UA High

Yo fellow readers I hope you keep liking the chapters. Hopefully through more and more through the story that I'll keep yall entertained but anyway I hope yall enjoy the story.

Oh and by the way what are some tools and tricks that Izuku can use in the future later on.

And also for a quick question should I add the Batmobile or another Bat vehicle.

But anyway let's enjoy the chapter this goona be a LOOOONG chapter.

The students all gathered around Aizawa who took them to UA's outdoor track and field. They had completely skipped orientation which Aizawa had informed them was a waste of time.

What's more he informed them that they would be performing a quirk assessment test to determine if they were fit enough to continue with UA's hero course.

Aizawa: Here at UA we are not tethered to traditions here. That means I get to run my class however I see fit you all have been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before.

As he said this Izuku mentally swallowed as his face still remained determined as ever. He knew he would be at a disadvantage but after looking around the class he could feel the massive

scale of power. They were all going to use their quirks to help them through this assessment. He knew he had to step it up somehow in an effort to keep up that's what he trained for anyway.

He thought as Aizawa kept talking.

Aizawa: The country is still trying to pretend that we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel! But that's not rational one day the ministry of education will learn-

He stopped as he directly looked at Izuku as he stared down at him.

Aizawa: Izuku Midoryia the upstart and are very first student to ever pass the entrance exam without a quirk.

As he said that the class around him audibly gasped as they murmured to themselves as Bakugou scoffed.

???: He doesn't have a quirk?!

The girl in pink said in surprise.

Ochako: R-really?

Ochako said quietly.

???: What is he even doing here?

A kid with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt on the side of it spoke up.

???: They're is no way he can keep up."

Said a boy with black bird head as a shadow of said person appeared behind the teen.

Bakugou: What a loser!

Izuku felt like his heart sunk a bit but he didn't drop his gaze from Aizawa's. His class was already beginning to write him off a prejudice that he felt his entire life. Well at least they didn't need to find out later.

Aizawa: I've been looking forward to this so don't dissapoint me!

Izuku: I assure you sir you'll see nothing but the best of me!

Izuku said with no hint of hesitation in his voice as Aizawa grinned a bit.

Aizawa: Good now thats out the way.

Aizawa didn't finish before turning around towards Bakugou.

Aizawa: Bakugou you finished second on the pratical exams right? At your middle school, what was your best result for softball throwing.

Bakugou: 67 meters!

Bakugou said with a gruff.

Aizawa: Then try again but you're allowed to use your quirk this time.

Aizawa said as he pointed at the circle.

Aizawa: You can do whatever you want as long as you remain inside the circle are haste...give everything you got.

He said as Bakugou walked up to the circle as he clutched the ball as he got into a stance.

Bakugou: Well....

Bakugou whispered before thinking a little before replying.


He shouted as he exploded the ball sending it away like a rocket.

Izuku Thoughts: Not surprising honestly.

Izuku thought as the score was presented as the other classmates spoke up.

???: Yes we can use out quirks as much as we want? This is goona be great!"

She enthusiastically as Izuku mentally sighed as he looked towards Aizawa as he gave a horrifying look upon the person who spoke. This person was a girl with nice pink skin and horns.

Izuku Thoughts: Was that really necessary.

Aizawa: Great huh? You've got three years to become a hero. You think it's going to be great? Think an attitude like that will get you through? Alright then let's spice things up then today you're all goona complete in eight tests to judge your potential. And whoever comes dead last....will be expelled.

Izuku slightly began sweat at this as he held in the to roll his eyes at the obvious lie intil Ochako spoke up.

Ochako: Expelled? But it's the first day that's so unfair!

Aizawa: Fair?" Aizawa asked rhetorically.

Aizawa: You're right this isn't fair the world isn't fair. Do you also think the villans you kill dozens of civilians because they face wasn't up to the task? You think it's fair when a tsunami crushes half a city or an earthquake leaves hundreds of people dead? Of course it's not fair the world isn't fair but it's a heroes job to counter that. That's why I only accept the best which is why you guys will do eight tests to prove to that you deserve to be in my class.

Aizawa said as Izuku began to think about what he should do after class.

Izuku Thoughts: I could invest more in Shield industries through the stockmarket. I've already got a hold on a few but I should also do some modifications for my suit when I finally finish the schematics I gotta make sure detective vison is properly integrated. I should also take some interest in the support department and see how advanced UA's current technology stacks up to my world.

