U.A. Entrance Exam!

Chapter 6

I wasn't kidding when I said the written exam was hard mostly because it was all odd questions on how to save people.

I would mentally sigh in boredom by the nearly infinite pages for this stupid test.

At one point I looked over at Mina apparently every student here was separated out into their respective schools and since Mina and I didn't come from the same school she was naturally far from me. Her pink skin and yellow horns bobbing up and down as she wrote energetically.

To think I would be able to see her was surprising since I will admit I was...very short. And apparently I was sitting next to Pony girl from class 1b. Thank God I recognized her or I would have been calling her horse girl she was bitting her pen thoughtfully as her eyes narrowed in thought, as through nearly half of the test she sometimes let's out a little ah! Or ooh!

Like lord woman stop and focus on the test sheesh it was getting a little annoying when she did it the 13th time. I can honestly see why your in 1b because you obviously couldn't make the cut.

As I thought that my eyes very briefly scanned the rest of the room. And with all the recognizable people in this room it felt like to me I was in a anime convention where all the competition were given a impossibly large budget. Sure everything was animated but that didn't mean we were flat side ways and plus It was super dope to be here.

And in the corner of the room a kid with head of a black crow was diligently and calmly wrote his own ansewers. That literally had to be Tokoyami and I also saw Kaminari right next to him.

I looked at more class 1a members intil I noticed Vlad King one of U.A s teachers stare at me.

Sonic Thoughts: Fuckin weirdo I'm not cheating so get the hell off my back!

I said to myself internally as I saw him walk down the steps of the split up students. I waved at him as I went back to my work but he still he kept his gaze on me intil he realized I wasn't cheating as he walked away.

And after 20 minutes of answering questions I got my papers done as I thought to myself about what was next. The practical exam or operation unleash the speed Demon of U.A. high.

I could honestly feel my blood boiling in excitement for this moment. Because literally in this part all I had to do was just break shit.

This must have definitely have been the Sonic part of me that was excited. The joy of just breaking things without consequences?

Sonic Thoughts: This is going to be fun as hell!

I said to myself as everybody else was done with the test it was time for the presentation for the practical exam. So I got to see yet another pro hero in the flesh.

Present Mic: For all you listeners turning in welcome to my show today!

Said a man with a appearance with that of a Rockstar present Mic. He grinned on the stage as he snapped his arms out.


He said as he turned as he held his hand up to his ear excitedly.

Sonic: HEY!

I barked out with a wide grin of my own as I ignored the students staring at me and Present Mic aghast looks. Hey I didn't care about what people thanked about me I actually liked Present Mic he is a great charcter so I might as well throw him bone.

Present Mic: Hoho a lonely and yet very passionate response.

Present Mic said as he pointed at my direction proudly before contuing.

Present Mic: It is time for the practical exam! Are you ready!

Sonic and Mic: YEAAAAAh!

I said at the same time with Mic I could hear Mina giggling awhile the rest of the students stayed silent.

Well of course they were nervous pretty understandable.

The rest of time went as it had in the anime as Present Mic explained the points system,using images of video game characters fighting villan's and getting points. I listened with half a ear since I knew what to do anyway because after so long waiting for this day I've replayed the exams point system a thousand times over.

So I wasn't surprised when Tenya Idya got up and started telling off Present Mic like if he was a godamn adult.

Nor was I surprised when he turned to lambast Izuku just for the horrific crime of mumbling to himself. But he was surprised when he then turned his attention to me.

Idya: And you!

Idya said his eyes narrowed at me.

Sonic: Who Me?

I asked a little surprised and curious to how he could see me.

Idya: Yelling like that is just as distracting as mumbling!

He said like if he was laying down the judgement of God.

Idya: If you have time to do something like then you-

Sonic: Should what huh? Leave last time I checked I was just responding to the presenters call!

I snapped to which I cut him off.

Sonic: And you want to talk about being loud look in the mirror four eyes! Last time I checked your a teenager talking smack to a adult and a kid you clearly don't know so shut your ass up and let the teacher speak we don't need to hear your loud ass! Damn rude ass motherfucker here doesn't know when to shut the fuck up I'm trying to listen!

Idya: Wha-wha.

???: Pfffffffffffffft!

Someone held there laughter as I looked to see who it was to be surprised that It was Bakugou holding it in surprisingly.

Idya didn't say a word as Present Mic cut in before Idya could continue.

Finally I've been wanting to say this to Idya for a long ass time. Hopefully we'll get the likeable Idlya soon I don't like this one.

Present Mic: Well young man there is an answer listeners! Keep your ears open!

And just as expected Present Mic explained the arena traps being considered obstacles, rather than an actual villan's. The presentation ended in Present Mic little speech.

Present Mic: The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said....True heroism consists of being superior to the ills of life. PLUS ULTRA! Break a leg everyone!

