The Battle

Hello my fellow readers new chapter is finally out I hope your ready for the dynamic battle between Izuku and Bakugou.

Izuku: Bring it on Kacchan.

Izuku said menacingly as Bakugou smirked at this.

Bakugou: Tch stop acting like that damn nerd! You know your not scary you quirkless piece of shit! And by the way what happened to four eyes!?

As he said that he recieved no reply as Izuku gave a icy glare.

Bakugou: Just give up before you do anything your goona regret Deku you're nothing compared to me!"

He said as Izuku stayed silence.

Bakugou: Oh so you're just goona look down on me are you you damn freak?! I'll show you what happens when you ignore me! DIIIIIIIIIIIE!

He said as he charged at Izuku like a wild animal but unfortunately for him this was Izuku's plan.

As soon as he was close enough Bakugou threw a right hook towards his opponent as he made sure to put his weight into to it to make sure he did some damage. But Izuku quickly side stepped him as he pulled his arm in as he brought Bakugou off balance.

And with as much strength Izuku could muster at the moment he cocked back his arm for a punch as Izuku pivoted his right foot back as he swung his fist in a massive round house as the attack met Kacchans eyes for a brief instant before the attack landed.


As Izuku's attack landed it felt he was hitting a brick wall as the shock of the impact numbed his whole arm as it was thrown back. Blood gushed out as It spattered against the floor and walls with red flecks as it drenched Izuku's hand. He felt spikes of pain from his fingers as blood gushed from kacchans mouth.

Awhile Kacchans head flew back he somehow steadied himself as he flipped himself over mid air as explosions eroded from his palms as he slid across the floor as he was out the hallway.

Bakugou: What the hell Dekiuuuu!

Bakugou said a little groogily as he spat out some blood before thinking.

Bakugous Thoughts: How did he do that attack? Did he- did he predict where i was goona strike!

He said as he clenched his bloody jaw eventhough it hurt like hell at the moment. He wiped the blood from his mouth before scowling in rage.


Once he looked back towards Izuku as he saw he was gone.

Bakugou: DAMMMMMMMN IT. Too scared to fight me straight up are you, you quirkless bastard!? I'll get you back for that sucker punch!

He said as he ran throughout the other end of the dark hallway as he began to pursue izuku who was hiding behind one of the corners of the walls.

This is where he is hiding I plan on drawing the full fight scene later on when I get the chance.

Izuku's Thoughts: Alright now that I've determined merely beating him up would be difficult I should stay out of sight and attack at a distance.At this point on defeating him I'll need to take him to a place in the building that meet the certain requirements for me to overwhelm him in. Or I could I just wait out the clock and hide . I can keep bombarding him with attacks but it's goona be difficult striking him with enough force to break those sturdy bones of his without seriously hurting myself. I could put the cuffs on him but I'll need to get close. I gotta finish this quickly.

He thought as he turned on detective to get a read on Bakugous location before-


The ash blonde yelled as explosions lit from both the boys palms as he boomed through the hallways as Katsuki rocketed towards him with his right arm cocked back for another punch as a manic grin plastered his face.

Izuku's Thoughts: It's a faint I know Katsuki isnt stupid enough to try the same move twice.

He told himself and with enough speed he quickly pulled out a smoke bomb from his belt as he quickly threw it at the ground as it dispersed through the hallway easily clouding Katsuki's field of vision.

Bakugou quickly tried to disperse the smoke with a explosion but as he did there was no trace of the other teen anywhere as Bakugous face began to turn demonic by how frustrated he was.


Class 1a pov

Ojiro Mashrirao did not like the look through Izuku's ghostly white eyes as he stared calmly at Bakugou in the shadowy hallway. And it especially didn't give him a sense of ease of Bakugou could just grin at the clear sight of danger like did Izuku or Bakugou fear anything.

On paper the quirkless student was placed nearly at the bottom of their class in yesterday's assessment. And now he was paired with Ururaka who has the ability to make things float according to his knowledge. It was for sure a strong quirk but it didn't stack up to the most powerful quirks in this class. But after looking at this test and seeing how Izuku stared down his opponent's without so much as a nervous twitch made him think did this quirkless kid have a plan to turn the tables on them.

Kaminari: Well this is goona be pretty quick.

Kaminari the boy with the lightning bolt on his head said.

Kaminari: Do you think they'll be OK?

Shoji: Allmight sensei wouldn't let it go too far.

Shoji the multi limbed kid said.

