Quirk assessment Test
Hello fellow readers I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 7
Days after the exam
You know you think you'll have enough crazy events after your vacation was over but apparently that would soon not be the case. I just got out the freaking grocery after buying some fresh ingredients for some pasta.
Intil this happened!?
The sound of screeching tires intensified as I realized what situation I was in. I turned around and spotted a runaway delivery truck tearing its way down the street. I wasnt even remotely surprised as i thought about the scene from sonic adventure 2.
Sonic: He better have insurance.
I said as the speeding truck speeds down the hill. It zooms past me as I spot the driver inside panicking and screaming at the top of his lungs awhile trying to hit the breaks bit they clearly weren't working.
I analyzed the situation quickly intil I realized the other issue at hand. The other problem however is that there are no heroes in the area once again present to stop the truck.
Sonic: I guess it's up to me again?
I said as I quickly placed my huge bag of groceries on the ground but before I could take off I also noticed the situation some how got even more worst.
Sonic: You gotta be kidding me?
I said as I noticed that even further down the street three people were walking across the road. It seemed to be to young kids and from what I could describe was there older siblings were strolling along the side walk blissfully unaware of the out of control vehicle.
The older sister after getting distracted by her baby sisters antics looked up. And although she didn't outwardly express her surprise anulyone could see the shock of dread course through her body after she noticed the dangerously fast approaching truck.
Awhile in panic the driver sticks his head out the window awhile screaming at the top of his lungs.
Truck Driver: GET OUT THE WAY!
Sonic: I better go now or they'll get isekai'd!
As without a half a second to lose my feet became a blur as i ran towards the family as everything was In slow motion as I slowed down.
I noticed the sister however didn't panic especially not now when her siblings depended on her to save them as she lashed...out her tongue and wrapped it around her siblings.
Holy Shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit how did I not recognize her It was Tsyu! One of my favorite characters in Mha ever good lord she was honestly more stunning in person then rather having to look at her on screen. She was animated basically the same but it's cooler up close like always but unfortunately I didn't have to time to internally monlogue for point 0. 1 seconds as we were in a freaking life or death situation.
I quickly grabbed the frog like siblings and girl out the way as time began to move back to normal. I placed them on the otherside of the road on concrete.
Tsyu: Huh?
The frog girl blinked in confusion unsure of what just happened.
Sonic: Well that was too close for comfort.
I said as the girl had to look down at me to get a clear picture of what I looked like.
Sonic: Ooops! Still got one more thing to take care of.
I said as I flashed a toothy grin at the frog family.
Sonic: I'm glad your all safe take care of yourselves now I gotta juice see ya!
I said as I zipped away after the truck as I silently praised myself not for saving their lives but for my great line.
Sonic: Hahaha nailed it perfectly!
I chuckled.
Tsyu: Was that supposed to be funny?
Tsyu heard me say as she tilted her head to the side as she watches a blue the porcupine man run away.
She had a few questions in her mind as she put her finger on her lip.
Tsyu Thoughts: Who is he?
She said to herself as she and her siblings curiously watched on as a blue blur spins around the delivery truck. And after a few seconds a wheel pooped right off and other parts of the truck began to dissappear as whats left of the truck drops down to the street.
It's bottom grinding against the pavement as sparks began to fly out from its sides. The driver still continued to scream like a maniac even as the truck comes to a complete stop.
Eventually reality settled in as the driver passed out clear exhausted after the ordeal. His heart for sure couldn't handle the immense fear I couldn't blame him honestly.
Sonic: Sheesh drama queen!
I said to myself as I ran back to my groceries as I zoomed out the area. Only leaving a trail of wind behind me as I ran back to apartment complex.
But as I ran off I sanged a really catchy song I picked up back in my old life.
I was singing the Escape through the city song throughout the entire run.
Evenmore days after my exam Mina and I got are test results in. To which she insisted to meet up at her house to open our letters together as I came along.
Mina: I'm so excited!
Mina said as she held her envelope tight in one hand. Kai and I were watching carefully as we all sat in the living room I was laying on the couch as I leaned my arm on the side as my face rested on my knuckles as I yawned in exhaustion. Kai was on a chair as Mina was just in the center of the room as she jumped around.
