The Usj Part 1
The school bell rings signaling the start of the students next class as Aizawa stood before his students looking as lethargic as ever.
Aizawa: Now for Today's basic hero training this time Allmight and Myself and one other will supervise."
And as Aizawa said that Izuku instantly picked up on his teachers wording.
Izuku's Thoughts: This time? I guess this is a special class.
And he was in his thoughts Hanta sero raised his arm up with a question as he spoke up.
Sero: Um, what are we doing excatly?exactly?!
The tape quirked user asked questionly as Aizawa replied.
Aizawa: We are preparing you for natural disasters, like for example fires, floods.
And to help put his point across he held a large white card with rescue inscribed on it.
Everyone else: RESCUE TRAINING!"
The kids screamed as they began to chat amongst themselves as Bakugou scoffed to himself.
Kaminari: Rescue huh, sounds like another rough day."
The blonde said as the pink skined girl known as Mina Ashido grinned back at him.
Mina: Right!"
As Mina cheered Kirishima as he approached the duo.
Kirishima: Come on Kaminari this what being a heroes all about! Heck I'm all pumped!"
He said with a grin as Mina grinned as well.
Mina: But aren't you always pumped?"
She said questionly as Kirishima couldn't help but chuckle.
Kirishima: You know it!"
And as the three chatted Aizawa glared at the rambunctious kids he spoke in a irritated tone.
Aizawa: Hey im not done!"
The man spoke as the class went rigid in fear as they allowed there teacher to continue with his explanation. And he basically explains that it's there choice of they want to bring there costumes or not. But they needed to consider to check some of there gear since some of it would not be suited for this particular activity.
Izuku was just goona use his current equipment and a bit extra that he hid in his backpack.
Besides he knew he might need it for the trip. He had a bad feeling about today and he was ready for what was afoot.
In the middle of Musutafu, a huge crowd of morning commuters watch on in horror and slight fascination as heroes square off against a large ugly villain.
???: See this lucky little family? Come after me and I'll snap their fucking necks!"
The hulking villain flicks off the pro heroes as a family of three struggle to breathe in his muscular arm.
???: Got that?! Stay back, heroes!"
This guy is an enormous, muscular humanoid villain with an unusual extension from his shoulders that grows up and over his head, which gives it a hood-like appearance. His face is largely concealed within this hood, only showing round, white eyes and a large mouth. He's wearing an armored half-vest with a chain over his right shoulder and cargo pants with additional plating.
A slightly scuffed up Mt. Lady glares at the villain in front of her.
Mount Lady: Serial robber and murderer, Trapezius Headgear!"
Mt. Lady is a voluptuous young woman with purple eyes and long, voluminous, creamy blonde hair. Her hero costume is composed of a purple and pale tan-colored skintight bodysuit. With purple colored gloves and boots. The suit also has three peculiar orange diamond-shaped dots on the purple top that are located under her chest, and she also wears a purple domino mask with horn-like protrusions on the sides.
Meanwhile, laying on his back after being smacked backwards is Kamui Woods.
Kamui Woods: Not only is he strong…but a quick strategist!"
Kamui Woods is adorning a dark blue bodysuit that includes a wooden belt, wooden knee pads, wooden shoes, and a small rose veil hangs from the left side of his belt.
The family cries out in anguish from within the huge villain's crushing grip.
???: Save us, heroes!"
The family shouted as Trapezius Headgear bursted into laughter, he just couldnt believe how useless these heroes were right now. And now with his incredible agility he can easily make his escape. And nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop him now!
Before anyone can comprehend what's happening, All Might, the Number One Hero himself, charges in like a missile from seemingly out of nowhere.
The Symbol of Peace karate chopped the huge villain from behind while also snagging the family right out of his grasp.
Allmight: WHY, YOU ASK?"
All Might turns flashing his inspiring grin for the world to see as Trapezius Headgear collapses to the ground. "
The crowd of spectators cheer in response.
???:All Might!"
???:You're amazing!"
But not everyone is exactly thrilled to see him.
Mt. Lady's face shades over, she smiles but it's clearly forced.
Mount Lady: We appreciate it, but…"
Kamui Woods:He'll put us out of business…"
Finishes Kamui Woods as he remains laying on the ground with his legs upward like a splattered bug.
It's really no surprise that they feel like their victory was stolen right from under them.
For starters, their own success depends on the number of crimes and villains that they defeat. It helps to grow their own popularity and as a result gets them a higher paycheck. Or in some cases, resources to help them in future hero work or endeavors.
All Might lets the thankful family down before saluting at the officers who have arrived to haul the villain away.
Allmight: HAPPY TO HELP!"
Before he can continue on his commute, his ear twitches as it picks up a faraway cry for help.
???: Kyahh, a hit-and-run!"
