The Rivalry

Writter: Hello readers I know this chapter is way past its release date but I assure you I wanted to release this sooner but life had other plans for me to finish luckily I finally had the time to work on this.

Writter: Now then are you ready to step into the night. If so follow me through the door ahead. Just be sure to close the door when you enter.

Art by OtakuXXX7

Oh and also please leave a like and comment thank you.

Izuku's popularity with his classmates exploded as he finished his exercise because as of currently he was swarmed by some of them as he inwardly groaned in silence as the cowl hid his emotion. Ochako on the other hand just watched on without even trying to help him out to which this did frustrate him a bit.

He truly did hate being in the center of attention.

Mina: That was so cool the way you fought Bakugou in the hallway you were like a ninja!

Mina cheered.

Mineta: Yeah dude you looked so cool there what's your secret!

Mineta leared.

Kaminari: Dude tell me how you beat Bakugous ass I wanna know incase if I were to go up against him.

Kaminari begged.

Tokoyami: Your performance was indeed a specatcle my fellow brother in Darkness.

Kirishima: Hey after this wanna spar!

The kids barraded as he stood there hearing question after question intil-

Allmight: Well that match certainly revealed quite a few things young heroes, Although most of this went nothing as expected.

Allmight said with smile as he eyed Izuku and a knocked out Bakugou that was steadily being transported to the infirmary by the medical bots.

He read that both Bakugou and Midoryia were from the same middle school, he never expected they had such a....troubled relationship especially from what he heard during the battle.

He thought as this had the number one heros mind wonder.

Allmights Thoughts: Young Bakugous ego is definitely far too inflated for his own good. Hopefully after today he learned a valuable lesson.

He thought as he spoke up.

Allmight: Excellent job on the excerise Young Midoryia I'm impressed with your creativity and skill you have shown! Now can anyone tell me why Bakugou and Idlya lost and who is the mvp of this round?"

Allmight said as Yayarozu raised her hand.

Yayarozu: They completely lacked team work eventhough Idya insisted on working with Bakugou for this match he still went out on his own which lead to him to being taken down by Midoryia. And Bakugou on the other hand lost for his personal grudge against Midoryia. Midoryia is obviously the Mvp since he devised a plan to take down the heroes and made sure the bomb was well protected with Ururaka. And let's not forget during the event he made sure that even if the heroes were to get past him he gave Ururaka some extra protection and most likely layed down some traps.

She said before contuing.

Yayarozu: And from there interactions on screen it seemed Midoryia knew Bakugou personally which luckily aided him in his battle against the heroes. He even stated to have devised gadgets and equipment to handle the heroes which is something that most villans do to get the upper hand on the heroes when they least expect it.

As she said this the engine quirked user who sat beside Bakugou wrapped in gel could only look down in shame or seemingly making a expression similar to that do to his lack of movement he had at the moment.

Allmights Thoughts: Wow she deserves more credit then me?

Allmight thought as he spoke.

Allmight: Very well spoken, young Yayarozu! Midoryia and Ochako did a excellent job the Mvp is Midoryia!"

As Allmight said this Izuku sighed deeply as  a bit of happiness blossomed in his chest. Here he was a quirkless kid being named MVP!

Unfortunately it was by Allmight but this was a very minor thing though this was just a meager sparring session. But deep down....this was the sort of thing that his dreams were made of. This was one of the memories he would cling to for years, something to help scrub away all the taunts that stained his mind for years.

He thought until-

Yayarozu: However though!

Yayarozu said with a serious expression as she stared right at Midoryia.

Yayarozu: Eventhough you had a plan it was quite reckless of you to go by yourself. Had you failed to intercept Bakugou and Idlya  if they decided to work together and enter a different route they would have easily taken the objective.

She said coldly as Izuku nodded.

Izuku: Indeed you are correct."

Izuku said as the ghostly white eyes of his cowl gazed at Yayarozu's frame.

Izuku: It's a good thing I knew where there positions were then.