Mina: I think I did well in the pratical but I just hope my written exam doesn't bring me down!
Sonic: Mina you'll fine.
I said as I held a thumbs up.
Sonic: Hurry up and open it i wanna see your test score!
I said as Kai coughed a bit I was honestly more interested in my own test results but as I friend I wanted to see what Mina got in canon.
Mina: O-okay!
Mina said as she took a deep breath.
Mina: Here we go!
She said as she opened the envelope as she pulled apart the fancy wax seal as she found a letter inside as well as a metal disc on it.
Mina: Huh?
She said as she placed the disc on the table ready to open the letter. So when the metal disc created a holographic screen as she yelped in surprise.
Mina: Ah! Wha-
???: Greetings young Ashido! I am Allmight! The Number One Hero! Hahahahahah!
Sonic's Thoughts: I guess he doesn't only do it with Midoryia huh?
Mina: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Mina yelled as her eyes turned into stars as my eyes widened In slight shock for dramatic effect.
Mina: Allmight knows my name....
Kai: What is he doing in this?
Kai asked eventhough she had just a bit of the same reaction as Mina.
Allmight: You may be wondering why I am sending you this message yes? Well I'm becoming one of your teachers.
Kai: OH that makes sense?
Mina mumbled intil the last part struck her like lightning.
Mina: Wait wait wait! T-teacher?! Whaa...
Mina said quite speechless.
Allmight: Yes I am!
Allmight said as though he had already heard her as he smirked proudly.
Allmight: You were incredible here Young Ashido! You defeated enough villans to reach 45 points. Quite a admirable score young one! But of course there is more to the exam than simply defeating villans.
He said as he spreaded his arms wide.
Allmight: We are heroes! We do not simply score based on defeating opponents but also for aiding others! For rescuing those who needed help!
Footage began to play of Mina saving a girl as she threw acid over thhe robot. She held a look of excitement and determination on her face as she took down the pointer.
Allmight: How can a hero course ignore such selfless acts of heroism?"
Allmight said as his deep voice echoed as the footage changed back to him. He smiled as he spoke once again.
Allmight: I am proud young Ashido!
Allmight replied as Mina began to cry as her lips quivering upwards.
Allmight: It's great to know that heroes like you are joining our school. And so here's your results.
Allmight said as a screen pooped up.
Screen: Mina Ashido 40 villan points and 5 rescue points!
Mina: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
As the screen said that Mina began to cry harder as Kai pulled her into a hug.
Kai: I'm so proud of you!
Kai wailed back as she hugged her daughter tightly.
I watched as Allmight continued to speaking that bombastic way of his.
Allmight: You will make a fine hero one day I should know! HAHAHAHAHAH!
Allmight said in a booming laugh.
Allmight: I'll see you in Class 1a and welcome young Ashido! And come to your Hero Academia!"
Mina was crying happily as the hologram emitter shut off as she kept hugging her mother.
Mina: I got in!"
As she said that a warmth filled my chest as I watched the parent and child with a smirk.
I was honestly truly glad everything went well for her though.
I then looked at my own letter that I held with my gloved hand. And after a moment I quickly opened the letter. As I did that Kai and Mina calmed down as they watched as I placed the emitter on the table as the hologram came to life.
Just After The Entrance Exams The Heroes
Principle Nezu: Sonic Maurice Hedgehog you know i never expected for someone like him to have such a middle name?
A animalistic looking man with the head of a mouse he had black circular eyes and a scar over the right one. He smiled as an image of the young man in question appeared on screen.
Nezu: Quirk Super sonic speed he can run at speeds surpassing the sound barrier itself and gives the user the appearance of rodent. It also grants him super human agilty and strength along with enhanced stamina and endurance. And his weakness his calories needs to be very high in order to maintain energy. Other abilities are unknown.
???: Now that's interesting basically he's the fastest thing on this planet huh?
Said a woman with a abundant of spiky dark purple hair which was made up of layers of varying lengths. She had sky-blue eyes and peachy skin and a erotic costume.
She pressed her red nailed finger on her bottom lip as she licked her lips erotically.
Midnight: No wonder he did so well in the pratical exam.
Toshinori: Indeed Midnight.
