The Comeback
Hello fellow readers your long awaited chapter is here. It is not the entirety of the usj arc chapter part 1 but it's basically the aftermath I assure you to prepare yourself for the comeback on to this story.
Will are unexperinced hedgehog prevail and survive the USJ Attack!
Well let's find out in 5.....4....3....2...1! Let's Blast away to this chapter!
Oh and to let yall know do you want some official art from me as I draw scenes from this story?
Chapter 14
Mineta Pov
Mineta felt like he was dying as his arms were not only tired but his damn ribs hurt like hell! And not to mention it was freezing cold!
And Shoji just would not STOP his pursuit!
The multi-armed teen was incompased in purple orbs that Mineta had threw. Some of then were attached to Shoji's arms, back and legs.
Some of the orbs had pieces of concrete, metal pipes and some frost seemed to cover his body.
But he still grew arm after arm leaving dozens of long appendages stretched out and attached all over the place.
And yet he was still reaching for the bomb which was currently stuck to the ceiling.
To which thanks to Sonic throwing it up there with Minetas help of course. This was to ensure that the heroes wouldn't have a easy time ensuring the win.
But it seemed to be not working at the moment as the only thing keeping Shoji from reaching was Mineta holding a long rope of sticky orbs behind him as Shoji desperately outstretched his palm towards the bomb.
Mineta was hanging on to dear life as he clutched his orbs tightly. He'd taken off his gloves to grip them with his bare hands, depending on his quirks stickiness to make up for his lack of grip strength as he held another rope of orbs attached to the floor.
The rope began to strain as Shoji began to pull as Mineta screamed as blood poured down his face. He couldn't even open his left eye by the punch he recieved a awhile back as his arms felt like they were goona pop off his shoulders as Shoji grew more arms outwards the bomb.
He used his extra foot hold the need to reach the objective as Mineta held teary eyes. Because at some point in the middle of this, the fight had become a lot more then it should have been. Wasn't this supposed to be a test!
He thought but at this moment when he saw Shojis hand near the bomb. It made Mineta think that he put all this work, all the pain he'd taken, be all for nothing!?
Mineta said desperately as he pulled back Shojis arm back.
Mineta: NO, NO, NO! COME ON!
He screeched as his voice cracked as his frail arms began to make slight pops as Shoji's body flinched a bit.
And as this happened Mineta felt overall excitement intil Shoji kept going intil.
The buzzer rung as Mineta looked upward at the bomb as his heart dropped at the sight as...Shoji's finger was on the bomb.
Mineta: N-n-no.....
Mineta said in defeat as his head slumped down as he began to tear up. He'd failed, everything he did to be cool was gon-
Allmights voice boomed in a shocked tone as Shojis head tilted.
Mineta: I failed i- wait what?
Sonic Pov
I was left completely speechless by what I just heard from Allmight as a confused Todoroki weakly stood up on the icy floors we both exchanged the same expression
The guy was battered and bruised after the thrashing I gave him though.
Sonic: Wow we gotta draw huh?
I said nonchalantly.
Shoto: I....think so?
Shoto said a down as i walked up to one of the nearby camera's as i shouted.
Sonic: YO ALLMIGHT ARE YOU GOONA EXPLAIN THIS SHIT WHEN WE MAKE IT BACK! Because how does something like this happen?
Allmight: I will explain when you all comeback so we can discuss it as a class!
Allmight said clearly hearing me.
Allmight: I'll be there in a moment to bring yo-
Sonic: No need sir I know my way back! I'll guide the others back to observation room.
I interrupted before looking back at Todoroki.
Sonic: Yo that was good fight man!
I said honestly trying to ease the tension he had. But he didn't reply as he most likely just looked pissed off.
Sonic: .....Although I'm a little dissapointed that you didn't use a ice pun in are fight. Kind of a missed opportunity there man you could have told me to chill!" Eh?
I said as he huffed.
Todoroki: I don't enjoy puns.
He said to me as I shrugged as I continued to annoy the peppermint hair colored teen knowing at the moment i was being a asshole.
Sonic: Alright then what about ice themed taunts then! Like what killed the dinosaurs? The Ice age!"
I said with grin as the guy immediately gave me a deadpan stare.
Todoroki: Dude just stop!
Shoto said annoyed as I sighed.
Sonic: Ok fine sheesh your no fun man!
I walked with Shoto to the room where the bomb was held in as at some point I noticed some holes in the hallway.
