Road Trip
Chapter 3
July 1
Today was the first day of summer break so of course like any excited teenager eager to freaking let loose. I immediately grabbed my bag that had my usual things for when I my left apartment as in blur at super speed I left the apartment unnoticed. The only person who probably noticed me was a house wife looking lady who was watering some plants.
I recently learned how to move so fast any person who sees me is just blur. I honestly don't know how fast I was currently but from what I knew sonic in his younger form surpasses the speed of sound. I just couldn't help it and surely if I do get caught it's not like they have technology to keep track with my speed. Classic sonic fights enemies on the speed of light most of the time like how he helped defeat that final boss's in sonic forces and that time he was so fast be ran from the past to the future and sure he technically needed help with those gate things if he ran fast enough.
I went to Mina's house and informed her about are training spot as i started stretching my limbs as i waited for my comrade to get ready.
I was at the front yard as I reached my foot behind my back as did various stretches. Today was day I show Mina were I usually spent most of time to prepare for UA since she wanted to practice a bit as well.
I wore a custom made black hoodie and tea shirt as I also wore some black shorts with my classic red and white sneakers sonic always wears. I was gonna make sure to thank Ranma for this cool ass design. Apparently his family is famous for custom designing hero costumes and clothes.
I was kinda excited to show Mina my training grounds but why was She taking so long. She literally stated she had already packed for the day. I guess she was talking with her mom or something as I pulled out my phone as I started scrolling through the recent news of heroes.
As I scrolled through my phone the door to Mina's house flung open as Mina walked out with a gym bag as she wore a black tea shirt and some gym shorts with purple shoes and a bracelet on her wrists.
Mina: OH Sonic your already here that was fast? Did you happen to catch a train?
I lightly chuckled at her question since I never told her about my powers yet it was always so funny to think about it.
Sonic: No I ran here?
Mina held a shocked expression as she easily shrugged it thinking I took some sort of transport.
Sonics Thoughts: She is most definitely gonna be tripping when I show her my abilities.
Sonic: Anyway ready to go?
I ask her.
Mina: Yeah we're good sorry I took so long I was just talking to my mother about you how about when we're done for the day do you want to meet her?
I gave a surprised look and shrugged it wasn't a big deal all she wants to know if I wanted to meet her mother. It's a typical friend thing right I've never really had any friends so this was kinda strange to me.
Sonic: Uhh....sure lets do it sometime this week and when do you want to comeback?
Mina hummed in thought as she looked at the time on her phone it was 12 pm.
Mina: Honestly Sonic I'm not really in the mood to work really hard to today so can we leave at 2 pm sounds good.
Sonic: Sure whatever flows your boat I'm not gonna complain and besides you have been non stop bragging me about what abilities I poessed.
Mina: That's only because I've shown you've mine?
Why did she word it like that not like I was complaining but she would most likely give people the wrong idea.
Sonic: But anyway now that you're ready I'm goona say this. PLEASE do not freak out okay or get any strange idea's alright. Because for the place we're going we are taking a short cut.
Mina was about to say something intil time itself started to slow down as I walked behind Mina's body. And slowly lifted her up bridal style as I placed are bags on the ground as postioned myself as I ran across the city into my usual training grounds.
Thank God sonic was naturally strong of course he would be able to pick up a person easily since he destroys robots a hundred times his size.
As I ran out the city in a flash as I ran to my training grounds.
It was a large field of grass away from the public since I couldn't use my powers in public gym.
I was at least a couple a miles away from the city but still close enough so that I could run back without people witnessing caring a woman in my arms.
I placed Mina on the nice soft grass as I zoomed back to her house as I brought are bags as I placed them near her as time once again began to pick up pace as I was met with a clearly flabbergasted Mina.
Mina: Wha..wha...what happened how I am here did we teleport?
Sonic: No we didn't teleport I used my super speed to bring us here.
Mina: No way you brought us here by running!! That's impossible I didn't even see you move?
Sonic: I know I know I'm pretty fast for somebody my size but trust me this isn't teleportation if it was how would it make sense. And besides your literary on the grass with bags and you can clearly see the foot prints across the grass field around you.
Mina immediately looked beneath her as she noticed the footprints on the ground as she stood there with the most shocked expression I've ever seen on a person besides Ranma who literally passed out by the pure shock.
I guess it was hard to acknowledge somebody who moves so fast that they cant even keep track of.
Mina: Eeeeeeeeeeh!SO COOL?
Sonic: I know right and it's not only thing I can do?
The minute Mina heard this she some how squealed even harder as she begged me to demonstrate.
Mina: Please show me show me show ME!
Mina literally jumped on my leg and begged like kid. It was actually kinda funny as I slowly removed my hoodie and placed it my bag with my shirt.
