
Hey guys it's been awhile since I released a chapter of this story. I kinda forgotten about this story intil now and just recently a friend of mine gave me a new cover for this story and all I gotta say is it's badass! Please read Guardian_Angel-21 stories I really do owe the guy he's a great artist and Fanfic writer and dude if your reading this thank you! I hope you guys enjoy!

Izuku was leaning in the bus crowded with many other cadets. He was decked in a all black hoodie with jeans and his typical red shoes. The dark parts of his hoodie covered his face in shadows as his bright green eyes looked out the window. He wore a man made make shift armor underneath the hood to protect himself from being seriously injured by the rubber bullets from the 2 and 3 pointer robots.

He leaned his arm on the window as he observed the numerous fake cities. It wasn't honestly shocking to Izuku that U.A. had such a high budget this school had. It must have been quite the fortune to make a such a city that or the pro hero Cementoss helped out.

But as he stared out the window everyone else around Izuku was extremely nervous and on edge. He could see why they are hero of schools were pretty prestigious to their standards. But definitely not to Izuku's eversince he reawaken himself somewhat he realized all the endless things that could happen in this far from perfect of a society.

And if Izuku remembered correctly to which he did the current top ten ranked heroes had attended U.A. Allmight the current symbol of peace wasn't exactly there when people were brought in specific alleyways. Or the times when people like Izuku needed someone to belive in them. Allmight may have been inspiring but thats were his reputation sticked to most people. Sure Allmight doesn't do it on purpose it's just his injury doesn't allow him to do it often.

He kinda reminded Izuku as a goofy version of Clark and just like Allmight he was always there for the people in metropolis. Not because he was powerful but because he truly wanted to protect people just like Allmight.

To bad there weren't many heroes like him though but of course he couldn't give Allmight to much credit. He respected the guy but that didn't mean he liked Allmight anymore. He already wrote down some tactics to take him down and completely humilate him in his ultra super secret hero notebook at home hidden safely. He realized he couldn't take his usual analysis notebooks wherever he went because if he somehow lost it and it ended up in the wrong hands they'll for sure know how to use it on the heroes Izuku studied. Especially the part in his notebook on how Izuku learned to beat Allmight in.

It was pretty simple really he's not on par with Super man or the flash so it was honestly kinda easy. Of course he wouldn't outright do it when he's out doing hero work but when the man least expects it.

Luckily the bus ride was over shortly as he avoided the crowd easily. And as he got out he looked up to see the massive gates to the city as he held the most composed face he could muster.

Izuku rubbed his hands together, trying to think about anything but the knot in his stomach. After Present Mics presentation the students had to prepare for the exam luckily for them but not Izuku. He knew he was pretty strong for a quirkless person but even he knew he might not have the strength necessary to do something impressive. Besides pushing a car if you call that impressive for his standards. He wasn't at peak human yet or even remotely close.

So he had to improve his parkour and fighting skills along with others to even the field with those with powerful quirks. He had a killer six pack and muscles but from his standards he wouldn't be able to hurt tougher opponents because he isn't as ripped as he needed to be. Luckily his agilty will be his greatest weapon because surprisingly he was great at it he might have honestly been as good as Dick when he became Robin.

But as he thought that he took the chance to size up his competition as he cracked his knuckles.

Most of the students were wearing simple workout clothes. As some of the students had special gear that Izuku could only assume that amplified their quirk in some way. He recognized some of them the auditorium especially the engine quirk user. He saw him stand up to Present Mic for something clearly non important.

They all seemed to poess strong quirks based on there appearances this definitely posed to be Izuku's biggest obstacle here.

And he held a look of determination as he eyed the city gates. He knew not to waste any time as he saw the gates slowly open to battle center B. Izuku sprinted for the doors and as he threw himself in awhile everyone else was miling about.

He heard many kids shout at him but he ignored them as he kept running he knew a real hero work there was no such thing as a starting point even the teachers here should know that.

???: Hey he's cheating!

???: Wait up Present Mic didn't give the starting signal!

A blue haired boy with engines yelled.

Present Mic: Cheating? There's no starting signal for hero work, you just get to it! Now move it before the green haired kid beats you to it!

Izuku's Thoughts: Better to break away from the pack they'll draw in the robots if they're moving together. It's better if I move away and scout the area from above and take them out one by one.

