so cool.
Y/n: Yeah but this suit may not do for a super hero custom.
Ochaco: Oh no, I think it suits you?
Y/n: Really?
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah! In fact, your more like a Knight from space.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, your right.
His armor digitally disappeared and after that Ochaco asked.
Ochaco: So what is your planet like?
Y/n: (smile) It's beautiful. Lots of trees, nice clam oceans and wonderful cities to explore. Many aliens from different planet came to our planet as like a vacation place.
Ochaco: (surprised) Wow that's cool!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and I even made a few friends from them. They were really nice and shown to care for our planet until it's destruction.
Ochaco: Well I'm sorry for your planet but your always welcome in our planet.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Ochaco.
Ochaco also smiles and they talk for a while until night came and it was time for Ochaco to go. She walks up to gate and she turns to Y/n and said.
Ochaco: (smile) Thanks for hanging out with me. We have a lot of fun.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, we can do this more someday.
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah that would be fun. Well better go now, see ya.
Y/n: Wait Ochaco before you go, take this.
Y/n hands her something and she takes it and it gives off a green glow and she looks at it and it was a green stone like crystal which glows which amazed her.
Y/n: (smile) That is one of our famous stones called "Dream Happyland." You set it next to you and once you fallen asleep, you have one of the greatest dreams you have and never get nightmares as long you have that near you.
Ochaco: (surprised) It's beautiful. Thank you so much.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. What are friends for.
Ochaco smiles and once that she walks off while Y/n walks back in to get some rest while Ochaco looks at the stone and she felt her heart race a bit to be given a beautiful stone she gave ever seen. She blushes deep and she'll treasure this forever.
(Next day)
We see All Might and the rest of Class 1-A within the training stadium with many fake tall buildings around them as all Class 1-A are wearing their super hero custom including Y/n who was wearing his armor which made a few students surprised.
Izuku: (surprised) Wow your wearing your armor!?
Y/n: Yeah. I figured it be cool. Hey, I like your super hero custom, you look like All Might.
Izuku: (smile) Thanks but it's not actually doesn't look like all might....right.
Y/n wave his arms a little to say 50/50 while Katsuki just looks away while All Might said.
All Might: (smile) Excellent customs students! You look like true hero's. Now time for the real training! Like you said yesterday, one of you will be hand picked to be hero's and the hero's have to defuse the bomb or arrest the villains while the villains have to hold them off until the bomb hits zero.
Y/n: (smirk) That sounded like fun! I'm in!
All Might: (smile) Love your attitude young L/n! So who will go first?
Y/n: Oh Oh I wanna go first!
Tsuyu: Guess I'll go with you as well.
All Might: (smile) Brilliant and who would like ti be the villains?
Denki: (smile) I'll have a go at it.
Eijiro: (smirk) Same here.
All Might: (smile) Awesome! Now the rest of students will watch this at the computer station and let's begin!
(Short while later)
We see Tsuyu and Y/n waiting at the entrance of the building where the bomb is at and Y/n was getting existed for this while Tsuyu turns to him and asked.
Tsuyu: You looked existed by this.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah this is gonna be fun and can't wait to be teaming up with you.
Tsuyu: (little blush) W-Well thanks but my quirk ain't that great.
Y/n: (smile) Your quirk is amazing and with our combined forces, we will complete this test!
Tsuyu: Yeah. Ribbit.
Then a air horn gose off the two head inside and it was dark but Y/n summon a sharp like ball out of his hand and shine it around the room while Tsuyu crawl onto the walls and the two were keeping watch for Denki or Eijiro to show up and surprise attack them.
After a long while of walking they stumble into what looked like a large room with a second floor above them. Y/n floats up and looks around to see nothing.
Y/n: Looks like this room is clear.
Then he sense something and dodges an incoming lighting bolt and he lands down while Tsuyu rushes up to Y/n.
Y/n: Guess not.
Then Denki came out with bolts of electricity sharply out of his hands as he said.
Denki: (smirk) Sorry but if you two wanna get the bomb, you gonna have to get pass me.
Y/n: (smile) Well Denki, it's time we put the "shock" on you by beating you.
Denki: Huh?
Tsuyu: Huh?