Jiro: Hopefully Izuku won't get barbecued.

Sato: Or crippled he doesnt have a quirk so so hell get injured pretty easily.

Sato mentioned as the class watched on as the training began.

Once the villans made there way to the top floor Midoryia unexpectedly went to the breaker box to the elevator as he seemingly destroyed it as this caught the class off guard.

Mineta: Huuuuh? Why did he do that?

Mineta said questionly as the Camera caught Izuku and Ochako seemingly having a conversation. But unfortunately they couldn't hear anything at the moment because seemingly they weren't close to the camera but they could here some of the conversation barely.

Kirishima: I wonder what they're talking about.

Tsyu: They're forming up a plan.

The frog girl said and out from Midoryia's cape he pulled out a item of some sorts for Ururaka as he walked to room and seemingly examines the place going near a nearby ventilation shaft as everyone watched in slight awe as he removed the thing before sliding down the shaft.

Hagakure: Uhhhh where does that lead too exactly?

The invisible girl asked questionly as Allmight smiled at this before replying.

Allmight: Well if I remember the blue prints correctly it should lead to the second floor.

Allmight boomed.

Kaminari: The second floor without back up! Is he crazy is he planning on facing Bakugou and Idlya alone.

Kirishima: Yeah that doesn't sound like a good plan considering on how outmatched he is.

Kirishima and Kaminari said with a little doubt before a girl with a black ponytail and questionable attire spoke.

Momo: Let's not come to conclusions like that just yet it seems Izuku poesses offensive items am I right Allmight.

She said as Allmight replied.

Allmight: Hahaha I'm glad you noticed yes young Midoryia has gadgets to aid him.

He replied.

Kirishima: Offensive items wait we can use weapons in this excerise?

Kirishima said dumbfounded at the thought as he stared at screen as they looked at the hero team as they entered building. And after what seemed to be Bakugou and Idlya arguing they Idlya speed off to scout the area but as he turned the corner towards the dark hallway before he could enter 2 canisters were thrown from the shadows as they hit Idlya's armor as a liquidily substance exploded across his body.

Class 1a and Allmight looked at the screen in shock at the action as Idlya seemed to struggle a bit before a line of some sorts attached itself to his body as he was dragged into the dark hallway as the class erupted with questions.

Sato: What just happened!?

Mineta: Was that Izuku!?

Kaminari: How is this possible that looked like something that came from a horror film.

Mina: You sure he's quirkless because that doesn't seem normal

Tsyu: Welp that's one down.

The students chatted among themselves as they watched the event continue as Allmight tried desperately to hide his shocked expression at what he just witnessed.

Allmights Thoughts: Indeed what happened?

Allmight thought as he thought about how quickly Izuku was going through this test it was already 3 minutes in the exam and Midoryia had already proved himself against Idlya rather quickly. He knew this kid was most likely trained but by who though?

He thought as he watched Bakugou enter the hallway as Allmight and Class1a watched the screen with concern.

Allmight honestly thought the reason on why Midoryia was doing so well was due to luck but from what he just seen this was not luck this was planned. This kid most definitely knew what he was doing here.

And as he thought this the students gawked in a surprise as Allmight looked to the screen as he and the class heard a sharp meaty smack that came over the speakers followed by the the metallic thud and explosions to see a very bruised and bleeding Bakugou catch himself as he slid across the floor. Silence filled the whole crowed as blood gushed from Bakugou's mouth as a unspoken question hung in the air, as the rest of the students wondered if the rest of the combat training will entail blood in it as nervous sideways glances and apprehensive stares were on Allmight before the silence broke the dam.



Sato: I think I'm goona get sick looking at Bakugous face how is his face still intact.



Tokoyami: What a great display of darkness."

Sero: I'm now scared of Midoryia now.

Kaminari: Wait Bakugou charged in the dark hallway saying DIE! AND your scared of the quirkless kid he didn't even knock Bakugou out from the looks of things.

Sero: Well yeah but do you wanna end up like that?

He said Kaminari shook his head.

Kaminari: Alright that's fair I'm not as sturdy as Bakugou anyway. My nose would be shattered.

And as Allmight heard this his usual smile frowned at this as he looked at the battle unfold.

Allmight: I should talk to young Midoryia about this change in behavior. And to tone down the bloodshed during excerise's.

Allmight said as he looked at the two teens in intrest to see gow this battle will play out.

