Chapter 14: The Armor knight

Shoto touchs his scare face in front of Y/n as the two are seen together in somewhere private so Shoto can tell him what is going on and why he is acting weird all of a sudden. Shoto glance over to Y/n and then start to tell him.

Shoto: You may not know about this or you do but when ever a hero falls I love, gets married and have a baby, the baby can have either one of their quirks or have two quirks that make them even more stronger. My mother uses ice while my father uses fire. I do have my siblings that either have one of our parents quirks but I was given both my mothers and fathers quirks. As such, my father train me all the time and will not allow me to rest until I became the number one hero.

Y/n: So that flamy guy is your father?

Shoto: correct. He's the second best hero but he wanted to be number one but if he train me then he would have one od his sons to be number one. As such, he train all of us especially me to be better and never cared about our health and gets angry when ever one of us messed up. Our mother try to stop him but he scream at her and sometimes hit her which hurt her. Soon my mother stare to fear our father, including me.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Why would she be afraid of you?

Shoto: It's because I look just like my father and how i share his quirk which she's afraid of. One day I went to the kitchen to see how she was doing, she was holding a kettle on her which was hot and she turn to me and then........

He grab his scare once more which Y/n puts together what happened. They were slinet for a bit until Shoto telle Y/n.

Shoto: Now my mother is in a mental hospital and I could never forgive my father for what he did to her. As such I will never uses his flames ever again. I will win this match without his flames.

They were slient for a bit as Y/n was shocked by his story and felt extremely bad about it.

Y/n: Shoto....I'm truly am sorry for what you have to let through. But why couldn't you talk to any one of us? We could have helped you.

Shoto: Would you? Would you all help me the problems I've dealt with all these years.

Y/n: Yes! Shoto keeping all of it to yourself is not right for you. You and your family needed help and keeping slient isn't right, it's wrong and it's gonna hurt you even more.

Shoto: Why do you care? We're rivals now aren't we?

Y/n: No. You just want to beat me with your ice quirk just so you can proof to your father that your better without his flames. But how is that gonna change? Is that gonna change your family issues, fix the problems you have within your family, your siblings, father and even your mother? Have you ever spoken to your mother?


Y/n: You haven't didn't you?

Shoto: I........I just........I don't know if she would still accept me as her son or not.

Y/n: Yes she will. Disbite you flame quirk you still have your ice quirk from your mother. You can't assume your own mother, the person that give birth to you hates you. Wish was scared, traumatised and worried about your father, not you yourself.

He then grabs Shoto by the shoulder and tells him.

Y/n: Shoto I want you to promise that after this festival is over, I want you to visit your mother and talk to her, talk to her and show that your not like your father. Show her that disbite your share quirk with your father, I want you to show your mother that you will never end up just like your father, okay?

Shoto is surprised by his words and once that Y/n make his leave but then he stop and turns to Shoto and tells him.

Y/n: And one more thing.

Shoto: What is it?

Y/n: (smirk) Disbite you having your father quirks, it's your quirks and not his. If you ever wished to beat me in the festival then break your rules and accept your flame side but make it better then your fathers.

Once that he walk off while Shoto looks at his right hand as he stare at it and then let's out a burst of flames a bit as he slowly forms a fist and thinks about it.


We see all the students gather around in the arena as Midnight announcing the students.

Midnight: (smile) Alright everyone it's time for the final event for the festival! This final event is a fighting tournament. You all will be fight each other and climb up to the top and who ever is standing at the final round wins!

Izuku: (nervous) I have a bad feeling about this.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Izuku I know you can do this. If you lose, at least you try your best.

Izuku: (smile) Yeah. Well let's hope so.

Midnight: (smile) Your teams will be the same as before as your teams will each take turns and battle the other team members heroes in hopes to win.

Ochaco: (smile) Looks like I'm stuck with you guys again.

Y/n: (smile) Seems like it.

Mashirao: Um excuse?

They turn to Mashriao who have his hand up as he ask.

Mashirao: I request to not be apart of this event if you may.

They were a bit shocked by this and they wonder why.

Midnight: I guess I can accept. Dose anyone else wanna take part of it?

No one didn't rasies their hand as such Midnight pulls out a bucket filled with papers as he tells everyone.

Midnight: (smile) In that case, come up and pick on someone you will be facing.