Izuku thought as he began to rub his chin in thought.

Aizawa: Alright you saw Bakugou's demonstration. Now it's time for the real thing. First things first were starting of with a fifty meter sprint.

A few hours later.

The next couple of hours consisted of the class going through basic excerise drills. Throwing a soft ball, long jumps, 100 meter dash, etc. Izuku felt like he did well In all of them but now it was up to the results as he was only one who didn't use a quirk for assistance.

He had been getting side looks all day long many tried to hide it, with a few people openly talking about how he poessed no quirk mainly just Bakugou. Eventhough It was annoying he didn't allow this to break his focus.

After the exercises were done Aizawa had them all line up again.

Aizawa: You all performed adequately.

Aizawa said as he pulled out a smartphone as he tapped the screen as a projector appeared infront of him, showing the results of each student for the excerise's.

And apparently Izuku was surprisingly 14th place.

Izuku knew this was goona happen but surprisingly was unexpected. Izuku side glanced the girl in question as she stood there frozen in place...well her uniform at the very least but he did feel his heart jolt with sympathy. She didn't poesses a quirk that was useful here here scores were rather lower than the rest.

It was life and life itself is even harder but Izuku wasn't worried since he knew Aizawa wasnt goona allow it she still had some potential that Aizawa would exploit.

Aizawa: Hagakure?

Aizawa said sounding absolutely bored.

Aizawa: Be sure to work on your physical scores. Strong quirks aren't clearly anything and in case you all missed it, nobody is going home. The threat of expulsion was just a logical ruse, to draw the best out of you.

???: I knew it!

The girl who'd produced items from her skin said as Izuku shook his head this internally as the others looked at her confused.

???: I thought the rest of you would have known that....should I have told you?"

Izuku didn't say anything as he shrugged at that.

Aizawa: Alright that's all for today.

Aizawa said as he picked up his tablet as he tucked it under his arm.

Aizawa: Go and collect a syllabus from the classroom and head home. You'll need it for tomorrow oh and I wouldn't get too comfortable it's all down hill from here.

Aizawa said as Izuku just walked back to class to get the day over with. His other classmates were already ahead.

Aizawa: Oh and Midoryia a word.

Aizawa called out as the teen stopped in his tracks.

Izuku: Yes sensei?"

Izuku replied as Aizawa wrapped his scarf over his face as he placed his hands in his pockets.

Aizawa: Do you have somewhere to be at?"

He said questionly as Izuku held in a stutter as he replied.

Izuku: I'm going to the support department I...have some things I wanted to ask about for my costume.

He said as Aizawa looked him over before nodding.

Aizawa: Thats good at least your trying. And speaking of noticed me this morning why didn't you say something to your classmate?"

Izuku: Well for one they're not any villans from my knowledge that have the skills that could get into UA. If you were one of them getting your attention wouldn't help me or the others at all it would be better for me to distract you and see what you're goona do next to catch you off guard and alert the heroes as quickly as possible.

As Izuku said as Aizawa smiled a fraction as the only indication waa a slight crinkling around his eyes as Izuku hoped it wasn't the best smile he could.

Aizawa: Trying to catch a potential villan off-guard, hmm? Well...I guess you have good instincts. I guess I'm supposed to warn you that lone wolves don't do well in UA but...

Aizawa gestured to himself with a single lazy wave from his hand.

Aizawa: Just show me that you can work with others Midoryia.

He said as he began to walk off to the otherside of UA as Izuku went back to class to grab his things. He needed to take his grappling hook, numerous batarangs, smoke bombs, and his other gear to the support department to sign them off and if the email correspondence he'd recieved he'd managed to talk himself into before arriving at UA had been true. Then there would be no need for them to lie about anything but Izukus anxiety was way to high.

Luckily the support department section of the school was actually different to the rest- although the design was mostly the same, white paint and brushed steel as the doors looked to be reinforced. Maybe the support department had a tendency to make intelligent problem solving robots, selling support items to the black market or worst noone or anything is uncorrupted.. the horrors of science were very varied and numerous nonetheless Izuku started mumbling about the threats to his person that he could encounter as he walked through the hallways. Paradoxically it relaxed him he might have to just accept that he was weird and live with it. He found the room he'd been directed to as he raised his hand to knocked on the hard steel but he stopped as he heard-

???: Mei no! Put it down! PUT IT DOWN!


