Chapter 2: what it takes to be a hero

Hey hey hey! We finally got chapter two finished!
Hopefully you enjoy it!
(the picture has nothing to do with this chapter, just thought y'all should see Dazai)
Also so y'all know, as always the chapter will be switching back and forth between Arakan and Rowan!

-4960 words-

Arakan pov

"Agh!" I yelped in pain as his knife-like feathers cut into my right arm causing it to bleed through the bandages on my arm. He saw what had happened and ran over to me to make sure it was nothing to bad. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to hit it there" he said as he held my arm to make sure he didn't reopen an old wound.

"Yea I'm good, but maybe I need some new bandages?" I asked looking at the bloody bandage wrapped around my arm to protect my old burn scars from my father and one big scar from my mom, similar to the one Shoto has on his face. "Yea I'll go get some, stay here" he replied as he flew off to his bag on the other side of the training building. Within a few seconds he came back with the bandages and began to take off the old ones and replace them with the new ones

"Yknow, when are you gonna stop hiding these scars? Their just scars and no one should judge you because of them, and plus it just shows that you are strong and can go through anything and everything" he said while wrapping the new bandages around my right arm. "I- uh I don't know.... I guess I just wanna forget that they're there so I hide them?" I replied to his question and fiddled with the hem of my shirt, a thing I do when I'm nervous.

"Well i say stop hiding them but I can see where you're coming from" he said truthfully as he finished up wrapped them around my arm and hand. "Now should we continue where we were?" He asked standing up holding his hand out so he can pull me up off the ground.

"Yeah we ca-" I was cut off by Keigo
"Ah! Wait I have something for you!" He shouted happily and flew off to his bag again to get whatever he had for me. Once he flew back over he handed me a letter, I took it and flipped it over to look to see who it's from.... It's from UA!!!

"AH! I thought it wasn't supposed to come until later this week!" I shouted happily and a little confused but there's no time to question it. I flipped it back to the front and tore it open, I was expecting a letter but nope! It was a little round thing that fell to the floor and showed a hologram of All Might.

"It's on right?" All Might asked and someone behind the camera told him it was. "ah okay.... well I'm in town for one reason and that is because I'll be a teacher at UA! But enough of that let's cut to the chase shall we? While you did pretty good on the physical part of the exam, the written part was pretty okay... But that doesn't mean you didn't pass! On the physical part of the exam you got 45 villain points! But that's not all! What kind of hero school would we be if we didn't add rescue points. You got 30 rescue points! With that being said your total is.... 75 points!! Congratulations Arakan Todoroki, welcome to your new hero academia!!" Once he said that the hologram disappeared back into the little round thing.

"AH I DID IT KEIGO!! I GOT IN! I GOT IN!!" I yelled and jumped on him and of course he caught me this isn't a new thing for me to randomly jump on him. "Haha you did! I'm so proud of you kid!" He said as he placed me back down and ruffled my hair.

"Well what do you say we go out and celebrate at our favorite restaurant?" He asked looking at me for an answer. "Hell yea! Lets go-" I was once again cut off by him "why don't we go shower before we go? I mean we have been training all day and we probably don't smell that great" he said laughing a bit and went over to his bag and picked it up.

"Well? Is that a yes or a no?" He asked waiting for me. I walked over to where I put my training bag and picked it up and put the strap around my shoulder.

"Yep! Lets go!!" I replied happily while dragging him out of the training room.

Rowan POV:
My morning started off about the same as usual. I hit snooze on my 6 am alarm, nighteye comes in and throws something at me, i catch it and throw it back and get up. Then I get up and dress in some workout clothes and head to outside for my morning run. After a couple miles I come back in to finish my workout, and help nighteye with whatever it is he wants today.

But, when I walked into his office this morning, he told me to just sit down. Confused, I took a seat.

"Hey, what's up, Sasaki"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What, can i not talk to my adopted child?"

I looked up to his eyes, "I mean you can but you don't usually tell me to sit down. Plus you're doing the hand thing you do when you're serious about something."

"you are very observant, you know that?"

"I learned from the best" I say while smirking.

