Chapter 15: Fame? It doesn't matter (Lemon)

We see Kiyposhi sat down and waiting for the next match which he spent time by texting his father about the match and how it went which he smiled a bit when his father sent him a funny text. He laughs a bit and then someone apoorches him which he look over to see Y/n as he walk up to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Kiyposhi.

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yo. You here to watch the next match?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Izuku is facing off with Hitoshi soon. Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Kiyposhi: (smile) That would be interesting to see.

Y/n sat down next to him as the two were slient for a bit and then Y/n decided to start a conversation by asking Kiyposhi.

Y/n: So Kiyposhi, how did you get into U.A?

Kiyposhi: Let's just say my father made some deals with the principal and told them about my skills, my intelligence and everything else.

Y/n: So is your father rich?

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yep. He's the CEO of a company that makes suits for police officers that can help them stand a chance against any villains. He also made a special type od suit for me so I can be a hero and be able to attend U.A.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's cool!

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yep. I'm very intelligent and managed to pass all the test which surprised many teachers.

Y/n: (smile) That's neat. Say have you got some problems being the only student without a quirk?

Kiyposhi: Same but some of my class mates support me but I really don't listen to all the bullying.

Y/n: Yeah, you know Izuku also have problems before he had his quirk.

Kiyposhi: Everyone who doesn't have quirks have many problems with those who have. That's how corrupt heroes are born.

Y/n: Corrupt heroes?

Kiyposhi: (sigh) Well you see quirks are powers that can allow anyone to do whatever they want. There are villains that abuse their quirks for evil while there is heroes that use these quirks for good but there are some heroes that also uses quirks for their own selfish desires.

Y/n: I actually understand your reason. There is some heroes that even wants to be the best and even by mean abusing their own sons or daughters to be number one.

Kiyposhi: That's right. For example that explosion student.

Y/n: You mean Katsuki?

Kiyposhi: Correct. Disbite wanted to be a hero but not only his quirks is making things blow up but he has an aggressive attitude that sounded like a villain then a hero. Still it's not just their aggressive nature or the abuse they put apon onto their children, but it's actually fame that drives them to be corrupt. There is millions of Pro heroes across the world right now and some may do heroic things just for good but some just done it for fame and will do anything for fame, even by means making disasters happen. I'm not saying quirks is the one to be blamed but rather it's those who uses it that should be blamed for it.

Y/n: Wow I can understand why. If someone has quirks that is powerful, he or she will do anything for fame.

Kiyposhi: Yeah. Tell me Y/n, will you ever abuse your quirk for fame and glory?

Y/n: Absolutely not! I fight for the people and this planet. I have a duty to show light to the people and never use my quirk for evil or selfish.

Kiyposhi: (smile) I like you. I can tell your serious of being a hero and that's something I like about you. No matter uoe much money they offer you or how many cameras they shine on you, you'll never be corrupt because your heart is strong and filled with justice. Oh, looks like the match is starting.

Y/n look down at the ring to see Izuku stepping on the ring while Hitoshi also steps on the ring as well. As soon the match begins Hitoshi tells Izuku.

Hitoshi: You know it's surprising that your friend is a alien from another planet. Then again, it's very pathetic for you to be friends with a alien that is stronger then you.

Izuku: (anger) Hey he's my friend and you shou-

Suddenly Izuku stopped mid sentences and froze there as he just took a fee steps towards Hitoshi while Hitoshi smirked to himself and then orders Izuku.

Hitoshi: Turn around and leave the ring.

Within seconds Izuku turns around and walk towards the ring while the crowd is shocked by this.

Y/n: (shocked) What is Izuku doing?!

Kiyposhi: That's Hitoshi quirk.

Y/n: Huh?

Kiyposhi: It's called Brainwashing. It allows him to put someone in a state where they are forced to obey whatever her commands.

Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?!

Kiyposhi: That's correct however he can only do active this power when his target verbally responds to something he says.

Y/n: (thought) Wait. Is that the reason why Mashirao warned me about him. This mean Izuku is in trouble for sure.

Y/n: Izuku! Izuku turn back around!

Kiyposhi: No point. The only way to snap Izuku out of his quirk is by something load that can break out of his quirk. But since this is a arena with nothing around loud to knock him out of his sense, I afraid he's done for.

Y/n doesn't believe this and watched as Izuku slowly moves forward and was about to step out of the ring when Y/n noticed his hand glowing all of a sudden and with a flinch of his finger, there was a blast and it managed to snap Izuku out of Hitoshi's quirk and step away from the ring.

Kiyposhi: (surprised) Huh impressive. He used his quirk to flinch his fingers to make a blast that snap him out of it.

Y/n: (smile) Way a go Izuku!

Hitoshi: (shocked) This is impossible! How did you do that?!

Izuku learn not to respond and just rush at him heaf on. Soon he tackle Hitoshi back and then he grab his arm and then he pulled Hitoshi over his shoulder and tossed him off the ring and land hard onto thr ground.

Izuku have won the round as Izuku smiled by this victory while Y/n also smiled to see Izuku succeed while Kiyposhi smiled and gets up as he telle Y/n.

Kiyposhi: I can tell you two have a strong bound.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. He's the first human I've made friends with on this planet.

Kiyposhi: (smirk) I see. Well I'm glad for that.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n walking through the hall and looking for a bathroom to use and while he walked Y/n thinks about what Kiyposhi told him.

Y/n: (thought) Guess some heroes can slowly be corrupt and do serious trouble then the real heroes. I wonder Kiyposhi met any of them before? It sounded like he has but I'm not sure. Still let's just hope none of my friends won't be blind by their power and start abusing their powers for selfish things.