The students each take turns and pick a piece of paper so they can see who they will facing while Y/n walks up to Mashirao and ask him.

Y/n: Hey why don't you wanna in the final event?

Mashirao: It's just some reason. Oh by away, be careful when you respond to Hitoshi.

Y/n looks over to Hitoshi who looks over towards him and stare at him which Y/n turns back to Mashirao and ask.

Y/n: Why?

Mashirao: He has a quirk that if you respond to him then he will mind control you. But since your overpowered maybe there is a chance that you won't be phase by his quirk.

Y/n: Right, thanks for that Mashirao.

Mashirao: (smile) No problem. Wish you luck.

He then walk off as Y/n turns and walks up to Midnight as she hands out a bucket to him which he dig his hands into the bucket and pulls out a piece of paper and unfold it and looks at it.

Y/n: (thought) That's weird? It just says "The Armor Knight?" I wonder who this person is?

(Short while later)

The crowd cheers as the fighting tournament is about to begin as Y/n was first to go as he step on fighting ring as Present Mic calls out through the speakers.

Present Mic: (speakers) Coming up on stage we have tne most strongest hero in planet earth, a bot from another planet, the friends to everyone in the world! Cheer out for Y/n L/n!!!!!

The crowd cheered while Y/n smiled while he waved to everyone whoch the crowd cheered even more. Then he heard someone step onto the fighting ring across from him as he looks over and was surprised to see a young boy step onto the fighting ring as Present Mic calls out.

Present Mic: (speaker) And his opponent we have the most genius hero at all time, the master of science and technology, the only hero without a quirk! Give it up for Kiyposhi Ando!!!

The crowd cheered for him as well while Y/n is surprised that he doesn't have a quirk while Kiyposhi looks at Y/n and then let's out a small smirk.

Kiyposhi: (smirk) You know it's a honor to be facing you. I've heard a lot about you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks and nice to meet you as well. So what do you have disbite you not having a quirk?

Kiyposhi: (smirk) Well I-

Then the crowd cheered for some reason until they look over and they a bit surprised to see the female class from Class 1-A came out wearing cheerleaders outfits as the crowd cheered.

Present Mic: (speaker) What's this?! Looks like  the female students from Class 1-A are gonna cheer for Y/n in this match!

Y/n: Um why are you girls wearing cheerleader outfits?

Momo: We would told to put them on so we can cheer our class.

Y/n: I don't remember that. Who told you that?

They were shocked by this news while Denki and Minoru smirked to each other while they fistpumped which Momo sees and yells at them.


Kyoka: Seriously?! This blow like hell. I knew we shouldn't have trusted them!

Momo: Yeah and I spent my time making these.

Ochaco: (smile) It's alright Momo, at least they are good.

Toru: Well Y/n is on the ring and he need some cheering so he can win so let's cheer him on!

Tsuyu: Guess you have a point.

Mina: (smile) Yeah so let's cheer him on girls! Let's go Y/n!

Most of the girls cheered for Y/n while Kiyposhi was a bit confused by this so he turns to Y/n and ask him.

Kiyposhi: Was this your classes idea or two of your perverts idea?

Y/n: I guess the perverts.

Kiyposhi: Still enough stalling, time to show you what I can do.

He then tap something onto his chest which suddenly glow ans suddenly armor start to appear and formed around his body as everyone watched in amazement. Soon his transformation was complete as Y/n is surprised to see his own super hero armor and understand who he keeps up with other students disbite him not having a quirk.

Kiyposhi: You like it? I made it myself. Not only it's faster, stronger and powerful but it has a very intelligent AI system that can predict your moves.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's soo cool! I never know humans can make their own super hero armor?!

Kiyposhi: (smirk) Thanks. I've installed a new system that can allow me to calculate twice as fast and I think this is a perfect time to test it.

Y/n: (smirk) Sure, a true friend always helps out anyone's test. Let's begin!

Midnight: Ready.......set.........go!

Then Kindly immediately disappeared and then appeared in front of Y/n which he immediately moved out of the way as he float to the left but Kiyposhi dash towards Y/n and lands a kick in the stomach.

He was sent flying back but he teleported and then appears behind Kiyposhi as he dashes towards Kiyposhi and was about to land a punch but Kiyposhi blocks his punch that cost a shockwave which surprised the crowd and even Y/n.

