Chapter 21: The hero agency

We see Class 1-A in class ready for class as the class doors open and Eraser Head step into class with no more bandages all around iid body no more as he step into class and turns to his students.

Eraser Head: Good morning class. Since now you all took part of the sport festival in front of a lot of por heroes, it is time for you all to have your own hero codenames.

Everyone gets excited about this as they cheered, soo loud which Eraser Head glare at them which they shut up as Eraser Head goes on to explain.

Eraser Head: Having Codenames is important as a hero. It's not just a way to keep your identity a secret but rather it's a name that needs to be well known by everyone in the world. Hero codenames must stand for something that you are and not some stupid reasons or childlike names. It needs to be something that you and everyone else is familiar with for the rest of your life.

Denki: So does this means if we pick out of a codename, we'll never change it?

Eraser Head: Correct. You all have one change to think of a good name and once that is done, that will be with you for the rest of your lives.

Midnight: So I hope you all will pick a great name to chose!

Then Midnight came into the classroom as she came up next to Eraser Head which excites Denki and Minoru as Eraser Head explains.

Eraser Head: Midnight will judge of the codenames and make suggestions of the codenames you pick. Now excuse me, I'm gonna take a nap. Don't wake me up.

He gets inside of his sleeping bag and takes a nap while Midnight takes over and says to the class.

Midnight: (smile) Okay class I'm gonna hand out some white boards so you can begin picking your codename.

And so they were given white boards and they begin thinking of a hero name. Izuku stare at the white board for a bit while Y/n looks over to him and ask him.

Y/n: (smile) Still thinking of a good one?

Izuku: Yeah. You know as a kid I usually written some hero names for myself and have my mum pick out which one is the best. They are....kinda embarrassing. (Nervous chuckle)

Y/n: (smile) Well good luck with that Izuku. I know you can pick out a good name.

Izuku: (smile) Thanks.

Midnight: (smile) If some of you are done, please step up and let us see it.

The first person to came up was Yuga he show the class his codename as he said.

Yuga: (smile) You all can call me Shinning hero: A man that can't stop twinkling!

Midnight: (smile) Interesting but how's about if you take away the "I that cant" and it will be "Can't stop Twinkling."

Yuga: (smile) Sounds wonderful.

The next we Mina as she came up and show her codename to the class.

Mina: (smile) Call me Pinky.

Y/n: (smile) That's a cute name.

Midnight: (smile) Indeed, a very cute name.

Mina: (smile) Yes.

Then it was Katsuki as he show his codename to the class.

Katsuki: Call me King explosion murder.

Midnight: Kinda violent. Sorry but no.

Katsuki: (angry) Damn it!

One by one each class take turns showing their codename to everyone with Tsuyu codename Froggy, Mashirao being Tailman, Eijiro being Red Riot, Kyoka being Earphone Jack and momo being Creti.

Each students of Class 1-A take turns however Katsuki try to change his name to "Lord Explosion Murder" which Midnight didn't like while Shoto sticks to his name and now it goes down to Izuku, Tenya and Y/n. Soon Y/n came up and tells everyone.

Y/n: For a long time while up in space, many brings Call me different names but I think this one suits me. Call me "The space hero: Cosmic Knight!"

Midnight: (smirk) Sounds soo cool! I like it!

Once that he looks over to Tenya and noticed that something seems wrong. Soon Tenya also stick with his name as well. Izuku was last and he got a name as he came up and then show his name which is Deku.

Y/n: Deku?

Denki: But isn't that the name you hate?

Izuku: At first yeah but i decided to take the name qnd change it to something that is good.

Midnight: (smile) Interesting. I've heard a few heroes being called names as a Insulate only to change the name that shows hope and justice. I accept it. Now with that settled, I will be handed out paper for which hero agency that you all will pick. Good luck.

The school bell rang and class ended as we see the students picking out of which hero agency to choice of while Y/n walked up to Tenya and ask him.

Y/n: You okay man? You were a bit sadden earlier?

Tenya: It's nothing.......its just. My brother was badly injured by a villain and right now he is at the hospital.

Y/n: (shocked) I'm sorry man. Is he going to be alright?

Tenya: Yes, he will be fine but when i came to visit him. He wanted me to take his hero codename.

Y/n: Then why didn't you take it during class?

Tenya: I feel like I'm not worthy to just take his title. I'll be ashamed for just taking away a heroes name, especially when a hero is my brother.

