Chapter 11: Train for the UA sport festival (Lemon)
It was the rainy night as we over look at down town where we see many people walking about with umbrella over their heads and walking by just trying to get home or find any shelter to get out from the rain. Then we see a man come into veiw not having a umbrella on him rather a hood over his head as he walk to a empty walk way as he approaches to a bar that has a sign over him as he looks at it for a while and then he head inside.
The bar was barely empty with some people inside taking a drink while talking to theie friends as the figure walks to he middle of the bar and looks around for this person he is meeting with.
???: Stain over here.
He looks over to see a dark figure at the far end of the bar that no one can hear or notice him but Stain can as he walks over to his table and sat down across from him as the man slide in a menu and start off the conversation.
???: It's nice to meet you Stain after so long hasn't it? So what is it do you like to order? I was just celebrating God's victory over the devil.
Stain: You mean the alien boy defeating another one of his kind?
???: Yes.
Stain: (sigh) Talk, and you're wasting my time-
???: Ah, straight to the point of see. Very well then.
He then place down a picture onto the table and alids it across of Stain as he looks at the picture of Y/n and his classmates smiling at the camera while he ask Stain.
???: what is your opinion on the little alien boy?
Stain stare at Y/n in the picture for a while he waits for Stains respond and soon Stain looks up at him and tells him.
Stain: It depends really. On one hand he seems like a good hero and made a lot of friends every where he gose, but on the other hand he may be plotting to destroy the planet like that last alien guy did with his alien army. Why ask me? You better not waist my time speaking to a villain because otherwise I will-
???: And endure your wrath? No thank you. I have far to much to live for and I'm sure you do to. However, if you want to keep a close eye on him, here's something that you may help you. His name is Y/n L/n from AU academy and from Class 1-A. I can give you more details's best you may figure out the rest by yourself. Is that all...Vigilante?
Stain looks back to the picture once again and he looks at Y/n very closely for a bit as he grabs the picture and slide it towards him and he slide the picture into his pocket.
Stain: Hmph. On second thought, maybe just a cup.
The figure smiles as he lend forward with his arms on the table as we can see it's All for one, one of the most powerful villains in the world and All Might's nemesis.
All for one: (smirk) Good.
(Next day)
It was nice moring as we see people walking about just minding their own business as the news plays about the alien attack that happened two weeks ago and it was a shock to earth that aliens do live in the galaxy. In fcat they have one as we cut to a car chase as police are chasing robbers who stole a truck and rampage through the city trying to get away from the police.
We see them flipping cars and everywhere and crashing to the ground as we see a mother and two kids walking through the cross walk as a truck comes towards them very fast. The mother turn to see the truck including her kids as the truck was about to ran over them when suddenly something came down and snatch the mother and kids out of the way as the truck sped by.
They open their eyes as they see Y/n as he set them down safely.
Y/n: You three already?
Mother: (smile) Yes we are. Thank you so much.
Little boy 1: (surprised) Wow your the alien super hero!
Little boy 2: (surprised) Yeah you are!
Y/n: (smile) Yep that's me. Gonna go and stop those robbers before heading off the school. See ya and stay in school kids.
He flies off as the crowd cheered for him for saving them as he chase after the truck and once close he lands on the roof of the truck and bend down at the window screen which the robbers were shocked.
Y/n: Hey there! Nice day we have here huh? Well if you be so kind to pull over so we can make things more easier okay?
Male robber: How about you fuck off!
He gives his pistol at Y/n but he quickly moves out of the shots. Once that the robbers think they scared him when there was a thud and the truck start to float off ground. We see Y/n lifting the truck and place the truck on it side so it can't move no more.
The robbers got out and try to escape but in fast speed Y/n tied them up with rope and once that the police arrived to take them away.
The police load them to their cars while three officers approached Y/n as one tells Y/n.
Police officer: (smile) Nice work kid. Thanks for the help.
Y/n: (smile) Just doing my job as a hero sir. Now time to head to school, se ya.
Then he flies off to UA and soon he made it as he changed his armor to his UA uniform and land at the entrance and make us way inside. He walk through the halls and he arrived at his class as he slide the door open and call out.
Y/n: (smile) Good morning friends~!
They waved to Y/n while saying good morning with smiles on their faces as Mina approaches him with a small box of food.
Mina: (smile) Hey Y/n! I made you some delicious food for lunch!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mina, you really don't have to do that for me.
Mina: (smile) No sweat it.
Momo: (nervous) H-Hey Y/n.
They turn to see Momo also having a small nice box as she blushes and hands it to Y/n.
Momo: (nervous) I...I also made this delicious food for you as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Momo. Smells delicious.
Ochaco: (smile) I also made lunch for you as well!
Kyoka: (nervous) S-Same here.
Tsuyu: Me too. Hope you like them.