He said as Yayarozu seemed to be taken aback by his response.

Yayarozu: How?"

She said as Midoryia sighed before replying.

Izuku: I have special software in my cowl that allows me to see people through the walls. So I knew which way they were going to take and as you said I know Bakugou he's not the type to work with others. I never would've won against them if they worked together as a team this happens with villans as well.

Izuku said as he crossed his arms.

Izuku: Do you have any other concerns you want to discuss Ms Yayarozu?

Izuku said questionly as Yayarozu scowled for a fraction of a second before her face was back to its usual expression.

Yayarozu: Well yes you didn't need to go so hard on your classmate. Sure you devised a plan and managed to not seriously injure them but you didn't have to nearly break Bakugous nose or do all those attacks. The other one is lucky since he wasn't seriously harmed. Furthermore this was was just a scenario you didn't need to go so far to win.

As she said this Izuku immediately placed his arms down as he spoke up.

Izuku: A scenario huh you do know a villan isn't goona care about such things?

Izuku said with a hint of annoyance.

Izuku: I'm not goona go on a full rant about this will be wasting time but if you were put into my situation where you have fight against super powered teenagers who could litterally kill you effortlessly if they wanted to how would you handle the situation?

Izuku said questionly as he the rest of the students went quite.

Izuku: Bakugou could litterally turn me into a pile ashes if he so wanted to, and Idlya at the speeds he moves can easily snap my neck in a second awhile I'm stuck with no such abilities but the gadgets, and mind I poesses. I can't keep up with them in close combat I'm not as durable or even close to how freakishly fast they are compared to me. It's very easy for you to say since you have a quirk that allows you to make weapons and items to handle them!

Izuku snapped as the room as Momo at moment began to feel uneasy at this as Izuku continued.

Izuku: You think I should hold back well sorry to say this a real villan would not care. Did you forget the importance of this scenario in the first place. Villans are not goona hold back In a real scenario and neither would I. And besides injuries happen I know I didn't hurt Bakugou as badly as you stated his bones are too strong for me to break.

Izuku said and was about to continue intil Allmight hastily shoved his book in his back pocket as he stepped between the two.

Allmight: Alright, we can discuss the specifics of this excerise later but for now we should send the next groups out there to battle.

Allmight said as Izuku replied.

Izuku: I'm going to the nurses office to heal the burns Bakugou gave me.

Izuku said as he pointed at the singed bat logo on his chest.

Allmight: Ah yes of course you should get that checked!

He said as more surprised mutters and awes came across the students as Allmights eyes darted across the room as Ochako raised her hand.

Ochako: Hey Allmight is it alright if I go with Midoryia to the nurses office?

As she said this Allmight slightly hesitated as Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: Thank you Ochako I appreciate it!

Izuku said rather quickly as Allmight cleared his throat as he added.

Allmight: Yes of course if you can come straight back here when you get there alright. I don't want you missing out on this class.

As he said that Izuku and Ochako walked behind the unconscious Bakugou as they walked across the empty halls of the school.

A few hours later after getting patched up classes were already over as Izuku set off for the support lab again. He didn't have a single scratch on besides a couple of light burns on his abdominal that recovery Girl helped heal up.

He'd managed to avoid the questions his previous classmates asked of him as Todoroki had drawn more attention as he made a impressive feat of power during his match between Ojiro and Hagakure.

But Izuku wasn't even the most concerned about that besides Bakugou would be waking up in a few minutes. The old Izuku would be worried to see Bakugou waking up and attacking him out of rage. But the one now was least worried at the moment since at this point he was too predictable.

He thought as he felt a sense of relief when the last bell went off as he left his classroom intil he  found himself to be sandwiched between the wall and Ururaka again.

Ochako: Hey Midoryia I never thought to ask but you take the same train as I do right? How come you weren't on it yesterday?"

She said as Izuku shrugged uncomfortably with how close she was leaning as he replied.

Izuku: I went to the support department to get my equipment checked out that day.