Allmight aka Toshinori Yagi replied as he eyed the screen infront of him. The kid was around Nezu's height but had a very weird anatomy to his understanding he looked like a real life cartoon charcter as the screen showed the blue menace run through hordes of robots easily.
Toshinori: He seems to be very efficient with his quirk though is their anything else we know of him?
Power Loader: Like what? Like how he is as battle hungry as that Katsuki kid! And the fact he rode a missel like a surf board and destroyed so many robots!
Said a man with a yellow helmet on his head.
Power Loader: How'd he do anyway?
Principal Nezu: He scored 77 points 57 villan points and 20 hero points.
Nezu said firmly.
Power Loader: Whaaaa that's as big as the Katsuki kid!
Nezu: Hmm it is impressive awhile he didn't want to get anymore because I belive he thought it was enough. He never had any issues destroying the robots he faced. On the contrary he seemed to treat this exam as some sort of game.
???: A game huh?
A man replied he was very pale with massive bags under his eyes. A white cloth hanging around his neck as his long black hair in his field of vision. He swipped it to the side as he glared at the screen.
Aizawa: So he didn't take us seriously?!"
Cementoss: I most likely because he had never had the chance to unleash his power In such a way. We've all known the type of students who were never able to have the chance to truly push their quirks to their limits. But from his attitude and the way he acts he most likely didn't show off his true power.
Aizawa grunted at that as he spoke.
Aizawa: What about his written exam.
Nezu: Middling to fair in everything huh through his answers to our questions testing morality is interesting.
Nezu said cheerfully as some of the teachers held a confused look.
Toshinori: Interesting?
Toshinori spoke up at last as It drawed attention of those around him.
Nezu: Indeed Allmight.
Nezu chuckled.
Nezu: He passed on the written exam as well but as for his pratical though let's have a good look shall we.
As Nezu said that the screen infront of them began to display images of the blue hedgehog in question. And to Toshinori's surprise he had been speaking to Midoryia before the exam began. And when the exam started not only was he the first one to enter the city but he showed a very impressive display of speed.
He was moving at speeds to fast for even the cameras to track. He'll the cameras were built to track Allmight at his best which was at least Mach 4. And this kid here was running faster than that and he wasn't even trying.
But when the boy slowed down the comparison to Bakugou was well earned. Both seemed to relish and enjoy ripping and destroying the robotic opponents but Sonic wasn't so single minded in his assault.
He didn't just rely on his speed he used the environment around him as a tool. He was also extremely skilled when curled into a ball as he destroyed the enemies in a second as for some reason he was able to target said opponents and move his body in the air as he repeatedly hit his opponents.
His quirk was extremely useful for close range. But the only person who could ever hope to match his abilities would probably be Tensei Idlya. And since there could be new abilities to be unlocked he could be on par with Asui with his hedgehog part of him or Miruko.
And at one point he ended up in a street full of robots and students. But when he took down the robots instantly he moved to a different street to allow the others to get points. Toshinori smiled in approval at the selfless action.
But as the Zero Pointer appeared Sonic stared up at it he wasn't even remotely impressed like if he's seen better.
Power Loader: Man the kids got a pair on him.
Power Loader said with a smirk.
Nezu: He certainly does but I feel like this isn't the first time we've seen or heard of this. I remember some civilians in a town called Theed I specifically remember the civilians there were saved by a blue blur of some sorts.
Power Loader: Wasn't that the time when Cow Lady defeated the salad villan.
Power Loader pointed out as Toshinori desperately tried to remember the fight.
Nezu: That is it but unfortunately we don't have any proof of that since no one couldn't identify what saved them.
But as that happened the footage kept rolling as it showed Sonic ran up to a pair of kids who were about to get hurt by some rubble but Sonic saved them in super sonic speeds.
But the final part however Toshinori smiled apparently most of the judges didn't see it but after Midoryias wonderful saving of young Ochako, Sonic had tried to help Midoryia gain points in the last second. But it didn't work as he was out of time.
Nezu: Well what do you all think of him?
Aizawa: Well Nezu If I'm goona be honest I'll tell you what I think.
Aizawa said as he pushed his body off the very comforting chair he sat on.
Aizawa: I personally think rescue points are supposed to be based on actual courage and bravery.
Aizawa said immediately bringing down the mood immediately.
Toshinori Thoughts: Dang Aizawa I was actually was willing to give Midoryia so many points though.