Toru: (smile) Me three!
All the girls of Class 1-A gathered around Y/n to hand tnem hoke made lunches to Y/n while Minoru and Denki were in tears of how much attention Y/n is having.
Denki and Minoru: So lucky.
Katsuragi: (anger) Hey idiots! How about you all shut up qnd sit your ass down!
Y/n: You know you could say "please" if you want someone to sit down.
Y/n: (smile) Close enough.
Mina: So you all thinks Mister Eraser will come today?
Ochaco: Hope he'll be alright.
Then the door opens and Eraser step inside the class still have bandages wrapped on his arm but he seemed to be alright as he walk into class while everyone sat down on their desk.
Eraser: Welcome back class. Today I have some news for you all.
Everyone except for Y/n were worried of another test that he might pull up but Eraser said.
Eraser: The UA sport festival is approaching very soon.
Class 1-A (except Y/n): Don't scare us like that?!
Y/n: UA sport festival sir? Is it like The Olympics?
Eijiro: (smirk) Yeah but way awesome. It's a festival where all the pro heroes will come and watch us take part in challenges to be number one.
Y/n: (surprised) That sounds fun!
Eraser: Indeed and it will give some of you a change to become to pro hero or possibly side kicks to Pro hero's of your lucky.
Kyoka: You think I be a good idea to hold the event festival after everything that happen. Especially the villains attack at the hero training facility?
Eraser: That maybe so but we believe it be a good idea to take things down after all that and enjoy the sport festival. I'm giving you all a three days to train before the sport festival will arrived. Don't fail me.
Once that the bell rang and they head to the cafeteria to get some food. Y/n sat on the table as he eat of the food giving by the girls which they were delicious while Ochaco and Tenya sat with him.
Ochaco: (smile) See you like the good we give you.
Y/n: (smile) Yep very delicious indeed. Hey where is Izuku?
Tenya: I think he is called to meet with All Might. Say speaking of All Might tell us Y/n?
Y/n: Sure, what's on your mind?
Tenya: Have you noticed both Izuku and All Mights quirks are similar?
Y/n: Well kinda, why do you ask?
Tenya: (smile) Well I think it's lucky that Izuku has the similar quirk as All Might's. I bet he'll win the sport festival for sure.
Ochaco: (smile) Maybe you and Izuku will win together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I really don't mind winning or losing. I just want to have fun. If this is a chance to be friends with the rest of the pro heroes, then that's what I'm gonna do.
The two smiled and continue on eating while we see Shoto behind them and over heard their conversation before he gose back to eating but he kept that in mind.
We see Ochaco and Y/n at Y/n's home at the back as they start off their training so they can be ready for the sport festival in three days. Ochaco is using her quirk to lift some large objects that Y/n summons while Y/n is sat on the grass meditation as he has his eyes shut.
Ochaco drop the heavy items and feels like she is gonna throw up rainbow but Y/n without opening his eyes move his hand and a portal is open as Ochaco throws up rainbow through the portal and then Y/n shuts it.
Ochaco: (sigh) Thanks for that Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Too bad you throw up when ever your using your quirk too long.
Ochaco: Yeah I know but it's luck you never seem to throw up. Accidentally come to think about it, I never seen you sick ever since you come here?
Y/n: Oh I do get sick. It's just very VERY hard for virus, bacteria or any type of sickness to make me sick in this planet.
Ochaco: Really? Was there any tines you were sick?
Y/n: Hmm well there is one time I was exposed to this green gas on one planet and it made me very weak and made my quirk go out of control when ever I try to use them. It gone away after four weeks.
Ochaco: Was it deadly?
Y/n: Guess not since I didn't feel any pain or anything that feels like I was dieing.
Ochaco: (smile) Well it's a good thing for that.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
The two chuckle and they continue on training together. They done this for two days and at the third day mark we see them tired after training every day and decided for tonight they gonna watch a movie and relax a bit.
That's what they did as we see the two sitting on the touch with a blanket over them with snakes around as they watch a Sci Fi film.
Ochaco was cuddling with Y/n while Y/n dose the same to her as Ochaco felt warm around Y/n as she smiled and nuzzle his neck.
Y/n: (chuckle) You tickle me a bit Ochaco.
Ochaco: (smile) Can't help it. Your just too warm and cute to be around.
Y/n: (smile) Your warm and cute as well Ochaco.
Ochaco blushes while she smiled for it as they continue watching the film and the film gets to the romantic part as they see a man and a women kiss.
Ochaco: (smile) So what type of girl do you like?
Y/n: Huh?
Ochaco: (smile) Just a simple question. Like you like girls that are cute, shy or anything that comes up to your head.
Y/n: (smile) Well I like all girls. I don't mind what they look like they are perfect to my eyes.
Ochaco: (smile) Your just too sweet Y/n. That's why all girls in our class wants to be apart of you.
