Chapter 1: First day on Earth
???: Hero's, Villains, Anti-Heros and Anti-Villains. These are the words that was know of when we think about people with powers or do something that no other normal human hasn't done before. I have seen many universities of these kinds of hero's and Villains in a endless battle for the fate of the universe. I know you maybe wondering, Who I am? Well..........
Narrator: My name isn't that important but you can call me the Narrator of this story if you want? Yous may wonder what story I'm gonna tell you? Well, it is a story of a world where hero's were born with these people rather gotten them in accidentally costs. The humans call them, "Quriks". The first report of this quirk was a small child reported to glow with light and evee since then, all humans across the world received these quirks that change their planet. Some quirk users use them for evil and the birth of Villains was born, while some try to stop those who abuse their power and hero's were born. Since then humanity grown to the usual people with quirks and felt safe as hero's are always there to protect them. But this story I'm gonna tell you is about a boy from not Earth but from another part of the galaxy, a boy who has this unstoppable Quirk that no human ever have or any hero or Villain. This boy will not only be the hero of planet Earth but to the whole galaxy. His name is Y/n L/n and this is a he became the greatest hero that the galaxy ever have.
Looking at the planet of Earth within a empty landscape of the moon. We see a mysterious masked person wearing what appears to be a alien like armor and looking at the planet of Earth.
The mysterious person pulls out his wrist and a hologram lights up, showing him the planets he has visited across the galaxy except for Earth. The hologram vanished and the mysterious person looks at Earth before he leaps out of the moons atmosphere and in quick speed he flies towards Earth to explore the planet and see what he can find.
(Musutafu, Japan)
(Aldera Junior High)
Within a class room we see a teacher in front of his class while the rest of the students are doing their work. Among the class we see a young boy with green hair writing something on his note book. This boys name is Izuku Midoriya, just a normal teenage boy without a Quirk and the only one who hasn't have one.
Teacher: Listen up class. Normal i would hand you test papers to get ready for your but, why bother.
He grab the test papers on his desk with a smirk on his face. Then he throw them out of the window while he said.
Teacher: (smile) I know you wanna go to the hero track!
All of his students cheer while using their quirks while Izuku just sit in his table and being quiet.
Teacher: Ok, Ok I know yous all existed and all but remember no using quirks in this class.
???: Hey tech, I rather not bother telling those loser about going to the hero track. Everyone knows I'm gonna be the only one there.
They boy who said that is named Katsuki Bakugo, he has a quirk that allow to use explosions with his fist and being viewed as one strong student.
Male classmate 1: (anger) You think your better then us Bakugo!
Male classmates 2: (anger) Is that what your trying to say!
Katsuki: (smirk) Oh bring it on, I can take you all on!
The Teacher pulls out a small piece of paper and looks through it and said.
Teacher: Let's so, It seems like you are going to U.A is that right?
Katsuki: (smirk) Of course I am.
He then set his one foot onto his table and then said.
Katsuki: (smirk) I've been dieing to go to U.A and as soon I completed the hero track I'll go to U.A and be the strongest student within my class. Maybe I can be all powerful then All Might himself, soon everyone will know my name and no one not even the Villains ain't gonna pull me down. I'LL BE THE BEST HERO AROUND AND-
Teacher: Oh right, Midoriya your going to the hero track right?
Izuku flinch a little while the rest of his class stare at him and then burst into laughter.
Male classmate 2: (laughter) They won't accept quirkless students like you!
Male classmate 3: (laughter) What a fool!
Izuku: Th-They got rid of that rule. I still have a chance.
Then Katsuki slams his hand onto Izuku's table costing it to blow up while Midoriya fell back and lands onto the ground while Bakugo says.
Katsuki: (smirk) Listen here Deku. The hero track is only for hero's who has quirks! There is no way they won't let you in!
Izuku: (nervous) W-W-Well if I try really hard maybe I can. I-I may not have a quirk but I can still try.
