Preparation For The Absolute Worst!
Hello fellow readers this is me I just got done playing sonic frontiers for a bit and just got very motivated to make this chapter I just learned the infinite speed boost and bruh all I gotta say is I had a lot of fun and I will add some moves from the game into the story. I hope you enjoy this chapter
Chapter 9
At Home
After the quirk apprehension test or was it assessment? Whatever after that happened I was berated by a few of my classmates and I confronted Tsyu I remember the conversation we had after class as I sat on the comfortable sheets of my bed. I decided to not to go to Mina's often because I honestly needed more time for myself.
I thought back of the conversation as I began to doze off.
Flashback After Class
Tsyu: Excuse me kero!
She said to me as I turned my head away from my locker as the frog girl approached me. She was relatively smaller than the other people in are class but still surpassed me in height. Her hands were notably large to as she held a cute mouth and beautiful oval shaped eyes. She held a relatively slender build as her hair was now dark sea green color, and it was very long reaching all the way to her waist as the ends of her hair tied together at the bottom to form a bow of hair.
Tsyu: Hello nice to meet you I'm Tsyu Asui but please call me Tsyu.
Sonic: Nice to meet you Tsyu! I'm Sonic as you already know the fastest thing alive!
I said as I offered a warm smile to greet her but if anyone was paying attention Ilda in the background clutched his chest as he heard the fastest thing alive apart as it looked like it he was stabbed in the chest.
Sonic: Is there anything I can help you with madam?"
I said politely as I grinned at the surprised Tsyu's face.
Tsyu: Well in a way I just wanted to talk to you?
Sonic: Hmm well ok sure lay It on me Tsyu.
I said as I listened in.
Tsyu: You probably don't remember but you saved me once.
She said blankly.
Sonic: OH that I yeah I remember I saved you and your siblings I honestly thought you forgot about my appearance if I'm goona be honest. Heck the driver lost control over the truck and was screaming like a mad man If I recall.
Tsyu: Yep that's the one I'm glad you remembered.
She said sincerely as she bowed down to my height as her long green hair flips over her head as she does so.
Tsyu: Thank you, you not only saved not only my life but the lives of my precious siblings thank you Sonic.
As she did this I was left speechless honestly I wasn't expecting her to bow down and thank me.
Sonic: Awe shucks please don't now please I appreciate it but I don't feel like I deserved to be bowed to. But I do appreciate it though and I'm glad I saved yall I wouldn't forgive myself if didn't so no problem.
I said with a warm smile as I saw a faint blush on the frog girls cheeks.
Ilda: Well done Sonic!
As he said I glared at the engine legged fuck before I could sat anything else.
Sonic Thoughts: Thanks a lot hurricane Ilda you ruined the moment for me man!
And as I thought that with a mischievous grin like one of a cat playing with its prey Mina Ashido coyly elbowed my side as she squatted down.
Mina: Look at you Sonic already saving damsels in distress lucky you!
I felt like my face was boiling with scalding hot water as I began to look away as to not reveal my blushing face. But despite the use of my super speed to avoid Mina's gaze the pink menace wouldn't stop mocking me that day.
End of flashback
I as thought back on that I woke up from my nap as I hopped off my bed as I walked over to the kitchen to make ne some dinner.
I sighed tiredly as I began to pull out my cutting board from one of the cabinets as I began to chop up some vegetables and meat for some delicious spaghetti.
But before I could there was a knock on my door.
Sonic: Ehh now who could that be?
I asked myself as I walked over to the front door and as I got to the door I unlocked the locks by jumping to them and as I grabbed the handle and opened the door. But as I opened it I was surprised at the sight of my social worker who was carrying a box in his hands.
Sonic" Ranma-san!San!? What are you doing here?"
I said as I opened the door more.
Ranma: I'm here for your daily check in did you not recieve my messages.
I winced at that as I scratched the back of my head.
Sonic: Sorry I was asleep intil a few minutes ago.
Ranma: Dont worry about it Sonic I understand.
He said in a very good English sentence he was definitely practicing very well to I thought as he lifted the box.
Ranma: For now I wanna celebrate your first day of U.A. with you I brought a cake to I had the bakery make it special just for you.
Sonic: OH thanks Ranma-san please come inside so we can eat it later awhile I make us dinner.