Y/n: Like as friends?
Ochaco: (smile) More like your girlfriends. Your just so kind, cute, handsome and very funny to eveyrone you met. We wanna be your girlfriends.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. No matter what I will be friends to everyone I met. Still what is the difference between a girlfriend and friend?
Ochaco: (smirk) This is the difference.
Then she lend over and kiss Y/n on the lips as she stick her tongue inside of Y/n's mouth and play her tongue inside of Y/n's mouth while she lend out soft and cute moans. Soon Y/n wrao his arm around Ochaco and kiss her back. The two make out on the couch as the two fell onto the couch as Ochaco was on top of Y/n as they make out as they ewch share moans to each other.
Y/n doesn't know why but he moved his hand to her butt and squeezed it which made her moan in pleasure qnd kissed Y/n harder for a while until they stop and they look at ecah other with love in their eyes.
Ochaco: (panting) That was even more amazing then before.
Y/n: (panting) Is this what girlfriends do?
Ochaco: (smirk) Not all. Ready to take this to the next level?
(Lemon start)
Before Y/n could ask she kiss Y/n once more which Y/n forget about it and the two make out for a bit while Ochaco slowly move her hand to Y/n's trousers and zips it down.
After a while their tongues having a sword fight they stop making out and Ochaco crawl down to Y/n's trouser and pulled it off and throw it away and pull his underwear to see his dick.
Y/n: Ochaco what are you-?
Then she start to lick Y/n's dick like Ice cream which made Y/n stop on what he was saying and lend out a moan as he lay his head back while Ochaco continues livking his dick before she start giving him a blow job as she start to suck his dick which made Y/n lend out a fee moans while grabbing hold the couch as she gose faster and faster as Y/n feels something gonna exploded.
Soon Y/n lend out a moan while his cum exploded into Ochaco's mouth as she drink it all. Once that Y/n was panting as she crawled up to him and looks qt his blushed face.
Ochaco: (smile) Your cute when your blushing Y/n.
Y/n: (panting) Ochaco. Ochaco. Ochaco!
He then turn her over and kiss her on the lips once more as he gets really turned on and so dose Ochaco as the two make out once more while they each through away their clothes aside and soon they were naked.
We see them naked laying on the couch as Y/n crawled down to Ochaco's chest and he start to squeeze them and shake them while Ochaco lend out soke cute moans.
Ochaco: (moaning) You want to suck them? Suck them good.
He complay as he start to lick her left breast while continuing squeezing the other while she lend out some moans and soon he start to breast sucking her left breast as Ochaco have her head lend back while lending out soft moans as she feels really turned on to have Y/n sucking her breast like that.
Ochaco: (moaning) Oh Y/n~! Oh Y/n~!
Her breast gets bigger and bigger until milk start to come out of her breast which Y/n drink some up while he lick some out of Ochaco's body. Ochaco was breathing heavily as Y/n was over her as they looks down as Ochaco slowly move her arm as she shows Y/n a condom to him.
Ochaco: (panting) Do it good.
Y/n nods and takes the condom and soon we see Y/n off the couch standing up while he havehis dick into Ochaco's butt and thrusting it in and out while Ochaco feel very good as she lend out some load moans that lucky no one can't hear them as Y/n dose this harder and faster while the couch moves back a bit as Ochaco rolled her eyes back of pleasure and after a long while the two lend out a load moan of pleasure.
(Lemon ends)
The movie ends as the credits roll on the screen while we see the two on the floor naked but with the blanket over them on the ground as Ochaco was on top of Y/n as they cuddle while the two slowly open their eyes and look at each other.
Y/n: That was.....I.....I don't know what describe it. It felt....amazing.
Ochaco: (smile) Your amazing Y/n. Hope we can do this again, maybe a threeway with some of the girls from the class or maybe in the school.
Y/n: What's a threeway?
Ochaco: (giggle) Best to find out some day.
She kissed Y/n on the cheek and she fell asleep with a soft tired like sigh as she gently snore while Y/n smiles at her sleeping and kisses her on the head as he lend his head back and stare up at the ceiling as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) I love this planet and I'll do what ever I can to protect those I care for from any villains. Well better to get some sleep, the sport festival is tomorrow and I can't wait.
He then shut his eyes and falls asleep as well as the two sleep peaceful throughout the night while we cut to the roof of the building in the city to see Stain in his Vigilante suit as he stare out of the city while taking of the same picture of Y/n and his classmates as he stare at it for a bit as he tells himself.
Stain: Who were you are kid, I know your not a real hero to thid people and I'll do whatever I can, to see that you really are a villain.
To be continued.......
(I wanna thank @HunLloyd1 for the dialogue of the start of the chapter from the previous chapter, thanks man and I hope I see you all in the next chapter.)
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