He pulls an envelope with the UA emblem posted on the front out of his desk. "I just wanted to let you know, I won't be angry if you-"

I grab the envelope out of his hand and rip it open. A hologram pops out of a circular disk contained within the papers!
"I AM HERE with an important message from UA High. CONGRATULATIONS YOUNG ROWAN! You have made it into UA's hero course! Class 1-A at that. Great job on the outstanding scores. You got plenty of villain points, and enough rescue points to bring you over the top, 42 and 27 respectively, bringing you to a total of 69 points in total..."

I smirk and nighteye gives me a look of straight up disappointment.

"What? I can't control the scores I got." I state through laughter.

"... I hope to see you bright and early on your first day here at your Hero Academia."

I look at Nighteye and he just says "well?"
I smile "I got in! Though I'm sure you never doubted me-"

"Welll-" he starts before I cut him off with a smack on the arm. "-I'm joking I'm joking!!! How about we go get some breakfast? Huh? Will that calm the angry redhead down?"

I pause for a moment.

"... can we get noodles?" I ask.

"Of course," he says, before looking at me again, "but go take a shower first, you smell."

*time skip to spring when school starts*
(I also don't know what time ua starts class so imma say 8)

Arakan pov:

"Ugh do we really gotta be there so early Sho!?" I grumbled still tired because it was to early for this, and trying to keep up with Shoto as we were on our way to school.
"Yes we really do" he said in his normal monotone voice.

Since we live a little ways away from the school we took a train to get us there.

"I never asked but how was the entrance exam?" He asked curiously looking down at his twin, "well I mean, it was quite interesting, the written part was kinda hard but the physical was really fun and also a little hard but nothing i couldn't handle!" I explained and he nodded

"of course you wouldn't understand since you got an recommendation from them...." I mumbled under my breath so he wouldn't hear. "You are pretty strong with your quirk" he acknowledged obviously not hearing what I just said.

*time skip to when they are at the school and walking to their class*

As me and Shoto walked to our class and talking about random stuff like my training or about heroes but I wasn't paying attention and accidentally bummed into someone with yellowy hair and a black lighting bolt on the left side. "Agh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I quickly apologized to him.

"You like electricity cause I can power you up baby" he replied winking and doing finger guns. I was in a bit of shock because he didn't even say anything about me bumping into him, like it didn't even happen to him.

"I- uhh what?" I tried to say something but couldn't think of anything to say after that, but luckily Shoto was next to me to save my awkward self. Shoto glared at him and scared the poor guy off. Once he did that we started to walk to our class, after a while of silence and walking we made it to class 1A

"Wow that door is huge!" I exclaimed walking closer to it so I can open it for us,

"Well duh it needs to be for different types of quirks" he said to me walking in ahead of me
"I know that! You didn't need to be a bitch about it..." I mumbled crossing my arms while walking behind him into the class room.

Looking around I noticed a couple of other people were early, a girl with black hair in a ponytail, and that guy with the spiky ash blonde hair getting yelled at by the guy with glasses and the girl I saved at the entrance exam. I make my way to a desk in the middle of the class room, I sat down and put my backpack on the floor resting it against the desk leg.

I pulled out my sketch book and doodle a bit as I wait for more people to show up and class to start. While i was drawing, the guy with the glasses walked up to me. "I'm from Somi private academy. My name is Tenya Iida" he stated sticking his right hand out.

"O-oh I'm Arakan Todoroki, nice to meet yo-" I was cut short when he said something "why isn't your school jacket buttoned up?" He asked noticing that it's not buttoned up, "because I just didn't want too?" I questioned wondering why it even matters if it is or isn't.

But just before he could reply the green headed kid opened the door and walked in, and Iida walked off to go introduce himself to him. As he was doing that the girl with the float quirk walk up behind Midoriya saying something about how he got in.

While they were talking about that, a yellow sleeping bag appeared on the floor behind them... Wait a yellow sleeping bag!?
"If you're here to socialize, then get out. This is..." He said trailing off as he moved his hand out of the sleeping bag to bring a sack of yogurt (I'm assuming that's what it is) and took a big sip out of it.

"...the hero course." He finished saying standing up, as the class was silent as he did so. 'Is that our teacher?' I thought as he took off the sleeping bag. "It took eight seconds for you to quite down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?" He said in a low voice, looking around at the class full of students.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." When he said that the whole class was kinda shocked that he's our homeroom teacher. "Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds" he said pulling out a blue and white tracksuit handing it to us.