He said to himself as he glared at Aizawa who still hadn't let it go.
Aizawa: Sonic isn't rescuing people despite his fears. He's just doing the bare minimum like any other human would.
Ectoplasm: So harsh.....
Ectoplasm mumbled.
Aizawa: It's the truth.
Aizawa said as he leaned forward.
Aizawa: I will allow him to get some points but he wasn't testing his courage in a tough situation. Until he gets that until he is truly pushed his limits he will never discover if he has what it takes to be a real hero.
Nezu rubbed his chin.
Midnight : I see so intil then we can only grade him based on the tests right infront of us.
Toshinori: So what will his score be?
Toshinori asked as Aizawa opened his mouth to answer.
(Sonic The Hedgehog pov)
Allmight: You have 57 villan points and 5 rescue points.
As he said that I knew someone was clearly being a asshole with the point counter. Because Midoryia received a fucking lot of rescue points awhile I get a mesley 5! It was honestly not a big deal but dang talk about favorites I said to myself as I listened.
Allmight said dramatically to me as he smiled.
Allmight: You have more than enough points to pass I'll be seeing you in Class 1a. Welcome to your Hero Academia Young hedgehog.
Mina looked at me excitedly as I smiled a bit as the hologram disappeared.
Sonic: Heh knew it!
I grinned.
Mina: Congratulations Sonic-kun!"
Mina said as she wrapped her arms around me as she shaked the hell out of me.
Sonic:I-i-im no-t a Sdolll!
I said shakily as Mina calmed down and apologized.
Mina: Sorry Sonic it's just amazing you know!
Sonic: I feel you Mina just don't strangle me awhile hugging me.
Mina: Sure no problem!
I totally doubted that as the Ashidos and I spent the rest of the night celebrating.
First day of U.A.
For Sonic Maurice Hedgehog yes I kept Maurice as my official middle name. I actually liked it and I can't be called THE as a middle name. And to be honest I don't think Maurice is a bad middle name but as I entered the school I realized why so many of my friends said the school of U.A. probably had long halls because good lord!
Sonic: This school is SO LONG!
I said as I walked through the halls of U.A. I used my speed to get here earlier than Mina. I honestly wanted to take a good look at the great U.A. high in person. And to be honest it just looked like a really advanced school and there were so many halls. It got pretty boring when I couldn't just run down the hall ways.
But the thing that really got on my nerves was the stupid U.A. uniform.
My nose scrunched in distaste as I pulled at the fabric hugging my body. It wasn't that the uniform was some what breathable and there was a little hole for his tale thank God they noticed. It was the fact that these clothing could hinder his clothing. Because if they did fuck the school I'm going to school bottom less. And they can't say I'm showing my shlong because secretly I hide it underneath the fur.
So technically does it count as being naked or no well I'll have to see for myself when I try it out.
I sighed as I dropped my gloved hand as I played with the school tie.
Sonic: This is goona take some getting use to.
I said to myself as I looked at the humongous door of Class1a.
Sonic Thoughts:....I'm finally here man......so many fanfics and so many Mha fans dream for this one moment! After learning to basically use this body I'm finally were I wanted to be.
Sonic: Well I better not keep them waiting.
I said as I reached my hand out as I opened the door as I slipped inside. Luckily there were a couple of students there and a student I thought I was ahead of.
Mina: OH hey Sonic!
Sonic: Mina! Your early?
Mina: I know right I finally woke up to my alarm today on time quite the surprise am I right.
Sonic:........... OK.
???: Ooh Mina who is this guy a friend.
Said a petticular pointy redheaded teenager.
Mina: Yea he's a friend Kirishima meet Sonic!
Sonic: Nice to meet you Kirishim-
Idlya: Ah Sonic-san?!
Before I could finish I was interrupted by hurricane Idyla once again.
Idyla: It seems we will be classmates from now on and I'm sorry for my rude behavior yesterday.
Idlya said as he bowed down to my level of height now this was the Idyla I liked not godamn I'm your parent Idyla.
Sonic: It's fine dude just be careful to what you say to people when you meet them.
Idlya: I will keep that mind Sonic and I promise It won't happen again.
Sonic: Cool!
