Chapter 13: Izuku's team vs everybody
The Cavalry battle round is next and all eyes are on Izuku who has the biggest and highest number since he was first at the last round. Izuku feels like everyone is staring at him due to having the highest points however Y/n is worry for Izuku and plans to help him by anyway he can. Then Midnight gose on to explain more to the rules.
Midnight: The game is simple, enter teams will have points on them which combined will form a bigger point then the rest. All you have to do is to have four team members with the three of them carrying one with the highest points and you one have 15 minutes and during those 15 minutes, other teams will try to steal your points away. Even if all your points are taking you can still continue the game before the times runs out. All players will be given headbands that has the points they have gotten and have them wrapped round their head or neck. You all can use your quirks but you all must follow by the rules. Now you have 10 minutes to form a team so get started!
And so other students start to find their own teams as they ask other students to team up. We see Izuku trying to find someone to team in with but now such luck and he thinks he might be doomed.
Y/n: (smile) Yo Izuku!
He turns to see Y/n as he smiled at him and then ask him.
Y/n: (smile) I see your having trouble finding a team member, Mind I be your teammate?
Izuku: Sure thanks!
Y/n: (smile) No problem. I'll make sure no one will not take you points, that's a promise.
Izuku: (smile) Yeah!
???: Hey Y/n!
They turn to see a lot of female students gather around while asking if they want to join as they push around and try to get Y/n's attention while Y/n smiles and said.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like more people wants to help us.
Izuku: Um I think for a different reason.
Ochace: (smile) Mind I join!
Then Ochace rush up and hugs Y/n whike the female students get a bit jealous when Y/n says yes. The girls left but they will try again one day. Once that the trio looked around and find Tenya which they walk over the four start to make a plan.
Izuku: Tenya can be at front while Ochace and Y/n are at back and since me and Tenya are lighter we can move around a lot quicker and no one will not catch us.
Y/n: Yeah and if a massive team gets close to us, I can use my gravity quirk to lift all three of you and land so where safe.
Ochace: (smile) Good idea!
Y/n: But we should careful on some students that might try to stop us. Momo can summon anything that can block our way while Minoru throws his stick balls to get us stuck and Mashirao with his long tail.
Izuku: That's right but we can do this if we work together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah so what do you say Tenya? You with us like all ways?
Tenya: That is a good plan however.....I refuse to join you three.
They were a bit shocked by him refusing to join so Y/n ask him.
Y/n: But why? With your speed and me and Ochace gravity quirks, we can stand a chance.
Tenya: Indeed however I keep losing to you. Don't take it as a insult your three are good friends but if I continue following I won't get strong. I'm sorry.
He then turns and joins up with another team while the trio watched hin leave. Y/n is a bit angry but he must respect his choices and now they need one more person to join.
They all jumped while they turn to see Mei which Y/n remember her from the last round.
Y/n: (surprised) Hey Mie, your here to join us?
Mei: (smile) Of course! I have to repay you for bringing such fancy toys for me to build. Oh! By away, here's something as a extra gift for you!
She tossed a wrist like devices towards Y/n which he catch the device and looks at it. He pkace it kn his wrist and press the bottom and he turned invisible which surprised Izuku and Ochace as Y/n reappeared once more.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is awesome! Thanks Mei!
Mei: (smile) No problem my darling~! Anything you bring I can build I right up for you! In fact, you don't have to bring anything for me and just come to me so you can "do some work" with me.
She wink at him which made Y/n blush a bit and then the five minute mark hits so they get together to form a plan.
Izuku: Okay Ochace and Mei will be at back while Y/n will be at front. If we work together we can win this.
Y/n: Right and watch out for our head bands. We gonna make sure no one will not get any of them.
Ochace: Right!
Mei: (smile) Agree! I can not wait to show my babies off! Let's do this!
Once that all students grabs the head bands and put them on their heads and soon they formed to their teams as they carry the one who has the biggest points. We see Izuku's team as Y/n, Ochace and Mei are carrying him as they get ready to make their move. But before they stack together, Mei give Izuku and Ochace gear so the team has a better chance to win. Izuku has a jetpack on his back while Ochace wearing the hover boots and once that, they were ready.
