Sato and Kirishima: Thank you thank you thank you thank you!
You grumbled a bit as you were smushed by your former teammates. The manly men had sparkling tears of joy in their eyes as they crushed you, hugging you as thanks for them not having to take extra lessons during the trip.
Sato: You're a hero, (L/n)!
Kirishima: Yay! you're a real man!
(Y/n): A-Ah come on guys I didn't- Gah- I didn't even think I would win...
Mina: My shining knight has abandoned me...
Sadly, for Sero, Mina, and Kaminari they had failed to complete the final exam and it came back to bite them in the form of extra lessons.
(Y/n): I'm not abandoning anyone!
You let out a sigh as you managed to peel the two off of you.
(Y/n): Still, I'm a little upset our reward for passing our final exams is another training camp.
Kirishima: Well we are heroes in training after all. Real hero work never stops so why should our training stop?
(Y/n): Eh... you do make sense but I still don't like it.
Midoriya: Since it's a full week of training camp, we'll probably have to bring a lot with us.
Kaminari: I don't have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff.
Mineta: Night vision goggles-
A female student you didn't really remember spoke next. It would probably be easier if she had features to remember but one thing you could clearly tell was she was invisible. Racking your brain, you could have sworn her name was Haga... something.
Haga...something: Oh, then since we're off tomorrow, and finished with our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!
It was a pretty nice idea. You glanced over at Tsuyu who didn't seem to be mentally shooting down the idea. It would be pretty nice to go out somewhere with Tsuyu. You just felt so trapped in that room and you still felt responsible for the argument before the exams. Your fellow classmates exchanged their answers, mainly being yes with a few select no's. When they turned to you, your eyes glanced at Tsuyu before giving a firm nod.
(Y/n): Sure, sounds like a ton of fun!
You spoke with a smile, trying to conjure up anything to add to the positive energy of the room. A true smile wormed its way onto your face as you watched the class grow excited to hang out. You missed this feeling. This feeling of actually being a part of the class rather than an outsider being pitied. You smiled once more as you packed your bag, ready to prep your item list for tomorrow.
The night came and went and before you knew it you had been standing with the majority of class 1-A. Of course, the class had its own little groups carved into it, and those groups left to find materials for the training camp. You and Tsuyu simply nodded to show you were both there before walking off on your own. The two of you surveyed the stores, not really buying anything unless it was necessary like swimming suits and whatnot. It was when you got to one store that Tsuyu came to a stop. It was so sudden that you tool three more steps before even realizing the frog girl wasn't next to you.
(Y/n): Tsu?
Tsuyu looked into a shop window before turning and moving forward to the next store in the mall.
Tsuyu: It was nothing. I just thought I spotted some sleek swimming gear, ribbit.
You furrowed your brow as to why Tsu would lie but decided to glance into the window yourself. There among a whole box of ribbons was a solid green one. It wasn't special in any way. It didn't change colors nor resist water. It was a simple ribbon and yet you knew it caught Tsuyu's eye more than anything else in the store. You glanced as the girl walked into the next store and decided to take your chance. It wasn't much but you hoped it would serve as a suitable gift to the girl for your previous anger. You hastily bought the ribbon and moved to follow along with the girl, who was now walking into a store two down from you. You took a deep breath and slowly walked to the store. You made it to the entrance and glanced at Tsuyu, watching as she looked among a selection of shirts. Your body willed you to move forward, to hand over your gift, and begin the apology, but your mind demanded you stop. You couldn't explain your actions as you stopped yourself and watched Tsuyu for a bit. All she did was look through a rack of clothes, it wasn't anything special and yet you were simply glad you could take moments like this to see her. To know she-
Tsuyu: (Y/n), ribbit?
You blinked a few times to notice Tsuyu was only a few inches from your face. You jumped a bit in fright, the ribbon you had stashed in your hand falling onto the ground.
Tsuyu: Did you... did you actually buy that?
She questioned softly, leaning forward and scooping the ribbon into her hand.
(Y/n): Well you completely stopped us to look at it so I knew you wanted it.
Tsuyu: You know there is a difference between want and need, ribbit?
She tilted her head to the side though she smiled slightly.
Tsuyu: Thank you, (Y/n).
(Y/n): Well...
You rubbed the back of your neck.
(Y/n): I wanted to apologize for the other night. It was wrong for me to push my problems of you and expect all of them to be solved. I know it's not much but please accept this.
Tsuyu looked you up and down before chuckling softly, wrapping one of her arms around your neck to pull you down to her level, embracing you.