Allmight: HMM, I MUSTN'T BE LATE…"
But he can't ignore a plea for help. So, the pro hero squats down, tensing up as he prepares himself to spring into the air. "
Allmight: HOWEVER i guess i could spare a couple of seconds." He said and with a mighty leap he launches himself into the air like a mini rocket .
As he soared through the air he had hoped he'll still make it to today's lesson on time.
Lida: The bus open layout completely ruined my boarding strategy?
Lida said silently as Mina patted his back.
Mina: Lida you really need to chill.
Mina said reassuring him as the bus jostled slightly as they made there way towards there destination. All the students were chatting excitedly amongst themselves as Izuku sat at the end of the bus as he sat beside Tsyu as he wore his suit.
The young dark knight was currently tinkering with the calibrations to his gauntlets as the other students eyed him.
As Izuku continues to calibrate his gauntlets, his classmates' curiosity grows bolder. They can't help but be intrigued by his ingenuity and his unique approach to heroics as Mineta, with a mischievous grin, leaned next to him and asks.
Mineta: Hey, Midoryia-kun I gotta know. How'd you manage to pass the entrance exam without a quirk?"
The grape haired teen asked as Izuku raised an eyebrow underneath the cowl , as he spoke.
Izuku: Well, Mineta, it was a combination of strategy, and making the most out of my situation despite not being able to bring my gadgets i've always been resourceful in any situation."
Izuku explained as Lida, with his usual earnestness spoke up to the teen as well as he wanted the greenete to answera question he had for a awhile.
Lida:Izuku, I've noticed in the battle trial footage that you have a keen use of gadgets during the exercises. How did you become so proficient with them if i may ask?"
The engined legged teen asked as Izuku looked up from his work, meeting Lida's gaze.
Izuku: Lida, I've been interested in engineering and mechanics since awhile now. I spent a lot of time studying and practicing making certain gadgets and equipment, and I guess overtime it just became a natural extension of how I approach things." And I made sure to carefully run a tests with them just so i can make any adjustments to my liking.
Izuku explained as Kaminari snickered a bit.
Denki: Geez man you're like a walking encyclopedia of gadgets, huh?"
Kaminari chuckled as Izuku shook his head.
Izuku: I wouldn't say a encyclopedia, but I do enjoy coming up with creative solutions to most challenges."
The Amidst the questions and banter, Bakugou's voice cuts through the air with an impatient scoff.
Bakugou: Tch! You using all those toys just shows how you can't rely on your own power to save your ass you fucking nerd!"
Bakugoy grumbled as Izuku unaffected spoke up.
Izuku: Everyone has their strengths and ways to contribute I can make up for my weaknesses unlike most people.
Izuku said as the ash blonde made a low growl at the statement as Mina chimed in as her eyes gleamed with interest.
Mina: Izuku, have you ever considered collaborating with the Support Course students to create even more advanced gear?"
She said in intrigue as Izuku couldn't help but let out a sigh as he takes a moment to lean back in his seat, gazing out the window as memories of his interactions with Mei Hatsume came to mind.
The eccentric genius from the Support Course had left a lasting impression on him.
As Izuku finally interjects finally revealing his little secret.
Izuku: I've actually got some connections in the Support Course. A student by the name of Mei Hatsume and I have been exchanging ideas with her for a while now."
He said as his classmates exchanged surprised glances, and even Bakugou's eyebrow quirks up at the mention of Mei's name as Izuku continued.
Izuku: Mei's innovations and my practical approach seem to complement each other well. We've talked about collaborating on making some projects in the future."
He said casually as Mina leaned further Izuku's space with a grin, as her curiosity was piqued.
Mina: Really? That sounds amazing, Izuku!
She praised as Izuku's cheeks tinged with a faint blush at the praise as he silently thanked himself for wearing the cowl.
Izuku Oh- uh thank you Mina.
He said as the bus rumbled on, as the landscape outside passing by in a blur. The chatter inside continues, now peppered with discussions about potential collaborations and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.
As the chatter continued around him, Izuku was caught off guard when Tsuyu suddenly turns to him with her trademark straight forwardness. Her quizzical expression holds a hint of curiosity as she asks a question that hangs in the air, heavy with significance.
Asui: Hey, Izuku how long did you train to get into UA, and where did you learn those stealthy fighting skills of yours?"
For a moment, the bus seems to quiet down, the question ringing in everyone's ears. Izuku blinked, momentarily surprised by the directness of Tsuyu's inquiry.
He glances around the bus and notices that even Bakugou's interest has been piqued, and Aizawa seems to be listening as well, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Izuku takes a light breath, as his heart began to race as he weighs his response. He couldnt reveal too much, but he wanted to make this seem as realistic as possible. And also tell a bit of the truth.
With a small, uncertain smile he held behind the cowl, he begins.