Sonic: Sure but make sure to stay back for this one?!
Mina took my advice as she took a couple steps back as I curled up into a ball and spinning myself extremely fast as I performed the spin attack at a random tree as I sawed it in half like a chain saw as i performed other cool tricks and skills as Mina watched in awe as I leaped into the air and performed a graceful front flip and landed on my feet on the soft grass.
This shit took a lot of practice to master my new body especially the spin attacks. It was a very slow process but thank God I've learned the ropes quickly like a real gamer would.
And besides it's not like I need to worry about anybody being a threat sonic is like a multi unverisal threat since sonic fights enemies who are above planet level so I would solo everyone here and and If I do have supersonic I'm basically unbeatable at this point.
Mina: Alright how are you this cool? I swear to God Sonic you're always so full of surprises.
She said as she came closer I lightly blushed at the praises.
Sonic: Alright,alright enough praising me its time to actually work you know.
Mina huffed as she pouted like puppy.
Mina: Fiiiine?
She said as she started secreting acid from her palms as she started spraying it from her palms on a nearby boulder.
As she did that I got into a running position as I placed my knuckles on ground as I postioned my feet as I smiled confidently. As In a blue streak I ran across the grass lands as jumped over all sorts of objects in my way as I turned to the left and ran over a lake as I ran across the water.
As I ran across the lake I ran up a cliff near me as I ran across the wall and kept running across the grasslands as I kept increasing my speed as I ran around the area as to not ditch Mina.
I really needed to find out how fast I truly was only if there was a device to track my speed.
July 5
After days of training with Mina today was the first day actually meeting the parent of a friend and genuinely I was kinda scared.
Listen in my past life people barely knew I existed except for family and so I wasn't a extrovert I was a complete introvert. I've always kept myself away from most people since I've never really liked most people.
I've always felt comfortable being alone I wasn't a junkie I definitely worked out a lot in solitude. So I wasn't a bum in a chair all day it's just with people I lacked actual confidence I've always had to fake my confidence and not really speak my mind.
But eversince this happened I've been nothing but a blue ball of confidence I've always acknowledged Sonic as he was the person I really looked up to besides Spiderman.
But I wasn't no pushover either before I became Sonic and I never really learned on how to back down on a request.
As I jogged down the street walked to the door in nearly super speed as I pressed the doorbell as waited outside a bit. Intil the intercom of door buzzed on.
Mina: Sonic is that you?"
Sonic: That or somebody really good at cosplay.
I replied as she giggled.
Mina: Okay,I'll be right there! Come on in my mom should be at the door!
The door let out a little alarm sound and somebody it opened, as I took a step back as somebody who was not Mina opened the door wide.
The person looked at me and gave a wide smile.
???: Well I'll be Mina told me you were quite small but this is something else! Said the tall pink skinned woman infront me with a smirk. The woman was a little taller than Mina but had the same shade of pink hair just like her but more wild and longer like Android 21 from dbz fighters.
She was wearing a pink striped tank top under a black flannel shirt she'd left unbuttoned with her sleeves rolled up as she wore a pair of jean shorts as her outfit exposed her gorgeous figure. She had horns poking out her head, but they were shaped the sames as Minas as she poessed Mina's eyes but her irises were crimson.
???: My name is Kai Ashido and you must be the infamous Sonic the hedgehog?
Sonic: The one and only and it's nice to meet you ma'am.
Kai: Ooh I like the way you talk keep it up and I might just give you my daughters hand in marriage?
I blushed hardly at this as my head lit up like a like candle. Apparently she really liked teasing why didn't Mina inform me about this I said to myself.
Kai: Sheesh kid I'm just teasing you know you really were excited weren't you?
Sonic: Uh urfg uwhaaaa?
I stuttered as I tried to make words as Kai giggled at my act and signaled for me to come in to which I did.
As I walked in noticed some packed bags near the door as I paid no mind her mom was probably going on a business trip or something.
I assumed as I sat down on the couch as she sat on a chair across from me.
Kai: Mina hurry up your friend is waiting?
She yelled as she locked eyes with me.
Kai: I noticed you didn't bring a suitcase so that means Mina didn't tell you did she?
I tilted my head in confusion at the statement.
Sonic: Umm tell me what?
I said as Kai nodded at my ansewer.
Kai: Well that confirms it this definitely won't stand sorry for the misunderstanding? Eversince you've started training to together I asked her if she would invite you to are summer vacation sweet since she keeps talking about you. But apparently that slipped her mind somehow I swear she may be good at making friends but her memory needs some work!
She said kinda bluntly as she said it with a smile.
Kai: Anyway do you want to come with us were just going to small town I used to live in. I own house near the forest so don't have to worry about using your quirks since you won't be in the city but you will have to avoid using them in shopping areas.
