Hello guys it's been awhile I hope you'll love this new recent chapter and the new cover for this story I made sure to add my blood sweat and tears to draw this. I know ve already seen it but this for the people who want to see the whole thing.
Please vote and comment.
Izuku: Hmph this will do.
Izuku said as he held a serious look on his face as he checked the circuitry for his costume.
So far so good the day was almost over for him as he really wanted to get this excerise over with. He found an isolated space in the changing rooms as he grabbed one of the few lockers before anyone else could as he opened the case.
The cowl to his costume sat on top of the rest of the costume right next to Izuku's armor. The mask pure intimidating white eyes stared at Izuku's blank face as Izuku's heartbeat rang loud in his ears as he felt a really heavy thumping sound. He reached out to his cowl as he ran his hands over the hard solid plastic surface over the forhead of the mask.
Izuku: It is time this is where it all begins once more.
He whispered as he picked up the cowl with both his hands off the pile of clothing as he placed it on a nearby bench before proceeding to grab his utility belt out of case as he plucked up the note underneath as he examined it.
Powerloader: Midoryia.
Izuku read.
Powerloader: Cutting it pretty fine with the gear, it all works well I finally installed the security system for it the instructions to your belt is on the back of the note. The grapples power source was also replaced so it could be more efficient in combat as requested I'll leave you to the upgrades kid. Hatsume says she'll have spares ready for you in three days. I'll try and make sure they don't explode on you, so give it a week or just come bye and help out. Powerloader.
Izuku smiled slightly at this kinda reminded him of notes Alfred would leave when Bruce couldnt finish one of his gadgets.
Izuku: I'll be sure to thank you Powerloader.
He told himself as he pulled out his costume as he began to quickly change.
Izuku wore a black and grey jumpsuit made from a composite of kevlar and ballistic nylon. And on top of it was his homemade prototype armor that was made of a flexible carbon armor plating sewn directly in the suit. The plating was a bit heavier on his chest, abdominal, but it completely exposed his shoulders and knees. He did have armor to protect those spots but unfortunately they werent good for combat. His hands and forearms were covered in advanced light combat gauntlets made from the same flexible carbon composite with three curved blades sticking from the sides. His right gauntlet had a mincomputer in the top of his arm that held a miniature mini computer he built.
He didn't have any batcomputer at the moment but this one was a close second. It operated in a similar fashion it just lacked a satellite Izuku could use to gather personal Information on criminals. At best it could do was just help Izuku switch the numerous other settings to his suit and identify a very few chemical compounds.
His boots were pretty thick and Insulated perfectly designed for combat and held a special feature of not making any sound.
He wore a black mask to hide his eyes and hair his cowl basically was designed with the help of his mother as he had giant ears that held resemblance to that of a bat. His mask held piercing white eyes for intimidation and it was connected to the computer it also gave Izuku access to night vison and detective mode. It also served as a voice modulator and had a respirator on for emergencies.
For your imaginations behold mark 1 of Izuku's Batsuit.
I tried my best I hope yall like it its not that advanced looking but thats because this is his first costume.
And for its final purpose the mask gave Izuku to utilize radio contact and held external sensors to heighten his hearing and peripheral senses.
At his waist was his trademark yellow utility belt. But instead of the usual items he brang he also held plenty of other useful support items attached to it. Including his grappling gun, batarangs, sticky grenades, freeze grenades, explosive gel.
And on the center of his chest plating held the classic bat symbol that was covered by his cape. The cape reached Izukus ankles as the cape itself had a very scary appearance but fortunately for Izuku with hours upon hours of getting the right fabric and a lot of testing it was a prototype version of memory cloth he invented. The way it works is the same if his suit releases a electrical charge from his right gauntlet the cape hardens into essentially making it as a sort of wing glider. Of course this will be used if he had to traverse through the city.
It even stretches so it can help him traverse through the air and is fire resistant to extent. It'd not tough enough to resist flames from endeavor yet.
Izuku: Alright Bruce it's time to become a Batman again.
Izuku said as he walked out the locker room.
The group of class 1A arrived at ground gamma all decked out in there costume designs. And as Izuku walked in hoping no one would notice his presence-
Allmight: You all look so cool!
Allmight roared as he held out a enthusiastic thumbs us.