Rowan's Pov:
6:00 am
My morning schedule goes just as it always does. My alarm goes off, I hit snooze, Sasaki walks in and I throw something and he leaves, I get dressed and go on a run. But when I get back and finish my workout, I don't head down to his office. I take a shower and put on my uniform before going to eat breakfast, which has been neatly set out on the table.

"You don't always have to cook for me you know." I say before shoveling food in my mouth.

"Well yea but you're too lazy to make it on your own, and it's your first day of school. Plus I like this set schedule it's comfortable." He responds while fixing his tie as he gets ready to leave.
"It really is. I'll see you after school today?" I say.

"If you stop by the office, maybe, I am a pro hero after all." He says.

"I'm gonna sit in your spinny chair if you're not there." I respond looking down at my food, in thought. "I should probably think about leaving soon too."

I look down at my watch and see that it's nearing 7:00 am.

"Alright just make sure to lock up before you leave. Have a good trip." He says as he leaves.

I finish up my meal, grab my bag and commute to school.

7:43 am
I walk into UA and start my walk to class among a crowd of zombie-like students doing the same thing. I feel a shove against my shoulder followed by an angry voice passing me.


I see the voice seems to be coming from a guy with spiky blonde hair and bad posture. I could mind my own business, I should mind my own business, but Sasaki didn't raise a weakling. I grabbed his shoulder and twirled him around, revealing his somewhat surprised and angry face.

"Who peed in your cornflakes this morning, Princess?" I say to him.

"AND WHY IS THAT ANY OF YOUR D*MN BUSINESS?" He yells, attracting the attention of many of the students rushing to class.

"Because you decided to push past me, which isn't very kind you know. You didn't even apologize, what bad manners." I start to say and then look back at my watch, which shows the time as 7:47 am.

"Now, we're both going to be late to class if we continue on like this, so I'll leave it at that. It is our first day here, we wouldn't want to make bad impressions, would we?" I say with a sarcastic smile.

"I didn-" he starts.

"Don't even you spiteful Pomeranian." I say walking away.

Eventually I make it to my class and walk in to take a seat. I hear the door open and see the same blonde walking into the classroom. We make eye contact and he looks away, defeated.

He mumbles "she-devil" under his breath and goes to take a seat, swinging his feet up to the table. I go to say something only to notice that a very robot-like guy stands up and starts lecturing him. I stifle a laugh and go back to sitting at my desk.

Eventually I see the girl that saved me walk in with a guy that looks almost exactly like her, but with a huge scar on his face. The robot guy stops yelling at the spiky Pomeranian and looks at me, almost as if he's trying to find something to question me about. He then looks over at the checker haired girl who saved me and walks over at her.

I turn back to Mr. Ball-of-Joy and see him look like he's about to blow a fuse. Or is that just his face?

"What are you staring at?" He asks abruptly.

"Well you looked angry and I wanted to watch the fireworks go off," I explained sarcastically, "but I also realized I never got your name this morning."

"Bakugo Katsuki." He states.

"Nice to meet you Bakugo, I'm Rowan, but if you want to keep calling me 'she-devil' I don't mind that either." I respond, calling him out on what he said walking in.

He looked slightly offset and embarrassed that I had caught what he had said, and muttered something under his breath.

I look over to see the green haired kid who had demolished the giant robot at the exams, destroying himself in the process. Next to him was the girl with telekinetic abilities, and I see a yellow sleeping bag crawl up behind them. Oh great. This'll be a fun class. Shota Aizawa, the one and only. He walks in making some long speech about precious time and yada yada, and then says we won't be going to orientation, and will instead be doing those old gym tests. Fun.

We all change into our gym uniforms and head out to the field.

*time skip to where they are gonna do the quirk test thing!*

Arakan pov:
Me and the rest of my new classmates were outside waiting for Aizawa to explain to us what we were supposed to do, and not gonna lie I'm a little nervous to find out. Now I know what you're thinking, a soon to be hero nervous? Haha i know but this is my dream job on the line here.

"We'll be doing a test for your quirks today.." Aizawa said trailing off a bit as he looked at everyone, 'a quirk test? This should be easy! Right?' I thought as I was trying to listen to him talk about the test but the float girl interrupted him asking about the entrance ceremony or something. He then said something about its was a waste of time if we wanted to be heroes.