Katasuki: Your such an idiot! There is no way the pro hero's gonna let you in, you'll die in the exam!
A few of Izuku's classmates laugh and chuckle while Izuku look down in embarrassment. We thne cut to the test papers flying through town and into the sky when it was grab by that same mysterious armor person.
He was floating in air and was looking at the test papers and wonder what they are. He looks at where it came from and flies over to where they came from. The mysterious person float over the school as soon as the bell rang and all students exit out to go home.
???: (surprised) Humans?
He then look through a window of the second floor and see only one student there which was Izuku. He watched packing his stuff while the mysterious person watch him. Izuku have a feeling someone is watching him and turn to the window and see no one there.
Katsuki: Hey, what do you think your doing Deku.
Izuku turn just as the mysterious person sees Katsuki and his friends bullying Izuku and mock him of trying to get to U.A and trying to be a hero. Then Katsuki take Izuku's note book and blow it up that upset Izuku and Katsuki throws the note book out of the window.
The mysterious person watch as the note book was about to splash into a small pound but he grab it just in time and he looks at it before he open a page and go through several pages and see this was a information about different hero's that Izuku documented over the years.
The mysterious person felt bad for Izuku that his note book was damaged so he close up the book, place his hand over the book and a small glow appear on his hand and then it die down. Izuku's hero note book was repaired and he place it at the bench and fly off just as Izuku came looking for his note book and he found it.
Izuku picks it up and was surprised that the book seemed to be repaired and not damaged. He looks around for anyone who might be around but no one was around him.
Izuku: (thought) That's odd. I sworn Bakugo damaged it? How did suddenly gotten repaired?
Izuku shrugged and walk off. The mysterious person watch him walk off over head and find Izuku interesting so he decided to follow him.
(A while later)
We see Izuku walking through the neighbourhood while he look at his note book and can't help but remember Katsuki and his classmates make fun of him and his dream of wanting to be a hero like All Might.
Izuku used to be friends with Katsuki when they where kids but they have a fallen out and now Katsuki is his bully and he has been alone with no friends ever since. He can't get any Quirk because of his condition on his foot and aincw then, he was upset by this but he never seem to give up on his dream of being a hero like All Might.
Izuku: (thought) Even if people say I can't be a hero. I know All Might will say be a hero no matter what I am.
Izuku walks over a bridge and it was dark as he walk through. Then suddenly something landed on his shoulder and he turn to see some gross slime. He looks up and yo his horror he was facing with a Villain named Sludge as he looks down at Izuku.
Sludge: (smirk) Well hello there.
Izuku was terrified by this and try to run but Sludge came down and grab a hold of him and start to suffocate with his slime body.
Sludge: (smirk) Your not much kid but you'll be great for me. Your a real hero for me kid, thanks for that and now say goodbye.
Izuku: (thought) I can't breath! Is this really it for me? I'm really gonna die by a Villain with no one to help me?
Izuku see his note book onto the floor and a page of All Might on it as Izuku will have his last thoughts that he'll never be like All Might now as tears start to form into his eye's.
Izuku: (thought) Someone, help me.
Sludge was close to killing him until he and Izuku heard a load thud in front of them. At the other end of the tunnel was a armoed person with his visor glowing as he stare at Sludge.
Sludge: Who the heck are you?
The person looks at Izuku and his Hud tells him he only have 28 seconds until he dies so he turn back to Sludge and spoke.
???: Let the human go monster.
Sludge: Monster? How dare you call me that!
He launches tentacle like slime at the mysterious person to land a hit at him. But the mysterious person swipe his hand to the left and the tentacles was cut off which shocked Sludge.
???: My turn.
Then he immediately appear right in front of Sludge and grabs Izuku's hand and pulls him out of Sludge's body. Izuku fell onto the ground and then the mysterious person makes a fist which glows blue and he thrust it forward and lands a powerful punch that sent Sludge's remains everywhere.