Ranma-san: Wait you can cook!?
Sonic: Yeah I can cook! Did you not know I've cooked before man!
Ranma looked at me confused as he entered my apartment.
Ranma: I thought it was one of my coworkers cooking I never thought you cooked especially since you literally couldn't reach the counter top at the time without support.
Sonic: Dude I lived with you for literally 2 weeks how did you not see me jump on the countertop and down?
Ranma: Hmmm how fast were you moving?
Sonic: Bruh are you serious!
Ranma: Nope!
I sighed as I closed the door behind me as a hour of talking and eating dinner Ranma opened the box as I looked inside.
Sonic: Ranma-san this is a really cool! I like the way they drew me did they use a reference.
And it did indeed it had obviously blue frosting and a picture of me using sprinkles.
Ranma: Yeah I showed them a photo of you and this was the best they could do.
Sonic: How much did it cost?
Ranma" It's honestly not a big deal Sonic.
He said humbly.
Ranma: So may wr eat it together?"
Sonic: Of course let's dig in!
We both had cut up the cake eventhough it felt a bit weird cutting into a cake that looked like my face but the taste of the frosting helped me get over it and especially the flavor of the cake man I loved chocolate.
Ranma: So U.A.
Ranma said not noticing the bit of green frosting on his bottom lip.
Ranma: So how does it feel? Entering the best hero school in the nation?"
As he said that I immediately said my answer.
Sonic: If I'm gonna be honest it feels okay for at least for now. We haven't gone through anything big yet some I'm! But anyway man how's it been have you started doing some of that pixel art you mentioned.
Ranma: Oh that yeah that well I've been practicing it for some time doing some heroes. But unfortunately I'm not to familiar of them bur I do know some artists find it easier to do complex art when they practice it consistently.
Sonic : Well that's good!
I said as I took another bite as he kept talking as I listened.
Ranma: Are you adjusting well? I remember in the past there were some pretty unpleasant people that try to dissuade you from becoming a hero.
Sonic: You mean the few middle school bullies who tried to pick on me. Please those guys were just assholes I definitely won't be affected by some words. Besides I dealt with racism on plenty occasions I know how to deal with them and that's to ignore there existence there not worth shit anyway.
I said a little codly as Ranma frowned.
Ranma: This is pretty serious Sonic.
He said as he leaned forward.
Ranma: Despite living in a world full of heteromorphic quirks, or with many mutations as heavy as yours have to fight an uphill battle just becoming normal members of society let alone a hero. No matter what they're appearances are. Hell the job may be based on saving others but you get more money when the public loves you. You will be fighting an uphill battle.
Sonic: I know and I'm okay with that!
I said as I took my fork and ate the last piece of my cake as gobbled it up.
Sonic: I'm actually planning on leaning to that I'm ready for what life throws at me. I couldn't care less what they say about me.
Ranma: Wha- is this another American thing sheesh how can you say all that non chantly.
He said as he frowned as I held a confident grin.
Sonic: I can't be exactly super cuddly and cute its not my style. But I definitely can be the confident cocky badass that throws in a good joke once and awhile and is always in the mood for a adventure and fun.
Ranma: hehe yeah I can see that it suits your charcter very well sonic.
Sonic: Yeah I know man trust me Ranma I got this in the bag!
Ranma chuckled at my words as he leaned back on his chair as he held a bright smile.
Ranma: I'm glad your doing well Sonic.
Sonic: Thanks Ranma I'm glad you feel like that.
Ranma: Thoughts please let me know when your out running around more often when i come to visit. Lately you been gone longer on your runs more often so please be careful you don't get caught.
Sonic: Sure thing I promise!
We began to chat for awhile intil Ranma left awhile go as I prepared to got to bed. The room I had changed alot over the many things I've encountered and got over my little adventures.
They're was a pile of dirty clothes in the corner I had yet to clean up. I had a couple of bottles of my special homemade gel I use to keep my quills all sonic like. Man I had to fight tooth and nail in order to get the resources to make this I never liked the stuff the doctors give to me. And besides I don't know how hairgel would affect hedgehog quills.
I even had a special comb to I had got it for a great deal of Amazon. Luckily the comb worked wonders for my quills keeping them in shape and not affecting them in the slightest.