"UA is known for its 'freestyle' education system. That applies to us teachers as well." Dead silence ran about the whole class as he said that. He continues and tells us about a softball throw, the 50 meter dash, upper body training, and some other things we did in middle school.

"You did these in middle school, right? Your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests." He said as he started talking about how the country doesn't allow us to use our quirks for these test.

"Bakugou. How far could you throw in middle school?" Staring at Bakugou as he asked his question. "Sixty-seven meters." Bakugou stated looking annoyed as he stood there a bit confused.

"Great. Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just don't leave the circle." He explained and walked off next to the rest of his students. Bakugou did some stretches and mumbled something as he threw the ball with a bright and loud boom. "DIE!!" He exclaimed as the ball went into the sky at a really fast pace.

Wind blowing everyone back a bit because of the explosion. 'Woah, wonder if I could do that with my quirk!?' I thought looking at my right hand while amazed at how Bakugou threw the ball so far.

"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be." He said showing us the how far he threw it, '705.2!? Yeah totally not gonna get it that far' I thought looking back at my hands, I then felt a hand touch my shoulder instantly knowing it's my twin due to how hot his hand is.

He gave me a reinsuraning look as everyone else was still amazed at Bakugou, I gave him a small smile back as he took his hand off my shoulder and back down to his side. Looking back to where Aizawa was talking about it won't be all fun and games here.

"The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged hopeless..." He stated staring at us all in a very serious manner.

"WHAAAT!?" The class all yelled out at the new and terrifying fact we just heard from Aizawa. At this point everyone was a little freaked out.

"Your fates are in our hands. Welcome, this is... The trials of the first day." He declared pushing his hair out of his face to look at the simi worried kids he gets to call his students.
Everyone was still going on about the fact one of us won't make it through.

Aizawa started to give us examples of what heroes truly go through, like natural disasters, highway pileups, and of course rampaging villains. "heroes are the ones... Who correct all that unfairness. If you ere hoping to spend your evening hanging out at mcdonalds... I'm sorry to tell you, that for the next three years, UA will run you through the wringer." He paused taking a look around at his students before continuing

"That's plus ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all... So bring it" with that being said, everyone started to get excited detriment to win and not come in last so they are forced to leave. 'Oooh this is gonna be so much fun!' I said to myself as I walked off to the first thing we'll be doing.

As I stood in front of the 50-meter dash starting line, I started doing some stretching waiting on the person I was going against.
That said person walked up and I looked to see who it was, only to see the red head i saved at the entrance exam.

We got down in a running position ready to start the race. "Oh just so you know, just because you saved me doesn't mean I'll go easy on you ice girl" she said in a cocky manner looking straight at me with the look of determination in her eyes.

"I don't need you to go easy on me, you just have to catch up" I replied in the same manner she did, looking forward ready to use my quirk.

"GO!" The machine thing said as we both starting running. I stomped my right foot on the ground turning the ground into ice below me, propelling me forward at an fast pace.

"6.97 seconds" the machine once again said.
I flipped my hair back into place and looked over to see the red head got here at the same time I did. She looked at me and gave me a smirk looking like she won the thing, I stuck my tongue out at her somewhat showing off my piercing and said "next one I'll get ya"
She laughed and rolled her eyes walking to where the rest of the class was.

"Todoroki, can you get rid of the ice so the next people can go?" Aizawa asked in a tired voice, "ah sure"


Me and the red head are pretty much nick and nick on every event with the exception of a few but now it's time for the ball throwing test. A few of my classmates went and it's now my turn, as i walk up to the circle i thought of what Bakugou did and if i could try to do that with my fire quirk.

nows not the time to test something that's somewhat new but i did kinda do something similar to his quirk. All i have to do is hold back my fire quirk and built it up and then let it all out at the last second. Sounds hard and dangerous but it definitely does some good, hopefully the ball doesn't burn...

I stood with the ball in my hand in position ready to throw the ball once I built up my fire quirk. And with that I threw the ball with a loud roar of the flames sending the ball far into the air. I could almost hear the thoughts of some of the students, not about how far I threw it but that I have another quirk other then ice.

Aizawa showed me and the rest of the class my score, it read 694.08! Not to bad with what I can do.


