School Life

Chapter 2

The next day, I woke up and got ready for school. Which was a odd experience. I'm actually going to a mandatory anime like school. I'm not goona lie I was kinda excited.

I had a few protein bars and chili for breakfast as I shoved my laptop into my bag, i made sure to pack a few more bars for later, and I headed out the door in my school uniform which had holes for my quills as I opened the door I found a package at my door step.

I kneeld down to the package as I checked to box as I saw my name on it, it had Ranmas name on it I shrugged as I opened the box to find shoes.

They were a little to wide but other than that they were perfect. I immediately slipped them on my feet as I tossed the box in the house.

I was going to make sure I thank Ranma for this, I ran out the apartment complex as I took a route Ranma had given me, I jogged my way there as i ignored the looks and stares of people, including the awes the girls were giving me as I booked it to the school.

I crossed over some bridges, ran past a massive amount of buildings, went through an alleyway or two.

I was 2 miles away from school so running to school awhile restraining myself would be a good way to improve on my Parkour skills because apparently, since I'm sonic I have a lot of energy to run on I know its a crime a to use your quirk in public but can a skill be considered a quirk and technically sonics speed isn't a quirk.

I got to the school in a few minutes of running and a little parkour. I walked towards my new short cut as I found the school and entered. I could see the students eying me as I walked in the door.

???: So CUTE!!

One of the students said as I slightly blushed.

They were... so much bigger than me. I kinda felt a little shy but I knew at the end of the day these guys couldn't do much anyway and plus I could probably kick there asses if they tried to punk me depending on there quirks of course, I'm a high school student in the body of sonic the hedgehog and were all technically kids here. I slowed down as I approached my destination, as I looked them over.

It was interesting looking at the people here in this world they were so colorful and cooler looking, than normal people. This is to be expected I'm in a anime after all. A few of them had mutation quirks after all, but a few also had hair of varying colors, from natural blonde to bright red. One kid even had a insect like appearance.

I kept walking intil I found the office to the school.

I headed through the doors, rushing into the office, where a beleaguered lady already dealing with a bunch of troublesome students clearly getting on her nerves. She walked me through the motions as I did my best with my now fluent Japanese. I went to a shoe locker as the woman handed me key as she left. I replaced my new shoes with some indoor ones as I headed to class. Soon enough, I was standing in a class infront of bunch of surprised teens at my appearance. I stared at them confused intil the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

I looked them over again as the Teacher, a guy who had purple skin with hands and thumbs as spatulas, waved for me to speak.

Sonic Mind: Godamn quirks are weird?

I said to myself as I spoke In Japanese.

Sonic: Hello my name is Sonic the Hedgehog nice to meet all of you.

I said perfectly thank God I'm a fast learner now I can speak it normally and understand it. It's just only the thing I'm terrible at is kanji.

And I didn't want to reveal sonics real name since it sounded boring as hell.

All the girls: AWWWWW SO CUTE!

The teacher smiled as he pointed to my desk to which i obliged by taking it as I listened to teachers lesson.

Sonic: OH god I'm just as popular with the ladies.

I said to myself.

3 hours later

Class was really interesting but I didn't catch much of it but thankfully there were page numbers and such to help me out. I may have been a quick learner but I'm not used to advanced fractions and shit I wrote down what I could in my shaky Kanji, awhile writing it down in English as well. The kids were oddly disciplined, but that might have been the culture difference.

And the teachers aim with the chalk which also led to something odd that happened. Awhile I was writing something down the sound of a loud obnoxious fart came from me and yet I didn't make a sound.

Sonic Mind: The hell was this suppose to be a insult.

Teacher: Sonic-san!

The teacher looked at me surprised.

Sonic: Uh....

I cocked my head back to the side a little irritated.

Sonic: I didn't-"

I didn't finish because of the students behind me started giggling. I looked at the bitch he was a scrawny fellow, he looked to be about 5 foot but his throat looked like someone had installed a voice box in the front of it.

The teacher glared at him.

Teacher: KEITA-SAN!.....

He said as a piece of chalk was launched like it had been shot out of a gun as It bounced of the guys forehead.

???: Gah!"

He gasped, as he rubbed at his head the teacher scolded him awhile I blinked.

Sonic: Interesting quirk?

3 hours later.