I said casually as I moved inside the classroom as I looked around for a seat. Everyone else introduced themselves as looked through all the seats available.
Mina: You know if your having trouble picking a seat just sit next to me!
Sonic: Thanks but ill just get this one.
I said casually as I grabbed the desk behind seat number 5 as I layed my back on the chair.
Mina: So how is it?
Sonic: Its okay i just dont feel comfortable on these seats.
I said a little frustrated as I shifted my body into a comfortable position. God I was short as hell as my feet can't even touch the fucking floor. At least at my old school they built a desk meant my size hopefully they'll change this soon.
But I just don't mind it much because i can't help it.
As I sat on the desk i looked around the class as I spotted a lot of familar faces. Of course we have Mina, Kirishima, Idlya and as for the others Todoroki, Momo and surprisingly Shoji. Tokiyami and Kaminari opened the door to the class room seconds later as I held a huge smile intil I noticed a flying pair of clothes walk in the room afterwards.
Was it Hagakure because if so Horikoshi damn well just made the hollow woman from hollow man. Like holy shit she was practically see through and surprisingly I believe I could see a very faint outline of her figure not by her clothes but from I belive to be her legs. I don't know how I saw a outline because I'm pretty sure sonic doesn't have that power or I was tripping.
However the last one who didn't introduce himself Shoto Todoroki just looked at the window. Unfortunately he was that cool of course.
And after waiting awhile longer a familar young woman entered the room, she looked around she spotted me as I waved at her.
Sonic: Hi I'm Sonic nice to meet you!
I said as she blinked up at me as she placed a finger to her lips.
???: Hi I'm Tsyu Asui but you can call me Tsyu-Chan.
Sonic's Thoughts: ......That's hella adorable!
I thought as she looked behind me and blinked as then smiled happily for some reason.
Sonic: Huh? Something happen?
I said as I checked to see what she was looking at as I stood on the book.
Sonic: What are you looking at?
Mina: Your tail!
Mina said.
Sonic: Huh what about my tail is it doing something?
I asked confused as Mina stared at me and then looked at my tail before grinning.
Mina: Oh its nothing just noticing it!
Mina and Tsyu shared a mysterious smile as I decided it was just them being weird as I sat back down.
???: Finally someone that I'm much taller than!
Sonic: Huh?
I looked right next to me as I was infront of recognizable midget with purple balls on his head.
???: Hey get down off the seat real quick so I can be sure!
Sonic: Okay?
I said to Mineta as I got down.
He was only a bit taller than me as he compared are heights.
Mineta: Finally I'm not the shortest in the class anymore! Ha ha ha!
Sonic: Really dude?!
I said annoyed as he laughed in my face clearly pissing me off. I imagined dragging his across the dirt as I ran full speed at the moment.
Mineta: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
But instead I just punched I'm the scrotum before he could blink as I sat back on my desk.
Kaminari: What happened little dude!
Kaminari said as he helped up Mineta to his feet as I pulled my phone at the moment.
After that happened evenmore people filed in and introduced themselves. Kyouka Jiro, Hanta Sero, and then I noticed there were only three seats left.
Deku, Bakugou and Ochako and I was in the class including the others which was 20 kids same as the show. So who was missing?
Before I could realize what should have happened the door opened. As Katsuki Bakugou walked into the room I leaned my head on one hand as I watched him prowl past us.
Mina: Hey nice to meet ya!
Mina said cheerily towards him as Bakugou looked back at her as he gave her a child glare. She recoiled a bit as the pissed off blonde came to his desk he kicked the chair out from the desk so hard it went spinning in a circle before he flopped into it. As he brought his left foot up onto the desk.
Idlya gasped in shock as I watched him get up and moved infront of Bakugou.
Sonic:Well here we go?
Idlya: Don't put your feet onto the desk!
Bakugou: Huuuh!?
He said mockingly.
Sato: Who is that kid?
Sato asked under his breath.
Sonic: His name is Bakugou.
I whispered to him getting a surprised look.
Sato: Wait the kid that got the top score in the pratical exam?
He said a little shocked.
Sonic: Yeah strikes me as a bit of prick.
I said casually back getting a snort from Sato and a gasp from Koji surprisingly since I forgot he was here. I ignored them though because Izuku Midoryia opened the door as he stared at Idlya and Bakugou with trepidation.