He said carefully composing the words in his head to avoid any hint of a stutter.

Izuku: And so I was late but I'm going there again to upgrade my suit and other gadgets.

He replied.

Ochako: Huh! Doesn't it seem a little early to go there now? But I guess it works out for you, right?

She said as Izuku nodded.

Izuku: It's very useful most heroes or students wait longer since they take more time to workout the problems to there costumes.

Izuku said as Ochako nodded before replying back.

Ochako: I guess I'll have to go sometime this week! My costume needs work but not today...I'll see you tomorrow Midoryia!

Izuku: See you tomorrow Ururaka,"

He said as he watched her stride quickly away as he turned around as he walked down the corridor glancing back slightly as someone hurried up after him.

Izuku's Thoughts: The foot steps are too light to be a male. The pursuer must be a female student.

He thought as he slowed his pace for his pursuer to catch up.

Tsyu: Hey Midoryia did you say you were going to the support Department?"

As she said that Izuku nodded to see the frog girl smiling slightly.

Izuku: I want to talk to Powerloader about my light armour and my costume? Do you need something to be changed?

He said as Asui croaked gently before nodding.

Tsyu: I need my boots reinforced I want Powerloader to tell me about the best designs. Is armor the only thing your getting there?

Asui said Questionly as Izuku nodded.

Izuku: I left some designs with a support student and she's very enthusiastic, and so I wanted to make sure that they were ok. I've also had a few more ideas that i need looked over, so I want to get them looked at as soon as I can.

Tsyu: Really, ribbit?

Izuku shifted his shoulders as he settled his backpack more comfortably as he spoke up.

Izuku: Yeah I also want to make some alterations to my cowl functions and design as well. That and I don't trust Hatsume alone with my grappling hooks or she'll most definitely turn them into something silly. Like a actual gun or something of that caliber.

Izuku said as he continued his pace.

Tsyu: So the support student your working with whats she like?"

She said as Izuku didn't reply for a couple of seconds as he chewed his lip in thought.

Izuku: To put things simply shes basically a stereotypical mad scientist in a sense.

Tsyu: Oh? Ribbit!

Izuku: She's got a lot of things that she needs to improve on and her lack of concern of blowing things up but I assure you she's............ ok.

And as he said this they walked up to the door as he knocked it hard.

Powerloader: Come in!

Powerloader called just to keep your heads down. Put that down MEI ARE YOU GOONA KILL US ALL!

Powerloader screamed.

Izuku: I should've left her on the beach.

Izuku muttered barely enough for Tsyu to hear as she croaked quietly in a almost confused tone. But Izuku shoved through the door before she had time to ask as she followed him inside as Izuku sighed seeing Hatsume stand on top of the table.

Powerloader: Hey Midoryia did your gear work out?

Powerloader asked as he was wrenching something away from Hatsume as Izuku nodded.

Yeah the armour held up but.....

Powerloader: Let me guess you got more to look at right? Yeah I expected it and who's your friend?"

He said questionly as the frog girl spoke up.

Tsuyu: I'm Tsuyu Asui, ribbit I wanted to ask about some costume changes?"

She said as Powerloader waved his hands.

Powerloader: Sure thing kid! Influencing your classmates already Midoryia?

As Izuku immediately shaked his head at this as Powerloader laughed.

Powerloader: So Asui what's the problem? You had your first hero training today right? Costumes issues do pop up sometimes.

And as they chatted Izuku leaned against one of the empty tables as he glanced back at the cackling Hatsume as she waved around something similar to that of a jet pack maybe.

Izuku sincerely hoped she wasn't goona make that after the last time she tried it.
He thought as he reached in his backpack to see his suit as he began to fiddle around with one his gauntlets at the moment as Asui and Powerloader chatted.

Tsuyu: In hero training, ribbit, I kicked  one of classmates pretty hard and It worked but it kinda hurt my foot in the moment. So I was hoping"

Powerloader: You want some better reinforcement in your boots? Yeah makes sense some people like shock absorbers, but thats not goona work if your kicking though.

