Battle Trial Day Part 2

Yo what's up fellow readers I know I'm a little early it's just I couldn't contain myself to wait intil Saturday to release this fun chapter I had done.

I hope you enjoy the battle trial with the numero uno Sonic the Hedgehog.

Now let's go race to the chapter see ya there slow pokes!

Chapter 11

Locker room's

In the UA locker room, I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment. I was all natural as I was polishing my blue quills with my special comb.

I also had a pair of glasses similar to those of the game sonic riders perched on my ears just for decoration.

I also had a specialized golden ring like from the games as I twirled it around in a sonic like fashion with my left hand. I've never really mention it but I basically had this for awhile now.

Eversince I woke up from the hospital 9 months ago they found me in the crater with this clutched it in my hands. Luckily no one was rude enough to steal it so they had given this back to me.

I usually think about selling this gold ring but I always refuse to do so and I always keep in on me as like a sort of charm for good luck. Or it was something more than a gold ring I wondered why no one wouldn't be interested on how I got this but shit I'm not complaining.

It was honestly freaking awesome sure it's not one of the rings from the Sonic's movies though.

I tried it never worked no matter how hard I tried intil I gave up.

But I decided to get off the topic as I finished combing my quills. As I looked at the miror as I grinned at my look.

Sonic: It is time for the Battle trials so I better look good awhile doing it. In your typical hedgehog fashion.

I said to myself as I did a thumbs up to myself.

Sonic: Let's do it to it!

I strode through a hallway as fast as I could as I encountered Aoyama who was walking towards the trial before anyone else. I stopped next to him as we began to chat for a bit.

Aoyama: Indeed mon ami, I have the Incriedibles movie.

The blonde laser shooter primly.

Aoyama: Yet I could not help but appreciate the splendor of a cape! It gives me a certain elegance, wouldn't you say?"

He said as he did a quick demonstration as he spun in a circle, as he raised a hand to his face as he smirked at me.

Sonic: Ehh I guess it does but is it fire proof or resistant. So that if I were to wrap it around say a damsel in distress incase the occasion call's for it.

I asked as Aoyama thought about it.

Aoyama: Yeah it's resistan-

Sato: Yo guys wait up sheesh you two take up no time at all!

Sato came over looking at us curiously awhile Aoyama kept showing his costume as his purple cape waved in the windy hallway.

Sato wore his typical hero bodysuit, as he pretty much had a cool black and yellow color. He had white gloves and boots, and a series of pouches around his waist.

Sonic Thoughts: Tch! Bootleg Spiderman!

Sero: Yo you guys talking about the Incriedibles whats that movie exactly.

Sonic: Eh are you serious!

Yeah in this universe the Incriedibles the movie exists here. It had it in some stalls left here in Japan. Luckily they're were a lot of the English versions of the movie here.

It was stated that this movie reminded people of the age when quirks were around. But unfortunately the series didn't continue intil number two.

But for some unknown reason they're were a lot of terrible reviews that exist.

To which I hated since this movie was literally masterpiece in my homework. It was shame to how people's view on it changed over the years.

But luckily it exists.

Sato: Yeah is it movie?

Sonic: Uuuh yeaaah it's a great movie! Do want me to send you a copy I literally have 2 at home? I watched it as a kid and I absolutely loved it even too this day I guess you could kinda compare it to the days quirks weren't really the normal at the time but it's a fun movie to watch.

Aoyama: Indeed it is a great movie even if it was released way to late for its time.

Sato: EHHHHHH it sounds good I might check it out.

He said as we exited the hallway as I saw Allmight waiting for us as we stood in a badass lineup. I looked across the costumes as my eyes traced the others.

Allmight complimented the group as Izuku joined us shortly as I walked up to the greenete.

Sonic: Yo Izuku is that you cool suit!

I said to the greenete as he stuttered a bit intil he responded.

Izuku: T-thank you Sonic san my mom helped make t-this b...but of you don't mind me asking w-w-where Is your costume? Y-your only wearing sneakers and g-gloves.

He said a little hesitantly.

Sonic: OH this!

I said as signaled to my body.

Sonic: Yeah I figure having anything else on me is pointless honestly. Because if I were to run too fast my clothes wouldn't survive the intense speed. And plus It is better this way not only would useless junk won't slow me down but my blue quills or fur cover the important stuff as well i technically can walk around nude.

Sonic: So technically if your asking I'm not naked technically speaking. But if I'm being honest Hagakure is literally the only who's technically naked here.

I said as I looked at the floating gloves and shoes.

Izuku: OH I guess your right eventhough your technically are in the same boat.

Sonic: What was that!

I said surprising the teen.

Izuku: OH uuuuhh nothing!

He said shakily as he was shocked I could hear him.

But it wasn't long intil Ururaka came in as Izuku and Ochako did there usual thing as I walked away as I ignored the two. Not to be rude but I couldn't ruin this moment. This was something only for them to do.

Sonic Thoughts: Uggggggh man I really hope they confess they're feelings soon though. Because at this point just kiss not right now though later on when they actually realize it!

And as I thought this to I also ignored Allmights words as well. Because no to insult the guy but I HAD heard all the speeches before so I might as well use this time to myself.

