Chapter 10: Protect my new friends and new home
We see alien troops marching through the streets ans shooting down any human that comes in their way. After a while the streets were clear from any human and they believe they are gonna wipe the floor of these humans. Suddenly they felt a shake and they look around and they hear explosions and buildings falling in the distance as they raised their weapons in hopes to find what ever it was that is making these noise and shoot it.
Then suddenly a building near them burst open as a large mech flies through the building and crashes on top of the alien troops and rolled on the ground and soon crashed onto a tower. Katsurō who is inside the mech shake his head and looks up to see Y/n in his universal god mode floating over him and looking down at him.
Katsurō made his mech to stand up as he grabs a nearby car and throws it at Y/n in hopes to land a hit at him but Y/n swing his hand down and cut the car in half as the half car gose by him and blows uo behind him.
Katsurō: Very impressive. I never knew you'll be this powerful living among these pathetic humans.
Y/n: Their not pathetic Katsurō. These are humans that wants to live peace which is why I and the rest of the heroes will defend their peace.
Katsurō: Do you really care about these heroes and humans? Your more powerful then them, why do you care aboit them!?
Katsurō press a button and the mechs shoulder cannon fires a beam at Y/n but Y/n move his hand in front of him and the beam clash at his hand as Y/n slowly vloses his hand while the beams split apart and cut through anything until the beams go straight to Katsurō's mech as his mech cannon gets destroyed and once that Y/n gose on yo say.
Y/n: Some may not have quirks or not as brave as the rest. But everyone can be a hero, they only need a spark of fire in their hearts to do it. To be a hero, they must believe I themselves and do it! I'm not gonna run away from you anymore Katsurō, it's time we end this, once and for all!
Katsurō: (smirk) I agree.
(Epic battle theme start)
Katsurō's mech opens up to missiles and fires all of them at Y/n which Y/n flies towards them and destroy them all with no damage on him while he quickly dodges a large punch form Katsurō as he flies back and then flies towards Katsurō as he charge up his fist.
Y/n: Ultimate god galaxy punch!
He strike a blow to Katsurō's mech which sent him flying and crash through more buildings and then he fire up the mech boosters and stop himself and then flies towards Y/n and grabs a hold to Y/n as he slams him to the ground a few times over and over again. Then Y/n disappeared which Katsurō looks around for him until alarms gose off with red flashing light around him inside his mech as he turn an dsee incoming shooting stars coming towards him.
He active his enegry feild to block them but the stars were too powerful for him to block it which made his engery feild break and the stars land a hit at his mech and sending him flying which Y/n appears where Katsurō was flying towards and then he punches Katsurō's mech up to the sky and then he leaps up to the air and appears above him as he put his two fist toward and once Katsurō was close he pulls his fist down and lands a powerful blow at Katsurō's mech and sent him down to the ground very fast and he crashed onto the freeway.
Y/n flies down to the freeway and only see smoke but then a beam came out of the some which he quickly dodge but not too quick as a small bit of the beam land a hit on his waist which hurts but didn't do too much damage to him.
The smoke clears up and Katsurō's mech fires more beams at Y/n but he dodges them and fire his shooting stars at him and take down his lasers on his arms which cost Katsurō's mech to step back a bit. Then he fire up his boosters once again and flies over and grabs Y/n once more as he dragged Y/n around town he tells him.
Katsurō: There is no point to stop me! Once I deal with you for good, I will take care of your hero friends and wipe this planet off the face of the galaxy! Why do you assist to keepmon fight for this planet!
Then Y/n slowly force Katsurō's mech to open up his fingers and once he his free he reach out his hand in front of Katsurō's mech and tells him whioe he charge up his attack.
Y/n: Because this planet is so much beautiful and peaceful like many planets that I've came across and if I will defend this planet from the likes of you then so be it! ULTIMATE GOD GALAXY SOLAR FLARE BLAST!!!
He fires a beam at the mech's head which damages the mech criticality as the boosters turns off and the two start to fall and then crashed into the street at another part of town. Y/n rolled onto the street and he slowly stand up and look up to Katsurō only to see his mech standing up and walk towards him with the mech head open to reveal Katsurō as he slowly move his mech's arm and open up more of his lasers as he walks towards him.
Katsurō: You said that you will defend this planet and defending your friends? Well then, I don't see your friends defending you.
He chuckles as he is about to fire at him when suddenly qn explosion hits Katsurō's mech which Katsurō was shocked by this and turn to see a Momo with her large cannon beside her with Kyoka coving her half naked body.
Katsurō: (anger) You blasted humans!
He try to move his mech but his mech wasn't moving which he looks down to see then frozen by Shoto who appears next to Y/n with Mezo helping Y/n up. Then birds fly over them as they fly around Katsurō's mech while Katsurō tries to get them away from him.