Izuku: Well, Tsuyu, it's been quite a journey. I trained for about nine months leading up to the UA entrance exam. As for my skills, I've learned them from a variety of sources and a personal teacher."
The surprise on his classmates' faces is palpable, and Tsuyu's eyes widen in curiosity as Izuku paused, recalling the countless hours spent watching YouTube tutorials and practicing in the secrecy of his makeshift training space.
Izuku: It's been a combination of dedication, research, and guidance from unexpected sources that helped me develop these skills."
Bakugou's arms are crossed, his usual scowl deepening as he listens, clearly skeptical. Aizawa's gaze remained steady, his expression inscrutable as he kept his eyes on the road .
Izuku's heart began to pound in his chest as he reveals just enough without revealing too much. His classmates exchange glances, the atmosphere on the bus electric with curiosity and surprise.
Tsuyu nods, her expression thoughtful.
Tsyu:That's impressive, Izuku. You've really put in the work."
She said as Izuku's nodded with a mixture of relief over him.
Izuku:Thank you, Tsuyu hard work and determination can make a difference, even if you're starting from scratch.
He said as the bus ride carried on, the low hum of a conversation returning as Izuku's classmates process the information he's shared.
Some lean in closer to their neighbors, whispering in hushed tones, while others wear thoughtful expressions. Bakugou's scowl hasn't lessened, but there's a hint of contemplation in his eyes, as if a small crack has formed in his skepticism.
Izuku's gaze drifts toward the window, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions.
He hadn't planned to reveal this much, but something about Tsuyu's straightforward question had prompted him to open up just a little.
He takes a deep breath, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and relief.
It's as if he's finally letting his classmates see a glimpse of his true self for a bit.
As he rested he could sense Aizawa's presence, though quiet, it was still palpable. The pro hero took a few gazes on Izuku for a moment before he turning his attention elsewhere and back to the road.
It's not hard to tell what he was thinking but Izuku couldn't help but wonder if Aizawa sensed the truth behind his words
Izuku thought as the bus approaches their destination, Izuku's thoughts begin to shift toward the upcoming training.
He double-checked his equipment, his fingers tracing over the gadgets and tools he's meticulously prepared.
The excitement and nervous energy in the air are almost palpable, a sense of camaraderie forming among the students as they anticipate the challenges ahead.
But all that changed when Bakugou's voice broke through the chatter, his tone gruff as always.
Bakugou: "Hey, SHITTY DEKU Don't think you're hot stuff just 'cause you've got some secret training!" I'll still kick your ass!"
The blonde shouted as Izuku turns to meet Bakugou's gaze as the teens stared eachother down a bit before Izuku just didnt say anthing as he ignored Bakugou's words..
As he did this Bakugou's eyes narrowed, his competitiveness evident even in the tight line of his lips.
Bakugou: Hmph, stay silent all you want but you better not slow us down or you will regret it you rodent looking fuck."
He threatend as Izukus piercing white eyes gazed back at Bakugou's challenging words as the bus came to a stop. All the students begin to file out, the excitement building as they prepare for the day's training.
Izuku let out a long breath as Kacchan subsided, hands still sparking faintly.
It had only been a few days, he reminded himself. Kacchan deserved a little longer to prove himself, to make a change from before.
Now, if only Izuku could genuinely convince himself of that.
The bus rolled to a stop and they clambered off, standing in a loose huddle next to it. Aizawa sighed.
Aizawa:Alright, this way!
He said, barely even paying attention to the massive, domed building he led them into. They trailed behind him, eyes raking over the structure with fascination, until they entered.
The air had a taste of chlorine to it, almost like a swimming pool from where they stood as Izuku could see a massive lake of water in the distance.
Izuku: Woah?
He whispered as looked all around as he tried to estimate how big this area was.
The group was herded in by Aizawa, who brought up the rear, as they huddled in through the massive doors. The place before them was huge, a great cavernous area filled with a great plaza and fountain, overhead lights that dominated the ceiling to keep it lite at all times, a flooded area with a large boot, a rocky area with a quarry and canyon, and a fiery city area. It was an amazing how much detail and work had gone into it.
Standing before them was a hero in a bulky, body obscuring suit of some sort, most of their frame hidden under the thick white padding, and a large white helmet with a black glass dome across the top, and two white eyes.
Aizawa walked past his class, and up to the astronaut-looking hero as Aizawa coughed loudly, drawing all the other students eyes back onto him, and gestured.
Aizawa: Thirteen! They're all yours."
He said as he pointed towards the figure
standing as Ochako who was right next to Izuku began to giggle in excitement.
Ochako: OH MY GOD That’s Thirteen! I’m a huge fan of hers.”
Uraraka barely whispered excitedly as Izuku responded.