He then thinks about Katsuki and Endeavor as one of those heroes and hope they can get their act together and be actual heroes and make things right.

He finds the bathroom which he gose inside as he shut the door and locks it and then he dose his business. After he was done, he washed his hands and unlocks the door and opens to leave when he was surprised to see Mt. Lady standing at the front door and waiting for him.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) Hi there my cutie~!

Y/n: (surprised) Mt. Lady, nice to see you here. What are you doing here?

Mt. Lady: Well I was just walking by whne I noticed you all alone so I figured this is a perfect time to do it.

Y/n: Do it?

Mt. Lady: (smirk) You know what I mean.

Before he ask anything, she pushed Y/n back to the bathroom as she close the door behind her and lock it as they start to do their business.

(Lemon start)

We see Mt. Lady start kissing him on the lips while making sexxy moans as she wrap her arms around his neck and continues to kiss him while Y/n was blushed by this as Mt. Lady lifted Y/n up and pinned him onto the wall as she continues to kiss him while still making some sexxy moans to him.

After a short while Y/n starts to feel a bit horny from the moans ans finally he kissed her right back as the two start to make out as they play around their tongues while making some soft moans.

After a while the two stop and look at each other and then Mt. Lady sat Y/n down on a toilet with the lid closed as she strip off her top suit and took off her bra while she took off his treasures and underwear.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) Looks like your a bit horny aren't we?

Y/n: (blush) I-I guess so.

Mt. Lady: (giggle) No need to feel embarrassed just let me do all the work.

She then slide his dick between her breast and moving her breast up and down while Y/n let out a pleasure moan as he lend his head back as Mr. Lady continues this and soon she start licking his dick like ice cream which made Y/n let out a surprised moan as Mt. Lady continues and soon Y/n can't handle it and cum exploded out of his dick and all over Mt. Lady.

Y/n was breathing heavily while Mt. Lady starts to lick some of his cum onto her mouth and then said.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) You sound really hot while making that moan. I wanna hear more.

Then she start given him a blow job which made him moan even more as Mt. Lady make some sexxy moans to add to her sucking as she keeps sucking Y/n's dick as Y/n grabs the wall and letting out a few pleasure gasp and soon he once again let out his cum but this time inside Mt. Lady.

She drink up all the cum while Y/n was breathing heavily as Mt. Lady sat on Y/n's lap and then the two make out once more as Y/n grabs her ass which made her moans in pleasure as they continue to make out until they stop and start cleaning themselves up and leave the bathroom.

(Lemon ends)

The two leave the bathroom while Y/n was blushing a bit while Mt. Lady follow behind as Y/n says to Mt. Lady.

Y/n: (blush) Jeez. That was......Whoa.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) It was amazing right~?

Y/n: (blush) Y-Yeah.

Mt. Lady: (giggle) There will be more of that after the festival. Good luck and hope you win.

She kissed him on the cheek and then make her leave as Y/n was still blushing while he walks away. Mt. Lady turns around the corner and see Midnight standing there and glaring at her as she ask.

Midnight: I can tell you got to Y/n first.

Mt. Lady: (smirk) Yep. Sorry about that but I guess it was lucky for me to find him before you could.

Midnight: Whatever, next time its my turn! Got that?!

She then walk pass her and storm off while Mt. Lady smirked while she says.

Mt. Lady: (giggle) Whatever you say.


We see Yagi just taking a nap at the staff break room and he suddenly start to sweat and move his body a bit. We get close to his face and soon he opens his eyes and now we're in his dream as we see him chained up both his arms and legs as he looked beaten up and look around to see that he is in a unknown room but he can hear screams in the distances.

Yagi has many questions but suddenly the door in front of him opens slowly like a horror movie and fear struck Yagi as he watched as the door slowly opens and then a dark armor figure step into his cell and walk up to him. The light above Yagi revealed a mysterious evil armor villain as he glare down at Yagi with pure evil in his eyes.

???: I trusted you. I trusted you and all heroes because I thought you were fighting for good, truth and justice. But instead you did the unthinkable and took a life of someone that didn't do anything wrong. Now that innocent person is dead because of you and now you and your heroes must pay for your actions.

Yagi: We......We only done it for what is right.

???: Right you say? Was it right to take a life of someone who is young, was it right to take a life of someone who cannot control a quirk, was it right to accused someone as a threat!

Yagi: It was a mistake and I'm sorry!

Then the armor villain turns around and took off his helmet for a breather as his face was away from Yagi as he looks down and then tells him.

Yagi: I didn't mean to do it. I really did mean to kill her. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I took her away and I'm sorry I didn't listen.

???:......Its too late for that. She's gone now and I can't allow heroes, villains or anyone take another life from anyone ever again. They will be hunt down, found and be punished for their crimes. They all must pay.

Yagi: Please don't do this-

???: I know what your gonna say. Don't bother. That was my weak self, a weak self that is blind to not see the lies of his friends, a weak self that wasn't strong enough to safe a life and a weak self that allow heroes like you to do whatever you want! That weak self is gone.

He then turned around while he lifted his hand towards Yagi as sparks of electricity sparks out of his hands while Yagi looks at it in fear while we can see the figures eyes glow red in anger as he tells Yagi.

Lord Keres: Till this day forth the universe will know me as....Lord Keres, the Emperor that will bring judgement to those who deserves freedom, punishment.....or death.

Then he fired a bolt of electricity at Yagi as he let out a yell of pain ans soon he woke in from his nightmare and look around to see that he's safe but the nightmare scared him as he look at his hands and they were shaking with fear.

Yagi: (thought) What........what in the world was that?!

To be continued.........................................

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