I left it in my bathroom on the sink if I recalled.
But more than anything lately I was more used to this new body already. Hell I didn't mind looking at myself in the mirror because to me at least I kinda forgotten what my human form looked like.
I particularly didn't mind this because my past life was pretty shitty. And plus I'd rather be a alien then your run of the mill human.
I thought as I walked over to my desk as I sat down on my advanced gaming chair. I grabbed my notebook that sat there as I opened it up as I grabbed a pen as I began to write down some ideas for a comic I was working on. I basically made myself my own version of Spiderman in this universe basically. I hope I can keep this a secret for awhile intil someone finds it hopefully I said to myself as I began to tap my pen on the page rapidly.
Sonic: I made it to U.A. so that's good and all but now I have some...a few issues that follow up?
I said as I rubbed my chin.
Sonic: Since I'm in season 1 I gotta do the battle trial tomorrow. It shouldn't matter what i do there then I have classes and such.
The thing I need to somewhat worry about would be the....the infiltration of the league of Losers. What did you expect me to say villans naw at this point in time there nothing but losers compared to me or any other Sonic villan well...they were better than Eggman somewhat I'd rather have someone new then the classic mad scientist. Wait was Eggman a scientist or a really good mechanic.
Sonic: Eeeeeh who cares Shigaraki is going to show up and turns the doors to U.A. to ash. Then he will sneak into the school and find out when Allmight goes to the USJ. And that leads to....
Sonic: The Usj attack!
I said a little annoyed as I looked at my notebook. I had some ideas for this particular event but none of the ideas I had for avoiding such a event weren't perfect I wasn't Bruce Wayne so my idea of prep time isn't perfect.
And besides I can't interfere with the attack that could literally fuck shit up to the orginal timeline and if changed something as big as this I could easily expose myself and trust me I couldn't do that.
And if we're to tell them who or what I am I already imagine how they'll react. They'll probably put me in the crazy house awhile restricting my legs for one. 2 they could potentially see me as a threat if I cams down to how much I knew. And 3 the public safety commission would want they're hands on me and experiment on my body since Sonic poesses a power beyond a quirk. 4 the League of villans to dont count the league out of the possibility to and All for One. There might be some shit from the sonic universe they might have there hands on hopefully nothing like metal sonic or the chaos emeralds because oooooh boy we would be in the lot of trouble if those objects were in there hands. I know how shit hoes in stories like these I'm a godamn fanfic writer!
I know if I were to fight All for One and the Nomu I would win. I may not have as much experience but I know damn well I could blitz the shit out of those to. Sonic fought gods awhile Allmight level villans are at multi city buster at best.
And I hope I don't deal with this collecting the chaos emeralds around the globe like in Sonic X.
I should probably worry about the problems later I had more things to worry about.
Like how I was basically pshyic by how much I knew do far but since I didn't see the end of the new war Arc I'm basically going to be in the dark of what might happen.
The anime had 6 seasons awhile I was stuck on chapter 370 of the manga.
I basically knew what to do at the USJ incident but when Shigaraki wins the war and instills fear on the world and fights Midoryia I was basically in the dark. I dont know if the movies are canon but if they do happen I'll know what to do then to. I already had the knowledge and skills to counter the situations in my way.
As I thought that I realize my pen was broken in half as I groaned in annoyance.
It may have not been okay to bottle up this information but I know I have to keep this a secret. And it won't be long intill I'm just as in dark as them anyway I had a whole year.
For now I had to prepare for the infiltration and tge USJ.
And there was another big thing and that was interacting with Izuku Midoryia. Namely by how godamn close I was to the guy. I've been way into the guys business I couldn't help it but I needed to stop. The kid had his own path in life he doesn't need me to try and help him out.
I honestly wish I was better I had Sonic's powers sure and his looks. But I was still learning to control these abilities. I had a lot of knowledge but I'm not a super spy who could apply it super effectively. And I might be more mature then my fellow students but I obviously cant handle every situation with perfect emotional control.
Sonic: Uggggggghh the problems I have to deal with right? Tomorrow is battle trial I hope it's a blast for me.
I said as I began to sketch out the vomic strip with another piece of paper in super speed.
That's the end of this chapter I hoped yall enjoy the chapter.
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