"Cheat on your partner day" Part 2 {The Mad Chase}


It was 5:50 in the morning and the only people in the school were the teachers, principal Nezu,  The Cheaters Of The Round Table, and a few second years who were picked out by Mina to participate. They were all waiting on the five couples that Midnight had picked out. Midnight was pouting because none of them were especially cute. The only reason she picked them was because most of her students had only met when school started and those were the only couples in the class. By 6:01, Bakugou and fallen asleep, Momo was making hair ties an brushes to braid Kendo's hair, Todoroki had left to gym Gamma to practice his quirk, Mina was sliding around the huge lounge at full speed and Midoriya was using One For All to bouncing around the room like Gran Torino holding a megaphone, screaming "THEY ARE LATE! MIDNIGHT TEACHER YOUR STUDENTS TO BE ON TIME!" Midnight was shrinking back into a corner. Midoriya then proceeded to scream that Aizawa would have taught them to be on time. Aizawa smirked at Nemuri from his cocoon leaving Nemuri to complain to Hizashi. "the future of the hero society truly is bright" Cementoss sighed. 

The five couples were shaking outside the door hearing what was happening. They all jumped when Shoto Todoroki decided the first years would be there already and came back from gym Gamma. He walked up to the shaking first years. "Doors are meant to be opened, not stared at" He pointed out in his monotone voice causing all the first years to jump. He figure the first years forgot how to work a door so he demonstrated, opening the door and standing inside the room. The first years seemed shocked. They never thought they would be seeing No.1 hero, Endeavor, son. Shoto could not figure out why the first years were so shocked. He eventually just walked to his teacher, Shota Aizawa, and asked him to bring the first years in with his capture weapon as Shoto couldn't get them to move. Shota was disappointed in Shoto. He had taken down 7 villains single handedly but couldn't bring 10 kids in the room. Shota stepped out of his sleeping bag to stare down the first years. First warning, they wouldn't move. Shota stepped closer and his hair rose. Second warning, Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing. The first years had zero idea what was happening and stood still. "Get. In. The. Room." Shota's eyes went red, capture weapon rising around him and he stepped closer to the door. Third warning, every one in the room shrunk back. The kids froze. Who the hell was that!? The first years ran away as fast as they could. Shota sighed. "Cowards" He scoffed dripping eye drops. Bakugou stood upright. "Oi Deku, Icy-hot! At this rate, Monoma is gonna win the deal." The Cheaters Of The Round Table stood up pulling the frightened second years with them. "We need to catch them!" Two or the second years said. Their names were Akane Dori and Miro Shona (random people I made up). They were perfect for a chase. Akane's quirk was slip'n'slide. She could make any slippery substance from her hands and making anything slippery so she could slide on it. After a bit of training, she could also produce sticky substances to make her oponents stick and also if she concentrated really hard, she could make certain types of gas to intoxicate her opponents. Miro's quirk was called Whip (so original and exciting I know). His fingers could turn into any long objects like ropes, poles, etc. The downside is that he couldn't detach them from his hands as they are practically his fingers. They were shooed out of the room to capture the first years. Bakugou also took this as a chance to catch the first years and exploded his way out of the room. Midoriya wanted to go out there but he made a plan for the rest of the second years as Momo created rollerblades, and Mina slid out to catch em'. 

Midoriya was remembering the second years quirks. Fudoki Denko. His quirk lets him make portals all over the world. Akina Chorei. Her quirk lets her manifest animal characteristics and use that power. Yasahiro Koto. His quirk let's him summon long ass arms and hands from the ground that he has full control over. Kishi Itsu. Her quirk gives her all the powers of the Greek God Poseidon and create water. Dang that's a powerful quirk. "Itsu-chan! What's your quirk called?" Midoriya asked pulling out his hero notebook. "My quirk is just called Posidon. It's kinda boring compared to spectral hands." She sighed. "AH! That's so cool!!!" Midoriya screamed scribbling down "spectral hands" and "Poseidon" down in his hero notebook. He then started to make a plan. He assumed that the second years he shooed out had not caught anyone yet, Bakugou had caught at least one first year, and Momo and Mina were too soft to even try to catch any of them. Just as Midoriya was about to say his plan out loud, the two second years came in dragging a first year behind on a rope produced by Miro's fingers. Midoriya made a few changes and then he saw Momo and Mina come in dragging another first year. Midoriya made changes to his plan. Again. He was not happy with having to change his plans so many times. Just as he was about to say his reinforced plan out loud, Bakugou stormed in. Dragging two more first years. And two villains. "SOMEONE TELL ME WHY THE HELL THERE WERE VILLAINS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY!?" Bakugou yelled. The teachers ran out to check if there were more and sure enough there were. Not on the loose but in a net. Bakugou peeked out the door. "Yea I caught em' all. They were carrying a fishing net so I trapped them in that" Then every one went back inside. Midoriya made more changes to his plan and then proceeded to say it out loud. There were still 6 first years on the loose. Hisa, Joji, Kaiya, Sakura, Yukio, and Reiko according to Midnight. Midoriya decided it would be a good idea to team up. Fudoki Denko would go with Yasahiro Koto, Akina Chorei would go with Mina, Kishi Itsu would go with Katsuki (so he could stop the water if her water went out of control), Midoriya insisted to go with his boyfriend, so Momo was with her best friend Kendo. 