Izuku: Yeah, she’s a specialized rescue hero.”
Izuku remarked with a light smile underneath the cowl.
Izuku: She’s really good at doing her job.”
Izuku complimented.
Thirteen : Now, before we begin I just have a few things to say! Just two…or three…four, maybe five, six…”
Thirteen's voice filled the air, its lightheartedness drawing Izuku's attention.
He couldn't help but wonder if there was something in the water at U.A., but the quirks of his colleagues were what made them unique and endearing.
Thirteen waved her hand casually, as if dismissing the need for an exact count.
Thirteen :Anyway! For those who aren't aware, I have quite a powerful Quirk. It's called Black Hole, and it can suck up and turn to dust anything it touches."
Izuku nodded to himself as he was well aware of Thirteen's quirk. It was truly a remarkable ability, one that made Thirteen an excellent Rescue Hero, able to clear away rubble and debris effortlessly. Perhaps this was going to be a safety lecture or a precautionary reminder?
Izuku thought as a short distance away, Uraraka practically vibrated with enthusiasm, a bundle of energy that seemed ready to tunnel through the floor if she couldn't contain herself. Izuku couldn't help but feel a touch of surprise at this.
Ururaka: You use your power to save people from disaster, it's so cool!"
Uraraka hissed, her excitement causing her to bounce even faster. Thirteen acknowledged her words with a nod.
Thirteen: Yes, that's true. However…this is a power that could very easily be used to kill."
Ah, it was that type of safety lecture.
Ah, it was one of those safety lectures Izuku thought as his brow furrowed behind his cowl, the previous pleasant expression fading as a sense of unexpected frustration gnawed at him. Ordinarily, he'd take such reminders in stride, but today was different. His emotions felt a tad off-kilter, making him more sensitive to these words.
At least Uraraka had frozen in surprise, sparing him the potential worry of her drilling through the floor to trigger an accidental volcanic eruption. He thought as Thirteen continued.
Thirteen: Some of you have Quirks that can be dangerous as well.
Thirteen's tone shifted, growing more serious.
Thirteen: In our society, Quirk use is regulated and controlled, so we can often overlook how dangerous they are.
Thirteen's voice continued to fill the air, their words a blend of caution and encouragement.
The students listened attentively, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
Izuku's attention remained focused on Thirteen, but he couldn't shake off the growing frustration that gnawed at the edges of his thoughts.
Izuku's Thoughts: Why am I feeling like this?
He wondered, his gaze narrowing slightly behind the cowl. Thirteen's lecture was important, and their intentions were undoubtedly noble, but something about the way it was being delivered irked him today.
He wasn't averse to safety reminders, especially in a profession where lives were at stake, but today's emphasis on the potential of the other students abilities felt like a weight on his shoulders.
He wondere as the gravity of the situation was sinking in, as they were about to engage in a simulated disaster scenario where his skills would be put to the test.
Izuku's fingers twitched against the fabric of his gloves as he suppressed the urge to let his frustration show.
Thirteen's words about using their Quirks responsibly were valid, and he agreed with their sentiment.
Izukus thoughts: Maybe it's just me?
he thought, glancing around at his classmates.
Their expressions ranged from seriousness to determination, and none seemed as bothered as he was.
Izuku: Why am I letting this get under my skin?
As Thirteen continued to speak, Izuku decided to shift his focus. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that their words were meant to guide and protect. He appreciated the mentorship they provided, even if today's lecture was rubbing him the wrong way.
Drawing from his own determination, he channeled his feelings into productivity. His fingers danced over the gauntlets' controls as he double-checked the calibrations.
Focus on the task at hand, he reminded himself, and let the rest go.
During Thirteen's speech, as their voice filled the air with a mix of caution and encouragement, the students remained attentive.
Izuku's gaze remained fixed on Thirteen, his thoughts divided between their words and the slight frustration that had settled in his chest.
In the midst of Thirteen's talk, Bakugou's impatience cut through the atmosphere like a blade.
He spoke up, his tone brusque and his interruption unapologetic.
Bakugou: Hold up a damn minute. I get the lecture about not killing people, but how the hell does this lesson apply to fucking Deku?"
Bakugou's words hung in the air, a challenging edge in his voice. Izuku's eyebrows furrowed behind the cowl, his irritation resurfacing at the interruption.
Izukus thoughts: Why did he have to single me out like that?
He thought, feeling a mix of frustration and a desire to defend his stance but he decided to listen to what Katsuki wanted to say.
Thirteen turned their attention to Bakugou, their expression calm and unruffled by the interruption. They were accustomed to handling these sorts of questions, and it was evident in the composed way they responded.
Thirteen: Bakugou, the principles we're discussing apply to everyone in this class, including Midoriya. Heroics isn't just about physical prowess it's about understanding the responsibilities that come with our Quirks.