Kiyposhi fired a beam out of his chest that cost Y/n to be sent flying back but he grabs hold the beam and slammed his feet onto the floor and holds the beam as mighty as he can while Kiyposhi is impressed by his strength so he stop shooting his beam from his chest and then he slammed both of his hands onto the ground that shoot out beams from the ground as Y/n dodges the incoming beams coming from the ground and then shoot out shooting stars at Kiyposhi but he deployed a engery shield to block the shooting stars.

Y/n: Wow your good at this!

Kiyposhi: (smirk) Thanks. Just because I have a suit, doesn't mean I can learn how to fight. After all, you need to show your moves to the crowd.

He then bends down and then dashes towards Y/n as he throws his fist back and then throws a punch which sent Y/n flying and crash into a wall. Smoke fills the air and soon the smoke clears up and Kiyposhi sees Y/n laying on the ground as Kiyposhi says to Y/n.

Kiyposhi: Looks like I won. Better luck next time Y-

Suddenly Y/n's body burst away as Kiyposhi realised he was fake and looked around for him. Then Y/n suddenly appeared and land a kick which sent him across the fighting ring but he managed to stop himself before he could be out of the ring as he looks over to him and then smirked to himself as he fired up his boosters and flies towards Y/n in full speed.

Then Y/n throws back his fist and charges it up.

Y/n: Ultimate galaxy punch!

He throws his fist towards Kiyposhi while Kiyposhi dose the same as both of their fists clashed, creating a huge blast which everyone cover their face with their arms as the very strong wind hits them.

Both Kiyposhi and Y/n let's out a yell and then there was a blast that sent the two flying but they stop in mid air and they each land onto the ground. Kiyposhi gets up straight as he stares at Y/n as he smirks to himself and before he can continue fighting, Midnight called out.

Midnight: Kiyposhi Ando is out of the ring! Which means Y/n L/n is the winner!

Kiyposhi looks down and sees he is outside of the ring while the crowd cheered for this amazing fight they have seen. Instead of feeling disappointing or angry that he lost, he smirked and he gets changed to his normal outfit as Y/n walks up to Kiyposhi and tells him with a smile.

Y/n: (smile) Disbite you not having a quirk, you did q great job and it was nice to have this match. Please, let us be friends.

He let out his hand which Kiyposhi smirks and take his hand and shakes on it.

Kiyposhi: (smile) Sure thing. You really are a good person and I like to be friends with you. Say, we should share our technology someday, what do you say?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.

Once that Kiyposhi turns and make his leave as Y/n watched him leave as the crowd continues to cheers for Y/n for the win and for Kiyposhi for the effort he did.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n at the changing room as he wipe his head with a towel and then puts it into his locker as he exit out of the changing room and stretch his body.

Y/n: (thought) Well Izuku is up next. Let's see who he'll be facing? Probably go and see.

???: Hey you.

He turned around and sees Endeavor, glearing at him as Y/n remember what Shoto had told him he stare at him back and then ask.

Y/n: What is it?

Endeavor: Let's make things clear and you better listen. My son Shoto is gonna beat this match and if you two are gonna be fighting in any round, I will have my son to beat you and win.

Y/n: So that's you all care about. You care about winning and proofing to All Might that your family is better then him.

Endeavor: What are you trying to say?

Y/n: I'm saying your ruining your family because of this obsession of winning, to proof that your better then All Might and you never care about your family at all.

Endeavor: (anger) It's none of your business you hear me. One day one of my kids will be number one, you just see.

Y/n: And if none of them doesn't succeed, what then?

Endeavor just growls at him and then walks off as he hits his shoulders onto Y/n as he walk pass him. Then Y/n tells him which cost him to stop.

Y/n: It's your fault your wife is in a mental hospital.

Endeavor stopped dead in his tracks and turn his head to him while Y/n turns back to him and tells him.

Y/n: Instead of training your sons or daughters to be number one and torment your wife. You should work on your families problems and fix the family that you have cracked or possible broken. Even if you succeed of having one of your kids to be number one heroes.....I don't think they will never speak to you ever again if they get older.

He then walked off while Endeavor slowly forms a fist in anger that burst into flames and then continues on walking away as he doesn't need no one to tell him what to do and one day he will replace All Might with Shoto or any of hid kids by anymeans necessary.

To be continued.........................................

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