Chapter 21: Brotherly Talk

During Arc and Izuku's talk with Cynthia and All Might, Kyoka was walking back to the dorms after a day of high school. 

Kyoka: (thoughts) First Y/N is alive working with the League of Villains, and now Arc got expelled. This isn't right. 

???: What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet here. 

Kyoka gasped with her eyes widen as turns to see someone she never thought of meeting again.

Kyoka: You're...

Y/N: Yo, Kyoka. 

Kyoka: Y/N... 

Y/N: Long time no see. 

Kyoka: Why are you here? 

Y/N: (walks next to her) Just testing my luck, I guess. Not many heroes have ever saw my face when I was Legion, so I'm laying low while watching over Arc. 

Kyoka: So, you know about your brother being expelled from UA? 

Y/N: That's right. Hopefully, I would have him to join my side. 

Kyoka: Y/N, you're a wanted criminal. I'm sure it's a misunderstanding, and you're being framed, right?

Y/N: No, unfortunately not. I'm responsible for freeing the Hero Killer, and the deaths of false heroes, some weak villains, even the students and my step-dad who abused and neglected me and my mother. 

Kyoka: Why did you do it? You were a kind and caring person. What caused you to be so violent and aggressive? 

Y/N: Like I said at Kamino Ward, I'm going to create a world free from the society that follows the oppressed system.

Kyoka: I don't get it. 

Y/N: I'm not a child. I'm not holding out hope that everyone will understand. 

Kyoka: So, you're not coming back? 

Y/N: That's right. 

Kyoka pulls out her phone and calls Arc. 

Kyoka: Hey, Arc. Are you at your home? I found Y/N. Yeah, but you better hurry. He's going to leave soon. No problem. 

Y/N: So, he's on his way. This will be interesting.

Kyoka: Y/N, your home is with Arc, Wanda, Cynthia, and your mom. It's not too late to go back to your dream of being a hero and try to fix everything.

Y/N: It is for me. I've thought about this for a long time now, and I have to do what I can to see my goals to the end.

Kyoka knew immediately that something is defiantly up with him, and it's that he's on the path of a villain. There was something bothering her best friend and she wanted to know what it was.

Kyoka: There's something that's really bothering you, isn't there?

Y/N: ...

Kyoka: Before you became a villain, you keep bottling up your problems and never tell me or your friends because you don't want us to worry, right? But, when I see that there's something definitely wrong with you, and you don't say anything... that makes me even more worried...

Kyoka's words makes Y/N feel like he has a hole in his chest, frustrated that he's making her feel worried about him. 

Kyoka: I just want to help you, like how you helped me... After all, you helped me to muster up the courage to tell my parents I wanted to become a hero. 

Kyoka looks at Y/N and sees that he still wasn't facing her which hurt her a bit.

Kyoka: I'm afraid that if I don't help you when you need it the most, it would be too late and you'll just keep going somewhere I can't reach you... I don't want that to happen... 

Y/N grips his hands into a fist as the hole in his chest just grew deeper.

Kyoka: You're not alone so you don't have to worry on your own. You have Midoriya, Arc, Wanda, Momo, Mina, Cynthia, Ryukyu, my parents, your mother, and me. You can count on us to help you. So, please... 

Y/N grits his teeth, trying to stay strong and wishing that Kyoka would stop talking because if she continues any further he would definitely break.

Kyoka: Please, let me help you. I can't take it when you're in pain. I'll always be here for you whenever you need me.

Y/N finally felt like his emotions were going to burst out all at once. He wanted to talk to someone about his feeling, but he wasn't able to. He didn't want to talk about his feelings with the members of the League of Villains. 

Y/N then opens his mouth and was about to let out everything, but... he closes his mouth and turns around to face Kyoka. Kyoka was a bit relieved as she thought she had gotten through to him. However...

Y/N: (tearing) I'm sorry, Kyoka. But I can't allow to get involve with me anyone. Just, take care of Arc and Wanda for me. 

Kyoka's eyes widen when she saw his tears coming from his eyes. He turns and walks away while wiping his tears. Kyoka only looks at him, not saying a word. Despite being a villain, she knew when he turned around his face was filled with pure pain, anger, hatred, despair, sorrow, vengeance, suffering, and sadness.

Kyoka continues to watch Y/N walking away, gripping her skirt as her eyes start to water as well. 

(I do not own this picture and art style. It belongs to @SuperSodaPie. And replace Ben with Y/N) 

Kyoka: But... who's gonna take care of you? 

She then sees Y/N turn around the corner leaving from her sight. Kyoka stands still and only looks down at the ground as her bangs were covering her eyes. From behind, she hears footsteps, but she remained still and doesn't turn around. Behind her was Momo. 

Momo: That was Y/N, wasn't it? 

Kyoka: ... 

Momo: Let's go back to the dorms. I'll make us some Wedgwood tea, and after that maybe we could find Y/N- 

Kyoka: He didn't want us to help him. 

Momo: Well, he is always stubborn when it comes to him telling his problems to others...

Kyoka: Why does he keep doing this...?

Momo: I'm sure he just doesn't want us to worry.

