My Own Path

Chapter 4

Thank God for the massive meals that farmers make. We had plenty of rice, curry, salads and plenty of chili and a good mix of foods.

Thankfully Kai and Mina were big eaters as well, but not as much as me though. As they were surprised by my bottomless stomach for somebody so small.

I practically ate everything on the table because there was a lot of food Kai made. And besides the best compliment to a chef is an empty table and a knocked out hedgehog!

And as soon as I finished my power nap Mina and I found a field full of large boulders and rocks.

I stared at the boulders for awhile intil I spoke.

Sonic: This place looks like a scene were Kamen rider fought a monster in?

I asked Mina as we both stared at the boulders.

Mina: This would be a pretty cool AMAZING place to do it.

She said thoughtfully.

Kai: Hmm! What's that?

Kai hummed as the older woman laughed at the looks we were giving her.

Kai: Sorry I couldn't help it but the looks on your faces are priceless.

She said as she laughed even harder.

I looked back to Mina and Kai as I shook my head. I'm sorry but Minas mom kinda acted like a crush I had awhile back.

It was honestly kinda funny but I suppressed it as she calmed down.

Kai: So, what are you guys going to do for training?

Minas mom asked as she raised her arms her over head as she stretched her limbs.

Sonic: Well I'm gonna findout how fast I am and develop more techniques for my fighting style.

Mina: And Sonic's teach me so some sick parkour to improve my acid sliding.

Kai: Well then you two better get started I'll be in house awhile you guys train?

She said as she turned around.

Ain't that the truth I told myself as I noticed a boulder nearby me.

I instantly threw a jab at the boulder as it cracked upon impact.


As punched the boulder as It quickly crumbled into a pile of rocks as I smirked at the sheer power I demonstrated.

Sonic: Well damn talk about never skip arm day like shit?

Man if I was in my old body it would've ended with my handing shattering into a pieces. But thank the heavens I was blessed to be something that's hella powerful.

And besides I wanted to have that sensation when a protagonist has super strength. And trust me it felt AWESOME I couldn't feel my hand hurt.

Feeling the enthusiasm I reared back one foot from the floor as I got into a stance as I ran towards another boulder as I unleashed a flurry of punches on it.

As I finished punching the boulder it was nothing but dust as I smiled in happiness by my accomplishment.

Kai: Wooooo!

Mina: That was AMAZING you just did a super speed Allmight punch!

Sonic: Ehhh I wouldn't compare it to that Allmights are targeted I just punched for the sake of punching.

Mina: I don't care it was still awesome! Please destroy another one.

I sighed at that remark as I smirked.

Sonic: Sure thing!

I blitzed towards another boulder as I destroyed with a homing attack. To which the boulder shattered upon impact as I landed on my feet.

Kai: You seem to have to excellent control over your quirk?

Kai said thoughtfully.

Kai: Have you been to quirk counseling?"

Sonic: Yeah but not for a long time.

Which was a hundred percent true it had been a few months or so since then. I didn't want to do much but I showed the government the bare minimum of my powers to which they recorded.

And I'm not gonna lie that was hella suspicious even for my standards. This was probably one of the reasons of how Hawks became the governments secret assassin.

I thought as I looked over to Mina.

Sonic: Ready for some training?

Mina: Hell ya!

Sonic: Alright Mina before I start teaching you some parkour let me give you some advice.

I said as I stretched arm getting into a comfortable stance.

Mina: Yeah what is it?

Sonic: In a fight and I mean a real fight you're not goona know everything your opponent is capable of or willing to do. Because realistically most people won't reveal there quirks or what they do.

As I said that she froze In place as she looked me.

Sonic: It's fine to be surprised by an unexpected question out here. But when we become heroes we'll ALWAYS be on the backfoot. Our quirks are going to be public knowledge and bad guys will try to constantly try to overcome us. And there is high chance that we could encounter a villan with a overpowered quirk we don't expect who is also extremely dumb. Or a complete genius who already has a plan to take us out.

Like a certain dumbass inventor who can't even catch a certain blue speedster.

Mina cocked her head to the side as she pressed her finger on her cheek.

Mina: I guess that makes sense? Like the violent rangers!

Violent Rangers aka bootleg power rangers just so you know apparently they allowed the name to be on for kids pretty fucked up actually nothing like power rangers.

Kai: He's right you know Mina!

Kai said as she walked towards us as she cocked her hip and placed her hand on it as she flicked some off some hair on her face.

Kai: Sonic thats actually a good life lesson I have a friend who is a pro hero. And trust me I can barely remember how very often she would encounter a villan geesh especially all sorts of perverts eying her.

Mina: OH ok mom? Let's hurry up and get to stretching already!

I shared a smile with the pink skinned girl as I started to demonstrate some basic instructions for flips, and exercises for increase stamina.