Izuku slowly open his eyes to see the mysterious person defeated a Villain in one single punch before he falls unconscious.
(Minutes later)
Izuku was outside of the tunnel as he slowly open his eyes and immediately sat up and look around. He patted his body and breath in a sigh of relief to see he is safe.
Izuku: Thank goodness.
He then look forward and see a cloak figure placing the remains of Sludge into a bottle while his remains was trapped inside a circular like bubble that Midoriya never seen.
Once the last remaining of Sludge body was in the bottle, Midoriya stood up and spoke.
Izuku: U-Um excuse me?
The cloak figure turn to Izuku and fear struck him and he made a huge mistake.
Izuku: (scared) I'm sorry for disturbing you, please don't harm me!
The cloak figure stood there in silence and then....he starts to laugh, not in a evil way but like someone told him a funny joke. Izuku was confused and the figure remove his hood to reveal his H/C and his E/Y as he give Izuku a friendly smile and said in a cheerful tone.
Y/n: (smile) No need to be afraid human. I'm your friend.
He then dashes over to Izuku which surprised that how fast he did and he reach out a hand and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey, my name is Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you human.
Izuku: Um....S-Same here?
He grabs Y/n's hand and Y/n shakes on it that cost Izuku to be lifted up and down pretty fast.
Y/n: (smile) It's nice to meet my first ever human here. I travelled around the galaxy and see many animal like life but I'm glad to be met with life that is like me!
Izuku: That. Is. Nice. At. All. But. Can you. Stop. Shaking please!
Then he realised he was lifting up and down so he place him down and Izuku stumbled a bit while Y/n scratch the bakd of his head and said.
Y/n: (smile) Whoops, sorry about that. I forgot about my strength was a lot more stronger then you humans are. But I am so glad to meet and be friends with my first ever human.
Izuku: Wait, you said friends? wanna be my friend?
Y/n: (smile) Of course silly. Why else i repaired your not book and saved you from that monster.
Izuku: (surprised) Wait, you the one that repaired my note book! How?!
Y/n: (smile) You see, I can-
???: Hello Citizens, never fear!
Then they trun and see a large muscle like man wearing a bright super hero outfit with a smile on his face.
All Might: Because All Might is here!
Y/n: (surprised) Wow that is one huge human. Dose all Human size are bigger then the rest?
He turn to Izuku and see the shock on his face and can't perfectly hear his question.
All Might: I heard a Villain came around here. Did any of you boys seen this Villain?
Y/n: Oh you mean this monster? Here.
He then gives the two bottles with Sludge inside to All Might and he was a bit surprised as he take them.
All Mihght: Wait, did a pro hero came and put him in these two bottles?
Y/n: I have no idea what "pro hero's" mean but no, I did.
All Migght: (surprised) You took down a dangerous Villain by yourself?!
Y/n: Wait that's like creature was a Villain? I always thought he was a alien creature from the slime planet.
All Might has no idea what he's talking about while Izuku snap out of his shock and looks around of his note book.
Izuku: Where is it? I must have drop it!
Then Izuku found it and open a page and see that All Might signed it.
Izuku: (shocked) He signed it!
Then he bow down several times to thanking him while Y/n laughs a little and says.
Y/n: (smile) Whoa, you humans are pretty funny when yous get exited, I like that.
All Might: Well thanks for the help boys, I'll take this Villain to were he will never escape.
Izuku: Wait your leaving?
Izuku: (thought) I have soo much questions.
Before All Might could leap away, Izuku rush over to him and accidentally grab his leg and he and All Might were sent flying into the air while Y/n watch them go.
Y/n: (smile) I guess humans are also risky as well. I like that.
Then he fly up into the air and he flies after them. Sooner or later he found them on top of a roof top of another building and sets down.
Y/n: (smile) Hello again.
All Might: (surprised) Wow, never know you have a quirk kid.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
All Might: Now I must go and take this Villain away.
