Update on life with a tattoo
Don't ask about the title
I have absolutely no idea what part of my mind it even came from, but I thought that it had a ring to it so I just went ahead and went with it
Alright, let's get into it
Tattoo update:
1. It's been exactly three weeks and one day (as of September 26th, 2018) since I've gotten it, which is really weird to think about since it kinda doesn't feel like it's been that long, but, at the same time, it kinda does (you'll understand why in a moment hopefully)
2. It took ten days for it to completely heal
3. During the healing process, I had to wash it with fragrance free body wash and then put fragrance free lotion on it afterwards.
4. The healing process as a whole was painless. The only time that I experience some pain was literally the morning after I had gotten my tattoo and removed the bandage that had been put over it in order to absorb the excess ink and blood, but that pain wasn't bad at all. Also, after I removed the bandage, I had to take a shower and give it its first proper cleaning and during that time, some ink did come off and it freaked me out at first because I honestly wasn't expecting it to happen, but my step-dad (who was three ((I think it's three, if not, four)) tattoos) told me that it was normal so yeah
5. Towards the end of the healing process, it became really annoying having to wash/put lotion on it twice a day (thankfully it was only twice a day because of the kind of tattoo that I have. For some tattoos, you have to wash/put lotion on them up to five times a day and that's insane to me. Thankfully, my tattoo artist told me that five times a day would be too excessive for the kind of tattoo that I have) so I was happy when it was finally over
6. Remember how I said that I've had my tattoo for three weeks and one day? Well...
It's been exactly three weeks since I've worn a bra
Since my tattoo is on my left shoulder blade, I didn't want my bra or bra strap rubbing up against that tattoo or whatever because I didn't want my tattoo to get damaged (I paid $160 of MY hard earned money so you best believe I was going to give it the best treatment as humanly possible. Well, technically it was $150 but fucking taxes man I didn't even know that you could tax tattoos thanks Trump) so I just didn't wear a bra while it was healing and I've become so accustomed to the feeling of not wearing a bra that I just haven't put one back on ever since the healing process came to an end
Also, I have REALLY small boobs (the biggest size that I can fit into is a 32B) so I can actually get away without wearing a bra
Tbh the only thing bad about having small boobs is the fact that all the cute bras are WAY too big for you
Don't get me wrong. I'll sometimes find a cute bra that actually fits me, but for the most part, most of the cute af bras don't fit me like these bras could fit like eight of my boobs inside of the cup
Another struggle that I face is having to buy a small top and medium bottom when it comes to bathing suits like I'll sometimes find a really cute bathing suit and it'll only have the small top or the medium bottom and it's really sad when that happens
Anyway, yeah, I don't have to deal with people staring at my chest because there's pretty much nothing there
I have to deal with people staring at my ass though :/
Oh well I much prefer having a big ass than big boobs like shoutout to the big titty girls I love and appreciate you for dealing with that on a daily basis because I know for damn sure that I wouldn't be able to do it
7. This is probably a given, but I REALLY LOVE MY TATTOO
I don't have any pictures of it post red af skin because it's on my back and I therefore don't get to see it and I haven't asked anyone to take another picture of it for me because I keep forgetting oof but just know that it looks normal now lmao
8. Oh yeah, since most of my audience is younger than me, I'm gonna give y'all some advice
I cannot stress that enough
Before I turned eighteen, my parents didn't allow me to get a tattoo and that always pissed me off, but now that I'm sitting here with my first tattoo as a legal adult, I'm very grateful that they forced me to wait. Not only did it give me time to truly think about what I wanted (I knew what I wanted as my first tattoo for like six or seven months before I actually went and got it done and it would've been longer because the day that I got my tattoo, I had ZERO plans on getting it that day. I was literally driving around with my step-dad and I asked him if I could go and get it done and the rest is history,) but it also gave me time to realize that had I gotten a tattoo at like sixteen or seventeen, I would've gotten something that I would've eventually regretted so please wait until you are old enough to go and get that tattoo yourself
Another thing: please get something that has really deep meaning to you (yes, mine does. I'll finally reveal the meaning when I'm done giving advice) because you're stuck with it for the rest of your life and you're probably never going to grow to hate a tattoo that has such deep meaning to you
Also, I don't really recommend getting a tattoo based on your obsessions since you're more than likely going to outgrow that obsession and regret your tattoo as a result. I'm dead serious. That Jacksepticeye Septic Sam tattoo may be so cool after you get it and a while after, but you might come to think that it's not that cool one day when you haven't watched a Jacksepticeye video in months and you're just not interested in him as much as you used to be. But ultimately, it's your body and you get to control what is and isn't on it. I'm just giving you my personal input and opinion on tattoos like these. I'm never going to tell you what you should and shouldn't do with YOUR body since I wouldn't want someone doing that when it comes to MY body.
My final piece of tattoo advice: if you're thinking about getting a tattoo pertaining to song lyrics/a song, make it have double meaning (like mine does, but we'll get to that soon I swear) so that if there ever comes a day where you don't really like the song/artist anymore, you can associate your tattoo with the other meaning that you gave it to it.
Remember: You ultimately have control over your own body. You can do whatever you want with my advice. You can completely ignore it or you can take it to heart. I don't care. I just wanted to share some things that I've learned/realized ever since getting my first tattoo
9. Everyone seems to say that tattoos are addicting and that after you get your first one, it's really hard to stop.
Am I addicted? To my current tattoo, yes.
