Chapter 18: Gonna party all night!
It was a nice day today as we see a blue sky along with some clouds above as the sun shine above the surface below. Things are peaceful at first when suddenly a plane burst through the clouds with one of its engines smoking as the plane pilots have no control over the plane and they are gonna crash.
The passages on board were screaming and crying, believing they are all gonna die as the plane falls from the sky and breaking through the clouds. Suddenly something fly by and seconds later the plane stopped falling and slowly starts to descent and within 3 minutes they gently landed the plane in a open field as the plane hatch open and Y/n step inside and tells everyone.
Y/n: Don't worry everyone, your all safe.
Everyone cheered while clapping Y/n for saving their lives. Soon after rescue service arrived to help out the passengers and the pilots while most passengers thanked Y/n for saving their lives which he just smiled and then he get a phone call from Izuku so he answered and puts it onto his ear.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Izuku what's happening?
Izuku: (phone) Oh nothing much, I'm just doing the usual. What about you?
Y/n: (smile) Just going around the world and helping people.
Izuku: (phone) That's cool to hear. Say can I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure ask-
Immediately he teleported to London as we see him at the bridge while other citizens look at him in amazement.
Y/n: Away man.
Izuku: (phone) Cool! So since you won the sport festival, me and the rest of Class 1-A were wondering we can pull a party to celebrate your win.
Y/n: (smile) You really don't have to do that Izuku. After all we were only having fun that's all.
Izuku: (phone) Yeah i know but we figure we can have some fun since we have no school for the rest of the week. We figure it would be a perfect time to celebrate and having fun.
While Izuku was explaining, Y/n hears gunfire so he fly over there and see a bank robbery going on as we see police at the entrance with theie guns drawn at the door when suddenly the robbers burst out and were about to fire their guns when they guns immediately vanished from their hands.
They were shocked and turn to see Y/n dropping the weapons away from them as they realise this and drop the money and surrendered to the police. By the time police tanked him Izuku was done as Y/n thinks about it and then finally said.
Y/n: Well I guess it can't hurt to have a small party at my place. It has a pool, games we can play and we can watch some movies there as well.
Izuku: (phone) That sounds like a great idea! I'll call everyone and tell them all about it. So 6:00 at night?
We then see him teleported to Australia as we see him immediately shutting down a illegal poaching outpost as Y/n already shut theie illegal business as Y/n reply to Izuku.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds like a plan to me. I'll get everything done as soon as possible.
Izuku: (phone) Awesome! See you there.
Y/n: (smile) Me too Izuku. See you then.
He ended the call and looks up at the sun as he sat down at the ground as he look down at the ground and gently places his hand onto the floor and move his hand slowly to the left and then pick up some dirt as he stare at it and smiled.
He then lay onto thr ground and look up at the sky as he relax there for a bit before he heads home to get everything ready for the party.
Somewhere deep within the forest, we see a small base camp where we see a TV being played for Y/n's win of the sport festival while we see Katsuro watching the news as he slowly growl in anger and then grabs the TV and tosses it outside in anger, breaking it just as Reiko arrived back with food as he was inside the tent.
He place the food down while he tells Katsuro.
Reiko: Sir I've already risk my capture of getting that TV.
Katsuro: (anger) Shut up! We have been hiding in this forest for months while Y/n is getting all the fame! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
Reiko: Well there's nothing much we could do. Without any way to communicate our fleet, our army or anyone outside of this planet, we're on our own.
Katsuro: (growl) Damn it your right! The only thing we have is this stupid tent, some human weapons and this food! We need to find a way to get our revenge and gain contact to my fleet. But how?
Reiko: Well I think we have only one solution.
Katsuro: If your thinking what you are thinking I swear to you, don't!
Reiko: Sir, we all due respect this planet has nothing but Hero's that will arrest us the second we show up. However there is some people that we can convince them to be allies which is the villains.
Katsuro: Do you honestly really think I could work together with another disgusting group of humans. They are ugly in the news, literally!
Reiko: We don't have any choice. If we stay here for long, someone will find us and report the heroes about us and we all get arrested. That or convince the villain to let us be apart of them and work out a plan to attack Y/n and the other heroes.
Katsuro was hesitated to his idea but realised for once Rekio has a point. The longer they stay here, the sooner a wonder human will come along and find them. True they could kill the human but a search team will search for the human and find them which would be a lose-lose situation.
Even if the human will not know them, he will still report them to the Hero's. Soon he let out a sigh and tells Reiko.
Katsuro: Fine! You win, we allie ourselves with the human villains.
Reiko: Good and I know one group that we can work with full well.
We see Class 1-A were at his home as Y/n has everything set up for the party. Food was in the kitchen, ready to be served, music was being played by Kyoka with a dance floor placed and games were evern played by many students such as twister or darts as everyone was enjoying the party.
We see Y/n sat down at the first step of the back with a drink of soda in hand as he takes a sip of it and watched as everyone was enjoying the party.