Y/n: Look, if he wants you to take his name then that's okay. In fact, I think you are worthy of a name. Your shown to be a great hero just like your parents and brother. But hey, it's not my opinion to give you a name but if someone wants me to take up a codename so their legacy will live on, I would take it because as long they name is alive, a hero is never dead.

Tenya smiles a bit and had a think about it when the classroom door open and a man wearing a suit enter the classroom as he turn to the students and says with a smile.

???: (smile) Greetings students. Sorry to disturb you all.

Rikido: Whose that guy?

Hanta: Not too sure but he looks important.

Fumikage: Maybe a government agent?

Genji: (smile) I'm not a government agent. I'm the CEO of the high tech company called "Cybernetic Inc." The names Genji and I've come here for Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Me?

Genji: (smile) My son told me about you and I've spoken to the principal and he accept me to take you under my wing as my apprentice.

Ochaco: Wait, are you apart of the hero agency?

Genji: (smile) Indeed. I'm just here to pick Y/n up so you ready to go?

Y/n: (surprised) Um, sure thing.

Genji: (smile) Wonderful, let's go.

(Sometime later)

We see the two in a helicopter as they fly through the city and soon reaching a large towering building as they land at the roof of the building.

The two exit out and Y/n was met by Kiyposhi as he smiled to see Y/n while Y/n walk up to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Kiyposhi. This is a surprise to meet your father.

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yeah sorry about that. My dad is very interested when I told him you are an alien. He's kinda a fan of aliens especially their technology.

Genji: (chuckle) Not just their technology son. Well....sometimes. But come on in and let me show you around.

They step into the elevator and they go down and soon the elevator doors open to reveal a large room with a lot of high tech equipment, mechs and armor as Y/n is amazed while the trio step out of the elevator and walk through the room.

Genji: (smile) Here at Cybernetic Inc, our duty is to give police forces soke high tech gear to allow them to stand a chance against villains. We given them gears that can take on different types of villains as well as different types of prison cells for different types of villains.

Y/n: (surprised) That's awesome! So, is this the testing room?

Genji: (smile) Correct. In here we test out gears, mechs, weapons and armor and see if they work or not. In this room, accidents sometimes happen.

Suddenly there was a explosion which they turn to see some scientists covered in dust with one cough out soke dust as Genji clear his throat and said.

Genji: Moving on.

They soon go to an next room to a large office room with workers on computers as Genji explains.

Genji: (smile) In this room, files of villains is use to study for our researchers to use to imprison them. Any recent villains are also been delivered to here along with their birth, sex, hometown and quirk.

Y/n: (smile) That's very interesting.

Kiyposhi: (smile) My father wants to keep the world safe from villains so that's why he created this company. Its kinda like a hero agency since we are working with the heroes.

Y/n: So what does this have to do with me? Why bringing me here?

Genji: Well let me take you to my office and we can talk from there.

Soon they reach to his office and once inside Y/n sees a nice office but then noticed a suit of armor within a glass case as he walk over and look at it.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! Looks cool! It kinda looks like Kiyposhi's armor.

Genji: (smile) Indeed. That's my own armor. I became the first very hero without a quirk before I created this company. So to answer your question, the reason why your here is because of recent alien activity.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Genji takes out a remote and then pushes a button that the floor in the middle opens up and a hologram table came up and it shot out a hologram of earth and it shows Katsuros ship being sent off into space.

Genji: You see after you defeated Katsuros alien army, the government has received messages from other alien empires across the galaxy that believes you are here, at earth.

Y/n: True I did face off a few evil empires in different planets. But all were wipped out or some doesn't have enough fire power to rise again. How is that possible?

Kiyposhi: It's not just evil alien empires, it's other aliens. Alien leaders, alien governments, basically every singal aliens across the galaxy is sending the government messages.

Y/n: What does the messages say?

Genji: We're not too sure. However it maybe possible they may come to this planet however we're not too sure if they are friendly, or foe.

Y/n: True. Aristo was thought to be a threat which he was beaten up because of it.

Genji: Yes but it was a good thing you came and stop it. However we're not too sure and that's why I wanted you to be apart of us. With your knowledge of the galaxy and understanding of their language, maybe we can make earth better and safer if you help us.

Y/n: (smile) Well that sounds very interesting to me. Plus I wanted to work with Kiyposhi more so sure, I'm in!

Genji: (smile) Awesome. Welcome to the team.

The two shake hands as Kiyposhi place a hand onto Y/n's shoulder and said.

Kiyposhi: (smile) Welcome to the team. We're gonna get along very well.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah man! This is going to be awesome!

To be continued.........................................

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