Chapter 20: The same goal
We find Reiko and Katsuro walking through the streets while having their hood up so no one will not recognise them. They have been looking for this bar where the villains have been hanging out with for a few days and finally they found it.
They stood across the street, looking at the bar and looking around to see if no one isn't around and lucky there isn't.
Katsuro: Okay this is the place and now, there is one question........what should I do?
Reiko: Your literally asking me that?
Katsuro: It was your plan! Not mine! Also I hate these disgusting humans with their gross hands and their wait faces and-
Reiko: You do realise we look just like them, right?
Katsuro: Well at least I didn't skip brushing my teeth, who knows how disgusting their mouths smell like.
Reiko: That's because they are criminals. Do you really think the government will give money to super villains?
Katsuro: Fine if you won't tell me what to do then I have will do it myself.
He walks towards the bar while Reiko just let's out a sigh and follows him as we cut to a bar filled with villains and it was peaceful for them until the bar door kicked open and they all turn as Katsuro step inside the bar.
Katsuro: (smirk) Greetings you disgusting humans! I am Katsuro, and I am a alien who rules over one of the most powerful empire in the entire universe! Obey to me now humans or be destroyed!
There was slince within the bar and then all the villains go back to their own business, leaving Katsuro stunned how they are not phases by his introduction while Reiko came in and tell him.
Reiko: Your an idiot sir.
Katsuro: Shut up Bounty hunter.
He approaches the table and sees Tomura sitting at the booth as Katsuro slammed his hand onto the table and then said to Tomura.
Katsuro: Now listen here upu weird.....hand.....villain.....human thing, I demand some attention at once!
Tomura: Who are you?
Katsuro: I'm Katsuro! You know! Leader of a whole empire!? Invaded earth a while back, well technically it was just city but still, the invader a few weeks ago? Come on I was everywhere in the news?!
Tomura: Nope. Doesn't ring a bell.
Katsuro:.........Yep.....I give up. Let's get out of here Reiko, we have no time talking to these wash-up losers.
Suddenly every villain heard this and a door was slammed in front of them as they were surrounded by angry villains now as they came out of their tables and form a circle around him.
Reiko: You just have to piss them off.
Katsuro: Your a skilled Bounty hunter, DO SOMETHING?!
Tomura: Give us one reason why we shouldn't kill you both here and now?
There was a moment of silence from the two and after a while of silence Katsuro mutter out.
Katsuro: You know of Y/n?
Then all the villains eyes widen in surprise which Katsuro noticed which he smirked and then tells them.
Katsuro: (smirk) Yes! I know Y/n because he is from my home planet and he ruined my plans and I can tell he ruined your evil plans as well, right?
They all agree that Y/h have stopped them and then Kurogirl came up to the two and ask.
Kurogirl: So you are enemies with this alien boy?
Katsuro: (smirk) Indeed! In fact, we managed to capture him before his super hero friends showed him and freed him. I know way to trap him or weaken him and since you hate the heroes and I hate Y/n and his super hero friends, then we all in the same page, right?
Kurogirl: True. We all share the same enemie.
Katsuro: (smirk) Exactly! So I figure we can work together! I can make robots to help your battles with the heroes far more easier while you all help me defeat Y/n once and for all.
Kurogirl: That is a good deal. Although you don't have any quirk.
Katsuro: (smirk) Who says I needs quirks? All I need is my intelligence. So, what do you say? Wanna team up?
The villains look at each other and they were not sure they should trust him however they do want to defeat the heros especially Y/n who is their biggest threat so with no choice Kurogirl takes Katsuro's hand and they shake on it. Katsuro smirks even more as this is the start of Y/n's downfall.
We find Y/n at coming out of the shop with some bag of groceries as he was about to fly off home when he heard.
???: Hey Y/n.
He turn to see Kyoka walking up to him while wearing are normal civilian clothes while pulling out her earphones as she walks towards him.
Y/n: (smile) Kyoka nice to meet you here. What brings you here?
Kyoka: Nothing much. Just taking a walk while listening to music. Doing some grocery shopping?
Y/n: (smile) Yep, since Aristo is gonna be staying at my place, I figure I'll stock up some food.
Kyoka: (small smile) That's cool. You know I was surprised when you introduce Aristo to us. He was huge, not to sound rude.
Y/n: (chuckle) No that's okay, he has huge armor.
Kyoka: Yeah. Hey I've been wondering if you want to fome by my place when you have time?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. I'll be happy to.
Kyoka: (small smile) Great. Well, I'll see you later.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
The two split off as Y/n heads back home and place his groceries away and hours later we see Y/n in front of Kyoka's house as he knock at the door and her mother answered the door.