Izuku: Wait hang on All Might!
All Might turn while Midoriya looks down and said.
Izuku: I know I may have no quirk like you or Y/n. But I wanna be a hero just like you ever since I was a kid.
Whioe he gose on All Migyt suddenly spit out blood and soon a puff of smoke came out which Y/n turn while Izuku continues on not noticing what's happening in front of him.
Izuku: So I was wondering in my whole life. I was wondering if it's possible for me to be a hero just like you. It will be a dream come true to be a hero, just like yo-
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know humans can also be small.
Izuku: Wait small? What do you me-
Then Izuku looks over to All Might and see him small, have small arms and he is not smiling.
Izuku was shocked by this while Y/n looks at Izuku and to All Migyt and asked.
Y/n: Dose humans change size?
Izuku: (shocked) W-Who are you?! Where is All Might, your must be the imposter!
Yagi: I'm assure you two that I am-
Then blood start to pour out of his mouth while Izuku was shocked by this while Yagi explain's.
Yagi: You know all overweight people breath in their stomach to make them to look like they have muscles. I'm like that.
Izuku: (shocked) This can't be happening!
Y/n: So humans can can get muscles like that? That's interesting.
Yagi: Not quite kid.
He then sat down and breath in a sigh and said.
Yagi: Here, take a look.
He pull up his shirt and they see a large and disgusting wound on Yagi's waist which looks awful.
Y/n: (shocked) What happened to your waist?
Yagi: I got it from a battle five years back. Looks disgusting I know, I lost my whole stomach because of it. I can only do hero work for 3 hours but the rest of the days, this is what I am.
Izuku: (shocked) No way. Five years ago, is that when you face toxic chainsaw?
Yagi: Whoa, you learn your stuff kid but no it's something else that you two don't know. Only a few hero's know about this and they try to keep this secret from the public.
Y/n: But isn't that not right for hero's to do?
Yagi: Yeah but if people found out about this, so will the Villains. (Sigh) Listen, being a hero is a dangerous job, so no, I don't think you won't be a hero without a Quirk.
Izuku was shocked by this. His ideal he look up to suddenly told him it is impossible to be a hero. He looks down and said.
Izuku: O-Oh...I see.
Yagi stood up and also said.
Yagi: There is other jobs you might take like a police officer or a fire fighter but being a hero is too dangerous for someone who doesn't have a quirk.
He then walk to the door and he opens and was about to leave but then Y/n asked.
Y/n: But Izuku said it is his dream to be a hero like you right?
Yagi: Having a dream is nice and all but you need to keep that into your mind.
Then he left the roof while Izuku's dreams were shattered into pieces while Y/n sees this and felt bad for him.
We see Izuku walking through the street and looking at his note book in sadness while Y/n was floating above him until he lands in front of Izuku and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey cheer up, don't listen to what he said. You can still be a hero.
Izuku: No, he's right. I can't be a hero without a quirk. Thanks for trying to cheer me up but it's not working.
Y/n: Strange, I thought humans get cheered up in a second and-
Izuku: Why do you call me or everyone humans!? Your a human too right!?
Y/n was silent and Izuku felt back for yelling him and was about to apologise when Y/n pulls out a small knife from a nearby kitchen and make a small cut in his hand.
Izuku: Wait! What are you-
Then Izuku was shocked to see purple blood was pouring out of him instead of red blood. He slowly looks up at Y/n and he said.
Y/n: (smile) That's right....I'm what you humans call, Aliens.
Y/n: (smile) You see. I'm from a far away planet called "Light-Utopia" a peaceful planet filled with friendly people of my kind and unlike the aliens you seen in movies, we want to make friends with the universe and bring peace to every life across the stars.
Izuku: (shocked) Wow so your from a far away planet? Th-Then why are you here?
Then Y/n looks down and was hesitant for a bit until he looks at Izuku and said.
Y/n: Even though we are peaceful species, some were desperate to be the protector of the galaxy and have it's power. We called it "Galaxy Quirk".