Large chunks of concrete had been pulled put of place and big pieces of ice scattered across the battlefield.
My eyes were already wide at just the initial sight but it was mainly the bone room that I was surprised about.
I thought as I stared at Shoji all on the floor as Shoto joined as we stared at the multi limbed teen.
The guy looked worse for wear because bro looked like something that came from a horror movie.
He'd grown his arms out to create dozens of limbs and wings that seemed to be pinned to the floor.
He was incompased by debri and purple orbs as he seemed to be covered in sweat. He also looked to be very exhausted.
At some point his mask had been pulled down to which this revealed his face. Damn did he looked so badass I thought right intil looked over to Mineta.
Sonic: got your ass beat badly?
The guy was lying on the floor panting like a wet dog. His palms trembled as he layed on the floor as his mask had been torn up at some point allowing me to see his black eye.
He noticed me as he began to tear up as he struggled to push himself up.
And as he did I held out a hand to grape head teen as I got him on his feet.
I couldn't help the grin on my face as I looked Shoji and Mineta.
Sonic: Yall two really went at it huh? Man I swear you guys must be crazy or something.
Because man to think Mineta would actually hold his own against Shoji was impressive. I could already imagine the battle they had.
Shoji beating on him and ripping his way out of the concrete and frosted walls slowly weighed down on him as he kept going.
As Mineta got creative with his quirk as he put those orbs into good use welp at least he proved to be a challenge.
Shoto: You couldn't get past him?
Shoto asked Shoji with a bit of frustration across his face as he released another wave of heat, the ice around us melted in an instant.
I kinda forgot he could do that as a bit of water trickled over my face.
Shoji: I did get past him he just held me back.
He said as the ice stuck to him melted soaking his clothes as and every else around as he continued.
Shoji: And I did touch the bomb but the bell rang at the exact moment.
He said as I chuckled with a grin.
Sonic: Hey Mineta you should be proud you held back one of the strongest guys in this class. You gotta admit that's pretty cool eh?"
I said as Mineta lightly as the guy couldn't bare standing up as he fell on his back with his eyes closed. As there seemed to be a small satisfied grin on his face.
And as his body layed on the floor I only had one thing on my mind.
Sonic: Damn what should i eat when i get back home?
Once Mineta and Shoji were taken to get the orbs dissolved by the solution that the support class had made as their wounds were being treated.
Shoto and I headed with Allmight back to the class for our final assessment.
Of course I was uninjured awhile Shoto had a few bruises and foot print across his face by the beating I was giving him. I thought he'd stay at the infirmary but I think he was stubbornly ignoring the pain.
Sonic's Thoughts: Acting all cool and shit won't help fix your injuries dude.
I thought as Allmight began to speak as I sat on the ground uninterested of what the guy honestly had to say. I know my flaws I didn't need Allmight or Momo to point them out.
Allmight: This indeed was a good fight!"
Allmight said proudly to us.
Allmight: It's rare to see the youth battle with such vigor and skill! Well done both of you!
He said as I nodded before asking him as i got in a comfortable postion as i sat on the floor.
Sonic: Yeah thanks Allmight but why was this a draw? I'll be honest I don't want to lose but Shoji did touch the bomb right?
I said wanting to get the question out the way.
Shoto: I also want to know as well!
Shoto said with a bit of aggression as I looked at him.
Sonic's Thoughts: Damn dude calm down?
I thought as Allmight spoke up.
Allmight: Well,"
He said as he looked around the room as i sighed. The guy may be new to teaching and after watching the anime and reading the manga I expected this. But as of right now up close this was pretty annoying.
Allmight: Who would like to answer that question? Why was this a draw the most reason judgement?"
Lida: Allmight-Sensei!
Lida shouted as he stepped forward with a serious look on his face.
Sonic's Thoughts: Oh great the turtle is goona talk! Please don't bore me to death.
I thought.
Lida: I would like to answer that
He said as Allmight nodded in response.
Iida: At that moment Shoji touched the bomb the moment the buzzer rang. Considering the scenario that is being played out, that meant one of two things! First that he touched it just after it would have exploded, making his confiscation of it moot! Second that he would have touched it just before or when it would have exploded! In either case awhile the heroes would have technically won, within the scenario they would not have been able to disarm the bomb in time! So the heroes fulfilled the parameters of their victory as did the villans-
Kaminari: Yeah I thought touching the bomb meant the win for the heroes!"
