
Deku may be Bruce's reincarnation but he will not be too much like Bruce he might brude or take things seriously and have trust issues and the occasional preparing for the worst he's still Izuku Midoryia there's nothing I'm changing about that. That's all enjoy the chapter?!

Roughly 6 hours later,Izuku woke himself up by falling out of bed as he landed on his face.

Izuku: Grrggggh!

He groaned as he sucked in the pain as he rolled himself over as he flipped back to his feet in a single movement, to which he sucked in a breath as the muscles in his stomach reminded him that he wasn't ready to do that yet.

Midoryia picked up his phone to find out it he was up pretty early for a Saturday morning. He Ignored this as he noticed his headache was gone he didn't think the endless memories were gonna end. He'd just gotten every memory his past life had went through as he wrapped himself with his arms as he sat on his bed in thought.

Izuku: I used to be rich and had a lot of issues okay thank goodness.

Midoryia started to truly question himself if he was who said he was or if he was just crazy.

Izuku contemplated this for a few hours intil he heard a knock on the door. At the same time he went to his desktop as he searched his laptop.

Justice league he typed and just as expected no results he even typed in the founding members but just as expected no results. He typed in Robin, Red hood, Bat girl, and just like usual no results.

He paused for bit before typing in Batman and Bruce Wayne. No results whatsoever Gotham city, metropolis and other various places didn't exist either.

Izuku: What is happening and how am I back?

Izuku thought as he held his chin before he was interrupted.

Inko: Izuku foods ready.

His mother replied Midoryia decided to do his thinking later as he decided to have breakfast.


Inko: Izuku are alright,honey? I noticed you have a more serious vibe than you usually do.

Izuku rubbed his eyes as he smiled at his mother.

Izuku: Yeah, I'm ok Mom I'm just tired from when i got home from school it's nothing to worry about.

Inko sighed in relief.

Inko: I'm glad you're feeling better, Izuku."

Izuku: Thanks,mom."

He took a bite out of his Allmight branded Mighty-Os, which made Izuku wonder if cheerios were still around and after a quick shower later Izuku had went to his room.

He picked up his pens, putting them back on his desk, and sat with his charred and battered notebook opened infront of him. He nervously toyed with a pencil as his thoughts flowed easily onto the page, but these ones...Batman might be better left undocumented. Izuku tapped nervously on the desk clicking along his racing thoughts. His notebook was ruined, sadly noted. And since he was going to replace it anyway, he might as well do it now. Izuku rummaged through the desk drawers, finding a fresh notebook and labeling it in careful,neat script.

Izuku: Hero Analysis for the future that'll do.

He murmured,letting the soft mumble of his voice sooth him alongside the scratch of pencil lead on paper. As he wrote down in his notebook there was a rippling, rustling noise behind him and Izuku jolted up as he spinned on his chair. He unknownlingly threw his pencil as it whipped across his room, striking dead center on the poster that had fallen from the wall and pinned it in place. Izuku eyes went all serious for a moment intil his eyes went back to panic as he let out a barely muffled yelp and jersey backwards, as he toppled over his chair as he rolled across the ground. His heart hammering as he clenched his fists as he grit his teeth a bit as the adrenaline surged through him.

He closed his eyes as he saw himself in his suit as he was in the middle of some dark alleyway.

Midoryia: What is this?

He started moving his hands as he saw his gloved hands and the suit he was in. He slowly grabbed his face as slowly and surely felt a presence behind him.

He turned around to see a man in the same outfit he was in but he was a lot taller and more built than Izuku.

Izuku: Who are you?

Izuku said the man didn't respond as he walked towards Izuku.

Izuku took a step back as the man started going into a sprint as he jumped towards Izuku.

Izuku panicked as he tried to run away from the man but instead was kicked in the face as he fell to the ground.

Izuku: Aggh!

As Izuku fell to the floor he immediately woke up In a pile of his sweat that definitely wasn't a memory it was something else.

Izuku: Memories, Visons and past self beating me up. Great job, Bruce.

He whispered carefully putting a hand on his chair as he used it to help him stand. Of all things he could have inherited, it couldn't have been...wait. Izuku's train of thought wandered as his eyes fell upon the pencil, pinning the poster to the wall. It had gone directly through the center of Allmight's head perfectly dead center. It was good but...

Izuku: I'm pretty sure I couldn't throw a pencil like this before.

He mumbled to himself the thought was there, unbidden,whispering softly. He couldn't-But Bruce Wayne could. Izuku slowly rose to his feet,as thoughts tumbling through his mind,scattering across each other. If he could throw the pencil like that and then that ment all those memories come with skills.