Izuku: Galaxy quirk?
Y/n: Unlike your Quirks that is given to many humans. Our kind was only given one quirk and who ever has it will be the protector and god of the universe. I was given this quirk but things didn't turn out great. My father's brother, Jun was frustrated by this and threaten my father and his family to hand the quirk to me but they refused. So.....he rounded up as much people and the people who didn't join along with my father were genocide and killed by my fatyers brother and the last act to keep me safe, he put me into an escape pod and launch me out of the planet while I watch as my peaceful home was destroyed by the last of power from my fathers brother.
Izuku was shocked by this. He never know there was a quirk outside of his planet and felt bad for his past and what happened to his family.
Y/n: (smile) But. I never let their deaths stop me of being the protector of the universe. Maybe one day, I will come back to my planet and bring my planet back to were it was.
Izuku kinda smiled a little to see his dream of being a protector is still with him while his dream was still shattered. Then they hear an explosion near them and they rush over to see what's going on.
They see a crowd of people in front of them and they peek through the crowd and they see Sludge there costing more damaged to a small market place while other pro hero's are there to stop him.
Y/n: It's that slime creature again! But I thought I put him in a bottle?
Then Izuku realise it must have came out of All amight's pockets when he was holding on him in the air. Midoriya believes it's his fault that he escape.
Male civilian: Look it's Mt. Lady!
Female civilian: She'll help the hero's!
Then a giant Mt. Lady rushes over to the scene with Y/n was surprised how big she is.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow now that's one huge super hero!
Mt. Lady: Oh no! My only weakness!
She was trying to go over a large sign but can't fully go over it.
Mt. Lady: I need a clear path if i need to get over there.
Y/n: Huh, weird weakness?
Izuku: This is all my fault.
Y/n turn to Izuku while Izuku says.
Izuku: If it wasn't for me, All Might would have take him to prison and all this would have happen. This is all my fault.
Y/n looks over and see that Sludge had someone and he sees its Bakugo as he try to break free. Y/n see the hopeless from Midoriya including everyone else.
Y/n: (smile) You know Izuku, you can always be a hero.
Izuku looks up at Y/n while he step forward farther to the crowd and then said.
Y/n: (smile) You just need to find the courage within you to do it. All hero's have courage in their hearts to do something that no other humans will never do. Maybe it's time to proof to All Might that you can be a hero, even with a quirk or not.
Then Y/n move through ge crowd and he enter the battle field. The other pro hero's and everyone turn to him as he walks towards Sludge.
Kamui: What are you doing kid!
Death arms: It ain't safe for you to be in!
Yagi was among the crowd and was wondering what the hell is he doing?
Then Y/n take one last step and stare at Sludge with his cloak moving by the wind as he looks at Sludge and said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey slime monster, how is you?
Sludge: You again! No matter, I'm gonna make you pay and no way you will not take this kid away from me.
Katsuki struggled to break through and he open one eye at Y/n while Y/n smirks and said.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm not gonna let you hurt that boy. Even if he is a mean person, all life is precious and I will not let you take a life from that boy!
Sludge: Well see about that!
Then explosions travel towards Y/n and he was hit by it. Everyone gasp in fear that he killed him. Sludge smirks and said.
Sludge: How dose that feel punk?
Y/n: Not too bad.
Sludge: (shocked) What?!
Then the flames fated away and people can see his alien battle suit armor that they never seen before as Y/n smirks once more and looks at Sludge and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright Slimy creature, it's show time!
His helmet digitally appear onto his head and Y/n's feet start to hover and then he move extremely fast towards Sludge.
Sludge: (shocked) What?! How is that possible?!
Katsuki: (thought) Wh-Who the hell is this kid?
Y/n skate around for a while and then he leap up into the air and swing his arm at Sludge and shooting stars suddenly came down and hits Sludge that cost him to move back.