Izuku shook his head at the action as he eyed the other students as he began to walk around as he secretly took mental notes. Aoyama, the blonde boy with the Quirk navel laser was wearing that looked to be a suit of armor from a fantasy game. Izuku suspected the costume itself most likely had some special properties to it. He also noticed another student who held more armor than anyone in class. And awhile determining his height, and width and the obvious engines on the back of the students legs it was Idlya for sure. What was the point with all that armor.
Izuku thought intil he decided to just leave it be as he eyed the other costumes. The rest looked okay but it was questionable for Hagakure to be wearing only a pair of gloves and shoes, Momo and her odd attire, Bakugous bulky gauntlets.
But Izuku knew these designs benefitted there quirks in some way. At least this made him look a little less out of place-
Ochako: Hey- is that you Midoryia?"
The brunette Ochako said as Izuku half turned at this.
Izuku: Yeah it's me.
He said as he made sure to turn off his voice modulator at the moment as Ochako waved.
Ochako: I almost didn't recognize you there especially with that mask. But it is pretty cool....I wouldn't have thought it was your style though!
She said as Izuku mentally cheered.
Eventhough they didn't interact as much it was good to be complimented by someone even if Izuku never did show his emotions.
Ochako: I should have been more specific with my design, though...I didn't mean for the bodysuit I ordered to be skin- tight. It's not exactly my style.
She said as Izuku lightly blushed at the costume luckily the mask covered it as Izuku made a quick assessment.
Izuku: Is it supposed to be a space suit right?
He suggested as Ochako nodded.
Personally Izuku preferred more armor but this was the Bruce saying that though. The style was good, but body armour would help more effectively and he also noticed Ururaka didn't poesses any gloves. He supposed that made sense since her quirk was touch based. He could suggest her to get reinforced gloves that have the finger tips cut out?"
Idlya: Sir!"
Presumably Idlya said confirming Izuku's guess.
Idlya: This is one of the fake cities fron the entrance exam. Are we going to be conducting urban battles again?"
He said as Allmight laughed, setting his fists on his hips as he beamed at them.
Allmight: Not quite, young Lida! I'm going to move you ahead of that! Most villan fights that you see on the news are flashy, in public! But thr most dastardly villans will wait inside their lairs to be confronted or be interrupted I'm a backroom deal, a home invasion, or some other dastardly deed! So for this exercise you will split into a two person teams and will proceed in indoor battle training, Heroes against Villans!"
Allmight was bombarded with many questions immediately as Izuku mentally did a silent sigh in relief. This was perfect for Izuku since he was very experienced in indoor combat not only with a lot of pratice but also with the 64 years of being Batman taught him everything he needed to learn. But if this was single combat in a empty arena though he was at the disadvantage at the moment.
Izuku's Thoughts: Why did that feel like a premonition?
Izuku thought as he lightly shook his head.
Bakugou: Hey how much can we hurt the other team!?"
Bakugou said as Izuku instinctively reached for his utility belt before stopping as he brought his hand back.
Kacchan made Izuku at the moment remember some past memories. The thought about him releasing his explosions made him slightly twitch his fingers. Izuku knew there was no reason to fear Bakugou since he's faced way worst but the years of Kacchans bullying said otherwise. Eventhough he held a blank face and acted that he was fearless he still felt like the same quirkless Deku from 9 months ago.
Even with all the training he performed he knew he couldn't beat Bakugou or most of his classmates in a one on one fight without equipment. He knew he was at a disadvantage, he knew he came to this school with only limited equipment. But that didn't matter since this was good.
He needed this deep down if he wanted to become a hero he will need his body to prepare itself for the future ahead of him.
He thought as Allmight kept getting bombarded.
Allmight: All right, enough questions! Young Ildya we will be picking teams by random draw! Young Yayarozu, the winners will be obvious! And Young Ururaka I promise you no one will be expelled! And young Aoyama, your cape is indeed magnificent!"
Izuku wondered if Allmight had just chose not to address it which was honestly pretty satisfying Izuku thought as Idlya brought a hand up to his chin, framing his jaw in armored fingers.
Ildya: Is there not a better way to choose teams than a random draw? It seems very disorganized!"
Idlya said as he replied.
Izuku: A lot of times Heroes have to work with other heroes they don't really know, so this replicates that. Plus yall don't really know eachother so it makes it fairer, I guess?"
Izuku exclaimed as Idlya glanced at him.
Idlya: Ah of course!