Izuku took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to remember. What he taught himself? How had he....a bunch of memories drifted across his mind.

He stood on a rooftop as he exchanged blows from his former teacher Ra's Al Ghull the style he was using seemed to be mix of different styles of martial arts boxing,judo, taekwondo,jiu jitsu,savate,muay thai,Kung fu and karate.

He also recovered most of his ninjutsu training and skills and stealth tactics.

His movements were nearly perfect and yet it was still here. Izuku opened his eyes to see his arms moving in swift motions, as he perfectly performed the techniques he never practiced before. His form was sloppy, he knew that since they are unrefined to his poorly adapted shorter and slimer frame of a body.

But it was there skills lying at his fingertips he let out a breathless laugh and smirked in happiness.

Izuku: Maybe I should try this somewhere else.

He conceded walking over to his wall and pulling the pencil free from his wall. It had only sunk a short way into the plaster,but still accurate. He carefully pinned the poster back In place,hoping that no-one would notice the hole in his room since it was so small. And besides it's not like anybody really came in his room it would be fine. Izuku started to tap his pencil again drumming the pencil against his hand in thought.

But there was one question, a question he already knew the answer to a question that haunted him all his life or eversince he was four at least. In a world where the majority of people had a quirk-some sort of superp
wer- he'd always ask if someone without a quirk could do the same as everybody else. Could someone quirkless like him become a Hero?

Bruce Wayne had been a hero without super powers, just like Nightwing,Batman, Green Arrow. They all been heroes,but not here not in this world.

But Izuku knew that in ten months time the prestigious hero high school,UA would be taking on a fresh crop of students with powerful quirks. If he wanted a clear answer to his question, he had ten months to train and prepare. He didn't have much time to be at his peak. He wasn't even sure what the entrance exam involved. All he knew was that there was one thing he needed to findout he wasn't the greatest detective for nothing.

He needed to know immediately what he was up against and get some prep time out the way. And if he can he needed to- that's right he didn't have funds like he used to but he could build his stuff, his grappling hook, shouldn't be hard....and if he couldn't take it in.

If he couldn't take his gear into the exam the he will be In trouble. And also it would be kind of messed up, because half of the heroes he knew used some support gear, but he'd need to take it as it came. And if he wanted to know his next move he needed to know more about the school.

Izuku walked towards his laptop as he got on his desk as he scrolled through the internet to see the ansewers he needed.

As he scrolled through the internet he found some complaints in the UA entrance Exam sights about people complaining about their quirks being useless in the exam from someone who could cause momentary blindness in any person who met her eyes. And some boasts about being able to use there highly destructive quirks on some robots used in the sports festivals.

Izuku: Hmm combat with robots shouldn't be a problem.

He concluded as he leaned back in his chair. They seem to pick out the people who have powerful quirks as well as people who can adapt properly to weaker opponents. It wasn't a bad idea eventhough it was inherently biased but he doubted UA would throw away everybody who didn't poesss a combat quirk.

And apparently he couldn't bring any gear with him which sucked it's a total disadvantage for him.

Batman even with his peak human physique needed a bat suit to help augment his speed and strength when It came to opponents far stronger than him. And the entrance exam was basically saying you can only use your bare hands.

He really needed to get serious and analyze the situation and find a way to figure out how to destroy these robots. His body wasn't even near where it was supposed to be so he definitely had time to prepare he had ten months which was plenty of time for him.

And he get to work on making so some gadgets as well he may have not been rich. For now but there was a scrap heap called Dagobah Beach should have some resources to scavenge something like a grappling hook or a batarang, and maybe some explosive gel if he could find the materials. Luckily he remembered how to create all of his previous gadgets and Batsuit.

And plus it would be easier to join the system for awhile and see how it goes as he gets plenty of resources.

And it would be a well kept private place where he can practice his skills make some robotic dummies to help him train.

Yeah it would be a good idea for now even if it's outside and not somewhere truly private.


Izuku was now scavenging through the piles if scrap as he found numerous thrown out support items as he collected then In a gym bag he had awhile back. Over course he found it in the scrap but he made sure to clean it out before using it.

As he kept grabbing more and more pieces of equipment he heard a large crash a feet away from.

Izuku instantly had his guard as he strapped his bag on his shoulder as the silhouette of a person jumped out the the scrap awhile holding something.

Izuku was confused as this person seemed to be a girl around his age or older. She also had pink dreadlocks awhile wearing a strange pair of googles around her head. She also wore a blank top and pants as she took apart the device in her hands as she revealed a small sachel.

