Chapter 4: Hang out with the best
Y/n and the rest of Class 1-A were in the changing rooms to get changed to their P.E gear. Y/n was with the boys at the boys changing room while the girls get changed within the girls changing room.
Y/n was finish getting changed and look at his P.E gear and find it comfortable and flexible.
Denki: (smile) Yo Y/n.
Y/n turn and Denki and Eijiro walk over to him and Denki asked.
Denki: So early you said you were from space and on a planet right?
Y/n: Yep.
Denki: Is that true or your making that up?
Y/n: (smile) Nope, it's true. I'm what you humans call Aliens.
Eijiro: Really, you don't look like one?
Y/n: (smile) Well my kind is like you but we have purple blood and we are more intelligent then other species. Infact, I learn every language across the world within 55 minutes.
Denki: (surprised) Your serious right?!
Y/n: (smile) Yep again.
Eijiro: (smile) That's pretty cool, mind tell us more about your journey to here?
Y/n nods and tells them his journey through space while Izuku looks over to see him getting along with the restvod the class a smile a bit. Katsuki just looks at this and still wonder how Izuku suddenly have his quirk but he'll find out soon enough.
Wethen cut to the girls with some almost done getting changed while some were done and start talk about things until Ochaco talks about Y/n and what happened at the hero track.
Momo: (surprised) So he has a similar quirk to yours?
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah and also many other quirks that are awesome. I mean you saw him in the news right?
Momo: (surprised) I've heard of a boy tyat defeated a villain but I wasn't suspected it would be Y/n.
Mina: (smile) I like him. He's extremely nice and pretty cute.
Tsuyu: He said he was from another planet.
Kyoka: I heard that as well. But is he just saying that as a joke?
Ochaco: Well I don't think he's not a type to lie and judging by the quirk he used, I don't think we never seen anyone with that quirk.
Toru: Still I think he is an awesome guy and I can't wait to see what he is like once we head outside.
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah.
Soon Class 1-A exit out of the changing room with their P.E gear on them and make their way outside and made it to the P.E Court.
They were in line while Y/n looks at the things they will take part with and can't wait for this. Eraser came up to them with clipboard in hand as he turn to his classmates and said to them.
Eraser: Alright everyone listen up and listen good. You'll all be taking part of the fitness test to see you are cable to be hero's. Don't you all think I'm gonna go easy on you lot, this will test your speed, strength and mind to see what you can do and can't do. Anyone who doesn't wnat to take part then tough luck, your taking part of it. If your scores are lower then you are kicked out of UA academy. Is that Understood?
They all nod while Eraser looks at his clipboard and then said.
Eraser: Right. Let's start.
So they take part of many of the fitness test such as running which Y/n runs around the track with quirk speed which surprised the class while Eraser takes note of it. Then they do some pull ups which Y/n dose pull ups pretty fast as well without using of his gravity quirk which Eraser checked to see and he take not of that and the rest as well.
They continue on doing many test while Y/n check on Izuku and see he is struggling and falling behind. He doesn't like Izuku to be kicked out of UA academy after everything they have been through and after all the training he did with All Might.
He is worried that Eraser will kick out Izuku from UA and Izuku's dreams will be crushed but he won't let that happen on his watch.
After a while they finish it off with a throwing test and each student take turns throwing the ball into the air by using their quirk. Soon it was Izuku's turn and he was nervous but Y/n place a hand on him and said.
Y/n: (smile) you can do this, I believe you buddy.
Izuku nods with a smile and walks up and grabs the tennis ball and forces using his quirk to make his arm strong enough to throw the ball.
Izuku: (thought) Here I go. I can do this, I can do this, I CAN DO THIS!
He lend back his arm and chucks the ball into the air but it didn't go far which shocked Izuku and Y/n. Y/n thought Izuku's quirk didn't work but he suddenly felt like his Izuku is blocked by something or someone.
Eraser: Do you really think you can be a hero with that quirk.
Izuku turn and Y/n also turn and see Eraser's eyes were uncovered and were glowing which Y/n realised his quirk is to block other hero's or villains quirk just as long he stare at them.
Y/n makes a fist while Eraser step forward towards Izuku who was scared while he continues on saying.
Eraser: I'm not dumb, I've read through your files and you used your quirk that cost to break your bones after you punch the fourth training bot. You shouldn't have even in rolled to this school if your bones broke during a mission. People will die if your just laying there in the floor with your bones broken and you have to alley on others to help. If i were you, you should leave while you still can.