Y/n:............Bad one?
Denki: Probably need some work.
Tsuyu: Agree, Ribbit.
Y/n: Well let's beat him and get the bomb.
Tsuyu: Right.
Denki: (smirk) Love to see you try.
He fires a bolt of electricity at them but the two dodges it and Denki fires more at them until Y/n traps some of the electricity into a engery like sphere and he throws it at Denki but he dodges it.
Denki: Wow! Nice one, but that's not gonna help you from this!
He fires another bolt at him but he was grabbed and pulled up while the bolts hits the walls. Y/n looks up to see Tsuyu on the ceiling with her long tongue sticking oit to grab Y/n which he smiled.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Tsuyu, now let's end this!
Tsuyu nods and she throws Y/n towards Denki which he fires bolts of lighting at him but he trap his bolts into a sphere and then he made them as like boxing glove as he lend his arm back ane calls out.
Y/n: Electricity and galaxy combo punch!
He punches Denki with a bolt of lightning hits him as he was sent flying and crash onto the wall.
Denki: (thought) Wow. He just use my bolts and make them as like a boxing glove just to punch me. That's.......That's.......SO AWESOME!
Then he fell onto the ground and he was out for the count. Tsuyu lands next to him and Y/n asked.
Y/n: Do you think I punch him too hard?
Tsuyu: No I think he'll be fine.
Y/n: Well let's get to the bomb and end this.
Tsuyu nods and they rush pass Denkinane head up to the top of the building and once there they see Eijiro standing in front of it.
Eijiro: (smile) Oh hey you came. That was quick, guess you two took care of Denki already.
Y/n: (smirk) Yep and it's your turn.
Eijiro: (smirk) Guess but my quirk is far more stronger then Denki and you two might be hard to get pass.
Then his body turns into stone like and once his transformation was complete he slam his legs onto the ground that made a crack and looks up at them.
Eijiro: (smirk) My quirk is Hardening! No way you can't get pass me with this quirk.
Y/n: (smirk) That sounds cool but I'm about to proof you wrong.
Y/n step forward while Eijiro can not wait to fight Y/n and this will be awesome for him. The two walk towards each other and soon their slowness turn into sprint when they charge at each other and yell out as like they were gonna have the biggest battle they ever-
Then they hear the siren gose off meaning the match is over whidh they stood there while we see Tsuyu touching the bomb and looks at them and said.
Tsuyu: I thought you were distracting him so I figured why not, Ribbit.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa I didn't know you done that. Nice work.
She blushes with a smile while Eijiro change back to his human form and was a bit disappointed that he didn't have a chance to test out his real strength against Y/n but Y/n place a hand on his shoulder and said.
Y/n: (smile) We may not be able to fight but I think your quirk is one of the coolest quirk ever.
Eijiro smiles and the two high fived and they pick up Denki and take him back to the rest so they can get some rest.
For a while many students from Class 1-A take turns and the hero's successful win every match and shown to do a great job of team work. While Izuku and Ochaco are off for their last turn, Y/n is no where to be seen which Momo asked.
Momo: Hey where ie Y/n?
Fumikage: Maybe he is away to the bathroom.
Hanta: Maybe so Denki, Eijiro, how was it feel to be fighting against Y/n and Tsuyu?
Denki: (smirk) It was awesome. Never know Y/n can move so fast and with Tsuyu, they were unstoppable and took me out with seconds.
Eijiro: I didn't have a go but I knew it be cool to face him.
Tsuyu: To be far he would beat you without seconds.
Eijiro: (smirk) True but it will be worth it. One day, I'm gonna be stronger as him.
Mina: (smile) He is such a nice boy and he really likes us all.
Yuga: (smile) Indeed. He even help me upgrade my custom and now I have a sparkling Cape.
She show his Cape to everyone which they were surprised while All Might see them talking about Y/n which he smiles and think to himself.
All Might: (thought) Seems like he really bounded with his classmates. I'm thinking he's gonna be a great hero.
Then Y/n came into the room which they were glad to see him in as he said.
Y/n: Sorry for worrying you all, I was doing something for a minute.
All Might: (smile) It's all fine young L/n, Super hero's need to do some quick because I am one. Oh yeah!