Idlya said as he bowed to Allmight, a perfect ninety degree bend at the waist.
Idlya: "My apologies!"
He apologized as Allmight waved his hand.
Allmight: Think nothing of it young man! Now let's get to the excerise!
He boomed as he pointed at the hero trainees.
Allmight: This excerise is pretty simple, really two teams, Hero team and Villan team. The Villan team is tasked with guarding the bomb or missle or whichever you pick as though they're trying to set it off! The hero team will have to assault the building and capture, restrain the villan team or just capture the bomb! The villans win if they hold out for ten minutes or they capture or restrain the heroes. It is very simple but rember your facing actual people instead of typical robots so if you can please try to show some restraint- Young Bakugou I will halt the match if any serious injuries are sustained for your earlier question.
As he said this Bakugou lightly huffed at this as Allmight kept speaking.
Allmight: Now let's draw teams!"
They drew forming teams as Izuku carefully began to analyze every person he saw as he lightly chewed his lips.
Izuku began to think about the numerous ways to learn each and everyone's quirks before someone interrupted his thoughts as someone tapped his shoulders.
Izuku wasn't fazed by the action as he looked towards the person who had tapped him as he saw her head tilt as she held a marred expression with the faintest hint of confusion.
Ochako: Are you alright Midoryia you look pretty tense there.
She said as Izuku replied.
Izuku: Yeah I'm alright don't worry about me.
He said as he glared at Allmight as he reached into the box.
As this happened Allmight reached into the box as Izuku's white eyes squinted at Allmight as he pulled out the orbs.
Allmight: Hero team will be Team D.
As he said this Bakugous Palms lit up in excitement as Idlya crossed his arms.
Allmight: And as for Team A yall are the villans.
Ochako: Wow what are the chances that we are in a team!
Ochako exclaimed as Izuku stayed silence.
Allmight: Now let's head to the monitoring room so we can watch.
He boomed as the class agreed and as they began to leave Izuku and Ochako began to enter the building before Allmight stopped them.
Allmight: Young Midoryia, Young Ochako!
He exclaimed as the two stopped to look at Allmight.
Allmight: The key to being successful for this match is to embodie villany think from the perspective of a evildoers. You have 10 minutes to prepare before the heroes storm in.
He exclaimed as he handed them each some capture tape and a pair of wireless ear buds.
Ochako: Got it Allmight.
Ochako said cheerily as Izuku quietly nodded as they entered the building.
As they entered Allmights smile turned into a frown.
Allmights Thoughts: I hope you don't get seriously injured young Midoryia eventhough you managed to pass the entrance exam. You still have no chance against your other classmates hopefully they go easy on you.
Allmight said before he turned back to the test of his students.
Ochako: you have a plan?
Ochako asked questionly as Izuku stayed silent intil they took the elevator to the top floor. The bomb was at the far end of a wide open room, it was pretty empty say for a few concrete pillars supporting the roof and a pile of cardboard boxes in one of the corners. Izuku walked to the circuit breaker next to the elevator as he turned it off.
Izuku: Yeah I have a plan.
Izuku said as turned on his mask voice modulator distorting his voice as Ochako gave a bit of confused look. He looked down as the eyes to his cowl began to glow blue as he calibrated his dectivison to see through the walls and floors. As two red shapes were gathered in the hallway below on the first floor.
Izuku: Ildya's and Bakugou are on the move.
Ochako: How can you tell?
Asked Ururaka.
Izuku: I have special software installed in my cowl that can detect body heat. We don't have much time intil Idlya is near.
Izuku said as he took out a couple of canisters off his utility belt as handed a few canisters for Ururaka.
Izuku: Take this it will help you out if they get past me so you have to make it count.
He said as Ururaka grabbed the canister.
Ochako: Uuh what are these?
She asked as she inspected the items.
Izuku: It's a adhesive grenade when you throw it at a opponent it releases a glue like substance once you pull the pin. This is especially useful for when we go up against Idlya.
Ochako: I didn't know you used Support items?
She said questionly.
Izuku: I have plenty of tools and these grenades are perfect for capturing Idlya.
Ochako: Idlya but how are we goona do to land one of these on him.
She said a little unsure.
Izuku: Simple Idlya's speed is impressive but that's only because of the engines in his calves. That means his his speed is limited to only his legs.
Izuku explained.
Ochako: Okay but what about Bakugou what are we goona do about him his quirk is really strong.