Thirteen's reply was measured, their voice carrying a hint of wisdom.
Bakugou's scowl deepened, his competitive nature refusing to let go of the challenge.
Bakugou: "Yeah, yeah, I get that but you're talking about being careful and not going overboard. Deku's quirkless, so he doesn't have that problem." So that essentially means he will be a fucking liability in this excerise right?
Izuku's fingers tightened slightly against the fabric of his gloves, his frustration shifting to a more focused annoyance.
Thirteen's gaze shifted to Izuku, as the heroes body expression gentle as she spoke.
Thirteen: "A valid question, Bakugou. While it's true that Midoriya may not possess a quirk, heroism isn't solely defined by one's abilities. It's about the choices we make, the actions we take to protect others."
Her voice held a calm wisdom, each word deliberate. Thirteen continued, her gaze sweeping over the gathered students.
Thirteen: "Hero training is about honing not just our quirks, but also our skills, our judgment, and our character. In the face of danger, it's how we respond that truly matters."
The tension in the air seemed to ease slightly as Thirteen's words resonated with the class-
Todoroki: Hey not to interrupt your speech, but something's happening."
Todoroki interrupted as Izuku looked at him and followed his gaze to Aizawa.
Their homeroom teacher stood tall and proud at the top of the steps, hands slowly pulling out of his pockets as his teacher pulled a pair of goggles down from his hairline and fitted them over his eyes.
Izuku followed his gaze to the fountain in the centre of the USJ central plaza, where a swirling mass of purple-black smoke had formed.
Like something from a horror movie a hand slowly crept through the mass, pale and lanky, followed by a whole person. A whole person with pale bluish hair, wearing dark pants and a long sleeved shirt, as most of his upper body was covered in hands.
The other students gasped in terror as a tall, slender man walked through the wall.
He was clad all in black and covered head to toe in what looked to be severed hands. Behind him, one after the other, more and more villains piled in droves out of the wall there had to be dozens of them.
But as they did another one came out of the dark abyss as a hulking, bird-like creature, bearing large teeth, two vacant eyes protruding from a see-through, domed structure revealing the creature's brain. It stood at least eight feet tall, rippling with muscles across its dark blue body and tons of scars.
The hand-man signaled the creature to stop at his side. The very sight of it drove a chill down Izuku's spine as something obviously didnt feel right about it.
As this happened Aizawa threw his hand back at the students as he shouted.
Aizawa: Gather together! Thirteen, protect the students! These are villains."
Aizawa tilted his head and his scarf unspooled around his neck, thin ropes of cloth expanding around him, his posture filled with unshakeable determination.
Kirishima: How did they get in here?"
Kirishima asked as Izuku clenched his fist as he began to quickly analyze the situation.
The fog was coalescing and there were bright yellow eyes in the murky mist as it began to take shape as Aizawa spoke.
Aizawa: Thirteen, what happened to the intruder alarms? Don't we have them?"
He shouted as Thirteen nodded sharply, not taking her eyes off the approaching villains.
Lida: They must be disabled somehow. This attack was planned."
Aizawa: Planned or not, it doesn't matter,"
Aizawa interrupted with a harsh tone as he eyed the villains.
Aizawa: Get the students out of here and alert the others Kaminari and Izuku, try to use your radio's to contact the school. And if you can't…run until you can."
Said Aizawa but before as Kaminari reached for the radio strapped to his head Izuku tried to turn on his radio signal installed in his cowl to only see It wasn't functioning at all. He tried to pull up the interface on his gauntlet computer but It wasn't functioning either.
As this happened realizing there situation dawned on him as something was blocking his signal to the outside world. He couldn't make a call to U.A if he wanted to.
They were completely on their own at the moment and this was something that Izuku did not like.
Yayarozu: Thirteen!"
Yaoyarozu shouted to the space hero as she continued.
Yayarozu"Why aren't the alarms going off?"
She said to pro hero as she spoke.
Thirteen: Good question but I'm not sure on how they arent activating."
Izuku: The radio signal here is being blocked by someone I'm not able to get a signal outside.
said Izuku as the students around him gave him a questionable lool as Lida spoke.
Lida: What are you talking about, Midoriya?"
Asked Iida as Izuku began to explain.
Izuku: My Radio and computer connect wirelessly via to a advanced computer I have in a secure location.
Izuku explained as he continued.
Izuku: This allows me to access to UA's radio signal to aid me of i were to be in a tight situation. But I'm not able to connect to it. This means something must be jamming the signal."
Todoroki:That would make sense If the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a quirk that's masking their presence here or someone just has the skills to block off the signal. And if you aren't able to get a signal out, then that quirk is probably blocking all communication as well."
Izuku: Exactly they chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They've seemingly thought this out which means they must have a concrete objective in mind."