Then Y/n noticed Shoto and see he is looking up someone which he sees a pro hero with flames around him looking back at him almost like he wanted his son to win of else. But then the round starts and immediately most teams charges towards Izuku's team while the rest forced on each other.
Y/n: There they come!
They were about to move but then their feet gets stuck and they look down to see the floor beneath them is sucking their foot but this wasn't a problem to Y/n.
Y/n: Hang on!
His body glow all and then he leap up high while still holing on Izuku, Mei and Ochace whike the other teams were caught off guard. Ochace use her hover boost to gently land on the ground and once on the ground they rush around, trying their best to avoid the other teams.
Mei: (smile) So like my babies! At this rate there is no way they can stop us!
Y/n: (smile) They're awesome Mei, thanks!
Mei: (smile) Thank you darling~!
Izuku: Look out!
They stop to see Tetsutetsu's team racing towards them while they hear Minoru's laughter but when they turn they only see Mezo but he has something covered on his back which Y/n sees he must be protecting the two teams from the other team.
Izuku: We need to move now!
They try to move but they suddenly stop and Ochace looks down to see the left hover boost is stuck and it looked like Minrou's sticky quirk which they look up to Mezo and see him in the cracks of his arms.
Izuku: Isn't that cheating!?
Y/n: Midnight dose say to use our quirks anyway we can so I guess not. Look out!
Suddenly a tongue came out and Izuku's team dodges it but nearly hits Tetsutetsu's team which boyn teams were getting close so Y/n activities the invisible device and he and the rest turn invisible and once that Izuku use his jetpack to take them up in the air. Ochace managed to get herself free but her left hover boost gets damages as they take flight while both teams were surprised as they reappear once more.
Y/n: Looks like we're safe for now.
Katsuki: IZUKU, Y/N!!!!!
Then Katsuki explodes his way up towards them and he was going soo fast and soon he gets close of them and try to grab Izuku's head band but Y/n lend out a kick at his hand which exploded as the explosion land out a blast that stars came fallen down as the crowd were amazed by.
Katsuki was sent flying away when Hanta wrap him around and pulled him back to his team before he can hit the ground. Izuku's team land safely with Ochace using one hover boost and they continue running.
Y/n: We don't have long before the match ends and it seems we doing alright.
Ochace: (smile) Yeah and if we keep doing this we safe.
Izuku: Heads up guys!
Then they immediately stop and in front of them was Shoto and his team as they stare back at them and waited for either one of them to make their first move.
Y/n can feel Shoto's determination inside of him but there was also something else, something that si troubling him for a long time. Then more teams were coming up between Shoto's but Y/n sees that Momo pulls out a long rob on her shoulder while Denki spark which Y/n called out.
Y/n: Everyone ge back!
He immediately leap high just in time as Denki zaps everything around them while Momo, Tenya and Shoto were covered by a sheet while everyone gets zapped.
Izuku's team lands safely from this attack but then a large ice wall surrounded them with Shoto's team in front the of them but they try to get back but they were near the line and if they crosses it, they are out.
Y/n: (thought) Damn we're blocked. The onky way to escape is by leaping over the use wall but who knows what Shoto and his team has planned. Need to plan things safe and try to avoid them as best we can.
Y/n slammed his feet onto the ground as rubble was sent flying up in the air and land on the the ground, creating a large dust to blind Shoto's team.
Shoto: Momo clear the way!
Momo: I'm on it!
She summons a large fan to blow the dust away and once the dust clears up they can't see Izuku's team and they look around for them but then Shoto turns to see Izuku's team running around the ice wall as Ochace use her quick to lift Izuku and Mei while Y/n rushes over and snatches Shoto's head off of his head and the four lands on thr ground with Y/n's holding Shoto's head band as the crowd cheers.
Tenya: They got our head band!
Momo: We need to get it back!
Tenya: I have an idea but you all need ti hang on!
Tenya's booster legs start to go off which Y/n immediately sees this including Izuku and the rest. Before they can react Tenya gose extremely fast while the rest hang on. Y/n uses his quirk to lift them as they dodges Shoto's team from grabbing their head bands while the crowd watch them.
Shoto: You should give up! No way you can beat us.