A explosion rocked the room as Izuku shook his head already knowing who was to blame for this stunt.

Izuku:(sigh) Why can't she learn to just listen. She might need to take a class in lab safety.

He remembered blowing up more than one table awhile experimenting with a few prototype gadgets. Most of them proved to be useless but in the end Izuku had the notes written down and several other possible changes recorded though. He really wanted to see them work.

Powerloader: Alright you can come in! It should be safe now.

The voice called as Izuku shoved the door open and cautiously walked in, waving away a puff of smoke from his face as a familar girl with bright pink hair stood on a table, cackling maniacly amd being completely ignored by the adult wearing large heavy gauntlets and a helmet shaped like the blade of dozer.

Izuku: Your Powerloader the support hero right?"

Izuku asked getting straight to the point trying not to go on a spur of how cool Powerloader was.

Powerloader: Yeah and your Midoryia Izuku right? You have some support gear that you've built and want checked over?"

Izuku: Yes sir I have a couple of pieces here and If you have time I want to insure that armor for my costume is ready?

Izuku said as Powerloader waved one his hands.

Powerloader: I'm supervising the support department for 2 hours more so I've got plenty of time. Besides its always nice to see a hero student building their own gear. Even if we have to rebuild it all, at least you actually know what you need.

Powerloader said as Izuku followed the hero over to an empty table as the steel surface scarred and scorched as Izuku brought out his grappling hook as he layed it on the table. He followed that up with his utility belt,his prototype explosive gel,and lastly his notebook.

He tapped his notebook as Powerloader picked up the grapple hook as he inspected it in awe.

Powerloader: Hmmmm? This is a great design. The winch and the power system at the back is truly remarkable? It definitely needs refining, but we'll see....... it looks to be in good condition. Yeah do you have any idea on how to improve it further?

Izuku: Well yeah I've got some sort of adhesive glue for the dart that becomes inert when electrified so it will-

Powerloader: Ahhh so it would be reusable, right? Yeah it sounds like a good idea. I'll definitely take a look at your formula for the adhesive. I might need to rebuild the whole thing if we want to get that to work, but if you don't mind I'll getting this tested as soon as I can. Eventhough I might need to readjust the thing to work, but if you don't mind I'll get this tested as soon as I can. And so long as it clears out I'll give it back to you but for now what is with this belt? What does it do.

He said as Izuku picked it up.

Izuku: It's a special belt that is created to store as many support items as I can. It can store up to 15 items currently I want to install a safety mechanism but I lack the resources to...

Powerloader: Hmmm you built'em in a cave with a box of scraps, right? It happens they should be alright but I'll get them tested too. And I can get you in touch with a few people who can help with this little devic-

Powerloader didn't finish as a pink haired missle slammed into Izuku's chest as he fell to the floor.

Mei: GREEENY! Your actually here!

Said a rather energetic inventor as she layed on his body.

Izuku thoughts: You noticed me just now! Why not after I was done explaining my gadgets.

Izuku thought as Mei went on a whole spur.

Mei: Do you know how much I missed you teaching me! How come you didn't visit earlier this morning when I had all sorts of amazing babies to show off! Higari-sensei has a bunch of power tools that he allows us to use to make a bunch of super cute babies! Now I can finally make some of the gadgets you want built now aren't you happy? We can now make a bunch of amazing babies together in here!

Mei kept hitting him with a barrage of words before he could even restore his posture surprisingly.

Hell Powerloader was surprised, considering that Mei would ignore everyone and everything around her unless it had to deal with making support item's. Even Powerloader was surprised that she could even look at anyone that wasn't working on a support item.

Powerloader: Oh well I see you're acquainted with Mei am I right?

Izuku: Yeah I've met Mei awhile back. She can be kind of wild to which I'm sure your well acquainted wit-


Mei shouted as she snatched his notebook from the shelf as she looked inside as she squealed in delight.

Mei: You never fail to have great ideas for support items Greeny!"

She said as Powerloader slowly approached his tranquilizer dart that was a few feet away.

Powerloader: Midoryia what is in that notebook that Hatsume would be interested in? Do you want me to tranquilize her?