"Moving along, time for the results."

10th Arakan Todoroki

'Ahhh i did it!! Not first but I'll definitely take 10th! Can't wait to tell hawks about this!' I thought excitingly

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone." He said in his normal tired voice. Once he said that you could feel the relief and shock around everyone.

"That was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you." He stated smiling, or at lest trying too. "WHAAAAT!?" Everyone yelled out in shock at the news.

"Anyway we're done here. Your documents about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom. Give them a look." He said annoyed and walked off to who knows where, but stopped to say something to Midoriya.

Ahh what a interesting first day at my new hero school, wonder what this year has in hold for us!

*timeskip back to the beginning of the quirk test*

Rowan pov:
We're all standing out in the field and Aizawa informs us that whoever scores the lowest will be expelled. It's completely aligned with his character as far as I had seen, studying the different heroes I grew up with. Now I was never involved in anything but I did know most of those here at UA.

He demonstrates what we can do, stating we can use our quirks instead of the basic tests we would have to do, and used Bakugo to throw the ball as a demonstration.

The trials begin, and I get paired up against the girl that saved me.
"Oh just so you know, just because you saved me doesn't mean I'll go easy on you ice girl." I say, though it came off more cocky than I had intended, but whatever. I like a nice competition, and that should be good to start one.

"I don't need you to go easy on me, you just have to catch up" she says. The machine signals the start and we both take off, her on her ice and me on my feet. "6.97 seconds" the machine chirps.
A perfect tie. I might've been faster if the ice hadn't flaked into my lane, but 6.97 is a good score.

I smirk at her and she sticks her tongue out at me stating she'll get me in the next one. Aizawa asks her to remove the ice, and she does

*timeskip brought to you by pure laziness*

We were neck and neck most of the time, though she did pull ahead of me just enough to make a difference. My quirk isn't made for straight on testing like that anyways, it's methodical, and not always the best for everything cause the percentages and such.

Finally, it's time for the last test. Throwing the ball.

Which power do I try to bring out? I could take a risk and go for something I'm not used to, such as telekinesis, but I have little understanding of that so I only have a 43.77% chance it works out right. I could use one of the elemental powers that I've brought up to 99% success but-

"We don't have all day, Rowan, just throw the ball" I hear Aizawa say behind me.

Right... there's that too, gotta love that.

Air, I decided. It's surrounding us and I can carry the ball far with a strong gust of air.
I bite my finger to draw blood and hear people gasp behind me. I guess this might look weird. I write the wind symbol onto my arm and give it a second, feeling the power run through my body, the probability succeeding and the quirk kicking in.

Concentrate the power. I throw the ball and send it flying with a burst of air out of my palm, that I then concentrate through my mouth to keep the ball flying.

I look over at Aizawa, and he nods, showing my score on the board. 1097.34 meters. Not bad. I hear blood drip onto the floor and look down at my finger. I stick it in my mouth and walk back into the crowd.

Aizawa then shows the results. 11th place, not bad. I could've done better if I were more willing to use my quirk but I think straight exercise pays off too. Plus I didn't have to overexert.

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone." Aizawa says smiling, "That was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you."

I don't believe that one bit. It's out of character. Someone must have changed his mind.

He walks off and starts talking to the kid who injured his finger after telling us our papers are back in the classroom.

Interesting day indeed.

Before I leave, I race the twins, who were about to walk off campus.
"Hey!" I call out.

They both stopped and turned around. The boy gave me a look and the girl said "oh hey!"
"Good job today, both of you!" I start off, "though I never got your names, and I'd love to be friends with both of you, if you'll have me."
The girl smiles and states "I'm Arakan Todoroki and this is my brother Shoto. Feel free to call me Arakan if you'd like, to make identification easier."

"Ah, I'm Rowan Hironotashi, I probably should have started with that.." I say awkwardly.
"No it's fine!" Arakan states, "and I'd love some friendly competition, how about you,
sho?" Todoroki grunts, in a manner that seems like he means yes but I can't really tell by his face.

"Alright we'll I'll see you both later. Have a nice day!" I say before booking off to make my train so I can go to the agency to tell Sasaki about the days course.

Chapter three coming soon!
Sincerely, artist error and ZeFrenchestFry

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