Powerloader: I could make something similar though and if not, ill try to find some lightweight armour if I can make for you since your a aquatic hero.

Powerloader: Midoryia what were you after?"

He said to the greenete as Izuku uncoiled from his table, as he placed his gauntlet back into his backpack.

Izuku: I wanted to ask what the U.A. policy on Chemical grenades and other chemical based weapons are?

He said deciding to dive in at the deep as Powerloader shrugged.

Powerloader: It's pretty lax depending on the chemicals your using. But it's definitely lax though just don't make anything that could potentially kill someone. I'll tell you this since your interested in those kind of weapons the support gear policy is that your trusted until we think you can't be. Don't do anything reckless and you should be fine. Besides that Bakugou kid basically has an RPG for each arm so you're precedent already oh and Hatsume has something to say to you.

Powerloader: Hey Hatsume!

He called the pinkette as she stopped her crazed cackling at Powerloader's shout, leaping down from the table in a single bound as she waved at Izuku.

Mei: Hey, Greeny! Great news, I mass produced a variant of the foam you ordered! Now when your in need for your sticky grenades you'll have the foam at the ready.

Izuku: Hmm that's good and by the way do you still have that holographic sight drone? I want to adapt it to my cowl so I can get a clearer visual on my enviorment. And if you can will you add my usual software installed in it.

As he said that Hatsume scratched her chin at this before responding.

Mei: Eh probably? I'll just build you a new one but if you want it to be integrated in your cowl you'll need to rewire the thing because your software is pretty advanced.

As she said Izuku nodded.

Izuku: Alright great and also and if you've got time to today can you come to my house later because I got another gadget and costume designs that need to be worked o-


She yelled loudly as Izuku sighed at the out burst.

Izuku: Okay great I'll see you then.

Izuku as he picked his backpack from the desk before walking towards the exit intil-

Powerloader: Hey Midoryia your leaving so soon you don't need anything else checked on for the day?

Powerloader asked as Izuku shook his head.

Izuku: No I'm good for now I already have some stuff that I can work on my own for now.

Izuku said as Powerloader replied.

Powerloader: Well ok and just so you know Midoryia your always allowed in the support department if you need anything.

Izuku: I'm well aware and....thank you Powerloader I'll see you on Friday.

Izuku said as Powerloader shrugged.

Powerloader: No problem Midoryia see you then kid. And now Asui need anything else.

He said to the frog girl as Izuku waved him off before leaving the room as he walked through the halls and out the building as he mumbled to himself.

Izuku: It seems project K was a success but it seems I need to make a stronger dose to have it work faster. That and I'll need a new strategy to take down Bakugou now that he knows I can beat him.

Izuku said to himself as he held his chin.

Izuku's Thoughts: That and I now have the resources, materials and chemicals for future projects. I can now start developing some of my emergency counter measures tonight.

He thought as he scrollled through his phone as he was managing his trading stocks, as of currently he was investing a great deal of money  into I-Island. After doing a lot of net working,getting some lottery tickets, and lots of time on his computer Izuku's focus was on shield  industries. And luckily it was on a all- time rise from the looks of it which was something Izuku was glad about.

He did used to be a multi billionaire.

This was a great chance for Izuku to get a large sum money but most importantly if he could get the chance get in touch with David shield. He had a few ideas of some projects he presented to shield through email but unfortunately the man didn't respond to them at all.

He most likely was either too busy or he never found microscopic nanite machines that boost a person's physic 10 fold wasn't impressive enough.

He thought intil-


Bakugou showed up.

Bakugou pov

Bakugou Katsuki had fallen into wonderland.

It was the only explanation for how fucked up the world has become as the moment he woke up in a hospital bed in Recovery Girls office with barely enough gauze plastered his nose.

The old hag had told him he had a bleeding nose and seemed to be unconscious by shitty Deku's chemical grenade. Which that alone should have been fucking impossible.