Soon enough though, it was time for lunch I went out to the soccer field, crossing it to get to a nice tree I'd seen awhile coming here. I reached into my backpack as I pulled out protein bars and scarfed them down along with some chili as I relaxed under the tree. I'd take my lunches to fuel up for now, but tomorrow I will use the time to train and hone my skills and study, and a nice long run.

But for know, I was happy to relax I leaned my back against the tree as I slowly closed my eyes as I planned on taking a little nap.

Until somebody threw a small rock at face luckily I caught it before it could hit. I looked around as I saw two people a couple feet away as they were surprised by my reflexes. One was the voice box guy Keita I guess and the other was a fat guy with hair made of..... dirt.

Sonic: What a trash ass looking mutation.

I said in Japanese the boy scowled as a portion of his hair fell of to float above his palm, as I hardened into a stone about the size of his fist as he sent the rock towards me.

Sonic : Yeah,none of that!

I raised my hand as I snapped my fist outward, as I grabbed the rock infront of my face. I slowly lowered my fist as the fat guy scowled, and waved his hand as the rock shook in my fist.

???: Damn delinquent!!

Sonic Mind : Did this motherfucker say I'm a delinquent I know he's not talking he threw the rock at me.

I squeezed down on the rock as I threw it to ground. I got into a running position as in a blur I was behind the two as i held there wallets and phones in my poession.

The guys face paled as the other guys friend turned to see me violating there phones as I installed a bunch of porn in his personal messages as I sent them to their contacts.

I tossed there stuff back as they immediately noticed messages from there parents and everyone else they knew.

Keita: Dude the FUCK WHY DID DO YOU THIS!!

Sonic: Eh you messed with me and you did try to gang up on somebody who is extremely small mind you.

Sonic said as this irritated the boys even further the guy with the rock quirk tried to pull of more dirt but a ominous aura. Made of demonic energy started to appear from behind the two boys as it seemed to be a teacher who was clearly pissed.


As the Teacher held her phone infront of the boy.

Keita turned around to meet his teacher with sweat pouring down his face. As he saw the picture he turned dead pale as it was the porn I sent.

Keita: Wait-wait I can exp.......

Before he could finish the teacher immediately slapped the shit out of the student as he fell to the ground unconscious.

His friend tried to sneak away but he was immediately caught and was dragged into the building with his friend. Luckily she didn't notice me as I was already gone.

I sighed in relief.

Sonic: Those are probably not goona be the only idiots I'll find myself interacting with, but at least the rest of my lunch was quiet.

I couldn't be caught anyway since I needed a good record to get into U.A and plus I fight when it's necessary.

After school was over I headed to the arcade to waist some time before I find a place to train. Hopefully I learn how to master all my abilities before I enter U.A, but for now i deserve a little break from working hard.

As I walked towards the arcade I admired beautiful Sakura tree leaves as the air smelled like flowers I slowly adjusted the backpack on my back as I walked down the nearly empty street.

It was really was quite empty here usually in Japan its always crowded in the street so this was kinda strange luckily I knew where I was going since I've been down this street so many times.

As I turned corner he accidentally bumped into somebody as sonic fell on his but.

Sonic: OOF!

???: Oops my bad little guy I should have paid more attention.

I rubbed my head as I got to my feet.

Sonic: Its okay im....fine.

Sonics eyes widened as I gained a small blush by the figure.

She was super hot in person.

She had Beautiful fluffy pink hair, and cool black eyes awhile, land horns awhile packing a incredibly thick body awhile wearing a blue jacket over her uniform.

???: And also why don't you have your jacket on you'll get wet you can't out run the weather you know?

I shrugged at this and spoke.

Sonic: A little water won't affect me ill be fine.

I said as she smirked.

Honestly I was kinda happy meeting a class 1 A girl real life especially Mina I've always liked her as charcter. She is a person I would definitely want to have a relationship with if I ever met. Well it seems it's my time.

Mina: Sure it won't and what exactly are you? From your appearance you look quite like a porcupine?

Sonic: I'm not a porcupine I'm a hedgehog?!

Mina: OH really sorry don't get so sensitive sheesh.

I shrugged it off as we continued talking for awhile i was actually having a normal conversation.

Mina: Your a really cool guy Sonic wanna exchange numbers?

I peaked one of my eyes curiously as I agreed as we exchanged numbers.

I actually had a legit conversation with a cute girl had the confidence to have one so long. This must have been Sonic's over whelming confidence I loved this.