2 weeks later

In a forest near the Ashido property the sounds of something running and wood being rammed through the forest. As something at amazing speeds was destroying things in a straight line.

I was running through numerous objects in my way as I further increased my speed as my body was covered by some sort of shield.

My body looked a lot more mature as I grew two feet taller as my quills were longer as with the rest of my body.

I was 3 feet and 4 inches and 80 pounds.

That's right bitches Timeskip FINALLY! I never thought it would've happened intil 2 weeks back.

2 Weeks back

It was early in the morning as it was few days since my arrival at the farm. I slept in one of the spare rooms here as I woke up in some pajamas and some slippers.

I yawned in exhaustion as I stretched my limbs as I made my way to the sink.

As I reached for the tooth paist I noticed something extremely different. I noticed my arms and legs were longer than usual as I started to feel myself.

Sonic: OH SHIIIIIIIIT it finally happened!

I loked at the mirror to see myself as the official teenage sonic hedgehog in all his glory.


I shouted as I smiled at my appearance.

Sonic: I can actually see the green emerald irises thank God! I thought I would stuck as classic but thank goodness it happened so soon. Is this due to sonics biology or something?

He is a alien after all so his body reacts differently when he hits puberty or something.

I suggested luckily I didn't shout to loudly since I wanted to surprise everybody with this new appearance apparently.

I brushed my teeth and did my usual thing every morning as.

I quickly put on a black t shirt and shorts which surprisingly fit me as I walked out the room with my red sneakers on. As I walked through the hallway I noticed a ball pink hair enter the bathroom to which I guessed was Mina doing her hair or something as I walked past her.

I made my way to the living room as I grabbed my phone from the charging station as I scrolled through numerous messages from Ranma and the latest hero vs villan attacks. I sat on a nearby couch as watched numerous videos of said attacks.

I sat there looking at videos for a few minutes as Mina yawned in exhaustion as she tiredly rubbed her eyes awhile wearing a large white teashirt with shorts as she walked towards the couch.

Sonic: Yo?

Mina: OH heyyyyyy SONIC!

She said shockingly as she noticed my appearance to which I smirked at.

Sonic: I beat now I can go on the front seat now don't you agree?

Mina: How did you get taller you were literally small yesterday and the day before that!

I immediately glared at the pink girl and huffed.

Sonic Thoughts: How dare you! I swear I'll get you back ****

I thought as Kai walked in and eyed me for a second intil she walked towards the TV.

Kai: Puberty sure is something? Now you can reach the counter top!

As soon as she said that I immediately started planning my revenge as the two women were watching the news.

Man why arent people making such a big deal of my size I couldn't wait intil I make it to U.A. and flex on everybody.

2 Weeks Now

Yea apparently nobody was truly impressed maybe Mina at the least. I thought as I ran across the trees at blinding speeds. And just as I suspected my speed was just fucking ridiculous.

Apparently walking or any kind of slow exercise was just felt non exisent to me. Because now I had evenmore stamina to use which was a fucking lot I could literally run for a week and not get tired.

I ran through the forest as I came across Mina who got into a stance as she threw acid towards me to which I easily side stepped as I smirked. I leaped into the air as with all my might I pushed my self in the  air as I curled up into a ball as I dashed towards Mina.

Mina front flipped out the way just as I barely grazed her stomach as she dodged my homing attack. I uncurled my self as I was  still in the air I flipped onto my feet as landed on the ground.

Sonic: At least you dodged this time good job!

I said with a sly smirk.

Mina: Yeah FINALLY you know it isn't easy dodging your attacks your like a billion times faster than me! And what's up with this attack your trying to do isn't it basically the spin attack but in the air?

Sonic: It's technically not but in a sense I guess you could say it?

Yea apparently I was working on the homing attack it Sonic's most famous technique after all of course I would want to learn it. It was one of the few goals I wanted to accomplish in this training of mine. And trust me it is a LOT tougher than you think like.....INSANELY TOUGH.

I am literally forcing my body to spin in high speeds as I aim to attack and some how magically move myself at my target. Without any sort of momentum or some explanation on how to do it.

Luckily the trick was all in how I use the muscles in my body and pump my blood at extreme speeds as I do a lot of other science shit and apparently sonics bones are very bendy in good way apparently. I discovered this at the time I arrived here. I guessed this explained most of sonics abilities apparently.

At least I thought OH well the homing attack was still a work in process so far.

Sonic: Besides I should get the hang of it soon? Probably.

Kai: I still don't get what your trying to accomplish it seems like it breaks the laws of physics itself everytime I see you do it.

Kai asked as I stretched my hips side to side.

Sonic: Well it technically It is that just more unexplainable to the laws of nature.

Mina: Mom at this point nothing about Sonic's biology makes sense?

Kai: Hmmhmm?