Sonic: Sounds great it's not like had anything else to do and besides don't worry about my packages I can get them in no time if I wanted to.
Kai: I'm very aware of your speed I was looking at the through the window that day when you arrived. It kinda surprises me that your able to move so fast the public eye can't even keep track of you. But still if you want to hangout with my daughter just make sure to turn it down and follow the rules okay.
I nodded as she gave that lecture of not using your quirk in public or performing signs of heroism or I could go to jail or what not.
Of course I did pay attention since my hero career depended on it as I listened to Kai and as she talked Mina entered the room.
Mina: OH Sonic your here weres your bags?
She asked confused as I faced palm myself.
Kai: Honey your the one who forgot to tell him! Remember?!
Mina: OH geez sorry Sonic I guess I just forgot?
She said as she patted her head innocently I really wished to freaking smack Mina on the head but unfortunately I was respectful to women.
Kai: OH Mina can you also grab my phone it should be in my room okay?
Mina nodded as she ran up the stairs as Kai laid eyes on me again as she raised a eyebrow.
Kai: So! What are you intentions for my daughter?
There was a chill that went up my spine as my quills started stood up. She was indeed smiling but gave off those anime mama bear mode or something.
Sonic: To train and become heroes?
I said hesitantly.
Kai: OH? So you didn't become Mina's friend to get close to me?
She said politely.
Sonic: Ehhh! No what?
Kai sighed in relief at my ansewer.
Kai: Sorry about accusing you there it's just I am a fitness trainer and they were a lot of guys from Mina's school who see me at the gym to take weird pictures of me. And trust me a lot of people try to get close to my daughter because I'm her mom so please forgive me?
Sonic Mind: Ah that made sense she wasn't worried about dating. She was worried about a her daughter getting used by an asshole who would use her to get close to her mom.
Sonic: Its okay ma'am it's completely understandable.
I said as I calmed down.
Sonic: And besides I would never do Mina like that and she didn't really mention anything about you. And I wouldn't have cared anyways Mina's awesome. I promise you I'm not that type of person.
Kai eyed me again for a long time,seemingly trying to read my emotions. To which I let her not reacting much.
Kai: Yer an odd kid huh? Most people would freak out a bit more if their friends mom was eying them like this.
Sonic: I've been told something like that before.
Kai: I'm sure you have fella and by the way how old are you?
She said as she laid her head back on her chair.
Sonic: I'm 15 years old.
Kai hummed as Mina walked down the stairs.
Mina: Mom I've found your phone here you go.
She said as her mother grabbed her phone as her bags were hanging from her shoulders as she smiled. She was wearing a blue shirt and some jeans with some blue shoes.
Mina: Let's go already!
Kai: Alright were going.
Kai said rising up as she hugged her daughter.
Kai: Thank God I got the van I reckon your friend will need to stay in the back he's a little to small for the front.
Sonic Mind: Godamn it another reason I hated my freaking size I was just way to fucking short to even be in the front.
God how come being my favorite video game character was so godamn short.
At this point I really needed my growth spurt at this point I said to myself as Mina patted my head.
Mina: Better luck next time huh?
Sonic: Not cool Mina not cool!
I said as we walked outside and into the car to think I would even sit in the back. I wasn't tripping about it since I could go to sleep comfortably on the seat.
It probably made a funny image to horned pink skinned women in the front seat of the car with a small adorable and incredibly handsome hedgehog was resting in the back.
I woke up once and awhile as I saw the countryside and Mina and Kai talking as I fell back to sleep numerous times.
2 hours later
We finally reached are destination after a few hours somebody tapped my shoulder lightly as I opened one of my eyes to see Mina.
Mina: Hey cutie were here!"
I sat up jumped out the car as I looked around to which we were indeed.
It looked Japanese designed as there seemed to be a American barn right next to it. There was a rice field on one side and in the distance I could see a clear d I me that looked like a super futureristic greenhouse.
Honestly I wasn't expecting this from Mina's family I was expecting something more like a cabin or a lake house but this was cool to I guess they were hard workers.
Damn this place looked picturesque.
Sonic: I never took you guys to be farmers? Do you guys own this place?
Kai: Yeah apparently this was my mother's farm before she passed away now its up to me and my sister to look after it luckily she's on vacation so we have the entire barn for are selves for now.
Kai: Wanna do some sight seeing and grab a bite to eat?
Mina: Hell ya?
Sonic: I could go for a bite right now.
I did come here to have fun but who knew I would be at a farm at all places oh well I guess my summer won't be so boring after all.
I know a barn yea I at least wanted some world building besides the city and plus do you honestly see sonic being a shut in nope even I would be bored out of mind
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