Chapter 22: The hero killer (lemon)
We see Y/n and Momo hanging out at the restaurant for lunch as they sat down on the table and having some food while theyr talk about their hero agency's which Y/n goes on to explain his job which surprised Momo.
Momo: So you work along side scientists and government agents to make connect with aliens and act as a peace negotiator? I have to say that sounds like a interesting job.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and their technology is really cool and Genji is really cool. So what about you? I heard you and Itsuka are working with Uwabami.
Momo: (smile) Yes she is a interesting pro hero to work with. For example we carry her bags while getting shots for her magazine, help her do her makeup, picking out a nice dress and all sort of things.
Y/n:.....Um are those hero training?
Momo: I believe there is a lesson somewhere while working with her......right?
Y/n: Maybe. But who knows, maybe there is.
Momo: Well I hope so. Hey me and Mina are wondering you wanna come to my place this afternoon.
Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'm just gonna patrol around the city for a bit and I'll head to your place.
Momo: (nervous smile) Great. I'll sent you the address.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. I can't wait.
They continue having their lunch and hours gone by they go their separate ways as we see Y/n flying around the city as he does his usual patrols as he stop some robberies, visit some places and meeting some pro hero who are also patrolling as well.
We then see him standing on top of the roof looking at the city as he sat there and wonder his life had been since he came to this planet. He then looks up at the sky, looking up to the sky as he remembered his space adventure before he came here and since then he was alone but coming here and making this planet as home changed him.
He was once a childlike person but now he is shown to mature a bit, taking the hero business seriously sometimes and getting stronger by the minute. He wonders how long until a bigger threat will come but when that time come, he'll be ready.
Suddenly he heard a explosion and turn to see smoke so he fly over and once there he sees the street in flames as civilians were running away while Y/n tries to see what is going on.
There was a lot of smoke so he couldn't see when suddenly a large monster burst out of the smoke, tackling Y/n onto the ground. He was faced to face the same creation when he first met the villains as this winged creature roared at him but he pushed him off him and then flies up and then punches him which he crashed hard onto thr ground.
Suddenly a car was throne which Y/n immediately catches and gently set down. He looks over as the smoke clears up to reveal the similar creature but with four eyes poking out of its brain as it roared and charge towards Y/n.
Y/n: (thought) Whatever those thing are they are extremely dangerous.
He then quickly dashes towards the creature and upper cuts him in the face which he crashes onto thr ground. Then it try to launch at Y/n but he shoot out shooting stars at him, putting him back onto thr ground and then summon a black hope which the creature goes through and he shut it.
He sighs but the winged creature jump from behind Y/n and was about to attack when Y/n immediately turns and opene a black hole in front of it as it goes through and he closes it.
Y/n: That was close. Who were those creatures.
???: Look whose talking freak.
Suddenly someone rushes over and lands a slash marks on his arm. He grabs his bleeding arm as the figure turns to him as Y/n turns to face his attacker.
Y/n: Who are you?
Stain: The names Stain also known as the Hero killer.
Y/n: Hero killer. So your a villain then huh.
Stain: Not exactly. I'm what heroes or people call a vigilante. I kill those who are shown to be fake heroes.
Y/n: Then why did you attack me? I'm a hero just like everyone else.
Stain: Do you? Your an alien from another planet and a while ago the same alien race that you are just try to invade this planet.
Y/n: Because they were villains. You can just suspect I'm one of them just because my race attack this planet.
Stain: Aliens should never be trusted, especially you. You may one day turn on us and destroy the world.
Y/n: I would never do that!
Stain: That's right you won't, because I will take you down.
Stain charges towards Y/n as he swing his sword at him but he dodges and keeps dodging Stains attackes.
Y/n: Wait! I don't want to harm you!
Stain: Tough, because I will!
He kicked Y/n back which he crashed into the wall as he looks up and sees a sword coming at him but he catches it and then he throws it aside. He then flies over qnd punched Stain, sending him flying but he land on his feet and then he lick Y/n's blood from his blade which suddenly paralysed him.
Y/n: (shocked) What the?! I can't move.
Stain: That's because of my quirk called Bloodcurdle. It allows me to paralyse my enemies by simply livking their blood.
Y/n: Sounds kinda gross.
Then he easily moves and he dashes over and snatches his blades away and then he throws him across the street, crashing into the wall as Y/n grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off the ground.
Y/n: I won't have vigilantes in this city. Heroes are suppose to inspire hope to the citizens, not spread fear and killing those that we like.
Stain: If you don't believe you will turn evil then so be it but then it comes, I will always be there to kill you.
He then kicks Y/n in the face, making him stumble back as Stain leaps up and land on the roof as he looks down at Y/n and tells him.
Stain: Till we meet again alien boy. This ain't the last time you see me.
He turn and disappeared from sight as Y/n stood there and now knows he is targeting him. He check the time and sees he must see Momo and Mina so he flies over to Momo's place.
He arrived at Momo's home which was a mansion which surprised him as he walk up to her home and knock on the door. Seconds later Momo answered.
Momo: (smile) Y/n! Glad to have you here.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Momo. You have a nice place.