Sonic: Oi Midoryia what's up!
Bakugou and Idya stopped arguing as they looked at me then at the man of the hour as did everyone else in the class. He jumped on surprise and gaped as I got down from my seat as I walked over to him.
Sonic: Good to see you man!
Midoryia: L-Likewise!
He stuttered a shaky smile on his face.
Idlya: Midoryia-kun!
Idlya said as he came up alongside me a serious expression on his face.
Idlya: I am Teny-
Izuku: I-I heard!
The greenete said in a hurry looking just a bit scared.
Idyla blinked in surprise then he seemed to take it in stride. Instead he slowly lowered his head and closed his eyes.
Idlya: Gomen!
Izuku: Hmm?
Izuku blinked confused.
Idlya: Midoryia-kun you realized there was something more to the pratical exam didn't you?
Idlya said seriously.
Sonic: I doubt it.
I said to Idlya as looked at me in confusion awhile Izuku winced.
Sonic: He more likely just went to save the day on pure instinct. Which makes it better he didn't do the heroic thing for selfish reasons he just did it because it was right.
Izuku blushed as he rubbed his head awhile chopped the air like a maniac like what is he chopping at?
Idlya: Your right Sonic-kun! That does make more sense well done Midoryia-kun!
Izuku: I, um,well.
He sputtered trying to figure out what to say.
???: Ah I recognize that curly hair!
Izuku turned to see a certain brunette behind him.
???: You're the plain-looking guy!
Sonic's Thoughts: Godamn! Ouch poor Izuku personally bro that couldnt be me.
I winced at that but Izuku on the other hand didn't seem to mind as he just stared at Ochako with a heavy blush as she cheered happily at the sight of him.
Ochako: You passed just like Present Mic said! Of course you did! That punch was amazing!
She said as she raised a hand and started raising and lowering it enthusiastically as Izuku continued to break down in the mere presence of the girl.
Ochako: Break! Break! Break!
Oh lord Ochako is one of my favorite character in my world and seeing her in real life somewhat was leading to a dopey grin on my face.
I looked around the class noting Bakugou glaring in out direction. I raised a eyebrow at him and in return he gave me a menacing glare to which I sticked my tongue out at him as he growled back.
Now if things were to continue as normal...
Ochako continued after Izuku gave a brief explanation of how he knew she'd tried to give him some of her points.
Ochako: I wonder if today's just the entrance ceremony and orientation?
She asked excitedly.
Sonic: If your interested ask the teacher?
I said as I pointed behind her as Izuku, Ochako and Idlya all followed my finger.
Aizawa from my perspective looked like he was on something as he stared at us from his yellow sleeping bag. He definitely had too much caffeine and not enough sleep amd was starting to realize that his life for now on was about to get crappy poor guy.
The other students stared at him as I scratched at the back of my head thoughtfully. He slowly blinked his eyes like those of a dead fish eyes.
Aizawa: Hm..
He mumbled.
Aizawa: Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends this is the hero course.
Wait a minute seriously? Even if I did point him out nothing changed? Was this a whole in spite of a nail type of thing or was Aizawa was just going to do this?
He rose up slowly as he unzipped the sleeping bag around him to reveal his gray bandages and black outfit.
Aizawa: Okay it took you eight seconds before you were quiet time is limited you kids are not rational enough.
He strode into the room and I slowly pulled at Izuku and Ochakos shirts to give Aizawa some room as they scooted back.
Aizawa: I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.
Yeah that last part sounded like an absolute lie.
Aizawa: It's kind of sudden but.
He reached into a bag and pulled out a gym uniform.
Aizawa: Put this on and go out the field.
The kid's were confused? Me however I had a smile on my face like ot was Christmas morning.
Sonic: OK cool! See ya on the field slow pokes I said as In super speeds I quickly put on my uniform and zoomed out the room in a blur.
As I did that Tsyu and the rest of my classmates held a shocked expression as I ran out.
It was time for the quirk apprehension test.
It was I got to the field that I finally realized who was missing from the class.
Sonic Thoughts: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it was godamn OJIRO!
The second I realized that I immediately had to hold in my reaction. And to be honest I didn't like Ojiro he was honestly kinda usless in my view. But beyond that well he was someone who was trying to be a hero and I'd practically taken the guys place.....