Sonic: Like your body doesn't make any sense you produce acid and your skin is pink awhile having horns. How does that make any sense in the norm!

The two shrugged at my saying as I walked towards the barn.

Kai and Mina: Wait Sonic wait up!

Said the woman as they followed soon after to which I walked faster on purpose as they began to shout my name as they jogged right behind me.

Vengeance was so sweat!

1 Hour Later

Mina and Kai continued to tease me as I thought about my latest attempts with the homing attack.

As I did that the duo started to poke me in boredom as they there fingers repeatedly touched my face.

Sonic Thoughts: My God they are hella annoying together I should think of something quickly.

I eyed Minas body as I could see that the fatigue of her training was kinda worrying. We do train once a day for a hour at best since it is a vacation and I want to explore around the area some more. I usually train even longer than that since I had a lot of energy and strangely I just loved fighting it was kinda worrying but realized it natural since Sonic is a glutton for action.

Sonic: Hey Kai,Mina why don't we go to the grocery store! Besides we're running low on snacks and food anyway.

Sonic Thoughts: This should keep them from there boredom and at least it will be quite hopefully.

Kai hummed for bit intil she spoke up.

Kai: Alright then sounds good! Come on kiddos let's go get some groceries! Besides we are on vacation and Sonic you should take a break thanks for suggesting we all don't have the energy to run around the world like you do.


I didn't complain since she was right about that as she said that I immediately got of the couch as we walked out the door with are shoes at the ready as we walked outside.

We went to the car as usual I sat In the back as Mina and Kai were upfront as we drove off.

As we were on the road I thought about the last 2 weeks or so that I spent time with the Ashido family.

It was weird in someways as I felt a little out of place being here. I didn't belong here nor was I orginally born here in this world and yet I'm a complete and utter stranger. So why did they actually treat me the way they do.

I guess after being on my own in a body and in a world I kinda don't understand with a language I wasn't use to just made me feel a little uneasy. At least there was more than enough room in the outskirts of the city that made me feel less like a freak of nature to which I didn't mind much but still thought about it once and awhile.

And Mina and Kai are pretty awesome eventhough they did get on my nerves once and a awhile.

They really didn't need to take me on there vacation I wouldn't have minded if Mina forgot about me and hung out with her friends. But for some reason they did it kinda reminded me of my family before we chose to avoid eachother completely.

Why did they care so much why was I here and why was I summoned here.

Something didn't feel right and I needed to findout quickly.

Later today

Thinking back at what I said to myself I still felt a uneasy feeling as I had my fist on my chin as I was in thought.

Mina: Sonic, come on!"

I looked up to see that Mina and Kai tried to out speed to think that would ever happen in a million years. I quickly rushed past them as I brushed aside the thought for now.

We headed into a small town called Theed it was a port village of sorts that people of the surrounding farms that use valuable materials and sell it to the highest bitter like a auction house. This wasn't my first time coming here since I practically like to explore new places and I do visit the area at a certain time at night.

I actually kinda liked the place it so many things I've never seen before. Like some hero cards which was cards that held certain information about the hero you get and strange looking food that tasted absolutely delicious.

As we walked through the town a few people would wave and smile at us as they walked past us. Thank God nobody invaded my personal space and would call me cutie or pet or give me weird names.

They were clearly good people at heart from that encounter. I know that's highly unlikely but would you consider somebody coming up to you as they pat you head and call you a mutated kitty cat no I wouldn't think so.

We entered a marketplace as we started roam around as Mina and I eventually separated from Kai as we walked around.

Mina and I grabbed some ice cream as walked through the building. Mina made sure to text her mom as we headed outside to wait for her to get done. Across the market was the city hall it was a nicely made marble building about as large as house as tourists crowded the place.

I took a bite out of my drum stick as I watched people walk around the area. This place may have not been as busy as Misutafu but there were a few dozen people that lived normal lives.

And to top it off there was something I was used to to now at this point. That other people with mutation quirks didn't feel weird anymore. Listen I know that was pretty hypocritical about me to say but I assure you it's true. Quirks literally led to a whole stream of odd appearances, most of then in unique in there own way.

It was wild and also kinda wonderful sure I wasn't use to seeing a person with a Lego for a face or a bird shaped face on a human but it was cool seeing unique people.

I looked up to Mina as I took a breath as I spoke.

Sonic: Hey Mina thank you for inviting me out here I appreciate it. This was pretty Awesome!

I said a little flustered eventhough Mina and can talk normally around eacthother I was still appealed by her appearance. Like who wouldnt blush at a hot pink skinned anime babe.

Mina: You're welcome! I'm really glad you came.

She said as her yellow irises glittered with happiness.

Mina: I would've honestly brought my friends with me but everytime we meet I noticed you're always alone why is that?

I nearly spasmed at the question as I almost dropped my ice cream by the sudden question. Who knew Mina was actually worrying about me I knew her for a like a few months but who would guessed she were to read me so easily.