Bakugou And Izuku Pov

Bakugou was absolutely livid as he desperately searched every dark corner he could find to beat the shit out of shitty deku.

And after a couple more seconds past as he began to feel his cheek numbing out from the pain he saw black fabric disappear behind a door

And so Katsuki threw logic out the window as he charged for the door and once he exited it he saw no one but heard a noise as he swung around the corner as he released explosion.

And as he did that the dust cleared as it seemed nothing was there except for a hole in the wall.

He huffed in irritation at this as he walked further through the hallway as he prepared himself to be ready for anything at moment.


He shouted hoping for a response as he walked down the hallway.

But little did he know the fight was already was already over when entered the room.

And as Katsuki took a couple of more steps Izuku dropped above Bakugou as he smashed his body into the teen with his full body weight as he landed straight onto Bakugous spine as it made a large crunching sound upon impact.


Bakugou yelped as bloody saliva left his lips from the pain as he realed his palms at Izuku as he blasted him away with a concentrated blast.

But as he reeled back his hand at that moment he noticed something attached to his left and right hands as his eyes widened In shock as they released a light wet mist sprayed his body as Bakugou held a look of confusion. And after a few seconds of confusion he quickly batted them away before replying.

Bakugou: The hell was that shitty nerd! Was that supposed to do something?

Bakugou charged as he released a wave of explosions at Izuku as he lunged through the heaping hot explosions. As he could feel the heat through his suit as he held in a grunt of pain as he landed a strike on Bakugous stomach as he gasped in pain before realing back with another punch as Bakugou intened to strike his head.

But thankfully Izuku blocked the attack before it landed but before Izuku could counter Bakugou aimed his palm slightly downwards as he launched himself over Izuku as he blinded his sense of vison as he released a explosion onto his back as Izuku was launched into a wall.

Izuku: Guagggh!

Izuku yelped in pain as he hugged the wall.

Izukus thoughts: Damn it I was too slow!

Izuku thought at the moment.

Lucky his cape was heat resistant as he pushed himself off the wall as Bakugou propelled himself towards him once again as Izuku grabbed a device from his belt as he threw it to the ground as smoke filled the hallway once more but Bakugou pushed forward through the smoke as he went to the center of the smoke as he fired to massive explosions as the force of the blasts cleared the smoke instantly as he saw Izuku dashed out the room

Bakugou: You can't run from me shitty nerd get back here and fight!

The blonde declared as he furiously chased Izuku through the complex as Izuku took left and made a sharp turn into one of the rooms as he slid in the room and closed the door shut.

And as he did Bakugou followed soon after as he saw Izuku close the door. He planned on blowing it up but when he got close he barely noticed the bat shaped sludge stuck to the metal door as something unexpected happened.


Bakugou: Guaagh-what the hell!

Bakugou grunted in pain as a explosion from the door hit Bakugou point blank as he flew to the ground in pain.

As that happened Izuku quickly took advantage at this he leaped through the blown up door as he headed straight towards Bakugou. But unfortunately for him Bakugou regained some his bearings as he quickly got himself up as Izuku slammed onto the the ground as the two distanced themselves for bit.

Bakugous Thoughts: Alright what the hell has Deku been doing these last 9 fucking months!

Because last time the blonde checked Deku wasn't this tough, Deku never was this tough at all.

Bakugou thought as he eyed his opponent who was showing no signs of exhaustion as Bakugou growled at this.

Bakugous Thoughts: What the hell is going on with you damn nerd!

But as he thought this he charged at Izukus nonchalant frame. Wasn't the nerd fucking tired?

But little did Bakugou know this battle was In Izuku's hands.

Bakugou: Time to end this DIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!

He yelled as his palm glew bright orange as he held his palm in Izuku's direction as he activated his quirk.

But as he did at the moment nothing came out...

Bakugou: Huh? What's going on!

Bakugou said as his eyes widened In shock at this as Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: Having performance issues?

Izuku said before dashing over towards Bakugou as he delivered a hard punch to Bakugous gut.


Bakugou gasped as he spiraled over the floor in pain as Izuku stood over the blonde.

Izuku: Do you feel it Bakugou?

Izuku said as he kicked Bakugou to the side of the floor as he groogily groaned as he eyed the other teen.

Bakugou: Fe-feel what shitty nerd!

Bakugou said as he leaned against the wall to support himself.

Izuku: Your feeling it now aren't you what people like me feel like every single day. The feeling of being powerless.

Izuku said as Bakugous eyes widened.