Class 1-A students:...........
Y/n: (anger) Your wrong.
Eraser turn his head to Y/n and everyone was worried thatbhe might be done for but Y/n stood his ground while Eraser was at his face glaring down at him and asked.
Eraser: What was that?
Y/n: (anger) I said your wrong. Izuku can be a hero and be better if he train hard enough. You should depend more of your students then just thinking they can't be hero's because on what quirk they are using. You maybe a pro hero sir but you need to learn that Izuku and all of us can be better hero's and you'll think that you are wrong.
Eraser was pissed now and but then he realised something that shocked him. His quirk isn't shutting off. He can't cancel out his quirk and block it which shock him.
Eraser: (thought) That's impossible! His quirk, I can't cancel it. Harder and harder I try it still won't turn off. Who is this kid?
The rest of the students thinks Y/n was done for but they were shocked that Eraser backs off and put back his gobbles on and said.
Eraser: Fine, let's see if your right. Go ahead Midoriya.
Izuku nods and grabs another tannis ball and he now forces on trying not to broke his whole arm. His vins light up while he swings his arm back and throws it that sent the ball flying which shocked everyone including Katsuki who was shocked but turn into anger while Y/n smiles ans give Izuku a thumps up.
Izuku smiles as while before Katsuki asked.
Katsuki: (anger) How did you suddenly get a quirk. ANSWER ME DEKU!
Katsuki charge at him while Izuku panics and Katsuki was about to ounch him but Y/n suddenly appears in front of Izuku and coaches Katsuki's fist that blows up on Y/n's hand. Katsuki thinks he punches Izuku but when the smoke cleared he was shocked to see Y/n who not only catches his fist but his hands doesn't show any damage like that explosion was nothing.
Y/n: He doesn't have to tell someone like you how he get it.
Then he pushes Katsuki back which he look up at Y/n with a death glare while Y/n look back at him and said.
Y/n: He doesn't have to explain to a bully like you.
Katsuki was angered by this but decided to walk off and rejoin the rest of the class which they were shocked to see how strong Y/n is.
Eraser: L/n, your last.
Y/n nods and takes a tannis ball and once Izuku rejoin his class, he watched as Y/n pulls back his arm and throws it normal but the ball suddenly was blasted into the sky with a sonic boom as it flies through the sky, the atmosphere and space which it crashed into the moon.
This shocked everyone while Y/n turn to everyone to see their shock faces and he nervous laughs and asked.
Y/n: Um, do you want me to get it? (Nervous chuckle)
(Short while later)
They were gathered around and facing the board as Eraser stood in front of his class and he tells his class.
Eraser: Alright class let's see what your scores are.
They stare at the score and Eraser press the button and their scores appear on the board. Y/n was at the top and everyone else were in behind but it looks like they can stay in UA. But when Y/n try to find Izuku's score he sees he is at the bottom which worried him.
He thinks Izuku might be kicked out but Eraser turns off the board and said.
Eraser: And that's it. By away, I was kidding about you all kicking out of UA.
Class 1-A students: Huh?!
Eraser: It was a way so you all take this test seriously and take part.
Y/n: So that threat of kidding us out was a joke?
Momo: I guess I shouldn't have said something about it, my bad.
Eraser: Well time for your lunch. Get some and You, Y/n.
Y/n: Me?
Eraser: Yes you, let's have a talk with a group of teachers that look through at your files during the hero track.
Y/n: Um sure?
The rest of the class head to get some lunch while Eraser and Y/n walk through the halls to speak with a few teachers. Soon Eraser slide open the door and Y/n enter the room and was faced with the teachers of UA academy as they turn to see him.
Eraser: Y/n these are the teachers of UA academy.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow!
Present Mic: (smile) Hey kid, nice to see you here.
Snipe: So he is this student you have been talking about? He looks like a normal student.
Midnight: (smirk) And cute as well.
Y/n looks at all the teachers and thinks they are awesome until he looks over and see what looked like mouse wearing a principle like uniform ans staring back at him.
Y/n: Why is there a mouse wearing a uniform?
Eraser: No that's our principlen, Principle Nezu.
Y/n: (shocked) Really? Sorry for the insult sir.