I thought about the last time I remember Ojiro in the class or just any info about him. But all I found was literally nothing. I'm not entirely sure on the butterfly affect works but I do know that something small can cause something bad or a different outcome. And also would the teams be different here.

Sonic: Would I team up with Hagakure like Ojiro did when he fought Shoto. And also wasn't I technically Ojiro's replacement in the...universe OH SHIT DID I KILL EXISTINALLY KILL OJIRO?

I dismissed the thought even as I ignored the others asking Allmight questions about the current exercise.

Allmight: Draw lots, split into teams of two villans and two heroes, try and steal a payload and defend it at all cost within the time limit.

Even as he broke it down I had that down, I had sat down with my legs crossed as I laid back on a wall of the room. I was thinking that Ojiro might still be around. I may have been isekai'd here, but I don't think I replaced the guy.

That said I needed to focus we were heading into battle soon.

Sonic Thoughts: Time to let loose the speed Demon! Hopefully my partner isn't Midoryia though I'm not saying that out of hate I just don't want to change canon much.

Quick timeskip

Allmight:Team 1 villans!

Allmight yelled as I stared at the lot in my hands and then at.......Mineta's.

Sonic and Mineta in Unison: YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!

We both said out loud as we glared at eachother.


Sonic: Fuck off STINKY you smell like a godamn dump truck from producing all that sweat!

Bakugou: The fuck you say you wannabe RAT!

Sonic: The hell you say! I'm not a RAT I'm A HEDGEHOG!

Me and Bakugou angrily shouted as Allmight coughed.

Allmight: I'm afraid that the drawing of the lot is final! But this good practice as well! After all you won't always be paired with anyone you like in the field!

Sonic: Yes but at least if I did he or she wouldn't wear a DIAPER!

Mineta: Hey this is battle armor!

Mineta shouted as he pointed at his bowl as I gave a dissapointed look.

Sonic: Dude you look like your about to take a shit in that thing and ask for your mother's breastmilk! You look literally symbolizes your hornyness.

Mineta: Ehhhhhh! At least I'm wearing something you nudist your literally buck Naked.

Sonic: And! What's your point you can't see anything because it's well hidden so whats the problem. And it conforms to the school rules apparently.

Mineta: That still doesn't change the fact that your naked! Do you even have manilyhood.

Sonic: Yes I do it's under the fur I gotta keep it there all the time. And plus the only nudist the person here is Hagakure.

Hagakure: Heeeeeeeey! Hey I didn't ask for this!

The floating pair of gloves to started to move frantically.

Sonic: It's fine no one is judging. But I do gotta ask can't you like get costume made of your hair or something so you wouldn't go around town feeling the air between your-



Mineta: OOOOW!

I zipped away from the incoming slap as Mineta took it head on instead.


Sonic: Then stop being too slow then!

I mocked as dodged another incoming slap with ease.

Allmight began to sweat drop as he finally spoke.

Allmight: Boys and Hagakure enough you have the partner you have work together or lose together!"

He said as I lightly chuckled at him.

Sonic: Bro I was already goona work with this loser anyway sir not only is his quirk useful and if you combine that with my speed dude we will slay whoever is in are path. What do you think I am dumbass!?

I said as Allmight seemed to he little taken by my tone in voice.

Mineta: Wait you are?

Mineta asked as anger turned to confusion.

Sonic: And also just because I don't like this loser doesn't mean I can't complain though. If he doesn't run away at the first sight of trouble unlike me.

Mineta: Huh you sonuva....(sigh)

Mineta sighed as Bakugou and Lida were still going to fight Deku and Ochaco. The long awaited battle that obviously should see in person as the animation here is a whole lot better.

Shoji ans Shoto's team stayed the same except for me and Mineta. If I recalled Mineta was with Yayarozu on canon awhile Ojiro and Hagakure were teamed as well. And as of currently because I'm here the teams changed slightly.

And the teams were mixed and matched and man there were so many things I fucked up on.


Izuku Midoryia & Ochaco Ururaka- Team A

Shoto Todoroki & Mezo Shoji- Team B

Fumikage Tokoyami & Mina Ashido- Team H

Kyouka Jiro & Hanta Sero -team G

Ejiro Kirishima & Koji Koda - E


Katsuki Bakugou & Tenya Lida aka Turtle- Team D

Sonic & Minoru Mineta- Team I

Momo Yayarozu & Toru Hagakure- Team C

Rikido Sato & Yuga Aoyama- Team F

Tysui Asui & Denki Kaminari- Team j

Sonic Thoughts: Great were fighting daddy issues!

I thought as I looked over at him as we exchanged glances at the same time. His eyes were calm and cool but there was a fire to him as well. The guy was determined .

But....unfortunately he's not dealing with your average side charcter. I was also wanted this brawl as my eyes sparked with blue electricity in excitement. No one could imagine how fucking happy I was when he didn't show the slightest bit of fear.


I repeated in my mind remembering the Og Tai lung saying those exact words as I grinned.

I sat down back at the wall as I watched the fight with Bakugou and Midoryia begin.