Kyoka: But we are worried about him... He's become a villain now since no one helped him before. 

Momo looks down, knowing Kyoka was right. 

Kyoka: I feel like this time it's different... I felt like I couldn't reach him at all... I couldn't even see him...

A couple of tears then start to hit the floor and Momo knew it Kyoka was crying.

Kyoka: (crying) When I looked at him... I can see tears from his eyes and I knew he was in pain... I just want him to be okay... I want him to be happy and hangout with us like always... I want to be by his side... Even though he's so close, he seems like he's somewhere else...

Kyoka cries even more trying to wipe her tears away but they just keep dripping down out of her eyes.

Kyoka: (crying) What should I do, Momo...?

Momo was sad seeing her two friends in so much pain, so she did the only thing she could do right now. She takes Kyoka's head and pulls her into a hug trying to comfort her friend as best as she could, while she had some tears in her eyes.

Momo: (crying) I'm not sure myself... I'm worried about him, too... It may be hard, but all we can do is come up with a play to save him. We'll bring him back home together with Arc, Wanda, Midoriya, Ashido, and everyone would be willing to help him out. 

Kyoka continues to cry even more while Momo stays by her side and comforts her until she lets all her emotions out.

(stop music) 

Meanwhile, Y/N was currently walking around town until he heard a voice. 

???: Explain yourself Y/N!

He stops in front of KFC as Arc was seen behind him. 

Y/N: You've already heard everything that happened back at Kamino Ward, right? That's all there is to it. 

Arcturus: Izuku, ma, Wanda, Inko, Kyoka, Momo, Mina, and I believed in you. That you're not someone to do something like this! Killing your step-dad and those students from our old school! 

Y/N: You can't blame me for any false hope they wanted to have. They did it to themselves.

Arcturus: So you're just going to kill everyone that you think is a false hero?! Even Ma, Mama, and All Might?! 

Y/N: I can't allow those three to be a special exception. Besides, those two aren't our real mothers. 

Arcturus: That's not what I was asking! I thought we weren't allowed to kill when there's no point to it! We are supposed to become heroes protecting the innocent, right?!

Y/N: There is a point to it. Significance too. Even a great cause.

Arcturus: No there isn't! You're going to kill all heroes and destroy what you called oppressed system? You know that's impossible! There's no point chipping away bit by bit at something you can't possibly do!

Y/N: How arrogant of you. You sound like our dad, no wonder he chose you as his favorite son.  

Arcturus: Huh?!

Y/N: Tell me: Something when we were kids you've been the favorite, the blessed one, the one who had a quirk, the one who got supported, and the one who got a good family once dad died. But what about me? Why do I get so unlucky? Why do I suffer while others are happy and so fortunate? Let tell you why, it's because society chose to be their next pawns. And now you can't be controlled, they expelled you because you don't listen to society just like all the other pawns they have.

Arcturus: (gasped) 

Y/N: Tell me something Arc: Are you the strongest because you're Farron's son or are you Farron's son because you're the strongest?

Arcturus: Just what are you trying to say? 

Y/N: If I were able to become a hero like you and Wanda are trying to be, this foolish ideal would become a lot more grounded and real, don't you think? 

Arc wanted to argue, but after hearing truth from his brother's world he couldn't. 

Y/N: I told you, brother, this is how corrupted our society really is. You tried doing the right thing and look where it got you.... expelled from UA just because you did what you thought was right. And instead of being praised for it, you got punished and expelled for it. People like them don't deserve to be called a hero if they think they need permission just to do the right thing all along examples like what happened with Stain and All For One. You had the choice to do the right thing, but society prevents people like you from doing so.... cause in their eyes, you need permission to do the right thing. This is how low our society really is, brother. Tell me, do you really think people should need permission just to do the right thing? 


Y/N: No they don't, Arc. Because if you have the power to change and do the right thing, then you should use your powers to help people regardless of the consequences or what anyone says. 

Arcturus: ... 

Y/N: Here are the words that someone wise and great once told me, and it's also the reason that I do what I do. The words that I stick by every time I do something that's seen as something a villain or a law breaker would do. 

Arc pays attention to words Y/N is about to say.

Y/N: With great power comes great responsibility. 

Arc thinks hard on Y/N's words and advice.

Y/N: These are the words that I stick by, brother. Because if I know that if I have the power do something that can change and help people, then I should do what I think is right regardless of the consequences or how wrong it is seen to others. You understand now why I do what I do brother? 

Arcturus: (nods) Yeah. 

Just then, they heard police sirens coming towards. 

Y/N: I must get going. 

Arcturus: Are you sure you don't want to come home? 

Y/N: I'm sorry, but I've decided how I'll live my life. Now it's just a matter of doing the best I can to achieve that. 

He then warped himself away before the police arrived. 

Police: Have you seen a villain named Legion nearby? 

Arcturus: (lied) No sir. I just got here. 

Police: Damn. Well, thanks for trying to help. 

Arcturus: (narrator) Hearing the advice my brother gave me, I decide to let him go for now, until I get stronger and faster to save him. Not as a hero, but as a TRUE hero.  

