Chapter 31: The Big 3 of UA
Arcturus's Voice: Despite what felt like time crawling by, the three days were up and I had turned in my written apology. Izuku and I's house arrest finally finished up and we could get back into the flow of things. Today, we'd be meeting some of UA's biggest people.
Most of 1-A was seated and Aizawa gave the rundown on today's class.
Aizawa: Morning. Now that Farron and Midoriya are back, we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail. (looks to the door) Go ahead and come in. (to the class) I'll have people who've experienced them first hand explain. I suggest you listen carefully while they explain how work studies differ from internships.
The door opens and three students walked in. The first was a boy with navy blue hair and had a timid expression on his face, the second was a girl with long sky-blue hair and a bright smile, and the last was a blonde with strange blue eyes, and was the same guy Arc and Izuku saw when they were taking the trash out.
Aizawa: These three are third years at UA. They rank at the very top of our student body. You may know them as the Big Three.
Izuku: (shocked) The Big Three. And it's him.
Arcturus: Now we know why that guy was so familiar.
Hitomi stared at the three students before laying her head on top of her desk, listening to her classmates talk amongst themselves about the three third-years.
Sero: The best of the hero course.
Kirishima: The Big Three.
Mina: Oh, wow!
Robbie: Are they a big deal?
Iida: Absolutely! Of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top.
Momo: They'e on a different level. Still in school, but practically pro heroes.
Kyoka: If they're as good as I hear, then they're the students we should be chasing after.
Kaminari: They don't look all that special to me. Except, the girl— she's pretty hot.
Shuri: Appearances can be deceiving.
Izuku then recalls where he met the blonde boy. Last year, he saw him during the sports festival where even though he didn't win, he still left an impression on the audience. Since he only saw his face, he didn't recognize him immediately.
Aizawa: Get to it. Introduce yourselves briefly. Let's start with Amajiki.
The dark haired boy, now referred to as Amajiki, suddenly gave an intense look at the class. It's nowhere near powerful as Robbie's Penance Stare, but it definitely surprised everyone with how intense it was. Then, Amajiki suddenly stops the glance.
Amajiki: It's no good. (to his classmates) You two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words are coming out. My mind's blank and my mouth is dry.
The kid was shaking and looked like he was about to pass out.
Amajiki: I can't say anything. I wanna... (turns away to look at the wall behind) go home. A few of the students gasp as this felt so random.
Ojira: Okay. So, um. Are you really one of UA's top heroes?
Nejire: (laughs) Come on, Amajiki! You need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten. You know, even though you're human. Get what I mean? (to the class)
This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki. And, hi, my name is Nejire Hado. I'm supposed to talk about work studies. You first years have a really exciting time ahead of you.
Arcturus: (thoughts) I recognize her. She's an intern at Mama's agency. If I recall right...
Nejire: Hey, wait, hold on. (To Shoji) Why are you wearing a mask? Is it cuz you're feeling sick? Or just... trying to look cool?
Shoji: (unsure) Uh. Well...
Nejire: Oh, whoa! (to Todoroki) And you must be Todoroki, am I right? Yeah! How'd you get that big burn on your face?
Todoroki: That's none of your—
Nejire: And, Ashido, if your horns break off, you think you'll grow new ones? Oh, and can you wiggle them? Mineta, are those balls your hair, or what? I don't get it. How do you get a hair cut? Hey, Reyes, what's it like when you transform? Are you invincible or does it feel like your flesh is constantly burning?
Robbie: (thoughts) What is with this chick?
Zarathos: It's like she's scattered brain all over the place, and it's really pissing me off!
He wasn't the only one as Nejire keeps asking random and personal questions about each of the students, and Aizawa was getting annoyed.
Arcturus: (thoughts) That's right. She's a bit of an airhead that might have ADHD.
Nejire: (zooms up to Arc) Oh my gosh, you're Ryukyu's kid, aren't you? Wow! It's so cool to meet you! Say, were you born with your eyes different colors or are you trying to cosplay as someone?
Arcturus: It's my natural color.
Aizawa: (triggers quirk) This is completely irrational.
Boy: Oh, there's no need for you to worry, Eraser Head. I'm up next, and I'll get the audience refocused. (to the class)
The future's gonna be...?
Kaminari: Gonna be what?
Boy: Awful! That's your part, guys! Oh, crap. My call and response was a total fail. (laughs)
Sato: (whispers) Is it just me? These guys seem like complete weirdos. What's the deal?
Tokoyami: Their strangeness is palpable.
The class began muttering amongst themselves over the Big Three's apparent weirdness, and Hitomi's nose wouldn't stop running. She kept sniffling, enough so that Todoroki gave her his handkerchief again before the third-year continued his speech.
Boy: Okay, you guys look like you have no idea what's going on. I guess we are third years who just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary. I can see how you'd be confused by that. (thinks) Hm. You guys got your provisional licenses as first years, right? Huh! This batch of new students has proven to be pretty darn energetic. So the problem is, you must not have a sense of humor. That's why my joke didn't land.