Katsurō: Where are these stupid creatures come from!
Katsurō open his missiles and was about to launch them when they didn't fire and looks back to see them being blocked by large black sticky balls done by Minoru as he high fixed Henta.
Yuga: No matter what happens we will use our beauty to defend our friend.
Then Yuga shot out a beam at Katsurō's mech which hits hiz shoulders then acid slime was fired by Mina onto Katsurō's mech and it start to burn his mech while cars were thrown by Ochaco and hits Katsurō's mech from behind as he start to fall as the rest of Class 1-A approach Y/n as Y/n turn yo Izuku.
Y/n: (smirk) Wanna do this together?
Izuku: (smirk) Sure thing buddy.
The two step out as Izuku charge up his quirk and so dose Y/n as soon Katsurō's mech was close to landing on them. They finish up charging up their fist and swing their fist upwards towards Kazuto.
Y/n: Ultimate god galaxy punch!
Izuku: Ultimate one for all smash!
The two land a massive blow to Katsurō's mech and sent his mech flying with parts flying out of his mech as he lands hard on the ground hard with his mech going offline and Katsurō has lost all power to his mech.
(Epic battle theme ends)
Y/n change back to normal and sees that Katsurō is defeated as the rest of the students cheered see that they have won.
Ochaco: (smile) We won!
Mina: (smirk) Looks like us humans aren't as pathetic as you think huh Katsurō.
Katsurō: (smirk) Think again.
Suddenly his warship made a loud noise as the belly of the warship opens up and outcomes a large laser pointing down at their town.
Minoru: (shocked) What in the world is that?!
Fumikage: That's a laser but it's far more bigger then the warship.
Katsurō: (Evil chuckle) That's right. This laser has enough power to not only blow up this town but also the whole planet as well!!! Hahahahahahahahaha YOU ALL HAVE MAY HAVE DEFEATED ME BUT JOKES ON YOU, NOW WE ALL ARE GOING TO DIE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
The rest of the pro hero's arrived and they over heard this as they see the large laser charging up and once it is done, this town and planet will all be destroyed.
Kamui Woods: (shocked) How can we stop this deadly weapon before it fires?
Backdraft: There has to be a way to stop it!
Death Arms: That's impossible. There is no way we can get up there and stop it form firing it.
Everyone try to find a way to stop it but they starting to think they can't stop the large death laser from firing at them.
Y/n: I can.
They turn to Y/n as he start to summon his suit and once his helmet is on he turn to the rest and tell them.
Y/n: I can push the warship away from the planet so it will never destroy this planet or any other planets anymore.
Izuku: But are you strong enough to do it?
Y/n: Maybe but only one way to find out.
He looks up to the warship and then he flies up to the sky with a sonic boom which made everyone step back a bit as he flies towards the warship and soon he lands impacted onto the warship and he use every strength he has to pushes the warship away from the planet. At first it seem it isn't working but then to everyone's shock they see the warship slowly moving upwards and soon with Y/n's gravity quirk he can easily push the ship away from the planet as he break through the earth's atmosphere and soon enter space as he pushes the warship away from the planet.
Once he was in space he turns the warships laser to a different way and just in time as well because once he turns it around the laser fires a massive beam that flies towards a unknown area of space and missing Earth. Once the laser stop firing Y/n spone the warship around and then he throws it away as the warship is seeing flying away through space and disappeared in the darkness of space.
Y/n was breathing heavily after that and once that he flies back to Earth while the rest of the heroes and civilians down below looks up to see Y/n coming back down and he floats over them as he pulls up his fist with his thumb sticking out as he gives thems all a thumps up.
Everyone cheered to see they are safe and they are alive. The heroes also cheered as while including the rest of Class 1-A while Y/n sees everyone safe and smiles underneath his helmet with one single tear pour down his face knowing that he may not save his own planet from Katsurō, but he saved his new home and his new friends as well.
(Two days later)
Life starts to go back to normal with the aliens being defeated and some of their technically is being taking by the government including Katsurō who is seen being taking away by the soldiers and being pulled into their military truck.
Y/n watch this in the distance as Katsurō share a glare to Y/n as the doors shuts on him and they take Katsurō away while Y/n breath a sigh of relief.
Izuku: You think he'll come back?
Then Izuku walls up next to Y/n as Y/n turns to him and tell him.
Y/n: Maybe but without his warship or his army. I think he has no chance trying to fight back again.
Izuku: Let's hope so.
Then Y/n gets hugged by Mina followed by a kiss on a cheek as Mina nuzzled his neck.
Mina: (smile) Good to see you alive and well Y/n!
Y/n: (chuckle) Thanks Mina. Same to the rest of you.
Ochaco: It was a tough fight but we made it out strong.
Then the rest walk up to Y/n with Katsuki looking away for a second with everyone looking at him and waiting for him to say it which he sighs ans said.