Would I do it all again? Yes.
Am I in any rush to get my next one? No, I can definitely wait.
10. Okay, time for the moment that you've been waiting for (well, probably not, but I'm just going to pretend like you have)
What does my tattoo mean?
If you can't remember, my tattoo is an origami bird with the words "be brave" written below it in this handwriting style cursive font since I'm fascinated with handwriting and the fact that one word can be written millions of different ways by millions of different people and never be exactly the same because even in handwritings that are extremely similar to each other, there is ALWAYS a subtle difference or two (like the way that those people dot their 'i''s may be different or whatever) and just... handwriting is fascinating and amazing
Also, origami birds actually symbolize healing (there's also a phrase that says that if you make a thousand paper birds, you get one wish and I thought about going with that meaning at one point, but I ultimately decided not to since I liked the other meaning that I came up with better) and during times of healing, although it's very difficult sometimes, you have to be brave and proceed into the future
So that's the first meaning
The second meaning is that it's actually a reference to my favorite song by favorite artist ("Be Brave" by Owl City, who I'm seeing next month and I'm really fucking excited because holy shit I love him so damn much) since one of the lyrics is, "But in my hand, I held a paper bird and written on it were the words, 'be brave.'" (The tattoo was originally going to have the words 'be brave' written on it, but they ended up being written below the bird instead because my tattoo artist made me realize that it wouldn't look as good if the words were written on the bird rather than below it)
So yeah, that's how I got a song related tattoo without pissing myself off (I've had the strict double meaning rule for song tattoos set for myself ever since I've wanted a tattoo at like sixteen or maybe fifteen I don't really know I've always loved tattoos and I knew that I'd end up getting a song related tattoo one way or another because I love music so much)
11. I've already talked about the pain, but I'll touch on it again because the pain was one of the reasons why I was so scared to get a tattoo
The pain is nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be, especially since my step-dad was all like, "Okay, once you start this, you HAVE to finish it" and scared me even more as a result
Yes, I understand that pain is different for everyone, but I'm someone with a hyper low pain tolerance AND is afraid of needles, but I not only managed to get a tattoo, I even want another one at some point so if I can do it, you definitely can
Also, a tattoo needle is VERY different from a needle that is used to give shots and whatnot. The same goes for piercing needles. I would much rather get another tattoo than get a shot, no questions asked.
I can only speak for pain when it comes to the shoulder blade since that's where my tattoo is, but it's honestly only a 5/10 and it's a 6/10 if you happen to go up towards the shoulder and closer to the bone. The pain is unpleasant and annoying, not excruciating. Something that helped me while I was getting tattooed (my tattoo took about twenty minutes according to my tattoo artist in case you were wondering) was the fact that I listened to music during the process. It really helped me because it gave my mind something else to focus on rather than just focusing on the constant buzzing, poking, and bleeding (yes, you are going to bleed and the area surrounding your tattoo is going to be red ((maybe not as red as mine was because I'm convinced that I have sensitive skin at this point)) so be prepared for that and it's perfectly normal when that tattoo is fresh so try not to freak out too much)
So yeah, overall, my tattoo experience was very positive. The only issue that I ran into was the fact that there were a couple of times during the healing process where my tattoo itched and my step-dad told me that when and if that happened, I should gently tap it until the itch goes away since you obviously don't want to scratch your tattoo with your nails (not that I actually have any since I'm constantly struggling with biting them and they're back to being bitten all the way down again) and it actually worked
That's all I have to say regarding my tattoo
Life update:
1. These days, all my life is working and doing absolutely nothing on my days off because work is so draining. Thankfully, since I work at a place that's only open seasonally, we're only open on weekends now until we officially close on October 28th so while sometimes I have to go in during the week, I'm not working a little over fifty hours a week and only having one day off a week like I was during the summer. In fact, I actually have two days off this week, which is pretty awesome and very appreciated. However, since my place of employment is going to closed until May next year next month, I'm going to have to find another job during the time that it's closed. Honestly, even though it ended up completely sucking away my motivation until it just recently let up in terms of hours that I'm getting a week, I'm probably going to go back next year since I liked the majority of my coworkers and I liked the job itself (even though it involved kids and I hate kids) so yeah
2. As of right now, ironically enough, weekends are the hardest. I work 6:00 PM-12:30 AM on Fridays (though I don't usually get home until like 1:30 AM because of walking and traffic and shit and I don't fall asleep until like 2:00 AM,) 10:30 AM-12:30 AM on Saturdays (I don't get a break either,) and 10:30 AM-9:00 PM on Sundays. It sucks right now, but we're gonna get a $1 bonus per hour we worked at the very end so I'm excited for that and plus, we get free food on either Saturday or Sunday (we get to pick which day) so that's awesome because sometimes yours truly spends more than she should on food lmao
3. That's honestly literally it. All I ever really do anymore is work, sleep, watch YouTube, eat food, and (more recently) write so my life's pretty boring (being an adult sucks 0/10 would not recommend)
Oh my fucking God, this update is long as shit and I'm so sorry
I honestly ramble way too much lol
I'm done now for real
If you actually read this whole thing, you're really fucking awesome
Goodbye now
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