Izuku: His quirk secretes a substance similar to nitroglycerin that means he's good in mid range combat. I'll engage the two as you stay here and protect the bomb. I'm not diminishing your capabilities here but since you can make things float I was thinking if you could take the bomb somewhere else.
Izuku said as Ochakos eyes widened at this.
Ochako: Oh! That's actually a really good idea alright of they get past you I'll move the bomb to the roof.
Said Ururaka as she thought of a few traps to set up.
Izuku: And also for Bakugou will be coming straight for me.
Said Izuku.
Ururaka: How can you be so sure?
She asked.
Izuku: Call it a lucky guess.
Izuku replied as Allmights voice was heard over the loud speakers.
Allmight: And your 10 minutes are up and I know you all know the rules, but if I see anything that will jeopardize your well-being I will stop the match. Your 30 minutes start now!'
And with a loud buzz the exam started.
Izuku: Ururaka? We are playing the role of villan's right?
Izuku asked as she nodded.
Ochako: Yeah?
As she said this Izukus face went dead serious behind the mask as he walked towards the middle of room.
Izuku: Good I'll see you then.
Izuku said as he scanned the area with his detective vison.
Izuku's Thoughts: There's a ventilation shaft next to the elevator It leads down to floor 2. Bakugou and Idlya seem to not to be working eachother so I should take them individually.
Izuku analyzed and with a battle plan in mind Izuku found his way to the vent as he began to crawl down.
And as Izuku left the room Ururaka felt a shiver run down her spin as he left.
Ochako: W-woah, I better do my part.
She said as she made haste.
Ilyda tried to talk strategy bit Bakugou wouldn't have it, he was going guns blazing.
Idlya: Come on Bakugou we should really think of a plan.
Said Ildya following him inside the building the dimly lit buildings.
Bakugou: Shut it four eyes! The girl is no problem and Deku is fucking useless. We don't need a plan for those weaklings!
Bakugou said as he made his way up the stairs.
Now on the 2nd floor the two saw the floor had a bunch of twists and turns and a couple of dark hallways with a few of hallway lights flickering. The walls were made out of pure cement and not to mention It was very poorly lit.
Idlya: Stay here Bakugou I'll go scout ahead Midoryia or Ururaka might try and surprise us.
Idlya said as he took off around the corner. Bakugou grunted as he followed intil all of a sudden.
Idlya: Huh Mi-
The sound of a splat sound hit the floor along with the sound of mufffling followed after a long silence as Bakugou spoke up.
Bakugou: Hey! Four Eyes you alright did you trip on something?"
Bakugou said but as he turned the corner something came flying at Bakugou as his eyes widened but luckily he managed to dodge it as the object hit the wall behind him.
Bakugou turned around and saw that a bat shaped object indent itself in wall.
Bakugou: What the hell?
Bakugou said as he turned back to the long hallway to see not see Idlya in sight.
Bakugou: Tch you think this is scary Deku! Come on out I know your there!
He said with his explosions at the ready as his gloved hands made a couple of pops.
He slowly made his way down as Bakugou felt a slight sense of uneasiness as he could barely see anything infront of him. Intil he heard something infront of him thinking it was Izuku he reached out and fired a blast.
But as he did that he realized nothing was there as Bakugou gritted his teeth at this.
He said out loud waiting for something to ansewer back intil.
Izuku: You know Kacchan you wouldn't belive how long I've waited for this day.
Izuku said in his distorted voice as Bakugou leaned back at this as Izuku's voice bounced off the walls.
Izuku: The amount of planning, the training I had to endure all for this day alone.
As he said thus Bakugou looked around but he couldn't find the source of the voice.
Izuku: Will come into fruition.
And as Izuku said this out of nowhere what looked like a large bat came flying towards Bakugou as he lifted his gauntlet up in defense as the bat hit him with a metallic clang. He put his gauntlet covered arms down as another batshaped shuriken dropped to the floor.
Bakugou: So that's where you are damn nerd!
Bakugou scowled.
And without a word a figure dropped from the shadowy celing as ghosty white eyes stared at Bakugou.
The figure stood up as the sound of cracking knuckles echoed across the hallway.
This was it this going to show that even without a quirk he wasn't usless.
Izuku: Bring it on Kacchan.
And that is the end for this chapter I don't plan on doing the fight here the next chapter will have it.
See you guys next time
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