Izuku explained as Aizawa spoke up to Thirteen.
Aizawa: Thirteen, get them out of here said Aizawa and alert the main campus."
He shouted as he began to prepare himself to fight the villains down bellow as Izuku went into his thoughts.
Izuku's Thoughts: There's too many of them, even if you can nullify their quirks as far from what I've seen I've never seen his fighting style nor havent I seen you fight a group of individuals since there's not much information on you to come up with a analysis. And depending on how long he's been a hero he should be fine.
Izuku thought as Aizawa leaped into the air and flew down the steps leading to the USJ entrance. His speed and grace seemed to match his own when he was Bruce.
As he did this Several villains advanced forward towards him as he descended.
???: Shooting squad take your aim and fire!"
???: YEAH Let's gun him down!"
Shouted the villains as they lifted their various appendages to fire, but when they tried to activate there quirks nothing happened.
???: My quirk!
One of the thugs shouted as he looked at his gun-like fingers as a wave of confusion hit him like a tidal wave.
???: What the hell where's my bullets?!"
The man said as Aizawa descended on them quickly as he launched his wrappings around his shoulders as he leaped towards the villains.
And with blinding speed, they wrapped around the villains as his held them high into the air as witha mighty heave, Aizawa brought them crashing towards each other, their heads smacked together with a sickening crack as the other villains stepped back in surprise.
???: Idiots!"
Shouted one of the villains as he spoke up.
???: That's the Pro hero Eraserhead he can erase your quirks by just looking at you!"
He shouted as a hulking villain with four golem like appendages spoke up as he approached the hero.
???: Cancellation huh?! I bet you can't erase a heteromorphic-type like me!"
He said as he rushed Aizawa as he threw several powerful punches towards him, as Aizawa avoided each blow with ease as he spoke.
Aizawa: You're right!"
Aizawa said awhile landing a powerful punch square in the villain's face as the villain lurched backwards from the force of the strike, and Aizawa seized his chance and wrapped his bindings around the villain.
Aizawa: But a villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me, and I have taken measures to make sure that never happens.
He said but as he subdued the villain another large villain attempted sneak attack Aizawa's flank, but the Pro was two steps ahead as he ducked under the villain's extended fist and, twisted his heel as he delivered an ax-kick into the villain's torso, throwing him back against two other villains.
As the three villains struggled to get to their feet, Aizawa heaved the rock-villain over his head as he crashed him down on top of them.
Aizawa: Which one of you gutter punks is next?"
He growled as he was ready for whatever the villains had coming for him.
But as this happens the scene changes to the
???: There he goes trying to intimidate us.
The Hand Villain spoke as he scratched his neck absently as flecks of skin began to flak out.
???: He is strong, and since he's hiding behind those goggles you can't tell who's quirk he's erasing."
He said as he watched Aizawa take down each villain that tried to approach him with impressive speed and precision. He couldn't help but be impressed.
???: He's making it hard for us to work together and rely on each other's powers."
He said annoyingly as his scratching intensified.
???: How annoying the worst thing about dealing with pros is when they live up to all their hype."
He said to the figure behind him who was from the wall of energy. It had not been watching the Pro Hero's performance. Instead, his gaze wandered to the entrance of the facility, where the group of students led by the hero Thirteen attempted to make their escape.
They certainly couldn't have that the fun was only just begining after all.
Back at the entrance
He hated leaving, hated leaving Aizawa to fight the villains alone- there must have been thirty of them down there- but they were just students with days of training.
He thought as he turned on his heel, following right behind Ochako as he, heard the cries of pain behind as Eraserhead fought, joining the run to the doors.
They had barely made it more than three steps before a pit of shadows opened before them, yawning and writhing before it exploded into a towering shape, yellow eyes gleaming amidst the mass that bore more resemblance to a mountain than a person
???: Sorry but I won't allow that."
The misty villain spoke as Izuku stared at the villain as he lightly bit his lip as the pressure to help clear his head just a little as the being as the villain shifted its smoky form shifting into something that could very charitably be called a human form, and Izuku looked at its eyes, searching for a weakness.
???: Greetings we are the League of Villains! Please forgive our audacity but today, we've come here to U.A. High School-this bastion of heroism to end the life…of All Might, the Symbol of Peace."
He said as everyone held a look of shock at the statement as Izuku's white eyes furrowed.
???: We were under the impression that All Might would be here today, but it seems his schedule was revised?"
The villain's misty body begins to expand crawling along around them.
???: Well no matter."
Thirteen, knowing that the villain is going to pull something, readies their Quirk to attack as Izuku reached into his utility belt as he grabbed a hold of one of his batarangs.
???: My role remains unchanged."
Before either the villain or the hero can pull anything two figures rush in without a second thought. Bakugou releases a booming explosion as Kirishima chops his hardened arm through the villain's smoky form.