At was later in the afternoon as Arc was sitting near the door before Cynthia decides to join him. 

Cynthia: Why did you lie to them about Y/N? 

Arcturus: You're actually asking me that?

Cynthia: No, it's fine. I'm sorry, I know how much he means to you.  

Arcturus: Ma, do you still believe I have the potential to become a hero? 

Cynthia: Of course you do. Why do you ask? 

Arcturus: Apparently, Y/N told me it's not good enough for just me to just ask permission to fight. He still believes society is corrupt and wants to change it. 

Cynthia: Arc...

Arcturus: (looks at Cynthia) Everything you said about my actions, was that really true?

Cynthia: (sighs) Honestly, I'm not sure what I said is true or not. I guess he did point out somethings about how the world currently works. 

Arcturus: Especially when the heroes kept the relationship between Magento and Wanda a secret. 

Cynthia: (surprised) How did you- 

Arcturus: All For One told me before he was defeated by All Might. But what I don't understand is how you knew that along with my new power and One For All, and you didn't even tell your family about it. 

Cynthia: I... I'm sorry, I- Richard, Claire, and I wanted to tell you and Wanda when you're both older, but after everything that happened... 

Arcturus: (sighs) It's alright, ma. I forgive. 

Cynthia: You should probably start packing your stuff with Izuku. 

Arcturus: What about you? 

Cynthia: I need to make a call to an old friend of your dad. 

Going inside, Arc and Izuku went and get some of Arc's stuff packed to take to the dorms. As they move, Izuku brings something up with Arc.

Izuku: Hey, Arc. Since you'll be at the dorms, I was wondering if you could help me come up with a fighting style with kicks.

Arcturus: Really? I figured you'd ask Iida that since he mostly fights with his legs.

Izuku: That's true, but you're pretty good with martial arts and close hand to hand combat. I'm trying to limit my arm usage, but it wouldn't hurt to be ready in case I need to use them, you know?

Arcturus: Hmm. In that case, I think I can give you some pointers. We'll start with basics once we get back to UA. (Beat) Listen, buddy. We both really know what All Might meant with his message. When it comes down to it, you're gonna have to fight All For One and Y/N.

Izuku: Yeah...

Arcturus: Well, you know what? Even if I didn't have some special quirk to take it down, no way I'd let you fight them alone.

Izuku gasps in surprise as Arc smirks and holds a fist out for a fist bump.

Arcturus: When that day comes, I'll stand by your side and we'll fight All For One and Y/N together.

Izuku: (smile, fist bumps Arc) Right! Together.

And so, the next part of their training was about to begin with Arc once again returning to UA.


Back at UA, the class was in the middle of training and Izuku had made some upgrades with new arm braces and iron-covered shoes.

Most of the students were focused on the new moves that they were soon brought to attention by the sound of a sonic boom and something zooming in to strike one of the Ectoplasm clones.


The clone was defeated and everyone looks to see Arc in a new suit that Melissa had helped designed for him.

Once relaxing, the others came to him as he removes his mask.

Class A: Arc?!

Arcturus: Hey, guys. Guess who's back.

He and the teachers quickly explained about the whole expulsion bit and that now Arc was back in class overall.

Ochaco: I'm glad you're back with us.

Mina: (hugs Arc while comical crying) Yeah, we totally thought you were gone for good!

Arcturus: Me, too. But, I'm back.

Hitomi: (smile) It's good to have you back. 

Robbie: It was actually getting quiet without you.

Shuri: Yeah, it was almost nice, even.

Before they could speak more, Aizawa approaches them.

Aizawa: Farron.

Turning around, Arc sees Aizawa with his signature glare. He knew what he had to do.

Arcturus: (bows) I apologize for my actions, sir. What I did was reckless and I swear not to do it again. If you give me another chance, I will learn to be better.

Aizawa: (after a moment) You can start with 200 laps around the school grounds. Better yet, make it 250 to make up for your week absence.

Arcturus: (straightens up) Yes, sir!

Aizawa: (smile)

Before running, one voice stops him.

Katsuki: Speedy!

Arcturus: (turns around) Yes?

Katsuki: Listen here. I'm gonna be the number-one hero and surpass All Might, but not before I prove I'm better than you by beating you! So don't you dare get yourself expelled again! You got that?! 

Arcturus: (smirks) You got it. But, if you're gonna pass me, you'll have to catch me first. (runs off)  

Katsuki: (irritated) DAMN YOU, FUCKER!!!

This makes most of the students laugh at their antics and went back to training. Unknown to them, Wanda had kept her distance as she was the only one who didn't look happy Arc was back.

Aizawa: Okay, now it's back to your training.

1-A: Yes Mr. Aizawa! (except Wanda)

Wanda: ...

Chapter 21 ended. 

Done! I hope you guys like that chapter. Especially what I've done for Y/N, Arc, Cynthia, Kyoka, and Momo. 

Now it's time for the second half of Season 3 of MHA. And I have a few ideas for it. 

For Arc and Wanda, they'll be at the hero license test with the rest of Class A. As for Y/N, well, let's say he's going to meet two marvel villains. 

If you guys have any ideas for the next chapter, let me know at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy. 

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