I guess you learn something new everyday about some people I guess.

I scarfed the ice cream down as I thought in silence as I looked away from the Pink girl infront of me.

Mina: Um? Sonic are you okay?

Mina asked worriedly as I stayed there without saying a word intil a few minutes of silence I began to speak.

Sonic: Hm? Well i.....I'm sort of just worried about something to be honest.

Mina: Like what U.A or something?

Sonic: OH no I'm definitely I'm not worried about that it's just something very personal. Mina...I went through something recently and I just need to find some answers it's nothing you should worry about.

I said a little casually as Mina started notice my change of attitude.

Mina: Yeah I seamed to notice this awhile it's just that I don't know how you would feel If I brought up.

I widened my eyes in slight shock at her ansewer I never took Mina to easily look through the act I was putting up. And trust me I knew she wasn't dumb but to think she saw through my facade said a lot about her deduction skills.

Mina: I know a person just like you Sonic but he doesn't have the exact confidence to express himself yet.

She said as she sat I infront of the side of a fountain to which I soon followed as I sat a few inches away from her as it gave her arms room to stretch around.

Mina: I know you'd most likely destroy the exam it's just that I don't like it when any of my friends are hurt mentally or physically. And I don't want to just leave you alone in that apartment complex intil are next hangout because from what I've seen you'd most likely get pretty lonely would you?

She asked questionly to which I didn't respond as her eyes met with mine to which I avoided as I stared at the ground as I stared at my feet.

Sonic: You are right about that! But I would never expected the great Mina notice that and I appreciate the concern and all its just...I don't know I just have a bad feeling thats all.

Mina: Come on Sonic you should know me by now. And I'm not goona pry in if you don't want me to but I just don't want you hiding your feelings. Just as my mom says it's not healthy to bottle up your problems. And that you should always have somebody to talk to when somethings on your mind like right now.

Was this how Mina truly felt about her comrades wow I'm impressed. No wonder why she became a valuable member in 1A.

As she said that I gave her a curious look as she scooted closer to me as she placed her hand on top of my head as she gently peted my quills.

Mina: Besides your to cute to be sad so please talk to me once in awhile. We are friends aren't we you big dummy!

Naw I changed mind she was a very weird person a person who clearly had heart.

Sonic: forgot to ask Mina.

Mina: Ahh come on Sonic enough being the tough guy once can I please get to pat your quills this time. It's so big and comforting I just hold myself back with a head like this you look like a bigger house cat but with spines.

Sonic: First cats have small heads to which I don't and second I'm a rodent I'm not anything close to a cat. And lastly fine you can pat my head today sheesh.

I said as she patted my head In silence for a couple minutes intil Minas phone started to ring.




Mina: OH this is mom!

Mina said as she pressed answer.


The woman said screamed as Mina nearly dropped her phone in the fountain not expecting her mother to yell at the phone.


Sonic: Villan?


Mina and I yelped in unison because across us the city hall tourists were rushing out of it. Most likely running towards safety as Mina immediately grabbed my arm as she began to drag me along.


I didn't hear her say anything as I all could here was my heart thumping rapidly. I looked at Mina and then towards city hall as I watched the citizens run for there lives.

One of the quirk enhanced plants were grabbing people back inside as some strange vines started to wrap around the building as the vines began to slice through the building as rubble fell down by every slice.

The people were literally sitting ducks as the plants restrained them in place.

Sonic: Fuck!

My body was refusing to leave as I pulled my arm back this action startled Mina a bit as I looked towards the building.

Sonic: I'm not leaving Mina! Go to your mom I'll be there shortly.

Mina: Sonic you can't be serious you can't use your quirk in public! It's illegal!

Sonic: Then SCREW THAT!

I said as Mina jumped back by the shout I gave her.

Sonic: Mina there are times when you can't just rely on others to save you. And one of this times is now I'm not goona watch those people get rescued by people who probably won't make it in time.

Mina: Sonic stop playing around I know your fast but if your caught saving people you might go to jail.

Well she was right about that as well legally I couldn't fight or save anyone unless I had a hero license to do so which was kinda bullshit. I didn't mind not fighting but did I really need a license to save somebody fuck that shit!

I Immediately got into a running stance as I looked at Mina awhile giving her a cocky grin.

Sonic:Then I'll finish this quickly so intil I get back stay safe.

I said as in a instant I dissappeared from Mina's line of sight as I dashed towards the building with a big grin on my face.

I wasn't going to run away like coward and wait for the heroes come. We were out in the boonies so it would take awhile for them come anyway. I wasn't the same normal guy like in my past life no I was better I was more confident, I had the power to make a change.

I was Sonic the godamn hedgehog and with my new body and abilities I can do anything!

End of chapter

The next chapter will arrive pretty soon see you then.

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