Y/n: (smile) So how is training with Izuku and Ochaco going on?
All Might: Let's check.
They all turn the screen and they were shocked to see half of the building is destroyed which Y/n asked.
Y/n: (shocked) Who is on the villains side?
All Might: W-Well there is Tenya and Katsuki who are the villains side.
Y/n: (thought) Oh no.
The air horn gose off but more explosions came out meaning either Izuku or Ochaco is in trouble. All Might turns but sees Y/n is gone again.
We see Izuku slowly standing up snd pushing away the rubble with his broken arm that he used his quirk again Katsuki. Katsuki burst out of the rubble and walk towards him with explosions behind him.
Katsuki: (anger) I don't know how you got a quirk all of a sudden. But it doesn't matter, because I'm gonna make sure you won't get in my way.
Izuku breaths slowly and just sigh and said.
Izuku: I never knew why you turn out like this. But I'm still gonna be a hero and you can't stop me.
Katsuki gets angry and he charge at Izuku with his blindly rage and once close he was about to punch him while such his eyes and thinks that this might hurt a lot. But he then realised he didn't land the blow.
He slowly open his eyes and was shocked to seen Y/n in front of him and even Katsuki being shocked as well to see he such appear out of nowhere like he just teleported.
Katsuki: (shocked) Wh-What the hell? How did you-
Then Y/n grabs his fist and then he throws him far and Katsuki crashes onto the wall. He fell onto the ground while Y/n glare at him while he turn to Izuku and reach out his arm and heals his arm.
Y/n: Meet up with Ochaco and the rest. I will have a talk with Katsuki.
Izuku nods and rushes off while Y/ walks over to Katsuki. Katsuki just looks away and Y/n just stare at him until Katsuki asked.
Katsuki: What are you looking at punk.
Y/n: Why?
Katsuki was confused and then he shot him an gear that sent chills through Katsuki's spine. He never seen Y/n getting this mad before.
Y/n: (anger) Why are you being such a bully to Izuku. He has nothing done ANYTHING to you and you just bully him and for what?!
Katsuki: Why should you care?
He then slams his fist onto the wall near Katsuki as he yells to him.
Y/n: (anger) I DO! I care for ny friends! I care for their feelings! I care for their dreams and I care for those who are being torment like you! So why are you bullying to your classmates?!
Katsuki just doesn't answer and just looks away. Y/n see he will not talk so he glare at him and then he turns and walks off not before saying.
Y/n: (anger) You can't be a hero if you act like a jerk to everyone who look up to. Be a real hero and show some respect, jerk.
Then he walk off leaving Katsuki alone to think about while Y/n check the with Tenya and Ochaco like a true friend would.
We see Ochaco arriving home and she opens the door and enter the kitchen to see her father and mother in the kitchen and they looked surprised and his father hang up so she asked.
Ochaco: What's going on?
Ochaco's father: Well you know that hotel we are currently building that may take us all night.
Ochaco: Yeah what about it.
Ochaco's father: It turns out it's all done.
Ochaco: (surprised) What?! But it's not supposed to be finish for 2 months?!
Ochaco's mother: We thought so as well but when we get there it was all done like someone came over and build it on his or her own.
Ochaco: What makes you think it's someone else?
Ochaco's father: We found this letter stuck at the front door. I think it's also for you as well.
Ochaco confused as her father hands her the note whidh she takes ans read through it.
"Dear: Ochaco's parents."
"I know you wanan complete this hotel building on your own but I think you deserve a time off working and spent more time with your daughter. Never worry, I'm good friends with her and I'm even in her class at UA academy. So spent some time with her will you, you all deserve it."
"From: Ochaco's friend."
Ochaco was shocked to see it was actually Y/n who finished the hotel for her parents and she start to tear up whidh her parents were worried and asked what's wrong while they hugged her.
Ochaco: (thought) Y/ did this so my parents can be happy and spent time with me? That is so sweet for you. Oh Y/n thank you....thank you soo much!
While this is happening we see Y/n floating over by her house and seeing her crying with joy as he smile to see they will be happy snd enjoy themselves now knowing they will spent more time with their daughter and take of break of their work so they can be happy together and that's what true friends will do.
To be continued.............
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