Katsuki: Alright fine I say it! You maybe annoying and stupid our......f-f-f-f-Class mate! There I sid it, Happy!
Mina: (smile) Close enough.
Y/n: Still I feel bad for all of this happening. I'm so sorry for this.
Tenya: (smile) Don't let the blame get to you Y/n. We all know it wasn't your fault for all of this.
Denki: (smile) Besides fighting villains is one cool thing but aliens is even more cooler.
Eijiro: (smile) Yeah and you fighting Katsurō in his mech was awesome! It was like a action movie but in real life.
Momo: (smile) What we're trying to say is that we don't blame you for this mess and you do show to be a true hero to all of us and to this world as well.
Seeing this made Y/n smile to them and thanking them for all of this. They all smile as well when a man wearing a suit approach them and ask.
???: Are you Y/n L/n?
Y/n: Yeah that's me? You are.....?
Ruqa: My name is Agent Ruqa of the CIA. I came here to thank you for saving our planet, the government is also thankful of your action of saving this planet.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem sir. Glad I cane help.
Ruqa: In fact sense you are very strong we figured we can make you as a pro hero right now qnd you don't need to go to UA to pass. You are shown to be stronger then your classmates and you'll be the first youngest pro hero ever in thsi world. What do you say kid, wanna be a pro hero?
Y/n was shocked by this and looks jver to his classmates and they smiled and nodded to him. After a while of thinking he looks to Ruqa and said.
Y/n: No thanks.
The agent and the rest were shocked by this and then Y/n gose on to explain why.
Y/n: Don't give me wrong I like the sound of being a pro hero but....I have made so many friends at UA and I wanna stay at UA and make even more friends.
Ruqa smiles at him and said.
Ruqa: (smile) I understand kid. Still we call you when we ever needed help from you.
Y/n: (smile) No problem sir.
Once he left he was called by someone for his reward by the pro heroes. We then cut to a massive crowd with Y/h on stage as All Might walks up to the microphone and tells the crowd.
All Might: We are all gathered here today to reward one of the youngest hero to ever not one save this town but the whole planet as well. Without him or his friends this planet would have been lost but thanks to his heroic action he saved this planet and now we are here to reward this young hero for this heroic action. Give it up for Y/n L/n!
Everyone clapped once Y/n walks up on stage and wave ti eveyone and faces All Might. Midnight gives All Might the golden medal which All Might takes and hands over it to Y/n which Y/n takes as everyone claps for him including the rest of Class 1-A.
All Might: Want to make a speech?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
He walls up to the microphone and he looks at tge crowd as he stop clapping and gose on to tell the crowd.
Y/n: I know I maybe different to all of you. I may not be human like all of you or not from this planet. But you all shown me what all of you humans are and what you all can do and I am happy to see all of you living out your normal life and live such a happy life. You know, we're all heroes even if your not fighting crime you all shown to be giving life to this planet and doing what ever you can to continue this life of this planet. You all may not know this but I see that all of you are heroes. It doesn't matter if your quirkless, your all are showing of being hero's and doing whatever you can to keep this peace going. Even if the heroes are doing their part of protecting the peace, the normal humans of this planet are also doing the same as well. When I was weaken by Katsurō you all call out to me and tell me to never give up, that is called bravery and you all show bravery not to for me but to everyone around you. We're all friends here including this planet. Still I will also do my part protect all of you and protect this planet from villains, evil aliens or anything that comes at my way! I will be the hero that both civilians and other heroes need!
Everyone cheered once more this time louder as Y/n smiles as everyone cheering him. No matter what happens, even if in darkness and hopeless times, Y/n L/n will not rest until he will be stronger and defend his new home and his new friends or his new family from evil.
We see a military truck with Katsurō inside driving through the road as Katsurō sat there with his eyes closed only for the truck to immediately stop and there was a scream. Then the soldiers with Katsurō exit out of the vehicle to see what's going on only to be killed by someone.
After that the door open to reveal Reiko as he frees Katsurō and he claims out of the vehicle.
Katsurō: Thought you were dead.
Reiko: Manage to escape before Y/n launch the warship into far away form this planet.
Katsurō slams his fist onto the truck in anger while he said
Katsurō: Without our troops and our ship, we're stuck here in this pathetic planet!
Reiko: Maybe we can call for back up. Surely you have more fleets out their to call.
Katsurō: Yes but without our equipment we can't call for help.
Reiko: So what should we do now?
Katsurō: We lay low for a while until something comes up.
Reiko: Right. Let's move before the other humans comes.
Katsurō agrees and the two make their way to the forest and disappeared into the forest as Katsurō will get his revenge on Y/n and the humans that defeated him. As soon he finds a way to call his fleet, he will wipe the floors of this planet from human life including ending Y/n's life as well.
To be continued....................
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