I pushed the thought down as I sighed in regret. Maybe he was still in school in Class 1b or the general education? Oh well I'll just hunt him down later. And I'd...shit It would be impossible to apologize to him now. Oh I'm sorry my existence pushed you out of a class were you were supposed to be in.
Dammnit why couldn't Mineta be the one who got kicked out?
That thought was brushed aside as we all gathered in the field wearing our gym uniforms.
???: How do you even put that on so fast and was that you who ran out the class?
Jiro the young girl with the earphone Jack's for earlobes asked me as we waited outside as she stared at me in my gym uniform.
Sonic: Yea it was me Incase if you don't know I'm fast as hell. And also it wasn't easy putting this because of the quills on my back. And it isn't easy to reach things from my back.
I said as I pointed at my back.
Jiro: OH interesting?
She hummed quietly.
Sonic: Tsyu, Koji do you guys ever have to deal with things like this?
My fellow mutation quirk holders shook there heads.
Tsyu: No not really kero!
Tsyu said.
Tsyu: I did have to deal with some stuff when I was little because I didn't have control of my tongue as much so my mom would need to unwrap my tongue around me when I wake up in the morning.
Sonic: Wow sounds rough you Kota?
I said but Kota didn't respond as he patted me gently on the back as he gave me a sympathetic smile to which I returned.
Sonic Thoughts: Still silent huh?
Before we could continue discussing that sort of thing more Aizawa started talking to all us as we looked up to him and pay attention to him. Though I knew what he was going to say already.
Things went predictably after Aizawa said the usual thing he does in the anime. Bakugou did his throw of death Aizawa warned everyone that they would be expelled if they got last place as nearly everyone panicked. I was a little worried not for myself but for Izuku really. Because it may not seem like it but he was in BIG trouble.
After I knew Aizawa ABSOLUTELY would expel him if he felt like he wasn't up for the challenge. And I didn't guarantee that Izuku was going to come to the same conclusion on his powers as he had last time. But should I interfere? There's a difference between backing someone up and babyish them after all.
Aizawa: Okay start with a 50 meter dash.
Aizawa told everyone as he gestured to the section of the field in question.
Sonic: Hell ya my turf!
Mina: Were so goona lose this one.
Sero: Foreal especially after what we saw in class I know I'm no match here.
Jiro: Hmm just my luck.
Sonic: Why so nervous it's the first assessment you'll be fine.
I said as I patted there backs as I ended up half grouped together as we walked.
Tsyu: Yeah but aren't you the least bit nervous for the other assessments?
She said curiously as I shrugged.
Sonic: Now why would I the fastest thing alive need to fear a examination test. At the end of day Aizawa just wants to see are best and I'm goona give it to him it's nothing special really.
Sato: Seriously dude? Man I wish I had your confidence I'm trying to plan for what event I need to use my powers for.
Tsyu: Do you really think he'll expel us?
Tsyu asked me.
Jiro: No way they wouldn't allow something like that right?
Jiro asked nervously.
Sonic: Well we aren't here to play around were here to be heroes right. So I wouldn't expect less but for let's focus on passing so we can kick ass.
I said to them as I ignored the small looks of shock i got for my language. I walked with f the group intil I saw Izuku the poor kid was practically panicking in fear.
Sonic: 1 second guys.
I sighed as In a blink of a eye I appeared behind him. I stood next to the greenete as i said.
Sonic: Oi?
Izuku: Hmm?
The sweaty teen glanced down at me.
Izuku: S-Sonic-kun!"
Sonic: Midorya?
I mumbled.
Sonic: Are you ok bud?
Izuku: O-Of course!
He chuckled nervously.
Izuku: Why wouldn't I be?
Sonic: Hmmmm I don't know why would the kid who has been working out on a beach everyday for the last year be worried about a FITNESS exam?
I asked pointedly.
Sonic: Dude I've seen you pull fridges and small cars across the sand with your base strength alone why do you look so nervous?
He winced at that as he spoke.
Izuku: Oh...Well... I'm just worried about something else.
He said as he shut down staring ahead of me.
Sonic:......is it that quirk of yours?
I asked as though I didn't already know he glanced at me as I sighed.