Nejire: (gasps)
Amajiki: Don't do it.
Boy: (raises fist) Heads up, the rad new plan is all you first-years fight me at once.
Students: Huh? Huh?!
Kirishima: You wanna fight us?
Sero: What, like, now?
Boy: Well, if you want them to experience our experience, this is a pretty rational way of doing it then. Right, Eraser Head? Rational.
Aizawa: Do whatever you want.
They soon were at the training gym and all had swapped to their PE clothes. The class was still unsure despite the boy, referred to as Mirio now, still ready to take on all of them. Amajiki was finding this pointless as they could've just explained it instead of putting the whole class against him.
Nejire gave a warning that he should take it easy on them, but the others assure her that they can handle it after what they've gone through. The fight starts with Izuku rushing in to land the first strike as the others get ready with their quirks. However, before he could attack, Mirio's clothes suddenly began falling off.
Arcturus: The fuck?!
Kyoka: (scrams in shock)
Sero: Why did your clothes just fall off?!
Shuri: Better question, why did it look like they went through you?!
Mirio: (putting his pants back on) Oopsy! My quirk's kinda tricky.
Izuku still goes in for the kick, but was shocked when his kick literally went through Mirio's head like he as made of thin air.
He lands and realizes his quirk lets things pass through him.
Mirio: Went for the face, huh?
Some of the range attackers fire at him, and without even looking, the attacks move right through him. Izuku quickly gets away as the combine blasts make an explosion. When the smoke clears, Mirio's gone.
Iida: Where'd he go?
Mirio: (appears behind Kyoka) I think I'll start by taking out the long-distance fighters.
Kyoka: (screams in shock)
Shoji: He warps?
Sato: His power isn't just slipping through things.
Kirishima: How'd he luck out with such a good quirk?
Amajiki: You're wrong. Mirio's quirk isn't what you should be jealous of. You should be envying his skills. That's what sets him apart, first-years. Mirio did a work study with a hero, but didn't stop there. He kept building himself up.
Hitomi didn't even try fighting him.
She was too dizzy, it taking everything she had just to keep herself from falling over. All the attacks her classmates threw at Mirio passed right through him, the young man falling through the ground and popping up in different places as if he was warping.
Right as Mirio appeared in front of her, she just barely had enough strength to muster up a force field. His arm passed right through it before she could react, punching her so hard in the stomach she wanted to puke. She wasn't the only one who fell to the ground, clutching her stomach in pain.
One by one, the students were getting knocked down by Mirio's strikes as he was moving through their attacks and the ground with ease. Soon, only the close quarters were standing as the others got knocked down.
Aizawa: Mirio Togata. In my opinion, he's the person who's closest to taking the spot of number 1 hero. That's including the pros.
Robbie: He's strong, I'll give him that.
Arcturus: And precise. He socked them all right in the solar plexus.
Mirio: Alright, that takes care of the long distance fighters. All that's left are the ones that specialize in close-quarters combat.
Kirishima: I have no idea how he just did that.
Ochaco: It's one thing to be able to phase through stuff, but warping, too?
Ojiro: He's unrivaled. Do we stand a chance?
Shuri: Don't let Bakugo hear you say that.
Mirio: (gets in a stance, smirks) Hold the flattery.
Amajiki: (thoughts) "Unrivaled." Just that one word, and I can tell what level you're all at. Like how an ordinary person might think a pro's impressive, but lack the ability to figure out why. If you can't tell how much hard work Mirio has put in, then you'll never be able to match him.
Izuku: (to the others) There's more to his quirk than we're seeing. Whether his true power is slipping through matter, or whether he's somehow warping himself through space... Either way, he's still landing his attacks directly.
Arcturus: Agreed. It's for a split second, but if it's timed right, we can counter him.
Izuku: Even if we can't tell what he's doing, we can theorize what we do know, and use that knowledge to find a way to beat him.
Kirishima: Yeah. You said it. House arrest didn't put a dent in your fighting spirit.
Mirio: (runs in) Then see if you can figure out how to win.
Shuri: He's starting again. Get ready.
The group holds their ground as he keeps running. He soon goes in the ground, leaving his pants behind. Izuku anticipated this and looks behind to see Mirio pop back out. It briefly caught Mirio off guard, allowing Izuku to ready a kick.
However, Mirio phases his arm through the kick and moves his hand through Izuku's head, moves away, and then punches him square in the solar plexus.
Mirio: I've discovered that most people try to launch a counterattack just like you did. So, naturally, I've trained to work around such moves. Nice try, though!
Izuku falls to the ground and Mirio moves to take the others down. Soon only Arc was left. Similar to Izuku, Arc moves in to counter attack, and Mirio of course knew this. However, Arc was different as he begins phasing through Mirio's strikes.