Sonic Thoughts: Who the hell is that?

I said to myself questionly as we went out the room and entered the bus.

We came to a stop infront of battle center b as I exited the bus I took off my hoodie as I placed it in a bag I had with my school clothes.

I only wore some shorts that's it no shirt and my classic sonic sneakers and gloves.

And as I looked around at battle center b I saw Izuku standing there nervously in his workout clothes it felt oddly like destiny.

I looked around as I saw the other kids to think so many of them were gonna fail? That was kinda crazy to realize in retrospect.

But of course awhile I was distracted Hurricane Idya struck again. Apparently this asshole went after Izuku who was heading towards Ochako who was fanning her face and taking deep breaths to calm herself.

And just as expected Idya began to grab Izukus shoulder to stop him. Of course as the Deku fan I am I wasnt goona let this motherfucker disrespect him.

Idlya: That girl appears to be trying to focus! And what are you doing here? Are you taking the entrance exam to interfere with everyone else?

Of course he would come up with conclusions sheesh.

Izuku: N-N-No of course not!

Izuku said as he jumped back a bit as he waved his arms frantically. And that's how he bumped towards my small body.

Sonic: Ow!

He stopped a little startled as he glanced down at me.

Izuku: OH MY goodness sorry Sonic-san?"

Sonic: Hey Izuku what's up!

I said as I grinned as I looked up at Idlya as my grin turned into a frown.

Sonic: Tenya Idyla right?! Tone it back will you he's nervous? He's not the type of person who will take his time just to mess with people. Are you that lacking in self awareness because for a guy with glasses you need to get your eyes checked?!

Idlya: You again!

Idya shouted as he glared at me.

Idya: The language you said at the auditorium was unexceptable! Are you sure you want to be a hero with that attitude.

Sonic: Now more than ever dude and stop that your not anybodys parent so shut up.

I said with a smirk which only seemed to anger him further. Weirdly the fact that he was so annoyed by me only made like making fun of him even more.

Probably Sonic's personality I suppose.

Sonic: Hey Izuku you better run now and good luck you'll do great!

Izuku: W-what?

Izuku gaped as I got into a running postion as the air around me changed as I grinned maniacally.

Idya: Wait we are not don-

Sonic: Shut it here I GO!


As I ran I left a sonic boom as ran through contestants in a second as some students were caught of guard by a blue streak left behind be as I ran in destroying the first robots in sight. I stopped to reveal myself to let the cameras know that I was the one who destroyed it.

Sonic: Mann this is was to easy!

I said as I turned towards the shocked crowd.

Sonic: Better keep up slow pokes!

I said as ran around destroying as many robots in sight.
Izuku pov and Idya


Idyla: Th- What was that he just did? Ive never seen anyone this fast?!

Sonic: Woooooohoooo!

Present Mic: Come on everyone before the porcupine guy gets all the points!

Sonic: Come on man I'm a hedgehog read my file!

I shouted a little frustrated as I destroyed two 2 point robots with a spin attack.

Present Mic: Oops sorry young man!

It was a blast running through the fake city as I destroyed robots left and right as I ran around in a blue streak. But as I ran around and destroyed some one pointers I could feel my quills sawing through the cold hard robots to shreds.

I could see why sonic loved destroying robots it felt AWESOME! Especially when I ran into things with the boost attack.

Sonic: Hahahaha! Hell ya!

I laughed as I grabbed onto the missle pods on the 3 pointer as I rode like surf board and rammed it back to the robot. And as I destroyed that I smashed into a 2 pointer as tore through it like the others before.

But as I destroyed I uncurled my body midair as I landed on ground as I admired my work of pure robot devastation. Some participants stared at me in shock as I noticed them.

Sonic: Yo you guys want this spot?

???: Yes please.

One kid said silently.

Sonic: Alright see ya!

I said as I rushed off only leaving a gust of wind as I ran around the city. I honestly should leave the rest to the others anyway I did have 57 points anyway.

But as I ran around I noticed there weren't any robots around at first I thought the other participants already taken care of them.


But apparently I was wrong as the whole city shook as a giant robot came out of nowhere.

Sonic: Damn already I doesn't even feel 15 minutes at all it felt like at least 5.

I glared up at the humongous robotic hand as it clenched at a building sending debri falling down. I also saw some debri falling towards a shocked pair of participants.

I ran towards them and pulled them out the way in a blink of a eye as the debri shattered at spots were they would've been.

Sonic: Well not impressed but pretty cool?

And to be honest anything from my hero isn't as impressive to what Sonic faced in his life. The guy literally fought a being who ate dimensions and messed with space and time so yea robots, noumu and the league of villan's compared to sonics were literally trash.

Sonic: You two okay?

I asked the others I saved.

???: Y-yeah! A kid with a rock nose said shakily as the other guy was just staring up upwards as he spoke.