Bakugou landed on the ground roughly awhile holding a large scowl as he spoke.
Bakugou: Not if we end you first!"
Kirishima: Betcha didn't see that coming!"
The teens shouted as the two of them stood tall, proud of their initiative, but they've indirectly landed in Thirteen's path of fire.
Unfortunately, it seems their attacks did little to nothing but slow down the villain's attack.
???: That was close Yes, students though you may be, you are the best of the best."
Thirteen shouts out, dreading what's to come. "No, get back! Both of you!" Thirteen needs a clear window to use their Quirk otherwise they can accidentally kill both of the boys.
???: A notable effort, you truly do live up to the reputation of your school."And so I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades…and your deaths!"
The being said as the darkness began to spread the swirling mist enveloped them, Izuku's instincts kicked in. He knew he had to act quickly to protect his classmates. With a surge of determination, he turned towards the people near him as his arms outstretched as he tried to push them away from the swirling vortex.
Izuku: Get back! Move away!"
Izuku shouted urgently, his voice cutting through the chaos around them. He could feel the pull of the mist growing stronger, threatening to drag them all into its depths.
But he wasn't going to let that happen.
He reached out towards Tokoyami and Koda, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.
He wanted to push them away from whatever danger awaited on the other side of that dark portal. Even as the mist began to engulf them, Izuku's focus remained on his classmates.
But that was all for naught his attempt t grab ahold of them was useless as they dissappeard in the swirling mist. His thoughts raced, his mind desperately searching for a solution to this sudden and unexpected crisis.
But the mist was relentless, its pull growing stronger by the second. Despite his best efforts, Izuku could feel himself being drawn towards the vortex. and he felt a jolt of surprise as the world around him shifted.
The atmosphere here was different – heavy with the scent of rain and the distant sounds of howling winds.
Izuku's heart raced as he plummeted downwards, his body subjected to the forces of gravity.
The wind whipped around him, rain pelting his form as he free-fell through the torrential downpour.
His thoughts raced, and in that instant, he knew he had to act fast to ensure his safety.
With urgency coursing through his veins, Izuku's fingers swiftly manipulated the controls on his suit.
As a surge of electricity traveled through his suit's fabric, activating the specialized mechanism built into his cape. The memory cloth responded, its fibers stiffening and expanding, transforming the once-draped garment into a pair of makeshift wings.
The sudden expansion of the cape caught the air, causing Izuku's descent to slow down.
The rain-slicked rooftops of the buildings below rushed up to meet him. Instinctively, he tilted his body, guiding his descent towards a nearby rooftop.
His feet made contact with the slick surface, and he rolled with the impact to dissipate the force of the landing. The sound of his boots scrabbling against the wet rooftop filled the air as he struggled to regain his balance.
Once he came to a halt, Izuku immediately activated the mechanism within his gloves as a set of metallic claws emerged from his fingertips, their sharp points digging into the concrete, providing him with a secure anchor.
He took a moment to catch his breath, his heart pounding against his chest, his breath visible in the cold air.
Panting slightly, Izuku surveyed his surroundings. The Downpour Zone lived up to its name, rain relentlessly falling from the sky, and the wind tugging at his cape and cowl. The area was dimly lit, the storm clouds obscuring much of the natural light.
As the rain continued to drum on his cape, Izuku slowly rose to his feet on the rooftop. The water-soaked fabric clung to him, and rain drummed on his cowl.
His breath formed misty clouds in the chilly air, but his attention remained fixed on the scene before him.
The Downpour Zone stretched out, an urban landscape shrouded in the heavy rain. The raindrops fell like a relentless curtain, creating a world of shadows and shimmering reflections. Izuku's piercing white eyes scanned the area, his gaze sharp and focused, as if dissecting every detail.
In that moment, a flash of memory danced across his mind. It was an image of Gotham, the city he had always been fascinated with from the memories of the dark city. The dark alleys, towering skyscrapers, and the perpetual dance between light and shadow.
He couldn't help but draw parallels between the Downpour Zone and the city that had captured his imagination for so long. The rain-soaked streets, the sense of mystery hanging in the air, it all felt strangely reminiscent of the dark and enigmatic Gotham.
But here, in this moment, he wasn't an observer in someone else's memories. He was a participant, a hero in training faced with a challenge that demanded his utmost determination and resourcefulness.
Izuku's mind snapped back to the present, his focus returning to the task at hand.
Steadying himself on the rooftop, Izuku took a moment to assess his surroundings.
Izuku: I'm in the Downpour Zone?"
Izuku murmured to himself, his voice barely audible over the rain. He clenched his gloved fists, feeling the cold moisture seep through the fabric. His piercing white eyes swept across the area, calculating distances and potential routes.