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by beeping sound coming from Mina's phone.

Mina: OH shoot I'm about to be late sorry but I really got to go! I'll see you soon.

I shrugged as I waved her off as she ran down the road as I looked at the number on my phone.

Sonic: I guess being a blue hedgehog has its perks?

I said to myself as I walked down the street.

Four months I'd been in middle school for about fourth months which was Hella boring.

School was both harder and easier than it had been the first time around. I had been learning all these bull shit subjects and a lot of math. But I still had a little advantage of being a high schooler.

But more than that I was more determined than ever especially in this body and new world. I could see myself at UA it was a place I was 100% i would be familiar with, and also I could gain the freedom to use my speed as I wished if I get my license.

The law literally prohibited people from using their powers for anything in public except for self defense. That made sense in some ways but the idea of it chafed me. I was FUCKING SONIC THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG now. I wasn't going to do anything rash and stupid, I just really wanted to be allowed to use my powers. I've always did my training outside of town but apparently it's not enough it's like I need to run across the entire state of Japan to be satisfied. What's the point of having superpowers if you can't use them?

Oh, and helping the people or whatever.

So yeah, I put most of my time I had into my school work. I studied constantly as kept learning kanji forcing myself to write it every single day like if my life depended on it. I also refreshed my memory of math and science stuff I've forgotten and some I hadn't known, which could have been because it was future or because Japan takes schooling seriously.

And finally history which was actually kinda fun. Because to the average kid, history in this world was often boring to me it was literally reading comic books and manga.

I had Allmight, to crimson riot to captian Celebrity, and all sorts of villans they fought in the old days.

History was the easiest subject for me without a doubt since I was the goat.

And I hung out with Mina a lot.

She was a damn treasure man it's like I hung out with my soul mate. Eventhough we went to different schools she was always so damn fun to hangout with. We always hangout after school, and we found a shared love for action packed anime and manga, as well as video games involving dancing. She really liked Romance match maker shows as well, to which I wasn't really a big fan of, but I did enjoy talking to her about it.

We spent a lot of are days at a certain arcade we hangout as we talk about our favorite characters, stories and adventures. And most of the time she really hangs out with her other friends to which I understood.

I wasn't lonely or anything it's just good to talk someone you know. And besides Mina isn't the only female in the series I wanted meet.

And luckily it won't be too long before I get meet her because a certain green haired Protagonist with balls of steel started his orgin story 2 months ago FINALLY.

May 2 months ago first semester

News Reporter: The sludge villan had the abilities to take over the bodies of others, forcing them to use there quirks for his benefit, and found a child with a powerful quirk that he used to devastate the area, even endangering the life of a fellow student who recklessly ran into battle. Luckily, the young man whose body was controlled managed to hold on until Allmight arrived on the scene, rescuing both the children and defeating the villan! Reconstruction is already beginning-

Ring Ring

I paused my screen as I drawed my attention to my phone.

I picked it up to see it was Mina's as I answered.

Mina: Sonic did you see the NEW'S your near the area are you alright?!

She said worridly.

Sonic: OH! Uh,yeah,yeah I'm fine I'm just watching the video right now actually. Some students got saved by Allmight apparently.

I said to not worry her anymore.

Mina: Whooo I'm so glad your okay remember tomorrow we're going to train for the entrance exam.

I patted my head as I nervously chuckled.

Sonic: Yeah that's right do you have your equipment?

Mina: Of course I do anyway I'm glad your okay stay safe.

She said

Sonic: Uh sure thanks for checking on me see you tomorrow.

I said as I hung up as I laid on my sofa.

Sonic: 4 months in this world and I'm already bored out my mind, damn laws I really can't wait to freaking dominate the entrance exam.

I said as I smiled a bit as I thought about Allmight, living in this world had really highlighted just how fucking much Allmight meant to the people on the world.

He was like the Japanese interation of superman he was literally everywhere I was kinda getting tired of him appearing in every single place I go.

But I didn't mind it as I smiled because at least life actually gave me something.

Plot Armor and since sonic is a protagonist of course I would have Plot I just hope I don't go around finding chaos emeralds it's going to take a fucking long time.

Especially with these restrictions at least tomorrow will be fun I said to myself as I closed my laptop and went to bed.

The end

I hope yall enjoyed the chapter vote and comment for more.

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