Battle Trial Part 3

Get ready for a action packed chapter I hope yall enjoy. Please comment and vote.

Chapter 12

Allmight Pov.

The blue menace became a spinning of ball of death as he was currently sawing through the ice as Mineta landed on the cold floor. It was honestly shocking for Allmight to see a display of the boys skill in his quirk as he noticed the other students reactions.

Kaminari: Oh boy who wants to fight that!?

Lida: He always did have skill in using his power during the exam but I never expected him to able to do this?

Lida said with a shocked expression.

Sero: He's like a spinning chainsaw!

Said Sero as Tsyu shivered at the cold temperature.

Tsyu: Kero...

She managed to squeal out as she wrapped her arms around herself as her eyes seemed to drop.

Tsyu: So cold.

Allmight wasn't really impressed by the Hedgehogs display but he was interested was on how Shoto had the power to turn an entire building into an ice trap.

Now Shoto was striding into the building confidence in every step he took his half ice costume was striking in the dark hallways. Very soon he would contend with Sonic and Mineta this would be interesting to see.

Sonic pov

I stopped myself from spinning rapidly as I skidded across the ice as I began to gain some balance on the ice.

Sonic: Bruh Shoto needs to chill out.

I said with a heated breath as to jog across the ice.

Sonic: Yo Mineta yo there.

I said as I as I began to turn the corners as I ran around the building in a slow pace.

Mineta: Y-yeah I'm here why did you run off? And since when can you do that!?

He said in the headpiece as I held in a snarky remark.

Sonic: Lots of pratice but let's not focus on that Shoto just basically frozen the damn building do you already have a plan for Shoji?

I said with a serious tone yeah this was goona be my first real fight here and I kinda felt nervous. The fact I was literally in a situation where I couldn't access much of my speed and Shoto could just create large portions of ice that cover the floor instantly was pretty scary. Not saying I would be in trouble but it was difficult running on the solid slippery ice.

It was finally my time to demonstrate the skill with this new body even if the environment was covered in slippery ice.

Mineta: Yeah the plan was when you go out to handle Todoroki awhile I set traps for when Shoji comes.

Sonic Thoughts: Hmph at least he knew the plan.

Sonic: Alright good you remember now are you sure you can handle him.

Mineta: Y-Y-Yeah! I can do!? It's so cold!

He shivered as I held in a sigh.

Sonic: Okay dude see you soon.

I said as I hung up as I ran through the halls of the building as slow as I could at to slip on the icy floor. I made sure to listen to my surroundings as my shoes made a tapping sound by how much I was jogging the around the place. And as I jogged I eventually heard a gentle foot fall as looked to my right to see Shoto behind me.

The teen seemed surprised to see me as saw him in that ridiculous half and half costume of his.

Sonic: Yo what's up Half and Half!

I quipped as Todoroki looked at me in confusion.

Todoroki: Huh what are you talking about?

Sonic: The costume duh?

I replied as I cracked my knuckles as I walked towards the teen.

Todoroki: Oh?

He simply said as we both stared at eachother silence before I replied.

Sonic's Thoughts: Akward?

I said to myself as I saw him shift his leg a bit as pillar of ice erupted from the floor at breakneck speeds as I leaped away from my previous spot as I skidded across the floor as I looked at my opponent.

Sonic: Alright don't wanna talk huh bet your ass is mine now!

I said as soon as I was about to sprint I hesitated for second as I realized that was a bad idea. I was in a building where literally everything was encompassed in ice.

My emerald eyes widened as they darted all around the crystalline floor as I looked for any safe spots to run before locking my gaze back at Todoroki.

He definitely would shoot out a barrage of ice before I could blink. I was inexperienced but I'm not to inexperienced to know that I could utilize my speed with slipping around the place.

Sonic Thoughts: God I feel like I'm playing Pokémon for some reason

And as I thought that Todoroki smashed his foot on the floor as twitched and jagged ice pillars launched themselves in my direction as I scoffed at the attack.

As I leaped above the ice as spinned myself rapidly in the air as the moment I hit the ground I shot myself forward faster then ever as I completely avoided Todoroki's attack with ease as my quills made a loud screeching sound along the ice as I curved myself in the icy room.

Sonic: Hahaha yeah boy run!

I chuckled at the Todoroki's face of pure panic as I rushed at the boy.

Sonic Thoughts: I couldn't blame the guy it would be terrifying to see a ball of spines that can rip apart the ice around would be terrifying.

Todoroki clenched his jaw before swinging his right arm in an arc as a thick wall of ice following in motion as I grinned at this.