Ochaco: (smile) Hey Y/n~!
He look over to see Ochaco, Momo and Mina approach him while wearing their swimming bikinis.
Mina: (smile) This is the best party!
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad for that. I've got some food all across the world and there's enough to go around.
Ochaco: (smile) That's awesome Y/n, thanks.
Momo: (small smile) You have everything planned. Your too sweet.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, what are friends for.
Then he looked over to see Shoto as Shoto was looking at him, looking like Shoto wishes to talk to him so after Ochaco, Momo and Mina heaf over to the pool, Y/n walked over to Shoto and ask him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Shoto.....How's things?
Shoto: Well I visited my mother the other day after the festival.
Y/n: And?
Shoto: And she was proud of me. We then talked and I told her a bit about you to which she found that out with the news. Still.....she apologise for what she did in the past and ensure me it wasn't any of my fault and how proud she is.
Y/n: (smile) I'm very glad for that man. What about your father?
Shoto: He.....He hasn't spoken to me after the festival.
Y/n: I see. Its awful how one of your family members just see their children with quirks as a well to get easy cash or get famous.
Shoto: I know but my father only wishes for me to be the number one hero no matter what.
Y/n: Well.....I wish to speak with your father whne I have a chance and set him straight.
Shoto: I rather not. My father will be enraged more if you try to talk to him.
Y/n: Shoto I can tell you've been going through hard times with your father for years. I won't allow your father to continue tormenting you any longer. I know it's none of my business to get involve but as a friend, I can't sit by and watch this go one. Someone has to say or do something about it.
Shoto stared at Y/n for a bit and then lower his head and said.
Shoto: Okay. I understand.
Y/n: (smile) Good. But for now let's enjoy the party!
Shoto cracked a small smile to Y/n and noded to him as Y/n smiles while he noded back to him. The party continues on as they were all having a lot of fun as a class.
Eijiro: Okay right foot red.
We see Katsuki buried by Hanta, Denki and Mashirao as Katsuki land his right foot only what he thought was a correct spot when Eijiro called out.
Eijiro: That was blue Katsuki, not red.
Denki: (smirks) That sucks Katsuki.
Katsuki: (anger) SHUT UP ASSHOLE!
Meanwhile we see Minoru staring at the girls having fun in the pool with Y/n as they play volleyball as Minoru was jealous how Y/n is having fun with the girls.
Minoru: (thought) Y/n you lucky alien bastard, you over there having fun time with the other girls. Man i wish I was him right now.
This goes on for hours and soon they were inside, dried up and were in the living room watching a movie. They were eating the snacks.
In the middle of the film, Y/n heads off to the bathroom while everyone else watches the film. However he's not back for sometime but the rest just continues watching the film.
We then see why though as Mina slip away from the group, enter the bathroom that Y/n was in and next thing Y/n knows, they were seen making out inside the bathroom as Y/n was sat onto the seat of the toilet while he grabs Mina by the butt and kissing.
The two share some moans as they kissed and after a while od kissing the two stop to catch some breath. They look at each other as Mina let's out a flirty giggle as she tells Y/n.
Mina: (smirk) Damn your sexxy when you moan.
Y/n: I could say the same to you Mina.
Mina: (giggle) This is a good way to congrat you and your win which I must say was pretty awesome.
Y/n: (smile) Well, I try to keep my strength low so I won't harm anyone or seriously hurt them.
Mina: (smile) That's very nice of you to do.
Mina giggled once more and the two were to go back of kissing when the door open and a familiar voice called out.
Ochaco: What's happening here?
They look over to see Ochaco, Momo, Kyoka, Tsuyu and Toru as Mina let out a nervous giggle with a nervous smile while Ochaco just smirked and said.
Ochaco: (smirk) Well let me go next.
Momo: (little blush) Y-Yes.....I-It is important to share him with us.
Kyoka: (little blush) Y-Yeah, agree.
Tsuyu: This night is gonna be interesting.
Toru: You can say that! Let's continue on the night!
Y/n: (thought) Oh boy.
The bathroom door closes behind them and they have their go with Y/n within the bathroom as this goes on throughout the night until the next morning.
The next day we see Y/n waking up, finding himself within a tub with the girls inside with him and sleeping with him within the tub as Y/n was surprised by this but he smiled a bit as he looked up at the ceiling of his bathroom as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Looks like everyone is happy after the festival and I'll make sure everyone is happy no matter what.
Somewhere within space, we see a unknown ship flying by as we cut inside the cockpit to see a mysterious figure sitting on the polit seat and putting up a hologram of earth as the figure looked at it and then the hologram changes to Y/n as the figure activated the ships engines and seconds later the ship disappeared from sight.
Soon appearing at Earth as the figure stared at the planet for the moment, knowing that Y/n is there, he take the ship towards the planet, in hopes to find Y/n for reasons unknown.
To be continued...........................................
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