Momo: (smile) Thanks I-
She then noticed some blood coming out of Y/n's arm which Momo ask in worry.
Momo: What happened to your arm?
Y/n: Oh I got attacked by a villain.
Momo: Well let me patch you up. Please, come in.
He goes inside and we see them at the living room where Y/n took off his shirt so Momo can start patching him up. He talks about the villain or the vigilante he encounter which surprised Momo.
Momo: (surprised) You encounter a vigilante?
Y/n: Yeah. Is all vigilantes like that?
Momo: Not all of them. Vigilantes do their own thing unlike the other heroes. Some are good others are bad. Sometimes they work with the heroes or villains. You can't really sure you can trust them.
Y/n: Guess it make sense. He did say I will turn against humanity because of my race invasion a while ago.
Momo: Well we all know that's not true. You would never turn on us.
Y/n: I know but what if some do. I people invaded this planet because of me and i worry if they think my people are a evil alien race.
Momo: Y/n, I know they would never think of that at all. Even they do you'll proof to them wrong. After all your friends to everyone on the planet. Even if there is small group that is evil, they know you are not one of them.
Y/n: Yeah guess your right.
Momo: (smile) I know I'm right.
The two smile as they look at each other and then Momo kissed him on the lips and the two kiss just as someone called out.
???: Momo!
They stop immediately and turn to see Mina there wearing what looks like a bunny outfit as she tells Momo.
Mina: Come on Momo remember the plan we have! Get upstairs and get changed!
Momo: (blush) Oh that's right! I'm sorry! I'll do that right away!
She then rushes off which leaves Y/n confused while Mina walk up to him and then ask him.
Mina: (smile) Like it?
Y/n: Um yeah? Say what's going on?
Mina: (smirk) Well I made a deal with Momo that tonight we share you and have the best night of your life.
Y/n: (little blush) Are you talking me, Momo and you know.
Mina: (smirk) Yes sir. You wanna know what we call it? "A threesome." Well come on, let's go!
She then drags Y/n up the steps and into Momo's room where she is there wearing also a bunny outfit as well as she blushes very nervously.
Y/n: (blush) Wow it looks good.
Momo: (nervous smile) Th-Thank you.
Mina: (smirk) Now we are all settled, let's do this.
(Lemon start)
After Mina lock the door she pushes Y/n onto the bed as she climb in bed and gets on top of Y/n and she start by kissing him on the lips. She let out some moans, trying to turn Y/n's on while Y/n is blushing until he give in and started to kiss her back. The two started to make out while Momo stood there completely nervous as she never done something like this before.
But she watch them make out and started to feel weird inside and soon she join in bed. Now the trio were in the bed with Mina and Momo take turns making out with Y/n. After Mina Y/n kissed Momo and they begin to make out which Momo feels turned on and let out some loud moans which turns Y/n on really good even Mina is also turned on as well.
Mina: (smirk) Here you go girl! Your on fire!
Momo was going at it with Y/n as she feels really turned on as the two collapse onto the bed and continuing going at it while Mina gets a bit bored and soon the two stop making out to take a breather. Both were breathing heavily as they look at each other with Y/n being amazed.
Y/n: (surprised) Momo.
Momo: (smile) I love you Y/n.
Mina: (smile) Me too~!
She then tackle Momo and then kissed on by accident. The two stop and look at each other and then the two made out as they let out moans while is a bit surprised but then he was pulled in and he join in as they all made out to each other.
They share moans to each other and feeling warmer and warmer. They were soo warm I fact they took off their clothes apart of Momo and Mina's rabbit ears as we see Momo giving Y/n a blow job while Mina lay next to Y/n and kissing him. This made Y/n groan in pleasure as this kept on going for several minutes until he can feel his dick about to erupted and then it did. His cum erupted into Momo's mouth and she swallow it all.
She looks up at Y/n with love and then came up to him and kiss him. He made out with two girls for sometime and then we see Momo on tip of Mina making out while Y/n is seen thrusting his dick into Momo's butt and going at it while Momo insert her finger into Mina which she let out a moan.
All three were going at it for 4 and a half minute until all three let out a loud moan and then we see both Mina and Momo on top of Y/n with Mina sitting on Y/n's face while Momo on his dick as the two were holding hands and looking out moans of pleasure and soon the two lend over and they made out. Sharing even more moans as they continue going at it until we see Momo and Mina laying in bed with Y/n insert his dick into Mina while Y/n putting his finger into Momo as he goes at it with both girls.
The two girls let out some moans of pleasure as the bed move as the two girls feels really good as Y/n goes a bit faster.
Momo: (moaning) Ha~! Yes, keep going~!
Mina: (moaning) Yeah~! This feels soo good~!
He goes at it for even longer and a long minute later he can feel it coming so he kept going even more faster until all three all scream with pleasure and sigh as they were done.
(Lemon end)
Y/n was completely tired as he lay in bed between Momo and Mina who each grab both of his arms as they cuddle him, their breast pressed against each of his arms as they both say together.
Momo and Mina: (smile) We love you Y/n~
He smiled and kiss both of them and then all three gets some sleep as they slept together so they can wake up tomorrow morning.
To be continued.....................................
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