I didn't decrease my speed as I moved myself right for the unsuspecting teen. At the last possible second I jumped up at the wall as I began to cut through the crystalline barrier like a crazed buzzsaw.


I kept cutting intil I broke through to witness a surprised Todoroki.


Mineta Pov

After Sonic left without sticking around to chat Mineta clenched his fist tightly as he began to whine.

Mineta: That jerk what does he know anyways?"

The Hedgehog seemed to dislike him a lot. As in everytime the Hedgehog would just look at him his eyes would slightly tighten in disgust.

It was infuriating and the things he said to him.

Mineta couldn't help but take out one of his grape balls off his head as he ignored the slight pain that followed it coming from his scalp as he stared at it. He remembered Sonic refusing to really look at him intil the battle started. It kinda felt like Mineta was just some pile of garbage he had to deal with and what he'd said before.

Sonic: If you don't run away at the first sight of danger.

Mineta: Stupid rat thing! Of only I had been on a team with one of the girls like the smoking hot babe Momo.

He said as he slightly drooled at the thought of it.

All Mineta wanted was to be a cool hero so he could impress the ladies was there something wrong with that?

He'd show Sonic! He'd show him how awesome he was when he secured the win awhile Sonic wasting time running around-!






Large sounds of echoed through the building as Mineta staggered a bit at the battle.

More loud thud were heard as a loud laughter was heard along with ice shattering or sawed.

Okay maybe he wasn't wasting time.

Before Mineta could contemplate that further a sound came from down the hallway.

Mineta: Eeeeee!

He yelled at the sound.

If Sonic and Todoroki were fighting the. That left Shoji. The tall super strong, multi armed hero....Mineta thought as he smacked his cheeks.

Mineta: Okay, okay, okay, oka!! Man up!"

He shouted to himself as ran forward as he slipped a bit on the ice. Left by Todoroki's attack. He ran along the hallway as he clenched his teeth he had a plan!

Shoji was strong, but all he had to do was stop him from reaching the bomb this was perfect for him.

Mineta approached a corner as he stopped running to slide on the ice, taking one of his sticky balls into his hand as he attached the ball to it as he turned another corner as he made a forward slide around the corner.

He really thought he looked badass doing this.

He managed to spot Shoji who was just coming up the stairs down the hall. The muscular student was taking his time on the steps as the sound of ice cracked underneath his feet. But unfortunately for Mineta was already spotted as Shoji stared at the kid as Mineta froze hoping that Shoji would turn the other way.

But unfortunately Shiji didn't stop as he rushed forward, he slipped a bit on the ice as he outstretched arm to the terrified pervert.

Mineta: Yaaaaaaaaaaa!

Mineta said as he scrambled back as he threw his sticky balls onto Shoji's palm before ducking under the outstretched arm that tried to grab him.


Mineta: Gah!

Mineta yelped as Shoji in that moment punched Mineta with his bottom right arm. He shouted in pain but as he flew from the impact of the punch he reflexively tossed one of his violet balls at Shoji's foot as it attached to the ground.

And before mineta could slam into the icy wall Mineta slammed his palm on the side with one his balls as it brushed against the side of hallway as it stuck on quickly.

Mineta: Hahaha-Oooooow! That really hurts!

He grumbled as he grabbed his gut in pain.

Shoji: Oh I'm sorry Mineta. I was trying to knock you out in a single blow.

Shoji said calmly from one of the mouths he grew from the bottom of his right arm as he tried to pull his foot of the ground as Mineta scowled.

Mineta: Well you failed! And now your-

He didn't finish as the sound of cracking ice was followed by a large crunch.

Mineta: Trapped?"

He said as he clenched his balls metaphorically and pause quite literally as he tossed them quickly at Shoji who ran towards him with his arms outstretched.
Mineta blinked away some tears as he screamed in fear as he jumped into the air as purple flashes as he ripped ball after ball from his scalp.

Mineta: I will do it!

He shouted as he kept attacking.

He was willing to prove that he could be a cool hero and once he did....



Mineta shouted as Shoji landed a blow towards Minetas face as he flew down the hall once more.

But luckily Shoji's other arms and feet were attached to the ceiling and the floor leaving the hero with only a few aways to escape.

Mineta's Thoughts: Once I prove my worth all the hot babes will be rolling in!

And with the promise of potential hot babes Mineta dug his heels into the ground for a fight of his life.

Back with the class

Kaminari: Man who knew Mineta had that much fight in him?

Kaminari commented.

Sato: Shoji is still goona beat him into paste though.

Sato noted as Shoji continued to endure amd push towards Mineta ripping apart the balls of his body awhile trying to avoid Mineta's attacks.

Kaminari: If he can catch him.