Izuku Thoughts: Parkour skills don't fail me now!

Izuku said as he ran up to a building as he leaped on a couple of tiny handhold in the bricks as he began to scale it. As he scaled the wall he began to get into a sprint as he leaped from building to building.

His acrobatic training really had paid off in the distance though he could hear explosions and other loud sounds near him. The other students had already engaged the robots. He had to hurry up his pace because had 13 minutes to score as many points as he could, he couldn't waste time running aimlessly throughout the streets.

He leaped towards a tall building as he scaled to the top as he observed his surroundings. Luckily he practiced something like this when he does his secret parkour run at night.

He looked around as he spotted some robots were roaming the streets. And by the way they moved Izuku could see that they operated on some sort of a preset route. He sumerized that they were programed to follow and engage into combat mode once their sensors picked up the targets body heat. Luckily he learned this from the comments from the school website luckily.

But this also gave Izuku a idea to take them down.

He grudgingly leaped from rooftop to rooftop once more as he proceeded in the opposite direction of the students. As they were fighting from the ground they all will assume that the robots will gather into a specific area. But Izuku saw that there were several untouched robots patrolling the area several clicks away from all the commotion of the other applicants.

This may have been risky without equipment but he's faced way worst before so this shouldn't be a problem even in this body.

A 2 point robot continued to follow its preset algorithm as it followed the route that it was meant to take. As it lumbered along a heat signature passed by its sensors only enough to get its interest.

It tracked the targets movements as it followed the trail throughout the winding maze of the small city.

After a few minutes the heat signature came to a stop as the robot approached it as its offensive program took effect as its eyes glowed red.

It was about to attack intil the target dissappeared from its field of vision. The robot attempted to find the heat signature once more but instead four other robots gathered I'n the same area.


It was about to leave intil Izuku jumped on one of the 2 pointers as he began to ramm his right hand into the gap of the robots armor. As he did that he grabbed a hold of some wires as he ripped it out instantly disabling the robot.

Izuku had jumped off the robot when it went limp as it collapsed rolling on its feet. And as he leaped away he ducked under a swing of a clawed hand as he rolled underneath it as he got behind the robot he saw a big off button on the back of its neck. He slapped the button as it powered down as he jumped back.

Izuku Thoughts: This should be 4 points its not good enough I need more.

2 Point Robot: Target acquired!

The metallic voices came behind him as three robots began to advance on him. Absently Izuku calculated that they he would have eight points between them.

And in a flash Izuku ripped off a heavy jagged shard from one of the robots he took down. The shard was about as big as his arm as he held it like a sword of some sorts.

Izuku took a moment to recollect himself as he took a deep breath as he charged towards the robots. He leaped up in the air as he rammed the shard deep into the robots eye as the robot immediately powered down and fell backwards.

Izuku: Another one down!

He said out loud as with all of the strength he could muster at the moment he pulled the shard out of the face of the robot as another 2 pointer advanced towards him.

He had only seconds intil it would attack him. Instinctively Izuku hurled the shard like a javelin into the head of the 2 pointer. It stumbled back but it didn't fall as it advanced to the greenete.

Izuku ran at full speed towards the robot as he he leaped into the air and performed a flying kick at the robot. As he did his kick connected with the protruding end of the shard as it rammed further into the robot. Izuku heard the satisfying sound of its power failing as the robot tipped over.

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath as he got back to his feet and climbed up a nearby building.

Izuku: I need to get back to the group!

Izuku said as he leaped away towards the others locations.

Observation room

In the observation room a group of heroes sat in some chairs as they observed the students destroying robots.

They watched the battles through the cameras throughout the city as each and everyone of them were giving there personal thoughts about them.

Some where impressive awhile some were just not cut out for hero work. But the one person of interest was a green haired teen with freckles. The first Quirkless tryout now this was something the pro heroes couldn't hardly belive there eyes.

They had lost sight of Midoryia for a moment when he leapt from to building intil they found him in a alley way dealing with a couple of 2 pointers.

And they were at a complete loss for words for what they witnessed.

Not only was this boy uninjured he had destroyed several robots by luring them to him. The fact he was able to find gaps between the metal covering the robots and buttons was impressive. He even used the metal of the robots as a weapon against the other point robots.