Powerloader whispered to the teen as Izuku consciously ignored the implications of the dat gun being so close at hand.

Izuku: It's honestly nothing really it's just specialized foam that can help pin villans in place I don't see why-

Hatsume: This is great as always!

Hatsume announced as she kept analyzing the pages.

Hatsume: It may not be simple but it is really useful and your formula is almost done right? Greeny, Greeny, when did you come up with this?"

Izuku: A week ago.

Izuku said as Hatsume got away from Izuku as she practically jumped over to Powerloader.

Mei: Look sensei! Look!"

Hatsume presented as Powerloader took the notebook with care as he began to read it over.

Powerloader: Alright Mei I see what you mean Midoryia you couldn't get this to work?"

Izuku shuffled slightly at this as he spoke.

Izuku: I've got a version of it to work but it only lasted for a few seconds I lack further materials. But luckily for my explosive gel here.

Izuku picked up the device as he opened up the side of the device to show the inventors the explosive liquid.

Izuku: This is perfected It is a specialized foam I made that is rigged with microspic explosives that activate on contact on whatever I lay the gel on. I assure you it won't kill anyone with the right amount of it at the very least it can destroy a weakend wall or celing so i wouldnt worry about this actually killing someone. I'll do further upgrades on my own for it though.

Izuku explained as Powerloader nodded in agreement.

Powerloader: I see Midoryia I understand completely and as for the sticky grenades I'll get you get certified for the chemical lab in UA. We can definitely work with this and get you set up.

Hatsume: I want to work on it!

Hatsume declared as Powerloader glanced at her.

Powerloader: Hatsume you're a first year you really want to-

Mei: Yep and I'm better than most of the other students here, we both know it!"

Hatsume said with confidence as Powerloader sighed.

Powerloader: You know you've got a bigger ego that's for sure.

Powerloader muttered as he looked back at Izuku.

Powerloader: Well the choice is yours kid she's not lying about how good her inventions are and since she's your friend do you wanna give her this challenge. I'd highly recommend getting grouped with a support course student you've got good ideas and this way you can keep'em in house.

As Powerloader said this Izuku looked at the girl who gave him a glance before quickly darting around the workshop in interest before he sighed.

Izuku: Mei are you up to the challenge?

Izuku said as Mei held a grin almost like that of a crazed maniac.

Izuku Thoughts: Ah great its this look.

Izuku thought as roughly three seconds after making his latest deal with most likely a devil she desperately tried to get all grabby on him but Izuku would just dodge her assaults as Powerloader sighed.

Powerloader thoughts: Well at least she's got something to focus on now.

Powerloader: Hatsume! Help me check the grapple gun and the utility belt and then you can experiment as much as I let you okay!

Mei: Aww but that's boring....

Powerloader: We all have to do boring things sometimes, Hatsume. Go and see what you can make of the formula for the freeze foam. If you want. Copy them down then Midoryia can have his book his back.

He said as Hatsume bounced away with Izuku's notebook in hand as Izuku sighed at this.

Luckily that wasn't his main hero notebook though or else he would have been sweating bullets. Powerloader sighed as he turned towards Midoryia.

Powerloader: How are you so calm when your with her she's a complete nutcase. But hey at least she can help make you any gear she comes up with. Your quirkless right?"

Izuku swallowed against his dry throat as he nodded as Powerloader tapped on the table, picking up Izuku's grappling hook as he walked away with it.

Powerloader: Yeah thought so we used to get quirkless students once in awhile. Usually they don't pass the entrance exam, or there lucky enough to be in the support department. And if they were really unlucky they would get Aizawa and quit... but still coming over here so early is a good sign. A lot of people look down on support gear,but given how potent it can be it is very useful in hero work-

Mei: Thanks greeny here's your notebook see you again soon!

Hatsume returned as he thrust his notebook into Izuku's hands and without a word he rushed off again throwing a farewell over her shoulder as Powerloader chuckled.

Powerloader: Anyway well get your gear checked out as soon as we can, Midoryia. And,uh I dunno If someone already said this to you yet but....given how Aizawa is- good luck with the whole Quirkless hero thing I can't wait to see what you have in store. You've already managed to get this far so you might as well see how that goes right?"

Izuku stayed silent for moment before saying.