Kaminari reminded.

Momo: You know in the end fighting is not the objective the bomb is. As long Mineta can hold him off they might win.

Kirishima: Unless Shoto is able to somehow catch Sonic to which I kinda doubt.

Kirishima as he looked at the fight in question.

Kirishima: Todoroki is giving all trying not to get hit but gee Sonic is relentless. Like look at them go!

On the screen Shoto tried to slid on the ice at high-speed but apparently this nothing as Sonic uncurled from himself as he ran behind Todoroki as he leaped in air and gave Todoroki a devastating kick to back of his head as the teen flew off the slope as slammed into the wall with a loud thump as Sonic leaped near the injured teen.

Sonic: At this point dude just give up because at this point your being my punching bag.

Sonic said as Sero sighed.

Sero: Thank God I'm not fighting him through out this fight has been nothing but he'll for Todoroki dude.

Tokoyami: The fight was pretty much a stalemate intil Sonic started improvising he's terrifyingly good at utilizing his power in a environment where he is in a disadvantage.

Kirishima: Yeah hopefully they end this quickly because the timer is almost up.

Sonic Pov

The hedgehog walked towards the fallen hero as I fought to stay upright on the slippery ice as I watched Todoroki push himself up as he jumped in the air as he grabbed his head in pain before producing a wave of ice to catch himself in.

Sonic: (Whistles) Nice!

I said a little impressed as Todoroki basically surfed away from the perimeter.

I gazed on until the wave died down as Todoroki layed in a large open room as I soon followed after seeing the boy land gracefully on the ground somehow not affected by the lack of friction

Todoroki huffed releasing a misty breath before replying.

Todoroki: Those quills of yours are a problem.

He said as I chuckled.

Sonic: Yeah I know right they are very awesome.

I said as I grinned in happiness at the area I was in.

This room was pretty big much bigger then any of the hallways I ran around in. This was the perfect place to end this fight as I get the chance to use at least 2 percent of my full speed.

Sonic: Alright Todoroki let's end this!

I said as I held a smug grin before rolling up as I spin dashed towards the boy again. I skidded to the side when another ice attack was launched as I skidded across the in high speed.

The beginnings of a plan forming in my mind as I shot forward awhile dodging crystals until I was close enough to start circling Todoroki.

Todoroki's eyes were keen and cautious waiting for me to make a move. Bit kept going around him though circling around and around, creating deeper amd wider tracks in the ice as I speed up.

Todoroki seemed to to grow impatient, for he threw Ice in my path only for it to be sawe right through like a knife through butter. The teen tried again to catch the speedster by throwing a ramp of ice. But I jumped and crashed down on the ice shattering it to pieces as I kept spinning away like nothing happened.

Todoroki was growing frustrated from what I could tell. The guy knew he couldn't escape from the with out getting hit. I saw he was beginning to shiver as frost slowly forming on his right side.

Sonic's Thoughts: That hypothermia is kicking in huh well its over now.

I thought as the heterochromatic boy attempted two more attacks that I easily crashed through as this was to be the final straw.

Sonic: This fight good but all good things come to a end.

I said as stopped spinning around as slid on the ice as I prepared to release my final attack.

Sonic: Come on get the feel get the feel.

I said to myself as I felt a tingling sensation as I felt little gust of wind in palm as eyes sparked with blue lighting.

A cool breeze blew over Todoroki as it started to swirl around him in a rapid pace.

Sonic: Sonic WIND!

I yelled as Todoroki eyes widened as my emerald eyes glared into his. In that moment almost in slow motion the air around Shoto began to pick up as he started to feel his feet levitate off the ground. He tried to summon whatever power he had left! But that all proved useless as he immediately shot up in the air as a unimaginable amount of pain soon followed after it like if he was being punched thousand times in the stomach.

Shoto couldn't even process the pain he felt as he fell to the ground. Way to beaten up and to tired to use his quirk.

Shoto knew that this was where the fight would be decided as he sheeded a small tear.


I stood still as the sound of the buzzer filed the building, echoing outwards. The end of the round!

Sonic: Huh I'm done I'm already?

The end hey guys I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter finally this part is over huh.

Did you enjoy Sonic fighting Todoroki well get ready to see what happens afterward next chapter.

Also I have some questions I wanna ask if your want to reply.

1. Knuckles Videogame version vs Allmight who do you think will when and why. I'm asking this because I do want to do something special for you guys in the future.

2. Do you have any moves that sonic can use in the future?

3. What will you think will happen when 1a finds out Sonic isn't human.

That's all I have at the moment anyways please vote and comment if you have any questions.

See ya next time

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