Bakugou: Is this your doing! You did something to me didn't you?!

He said as a light chuckle from Izuku as he responded.

Izuku: I did but don't worry your quirk will come back after a while.

Izuku said as Bakugou growled.

Bakugou: How how did a quirkless loser like you do this to me!

Bakugou spat out as Izuku answered.

Izuku: As youve stated to me a long time ago. Your quirk secretes a nitroglycerin like substance from your palms the root of your explosions. And do you rember that spray from earlier?

Izuku said as Bakugou showed a sign of disbelief as he began to think.

Izuku: The substance I sprayed on you is very special gel I specifically made to block out your sweat glands as it has the same effects of water in a sense. So do you know what happens when the two mix?

Izuku said as Bakugous eyes widened In pure shock as the answer crosses his mind.

Bakugou: It- It dissolves.

Izuku: Thats right Nitroglycerin is soluble to water and cold temperatures. So in other words your quirk is useless.

Izuku said as he delivered another devastating punch towards Bakugous face again as the blow sent Katsuki back a bit as Izuku grabbed the collar of his shirt.

Izuku: Through years of bullying, Through years of you constantly being your punching bag how does it feel to know that the quirkless Deku that you tormented is the one to bring you in such a state?

Izuku replied as Bakugou's face grimaced.

Bakugou: F-fuck you!

Bakugou stuttered as he did not understand on how he was losing especially to someone that was quirkless.

Izuku: And also let's not forget you let your ego get in the way and blind you from your mission. And since I know you i know you always act rash and don't think things through with others i knew what was necessary to take you down. You wouldn't have been so easy to take out if you were to go along with Idlya but of course you didn't. You fell right into my hands and as of now I got the upper hand on you hero.

Said Izuku as he seemingly knew what Bakugou was thinking.

Bakugou: Tch Dammmmnit No! This can't be happening to me!

Bakugou grunted as exhaustion waved all over his body. He wasn't really hurt besides his bleeding gut and numb stomach he could go on but he felt way too woozy to try anything else. He couldn't even move his fingers and grab the pin on his gauntlets.

Izuku: But you know I really didn't have to go so far to beat you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix of gel...or a freeze blast. But I didn't do it I did this so you can learn something after this excerise I want to remind you to not look down on anyone by there quirk or status. I want you to remember...I wanted to let you know to stay out of my way in all the years come ahead as we become heroes. I want you to know even in your most private moments I want you to remember the one quirkless kid who beat you.


Bakugou: Uggghhggh!

Izuku said as his grip loosened as he dropped Bakugou on the floor as he layed limp on the ground. As his prone form layed atop the concrete floor as Izuku towered over the blonde as he began to cast a bat like shadow over his form.

Izuku: Oh and also I added a bit of a enhanced version of propoful in the mix.

Izuku said as Bakugou fell unconscious as the greenete stood victorious over the blonde.

Izuku: (Sigh) What a hassle urgghh damn my body aches.

Izuku said as he sat against the wall in the moment.


Allmight boomed.

Class 1A pov

Kaminari: HOLY shit he actually beat Bakugou!

Kirishima: That was kinda manly in a way.

Asui: Did Midoryia even register that item?

The class chatted as Allmight secretly held in a shocked expression as he saw the clean up robots go inside the building as Midoryia went up to Ururaka in the building.

Allmight was in awe by Izukus excerise due to his strategy and stealth tactics not only did he prove to be capable of fighting on par with strong quirks, he proved to be someone not to be underestimated.

Simply put he passed this excerise but Allmight couldn't help but deny this somewhat. Midoryia was indeed stronger and smarter then the average quirkless person but will this strength be enough. Was he wrong did people truly needed a quirk to become a hero what would his master think-

Allmights Thoughts: Master......All for one.

Allmight thought as his heart dropped as he remembered that day when that dastardly villans reign of terror came to a end. The sheer power of a hundred years worth of stolen quirks raged against him. He nearly died but in the end he was very lucky to walk away with a hole in his side.

Midoryia was skilled, and very strong but will this really help him out in the long run.

Only time will tell.

The end I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know I sure did now the usj is upon us and I cant wait to write this part.

I have heard your requests on the gadgets and I promise Izuku will create them later on in the series.

But since yall are here I want to ask you guys a few questions.

1. Batman with no gadgets vs Dick Grayson with no gadgets who wins.

2. What are your most favorite moments in batman.

3. And lastly who is your favorite and least favorite Robin.

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