Midnight: I wonder who trained this kid he's good.

Vlad King: You know for a quirkless kid he has skills.

Said Vlad King nodding with approval.

???: Using what you have on hand and thinking on your feet are important traits of being a hero. I'm impressed.

Said a man wrapped in bandages.

Midnight: Aizawa impressed by student that's a miracle!

Aizawa: Shut it!

Aizawa said as he concentrated on the kid on screen.

???: Wait your serious he's quirkless no one informed me of this?

Said snipe the gun hero.

Snipe: Does he have some sort of death wish?

???: I also agree.

The pro hero Midnight said.

Midnight: Even if he is smart and has some knowledge on how to take down the robots should we allow him to be in the top hero classes. He won't be able to keep up with others in his class interms of just skill he will get himself seriously hurt.

Cementoss: I also agree on this as well especially with the other kids. He will have to adapt constantly especially if going against villans that can kill him instantly.

???: Listen everyone I understand your concerns but there all unfounded.

Said a small bear mouse thing wearing a suit.

???: We shouldn't doubt are new candidate now I'm sure he has plenty surprises up his sleeve. I'm practically counting on it and don't forget we have numerous things to help him out when he does passes.

Replied the creature as held a stack of papers.

???: And besides I think he'll be a excellent addition to the hero course.

Snipe: Forgive me sir but what makes you so sure? I have no doubt he might pass what makes you think he will last long here Nezu?

The creature known as Nezu smirked.

Nezu: I just have a little bit of faith for him thats all.

Nezu said with a smile as Snipe made a confused gesture with his mask.

Nezu: What's the matter for having some faith for the young man. He demonstrated that he found unnoticeable weaknesses to the robots unlike anyone else and he clearly has the skills to go with his mind aren't you curious?

Nezu asked questionly.

Snipe: A little but I'm still a little worried for the guy thats all.

Nezu: Well time will tell right Allmight?

As Nezu said that the hero in question didn't respond as he was currently in his thoughts at the moment.

Toshinori Yagi pov

Toshinori: It's I can't believe it.....it's that kid from the rooftop.

Said to himself as he recalled the memory as it brought back some regretful memories. He replayed the conversation they had in his head when left the boy on the rooftop that day. Eversince that day he felt he was a little to blunt with the boy. He honestly wanted to offer some words of encouragement before he left the kid on the roof. But he instead he felt like he would make things even worst now but in the end it was better that someone told him to quit before he got hurt.

But unfortunately he ignored his advice apparently.

Nezu: Um Allmight are you alright?

Nezu responded.

Allmight: Yea I'm fine it's interesting I actually wanna know how far he'll come as well.

Allmight Thoughts: Hopefully not in a coffin.

Allmight said to himself as he continued to watch as Midoryia paused for a moment as Toshinori's Mind began to race. Who literally was this kid definitely not the skinny crybaby he met on the rooftop all those months ago. He looked like he had awakened something that not even quirk can compare to.

Snipe: It seems he's on the move again.

Said Snipe as Midoryia dissappeared from the screen as he dissappeared in the shadows.

Snipe: It looks like he's going back to the others.

Nezu: They're all doing well in their own rights!

Nezu replied.

Midnight: Well it seems this years applicants look promising.

Present Mic: There is Threeee minutes remaining, examines! Watch out for the Zero pointer!

Present Mic roared at the intercom.

As he said that Midoryia started to here a lot of screaming as he touched the ground. So headed towards the main road at full speed as he sprinted a three pointer got in his wah as it leveled its gatlling gun arm as it firing a spray of rubber bullets towards him.



As it shot out the bullets Izuku went into a roll as he dived under the attack as he popped back himself back on his feet. He was the robot intil he reached up his fist as he punched his arm into a the robot in gap under its chin. He scratched his carelessly as he tore out a handful of wires.

The robot went limp like the others before as he leaped away from the fallen robot. As he went back to a sprint he began to feel the massive feet of the Zero pointer coming in as the ground started to rumble.

A massive hand grabbed a nearby building as the Zero Pointer began to show its hulking size as the students began to run away.

Izuku stared at the Zero pointer unimpressed as he began to reach towards his pants he remembered he didn't have any gadgets on hand. To which of course this would happen since he wasn't allowed to bring any support gear of course even though they allowed those with quirks to bring them.