I guess this place wasn't so private after all Izuku thought but he didn't mind as he kept scrolling through the trash.

2 months

Izuku: Grappling hook and grappling harness test four. The line seems to be strong enough to support my weight...and this time test three almost has me convinced to try a full test...

Izuku mumbled to himself into a small recorder he found under a pile of junk in a microwave, and if you would believe it he fixed it up.

It wasn't amazing, but it was more convenient than a notepad. He sighed turning a baleful eye on the gadget in his hand as he slowly and carefully put together a mechanism that could fire the grappling dart a frankly impressive speed. It was something that he would be flinging himself around the city on, but it would be good enough as proof of concept.

If it was finished it was still a prototype after all and he didn't have the necessary tool to not use a harness.

He needed one more mechanism to finish it it made decent results for a grappling gun as It did support his body weight. Who knew two months of work could produce amazing results.

At least he had the sense to test it out by latching onto a broken fridge and dragg it to him instead of jumping of a roof and hoping it worked.

Izuku: Standard testing fire into the fridge and resisting retraction.

This had been a particularly unpleasant issue about the grappling hook sure it worked well but the backlash is what made it still a prototype. He shouldve probably invested in protective gear but he could get that in his new hero costume and luckily he found he found some parts for a sonic disruptior but just left his unfinished blue prints on a bench as he picked up grappling hook.

No he will get it in his costume he thought as he carefully aimed the grapple squeezing the trigger. The gun itself was more advanced then his other previous models as this actually looked pretty good it was like a literal copy of his old grappling hook.

As he pulled the trigger the mechanism gave under his grip as the dart whipped around as it flashed across the open space between Izuku and the fridge, as it sinked into the thin metal with a reassuringly soild clunk as he nodded.

Izuku: Alright, dart deployment successful now for the retraction test."

He said to himself

But as soon as he was about to fire it he heard a large thump behind him.


He turned to meet the same messy pink haired girl from before as she patted some dirt off her pants as she walked towards Izuku as she stared at Izuku's advanced grappling hook.

???: Hey there that's a nice looking grappling hook you have there mind if take a look?

She said as she got closer to the grappling hook as her googles sparkled at the device in his hand.

Izuku: And who are you?

He asked plainly as the girl placed a hand on her hips and placed her googles on her head as Izuku can clearly see her bright yellow ocular eyes.

Mei: I am the amazing Mei Hatsume! And I'm here because your grappling hook looks so AWESOME!

Izuku Mind: She must be a big fan of hero item's or somebody really good at making support item's is she going to the support department.

Izuku wondered to himself.

Izuku: Sure knock yourself out?

Izuku said as he presented Mei the gadget as she smiled wildly as she presented it.

Izuku: Its still a prototype it's not ready yet I still need one more thing to find?

Izuku said.

Mei: Really it looks pretty advanced for a prototype? It seems like it's ment for travel instead of scaling walls.

Izuku: That's because it is?

Mei: Really SO COOL how are you going to do it you don't have a glider or a quirk that allows you to glide rooftop to rooftop do you?

She asked curiously as she handed the grappling hook back as Izuku placed it near his blueprints on the fridge.

Izuku: I dont poesses a quirk I'm quirkless?

I said casually at this point I wasn't really ashamed of it I've been a superhero in my last my last life for 65 years I'm used to it.

Mei: Quirkless?......That's AMAZING?

Izuku was genuinely surprised by the statement as Mei leaned into Izuku's chest as he slightly blushed.

He never really met anybody who thought quirkless people were amazing so this was first.

Izuku: R...really what..makes us a....awesome?

Mei gave me a puzzled look and spoke.

Mei: Quirkless people are awesome because there so creative and they more interesting then average person with a quirk. Sure quirk people have a far advantage against people without one's but it's always the ones unnoticed who shine the brightest. Like me and my inventions?

Izuku genuine smile at her answer as that was the most genuine thing anybody has said about quirkless people to which this included him.

He would cry at this but since he unlocked most of his memories and realized who was what was there anything to cry about.

Izuku: Hmmm I see? Are you applying to the support department?

Mei: Yeah I'm applying I'm about to become the greatest support item maker and become filthy stinking rich so that I could make more babies!!!

Izuku didn't comment as he and Mei talked for awhile intil she left Izuku never really had a interaction with a beautiful girl before but this wasn't his first time and he knew it.

Hopefully things will go well in this life hopefully?

The end

See ya in the next chapter and what's your best girl in My hero?

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