Mika: (smile) You must be Y/n. The names Mika, I'm Kyoka's mother. It's very nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks and its nice being here.
Mike let's him in and the first thing he hears was a guitar playing which they go to the living room and finds Kyoka's father on the couch and playing some music with a guitar until he looks over to see Y/n.
Kyotoku: (smile) Ah, you must be the famous alien hero on the news. Its very nice to meet you, the name is Kyotoku.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you and you have a cool guitar.
Kyotoku: (smile) Thanks, figured I can give it a play for old time sakes. You pkay guitars?
Y/n: Sometimes. On my planet we play guitars as part of our culture.
Kyotoku: Ooohh sounds interesting.
Mike: Kyoka is upstairs on the left, you won't miss it.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you.
He then goes up the steps with Mike and Kyotoku smiling as Y/n heads up and goes to the left and approaches Kyoka's door and was about to open it when he heard something beautiful at the other side.
He slowly open Kyoka's door and finds her sitting on her bed, playing her guitar while singing which her singing is beautiful. She had her eyes shut which she doesn't noticed Y/n enter as he stood there and listen to her singing.
Y/n find hee singing very beautiful and smooth as she goes on. Then she ended the song and open her eyes and get startled when she sees Y/n there and her cheeks goes red.
Kyoka: (blush) How long have you been standing there?
Y/n: I think half way of your song but Kyoka, that was amazing!
Kyoka: (blush) Really? Y-You don't think it's stupid.
Y/n: Of course not. Why would you think that?
Kyoka let's out a sigh while Y/n sat down next to her as Kyoka looks down at her guitar and tells Y/n.
Kyoka: You see.....I wanna make my parents proud by becoming a musician. They love music soo much and I wanna be the best musician that no one has ever seen. Then I see heroes being born and I have mix goals in my head. I wanna let everyone hear my music but being a hero sounds more helper and soon, I decided to become a hero. My parents were understanding but I can't help but feel like I've made a wrong choice.
Y/n: No. I think you made the right choice. Being a musician is good but being a hero is really good.
Kyoka: I guess but still.
Y/n: You know, when I was young I have a different goal on my planet before I found out I have this quirk.
Kyoka: And that is?
Y/n: (smile) Exploring the universe. I wanna reach towards the stars, seeing new planets and making a lot of friends. However when I found out about my quirks and that I can be a hero, my goal gotten even better. I can be both a hero and an explorer. You can mix your two goals together. You can inspire people by being a hero, and inspire people with your music.
Kyoka: (little blush) Still I just think it would be stupid if I do music while as a hero.
Y/n: (smile) There is no need to be ashamed of Kyoka. They maybe some who are jerks but that's because they don't know your talent or what your songs ment to the people. To give them hope.
Kyoka blushes even more but also smiled and then she hands him her guitar which he did and then she ask him.
Kyoka: May I hear your voice?
Y/n smiled and then start to play the guitar and start to sing. His singing tome was amazing to Kyoka as she sat there and listen to Y/n sing while playing the guitar.
Kyoka: (thought) He's amazing.
He then look at her and singles her to join in and so she does as the two sing together as this goes on for hours. Hours gone by and Mike poke her head out of the room and ask them.
Mike: (smile) Are you two want something to-
Then she sees the two have fallen asleep together with Kyoka lend against his chest as the two sleep whifh made Mike smile, seeing this as adorable for them spending time together and glad that Kyoka have found someone that is more then a friend.
We see Kurogirl and Katsuro going down an elevator within the bar and once they were at the ground floor they climb out and walk down the hallway while Katsuro ask him.
Katsuro: So why bringing me here? Is this where I'm gonna be.....what were those humans call it? "Rap?" Eh, whatever it is can't be good right?
Kurogirl: You see, since your an expert of alien tech, we were wondering you could do some work with our boss.
Katsuro: Um sure but who is your boss?
Then the two stop as the twin doors open and once fully open they walk into the room and Kurogirl said while the two stop.
Kurogirl: Him.
Katsuro stood there in shock to be met a large villain sitting on a chair as he look up at Katsuro and stood up.
Katsuro: And who is he?
Kurogirl: All for one. Sir, this is Katsuro, the alien who has his own arch-nemesis which is Y/n.
All for one: I see. Very well then, if you want to proof yourself worthy to become apart of my army, then you must show me what you got.
Katsuro: Right! Do you have a work station I can use?
Moments later Katsuro is standing in a small room which is his work station which angers him so much but takes a breather and grab some boxes of his robots and sets them on the table.
Katsuro: No matter. I can just rebuild my army with these parts, work with the villains for sometime and when theie guards are down (smirk) I'll just wipe them off the face of the earth, and no one will not stop me taking over this planet and killing all humans on it! (Evil laughter)
To be continued...................................................
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