Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Mother left us for her out-of-town trip after we settled in with everything for the party. Whether she was going on the trip with Father or not remained a mystery, but regardless this trip was necessary for her. She deserved a break, and I wanted her to get away for at least the weekend.

It was now Saturday afternoon, and the party was supposed to start in a few hours. Jongho and San were working on the lighting fixtures with a few electricians while Seonghwa was out buying the snacks.

My house was set up in a way where one could consider it to be a mansion. The huge size of the place was due to the income of my father, which included ten bedrooms and twelve bathrooms, a large infinity pool, and a basement with a fully-decorated entertainment area for leisure.

The plan was to set up both the interior and exterior of the house for usage, allowing a large space for people to be able to move around freely. With the estimated amount of attendees reaching over 100, the more space available the better. Currently, I was outside by the pool adjusting the chairs when Minho walked up to me.

"Just called the DJ, and he's still on board to be here in by five." Minho sighed in a bored tone. "What do you need me to do now?"

"You can either help with the lighting or wait for Hwa to return so you can help him with whatever he needs."

Minho yawned, taking a seat on one of the chairs and pulled out his phone. "...Are you still concerned about Felix and the possibility of him not showing up?"

I shook my head. "No. Either he does or he doesn't."

"Well...I'll just wait for Seonghwa to come. I'm bored."

"Fine. I don't care." I rolled my eyes, walking away into the house to check on the two other boys. "Choi's, you two good?"

San nodded. "Yeah, we're good. Everything is pretty much done."

"How many high schools are coming again?" Jongho asked curiously while standing on a ladder and fixing one of the neon lights.

"Just two. Ours and the neighboring one. I don't need anymore people coming."

Both males nodded, focusing their attention back on their jobs. The next order of business was to lock the extra bedrooms.

Last thing I need is people trying to hook up inside one without my knowledge...

Making my way upstairs, I made sure to lock all of the bedroom doors, leaving only four out of twelve adjacent bathroom doors open for anyone to use. The basement would also be locked, as I don't want anything to be broken down there by strangers. Everything else was covered and in check, perfect for tonight's event.

"I'm back!" Seonghwa yelled from below. "I got a lot of snacks and I need help bringing them in."

Tonight will be legendary...


The evening came sooner than expected, and before I knew it, the entire house was filled with hot and sweaty bodies. Everyone was either drinking, smoking, dancing, or making out with their selected partners for the night. The air was mixed with both scents, with the DJ keeping the audience pleased with his choice of music.

Leaning up against the wall, I watched each and every person that entered inside. Some of them, guys and girls alike, tried to tempt me into sharing a dance or two. However, my mind was stuck on a particular person as I graciously declined each invitation. All I wanted was to see if he would still come, despite everything that happened between us this week.

Taking point of finding each of my friend's locations within the large crowd, I realized that all of them were doing the same as me. Seonghwa caught my attention and slowly made his way over to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you think he's coming...?!" Seonghwa asked loudly near my ear, making sure he could be heard over the blaring music

I shrugged. "I have no idea...!"

"It's still early! Give it time!"

Giving him an appreciative nod, we both rested against the wall and stared at the door, patiently waiting for any sight of the specific group of boys. After a few minutes and no sight of them, I sighed and leaned over to Seonghwa's ear. "I'm going to get a drink."

He nodded. "Alright, get me- wait! I see them!"

Quickly snapping my head towards the door, my eyes locked on to the blonde's head instantly. Wooyoung walked inside first, followed by Felix and the other three boys. I even noticed Yunho walking inside behind the group with his boyfriend Mingi. However, his appearance made my breath hitch.

He was dress in a dark blue denim jacket with a white tank top, a gold chain, and light blue jeans. Even his hair was styled differently, as his pinned his bangs back to reveal the entirety of his face.


"Holy shit..." Seonghwa gasped. "Hongjoong looks amazing..."

My eyes stayed glued onto the group as I noticed San and Minho walk up to them. With the small action of words being exchanged between them, I noticed Felix grinning brightly. Seonghwa noticed and smirked, turning to me with determination in his eyes. "I think you should go up to them..."

"What?" I snapped. "Why should I?"

"It is your house and you did formally invite them..."

Biting my lip, I nodded. "Fine. Come with me."

Both of us squeezed through the crowd, trying our best to get to the group of boys still standing by the entrance. Felix noticed my face approaching and I watched as the same blush grew on his cheeks again.

Reaching them, I smirked. "Glad you all could make it. Welcome to my house."

Wooyoung snorted. "Look at you being all nice."

"Wooyoung." Felix scolded, earning a pout from the former before turning his head to me. "Thanks. Minho was telling us that he wanted to start up some odd game called... I'm sorry what was it again?"

Minho smirked. "Seven Minutes in Heaven." Han nodded with an amused smile on his face.

Oh no...

Felix smiled. "Right! That! I'm willing to play, and so are my friends. Are you going to play?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but San cut me off by wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Of course Hyunjin is willing to play! We couldn't leave him out even if he wanted to!"

"Well, where are we going to play it? I at least want to get a drink or two before we start." Yeosang muttered.

Jongho smiled, quickly grabbing his hand. "Let me take you to the kitchen."

"Jongho, let me go!" Yeosang squeaked, reluctantly following the strong male into the kitchen. Felix giggled, and the sound was one I already knew I wanted to hear again tonight.

"Right. Well, we can play it in the basement. There's a room available just for us to use." Seonghwa smirked, pulling a blushing Hongjoong next to him swiftly. "Jongho and Yeosang can meet us there, and then the game can get started."

"Alright!" Wooyoung grinned. "But I want drinks too!"

San only chuckled. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's all get drinks and then go."

Yunho laughed. "You guys have fun. Hyunjin, I'll watch the party up here with Mingi."

"Thanks, Yu."

Felix head snapped toward the other blonde boy with shock evident on his face. "Yunho, you know Hyunjin personally?"

"Long story." Both him and I said simultaneously.

Felix only nodded, and I knew one of us would eventually have to explain the story later. Everyone made their way through the crowd and into the kitchen, each paired up with their perspective person of choice. Felix ended up being next to me, and as I was pouring my own drink, I noticed him standing awkwardly.

"Felix, are you sure you want to drink? You don't have to." Han reassured.

He shook his head with a small pout. "I want to...but I don't know what to ask for."

Please stop being so cute...

Clearing my head, I turned to him and asked curiously. "Well, do you like sweet or do you like sour things?"

"Sweet. Definitely sweet."

Nodding, I grabbed a red cup and pour a quarter amount of vodka inside. Then, opening my refrigerator, I grabbed strawberry lemonade and Sprite to mix into the cup. Satisfied with my creation, I gave the cup to him with a smirk. "Try this, but take it slow. You don't know your tolerance yet."

"Thanks, Hyunjin..."He said shyly. Grabbing the cup, I watched him slowly take a sip and with wide eyes, a smile grew on his lips. "I barely taste the alcohol in this. Thank you!"

"No problem. If you want another cup, let me know and I'll make it for you."

"Alright, is everyone ready? I think we should bring a few bottles down with us so we don't have to keep coming upstairs for them." Seonghwa suggested.

San nodded. "I got them. Minho, bring the juice to chase with."

Once we were all prepared, I led the group towards the door for the basement. Unlocking the door, I switched on the light and proceeded to descend the staircase into the entertainment area. "Here we are."

Wooyoung gasped, making his way to one of the couches. "Holy shit!"

"Alright everyone, let's form a circle and get this game started!" San cheered.

Here we go...


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