Mirio: Now this is interesting. I heard you're more creative than an ordinary speedster.
Arcturus: I can do more than just run.
They both began moving in a fast motion that it was hard to tell if their strikes were landing. Soon enough, Mirio sees his opening and moves to strike.
Mirio: It's over now.
Things were in slow motion for Arc as he saw the strike coming in, ready to take him down. However...
Arcturus: Yeah, for you!
In a split second when the strike just barely touches Arc, he grabs the arm, parries the strike, flips Mirio over and throws him to the ground. The 3rd year barely had enough time to fully recover from that before Arc lands a strike of his own to his solar plexus.
Arcturus: How's that for "power"?
Amajiki and Nejire were surprised by that.
Amajiki: He countered Mirio's attack? And even landed one of his own?
Nejire: (laughs) Wow, Ryukyu wasn't kidding when she said her son was fast and strong! (to Amajiki) Are you even watching?
Amajiki: He just got lucky. Mirio's gonna know about that now. His only problem is that he needs to learn to hold back.
Arc stands off incase he might have to keep fighting. However, Mirio relaxes and rests a hand on Arc's head.
Mirio: Nice! You're definitely the kind of person Sir would love to have under his wing.
Arcturus: Who?
Mirio: Don't worry about it now.
A little later, the class gets up and Mirio asks about his quirk. The others ask if he has two, but it turns out it was just one called Permeation. The way how it works is that he activates it in his entire body and is able to pass it through anything in his body, including the ground. When releasing it through the ground, it repels him upwards, and by moving his body in certain angles, he and aim in different directions.
The class point out that it's a really strong quirk, but Mirio denies this and explains that it's only like that because he made it that way. While his quirk is activated, his lungs can't even take oxygen, nor can his eardrums pick up sound, and even light can't go through his retinas. Basically, he's completely in the dark on the whole thing when he's moving through objects. To help with that, he needs to have total concentration when passing through stuff. Example; if he's going through a wall, he activates everything but one leg, go through the wall to release the other leg and land on it, and the first leg is the last to go through.
This makes the others more impressed with his work as even the littlest things like that take a lot of work and effort to do, especially if they're in a hurry. Mirio further goes on how he was always struggling with his quirk and would mess up more often than they thought. But, with hard work and dedication, he developed combat skills and learned to predict certain things to adapt in situations. That's why he chose to fight the class to show them his skills through experience instead of just words.
Work Studies were far different from the internships as they're regarded as sidekicks and even pros in some cases. It can be scary with people getting hurt, or worse, watching someone die. But every moment they experience on the field, even the most painful and scary ones, is something you can't get in a classroom, even at UA. Mirio had transformed his experience into power, and how he's at the top spot.
His speech actually inspired everyone and they began to get excited for when the work studies come in. Aizawa ends the session and the third years left off. Arc and Izuku were more intrigued than ever by this session and were prepared for their next step.
Hitomi had to keep herself from coughing as Mirio gave his speech to the class, not wanting to interrupt his words of inspiration.
The world looked as if it was spinning, the sounds getting muffled as Hitomi's vision blurred. Right as Mirio finished up his speech, Hitomi collapsed on Kirishima, damn near almost fainting.
Kirishima: Hitomi?!
She was sweating a lot, her face flushed a deep red. Kirishima felt her forehead, recoiling at the heat.
Kirishima: Oh my god, you're burning up!
Shuri: Is she okay?!
Arcturus: (went to Hitomi) Come on, let's get to the infirmary.
Joker: (picks up a human phone) Hello?
Y/N: (phone) Joker, where the hell are you?
Joker: Me? Ummm...
I'm what you humans call taking a shit in the bathroom.
Y/N: (phone) Seriously?! How are you not caught yet?!
Joker: My shape-shifting ability allows me to blend in with the humans, taking on any human form I choose as a disguise.
Y/N: (phone) So it's similar to Toga's.
Joker: Anyway, I just got word that a yakuza group is on the move.
Y/N: (phone) A yakuza group?
Joker: The Shie Hassaikai is what they're called. They're being led by some villain named Overhaul, which was the title he got from his quirk.
Y/N: (phone) Just like All For One got his name from his quirk.
Joker: What shall we do, boss?
Y/N: (phone) It's possible they pose a threat that might stand in our way. Electro and Vulture are finding more allies from America to join our group. If the Shie Hassaikai choose to declare war on us, we'll destroy them.
Joker: Understand, boss. Also, just wanted to let you know that your friend Hitomi is not feeling well.
Chapter 31 ended.
I know I said this chapter will be the last chapter of Season 3, but there's still stuff I need to do.
For example, Arc and Wanda going to see Y/N's mom or Y/N meeting or checking up on Hitomi by coincidence.
Plus, what should be next after Season 3? Avengers Assemble season 1 or the Shie Hassaikai arc?
If you have any ideas, let me know at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy!
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