Nezu: (smile) Not at all, so your files are pretty impressive. You have a quirk called Galaxy Quirk right?
Y/n: (smile) That's right.
Nezu: And what I heard is that you are from space and from another planet called Light Utopia.
Y/n: (smile) That's right. If you don't believe me then take some blood samples of me, I don't mind.
Nezu: Um okay?
Eraser takes out a syringe and gently stab it into his skin and pull out some purple blood which shocked the teachers to see it's true.
Viad: (shocked) So it is true!
Snipe: (shocked) Never know we have an alien in our school, no offence.
Y/n: (smile) It's alright.
Nezu: And your armor is alien tech as well?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. It's move like a space suit but at the same time it's an armor as well so yeah.
Nezu: I see.
Eraser: I also found out his quirk is pretty strong. So strong in fact I can't shut it down or cancel out his quirk.
They were shocked by this and they whisper to each other about this until Nezu looks at Y/n and asked.
Nezu: Not ti be rude or suspicious but why do you came here?
Y/n: (smile) Why else. I wanna make friends and protect the friends I make. If you want, I can be all of your friends.
Midnight: (smirk) I like this kid.
Nezu: (smile) Well we are honoured to have you here and I I you have gotten very while with your classmates.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah they are awesome and very nice people.
Nezu: (smile) I'm thankful for that. Well I'm thankful you came, you can rejoin your classmates now.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you and it is nice to talk with you all, hope we can talk more again.
Then he turn and walk out of thr room. Once that Snipe asked.
Snipe: So what should we do?
Midnight: (smirk) Can we move him to my class, I would like to see his cute smiles when he walks into class.
Present Mic: (smile) That kid is awesome and if we have him here, we have one of the most strongest student ever.
Viad: But can we fully trust him?
Eraser: Well he show to care more or his friends and do anything to protect them. Plus, he is shown to be the side of good.
Nezu: (smile) I agree. I think we allow him to stay but we keep taps on him and see what else we can learn about him.
They all agree by this while Eraser also a bit proud he has one of the most strongest student in his class and he might go easy on him next time.
We see Y/n at the cafeteria and just sat down with Izuku, Ochaco and Tenya with his tray of food and he tells tnem them happened and after that they were glad he wasn't in trouble or anything like that while Y/n start to eat.
Y/n: (smile) Yummy, this food is delicious!
Izuku: (smile) Yeah, it's pretty nicer what our last school served.
Ochaco: (smile) So how is your time here at earth?
Y/n: (smile) I've learn a lot about this planet and your history's. Some aren't good but you all shown to never give up and rise up to succeed.
Ochaco: (smile) Yeah and I gonna say you were brave when you stare at Mister Eraser, he was really scary.
Tenya: True I was worried you were gon a be I trouble but I was complete shock to see you stood your ground instead of backing down. I could say that's a true hero will do.
Y/n: (smile) It was nothing, I was protecting my friends that's all.
Then he look over to see Shoto walk towards them and he stood up and wave to him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Shoto! Wanna sit here with us?
Shoto turn to him but doesn't say anything and just walk to a different table ans sat down. Y/n sat back down and asked.
Y/n: Wonder what's wrong with him?
Izuku: No clue.
Ochaco: I think it's kinda sad for him to sit alone.
Tenya: Agree, we are in the same class, he shouldn't be sitting alone.
Y/n decade to head to Shoto and see what's up. So he did and sat across from him and said with a friendly smile.
Y/n: (smile) Yo.
Shoto: Hey.
He doesn't say anymore and just eat his meal. There was a long silence before Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) So I never get to know your quirk.
Shoto: It's ice.
Y/n: So you can use ice quirk. Awesome!
Shoto: Why are you talking to me?
Y/n: (smile) Because your our friend, I mean friends stick together right. Have you ever gave friends during your childhood?
Shoto was slinet like he was thinking about some but he shakes it off and said.
Shoto: No I don't.
Then he stood up and walk to a different table to sit and eat alone. Y/n was even more confused on why he just wants to sit alone. Before he could think any further, Mina leaps over ane surprise hugged him while she said in a cheerful voice.
Mina: (smile) Hey there, how is our string student doing?
Y/n: (chuckle) Pretty good, thanks for asking.
Then Momo and Kyoka sat across from them and Momo asked.
Momo: So is it true your from another planet?
Y/n: (smile) Yep, a peaceful planet called Light Utopia.