Tsuyu: Just don't shout like that again. You get pretty loud sometimes, ribbit.
You returned a chuckle and wrapped your arms around the girl. You needed this. Hugging Tsuyu tight made all of the tension and stress in your mind fade away for a brief moment as her warmth mingled with yours. You buried your face in her neck and let out a shaky breath, a wave of emotions running through you before Tsuyu slowly pulled away.
Tsuyu: Apology accepted. Now while we are buying what we need, why don't we get some food, ribbit?
(Y/n): That sounds great actually! You go on ahead and order us something while I browse the last of these stores. That way once we're done we can star on the second floor.
Tsuyu nodded her head and walked off in the direction of where you believed the food court was. You let out a sigh, but for once the weight didn't return to your shoulders. you felt pleasant again. Like when you had started hanging out with-
Your brain froze up as you something press against your cheek. You turned your head slowly and found Himiko pulling away with a bright toothy grin. D-Did she... you raised a hand to your cheek and felt around where Himiko had just pressed her lips.
(Y/n): H-Himiko...
Himiko: Heya (Y/n)! I didn't think I would meet you here!
(Y/n): Did you just?! Did you just kiss my cheek?!
Himiko titled her head and looked at you in confusion.
Himiko: What? You didn't like it?
(Y/n): No it's not... it's... that's not something friends do! You don't just go up and kiss your friend on the cheek right?
Himiko: I wouldn't mind if you kissed me!
The girl smiled bright as you grew embarrassed. She really needed to work on her wording a bit more.
Himiko: Ah don't be so embarrassed! I thought about biting you, but I think people would have looked at us weird.
(Y/n): You wanted to bite me?
That just sounded... weird...
(Y/n): Anyway... what are you doing here Himiko?
Himiko: Oh I'm just gathering up some stuff! You know I gotta have all my things ready and waiting!
It was your turn to tilt your head slightly.
(Y/n): Ready for what?
Himiko: Oh, I made a bunch of new friends! They're super cool and they are evening planning something super fun!
A smile tugged onto your lips. Himiko was this... lovable ball of energy that always managed to pull a smile out of you, much like how Tsuyu can.
(Y/n): Well I'm glad you made some new pals! It's always nice to meet new people.
Himiko: Yeah! And the coolest thing is we all like that Hero Killer, Mr. Stain!
You froze once more. The... the hero killer? Why would a group like that exist? Himiko truthfully did seem a little different than most people you knew but in her own way that made her better than most and yet she was messing around with such a group?
Himiko: What do you think of the hero killer, (Y/n)?
Himiko suddenly pulled you out of your thoughts and ask you a usually serious question coming from the cheerful blonde. You gulped softly and truthfully thought over your answer. Was Stain in the wrong? True he did it in the worst way possible, but when you are backed into a corner... there' not much else you can do but take the most drastic and unstable move to get attention. But then again... Your eyes met Himiko's yellow ones before you spoke.
(Y/n): I can't say I didn't like his message. The message was good just th-
Himiko didn't give you a chance to finish your thought before pouncing on your and wrapping her arms around your neck. Cheering as she seemingly got the answer she wanted even if you weren't finished.
Himiko: Yay! You would love my new friends then! Why don't you meet them sometime?!
You blinked a few times. Meeting Himiko's new friends, huh?
(Y/n): W-When... when would I need to meet them?
Himiko's smile grew wider as she clutched her hands together, clearly excited by your answer once more.
Himiko: We're a little busy right now but we're doing something really big soon! You could hang out with us then and you would get to meet everyone!
(Y/n): Then... I suppose if I have the time I could swing by and meet them. I'm about to do something myself.
Himiko: The training thingy right?
(Y/n): Yeah the training- Huh?
Himiko giggled softly and raised her hands before her face, her wide smile, and blushing face just behind her hands.
Himiko: I can't wait! You get to meet everyone and we can hang out like actual friends~!
She declared with a wide smile. You let out an exhale through your nose before smiling as well.
(Y/n): I'm sure it will be fun-
Himiko: Ok! I gotta go and get the stuff but I'll see you really soon, (Y/n)~! She spoke quickly moving forward and pressing another kiss to your cheek with embarrassment. She giggled softly and skipped off to gather her won supplies, though before she was gone she turned around and yelled.
Himiko: Don't worry, next time I'll bite you~!
Your face turned bright red as nearby patrons of the mall turned from the yelling blonde to the boy she had been talking to. You gulped and quickly rushed off to the food court to meet a Tsuyu who has probably eaten both of your meals by now. Himiko's friends, huh...
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