His mind whirred as he estimated his current location in relation to the main entrance. He mentally reviewed the layout of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, trying to find the directions and distances he had a assumption of.
Izuku: I should be… around 500 meters from the main entrance.
He thought, his mind running through the calculations. The distance wasn't insurmountable, but with the chaotic conditions and the various challenges that the Downpour Zone presented, every step would need to be carefully considered.
The rain continued to cascade down, obscuring his vision slightly and adding an extra layer of difficulty to his task.
But Izuku wasn't deterred. The rain might be relentless, but so was his determination.
His gaze refocused on the area ahead, his sharp eyes cutting through the raindrops. His mind was a map, his every step calculated.
Each rooftop, each obstacle, they were all part of the puzzle he needed to solve to reach his destination.
Izuku's arms were shrouded by his cape, the fabric billowing in the wind as he perched at the corner of the building. The rain cascaded down his cape, tracing rivulets of water down its surface. His piercing white eyes remained focused, his gaze sharp and unwavering despite the chaotic storm that raged around him.
With a determined flick of his wrist, Izuku activated his suit's heat-detecting technology. The world around him was rendered in shades of blue and red, his heightened senses picking up even the faintest traces of heat. It was a little blury but it was definitely still working luckily.
His eyes scanned the area before him, searching for any signs of movement, any potential threats or allies.
But as the seconds ticked by, his heightened senses revealed nothing. No heat signatures, no blips near his current location.
It was as if the area was devoid of any life, any presence. A frown tugged at his lips beneath the cowl. He had half-expected to detect the presence of his classmates nearby, but the technology's feedback told a different story.
His mind raced as he began to form a plan. If there were no heat signatures in the vicinity, it could mean a few things.
Either the area was eerily deserted, or potential enemies had found a way to mask their presence from his sensors. Regardless, the situation demanded caution.
His cape continued to flow in the wind, the raindrops sliding down its surface. Izuku's gloved fingers tightened around the edges of his cape, his mind working through the possibilities. He couldn't afford to be reckless. This was an unknown battlefield, and he needed to tread carefully.
He reviewed the layout of the Downpour Zone in his mind, analyzing potential paths, cover, and vantage points. His memory replayed the lessons he had learned from various self training scenarios from his memories as he began to feel a bit nervous.
He was alone in this zone, and he needed to make the most of the resources available to him.
Izuku's mind calculated distances, angles, and probabilities. His cape, a versatile tool, could serve multiple purposes.
The memory of his training, his time spent perfecting his gadgets and techniques, all of it came rushing back. He had faced challenges before, and this wasn't going to be his last.
He was a strategist, a thinker, he had to take advantage of this .With a final glance at the empty surroundings, he took a step back, allowing his cape to flutter in the wind.
His plan was forming, his resolve unshakeable.
He would navigate this unforgiving zone, utilizing his skills and ingenuity to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.
Izuku's mind worked swiftly, analyzing his options as the rain continued to pelt down around him. The Downpour Zone stretched out before him, its vastness and mystery daunting yet filled with potential. He knew he needed a plan – an escape route or a strategy to gather information and gain control over the situation.
Option one was to exit the area his analytical mind calculated the distance to the main entrance of the facility.
He estimated that he was still a considerable distance away, but with his cape's wing glider functionality, he could traverse the rooftops more efficiently and avoid any potential hazards below. It would be a safe route, ensuring that he didn't encounter any possible threats lurking within the zone.
Option two was riskier but potentially more rewarding. He considered venturing deeper into the Downpour Zone, seeking out the heart of the facility's main operations.
If he could find the control room, there might be a chance to uncover vital information – whether the villains had taken control of the facility, the whereabouts of his classmates, and the extent of their predicament. It was a gamble, but his instincts told him that the answers he sought might lie within those walls.
Izuku's gloved fingers tightened around the edges of his cape as he weighed his choices. His heart beat with a mixture of caution and determination.
His instincts guided him to the second option. He believed in making informed decisions, and the potential knowledge he could gain by exploring the facility's core was too valuable to ignore.
His mind raced as he mentally mapped out a path, identifying potential obstacles and entry points.
He would move with precision, avoiding open spaces and staying concealed from any potential threats. His cape's functionality would allow him to glide from rooftop to rooftop, minimizing the risk of encountering danger on the ground.
With a deep breath, Izuku steeled his resolve. He knew that he was venturing into the unknown, but he was no stranger to challenges. Gotham's memory echoed in his mind, reminding him that sometimes, the most critical battles were fought in the shadows. As his white eyes scanned the landscape before him, he made his decision.
He was going deeper into the facility, seeking answers and taking on the responsibility that came with being a hero.
He was prepared to face whatever obstacles awaited him, armed with a plan and the unwavering belief that he could make a difference.
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