Y/n: (smile) That's when your wrong! You got a good team I can give you that but we've been through a lot so we're not gonna give up! Ultimate galaxy: Impact smash!
He slammed his foot onto the ground, creating a large blast that sent Shoto's team flying but Shoto did managed to ground the 10 million point head band off of Izuku while they were sent flying so they leap up after him and Izuku sees Shoto is going to attack which has a idea. Izuku, Ochace and Mei haven't noticed is that Shoto's left arm light up in flames which Y/n is the only one who noticed this and the flames his similar to the fire Pro hero he saw earlier.
Still Izuku use his quirk to swipe the flames off of Shoto, blowing his flames away and then grabs the other head bands and land on the ground just as the time runs out and he round ends. The crowd cheered as Izuku's team were breathing heavily after that.
Present mic: (speakers) Whoa that was an amazing round! Now let's see who came first!
They look up at the board and sees that Izuku's team have gotten 4th place which wasn't bad since they can get to the final round. Ochace and Mei each hugged Y/n as they smiled while Y/n looks over to Izuku and gives him a thumls of which he smiles and gives him a thumps up as well.
Then he noticed Shoto looking at his left hand which Y/n must know why he suddenly have a fire quirk and must know the truth.
The students are taking a break after that and we see Y/n sat down on a chair taking a break when Momo walks up to him.
Momo: (smile) Your team did well. Sorry for going after you.
Y/n: (smile) Oh no that's alright Momo. Besides you did well out there.
Momo: (smile) Thanks.
Then they looked over to see Katsuki punching at the wall and being mad as ever which Y/n ask.
Y/n: What's with him? I've never seen him this mad man ce I first met him.
Mina: He's just mad because the other team made fun of him.
Then Mina and Tsuyu walks over as Y/n stood up and then tells Tusyu.
Y/n: Say Tsuyu how did you, and Mezo's team got the least points?
Tsuyu: Well we didn't realise there was a small crack which one od the students manged to take our head bands without us knowing and now Minoru is crying because of it.
Y/n: That sucks. Well you team did your best and that what matters.
She nodes as Y/n looks over to see Mei repairing her equipment as he walk over to her and ask her.
Y/n: Need any help?
Mei: (smile) No need darling, I'm good! Just need to fix my little babies as soon as possible.
Y/n: Alright.
Mei: (smile) Say what was your babies like on your planet! Were they amazing?!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah they were very high tech and they are very different to earth's.
Mei: (smile) AMAZING!!!! You must show me more of your babies right away!
Y/n: (smile) Sure I have other stuff I can show you and have you play with them.
Mei: (smile) Your just the best darling~!
She then hugged Y/n while smiled. Once that he sees everyone taking a break for a while before they get ready for the next round. Since they only have a few minutes of break he make is way towards Shoto who is seen standing against a wall when he turns to see Y/n standing in front of him.
Y/n: We need to talk.
Shoto: What about?
Y/n: Your quirk is ice right? However during the match you suddenly used fire that appear on your left hand and I've saw the pro hero with flames around him staring at you. Like he wants you to win but not in a supporting type of way. It was more like win or else type of stare.
Shoto and Y/n stare at each other and soon after Shoto decided to tell him so they head to a private place and once there Shoto tells Y/n the truth.
Shoto: Look I want to beat you and win because of my father. You see, the man you saw is actually the second pro hero named Enji Todoroki also known as The flame hero: Endeavor.
Y/n: (thought) Wait Izuku mention that name a few weeks ago and he's the second hero while All Might is the first.
Shoto: My father trained me to be the best so I can take up the mental of pro hero number one. He wants me to win as best I can so he can succeed his new goal.
Y/n: But he didn't train you nicely is that right?
Shoto stays silent a bit while Y/n looks at him but he's looking at his scar on his face and finally he ask him.
Y/n: Who give you that scar Shoto?
He slowly forms a fist in anger while Shoto looks up at him as Y/n ask again.
Y/n: Who give you that scar? Was it your father?
Shoto stood there in silence for a while and looks down as his body shakes for the first time as he grab his left arm and after a while of silence Shoto tells him.
Shoto: No. It mother you give me this scar.
To be continued............................
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