He was godamn Katsuki Bakugou nothing could hurt him. He'll if he wanted to he could take a long fall off a one of the tallest buildings with barely a bruise.

If something flew at his direction he would blow it the fuck up! If anyone tried to hurt him, they'd fucking die.

As if that wasn't fucked up enough when he nimbly asked how the hell he had wound up with these injuries. The old hag had slathered a metric fuck-ton of putrid icing atop the shit cake when he asked about the results.


Deku that scrawny, pathetic, Quirkless fuck was mv-fucking p! That was impossible!

He thought as he tried to bolt up but dizziness hit him like a truck as he struggled through the pain as it began to stagger his feet a bit. And with a gentle push from the old hags cane Recovery Girl knocked the blonde back into the bed, as she forced a disgusting kiss on his forehead, and before she could finish she shoved one her gummy bears down his throat as he felt a nice tingley sensation across his body.

Awhile strength returned to his numb body, he caught flashes of what happened up until he had blacked out. Fighting Deku, racing through shadowy hallways, getting sprayed with those stupid devices, and then the shitty nerds fucking words about not to look down on weaklings.

But that wasn't even the worst he thought he flinched remembering those white ghostly eyes staring through him as a gloved hand gripped him tightly on the collar.

The scene seemed to have like a dreamlike unreality to it like a nightmare that seemed laughably absurd even as it sent a slight chill up his spine.

And as this happened unyielding rage began to envelope his body ever so quickly as he pushed through the overwhelming numbness across his body as he stormed to towards the classroom with his fists clenched.

Bakugous Thoughts: There's no way it's true! THIS CANT BE!

He thought as slammed the door to the class wide open as the remaining classmates in the room looked up to the blonde.

As they did Bakugou looked around the  classroom to see shitty deku wasn't in insight he thought before locking his crimson red eyes to the extra with the weird red and spiky hair.


The blonde yelled in irritation at the clearly confused Kirishima.

Kirshima: Huh? You mean Midoryia right he left awhile ago.

Kirishima said as Bakugou squealed in irritation before walking over to the teen as he grabbed him by the collar.

Bakugou: Do you know where the extra went!?

Bakugou threatened but before he could answer.

Sero: I saw him going out the building what you need him for.

The tape quirked kid Hanta sero spoke up as he placed his belongings in his bag as Bakugou released his grip from Kirishima as he quickly stormed out the room.

As he ran through the hallways he passed a frail blonde before turning towards the exit.

And with the ferocity on par of that a raging inferno he bolted through the entrance as he spotted his target.

Everyone pov


Bakugou shouted loudly as Izuku stopped his pace to let the angry pomeranian speak.

Izuku: Bakugou? What do yo-


Bakugou scowled furiously as explosions eroded from his palms as he approached the greenete who seemed to have a calm expression.

Izuku: What do you mean by fancy moves can you clarify?

Izuku said as Bakugou fumed.


The blonde demanded as Izuku sighed.

Izuku: I was preparing myself both mentally and Physically for the exam.

Izuku started off as he continued.

Izuku: I knew I wasn't goona pass if I didn't add any effort to my Physical prowless so I watched YouTube videos on self defense and strength training. And as for my skill in stealth I took notes on stealth heroes and more.

Izuku lied knowing how exactly how he got these moves as Bakugou after hearing this raised a brow before replying.

Bakugou: Tch since when you did you get all motivated all of sudden huh? Did  quirkless Deku decided being my punching bag wasn't enough to see that your fucking weak!

Bakugou scoffed as Izuku remained silent as Bakugou continued.

Bakugou: At least I don't use godamn gadgets to defeat my opponents! You fought me with fucking toys what would have happened if I so happened to break those things then what could you do to me DEKU!

Bakugou said with a smirk.

Izuku:.....I didn't fight you with just gadgets.

Izuku said before contuing.

Izuku: I defeated you with a strategy, years of analysis, preparation and lastly team work.