Fudoki and Yasahiro were walking down to the courtyard at U.a when they saw a flash. Movement. Fudoki created a portal that led in front of the movement. They both walked through it thinking it was going to be easy against a first year. Wrong. The first years were powerful this year. Once both Fudoki and Yasahiro walked through they saw the first year, Hisa, ready for combat. Her left eye had turned red. Is her quirk a less powerful version of Aizawa's? no. Nothing like that. Hisa took a deep breath. Then he blew out, out of fear. A gust of wind came at the two second years and boy was it HOT. It was burning hot. Hisa's quirk was heatwave. He can blow out extremely hot gusts of air. Both second years back away. Hisa ran away while the second years chased him.

 Akina Chorei and Mina were chasing Joji at full speed. Akina's legs turned cheetah-like and Mina slid at full speed on her acid. I must admit, their quirks are pretty speedy. But Joji's was faster. Joji's quirk is called 'rollercoaster'. This quirk allows her to basically turn the floor underneath her into a rollercoaster letting her ride it, speed it up, and make it go wherever she wants it to go. The effects disappear after she turns her quirk off. She can also create rollercoasters under others feet and control it as well. Joji created herself a rollercoaster ride and rode around the campus with Mina and Akina hot on her trail. Joji saw that they were getting closer. She also saw that her boyfriend Hisa, was being chased by two second years. She directed the rollercoaster towards him and invited him into her rollercoaster cart. She then made the floor underneath Mina and Akina into a roller coaster and slammed them into the two first years. It looked pretty painful for Fudoki and Yasahiro being run over by a rollercoaster cart. Akina jumped out and raced after the couple whilst Mina hopped out to help Fudoki and Yasahiro. 

Kishi and Katsuki were probably the only ones who were going to succeed. They were hot on the trail of Reiko. Reiko's quirk was called 'Mirrors'. He can use air to create a wall that acts like a mirror. He can make a lot of these to trap the opponent in a mirror maze. The mirrors don't actually have a solid form, meaning the opponent can't slam into them, but go through them. Reiko thought that once he was caught, he would be punished. That wouldn't be the case if it weren't Katsuki Bakugou chasing him. But since it was Bakugou, he would have to run if he valued his life. Reiko wasted no time making mirrors. After a while of him running, he had enough mirrors to confuse a normal opponent. But Bakugou was not a normal opponent. This confused Kishi a bit, but not Bakugou. Bakugou had read everyone in the school's quirk description and remembered them. He knew he could go through them. He yelled that at Kishi and to no one's surprise, they caught Reiko. Kishi created a solid water-y rope like thing to tie him up. The water-y rope like thing was the max she could create at the moment. After all, her teacher was Snipe-Sensei and all he knew about was guns. The dynamic duo walked off to find another first year.

Midoriya and Todoroki were having the time of their lives. Todoroki was carrying Midoriya while sliding on his ice. Midoriya was yelling into his megaphone at the first year, Sakura, to "get her ass over here before she regretted it". Sakura refused to turn around as she thought something bad would happen. Her quirk is called 'Void'. It allows her to make a void anywhere in the ground trapping her opponent in it. The effects wear off when she releases her quirk. Sakura was very nervous. She always thought that Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki would be No.1 and No.2 hero. She was very nervous to be chased and randomly released her quirk everywhere. One under a tree, under a bench, in the wall of the school building. She made a void everywhere except under her opponents feet. She began screaming and running as fast as she could before being picked up by her dear friend Joji, in her rollercoaster cart, being chased by three second years and Mina. Midoriya and Todoroki joined in on chasing the rollercoaster cart.