Kaminari interrupted Ilda loudly.
Tsuyu: Usually it would but we have no way to know when exactly Shoji touched the bomb, kero! Besides both teams did really well.''
Kiri yelled as he clenched his fists.
Kirishima: I want to go out there now and just have a manly fight!"
He yelled as I shook my head at this.
Allmight: Class!
Allmight said as he clapped his hands with a massive grin on his face.
Allmight: Young Lida is correct! First I had no way of knowing when exactly Young Shoji touched the bomb. I'm afraid I did not have a photo-camera at the ready!"
He said with a wink.
Allmight: However, I did need to keep in mind the scenario in question. With the ambiguousness of when the bomb was touched, I had to make an executive decision. And a draw was the best one in this circumstance.
He gave to Shoto as i nodded understanding the circumstance.
Allmight: Now! This battle has two MVPS! Young Mineta and Young Shoji.
As soon as I said that I blinked at this in slight shock.
Allmight: For much the same reason as in the last battle," When there parts were battling in the lower levels, they were focused on there true goals. Neither young Sonic or Shoto made any effort to aid their allies, but instead focused on fighting eachother, even causing massive damage to the building despite my express warnings. And also from what I've seen none of you really tried to communicate with your team members so that removes some marks. Communication is key after all.
He scolded sternly as I sat up from the ground with a look of shock.
Sonic's Thoughts: Alright what express warnings did you give let me check ZERO! Motherfucker your talking about what property damage all I did was break ice and hit Todoroki litterally nothing else? Hell didn't Shoji and Mineta do the most property damage!? And how the hell am I supposed to help if I can't even run at my top speeds! But I do admit I was too focused on kicking Shotos ass at the moment but still last i time i checked I was playing the villan!
Sonic: Excuse me Allmight sir!
I shouted loud enough for the symbol of peace to hear as turned towards MG attention.
Allmight: Yes young Sonic! Any questions.
Sonic: Yeah I got one! Last time I checked I was playing the role of a villan! Why would I actual villan care about property damage!?
I said a little annoyed as the teacher seemed to be taken aback at the question.
Sonic: Like bro not to be rude but you fight villans all the time and they don't care about breaking shit?
I said as the number one began to sweat a bit. Like come on bro like how did he miss the part of being villain requires me to act like one.
Allmight began to sweat a bit before replying.
Allmight: Uuuuuh......In the end you all focused on the goal and came close to fulfilling it despite great adversity,"
Allmight said seriously as my eye twitched.
I said to myself In irritation as I eyed blond like if the guy knew who the hell I was I'm sure he'd definitely not ignore my simple question?
I swear Allmight why are you the number one hero if you couldn't answer my question?
I internally sighed as I decided to let guy be him and not mention it as he spoke up.
Allmight: And as for the draw....I know this can be disheartening. But I do not see this as a insult nor as a reason to become relax! And this goes to every one of you! These Students poured there hearts and souls into this fight using every ability at there disposal!
He said as I lightly chuckled.
Sonic's Thoughts: I wouldn't say everything but oh well.
I thought as Shoto shuffled a bit.
Allmight: They were unable to obtain victory over the other, but that was not through lack of effort! Take the lessons of this battle to heart UNDERSTOOD!
He shouted as I replied with yes sir as the others replied in unison.
Except for Bakugou who was still sulking in the corner after his match with Izuku.
And it was at this moment I grinned knowing what I was goona do when I'm finished with this excerise.
A hour later.
After the excerise I watched the rest of the battles with a closed eye as I carefully analyzed the fights.
No one else in the class was as reckless as Deku and Bakugous performance and there were a few flaws that needed to be fixed.
But hey I'm not there teacher so It wasn't my job to help them improve unless if they asked.
And after we got done with are battle trials we headed back to class ready for the next part of the day and that whole time Bakugou and shoto simply ignored everything around then as they were completely in there own little world.
Sheesh they really were children.
The end I know it was short but I assure you this isn't even close as to how lomg the part 1 of the usj is anyways I'm so happy since this is the blue blurs 32th birthday so I had to make this.
I also have a few questions if you don't mind answering.
1 When I go into say arcs of Sonic readers hero sponsor ship which hero would you like to see the blue blur be with? Hell I'll even make a fun little arc for that part if I get to it.
2 What kind of Support item should Sonic reader have? I don't want him to only be using his powers all the time so what Support item or a sort of transportation could he use.
3 What was your favorite Sonic reference in this story?
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