???: What the hell was U.A. thinking!? This is so crazy!"

Sonic: So is hero work!

I pointed out as I helped them up from the ground.

Sonic: Go on and get more points.

???: T-Thanks, Hedgehog-san!

The rock nosed guy said as they ran off.

I cracked my neck as I started to stretch my limbs as I glanced towards the giant robot. As the robot came forward all the other students ran right passed as I kept on stretching. Definitely no worries here I wasn't worried about the Zero pointer that was approaching me.

I clearly ignored the one that was approaching me instead I ran towards the one. The part that I truly wanted to see before my very eyes. I saw Izuku run towards the robot as Ochako was under the rubble.

And faster than the normal human eye can keep up with Izuku did a massive leap. Dust flew apart as he rocketed towards the Zero pointer. I felt a slight chill across my spines and fur as I heard.


Izuku yelled as punched the Zero pointer the impact of Dekus fist caved the robots face in! As it set off several small explosions all along the spine of the robot.

Sonic Thoughts: If I do make it to the sports festival I hope I don't fight him.

I said as I could feel the massive gust of wind from were I was standing.

Sonic: But still Izuku is a complete badass!

I said intil I just realized.


Sonic: OH yea he's falling!

I said as Izuku fell out the sky as his legs waved wearily in the wind. I immediately ran towards the falling Izuku as jumped high into the air as I reached my arms out as I grabbed the fatigued boy.

Sonic: Dang dude are you okay!?

I said to Izuku as we landed on the ground to which I gently placed him down.

Izuku: I-Im OK is she okay?

Sonic: You mean the brown haired girl she's fine.

Izuku: T-Thank you!

Sonic Thoughts: Well that's good he still has his drive to save others this is my most favorite thing about you dude. But I am sorry for not saving you a few seconds earlier.


But as I thought that Izuku started to drag himself along the ground as he held tears in his eyes as I heard him speak.

Izuku: All I need is just one point!

He sputtered

Izuku: Just-

Sonic: Here we don't have much time so you better be ready to attack.

I kneeled down as I grabbed his injured arm as he gaped up at me in surprise that I held him over my shoulders.

Sonic: I got you man let's see if we can find you another robot to destroy!

Present Mic: Times up!

Present Mic called out shocking me as Izuku stared up at the sky, tears still in his eyes as I held him over my shoulders as alarms rang out through the city as it echoed.

Sonic: Dang it!

I mumbled as Izuku passed out on me as his broken limbs fell limply.

I stayed silent as I shocked my head sadly for the cameras.

But in the inside I was chuckling I knew Izuku was still coming to U.A. anyway and plus if I recall especially with those rescue points. I probably had 60 points maybe more since I saved 3 people.

I gently placed the green haired boy down on the ground and as I sat next to him. And as I waited for recovery girl to come Ochako who was still lying limply on the robot she had floated herself here to us.

Sonic: Uhhh are you okay?

Ochako: I'm fin-bleeereeeregh!

Ochako replied as she barked up a rainbow as right next to us.

Sonic: Ooooooh uh if you mind can float back a bit?

Ochako: Uggggggghh!

She said weakly.

A bunch of other kids approached us as I stood up.

???: Is the green guy okay?

One brown haired boy with a green headband said.

Sonic: Yea he's good! I'm just waiting for the medic.

I noted a certain blonde kid standing nearby as he held a confident bounce to his somewhat flamboyant step.

This was obviously Aoyama aka the U.A. traitor!

Sonic: Hey how you doing okay laser show?"

Aoyama: Hmm?

He seemed a little surprised to be addressed but he still winked at me.

Aoyama: Certainly Mr Hedgehog!

Aoyama is till weird though but also somewhat classy as hell.

And as this happened more and more people kept talking about how Izuku took down that robot and how that was possible and what not. And as the peanut gallery spoke Idlya walked over. The bootleg speedster looked like he was thinking heavily and seemed to just standby before I called that idiot out.

Sonic: Hey slow poke with the engines!

I called out to him.

Idya: E-eh?

He said as I waved him over but as of course I had to look up at the abnormally tall teen as he looked down at me.

Sonic: How did you do?

I asked with a wide smirk on my face.

Idya: OH I uh obtained 52 points.

He said eventhough he didn't seem so proud of that. The kids around us on the other hand started whispering in shock. I couldn't blame them because it was sorta impressive.

Sonic: Hmm OK well see ya later.

I said as I sat up from my spot and began to walk off to leave.

Idya: Huh wa- wait!

Sonic: Hmmm what is it engine legs?

Basically the guy wanted to apologize to which I accepted as I walked off.

But today was a really good day I might get in 1a and my hard work pulled off. Hopefully when the week passes I'll see my results and intil then I might as well master the homing attack.

See ya guys next time gotta go fast!

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