Momo and Kendo were having a bit of trouble. Momo had created a car. But none of them knew how to drive yet. Momo had run out of lipids to create more objects so this was it for now. They both took turns driving and slamming into random objects. They couldn't care less. Momo was a rich girl so she could pay for the damage. The boy they were chasing was running for his life, not wanted to get crushed by the car. His name was Yukio and his quirk was called 'Frankenstein'. He could detach any of his body parts and control them. He detached his hand and used it to punch the glass window open. Then he used the detached hand to move the steering wheel and drive the girl's car into a tree. Then he passed by Joji's rollercoaster and jumped in. It was almost as if it was planned. Momo and Kendo had given up on the car. They ran after the speeding rollercoaster cart and met up with her classmates and the three first years. They came to the conclusion that everyone had failed their part of the job and ran after the cart together. 

Kaiya was confused. No one was after her. She decided to take a rest from her frightful running. Her quirk was kind of like Cementoss but instead of manipulating cement, she could manipulate mud and dirt. She made a huge wall of dirt(she can't really control size yet) and sat down against it. She guessed she could just sit there for seven hours until the end of the day. She thought wrong. With Katsuki and Kishi, Katsuki saw a huge wall of dirt rise and immediately recognize it as Kishi's quirk. His memory is on point. He yelled at Kishi to follow him and they raced through the trres. Surprising that he actually doesn't hate Kisi Itsu right? He really doesn't. In fact, he loves teaching and helping people underneath his aggressive mask. Kishi and Kirishima were theones who knew that best and didn't mind having him as a teacher. They raced towards the dirt wall together and when they arrived, sure enough, Bakugou was right. It was Kaiya. She was peacefully leaning against it unaware of what was coming next. Bakugou began running at her, she noticed and started to run. Bakugou caught up and threw a big right hook at her. She was unable to avoid it and was caught easily. Bakkugou was disappointed. Even Kishi was disappointed. The entire school knew that Bakugou always started with a big right hook. Kishi caught up and Bakugou decided it was time to teach this girl how to work her quirk. She had done basically nothing and was a second year so Bakugou wanted to teach her some useful stuff. (Don't ship them yet. Please don't) "OI Itsu! Come on were gonna go train" Kishi Itsu was excited. Excited to do something. She followed Katsuki to a clearing and he began. He figured her quirk would be of some use when she became a hero. If she became a hero. So he decided to work on her speed. He put together how Mina used her acid to slide super fast and taught Kishi. By the time she understood, she had also figured a lot of other things out thanks to Bakugou's amazing teaching skills. 

The group of first years were speeding down the rollercoaster track that Joji was constantly making, each trying to hold back a few or their upperclass men. Hisa was creating as many heatwaves as he could to hold back Fudoki and Yasahiro. He could only create heatwaves in a tiny area for a small amount of time. That was his limit. If he passed it, he would start to have a fever or even heatstroke. Fudoki and Yasahiro quickly figured that out and spread out so he could only focus on one of them. Fudoki made a portal into the cart and dragged Hisa out. He created another portal that led to the "holiday lounge", threw Hisa in, then walked in with Yasahiro not bothering to help the others. 

Yukio was desperately trying to hold back Momo and Kendo. Needless to say, he was failing. Momo had figured out how to drive the car, so she drove while Kendo stuck her hands out of the window trying to grab Yukio, and only Yukio. Kendo whacked the cart here and there, accidentally grabbed Joji, but put her back down, then finally, grabbed Yukio. Kendo shoved him in the car and Momo drove back to the building that the holiday lounge is in. 

The only first years left riding on the coaster cart were Joji and Sakura. Joji was controlling the cart so Sakura was trying to fend off four of their elders. Which wouldn't end up very well. Sakura began creating voids everywhere. She created one spot on, right below Mina's feet and she fell through. Sakura began creating multiple more voids clearly happy with her luck. Her luck clearly ran out. She continued aimlessly creating voids. Joji saw how sucky Sakura's aim was and sped up the cart. However, she was not watching where sh was driving. The rollercoaster cart ran into the clearing where Bakugou and Itsu were training.  The cart ran straight into Kishi and she made an explosion. Out of water. Like a huge guest of water. See? I told you her training with Bakugou was paying off. The rollercoaster cart got shot up, which cause both girls to deactivate their quirks. The cart disappeared and Mina got released from the void. Bakugou jumped up and grabbed both girls and slammed them both to the floor. Bakugou and Itsu were the best duo.(DON'T SHIP THEM) They all went back to the holiday lounge, but by the time the school bell already rang. When they walked in, Itsu ran up to her boy friend Yukio (see I told you, DON'T SHIP ITSU AND BAKUGOU)and screamed about how much she learned and that she wanted to fight Yukio. Bakugou smirked. He taught her well. 

Since the bell already rang and the first years were not going to participate, The Cheaters Of The Round Table decided to just push people into other people to make them 'cheat'. The teachers surprisingly agreed and that was it. Plan starts now.

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