Y/n lands onto his feet and slam his hand onto the ground and the objects around him start to float into the air and then he thrust his same hand towards Sludge and the objects hits Sludge.
Everyone included the Pro hero's were shocked how a kid like Y/n can deal with a strong and dangerous Villain with a quirk they never seen. Then Y/n lift both of his hands and slowly lift them up into the air and that same gravity like bubble appears and seal the fire around him and he slowly clap his hands and the fire form around to a large fire ball.
Then Y/n throws his hand like he was thrown a baseball and the fire ball flies towards Sludge. Sludge moves to dodge it's attack but Y/n reach out his hand to stop and then pulls his arm back and it came back and it hits Sludge from behind.
Sludge: (thought) How is that possible? No was a simple boy like him have that powerful quirk.
Y/n: (smirk) It's your turn friend. Be what you wanted to be!
No one doesn't know what Y/n was talking about until Izuku exit out of the crowd and rushes towards Sludge. He eun pass Y/n and rushes towards Sludge.
Izuku: (thought) Why I'm I running? Why I'm I running towards the danger?!
Then he remember what Y/n told him and realised he can be a hero even with a quirk or not. He leap up and start to claim on Sludge to see Katsuki and once there he pulls out the slime to set Katsuki free.
Izuku: (smile) Katsuki.....I don't want you to die.
Y/n smile by this and as soon katsuki was free. Y/n pulls back his fist while he said.
Y/n: (smile) Alright time to finish this!
Then he leaps towards Sludge with the floor he was standing on cracks as his fist glows blue with galaxy like glow. Sludge turn to see this and try to dodge but it was too late.
Y/n: Finishing attack! Ultimate galaxy punch!!!!!
He then punches Sludge with enough force that sent his slime body everywhere and a shock wave that blow out the fire around them and a strong wind that everyone have to hold on.
A large tornado circles around the street before it slowly fate away. Y/n stood up straight and was breathing heavily but he was still smiling while everyone was shocked by this, then rain came down and they were even more shocked that Y/n punch Sludge so hard that rain start to come down.
Y/n: (smile) Well it looks that slime creature ain't gonna "gross" people out anymore.
Then everyone cheered for Y/n and his heroic work while Yagi was surprised to see that not only Y/n managed to defeat a Villain without breaking a sweat but Midoriya rushes into the danger and saved someone before Y/n could finish it off.
(Sometime later)
After the police taken Sludge to prison, Y/n and Izuku head off so reporters aren't gonna ask them questions or ask Y/n the more important questions even though Y/n likes answering questions but they head off.
We see them at the neighbourhood as Izuku breaths in a sigh and said.
Izuku: I'm glad that is over and done with.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but I gonna say that was pretty cool. This is the best first day in Earth ever!
Izuku: So you just came here?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I think I should stay here and explore more about the humans here and maybe get more friends.
Izuku: (smile) That's great. Hey Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Hm?
The two stop and Izuku bow to Y/n and said.
Izuku: I just wanna say thank you. Your the only one to tell me to follow my dream even though you might be in another planet. I'm thankful for the support you guve me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem, glad I can help.
Izuku: (smile) Yeah, hey you wanna be friends? I know you ask me earlier but I didn't have a chance to say yes. So....Will you be my friend?
Y/n was surprised by this while Izuku reach out a hand to him. Y/n smiled and grab Izuku's hand and shake on it and once that he gets all existed and flies up into the air and yells out.
He flies around all existed and then he looks down at Izuku and wave to him while he said.
Y/n: (smile) I see you tomorrow Izuku! YAHOO!!!!!!
He fly off while Izuku watch him with a small chuckle but he smiles and he walks off home.
We then cut to Y/n flying through the air with a smile on his face as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) This is great! I made my first friend here! I am so happy, soon I'll make more friends and I won't be alone. No matter what I will protect the humans on this planet and my friends from those Villains. That is a promise I will keep!
To be continued..................
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