Izuku said as Bakugou twitched at this as Izuku continued.

Izuku: I've never had to heavily rely on anything but myself throughout these 9 months to get this far. And yet I've proven not only have I proven myself to even make it to this school I also beat you in combat.

Izuku said as the air around the two began to tense up as Izuku began to taunt him.

Izuku: So does that technically make you the weakling now Katsuki to losing to a quirkless loser like me?

Izuku said as Katsuki's heart began to drum rapidly as his overall emotions began swirl into the blondes mind.

Bakugou began to realize that this was happening. Not only did he get beaten by a quirkless person it was by fucking Deku no less.

And not only that this event would soon be spread across the fucking school by UA'S personal network of battle sessions.

He began to burn up internally as he looked at Deku with a confused but crazed look as held back his emotions.

He really wanted to lash out at the greente and make him pay for what he did. But Katsuki couldn't do it he knew if he attacked him in school grounds all sorts of unnecessary problems could immerse.

But those thoughts of violence began to swirl as Katsuki's overall fury began to invelope his insecurity as he stared down the greente as Katsuki began to think.

Who the hell was this guy! It's as if everything he knew about Deku has been thrown into question.

Deku was never and I mean never this good. Deku was a worthless nobody who wasn't going to amount anything in existence. He was the pebble he could crush with no difficulty.

He's quirkless hell he's not even supposed to be here! And yet he's here! But not only did he find a way to beat him he absolutely embarrassed him for the rest of his life!

He thought as his hands began to shake in fury as he tried to will his explosions, but something seemed to be holding them back as he yelled.


He yelled a he began to hold back tears as Izuku gave off a look of surprise by the action.

This was not how things we're supposed to be! He was supposed to be the number one hero candidate, he was supposed to be the very best....! But who's to say he still can't? Who had the right to tell him otherwise.

He began to think clearly.

Nobody could tell him that he wasn't the best, it's been true all his life, and he for sure wasn't going to let that change anytime soon!

Especially not by shitty Deku!


The blonde yelled as Izuku flinched in surprise as he didn't expect the sudden outcry from Katsuki.

He honestly thought the blonde was goona attack him there for a moment but instead he huffed and proceeded to walk past Izuku as he walked towards the gate.

Bakugou: I hope you enjoy your win Deku because I assure you it'll never happen again you quirkless Bastard!

Katsuki paused before continuing.

Bakugou: Because next time we fight I'll crush you and your pathetic toys. I'll be so fucking strong you won't even lift a finger to me ever again! I won't ever let you beat me again you bastard dont even try!

He said as he turned his head to reveal his teary crimson eyes before walking away as he rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.

Izuku: Well see about that Katsuki.

Izuku said as he began to walk through the gates as well before turning.

Izuku's Thoughts: You better live up to that then.

Izuku thought as his phone pinged signaling he received a message as he looked at it as he lightly smiled.

Izuku: Alright now where getting somewhere.

He said as he placed it back in his pocket as he looked at the sun setting in the horizon.

Katsuki most definitely had a fire under him but that wasn't going to affect Izuku  goal.

He was just getting started here in UA after all.

It was his time to become the man he was meant to be. To rise above quirks, to rise above society, rise above Allmight and embrace himself.

A hero could be anyone, even a man doing something as simple as  putting a rain coat on child reassuring him the world hadn't ended which something Izuku knew all to well.

And as Izuku walked away unbeknownst to  the teens someone else was watching the two of them from behind the school gates. As a white haired chimera observed the teens before walking back into the building to gather his things.

Nezu: Fascinating...very fascinating!

He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes as of they're plotting something magical.

Nezu: I'm excited to see what kind of heroes they'll become."

And this is the end of I believe to be the end of this part of the season.

Now where moving into the usj arc and trust me things are about to crazy next chapter.

Do you think Izuku will prevail Quirkless or will he meet his doom only time will tell intil next time fellow readers.

I hope you enjoy the art here can you guess which movie this is from?

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