Izuku: Thank you means a lot coming for you sir.

Izuku said as he tucked his notebook back into his backpack as he headed out the door as he tried to ignore the warm sense of nostalgia he had at the moment.

Izuku's Thoughts: Remember don't show emotion just keep it professional.

Izuku whispered to himself as he left the school grounds.

The second day at UA wasn't quite as intriguing as Izuku had hoped for it to be. Izuku had been just crushing and acing every subject the teachers gave to him but nothing more. He was always rather intelligent in school but with his added memories and his new iq of 192 he easily passed each and every subject with no difficulty.

And if you added his years of hero experience his old life and the knowledge of this in his current life he was obviously a genius.

Not only did he know Japanese he was fluent in every other language thanks to his photographic memory.

And it was thanks to that Izuku took his time throughout the day to study all of the students of class1a's quirks. They all had good powers and Izuku could somewhat see why some of them made it to the hero program. But that didn't mean he couldn't exploit this though as he wrote down some notes from his knowledge there strengths and weaknesses. Izuku knew from experience the importance of knowing the full extent of a subjects ability, even if that person was your ally.

Allegiances were never to be set in stone because at any given moment, your ally could become your greatest enemy. Knowing what they can do and how to bring them down could be the difference between lives saved and lives lost.

It was a hard lesson for Izuku to integrate in himself again since he idolized the hero community. But Izuku knew that nothing was uncorrupted especially the hero association. The thought of this made Izuku's stomach churn as he leaned on the desk. But unfortunately that wasn't his only problem since word had spread quickly throughout the school that UA had a quirkless student luckily no one else besides his class new his identity but it was seriously concerning that everyone else was so interested.

Where had this even come from since UA doesn't like to give away personal information to a bunch of students that aren't in the same class. This was found to be super annoying but he most definitely won't let this distract him he needed to focus if he wanted to surpass them all one day.

Izuku thought as he was going over one of his hero notebooks silently to himself intil-

Allmight: I AM HERE!

A voice shouted into the classroom as Izuku side glanced to see Allmight in a full hero costume as he did a dramatic pose in the doorway.

Allmight: I'm coming through the door like a hero!"

The rest of the class gazed in awe and wonder as Allmight marched to the front of the room. His classmates chatted to eachother excitedly that Allmight was teaching here.

Izuku's face remained passive, as his stomach was churning into knots. It had been over ten months since there encounter on the rooftop. And despite his appearance now, as Izuku looked deep into the heroes eyes he could see through it to the thin, sickly character underneath.

Izuku hadnt completely disliked the hero he didn't hate him for what he did but he definitely didn't appreciate the way he was told to just give up on it.

When Allmight got up to the front of the room his shadowy eyes seemed to focus squarely at Midoryia who in return went back to his notebook as if he noticed nothing.

Allmight coughed a bit awkwardly as he supposed the boys reaction to his presence was only natural.

Allmight: Welcome to the most important class at UA high! Think of it as Hero-ing 101 as you all will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of heroing. And to begin....BATTLE! TRAINING!" Today we pull no punches.


Bakugou shouted with a grin as the others cheered in glee.

Allmight: But before we get into that, there's a key part of being a hero that you need to learn! And that's...looking good!"

Allmight boomed throwing out a dramatic pose. Storage in the wall he pointed at opened up, cases sliding out, each one numbered to those on there current seats.

Allmight: These costumes here have been created based on your Quirk registration forms and the designs you have submitted before starting here! Sooo....pick them up, get changed and meet me at the training ground beta! It's time to get started!"

And in a flash Allmight dashed out of the classroom as he dissappeared down the hallway. All the students gathered around their respective numbers Izuku got up from his seat as he went for his suitcase before leaving to the boys locker room.

All the other students suits were made by the support department awhile Izuku already had his own in his locker. The suitcase he picked up was for his suits finishing touches and the items he requested to be signed off and more.

It was time for Izuku to rise up and prepare himself for the future challenges that await for him in the future.

This is the rebirth of dark knight.

The end the next chapter will be released soon as Izuku will demonstrate his skills against his quirked classmates. How will are greente face the nearly impossible odds without a quirk. Well see in due time next time as Deku rises up to become a legend.

Also if you guys have any ideas for Izuku's bat costume comment down below if you have any thoughts on which suit I should pick for him.

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