Izuku sighed.

Izuku: OH well I knew i wasnt expecting it to be easy.

He was about to fall back intil he noticed that a girl with brown was oblivious to the building behind her as it was the target the Zero pointer was going to plough right through.

Izuku: Damn it!

Izuku said to himself as he sprinted towards the girl as he shouted for her to move. But apparently it seems she didn't hear him as she started to stumble a bit.

Izuku Thoughts: Exhaustion be catching up to her.

Izuku thought as he heard people yelling about how insane he was to run towards the danger as he swung to his left as he approached Ururaka.


The robot rammed through the building completely unconcerned with things like collateral damage and property costs. Half the building fell away as Ururaka looked up her mouth opening in a silent gasp intil Izuku leaped towards her as he tackled her out the way.



They both went rolling across the ground as Izuku hit the door of the building shielding Ururaka as they crashed through in a tangle of limbs. Izuku yelped as an elbow hit his ribs as he disentangle himself mid-roll as he shoved Ururaka away as the part of the roof fell in. Ururaka avoided it all as Izuku only avoided most of it.

Izuku: Argggggggggggggggh!

Izuku yelled as a chunk of concrete caught him across the shoulder driving his face into the ground as it glanced away. Izuku tasted blood his vision went white for a moment as something landed hard on his leg as his ankle crunched under the sheer weight.

Izuku: Ffffffffffuck!

Izuku hissed as he nearly passed out by the extreme pain.

Izuku's Thoughts: Crap crap I can't pass out now!

The robot was still out there and here he was pinned down with a viciously aching shoulder and his ankle under a pile of rubble with a bitten tongue.

Izuku spat blood on the ground as he focused on getting the rubble off his ankle.

Ochako: OH MY god are you alright.

The brown haired girl yelled at him as she pulled herself up as she saw Izuku trying to push the debri off his leg.

He could barely hear her as he started to slowly pick himself up as he held in all the pain as he spoke.

Izuku: U-um miss do you have a quirk that can float things? Because uf you do can you please lift this off me please i really would appreciate it a lot.

Izuku said as politely as he could at the moment.

Ochako: Of course thats my quirk actually i have the ability to take away gravity from the things I touch.

Ururaka explained as she carefully moved around him.

Izuku: Oh? I guess that explains the pads on your fingers right?

Ochako looked at Izuku a little shocked by the boys observation the fact he knew about the unnoticeable pads on her fingertips as she agreed.

Izuku Thoughts: Who knew I would just guess her quirk off the bat. I wonder how it works though.

Izuku said to himself as he felt the weight on his leg off him. He slowly rolled himself over as he looked at his ankle because he knew that it was going to look pretty bad maybe.

Yeah there was a lot of blood but he couldn't see bone so luckily a sharp part of the concrete had gasped his skin and most likely a broken ankle as well though. Izuku slowly rolled over again as he sat himself up as he clenched his teeth to keep the scream in as his ankle moved in place. Taking deep breaths the pain ran up his leg as he felt nausea setting in his gut.

Izuku: Thank you uhhh?

Izuku paused as he realized he didn't get her name in the moment.

Ochako: My names Ochako Ururaka! Whats yours?

She said to the unsurprised greenete.

Izuku: I'm Izuku nice to meet you Ochako.

He said as she smiled as he watched the girl floating the rubble away as she pressed her fingers and said release as the rocks fell to the ground.

Izuku's Thoughts: Five finger activation is one option but can she turn it on without touching. And she looks pretty ill so maybe that was a side effect? Any ability anyone recives comes with one. Then again It could be the blood he loss at he moment. The bottom of his left leg was currently bleeding all over the place. Izuku move his arm as he winced at the bruise on his shoulder but it wasn't to bad. It was mainly his leg honestly he might have needed to ask Ururaka to help him limp up. He closed his eyes as he remembered the points he racked up at the moment.

Izuku Thoughts: I have 36 points it should do.

Eventhough if it wasn't enough he could always just become a vigilante again.


Present Mic: Aaaaaaaaaand that is a wrap examinees! TIME IS UP!

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter see ya next time. Please comment and vote and tell me what I could do better.

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