Sonic: Yeah I saw it shatter your arm and legs and dude I can relate to that somewhat.
Izuku: You can.
He said as he looked up at me surprised.
Sonic: Heck yeah I didn't get use to my powers intil recently.
I chuckled.
Sonic: Like Don't get me wrong I was always fast but I was never fast enough to reach light speed or anything intil then. And I'm still getting used to controlling my full speed like when i access it my body erupts in blue lightining as my body pumps a large amounts of adrenaline and i get faster afterwards. Like I have this super move I'm working on where I spin myself at incredible speeds and target enemies like a missel it's called the homing attack. It still needs some practice though when I'm not careful what about yours?
Izuku: Mine....
Izuku looked down at his hands thoughtfully at that.
Sonic:....You know we are students in this school.
I pointed out as I carefully tried to pick my words right.
Sonic: Were all trying to be heroes s aren't we and a part of that is helping eachother learn and improve right?
I said as Izuku frowned thoughtfully amd before I was about to speak he started to high speed mumbling. My God this man's mumbling was at Mach speed he was way faster than I could have expected.
Izuku: That's right as fellow students we should be helping each other out that I suppose that would make
Jiro: Uhh is he okay?
Jiro asked as she walked over joined by Kaminari.
Sonic: He's fine he's just mumbling abnormally fast luckily I know what he's saying though because I'm speeding up my perception of time to hear him.
I said as I patted Izuku's back.
Sonic: You alright you just went on a full detailed explanation of friendship and how to get others to help you train in super speed.
Izuku: Ah, I'm sorry!
He winced but at least now he seemed a lot calmer at least. He looked over at Jiro and Kaminari who were just staring at him nonplussed. I signaled them to stop since it weirded him out.
Sonic: I can tell you probably do that a lot without noticing huh? Go into little monlogues where you try and figure things out high speed?
Izuku: I d-dont think I do?
He said thoughtfully.
Izuku: That might be the first time.
And as soon as he said that out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugou give Deku the most epic deadpan stare I have everscene. Could he hear are conversation because I was pretty sure we're at leat 8 feet away from eachother.
Izuku stared at his as I thought about what to say to him to get him where he needed to be. In the first season Izuku eventually learned to control his power by using it in his fingers. Maybe one day he could go beyond that but my goal was to make sure that he would figure out the ability that had saved him from expulsion the first time.
I doubted if I should help him or not or will it even have a meaningful effect in the story. But someone in my life once told me that the best way to get someone to do something is to trick them into thinking it's their idea so it was worth a shot.
Sonic Thoughts: I guess it's time to change canon at least a bit. He's honestly gonna need it anyway because when Shigaraki comes Izuku might as well get a head start because time is running out intil that day.
Aizawa: OY! Hedgehog!
Aizawa called out drawing my attention when I looked at him as he pointed his thumb at the track.
Aizawa: Your up against Idlya.
Sonic: OH the turtle don't worry sensei I'll be there!
I said as I turned to Izuku.
Idlya: T-Turlte?
Idlya responded as I could feel his pride of being a speedster shatter.
Sonic: Talk with the others Izuku I'll be right be right back in a flash!
I said as I appeared to the line in a instant as Idlya began to stretch.
Sonic: Hey slow poke you ready to roll?
I said as I got into a runner's postion next to Idlya as he nodded back with a determined glare.
Idlya: Y-yeah! However you maybe the fastest thing right now but I must warn you my speed exceeds the average human so don't think I won't surpass you.
Idlya said with all the courage he could muster.
Sonic Thoughts: Well good it's a good thing I'm a hedgehog!
I said as blue lightining surrounded my body as I planned on dusting this kid right here. My eyes glowed blue as everyone else and Aizawa who stared at me excitedly I grinned maniacally.
As Aizawa blew the whistle I zoomed past Idlya as barely in a second a massive gust of dirt appeared as I left a Sonic boom!
Leaving everyone in the stands shocked as the robot said my score.
Robot: 0.000 seconds!
Hey guys I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter more will be released soon. Vote and comment please have a nice day.
Amd sorry that I couldn't do the whole episode but if you wanna this chapter alone was 7146 words. So yeah I'm tired of typing of one day.
See ya and live life to the fullest! And also grab a child dog and eat I with are blue blur.
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