Momo: Sounds like a nice planet.
Mina: (smile) Hey Hey Hey, mind showing us your quirk? Pllleeeeaaaaassseeee?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, I show you little power of my quirk. Watch this.
He hold out his hand and his hand lights up and shots out a small galaxy with stars around it with a sun in the middle as it floats over his hand which surprised the three girls.
Kyoka: (surprised) Wow.
Momo: (surprised) So beautiful.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, after journey through planet to planet I've trained to get used to my quirk and soon I was a master of it.
Mina: (surprised) You visit many planets?!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Some where empty but beautiful while some have life and they were nice for me to stay, some evern have problems that I've fixed or saved and they made me a hero.
Momo: (surprised) So you were already been called a hero before you came here?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. So Momo, you can make anything and it comes out of your body?
Momo: Yeah but the down side is the more I make, the more my clothes will vanished.
Y/n: (smile) The down side might not be good but at least you aren't have the upper hand while being a hero.
Momo: (blush) Thanks.
Y/n turn to Kyoka which she blushes ans nervous says.
Kyoka: (blush) I-I can create shockwaves by using my Earphone Jack snd also use them to hear things through walls.
Y/n: (smile) That's awesome Kyoka.
Kyoka: (blush) Thanks.
Kyoka: (thought) I can't help myself. He's just too cute.
Mina: (smile) My Quirk is called Acid Veil, I can summon acid and use them to creature either a shield and use them as an attack.
Y/n: (surprised) That's awesome Mina.
Mina: (smile) Thanks and I am extremely good at movement and I'm pretty good at dancing.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds fun. We can dance around after school.
Mina: (smile) Now that what I'm talking about! Up high!
The two high five and Mina really likes him while Denki, Yuga, Eijiro and Minoru sat on their table and watch Y/n getting along with the girls.
Eijiro: (smile) Look at him getting along with the girls.
Denki: (smile) Man he's lucky to have the girls attention.
Minoru: (depressed) This sucks. Why do they have to talk to Y/n instead of me.
Denki: What's your problem?
Yuga: (smirk) I gonan say his quirk is something beautiful, maybe we can combine our quirk to make it even more beautiful.
Denki: Okay now Yuga is acting up now.
The school bell ring and everyone head back to their class to continue their work.
Y/n and the rrst arruve back at thir class and Eraser looks at everyone and said.
Eraser: Alright class, today we have a special guest here who would like to talk to all of you about tomorrow's lesson.
Then the door slide open and All Might rush into the classroom while doing a pose while he calls out.
All Might: (smile) Class 1-A! I am here! Coming to the door like a hero!
They were shocked to see All Might here and he stood in front of the class ans said to them all.
All Might: (smirk) Alright class listen here because tomorrow we will put you in a simulation to test your skills to deal with a villain. The goal of this test is simple, a villain has a bomb on top of the building that is set to blow. The two villains will be some of your classmates and the two hero's which is some of you have to race to the building and either arrest the villain or defuse the bomb before it gose off. If the bomb blows up, the villains will win, if the hero's either arrest the villains or defuse the bomb then the hero's win.
They think it sounded simple and less stressful then Eraser's lessons.
All Might: (smirk) We will also give you a chance to get into your super hero customs.
Y/n: Super hero customs?
All Might: (smirk) That's right. It is what hero's wear to keep their secret identity but also to be cool while on a mission.
Y/n: (thought) Huh, that sounds like fun.
All Might: (smirk) That's all for now class, now watch me exit out like a hero!
Then he dashes away like a hero just as the school bell rang and they start to pack up to head him and make their own hero suits.
Ochaco: (smile) Hey Y/n?
Y/n looks up to see Ochaco walk over to him and he stood up and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Ochaco, what's happening?
Ochaco: (smile) Oh nothing. I was wondering if you like to come with me to get some material to make super hero suit.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, that sounds like fun.
Ochaco: (smile) Awesome. Come on, I know one marked place we can go.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome, let's go!
The two head off to get some material to make a super hero suit. Ochaco looks at Y/n to see him getting excited which made her blushes even more ane her heart beat even more.
Ochaco: (thought) He is such a cute guy and I wish we are more then just friends.
She too was excited to be hanging out with Y/n as the two head off to get some material to make their own super heor suit for tomorrow's lesson.
To be continued.............
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