After the fight

Dude the fight was much better here then the show. The display, the raw power and technique was beautiful especially with the added emotions.

Who knew the anime didn't go as hard on TV but here it was MUCH better. It was extremely cool and they looked like they were putting they're all in the fight? It was more breath taking than you could believe.

I could feel the heat from Bakugou's explosions, Deku's determination and his devastating punches. Ururaka and lida had they're usual encounter but better.

Sonic Thoughts:But through out the whole fight MANN Bakugou felt really annoying. Sure he was great fighter but all this guy said Deku this! Deku that Deku, Deku, Deku. God was he programed to only call Izuku just Deku bro if I'm dealing with for a year of this intil Tomura Shigaraki becomes a menace. Sweet Jesus christ thats how long i gotta stay Uggggggghh!

But still it was good Izuku won with his dopey looking face. Eventhough he did get his ass beat for nearly 15 minutes straight that whole time. He definitely needed to get some skills maybe mma because if he learned it he could be a flipping menace. Instead breaking his arms he'll break his opponents like literal twigs.

But at least somethings went according to the story luckily. Wait a minute who's next after Allmight gets done explaining?

Allmight: All right everyone! Let's change locations and start the second match!

He yelled as he cut me off from my thoughts.

We went to the second location as Mineta and I entered the building. We walked up to the top of the building as we saw it in the middle of secluded room  walked up to the bomb or big missle of the thing as I frowned at the size of this thing

Sonic: This bomb is at least nuke sized thankfully I can lift it since Lida can lift this thing I definitely could do it.

I said as i approached intil I heard a long sigh as I looked over at Mineta as I sighed.

Mineta: Can you stop doing that?

The grape said to me.

Sonic: Stop what?"

Mineta: Stop taking a big sigh everytime you see me!

He grumbled.

Mineta: It's super annoying.

As he said this I rubbed my face as I held in the urge to sigh as approached the guy.

Sonic: Yeah sure dude. But before I place the bomb how are you in combat its just so I know who I'm working with. Do you also know how to set traps? And can you handle Shoji or distract Todoroki.

I said to him as he began to think.

Mineta: Yeah i can set traps but I know I'll get destroyed by Shoji or Todoroki. But if we set traps everywhere? And if I can stick the bomb on the walls or ceiling....then they won't get the bomb easily!

He said as he clenched his fists.

Mineta: And then we'll win if your able to quickly subdue them!

He said happily as I smiled.

This honestly wasn't a bad plan in theory but...

Sonic: At least your using that brain but the thing is that gives the heroes a advantage is if Todoroki is able to freeze the whole building. Not only that but I'm better in rooms with lots of space and i currently cant go at my fastest here so I'll need you to lay down the traps if they get past me. And not to mention Todoroki's ranged attacks. But unfortunately for them were a perfect match for the two.

I said with a grin as I began to stretch my arms and legs before the bell started.

Mineta: R-rea..I.


The bell rang I looked around as I finished my stretches.

Sonic: Mineta If I'm goona be honest I'm just goona wing it. I'll have your back against Shoto. I can tell Shoto is about that action and so is Shoji but if One gets passed me I need you to have mine.

Man I feel so reluctant though about this but if he could be a huge help during the USJ. I had hope he could pull something else off. And considering these guys can easily get killed by my attacks I'll need to hold back a lot.

Sonic: So even if Shoji gets past me can you handle him?

He smirked at my answer as he raised a single thumb.

Mineta: Yea I can!

Sonic: And do you know the guy can toss fridges like frisbees?

As I said that his skin went pail as he remberd the part of the fitness test.

Mineta: I-i-i can still take him!

Man that response was so weak and so lackluster. I thought as I shook my head.

Sonic: Alright let's get ready for this fight...

I didn't get to finish as my animal like instincts kicked in as my got into a running position.

Sonic: Mineta you better jump when I say 1!

Mineta: Huh why what's the big deal man?

He said as he looked at me confused.

Sonic: They're is a massive chill in the air.

I said softly.

As through the door that led to hallways outside the area we were in a wave of ice was rushing towards us with impressive speed.

My bright green emerald eyes widened as the ice darted down the hallway where I and Mineta were at.

If I was any more experienced using my powers or playing not having nearly 17 years of playing sonic games would worried. Because they're was no way I could utilize my speed on the ice without slipping all over the place.


Sonic: 1! Go now!

I said as he and I leaped into the air as I spinned my body around rapidly in air.

It was time for Class1a to see what this Blue Hedgehog could do.

My bristled quills were so sharp but-most importantly-they were able to gain traction on the slippery ice.

And the moment I touched the ground I shot forward like a bullet. As I sawed through the ice like a crazed buzz saw as I went down the hallway.

Sonic: I'm coming for you Todoroki!

The end

Hello fellow readers yes this is the end of the chapter for now. Please vote and comment.

Oh and also I do have a short list or questions I do need to know though if you can answer them.

1. Can Sonic do the light speed dash without the rings or no.

2. What are your favorite Sonic attacks?

3. What are you favorite Sonic games,tv show or movies?

4. And lastly who is your favorite charcter in the Sonic franchise.

Happy new years and I hope you all are having a good day see ya next time.

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